TH!JRSDAY APRIL 5th ig5l THE CANADIAN ~TATE~MAN. ~OWM'A?'.T~?TT .? .W r's~'A 1S~F% Miss visitcd ton. Jane Crowtbers, Lindsay, her aunt, Mrs.L.J 1Br Mrs. Percy Cowan is spending a week with relatives in Detroit, Mich. Mr. Rupert G. Hamblyn, Ot- tawa, spent Easter weekend with . relatives here. ifMn. Gardon Flaxman, Ottawa, was Easter visitor with bis moth- er, Mns. T. E. Flaxman. Cannon R. W. Allen, Oakville, formcnly ai Newcastle, visited the Misses Allen, Bcech Ave., last week. Master Larry Metealfe, Osh- awa, spent Easter holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon anc Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rogers re- turned this week fromn an enjoy- abie months trip to Florida. County Health Unit report for week ending March 31 only re- ponts 26 communicable diseases, and none in Bowmanville or Dar- lington. Mr. James Wilmot, Winnipeg, Man., is visiting Mr. and Mns. N. G. McCulloch prior to leaving for the West with Mr. and Mrs. E. McCulloch. Weekend visitors with Mn. and :Mrs. N. G. McCulloch were Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCulloch, Camp- beliford, and Mr. and Mns. B. Sackville, Port Hope. Mrs. Edna Hardy and daugh- ters Joan and Betty, Mrs. Fred C onkie, Toronto, were Sunday f upsts with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. -Mrdy, Division Street. .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lang, 13randon, Man., visited with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. McCulioch and also visited Niagara Falls over the weekend. Due to the new postage negula- t ions, whcn sending in news items or cornespondence to the paper by mail it requires a two-cent stamp on the envelope, providing letter is flot sealed. Dr.o . Geo rsge. EWrryhw, boDo r. .nGeorge W E r, y, Solina has eieected an ex- ecutve embe ofthe. Dental .Alumni Association af the Uni- versity of Toronto at its annual meeting. It is always a pleasure to note the success and promotions of Durham Counity Boy? The latest bo come ta our attention is H. Os- Si. John's 'i Anglican Church IRev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8 8am. - HOLY COMMUNION il a.m. - MORNING PRAYER 7 p.m. - EVENSONG Psalm 19: 14 i car Jamieson, son of Mrs. Herbert Jamieson and brother ai Reeve Frank Jamieson of this towrs. Yes, and he is also a son-in-law ai Dr. and Mrs. Norman Aluin, Centre St. Oscar has been Assist- ant Sccretary ai the DeLaval Co. Limited ai Peterborough for sev- eral years and bas rerently been appointed Assistant ta the factory controller, being in charge af cast accounting, pay rails and bill- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mutton wcrc plcasantly surprised at tbc home ai their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton, Concession St., an Saturday evcning, March 24, on the occasion ai their lSth wed- ding anniversary. Mrs. Ralph Douglas. Toronto, presented a cor- sage and boutonniere af carna- tions. Mr. Neil Mutton oiiered congratulations and Mr. Wilired Hamley, on bebali ai the immedi- ate relatives, prescnted a set ai Corniiower crystal ta tbc bride and groom. The evening was spent in games. A telegram aio congratulations w a s received irom Mr. and Mrs. Eiwood Byers, Kelowna, B.C. Ganaraska d (Continued inam Page One) rshares, by thc municipalities con- )cerned. Dept. ai Planning and 3.Devclopment funnishes valued planning and engineering belp. Dept. ai Lands and Forests sup- plies the trees, plants tbernand 1Dept. af Public Works pays for one-bali ai the land purcbased and ail of the timber. r A letter from Port Hope Town Council was rcad, advising the Authoriby that the Ganaraska River bed in the town "is becomn- ing filled up by ail sorts of debrîs," and asking if the Au- sthon by would aid in remedying these conditions. Stuart Ryan, Port Hopc's rep- nesentabive an the Board, ex- plained at length the conditions under which. tbc Authority fune- tians, skctched histary ta show that the river bad been trouble- some as long ago as 1797, and en- umcrabed vaniaus methods that might bning improvement. These wouid require a considerable out- lay, and while the Provincial fGovcrnment undoubtediy would tlend assistance, the local share ai cost would fail largeiy upon the tawn itseli, as the municipality cbicfly bcnefibting. In the long nun, said Mn. Ryan, tbc fonestation measures taken would do much ta reduce the erosion and the depletion ai land in tbc watcrshed area, and the cansequent threat ai flood dam- age, wbiie improving the district economy and building up bbe cauntryside, totahbcpnospenity ai ail. BJut the Authority, he point- cd out, bas no budget for any- tbing outside actual reforestation. It was agreed that the first step neccssary would be an expert engineer ing study ai the probiem, ta sec what could be donc, ta ar- rive at thc approximate cost, and ta apportian the cost. A motion ta this eficct was maved by S. Ryan and T. A. Reid and adopbed. The motion suggesbed ta the Port Hope Council a preliminany study, organizcd in ca-aperation with the Authority and bbe Provincial G avern ment. to (rud* 11:00 am MORNING WORSHIP 12:15 - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 panx. - EVENING WORSHIP and Song Service TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Mr. R. G. Harle, Minister. Director of Music APRIL GROCERY FEATURESI Lynn Valley 15-oz. tin Chipits I Blueberries - - 28c Cookie Mix York Fancy 15-oz. tins Avimer Fancy Tomalo Juice - 3/25c Spinach - Ogilvie pkg. Brimfull Chaice Pie Crust 33c Sirawberrie pkg. - -35c 15-oz. tin - -17c 15-oz. tin e- 31c Silver Leaf Sliced 1O-oz. tUn Our Own Bliendlb Pineapple Rings 23c Coffee --*-96C reg. pkg. giant pkg. reg. pkg. giant pkg. Tide - 41c Sic Rinso - 41c Sic - FREE DELIVERY - ALLIN'S QUALITY MEATS AND GROCERIES "PAT" YEO, Proprietor 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 IAdd Chapel to Ontartjo Ladies' College For some time the Board of the Ontario Ladies' College at Whitby, has been conducting a campaign to ereet a Chapel adjoining the Byerson wing of the present struc- ture. The above sketch shows the proposed Chapel as it wvill appear when completed. The financial objective necessary to complete the Chapel is $100,000. We understand that about one-third of this amount has already been subscribcd. There are many form- er O.L.C. students and graduates in this district. In fact some of them must be in the grandmother class as the college was found ed in 1874. An appeal has alrendy been sent- out to former students whose addresses are known. If you have been overlooked just drop a line to Dr. Stanley L. Osborne, B.A., B.D., Principal, Whitby, and he will gladly forward literature pertaining to the Chapel which is to be added to the college. Aside from the many ladies from this district who ýttended O.L.C. in years past residents of Durham County -have a special interest in this movement for the present popular prin- cipal, Dr. Osborne, is a native of this county and a graduate of Bowmanville High School. Monotony of the Machine Age B3y Lewis Milligan At lunch table the other day a friend was railing against what he called the "deadening monot- ony of the present mechanical age." He told of how he had re- cently visited a factory-1 think it was a paper mill-where he saw a man sitting in front af a number of levers and push-but- tons which aperated a big mna- chine. "That man sat there al day watching that maehînery, occasionally puliing a lever or pressing a button, without an- other thought in hîs head," said my friend. He went on ta com- pare the new with the olden days, when men made things with their hands and took a personal inter- est in what they were making. This lack af interest and the mon- otony of the occupation, he said, COME to the BIG FARM WELDING DEMONSTRATION TUESDAY APRIL 101h, 1951 at 8:00 p.m. See the Worid's Easiest Welding Try !ho. now "Lincweiders" Yourseli - AT - S. S. Morion & Son 95 King W. Phone 781 Bowmanville Wrhethcr your car is in the low priccd lune . . . or a luxury liner . . . wbctber it's brand new or fifteen years aid . . . we've scen and ser- viced bbem ail and we.know whab's best for them! We can attend ta your auto- motive necds faster - better and ab lower cosb. JUST BECAUSE weve donc it manv times before. Drive Up nowl I owmanville Motor sales 0.F. ROBSON, Prop. 1 166 King E. Phone 585 i wcrc responsible fan bbe "cmpty- bcadedness ai tbe present gen- erabion." I qucstioned whcthcr bbc man at the machine wornicd or even noticed the monotany ai bis job, and suggestcd that, wbilc be op- erated tbc machine automaticaily, bis neal mind was accupied with ather tbings. "Na," responded my friend, "be daesn't tbink at ail." Coming downtown this morning I was sitting at bhc front ai the street car. wbcn thc conductor came forward and spake ta bbc driver. "I was just necalling old memories," he said, in a cockney accent and with a fanaway look in his eye. "Forty years ago ta- day I enlisted. Ha, ha! How time does ily. I remember bow I went home an icave fan Christmas in my new uniform." He feu suent ion a moment, and then made same gurgling noises wbich end- cd in a forced laugh. The driver said notbing; be was pnobably re- caliing aid memonies himself. My mind wenb back over bbe years ta my first visit ta aid Lon- don. 1 arnivcd at Liverpool Street Station in bbc caniy morning and bbc streets wcre dcscrtcd. Near tbc station stood an empty tram- car at tbc end ai tbe lune. Aiter a while a conductor appeared on bbc rear piatform and began ta reel off a list ai names ai places. As I was nlot witbin bis view and no anc cisc was around, there was fia nccd for broadcasting this in- formation; but bbc conductor secmed ta be cnjoying bbc vocal exercise. He had prabably donc the same tbing morning aiter. marning for years. Like the To- ronto conducton, however, lie doubtless did quite a lob af tbink- ing enroute. Every routine occupation Is monotonaus, but few people tbink about bbc monotony. Some- one bas said that routine is anc ai bbc biessings ai middlec lue. Young people anc inclined ta kick aven bbc traces, but they soan get used ta the barncss, and like it. Tbey love ta put on a uniiarm and march in unison. Old people are lost wben tbey bave ta retire fnomn routine. Without routine cammunity lufe, with ahl its inter- lacking arganization, wauld be impossible. lb was bbc same in the aid days, except that bbc pace ai lufe was slower and people worker barder and langer heurs. I can recali bbc old cobbler sitbing at bis hast making and mending shocs irom early morning until late at nigbt. He did bis work automaticalhy and was able at bbc same time ta engage in an argu- ment or philosaphize on lufe witb a custamer. Laaking back upon those onir days, lufe daes appear ta bave been more picturesque and hum- aniy intercsting than in this me- chanical age, but occupations were na iess monatonous and there xvas certainily mare drudgery wibh littie leisure. Mechanical Finest guaranteed work done by experts. Prompt service. Free inspection. Bring in your watch. Dura Power Mainsprings for ELGIN OWNERS Available for replaoemen in most Egni. MARRIS Jeweilery 43 King St. W. Phone 463 appliances have relieved the mod- ern housewife of the heavy labor that \vas the lot of her grand- mother. Lif in general today is On.AplicATioM Lasts For Months Makes your plates fit like new ... stops rocking rub- bing, clicking, irritating dentures ... always remains soft, a cushion for your gurns. Not a powder-or paàste, oniy$2.25 SCOTT'S EMULSION The High Energy Year-Round Family Tonic- Ricli in Vitamin A ond Sunshine Vitamin D -63< and$1.191 GIN PULLS rh eumoa c pain$, deronged kidmeys.. Reg. SizeP L 49 0 PIus 740 - - KOTIXi BOX OF 12 39c B_ ý ý 1 undoubtedly more interesting. The difference is one oi speed. Time itself seems ta be speeded- up and the panorama ai hife moves s0 fast that we can't take it ail in. Warking people are flot empty- headed; in fact they have such a jumble of stuff on their noddles that they don't know what bu make of it ail. What the wonld needs is a pause for reflectian. More than ever do we need the Sabbath as a day of mental rest and calm contemplation of the passing events in the light of cternity. Who'Benefits f rom Rent Control ? Dy Joseph Lister Rutledge Rent control is as reasonable and as unreasonable as any other contrai. In practice it does less than nothing ta remedy the bous- ing situation. If the renter pays lcss than be would have paid witbout contrais and is assured in hîs tenancy, it means that possibly better tenants wbo are desper- ately seeking a home cannot compete. It means that tbe own- er, faccd with increased main- tenance costs, with no way ai re- cavering them must accept a de- clining equity in bis pnopcrty. 1t migbt -be a littie difficuit ta un- derstand why anc party should be protected at the expense ai the other txvo. The Toronto Property Owners' Association bas proposed a plan that is warthy af more attention than it seems iikely ta get. The proposai is for a tbree months' moratorium on tbe rent freeze ta ailow nents ta be adjusted toaa workabie level. The Association believes that mosb people are neasonable when approached reas- onabiy. Tbey would recognize that the landiard is the victim ai tbc same bigh pnices as bedevil the individual. Since food prices SOCIAL AND PERSONAL I Phone 663 ai. Wbile xvages. and the pnices t L~1 Special Values and Reminders for Thursday, Friday and Saturday I.D.A. Special! LOTION I I.DA. Special! SODA BICARBONATE 4, 8 and 16-oz. reg. 10c, 15c, 25e 8c - 12C - 18C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY LAXATIVE VEGETABLE Tablets, 36's, reg. 25c - --19e PENETRATING Liniment, 4-oz., reg. 45c 33e LINSEED MEAL 12-oz., reg. 30e --23c OIL of WINTERGREEN 3-oz., reg. 35e 29e MODESS 40's - -- 2 for 79c - 48's ----- $1.53 TAMPAX -- 25c, 43c, $1.49 KOTEX 39c, 2 for 77e - 48's $1.49 FACE -ELLE 2-ply 20e- 2 for 39e' KLEENEX Tissues 20e- 2 for 39ce are double wbat they were in 1939, clothing has încreased 87.7 per cent, house furnishings 67 per cent and the average of ail com- modities is 61.5 per cent highcr, an average rentai increase of 25 per cent is tao littlc. To assure that no ane would take advantage af such efforts at agreement, the Association bas proposed a Fair Rentai Committcc ta guard agamnst abuses ta arbitrate bc- twcen tenant and landlord wherc necessary. The Association contends, and xt seems a reasonable contention, that biindly freezing rents, witi- out reiating them in anv way ta the declining value of the dollar, is neither fair treatment, nor can it be other than a destructive policy. If renting pnoperty con- tinues ta be an unprofitable un- dertaking, two things are bound ta happen. The first effort will be ta cut costs in building maint- enance. This is an accclerating process which will quickly ne- suit in the creation of slum areas. The second result wiil be a sharp decline in the number ai bouses or apartments available for rent- Af ternoon Teas make' friendly entertainment TE& TON! EL1KIT L," *Six Toni Mldgst p SPIN Curlers -Regular Toni Home Permanent Roflul *Tani Cremq Shompoo 33c size $1.88 Value Ail three $1 KLEENEX 4 PRO VEN COLD FIGHT-ERS Amazingly Fast and Eff ective Dr.Chase ANTIISTAINE Eû 300 tissues 6" z 10" 200 tissues 916x¾" I GUARANTEED TO $TOP YOUR COLD59 MANS SIZE 12"xl2"t 33C dR TOUR BOUET SACK Alex. We Deliver MeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 I.. Drugs of ail other cormmodities. con- tinue to increase, to freeze rent- ais is to court disaster. Wisdom is knowing when to speak your mind and when ta mmnd your speech.-Evangel. Money may be the husk af many things, but flot the kernel. It brings you food, but flot ap- petite; medicine, but flot health; acquaintances, but flot friends; servants, but not loyalty; days af joy, but not peace or happiness., Henrik Ibsp-n. TENDERS WANTED The undersigned will receive tenders for the final grading, grass sowing and foundation planting for the new Memorial Hospital, Bowmanx'ille, up until April 30, 1951. Specifications may be ob. taincd from- the Chairman af the Grounds Com-mittee, Sidney Little, Bowmanville. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. Ray J. Di]ling, Secretary-Treasurer. 13owmanville Hospital Bd., Bowmanville, Ontario. fflu UV"r pu isw llîmcwCOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE AllianceSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY ________________FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -IL DRUIG STOIRES 1 . 1 m'mua THUMDAY APRIL 5th 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. MMmAlq-,!n q