PAGE FOURTEE~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO TWIT~flAV APRTL ~Rth trasi The Orono News MIrs. R. E. Logan Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Le- her homne here on Sunday aftei roy Hamilton were Mr. A. E. But- spending the wvinter in Rochester ler and Mrs. Lenore Foster, To- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armour ronto who were also making ain Hamptonî, visited IUr. R. H. \Vooc inspection of their recently pur- and Allie. chased !and, east of Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Millei Mrs. Neil Porter and Shirley '-who have spent the winter ir were in Toronto on Thursday Flarida returncd home on Mon. visiting Mrs. Porter's brother. day. Norman Oliver, a patient in Suri- Mr. H. Nixon, Orono R.R. 2 ,vi nybrook Hospital. seriouslv hurt in a car accideni Mr. and Mrs. Herb DuVal have near Peterborough and is in hos- bought the house belonging ta pital there. Mr. Lockwood and recently va- Miss Gwen Chatterton, nurse- cated by Mr. and MNrs. Fred Ly- in-training in St. Joseph's Hos- cett. pital. Peterborougi, lhas gone in Mr. Charles Wood, Kjichener- Toionto to train in the Hospital spent the weekend at his home for Sick Chilcîren, for thre here. months. Rev. R. J. Merriam. Newcastle. Miss Audrev Billings has ac- was speaker at Ororo United cepted a position with Dr. H. C. Church service on Sundav nyorn- Arnott in Oshawa. ing. and gave a very inspirational Congratulations to Mr. and message. Mrs. Junior West. (ncre Nancy Mrs. C. L. Powers returned to Carter) who werc miarried on Life is sweet and love~s sublime ~1l[ wolearls beat to Gruiern Timie li()O ElqiS JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP EBATRE - DOWXAiVIILLE THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - APRIL 26 - 27 - 28 Short: "LAND 0F AULD LANG SYNE" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE 4TH THRILILING CHAPTER 0F "BATMAN AND ROBIN " MON. - TUES. - WED. - APRIL 30, MAY 1, 2 1?h NEW story of beloved Mrs. Miniver! MOVIETONE NEWS Saturday afternoon in Cambridge United Church, Lindsay. They will live in Peterborough. Mr. R. E. Logan vas ini To- ronto on Wednesday attending the Royal Arch Masonic Conven- tion in the King Edward Hotel. A number of ladies from the ýr Women's Association of Oronc United Church attcnded the W' A. Preshyterial in Enniskillen Church on Wednesdax-. rWe are sorry to report the iii- nness of Mr. Lawrence Lunn. He will be confined ta bed for some time. We hope his health will soon show improvement. Rev. A. E. Eustace was in Ty- rone on Sunday as guest speaker at anniversary services. Mr. and MVrs. Charles Disley, Newmarket, spent the weekend ,0wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ýStan Payne. e Women's Institute met in the Council Chamber on Friday af- ternoon with President Mrs. O. W. Rolph presiding. Mrs. J. C. *Tamblyn took the chair for elec- tion af these officers: President * Mrs. O. W. Rolph; lst Vice- Mrs. F. Ferguson; 2nd Vice-Mrs. *E. Millson; Sec'y-Treas.-Mrs. V. Robinson; District Director-Mrs. F. Tambl3-n. Conveners for the program were Mrs. J. J. Corn- ish and Mrs. W. Cobbledick. The speaker was Mrs, E. Hamm who gave a very interesting talk on iier trip to Florida. She showed niany beautiful pictures of places visited which made her talk very enjoyable. Joan Alldread, Dor- cen Alldread and Ann Best play- cd a wcll rendered trio, which was appreciateci by ail. Lunch xvas served and a social time enjoyed. Mr. Milford Sherwin has re- turned home from Toronto where lie was a patient iii the General Hospital. The annual Ladies' Night of Orono Lodgc, AF. & A.M., was held Friday night, and will be remernbered with pleasure by ail those who attenided. The guest, werc received and welcomdi the lodge room. Rt. Wor( Bo O. W. Rolph introduced the guests ta the reception commit- tee, Wor. Bro. Norm Allun and MVrs. Allun, Bro. Hart Lowery and Mrs. Loxvery, Bra. Perc. Chapmnan and Miss Betty Chap- man. W. Bro. Norman Allun, ruling Master, extended greetings to the guests, and introduced ta them Rt. Wor. Bro. W. G. Bunk- er, D.D.G.M., Ontario District, and Wor. Bro. White, D.D. Sec'y. Bath gentlemen spoke briefly. V. Wor. Bro. R. E. Logan then presented Mrs. Allen with a beau- tiful bouquet of flowers on behaîf of the officers and members of Orono Lodge. Mrs. Allin ex- pressed her thanks, and thanked the lodge members for entertain- ing their ladies on this occasion. The guests then adjourned ta the banquet hall for the enter- tainment. R. Wor. Bro. C. B. Tyrrell acted as chairman. A variety pragrami was presented. guest entertainers being Mr~. Glen Allun, vocalist: girls of the Harv-ey Dancing Sehool in tap- dancing and ballet numbers; read- ings were gix-en by W. Bro. San Allin; old time -music with the violin by Bro. H. Lowery, ac- companied by Mrs. Lowery; W. lBro. Jim Jackson, Oshawa. con- ducted a sing-song xith Bro. Neil Stewart at the piano. The high- light of the evening was a buffet lunch, sem~ed from a beautifully decorated table. Serving coffee xvere Mrs. H. Lower v and Miss Bctty Chapman. Dancing brougiit ta a close a most enjoyable even- ing. Evening Auxiliarv met in the Orange Hall on April 19. Aiter the business, Mrs. Ivison Tamb- lyn, Christian Stewardship con- vener, took the chair. Worship period consisted of hymnls, scnip- ture reading by Muriel Patton: reading hv Rena Tamblyn and a poem by Eileen Reid, and prayer by Mrs. Tamblyn. A paper on Christian Stewardship, 'Mightiest Force on Earth' was read oy Mary Miller. Mrs. Deering, Bow- manville, %vas guest speaker and told of many interesting experi- ences she had had as a missionary iin South Africa. Jean Raine.) I g g c T CI N g( i Fi ry a ton of aur red trade. Dnarkcd l'amatis Reading Antlinacite-îhiat better Penn- sIlvania antliracite-Iabora. torr tested for punit>- and 'le anne ss. Notice bow long tliat ton lasts. 'aot*ce what. a lot of steadv, genial içarmth it gives. W. hink vouill ant ta make Famous Reading Anthnacit, aur fiuel-fon kecps. ý IOWMAN VILLE FUELS 'R. Yards Phone 410j MAPLE EROVE Readers, please dont forget ta move your dlocks ahead one hour Saturday evening before retiring. Services on Sunday will com- mence at 1:30 p.m., 2:40 p.m. Daylight Saving Time until furtb- er notice. ~Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens and grandsan Jimmy Topping. visit- ed the former's daughter. Mrs. Topping and little son in-Weston Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beecb, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech an.d daughters Janice and Bonnie xvere on a motar trip ta. Kingston on Sunday.- Little Miss Kay Hutton, Eben- ezer, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stev'ens. Mrs. Roy Topping and ibaby, Weston, is visiting her parents, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. Mesdames 1. Munday. W. H. Brown, L. C. Snowden and M. Flintotf., attended the W. I. meet- ing at Orono on Tuesday ta ar- range for the district annual ta be held at Maple Grave the end o! May. Suitable Shrubs Now Available for Hedges and Fences Ottawa. - Wire and wooden fences are being replaced in many places 'by fences that live -barrie-s, ranging in size frorn the tiny suburban hedge ta tie extensive farm fence, grown of suitable shrubs and bushes. The horticultural spotlight has re- cently been turned on the multi- flora rose, a Japanese parent of the familiar climbing rose, whiclh grows profusely and guards prop- erty with thiek, strong thorns. This publicity for the multiflora rose originated in the United States where the federal Depart- ment of Agriculture started us- ing it as a field shelterbeit and the cry xvas taken up by garden and agricultural publications. Only in warmer parts of Can- ada -vill this bush thrive; it can- rendered a lovely solo, accomp- anied by Dawn Moffatt. Tho study book xvas given as a di- alogue by Mary Rutherford and Hilda Tamblyn, representing the United Church of Canada and the Unitedl Church of Christ in Japan.1 Lunch was served at the close. not stand the Canadian winter and kilis back ta the snow line. Cutting out the deadwood each spring is a tborny job that would repulse even Brer Rabbit. Canadians living in southern Nova Scotia, along the St. Law- rence River, Lakes Ontaria and Erie or in sou'thern British Cal- umbia might try the multiflora rose if they can find someone ta trim the vigorous thorns. Others would be w'ise, according ta R. W. Oliver of the horticulture di- vision of the Central Experi- mental Farm at Ottawa, ta use native hawthorns or honey locust an the farms of the east or the Manchurian straîn of the Chin- ese elm. or the alpine currant on city properties. The experimen- tal station at Morden, Manitoba, suggests for the prairies. Turkes- tan rose, Altai rose, Fireberry hawthorn or spiny Caragana. ZMON C.G.I.T. meeting opened with C.G.1.T. hymn, followed by the Purpose and The Lord's Prayer in unison. Meeting was held at the church. Isabel Cruickshank had charge of t he worship ser- vice. The girls had practice for their v-ariety show. A nice lunch was served. Meeting closed wiffh taps. Mr'. anid Mrs. Michael Nemis, Miss Winnifred Powers. Oshawa; Mr. James Killen, Miss Karie Killen visited Mrs. Tom Currie at Hamilton Sanitarium on Sun- day. X.A. held a quilting in the Sunday Sehool noom last Wednes- day. Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and Bev- erley, Courtice. visited ber sist- er, Mrs. Wes Cameron on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Donna and Norman. Courtice: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Powell, Co lum- bus, at Genry Glaspel's. Mr. and Mns. Henry Dart at R. Apsley's, Highland Creek. Mr. and Mrs, N. Patter, Toron- ta: Miss Diane Patter, Camp Bar- den. at HenrY Dart'. Misses Muriel Moore and Ruth Shaw, Oshawa, at Russell Stain- tan's. The postponed showing of pic- tures hy Mr. Stephen Saywel will be on Friday, Apnil 27 at the chiurcli. Mrs. J. Dixon, North Oshawa. violinist. will assist an the program. Cafeteria lunch YOU'VE BEEN WAN1ING Il Nowa a aCOME INMD SE IT ADTOMATIC SALER Deveq dfworndu MMOf ase 'CN" SIÏCW-s., MW t>ew automnatic aler gives you *mlith.e advantages of the «NCM" plus simple, pohitve autornatic tying. A continuotu Stream of full.weagh, well.tied bWue froos bale chute.s. wagon hos your bayuîg-eiubie you t. put hay up peompdy te keep the preaious, ireâAhssIs< P"A4O~CSS M anad Sà= it. a W. He BROWN DEALER FOR case Faim Maehlnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Brou. Stable Equlpment KING ST. W. PHONE 4" ~1LBEcnR 0F O.R.F.E.D.A. 'I SEEU GRAIN LORAIN GATS the new popular early nat - also AJAX, BEAVER and CARTIER MONTCALM BARLEY that -yielded 60 bu. per acre on our farm in 1930. - ALSO - Barbolf anld Sparlons 2-rowed Barley THIS SEED 15 TREATED FOR DISEASE.. - - -No FURTHER HANDLING NECESSARY Regislered No. 1 and Commercial No. 1 It is easier to buy cheaper - but ard to buy better Garnet B. Rickard B. B. 4, Dowmanville C.O.F. Degree Teams Now Competing For Perrin Shield The P. E. Perrin Shield. pre- sented annually for pnoficiency 'n degnee work, and now held by Court Duffins, Pickering, is no -v being campeted for. Bowmanville degree team. un- der the manshalship of Bpo. T. Mastenson, put on an excellent degree in Oshawa. Members of this teamn wene: C.R.-T. Master- son; J.P.C.R.-F. Blackburn: Con. -E. King; V.C.R.-H. Snowden; Chap.-E. Bragg; Woodwards- J. Kitson and R. Craig; S.R.-R. Prout; Guands-F. Thompson, F. Griffin, G. Prout, J. Stacey; Pian- ist-J. Colville. Court Oshawa's degnee team, under the manshalship af Bro. D. Trivett, put the degree on :n Bowmanville. Members of this team wene: Bras. J. Shaw, G. Matthews, W. Kent, C. Gear, J. Hurvid, G. Crawford, E. Hender- son, S. Stark, L. Bolîman, G. Norton. Judges are Bros. D. N. Lock- wood R. Boys and W. Holowchuk. May xvill see the completition of these cantests and presentation of shield ta winning team. Excellent bowling banquets have been held in West Hill, Osh- awa and Boxvmanville, with the leagues from Pickering and Whit- by holding banquets in May. Court Bowmanville bowling banquet took place an April 21. Guests at the head table were: Bros. D.D.H.C.R.-C. Ferguson and lady; C.R.-Geo. Matthews and lady: E. Henderson and lady; F. Blackburni and T. Masterson. The excellent banquet and program xvas under the direction of Bro. H. Snowden, C.R. of Court Bowmanville. Prize winners were Team Trophy - Carl Swartz's Moonlighters; Individual winners -L. Haynes, B. Craig, R. Brock, E. King, J. Kitson, Emma Bragg. Bro. J. Cal Braun presented the pnizes, and introduced Bia. and Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw, formerly ai Bowmanville, and now resid- ing in Kitchener. A vote af thanks was tendered Bro. H. Hamm, and Mesdames T. Master- son, L. Haynes and E. Bragg, and ail who assisted in the evening's succcss. BURKETON Mr. V. Gatchell had a very suc- cessful sale of furniture Satun - day. Many from bere attended.' Mn. and Mrs. Gatcheil have moved ta Oshawa. Our best wishes are extended ta them in their new home. Mrs. James Gatchell has been ill, and is in Boxvmanville Hos- pital. We wishi her a speedýy ne- caverjy. Little Freddie Taylor. son of Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor. bias returned from the hospital and is impraving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dax'ey and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson. visited Mr s, N. Hacknev at West Hill. Mirs. E. Caughill visited Mns. Ida Srnale in Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holrovd wlso1 have been in the village aIl win- ter have moved back ta their farm near Pontypool. Mr. Albert Gillard motored ta bis former home in Newfound- land on Thursday. andl will bring his son back ta settle here next week. Mrs. Ira Argue is visiting lier daughter. Mrs. Cecil Hyde in Ta- ronto. Mr. Cecil High is visiting bis parents in England. Home and Sehool will mneet on Monday, May 7th. Church xvas withdraxxn here Sunday owing ta the Young Peaple's Convention in Tyrone. Services as usual next Sîîndav. with Rex'. A. E. Eustace, Orano. in charge. A number of the Young People attended the convention in Tyronej on Saturday night and Sunday. A number from heî'e attended the Forestens' bowling banquet on Saturday evening. Salenm W. A. met 'at the home of Mrs. Jack Cook Thursday ev- enling, President Mrs. W. Werrv mn charge. Prognam xvas undei' direction aif Mrs. McClure and lier graup. Mrs. McClur'e had charge of devotional, with Mrs. Mary Cann reading the Script ure. Reading b.y Mrs. Cator; vocal solo by Lorraine Cook, piano solo by Jane McClure, reading by Mis. McClure, vocal duet by Mrs. Ken1 Shackleton and Mrs. Ennes, Twvist.- Mrs. McClure and her group served lunch. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Little and family, Agincourt: Mr. Gardon Shackleton. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton. Mrs. Leslie Welsh and Mrs. Gea. Goddard. Courtice. visiterl thoi aunit Mrs. George Blar T Toonto. Skinny men, women gain5,1O,l5Ibsa . uset New rep, vin, vigo- What a thril!l ont iinbs Ihî1o1u,,; uly Loi- 11wILIos iii; eck un ioo.b:r hri a ,o ; hod v "iran - Dole" look. Tho, . s ,nds or girls, aooren. mnz.i wii', ner couild gain lie- fore. are noie roud nt ~ ahaey. lienlîl. l',lng bodies. Tbey thank the ar- r iai1 vlgur-hiîling.lieeh- i - a hi:ding toril'ý. îex. la 1-:5, iton. 11a,,îz ,it cal- clunr. eror,'irbliid. lrn'.goo apriei'ea sd dîçes'ln a., lord &t'el sou 10:8 ,t,cnf'lr sud nurcLhment1; Dut iesiL . on bar, trones. Cet Lovely Curves Don'it ear gettrng Tbu fat. stop when you've gaiod the 5. la. 15 or 20 lb%. you needî for normai weigiut. donte ),ttie. New -'get sqouiinteci" eae nly,60,. Trv .Mrois I O.:rx '1,-n o '«tbles fiu r, ;,ror andatdei rwm,.. i..s - ery au.At &il dujia i. Orono Man Injured ini Car Smash at Pontypool Sustaining seriaus hèad injuries in a car accident on Highway No. 35, just north of Pontypool, Sat- urday. Henry Nixon, 32, of R. 2. Orono, is in St. Joseph's Ras- pital, Peterborough. Full extent of bis injuries bas flot yet been determined. He bas facial cuts and bruises and more X-rays are being taken. Ris condition is described as "fairly goad." Nixon was driving nortb on the bighway with two passengers, Bruce Baker of Orono, and bis jTOOL DRAUGHTSMWAN make a sharp curve on the gravel highway, just north of Pontypool, and bis car crashed into the north ditch, through a stone fence, and overturned against a clump of trees. Nixon was taken ta hospital 'oy ambulance after first aid by Dr. G. M. Longfield of Bethany. Neither of the two Bakers wvas injured. The 1950 model car, consider- ' ably damaged, wvas towed i.nto a Bethany garage. Nixon bas a farm on R. R. 2, Orono, but he had been working in Oshawa for about a week when the accident occurred. O.P.P. Constable R. Kowal, - FOR PLASTICS MOULDING PLANT Apply.: PERSONNEL OFFICE CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED COBOURG ONTARIO PHONE 1080 THANK YOU so mucli1 You have been so kind to me during my years of wvork among you that now that I have sold my business to Molly Badger I just must say "thank you" for your wonder- f ui support! My aim has been to give you up-to- the-minute hairstyles and a variety of beauty services in the nicest, most comfortable sur- raundings possible. My promise, because I have enjoyed these years with yau. is ta help Molv Badger maintain the highiest standards of service and to bring you every advance- ment in professional beauty techniques throughout the years ta came. Sa again.. . thank you so much! 0 Miller's Beauty Salon Leola Thrasher KELVINATOR la Cubic Faut Self -Contained Refrigerator STORAGE FEATURES FROZEN FOOD CHEST... scientifically designeci and made of stainless steel for permanence aiç., b5 freezing Easily stores :34 paunds total pck'aged frazen foods and ice cubes. Refrigerant circulates, thraugh twa fast-freezing shelves ta insure con- centrated eold. The white, molded Polystyrene, self closing door is fitted with rubber humpers andti win springs ta hold door open or closed. Txvo stain-resistant, aluminum ice trays supplied as standard equipment. CHILLING TRAY . . . Anodic-finished aluminum 21/ inches deep. Serves also as a defrosting tray. ADJUSTABLE SHELVES . . . Adjustable every haif- inch ta wvhatever sheif arrangement is required. IPRE - BUDGET PIRICE 0F - $599.00 - SEE IT ON DISPLAY TO-DAY AT - Higgon Electric Your General Electrie Appliance Dealer Plume 438 42 Klng St. E. Bow anvllle 1 il PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATES11AN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. APRIL 26th. 1951 Au",. £vu& 1 eto litpl J)eme ts l eED 1 Phone M 42 Kint St E.