________________________________________________ £FAU.TE ELU.VI THUIRSDAY. APRIL 26th, 1951 THE CANADIAN S'rATESMAN, nOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The Newcastli Miss Ma Lions Club News The regular meeting of th", Newcastle Lions Chzb v. îth presi- dent James Portcr in the chair. was called ta orrf-ras~ usual aI 7 p.m. Thursday la.-t. at the Elm- hurst Hotel. Rev. -Andy' Eustace, Orono. ,speaker of the evening. chose a- 'his subject "Church Architecture" W ad dwet upon the ýprblem of ý1ctralling beauty to a poi:Iî wÏiere it graced the House fif God, without detracting from th(- solemnity of worship, and of building a church having in minci the problemn of building for util- ity and the conservation af wastc space. Rev. "Andyý," wno was iro- duced ta the club by Lion Charlie Knox, is a welcome visiter here and is always wcll received. Lion Keith Aiken thanked the speaker for bis splendid addressz. Another welcone eature of tiie evening vwas the presentation bv International Counsellor J. J. B3:-oxn of Boxývînanville of four af bis c f ~stroni B.T.S.,\%-Ib c irn their rc.spective spbercs. iir- tertained the clu b %ith vocal se- lections accornpaîiied bv a guitar and aiso addresses on ýTotal De- macuacy' and "Racial Discriminî- ation.". These wvere delivereci in such a wav as ta bc a distinct credit ta the' boys. The 12 Lions who are ta form the next yeau's directorate were chosen at this meeting and these membeus will be elected to the respective offices ai the meeting on May 3ud. Bingo tonight. Thuusday. United Church News A more than average congrega- tion responded ta the dlaims ai the Sundav School Anniversary service, Sundav nrorning laTt. BOX 185 e Independent argaret Ash Enhancing the atmnospherec worship and as a memori agency, flowers were in profusio augmenting the "In Memnoriar of John Alfredl Saunders wbie appeared in the church calendan The choir, under the leader ship of Mu. Neil Stewart wit Mus. Laura Fisher at the ouga xvas augmented by a childreu' canguegatian xvhich, under th guidance of Mus. William Stork with Miss Helen Allia ait!t piano, rendered with much gustc twa appropriate numbers "Chi] duen af Jerusalem" and "Jesu Wants Me for a Sunbeam." Thi phase of the Sunday School cele bration was obviously an innova tion suggested by the rinisterc the church and which, with con tinued profit might become a integral part af future Sunda School anriîveusaries. Miss Donna Brunt recited wil! dignit.v and charm the twenty third Psalrn. Rev. J. K. Moffat. B.A., Min ister of Sirncoe St. United Chuuch Oshawa. graccd the pulpit xvit1 his presence and sharcd with hÈ hearers an inspiring and thought provoking sermon. Thc Super intendeat of the Sunday Schocl Mr. Gardon Martin, was associ ated ,vith Rev. Moffat in the pul pi ministrations. Miss Beverly Osborne sani with pleasing voice and quic dignity, one verse af the chorus 'Children of Jerusalem." Next Sabbath will be recogniz ed as "Rural Life Sunday' throughaut the United Churcho Canada and iLs dlaims will -b met by the Newcastle Unitec Church. The minister of ti( church, Rev. Lawrence H. Turr. er. B.A. ,vill have as his associatE at tl)is service. Mr. E. A. Sun. It's Later Than You Thinkl DO WMAN VILLE NURSERY 1. L A R M O U R (Proprielor) BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE 462 PLANTS FOR YOUR FLOWER GARDEN AND) VEGETABLE GARDEN There is a Iiiîuited ainount of sonie varieties. PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLV AND MAKE SURE You are cordially invited ta inspeet these plants BOX PLANTS AlYSSum, Whiate AlYssumn, Violet Ageratum, Blue Aster, 11cart of France Aster, White Aster, Pink 4 tePurple r, Mixed Carnations. Mixed Celosia. Mlxed Calendula Cleome (Cosmos, Mixeti Dahlias, Dwarf, M.Nixed Gaillardia Larkspur. IMixeci Lobelia. Blue llarigold. Ilarniony,. Frc'ncla NMaritold. Spr>, (Frenich) Marigold. African Mimulus, Mixed Nasturtium, Mixed Nirotiana, White Nicotiana, Mixed Early Cabbage Late, Cabbage Savoys Brusselsprouts Toma toes Caullflower . FLOWERS I'ansies, Mîxed Giants Petunila, Double, Mixcd Petuiiia, Rosy Morn Petunia. Blue Petunua, Buffled, Mixeri Petunia, lWhite Petunia, Giants of ('alifornia, 3Mixed Petuia, Red Petunia, Mixed Beddinc Pinks, Mixed Phîlox, Drumnmondii, IMixed Portulaca, Double, Mixed Rudbeckia Sa lviii Sweet Peas. M.%ixed Scahiosa, Mixed Stocks, Double. Mixeci Siiapdragon, Gia.nts, Mixed Strn-îflower, Mixed Schizanthus, mlixeid Verbena, Mixed Zinnias, Giant Dahlia, Flowered, Mlxed Zinnias, Dwarf, Mixedj VEGETABLES Head Letture Sweet Peppers Itot Peppers Onions, Sweet Spanisli ('e er> Egg Plant iaý l r- ries ýks rie to, il- le- la- of an- ay h y- h t- r t iS, Courtice W. A. met April 19 in z- the church with Presideni Mus. y" J. McKenzie presiding. Meeting ofopened with hymn, and prayer d ed by 22. Scripiuue given by ie Mrs. Kinsmnan. Topic, "A chall- teenge ta housewlves by a house- *wxife' ably arranged and given n- by Mus. Barrabaîl. Whai a guid- ing influence the vjoman cof ta- day can be in lielping bring peacc ta a troubled world. Prayer will enable God ta unlock in the spir- 1 itual realm, the only power that cari save the world. This la the greatest contribution we can make and it is the only one need- ed, if only used. This was closed with a lovely poem. Two very beautiful dueis were rendered by Mrs. Fulton and Mus. Brown, "Whispering Hope" and "It is no secret." Reading was given by Mus. Antil, "The Clock." Bus- iness included $10,00 voted ta Cancer Fund. Mrs. Penfound was appainted delegate ta attend W. A. Presbytery at Enniskillen on April 25. Donation ta Bowman- ville Hospital Auxiliary was sol- icited by Mrs. G. F. Annis; enter- taining ai the choir; musical ev- ening ta be given in May. Ma- tenials were distribuied ta W. A. members for the annual bazaar in the fail. Committees for next meeting: Puogram, Mrs. Fred Bal- son and Mus. R. DeCoe; Lunch- Mus. E. McLean, Mrs. McKenzie, 1Mus. Kinsman and Mus. Gea. Johnstan. Refreshments were seuved, and a social time enjoy- ed. Best wislies for a pleasant trip and safe returri is extended ta Mrs. Gea. Reynolds who sailed on the S. S. Scythia on Saiurday ta visit relatives in London and Suffol.k, England. Miss Edythe White and Mu. and Mus. Evertoni White and Mus. Whiie's mother were guests cf -Mu. and Mrs. Alan Down, Bethes- da, when Edythe xvas saying goodbye before sailing on Satur- day last for an indefinite period in England. A pleasani lime xvas spent at the home of Mu. and Mus. Cordon Vir.son on Saiuuday night when relatives gathered ta help Mrs. Vinson's noiher, Mus. Ella Balson. celebrate hieu biuthday. Gifts were presented to guesi of hon- ou. Cards were played and de- liciaus refreshments served, amn- ong which was a biuthday cake. AIl wished Mus. Balson many moue birthdays and also, ibis is the wish ai heu many friends. Mus. Maude Murray and daugh- ter, Mus. Preston, Toronto, weue Sunday visitons with Mu. and Mus. Norman Gril fin. Mus. Wright, Oshawa, was a weekend visitar at the Blake Oke honme. Mr. and Mus. Esli Oke wene Sunday guests with their daugh- teu, Mr. and Mus. Elson and chul- dren, Bowmanvilie. The Ladies' Class met Apuil 17 in the S. S. roami with Puesident Anit Hait presiding, who uead some appropriate verses in apen- ing. Mus. Annis xvas in charge of the ivauship service and chose as hieu theme "Be Stili, and Knaw That I An God." Mus. Carmen read psaln-î 46 and Mrs. Annis spoke af the value of silence. WT live ,,I a world oifnruch noise. Suuuounded bt many earthly voc.,isdifficuit ta distinguish the One Vaice. It pays ta be still. ta be sulent. Prayer follow- cd, by Mus. Peauce. The President announccd the gi aio an electuic stove by Mus. R. R. Gay for use in the chuuch kitchen and expuessed thanks for sanie. Treasuirersý repaît %vas read by Mus. Chas. Osbornie. A commit- tee, cansisting oi the Guaup Lead- ers, was named ta plan for cater- ing at a June wedding. Mus. Beswick oi Oshawa, fav- oued with a solo "Bless This House." Murs. Cea. Milieu, Bowmanville, gave a veuv interesting and de- scriptive tuavelogue on lheu recent trip ta Switzerland. France. Spair. and Germiany. She later shawed colored pictures on the screen wtene very beautiful. Mus. Eltor Weruv kindlv voiced the thank.% and appreciation of the audience ta Mus. Milleu. Mrs. Beswick sang "The Sun- shine oi Youu Smilc' in a pleas- Ladies! Here's Orne Event Toul Not Want To Miss!m CLRANNSPE Presents a Gigantic Storewide.. ý 1 mers, Agricultural Representative of Durham. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Earl Walton is progressing fav- orably after her operation in the Western Hospital, Toronto, last week. Mu. and Mrs. Jack Hess of Osh- awa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McCullough and Mu. and Mus. Jack Rice and children, Bowmanvi]le, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Adair. F/C Spence Creamer, Clinton, was home with his parents, Mr. and Mus. Frank Creamer, last weeken d. It is very pleasant for us tawel- corne home Mr. Saxon Graham after spendirng a splendid wmnter in Lakeland, Florida. Mu. and Mrs. Dick Anderson and Ritchie, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Stella Anderson, Miss Cora But- ler, Mr. Gorge Butier and Dr. J. A. Butler an Sunday. Don't forget the big dance ta- moruoxv night when the Firemen present their annual bail in the hall. Bobbv Gimby's (of the Happy Gang) Orchestr&, ill be in attendance. This promises to be a smash affair. Mu. Neil Britton is home for his smmer vacation from Uni- vcrýsitv aiofToronto. Mus. H. F. (Jibson spent a few daYs last week with friends in WTood stock. It is nice ta see Mus. Robert Duck home again ail the time now. Clearance of La d ie s DRESSING GOWNS! Short and long-sleeve styles- zippers and wrap-rounds. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS TO CLEAR! .3 te~. 4 '4 'p4 ~, , Suie of SKIRTS W a0a1 s, corduroys, gabardines, etc. Our complete S pr ing stock. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS TO CLEAR SAILE of SLACKS! C hoec k s, wools, gabardine,~ u cordurcys. Special savings. 5 % T ~~/ ~Nylon BH0] \\ Lovely nylon hose in ail the shades of Spring, cut dras- tically ta clear out stock. 15 DENIER SPECIAL Fil Our complete 60-gouge, 15-denier nylon hase stock is reduced ta clear. This is EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE. REG. $225. Special.............. 7-V/ M188 PICTURE HEEL SPECIAL 45-gauge base with the ankle-slimming picture heel <pointed). Regular 1.95 Value - Special at ..........I 2 PURSES! Cordées leat h- er, plastic and an excellent assort- ment of hand and shoulder bags. DIRESSES u a. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS! Prints, nylons, SUSk, spuns, etc. Long and short-sleeved styles. 'Extra Special Value! Ip S! Plain or lace trim- med. Ail reduced ta c lear. PANTIES Brief and loose-leg styles, in silk and rayon. EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE LOOK 'FOR THE YELLOW SALE TICKETS!1 BLOUSES! Wonderful reduction in long and short -sleeved blouses in beautf ul1 Spring shades. 25% To75 MMREUCTIONS BAINCOATS!1 In gabardine, corduroy, etc. Our excellent col- lection of styles and colours. Spacial redue- tions ta clear. SHOP EARLY FOR THIS SPECIAL 1 e. ORAN,,HPE 57 RING STREET, W., BOWMANVILLE HELP THE NEW . .. MEMIORIAL HOSPITAL wllh a $1.OO DONATION TO FURNISH A FOUR-BED WARD at the saine tiine YOU RECEIVE A TICKET ON DRAW FOR 1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Contact any mnemiber of the DO WNAN VILLE ROTARY CLUB to inake your contribution VOur complete stock of Sizes 12 to 20 Spring suits reduced to clear. Goabardinesý, 2 5 Olo o5O0oi. &SU IT S *MChecks, wools, etc., on lovely shodes an c es Reductions Suie of NIIIHT GOWNS I A wonderful budget buy as aur 1)~ complete stock goes on sale. &5%o TO 75/0 BUSH ROSES - PURPLE CLEMATIS- BOSTON IVY - FLOWERING SHRUBS - CHINESE ELM and PRIVET for Hcdging.- HEDGING - ETC. (Cut This Out for Future Reference) PHONE 3363 s 1 si I COURTICE 2OTSO,% REDUCTIONS:"> 1 a IpArq-1p Vi.ipty 1