THURSDAY APRIL 5th 1951 ~U ' l "A'~RAMf(wIA7., %Yl - ~. s..a.. ..,sm. ~ .'~,vv ..~-... ...jjn ~ i ~PAGE , LHIU±LEN McNuty'sCelerate advertising campaign in this ?4cNuty'sCele rate newspaper, said: -You can tell the Their 5th Business public and the world. 100, that Statesman advertising sure pays Anniversary off." Good luck, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- On April 6tb, 1946, wben goods Nulî 'y, and mav your next five were in short supply due 10 rcý- xears be equally successful. We cen wr podctina man with understand they bath are credit- 7qapdrts shop in Bowmanvill2. a friendly town. and 1 hope we Wdd a landslide business the can stay bere forever." first day, according ta The States- Forever is a long, long time. man files. Tomorrow, Jack Mce__________ Nuty wiîî celebrate bis fiftb an- niversary as a local business mai'.O BITUARY Comning from Montreal, one~ Would think that Mr. McNultv and bis wife, Mcl, would find it MRS. DONALD MeDONALD rather quiet in Bowmanvilie. But tbey love Bowmanville, they Tbere entered ino rest sud- saY, and both admit they bave denly on Friday morning, March en>oyed their five years here 3th, 1951, Almyra Haggith, be- morelan the entire time thby loved wife of the late Donald lived-«~ the Quebec metropolis. McDonald, in ber 85th year. The To &1ibstantiate this dlaim, Mrs. daughter of pioneer stock of Mr. McNulty's parents, Mr. and Mrs.« and Mrs. Isaac Haggitb, Mrs. Mc- George K. Rundie of Montrep.l Donald was boro, married and are coming ta Bowmanville ta lived bier entire life in the home ]ive, May Ist. Mr. Rundle, now on Mann Street. Bowmanvile, retired, was once Purchasing where she passed away. She is Manager of tbe Sun Life Assur- survived by one son, Archie, of ance Co. Toronto. When Mr. MceNulty opened his Mrs. McDonald was a member sports store it was the first of its of Trinity United Church and tbe kind to be establisbed in Bow/- Woman's Association, she was a mnanville. Other stores dealing regular attendant until later years. in sPorting goods did so as a sida2- Looking back on bier life ber line. many friends recalber unfailing A Keen Athiete smile and cheerful disoosition. "A keen athicte, Mr. McNul~y The funeral service -%vas beld d4tingiîishecî bimself in tlî;e aItbe family resiclence and was sÇNared circle in bis youngel- conducted by bier pastor, Rev. S. Y«,àrs. and il ks undersiood hc R. Henderson. Plýyed on somne top hockey andî The palîbearers were: Mr. Percy hb,-all teams wbile in Montre-A. Mutton, New Toronto; Mr. Bert A~~~.l acsaei biscrerh Goodman, Toronto; Mr. Scott Mc- f(Mgbt welterweigbî ('bampion. Donald, Toronto; Mr. Norman F yTylr nToo a The Dickinson, Mr. Ross Grant, Mr. laeLou Marsh was referee. Will Jobnson, Bowmanville. The floweî- bearers were: Mr. 'Xlthough Ibe kind of mercli- Reg. Horton, Mr. Roly Anderson, anlise bas not changed, the quan- Mr. Scotty Ewing, Mr. Ernie titY' ta bc found in theie McNultî Brown, Mr. Harry Allun, Mr. Don Sgbrts Sbiop bas. But the back Roberts, al] niembers of the rqDm still featuires racked hi- Engineering Division of the C.B.C. cYcles, a skate sharpener, a key Toronto Studios. Interment wvas maker and other odds and ends made in Bowmanville Cemetery. thît "niigbt came in handy somte -________ tiime."1 The solid matter of the earth*s Quoting from Tbe Canadian crust is madle up of 87 elements, StOtesman issue of April Il. 1946, most abundant af which is oxv- ME~ McNu]ty. after a vilio gen at 46 per cent. LAVENDER is Fashion Ngews! Shades of lavender are top fashion this spring! The perfect compliment to ail the shades is Yardley Engiish Lavender $1.25 Special ! ODORONO CREAM DEODORANT J Regular $1.00 Value OnIy 59c Limited time only - Richard Hudnui EGG CREME SHIIPOO 8-oz. size - reg. $1.25 2 fi. oz. CREME RINSE Free Bath for $1.25 Elkay's MoIh Killer andi MOTH CONTROL LIQUID with D.D.T. -Kilîs Maths. Larvae pnd Eggs. -Can be Sprayed directly on Fabrics. 16-oz. - 85C $1.95 $3.00 Special ! SBRYLCREEM OFFER .. With each large tube - a quality Comb FREE Extra Value at no Extra Cost Bath 59C Do You Suffer from... Briffle Nails ? Try New Nail-Flex New scientific wander cream Jar 65c Paquin's Special!1 HAND CREAM for Extra Dry Skin with each 65e jar purehased, you get a 19e jar FREE Both only 65c JURY (& LOVELL MVen We Test Eyes It hs Done Properly YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Y-PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE FOR LADIES HAMPTON Members of the C.G.I.T. pi sented a very enjoyable coflcE in the S. S. room, on Easter Mo day evening which was very wi patronized. A pleasing progra was given consisting of chorusi a playlet '*The Coming of t King"; a "Lily and Rose" dri an interesting number "Our bum of rhyme and song" ai concluding with a religious tou, when a pantomime of sever well known hymns added varie to the evening's entertainmier which opened wvith their pledi and a hymn. and closed wi ..taps." Miss Fay Reynolds w pianist for the musical numbe and Mrs. G. Empey gracîous preàided over the program. Ti success of the evening was grat fying 10 their leaders, Mrs. A. '. Blanchard and Miss Mary Nfi dery. The ladies presented their pli "The Grapevine" at Nestieton c Friday night and will go to A bert St. Church, Oshawa, Wec nesday night. Mrs. J. R. Reynolds m'as hos ess for a miscellaneous show( in honor of Miss Ruth Reynoid bride-to-be, at bier home on Wcc( nesday ex'ening. Ruth was the rt cipient of many lovely gifts froî hier many friends. The hoste.; served refreshments. Mrs. S. Kersy, M'vr. Lloyd Kei sev, and Mrs. E. H. Cole were i Toronto on Thursday to attea the christening of lber grandsoi James Alan. son of Mr. and M:-, Ted Kersey, at Emmanuel Co. lege Chapel. Women's lostitute meeting thIý Tbursday. West Group in charg of program. Topic, Agriculturi Ail ladies welcome. Tbankoffering service on Sur, day afternoon a t 2:3 0. Gueý minister is Rev. S. C. H. Atkin son. Albert St. United Churci Oshawa. Special music by choi under leadership of Mrs.. Smales. Mr. Donald Williamý Bowmanville, is guest soloist. Mrs. Thos. Gibbs, Tyrone, wh has been quite ill and receivin, care at the home of lier sister-in law, Mrs. Will Chapman, is imi proved. Mr. Ralph Peters was the Win ner of $100 Scholarsbip at a mus ical festival at Kingston, spon sored by the Registered Musi Teachers' Association of Ontaric Congratulations, Ralph. Mr. T. Wray is able to be ou again after being laid up for sev eral weeks, the resuit of an acci dent wben hie was knocked dowi by a car. Mrs. Laura Rantori who ha& spent the winter witb lier daugb ter in Vancouver, B.C., bas re turned to hier apartmnent here. Sympathy is extended to Mrs Tom Westlake in the death of hei mother, Mrs. Milton Cochrane Osh awa. Sincere sympathy ik also ex tended to Mrs. W. W. Horn in th( deatb of lier mother, Mrs, R Avery after a few weeks' illness Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Farrow Welcoine, and Miss Mildrc Monise, Port Hope, were Sundaý visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray. nond Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and Jean, and Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa; Mrs. Alan McKessocý and Miss Muriel Smith, Thames- ford. visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman. Miss Grace Kersey with. her sister, Mrs. Harold Ashton, En- niskillen. Mr. Donald White, Peterbor- ugh Normal spent Easter week with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vill White. Mrs. McMul]en accompanied er daughter, Mrs. Laverne Hea- up on bier return home to Tren- on, Micb. Mrs. Charlie Smith and Anna, )shawa, visited hier daugbter, \Irs. Lewis Trui. Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey bas -been isiting bier son and wife in To- rnto. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery, olumbus, Ohio, are with Mr. and Ers. W. W. Horn. Dr. Wallace Horn Montreal, vas with bis parents and to at- end the funeral of his grand- nother. Mrs. R. Avery. s .1 c a fe d s n o vý lm v 0 ai te ci th M Hf m 0 v- $3.95 There is stili solution ieft, but it is going fast . - . . so j and make that appojntment 110W 453 Mrs. Stella BicIde please hurry ,e 40 f TENTH BLOOD DONOR Happy in the knowledge that ber 10th blood donation saved the lite of a dangerously iii vet- eran in Sunnybrook Hospital. To- ronto, Mrs. Mary, Hamilton, switchhoard operator at Red Cross national beadquarters, proudly displays ber new 101h donor but- ton. in Toronto, where the Red Cross free Blood Transfusion Ser- vice is not yet established for ci- vilians, Red Cross supplies blood and plasma for veterans in DVA hospitals. i, under the dactor's care. '. Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Mrs. Bloyd i-Wilcox and Mrs. Sam Dewvell ai- tendcd the funeral of their cous- is in, Mrs. Mark Turner, at Oshawa ,e Tbursday. e. C.G.I.T. Entertainment Hampton Wo-He-Lo C.G.I.T. ipresented a lovely pragrim on t Mondav evening, Mardli 26, in thne i-basement of the Church, ta a gaad l, audience of relatives and friends. ir Every girl who is a member of J. the C.G.I.T. graup had a part s, in the vairious skits, pantomimes, sangs and drills, arranged by their ao leader, Miss MarY Niddery, as- 9 sisted by Mrs. A. Blanchardi. 1- Witb Mrs. G. Empey as chair- 1- man, tbe pragrani gaI uiderw,ýaN, with the repeating of the C.G.s. 1- T. Purpase and siogiog of thoir - ymn. Then a chorus af girh1r 1- sang several nuimbers fallawccl uy ca skit 'by tbe younger girls, "The Coming of the King." A pretty drill "Lilies and Roses" was donc Lt by the senior girls dressed in ev- -ening gowns, and the younger -girls. A number of nursery rbyme sangs followed, with a chorus in thIe background, and eacb girl- - aking the part of anc nursery rbyme character. Nancy Coutîs singing "In Your Easter Bonnet"' rwas the star of this section. "The Second Minuet" and the Old Lamplighter weire other pretty nu mbe rs. e The last part of the prograru was a number of favorite old hvrnns, pantomirned with smog ing jCoutts taking solo parts. * Girls wbo had part in the pra- gram were Carol Chant, Audrey MacNab, Isobel and Nancy CoutIs, Patsy Pingle, Lucille Bradley, Grace Kersey, Mary. Lau Widdecambe, Lorrene anc j Marilyn Warrack, Evelyn Randle. *Marie McMullen, and Fac Reyn- olri- as the capable pianist. OBITUARY MISS ELIZABETH1 LAZELLE BROW N Miss Elizabeth Lazelle Brown, 100 Station Street, Belleville, and resident of Belleville for the pat thirtv y ears, died at the nursinig home at 136 Albert Street, on March 241h. Miss Brown was a, teacher of music in the dity for many yeai's. She was born in Schomberg, Ont., 63 years ago, being daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. George Brown, thei former being a pastor of Hamptoni Cir-cuit. Miss Brawn was an active worker in Bridge Street United Churcb, Belleville, being secre- tary for tbg Board for many years and was also a mcm ber of the choir. Surviving are five cousins, Miss Carol Grenfel], Vancouver, B.C.; Miss Marion Robson, Eng- land; Miss Marion Markle, Tor- onto: Miss Eleanor C. WillmotI, and A. R. Willmott, K.C., Cobourg' Service was held in Belleville, March 27. Cammittal service was at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. On May 24. 1844, Samuel Morse sent the world's first telegrani from Washington ta Baltimore. The million little things th:2t drap into aur bands, tbe sî-nal op- partunities eacb day brings, Hc leaves us free ta use or abus,- and goes uncbanging along His silent way."-Helen Keller. If your ice cubes haste stale. j- may be due to food odors. To avercome the condition, wasb out the refrigerator and hrays once a week witb a solution of tbree tablespoons of soda ta ane quart of water. WhenYourDACK Begins t. Ache REA CH FOR I , (IV ECAUS- 4 7 Backache ia often due to an upaet kidaiey condi. tion; and for star bal a century Dodd's Kidney Pilla have helped brin1 relief from badiache by treating the kidneya. Cet Dodds Kid.ey Pilla to<iay at any drug counter. Look for the blue box with the red b"id Yoiu on Dodd'a. 1î15 Editor Claims Farmer The Forgotten Man Needs Publicity "Public relations is the job in agriculture that is belng worst done," Jack McPherson, director of publicity for the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, told the annual dinner meeting in Midland o! North Simcoe Junior Farmers. "We have made great strides in production and marketing but in publicity we are a long, long way bebînd," charged Mr. McPhersoîî wbo is also editor of Junior Far- mers Newvs. "Agriculture is a big industry and we cannot afford not ta publi- cise our industry. It is good for business," he added. "Every other industry is doing a big publicity job. People are made aware* of the importance and problems of every other phase of our economy. If agriculture doesn't gel ils story across prop- ei'ly, farmers wîll be the forgot- ten men." Three Billion Dollars Pointing out that agricultural production in Ontario in the past tbree years xvas valtîed ah over a billion dollars. Mr. McPberson stressed that that "was very big business indeed." INe cannaI bave peace wilhout understanding, and peace ift- cludes peace flot only inlernation- ally, but within oui own country. Urban and rural Pcople must un- derstand eacb otber's probleins. We, as farmers. have ta take thrc lime and trouble ta let others know wbat aur problcms are. Each Has Job "If we believe in agriculture, each of uis, as farmei's, sbould consider ourselves a public rela- tions man or woman on bebaif of aur inçluistry," hie urged. Mr. McPherson suggested that junior farmers' groups should ask young people froni tawn ta ex- change club visits witbi them and discuss town and counîtry prob-a -your local newspapers cao give yau untold hclp in publicity. Most newspapers are interested and anxiaus ta aid you, but sometimes we dont treat tbemn anî' too well. "Rememher wbo wants the pub- liiy"he stated. "Who is doing wbo the favai'? The newspapers can always gel enougli news for their columos. Don't consider your news as some sort of mili- tary secret. 1f you bave a meet- ing coming up, lct the paper know. Gel reports of your meet- ing in on time. "Go ah least baîf way with your newspapers and they will go out of their way ta belp you. "And .remember," lie cautian- ed, -wben you have some mnoney to spend for advertising or print- ing, spend il with the paper that bas written up yaur meetings and played ball with you, not xith a paper or printer who neyer gave you a line of publicity all year." MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mr. and Mr- ' H. G. Freeman visited Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick. and attend- ed the Temperance Federation meeting in Ottawa. Mr. ani Mrs. Lloyd Snowden also visited Mrs. Cowan, Ottawa. They also called to see Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Wolfrain and family, Almonte, a former pastor. Miss Muriel Stevens bas return- ed 10 Albert College, Belleviile, after Easter vacation. Miss Doris Wright, Enniskillen, with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nol-man Wright. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson spent the weekend with their brother and bis wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freleman, St. Cath- armnes. Master Bill Snowden, Toronto, with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden Toronto, visited on Sunday wità Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens and Mr. W. J. Snowden. Bill returned home witb tbemn. Don't forget Institute meeting on Monday evening, April 9th at 8 pan. in the Churcb basement. Sympatby is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt in the sudden passing of their brother- in-law, Mr. Norman Mutton, Osh- a wa. There was a good attendance at the W.M.S. special seice on' Sunday wvhen Rev. T. L. Tucker, returned Missionarv tram An- gola, Africa, gave an interesi account of a typical week in bis life in Africa. Tbe Evening Aux- iliary, with Miss Edna Swallov.', at the organ, provided specialI music. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webster, and farnily, Port Peirvy; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilks and family, Mrs, Ollivier, Mr. Ron Masters, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. Lynch and family, Whitby, at Ray Cam- eron's. Mr. W. Preston, Mrs. Reta Bur- gess and sons, Oshawa, at Wes. Cam-eron 's. Miss Joyce Cameron, Oshawa, with ber parents for the week- end. Mr. Arthur Dart, Miss Mary Geissberger at H. Koeler's, Scar- boro. Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mrs. Cbarles Naylor visited Charles NJaylor at Toronto on Sunday. rbey also visited Mrs. Elizabeth Allin. Miss Jean Lynch, Whitby, spent the weekend with Miss Janeen Cameron. Mr' and Mrs. Ray Cameron and ramily were guests of Alan and VIrs, Lynch, Whltby, on Friday. (Intended for last week) At Sunday School on Easter Sunday Miss Lois Glaspel read the stor 'v "From Garden t Phono 2384 rhrone" xvbicb was illustrated by 175 KING STREET W. USED Saturday We Close ai 6 p.m. coloured pictures. Mr. N. Hircock sang a solo. Mr. and Mrs. S. Harding and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Penfourid, Oshawa; Mr. and Mlrs. Cecil Lloyd, Toronto, at Frank Sobil's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutterly, Osh- awa: Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor and family, Miss Melani Bracker, Toronto, at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Davidson and family. Mr. Elmer Down, Ebenezer, visited Rev. and Mrs. A. V. Robb, Monkton. Misses Muriel Moore and Ruth Shaw, Oshawa, at Russell Stain- ton's. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry. To- ronto, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's. GIFTS / New mnd Different Nov elt y Sait and Peppers Miniatures for knick-knack sheives "'Tomafo" Ware SaIts and Peppers Creams and Sugars and Condiment Sets "Sirawberry' D innerware hand-painted open stock "Royal Oak" English Bone China cups and saucers, teas and demi-tasse creams and sugars J. W. JEWELL 27 King St. W.. Bowinanville PHONE 556 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Powell, Columbus, at Donald Yellowlees'. Mrs. J. W. MèMaster and Mrs. Alex MMaster had some ladies at a quilting on Wednesday. Master Alan Glaspel with Mr and Mrs. Vernon Powell, Colum- bus. The tourist business bas bc- cme an important source of foreign excange for Canada.hIn 1949 it provided 7 per cent of total current receipts froin abroad: of commodity exports only wheat and newsprint ex- ceeded it in exchange earnings. PUMPS & SOFTENERS LIMITED PF 82 LONDON -CANADA JACK BROUGH PLUMBING AND HEATING Bowmanville Div'ision St. S. A4RT'S - CAR - MARKET with about 60 top quality cars of ail makes and models - to suit any pocketbook. Due to the new restrictions which have recently beeri announced ta the public, we are very sorry we didn't have a display of late model cars for your inspection at that time. As a resuit of this we don't as a rule like selling aur late model cars at less than aur cost prices. In the very near future our smart display of late model cars which will consist of cars priced low enough that the new restrictions will not affect you too much. OPEN FRON 9 a.m. Io 9 p.m. MGNDAY Io FRIDAY PHONE 2148 ""MAIN LOCATION" BOWMANVILIIED ONT. The Home of Better Deals-on--Better Cars Attention Please: Commencing at 9 a.m., Thursday, April 12th, 1951, we are having ai Gigantic Money Saving, Dargain YES LADIES THE SPECIAL IS STILL ON al the ESTELLE DEAUTY SALON Whiv fîss arotind Nvith hoine perinanents w'hen you can get a professional shanipoo, hairshaping, pernianent and hair styiing ail for FOR SCHOOL CHILUREN - . . - - $2.95 MMIK 1 1 TRE CAqAnTAIV l.qTATP-qMAM- IRnWVAWXMýT.V nWMAr'!e% q h BOWMANVILLE, ONT. AR SALE