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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1951, p. 8

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PAGE ~THE CANADIAN' STATESMANT BOWMANVIT1T.?.1OflTA RT Dlscovery far from the case today, thanlca Short Cuti to the plant breeders and others. Once upon atime, as they used The problemn was tackled in two ta Bay in the children's bedtime ways. First, plants were devel- stonies, only a few flowers and oped that grew and matured more vegetables could ibe grown ini quickly; secondly, experts hunted inuch of Canada. Either the ail over the wonld, and partie- growing season was too short, or ularly in climates similar to ours, the plants took too long to ma- for new species that have since ture which, of course, is saying been introduced here. This workc about the same thing. But that's is stili going on and as a resuit Y I .. .%JN . timluTt l L/tiI, ZL[ILJJZ MAR VIN HOLLENDERO Optomerisi EVES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED OFFICE HOURS Monday ta Saturday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Wednesday Ail Day - EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT - 22 Division St. Phone 2024 gri- Pâm#A.gbmd F*WbhnnEt.aukg Fer Fimylp YouiILikeAP a~Feh~ NO NE PRICID HIGHER vêgetables! - lIere k Real Value - ahsf Curly Lod, wash.d and r..dy to cook hk Sp iuach -N>o. 1i Fné, Mo. 1, *w..t y.low Cern 4 leqe tbs 3 5 Florid, No. %, New White Native, No. 1, Mot Hot Cucumbers Califoruila Navel M5'a, 31b., 29c Oranges j Del Monte Fr ~ ~SN~L Cocktail Chriatie'a Tria * f~\ Biscuits 'i'2 Maple Leaf A Cheese A&P FreshC dL Supper A A&P Special Blond Black Tea Fresh Shredded Heinz Assorted Baby Food Aylmer Tomato Catsup lon* Peaches Just Reduced Niblets Crown or Betsi Corn Syruj Clark's Chili Sauce lona (Pectin adi PIum Jamn Rennet Powders Junket MeLaren's JelIy Poi Quiok or Reg Quaker /2lb pkg 3 8c Ann Page, White or Brown, MiIk Bread Wheat 2 pkg-, 31c Custom Grunid Bokar Coffee Js 3 tins 28c Robin Hood, Choc. or White Cake Mixes li-oz NI 1 7c Stokely's Cream Style Fancy Corn f0o in 2 5 C New Pack Grove Brand Maple Syrup Green Giant $-oz fin J OC Del Monte Fancy iv Whole Apricots ýp 2-lb fin 30C Aylmer Jumbo Peas e 1O-oz bIl 19C Vitaniin Chocolate Drink ded) 24-oz ja: 19c Sweet Treat 2 pkgs, 23c Pineappie Juice Pork SI Fresh CoM!a Peamealed, no bane,i Fresi, Pork Butts Swift'a Premium sliced Bologna Froch Cod Fllets amothing New Bon.kess Kippers Swift's Premium rindier a> 57c Breakfast Baci Frah KiIIed Grade 'Au lb 49c Boiling Fowl ich year sees something new w( an, if we wish, add ta our flow. *r or vegetable garden. Thesf iw, quicker-growing, hardiei dants permit us to extend gard- ning fai-ther and farther nortl. ýinto other areas where frozi ingers late in the spring and ,mes early in the faîl. Noi any years ago one would hardly ire try melons, squash, cucum- ers, tomatoes, coi-n, and ever ýss tender things, in many parts fthe country, where they are ,w grown successfully. Short Cuts And there is stili another way extend the range of gardening. Ve start seed indoors in f lats or eenhouses, and after danger of ,st is over we set the well- tarted plants outdoors. Fora )ng time most of us have beer uing this with certain flowers Ld vegetables like cabbage, to- latoes, petunias, asters, etc., but :me of us have not realized thal re can extend this list almosi idefinitely. Melons, heaci jet- ce, beets, even a little corn, and 'actically every annual- can be yen this early start. In this ray we can gain a fortnight or iore and have tbings flowering rmaturing well before the first ost. Another and still easier way to peed up is to plant the seeds in Decially well prepared, rich his, ien cover with somne of the new ,x paper caps or sheets of glass. hei-e one would not risk such lantings before, say, May 15 in ie open, with this extra cover ;er seeds or plants one can safe- ,start at least two, weeks ear- er. Speed's The Ans-wer 'Why are bis vegetables so =ch more tender than mine?" esometimes ask ourselves after 'ing out the neighbor's garden. e answer usually bouls down this: "He grows themn faster." ýe sooner such things as beets, rrots, cabbage. lettuce and peas ,w to eating size the more ten- colla plcg ~5C 4fancy, now et thoir boat doz 39c 1 28-oz t;n 43c angle Thiina lO-oz pkg 25 c Assorted '/2-lb pkg 27c Candj. Mints 8-oz cello2.3c ýwderâ 3 pkgs, 2 5c 3ular CatS 48-oz pkg "'6C Sliced '24-oz loaf 1 4c 1-lb ý6c pkg 32c je Rolis no waste lb5S7c Op lh-lb ceflo Pkg 34c i.59c lb 35C 1b33C HERE'S A PLAN FOR EVERY MAN Neii' B of 31 Service Tells You How to Gct the Most Out of Your Money Do you i-un your rnoncy, or does it run you? That's a pretty important question. You can make your income go further, do more - but it takes planning. That's why the Bank of Montreal originated Personal Planning - a sane, practical approach to money mianagement. In these days of high living costs, you've got to get ail the value you can out of every dol- ar. Personal Planning doesn't deal in money miracles - it wont double your income over- night - but it will show you how to make every cent that you arn do a job of wvork for you. And howlý you can get fun ont of eeing that it does. lf vu aire intel csted in learn- ing how to live within v our- in- ore and like it, drop into the Bank of Montreal branch at Bow- nanville and have a chat with Art Constable, the accouintant. HeIli bc glad to give V'-,ou the free ooklet Personal Planning, and iscuss its application to your Lnancial problems. 05ptrAI. iii? - * * ~ ~' i 18.50 i ~00 -~ ', zs.~O 4r-4S ~ ifttfllRO 00¶kL Z410.CQ ,.~,,. t, ~ ~.ti.n" c. you can banish the worry of both large and smnall hospitalý bills. e4Woperates without red tape. Your, dactor makes the usual arrangements and, arriving at the hospital, you just show your Blue Cross card. No letters of Inquiry, no speclal permissions, no cash depasit. Without fuss or worry Blue Cross pays hospital buis for you and your family. q~4pe jt as a non-profit plan for hospital care, offers the greatest protection at the lowest passible cost. It allows no commissions, the executive committee serves without pay, and only 8.6%0 of Plan Incorne le used for operattng expense. In order to enjoy the benefits provlded by Bisue Cross for you and your family, write or telephone . ffee- PLAN FOR HOSPITAL CAR£ Ontario Hospital Association 135 St. Clair West Toronto 5 Ontario fl fc,.* v.,,,. n,,. 1950 Financil Statem en t a0.- - !e on request. mci et -"N PAGE La NUTedrdAdinstrcin Ie oreo Pr pa aes.he parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H YD NMms. Jack Potts, Mrs. T. Cowllng L a O U-nri  m n s r c é ný e C r e r a e .H Y O and M rs. R. Olesen. Instrum ental re Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, solos were played by Mrs. A. Toronto; Mrs. Clemens, Orono; Cburch service will be held at Read and Ray Ashton. Mrs. Babcock, Bowmanville, vis- 3 p.m. on Sunday with Rev. A. E. Chas. Garrard, Milton Slemoni h ited Mi-. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Eustace, Orono, in charge. Sun- and Frank Denby each have their d~ Mrs. W. Grnerick, York, Penn., day School at 2 p.m. Don't for- pae îerayt ehoe )t accompanied Mr. and Mrs. P. hthesriswl bh up with the hydro. Ellis and family, spending the get thttesrie ilb eld y weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. on Daylight Saving Time this Mr-. and Mrs. Don Cameron nVanvolkenburg, Cordova Mines. xveek. spent the weekend in King ston. 'SMr. E. A. Werry and sons start- W. A. held a service iast Sun- Miss Shirley Garrard, Toronto, ed seeding on April 21, on the day afternoon, with Mrs. A. Readwtherpens farm recntley purcbased from presiding in the absence of the Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Mi-. Cecil Slemon, a neighbor. president. The devotional period Toronto, at Mi-. E. A. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson was taken by Mrs. Chai-les Gar- Mrs. Henry Ashton at Mn. Bert Tand famiiy visited Mi-. and Mrs. rard. Readings weme given by Ashton's, Toi-onto. Berwin Adams, Oshawa.____________________________ r Miss E. M. Werry, Toronto, f spent the weekerid with Mr. and W1 Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mi-. and Mrs. Keitb Ormistonon Guaranteed and family, Cous-tice, at Mr. and 3 S ~~~~~~Ms. Roy McGills. 3/%TutCrfiae Mi-s e soi-y to report Mr-. and W. Hda eioe aby o ba s ISSUED for sny amnount. . for a tarm of bada srios oeraionandisfive yearB . ..,. guaranteed hotb as to principal t1very sick. We hope for a speedy "nineet....Icetceqemiedt recovery. an neet.. neetceusmidto Mr. nd rs.Don arrandreach bolders on due daite, 'or, at holder's family visited Mi-. and Mrs. A.opin abelowdtacu It s SBeech, Maple Grove, on Satur- compound interest. day.Anieiivsretft Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton,Anielnvtmnfo t n iru d aurd frad cnlo Etao UidslaON stbl- Marie, Ronald and Ray, Mr-. and Executors e Individucls e Admlnistretors En iruddeacero irad cn as stda Uids a NUesabe- Mrs Ross Ashton and Sheryl, Committees a Corporations * Trusteoi cerâ en la sede su propia administracién de correos pudiendo a la' Haydon; Mrs. Wesley Brownlee, vez emitir una serie especial de once estampillas para servicio Leaside, with Mi-. and Mrs. R. Cemetery Boards s Hospital boards ordinario de carrespondencia desde un centavo hasta un dolar. J. Ormiston on Sunday. La ONU pandrà en circulaciôn ademàs cuatro estampillas aéreas During the service last Sun- THE de 6 a 25 cent 'avos. Estas estampillas podràn adquirirse unicamente day evening Rev. R. M. Seymour NG R~ en la Oficina de Correos de la ONU y podran utilizarse sôlo ený announced that at the service STE RLING TRUSTS correspondencia que se despache de la sede en Nueva York. En la next Sunday evening, 20 choirCOPRTN fotografia aparecen <de izquierda a derecha), el Sr. Albert Gold- gowns will be dedicated and pire-COPRTN man, Administrador de Correas de Nueva York; el embajador sented to the choir. A ministem's37 uSteTono1 Warren Austin; el Secretario General, Trygve Lie; el Administradar! gown will also be presented to 2BaSteTontI General de Correos de los Estados Unidos, Sr. Jesse Donaldson y cli the minister. Sr. Bertil Renborg, jefe de la Adnûnistracién Postal de la ONU. The members of tbe choir are _____________________________ - - -. ~~~~~~~rejoicing over the success of their ______________ play "The Beantown Choir"-- demcrip ad dliclus heywil %T~Tt17TT~~T which bas had and continues to ber, Itis th eslow owteyingall L i~\JLL1 have great success. Mucli credit, sc tunte vetae sowhato becomed ________ must be given ail members for wootd. Satamdnm hse rieClub metat the ho eirutig effort in presenting Cen wood. Smart ardeers aste Serice lub et a thehomethis play. It bas meant much sac- lae growth by using the best seed of Mrs. Donald Cari-, with 14 rifice and hard work. i of good vamities, then pushing it membems present. Sewing was Another feature of the service Sird Glflfles by regular cultivation, watering done for Bowmanviile Hospital is the presenting by the choir of if needed and possible, and a nursery. A dainty lunch was a leather-bound hymnary for pul- Spr>oh little extra commercial fertilizer. provided by Mrs. E. MeNair, Mrs. pit use. pr Moh They also make sure that young O. C. Ashton, Mrs. E. Trewin. An appeal will be made for the plants have plcnty of rooma to Next meeting at Mrs. P. Ellis' on Bible Society next Sunday. En- Soiled clothes mnake tasty develop. With such things as May lst at 8 p.m. velopes will be providcd for- youi- morsels for maths. Don't carrots and beets, this means an Mm. and Mms. Ira Traveli, Beth most generous subscription. inch or so when they f i-st come and Bruce, Oshawa, with Mr. and On May 7th an Oratorical Con- encourage them ta, dine. up, then in a few weeks every Mrs. Harold Ashton. test will be held in the church. Store clathes freshly other plant is rcmoved and eat- en iin the tender, baby stage. Gar- Mr. Harmy Ferguson, Mr. and This is not a money-making pro- ead deners, looking for top quîiyMms. Cameron Oke, Oshawa; Mm. iect but is designed to enable cend harvest their vegetabies when and Mrs. Clarence Avery ancd boys and girls to compete for a Before yau Store your theyhav reche jut te rghtfamily, Burketon, with Mr. and medal under the direction of oui- t a e e atc o h cmto the MsAbet ke Mission Band and W.C.T.U. Those winter woolens, let us pot fast. In a matter of boni-s, Miss Ruth Pethick 'wîth her t ngt LoydtA tonpart may ply dean them. This wise for instance, corn and peas start aunt and uncle, Mm. and Mrs. tancMrs leod sbton for texIop-h li to lose thcJ;r fresh gardon flavor Rar-y Strutt, Oshawa. eaneue oalctons. gsturaextedsfthicif as their suýao-s tumu to starch. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, uet o a o h t of ard and effc- and goad looks af your Next Week Wayne and Tcmmy, Mr. Harry Fer- taker, Mi-. Howard Pye, grounds fine clathes. Neyer too late. guson, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Dems- of the church and the church it- ter and S. Stephen, Oshawa; Mi-elfai-e in wonderful condition. BERLOU and Mrs. Keith Ferguson, Maple Telresoe ntecuc OHPOFN Dr. Muer Speaker Grove; Jim and Lorraine Dayes, elresoe ntecuc OH POFN Dr M llrSp ak1 lcktok wthMr ndMr.yard were removed by bim. He is guaranteed for five year. v~ At CouBlackstontry WthMm. and Mrs.endeavors to have a grass plot on ACou rtle Cb tr r.WanderFrgs. isvisjtin the art hat fe orrns he ede-0fJust give us a ring . .. We'll whizz over Coupes lubMm.and rs.Alvn Byd.ciate it if those who trave the Th Curie outr oule' Lorne Simpson & Son sold a bigbxvay would do their part in ta pick up items for cleaning. The ouriceCounry oupes'carload of sbort-keep cattie at a keeping vehicles off this grass Club held their monthly meeting very attractive price to Mr. Clar- until the ground bas settled. We at Maple Grove Chumch with 35 ence Duggins, Breekin. This fine thank you, good friends. attending. Mrs. Stephen Jeffmey load of cattle, in the faîl, was___________ took tbe devotional with Rev. L. purchased fromn E. A. Werry, and OMNI L M. Somerville leading in payer. at tbis time Emnie macle this good As the symptoms of early tu- Miss Lorna Fletcher-, Bowman- sale for Mr. Simpson & Son. berculosis ai-e fot easiîy recog-CL E N R8c T VFR ville, gave two lovely selections Miss Shirley Ellis spent the nized, the use of X-ray is neces- L A E SDY R on the piano. weekend witb Mm. and Mrs. Tom sary in order to make a correct Norman Hannan introduced the Wilson, Courtice. diagnosis. An ordinary physical 77 KING ST. W. PHONE 520 speaker, Dm. Geo. W. Miller, for- Miss Betty Smales, R.N., Sick examination seldomn reveals this merly of Bowmanville, nowý of Cbildren's Hospital, Toronto, visit- disease in its initial stage. -. Washington, D.C. Dr. Miller gave a brief talk on the background of the Ar-ab-Jewisb situation in the Middle East and then showed some wondemful slicles of tihe Middle East along with the bigh- ligbts of bis many trips around Europe. His address and pictures weî-e thoroughly enjox-ed. Miss Fletcher playcd again and lunch was servcd. BROWN"S Mm. and Mrs. George Honey spent the weekend in Hamilton and while there, attendied the 88th birthday of Rev. Dm. Graham. Several attended the auction sale of Bill Gordon in N~ewton- ville on Friday. 0 5I A Mrs. George Stephenson, Bob, Lynne and Miss Arlene Boyd t spent Sunday in Toronto visiting .__._.._. *. L L 5. . ""TR.QnÀv AIPPTT. 9 26th, 1951 ....... » ...... «a 1 M. "

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