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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1951, p. 15

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'TRUESDAY APEVYL 2th 1931 TYRONE Sorr' to lose Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey and family fromn the village who have moved te their farmn Monday, better known as the Noble farm. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mountjoy and family to the village who bave ..ýougbt part of Mr. W. S. Staples' lamand buildings. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, John and Lorraine, were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mx-s. F. Smith and Grace, Long Sault. rTyrone friends send Mrs. R. Sim, who is in Osh awa Hospital, their best wisbes and hope she will soon be well again. Mr. Joe Turner. Oshawa, is viiiting Mr. J. Hynes. and Mrs. Walter Park, C nd Douglas visited re- 1 l Sin Peterborough. Mr. S. Duval returning home with tbem. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and children visited Mr-. and Mrs. Garry Glaspeli, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. M. Tabb visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch, Base Line. Mrs. H. Hilîs, Mrs. John His visited Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Orono. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Joe Riddle, Oshawa, (nee Muriel Jones) on the arrivai of a fine baby girl. Don'.t forget the bazaar on Saturday afternoon put on by Club '49. Wox-k gxoups will meet on their regUlar days to dlean up the cburch and grounds this week. Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett and Dawson visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Webber, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John, Mr. Milton *Virtue xisited Mrs. H. Wonnacott, Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley and children, Bowmanvil le, visited Mr. and Mx-s. Lloyd Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Colbary and Frankie visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Medina, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard, Mrs. I-. Hall attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. James Routley, Brookln, on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. S. Hall and fam- ily visited friends at Raglan on Sùnday. Mr. Harx-y Rathex-ly, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hatherly and child- ren visited their mother, Mms. R. Hatherly. -.Mission Band met Suilday -1Worning with 21 children present. Minutes were read by Helen Cole with Gloria Brent, President, in charge. Audrey Wood gave a devotional and John Cook read a boy's prayer. Miss Beth I iller told the stomy of stu dy b ook. Gloria Brent read a poem, 'God's1 Garden." Mrs. Lute told 'the lasti chapter of the goat. World1 Friends and Thank-offering en- v'e]opes were distributed. The children were asked to sit in a group with the W.M.S. ladies at the Thank-offering service, April 29th. Collection $1.18. W. M. S. ladies met at the home of Mrs. 0. Beckett on April Sth. We ai-e pleased to have Mrs. K. Colbary and Mrs. E. Doonan join our Auxiliary, inaking a mem- bership of 20. Mrs. R. Wright, President, opened the meeting. Card of thanks was read by Mrs. W. J. Miller. Devotional was given by Mrs. G. Alldread. Mrs. R. Glaspell, group leader, took charge with Mrs. J. C. Cook giv- ing the chapter from study book. Mrs. Russell Wright gave a read- ing "The Light in the Window." Lunch was served. W. M. S. Thankoffering on April 29 witrn Mrs. C. Daw, Hampton, guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood- ley and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bur- gess attended the funeral of their cousin. Mrs. William Moore of Raeboro, at Lindsay on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoop- er at Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and cbildren and Mrs. Walters, Courtice, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown, Newcastle, called on Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore on Sunday. Miss Leila Carr, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry and Mr. P. Werr%. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd We-bb and children, Pontypool. xith Mr. and Mrs. Hcrb Cameron. Mrs. Ada Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jenkins and children, Co- bourg, visited at Mir. Trewin Scott's on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg and family, Bowmanvillc, with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Ayre, eOsh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Skinner. Mrs. W. A. Goodfellow. Cod- rington, is spending a week with bier brother, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Philp and sister,. Miss Jean Philp. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kohen and daughter have taken rooms with Mr, and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. Mrs. L. Prescott. Messrs. Roy, Lloyd and Ross Prescott, Bow- manville; Mr. Lawrence Tabb, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Griffin, Enniskiilen. were Sundav visitors witl- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collacutt. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy. Brooklin. were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. E. A. Virtue and A. L. Phare were in Sarnia recently taking a school of instruction on farm tractors. THE CAIiADIN STrATESPLANi, EOWP4AKvYflZ.ONTAMO 1 1 - 1MW VIPPU!W~1 1 thanked their friends for the gift. A social time brought the evening to a close when a sumpt- uous lunch was served. including &beautifully decorated wedding cake, "Happy Anniversary." - -.~'-~'- -Guests fromn Bowmanville and '~' Oshawa were also present. Best wishes and continued happiness and health to tbemn in the years Yto corne. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Clemens, Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clemnens. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowling and son Douglas, Paris, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cow- ing. Mr. and Mvrs: Arley Northcut and Miss Audrey Northcutt, Bom- manville were Sunday visitors ati A. L. B]anchard's. Mr-. and Mrs. J. W. Cbapman adGail. Toronto. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cbapman. Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Linstead, Dr. H. K. Rasniussen Springville. wex-e tea guests of IMr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. Announcement is made of the! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins, appointment through the Civil' Zion, were visitors with Mr. and Service Commission of Dr. H. Mrs. T. Wray on Saturday even- KarI Rasmussen as Chief, Animal ing. Husbandry Division, Department Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clax-ke, To- of Agriculture, Ottawa. Dr. Ras- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. mussen, former associate superin- Horn on Tuesday evening of last tendent of the Experimental Sta- week. tion at Lethbridge, Alberta. suc- Miss Gladys Cbapman, Thessal- ceeds George Muir who retired on, spent a few days at home last some months ago.I week. As Chiet of the Animal Rus-! The funeral of Mrs. R. Avery bandry Division, Dr. Rasmussen was largely attended by relatives will head uip ail the animal bus- and Sxiends who came to pay their bandry work of the Expeximental I Iast respects. She xvas highly re- Fax-ms Service throughout Can- spected and will be rnuch missed ada. in hem home where her man % fxiends Pfjoyed their regularl visils with hem. She was one of HAMPTON the oldest residents of our village. Though she was young in spirit and interested in ail that was for A very happy event took place the good of the church and com- on Thursday night, Max-ci 29 at munity and a regular attendant the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce at such when health permittedi, Clarke, it being their tenth wed- being a niember of the W.M.S. ding annivex-sary, when about 45 and Women's Institute. 11cr guests-relatives, neighbox-s and passing leaves one more gap in friends arrived at their borne to the older life of our village. spend the evening wîth them. Mr. Glen Williams bas been It was a complete surprise to receiving care at the Bowman- tbemn and on arrival Mrs. Clar- ville Hospital, having undergone ence Tink presented Mrs. C]arke an operation for appendicitis, and with a beautitul corsage whicn is pxogressing favorably. xvas pleasantl >v received xiti' Congratulations to Mr. and thanks. Rather than miss the Mrs. Robert Bruce Williams (nec gathering, some had an unpleas- Ruth Reynolds) who were mar- ant walk through mnuddY roads ried on Saturday in Eldad Church. to arrive. The evening was spent The evening9s entertainment in games of different kinds andl providedby the 'Beantown Choir" the childx-en, as well as adults, of Enniskillen on Monday is had an enjoyable evening togeth- worthy of special mention, and er. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were was very much enjoyed by the presented witb two beautifulsa- large audience. Tbe event xvas in cushions, and a nicely worded sposxebyurciradp- address was read by Mrs. Joe ceeds were $79.00. Crawford. Both the bride and A number of relatives from groom suitably responded and4 here attended the fifth wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Ennis- killen, on Saturday evening. The 75th anniversary of our church was observed by a special service on Sunday afternoon, with our pastor, Rev. G. Empev in charge, and Rev. S. C. H. At- kinson of Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, as guest speak- er. Rev. Atkinson preached a fine sermon, his theme being "The Kiss of God.' This being Rev. Atkinson's first appearance in our pulpit, his inspiring mes- sage was, much appreciated. Our choir, under the leadership of Mrs. J. Smales and Miss Norah Horn at' the organ rendered splendid music, their anthem selections being "The Lord is My Strength" by J. B. Herbert, and "Pray for the Peace" of Jerusalem, by Simper. Mr. Don Williams of Bowmarrville was guest soloist and his pleasing solo "Spirit Di- vine" added inspiration to the service and was a fitting contri- bution. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant and Bey., Bowmanville, at N. C. Yellowlees' and attended the anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and girls, Tyrone, spent Friday evening at N. C. Yellowlees'. FARM FORUMS NEWTONVILLE FORUM MÂPLE 'GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hall, London; Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, Tor- onto, visited their sister, Mrs. H. R. Foley and Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Har-vey Brooks, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Mildred Snowden attended a farewell party at . Dr. George Werry's, Oshawa. Saturday evening in han- our of Mr. anjj Mrs. Herb Parker (nec Doris Grooms) w'ho are leaving shartly for Stockholm, Sweden. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Mil- dred Snowden were guests at the trousseau tea given for Miss Gwen Ford, Oshawa, Don't forget the Sunday School meeting on Tuesday evening, April 17, in the chux-cb basement, to make final arrangements for our anniversary on Sunday, June 17, when Rex-. J. M. Findlay, Toronto, will be guest speaker; supper and concert on Wednes- day, June 20. Further- partic- ulars later. W.M.S. met April 4 with presi- dent Mrs. C, H. Snowden in the chair. Aftcr preliminary business Mrs. Fred Stevens, programn con- venor, took charge. Sub.ject was: "Recruiting for full time service in the cburch." Relpers were Mrs. 1. Munday, Mrs. Ross Stev- ens, Mrs. S. Morton, Mrs. M. Burgess. Mx-s. C. Jeffery, Mrs. M. Munday, Mrs. H. Wright and Mrs. Cookson with reading by Mrs. A. Laird. Mrs. R. Freeman oo Special Offer! Richard Hudnut HOME PERMANENT RefilKit iplus Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SIIAMPOO Both for $1.75 Dry Skin Turns Sofi in Seconds! -with Elizabeth Arden's MOISTURE CREAM and MOISTURE OIL Recommended for dry, lined and wrinkled skin. Moisture 011 __-____$1.25 Moisture Cream- - $2.4b JURY ClLOVE LL Wben W. Test Eyes It la Doue Property PHONE 778 TOUR REXALL DRVG STORE BOWMANVLLE hi No Price Inrease at Siqssoas? Garag Mart Sissons says Ail New and Used Cars Now in Stock are to be Sold at the Ol0Pi1s 1951 Models Fnrd Deluxe Tudor Heater, Prestone, License. Tank ful f as ou coie fgrey $23 or clark green. $___2_-- Meteor Custom Tudor Heater, windshield washer, back- ulight, license, anti-freeze,$28 gasaline. $238 Ford Deluxe Tudor Denonstrator, 6,000 miles. Green $25 nietallic finish, 1941 Dodge Coach - - - $850 Clean car, excellent motar. 1940 Dodge Sedan $850 Clean inside and out, original tupholstering and finish. 1940 Chev. Coach m m m $850 Refinished original Oshawa Biue, looks and runs like news. 40~4 Chev. Club Coupe- $795 I Reconditioned and guaranteed. 1937 ]Plymouth Deluxe Sedan $495 Reconditioned inotor. 1936 Chev. Standard Sedan - $375 1949 Models Chev. Deluxe Sedan G rey.-- - - --------- Meteor Custom Sedan --$1750 Air conditioning. '!t Very cdean.------ ----- Ford Deluxe Tudor Beautiful clark green finish. Mlater, radio, Sun visor, ail filter. Tires and mechanical condition $19 outstanding. - - - Tord Deluxe Sedan Heater,$19 Five new tires. - --19 I 1948 Ford haif-ton Pick-up -' $995 1948 Chev. Sedan Delivery - $1095 1940 Ford 1Mon Panel Truck $495 Good niotor anîd tires. 1942 Ford 3-Ion Dump - $850 Gxood condition. 1936 Chev. 3/4-ton Stake- $275 Hydraulic brakes. MANY OTHER MARES AND NODELS From 1929 to 1947 5.1948 Models Chev. Fleelmaster -Deluxe Sedan An imimaculate one-owner car. Fienwtires, new batter.y.$19 Reconditioned in aur own shop. $159 Ch ev. Stylemasier Sedan Our Price $1495 Chev. Coupe Hae.undercoating, oil filter.$19 Very cdean.--------- Chev. Coach Radia and heater.------ - 19 Plymouth Special Deluxe Sedan Immaculate. $1595 Dodge Special Deluxe Coach 19,000 miles.$19 These cars are very scarce.- -- 19 Mercury Coach Our Price $1295 1947 Models Plymouth Special Deluxe Sedan-- Tota choose f rom.$19 Bath clean, one-owner cars.$19 Chev. Coach Ford Deluxe Sedan Mtrjust replaced. Completely$19 reconditianed. Guaranteed. - - -1 9 Monarch Club Coupe Radio and heater.$19 1946 Models Pontiac Sedan Beautiful clark bitte finish, new tires recently, very$19 dlean interior. Chev. Coach Imiault isieand out,$15 heater, undercaating, good tires. Plymouth Special Deluxe Sedan Grey finish, heater.-- -----$1250 Plymouth Special Deluxe Sedan Vr mohmotor,$19 refinished.-_ __ - I I 12 Months Io Pay on Cars - 18 Months Io Pay on Trucks BSisso 0ns' iPRONE ORONO 861-2 A Fair Allowance on Your Old Car or Trqcl Garage Open 9 a.m. Io 9 p.m. Nonday Ihiough Salurday Beautifuil Oshawa blue finish. $1395 Go not into the way of the un- It is impossible to mentally or christly, but wheresoever you socially enslave a Bible-reading., recognize a clear expressi.on ofpel.Th rniesot,ý God's ]îkeness, there abide in con- pol.Tepicpe fti fidence and hope.-Mary Baker Bible are the groundwork of hu-! Eddy. man freedom.-Horace Greeley. Springtime Values at your Rexali Drug Store PEPTONA, an ideal spring ton-ie$12 REXALL MILK of MWAGNESIA, an effective antacid and gentie laxative - ---------. --- 30e BISMA REX - 4-way relief for upset stomach --60è REXALL PLENAMINS contain important vitamins plus liver and iron - $------85-- ELKAY'S MOTH KILLER and Math Contrai Liquid, with D.D.T. 16-oz. 85e Tiffany Beauty .Preparations The choice of wvomen who care. Perfume _$1.25 -$25 Cologne ------ ------------ $1.50 Rouge -------$1.25 Face Powder ---- 1.25 Cream Déodorant------------ 75e One Bottie ('an Help You Look Years Younger ! ... ELIZABETH ARDEN'S irmo-Lifi Treaiment Lotion -Works wonders against wrinkles, crepeyness and age lines -e-----$3 .00 5 P. oAvor wnScInti, At the homne of Mr. and Mrs. reading by Mrs. R.- R. Stevens; prayer by Mrs. H. Freeman. A William Milligan Friday evening mother wrhte thc poem., "To My sighs of contentment issued from Son"' bx Mrs. F. Swallow. Prayer eacb of the 26 members of the was offered by Mrs. L. Somer- Newtonvîlle Fax-m Forum as lie ville for ministers, missionaries laboriously arase from a relieved who have gone ouît from the con- banquet table. The ladies of the geain ebr fteax Planing ommitee re t beiliarv that they may take seriously commended for their fine co-op.- their responsibility in recruiting erative effort. To the Milligans candidates for cburch work, for each and every membel, extends the young people of the cbux-ch a bearty vote of thanks and ap- that they may respond to God's preciation of your hospitality. caîl to Christian Service, and that Af ter "Operation Disbpan" somne may enter the full time tallys were distributed and cards work of the churcb. were the order of the day. It __________ was difficuit to decide whether, the high score went to those with Searcb the Scriptux-es; for in the greatest or îeast appetites. themn ye think ye bave eternal At any rate Mrs. Stan Rowe and life; and tbey are they wvhich Mx-. Harx- v Wade led the scoring testify of me-St. John. race while Mrs. Clinton Browvn The Bible is the learned man's and Mr. William Milligan closed masterpiece, the ignorant man's the ranks. dictionary, the wise man's di- Everyone agreed this evening rectory.-Mary Baker Eddy. of comradesbip was a suitable The Bible is the great book of climax ta a successfui Forum yesterday, a greater book today, year. and with even more proxffise to- morrow, when men shail live in peace and brotberhood togetheri Soine 60 different kinds of fish if tbey will but accept its prop -I are harvested from Canadian etic teachings.-Senator James' waters, J. Davis. a 1 --- 1 - PAGE TIITEM

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