PAGIE LIGHTEnW BRING YOUR jTAEPYCS I MESSAGE BEFORE/,èfffV7( SEMNIU 12,000 READERSCOT5cPRD BIRTHS1 CABDS 0F THAN KS BROWN-Mr. and Mrs. J. F.'! Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman wish Brown are happy ta announce the ta express sincere thanks ta their arrivai of their son Dennis John neighboums for ail their kind heip at Bowmanville Hospital, April at the time of the funeral of 2lst, 1951. A brother for Sheila. their niece, Mrs, B. H. Mortlock. GIBSON - Clarence and Jean Mm. and Mrs. T. Gibbs and Gibson wish te announce thelfamily, Tymone, wish ta thank arrival of their daughtem on1 their friends and neighbours for Thursdav, April 26th, 1951, atIthe kind expressions of sympathy Bowmanville Hospital. A sister 1 cxtended on the passing of their for Sandra and Jud. 18-1* daughter and sister, Mrs. B. H. IMortlock. 81 MARTYN-Mm. and Mrs. James E. Marty n happily annaunce theý Mrs. H. M. Cale wishes ta, birth of their son, Stephen James, thank ail hem friends and neigh- on April 27th, 1951, at Bowman- bours, Dr. H. Ferguson and Dr. ville Hospital. 18-1 V. H. Storey for their kindness - shown during the illness and McFEETERS-Bill and Phyllis pssing of her mather, Mrs. M. (Cv> McFeeters are happy ta an- Reid. 18-1* nounce the arrivai of a daughte r. P Brenda Lee, 7 lbs., 1.3 oz., at' The Women's Auxiliar * vMem- Oshawa General Hospital. Aprill anal Park wish ta thank the 24th, 1951. A sister for Johnn.v following for prizes donated ta and Sandy. 18-1 cuchre: Mr. E. Firlin, Mrs C. Mason, a f riend. A & P Store,r REYNLDSMr.and rs.ArtMiss I. Large. Mrs. E. Murphy, Reynldsare app ta nnoncMiss E. Joint, Bobby Henry, Mrs. the birth of their daughter, LtlMs ave.1- Debrah Anne, at Bowvmanvil1e Hospital on Thursday, April 26, COMING EVENTS 19,51. 18-1* I________________ IDance at Tyrone Community ENG GEM 3T~ Hall, Friday, May 4th. Ruth ENGAGEMENTS Wilson Variety Band. Auspices Mm. and Mrs. Hosken Smith, .O. 1%2 Eiîfield, announce the engagement Grand Opening this Saturday of their c]dest daughtem, Marg- night, Sever's West Beach Store aret Jean, ta Donald Lloyd Pres- adPvlo.Fe music Satur cott, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs Ia ih, acnt telts Edgar Prescot. of Enfield. Wcd-dyngt dnigt9 telts ding ta take place at their oeJk o eod.1- SatudayMay Oth. 18-1 Hampton will again present -Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Thomp- son, Nestlion, Ontario, announce alie engagement of their secondl daughter, Norma Elcanon, ta Ger- aid Neil, oniy son of Mm. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry, of Blackstock., The marriage wijl take place1 quietlv at the home of the bride on Saturday,, May l2th, 1951. their play, "The Grapevine," in the basement of the church, Friday, May llth, at 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c and 20c. 18-1 Bowmanvillc, Legion Camnival Saturda. June 3th. 195 1. Tickets on sale for 1951 Ford Sedan, Kel- vinaitor Electric Refrigerator andj Beatty Electmic Washing Machine. Mr. and Mrs. Maman K. Law-1 Monster Cash Bingo - in the son, Toronto, annaunce the en-: Newcastle Community Hall, on gagement of their daughtem. Isobel Thursday cvening. MaY lth. 50c Faye, ta William Frederick Allen, admission price pays for 21 games son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, and jackpot. Extra games, Shame- of Bowmanville, The marriage the Wealth and doon prîze. Jack \vill take place on Saturday. May pot now $70, 18-21 26th. at 4 o'clock in the Chu rch omnil Rtr of th Resurecton. l - dance at Newcastle Coîrnunitv The engagement is announccd Hall. Friday. May l8th. Round of Thelma Marion daughter of and square dancing ta the music Mrs, Stapleton and the late Mm of Billv Hoe. Cames and booths. Maxwell Stapleton, ta John Aiken,' Draw for 1951 Plymouth during son a! Mns. Forrester and the la'e the evening. 18-1 Mr. Roy A. Forrester, Orono. The marriage will take place on, Hear Louis J. Alber, outstand- May 26th, 1951, at two o'clock ing authority on International af- in the United Church, Newcastle. lfairs, speak on "Kremnlin Bluc- 18-i print" in Trinity Church. Friday, May llth, at 8 p.m. Procecds for Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid,ý Ladies' Hospital Auxiliamy. Adultsi Hampton, announce the engage. SO5c, childmen 25c. Tickets rnay ment of their daughter, Muriel be obtained froni Ladies' Aux- Kathleen, ta Mm. Orville Edward iliary. 18-1 Lunn, Peterborough, son of Mm. and Mms. Howard Lunn, Mill- Came ta sec 'Bcan Town Choir" brook, and their daughter, Helen o! Enniskillcn, in the Town Hall, Grace. ta Mr. Lloyd George Pres- Bowrnanville, Wed.. May 9, 1951, ton, Bowmanville, son o! Mr. and at 8 p.m. Sponsored by GroupI Mrs, R. D. Preston, Bowmanville, 13 of Tinity United Church. R.R. 3. The double wcdding will Tickets avYailable from group take place in Eldad United Church members and Alex McGregor's on Saturday, May l9th, 1951. Drug Storè. Admission: aduîts, 18-1* 150c; children, 25c. 18-1* DEATHS COUCH-At the residence, Lot 11, Con. 2, New,ýtonville, on Thursday, April 26th, 1951, JohnHnr Couch, aged 60 vears, beloved husband of Alice Linfield. Funeral, wvas from the Morris Funeial Chape!, Bowmianville. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 18-1l Ladies' Legion AUXiliary are sponsoring a dance at the Bad- minton Club, FridaY. May 4th, atý 9 p.m., with Lati Deweli's or- chestra. Lunch will bc. served. Tickets liinited ta 300 only at 75c per persan. Get vours right aw4y frai Mms. Pauline Murphy, Mrs.1 Elva Beckett, Don Morris or Art Hooper. 18-1 -OTLC In Ottawa, onN tie Wednesday, April 2th, 1951,. _______________ Kathleen Louise Gibbs, beloved' pe owling cvemy night at wife of B. H. MorIi.ock, aged 41!1 pe years. Service was tram St. John's MatnsBwigAaenBw Anglican Chuîcch, Bowynanvil]e,ý manville. 1- SaturdaY. April 28. at 4:30prn on arriva! af cortceetram Oftaiý,a.1 Charis Poundation Garmpnts Intemen Haolo Ceete' . Corsettierre. Mrs. E. O. Lcddy,j 18à-1 for appointmnent Phone 534. --------17-4* REID, '.1arv--At the home of her daughtr-r, 54 Centre St.. Bow-! The Ladies' Major Bowling nianville, Friday, April 27, 1951,ý Banquet wiil be hcld on Motiday. Mary F'indla\,. in hem 78th year. a 7 t6:5pm., at St. John' s bcloved wîteof the late James 1Parnish Hall, 18-1 Reid (fort eriv of Toronto and' Bri.Vn o!ivngmîe Plain sewing donc reasonabl, of 'Violet <Mîrs. H. M. Cale), of, hemming, ehildren's clothes, ap- Bowian,.uic:e MaY (Mrs. John, nons, benis adjustcd, etc. Phone Taylorn, of Toronto; Mircîla <Mrs. 2175, 15-3* Thomas OCyqnnomh o! Oshawa. and Jamnçs Reid o! Wasaga Beach. I The Harv\ey Dance Academy" Resting at the Trul Punerali Register Priday afternoons (3 - 7) Home, 1111 Dan forth- Ave. Ser-1 for classes in Ballet and Tap; vice MondaY aftemnoorn at 2! Union Hall, Bowmanviile. Irenie o'ciock. Interment. Mount Plea-: Harvey. 52-tf' sant Cemnetery. 18-1" _______________ SYLVESTER--On Monday, April Parents Attention i 3O0th, 1951, Effie Agnes Sylvester, Cide h cc hi t Nvidow of John Sylvester (fanm- Cbira ningh 1951and wba 5 erly o! Enniskllen, dean mother I iveth.i inghe5townd Whoar of Allan G. Sylvester, Toronto. iewtnthto lmsar Privte srvic washeidat tecligible for Kindergarten Classes Morris Puneral Chape!. Bowman- apening September, ville, on Wednesday. May 2nd. at' AIl parents Who wish ta have 2:30 p.m. Intemment Bowman-! their chiidren attend these class- villeCemeery.18-1es arc requircd ta have them villeCemetry. Iregistercd with the principal an - IWcd., May 2, Thurs., May 3 or SFmi., May 4. Registration om E TENDERS WfA LU D May be obtained at cither o h Public Seboals.s TENDERS will be received by ý Parents Who wish arc învitedr theundrsgnc u unil12 ta bring their child ta the kind-c a dlock noan on Friday, May 4th, ergarten for this registration sao 1951. for the supply o! fuel ta the that each may sec the class aI Ceunties' Gaol, Counties' Home, work bctwcen 9:30 and 3:30 on and the Cobourg Registry Office. each o! these days. Information as ta type and quan- Cbildren who reaeh their sixth tity ta be supplicd niay be ob- birthday during 1951 Who havev tarned frai those in charge af not attended kindergarten ors the above mentioned institutions. schoal in Bowrnanville and Who a Lowcst or an.' tender flot nec-j wish ta attend G rade 1 classesintri essarily acccpted.I September are alto rcquircd ta bep W. E. BARR. registered as outlined above. n Counties' Clerk i The Bowmanvillen and Treasumrer,I Public Schooi Board. d Cobou.rg, Ontario. 17-2 17-2 I41 Articles For Sale SINK with new taps, sîze 26 x 17. Phone 543. 18-1* FOLDING baby buggy, white. Apply No. 1 Veterans Ave. 18-1 RED Latham Raspberry Canes. Phone 953. 18-1 SMALL tricycle; also trumpet Iand banjo. Phone 3202. 18-f BELL upright piano, good con- dition, reasonable. Phone 3578. UPRIGHT piano, good condition. Cheap. Phone 643 or 46 Welling-' ton St. 18-1 INTERNATIONAL Farmaîl Super A tractor, with scuffler, both nearlY new. Phone 2830. 18-1* ONE barn, 20' x 30', two starey. Apply Mrs. G. Annis, 105 King st. E. 18-1* ICE refrigerator, large su7e, par- celain lincd. Apply 38 Queen St. or Phone 2390, 18-l* ICE box, Ruddy, good condition, maroon, fitted spring coat, size 14. Phone 966. 18-1 BABY'S folding stroller, blue, first class condition. Phone 3423. 18-1 ONE ice refrigerator, 50 lbs. cap- acity. Phone 3656 or 90 Conces- sion West. 18-1* ELECTRIC stove with annex, Moffatt, 3 plate aven. Phone 2541. 18-1*' OATS and Faîl Whcat. Jerry Grace, Courtice, Phone Oshawa 54012.18* RASPBERRY plants. John Mal- inowski, R.R. 1, Newtonville. INTERNATIONAL A.V. tractor; a tractor plow! double discs; also horse. Phone 2184. 18-1 PHOTO Eniarger, Eclipse, 'F4.5 lens, extras $39.00. Phone 573 days. 2741 evenings. 18-1 MIXED grain, barn threshed, reasonable. G. Baker, Poe Orono 62r12. 1- WE measure and instaîl finestý quality venetian blinds. Phonel iMorris Co. 480. 5-tf l BED and f wo mattresses: also a nice hanging lamp in good work- ing order. Mrs. F. Cator, Man- vers Rd.18* AUTO-TRAC tractor, in A-I con- dition, on rubber, lights and starter. Cheap for cash. Lloyd J. Semon, Phone 2508. 18-1* ONE used ice box, 100 Ibs. cap- acity, in very good condition, for quick sale, $15.00. Phone 689. 18-1 MOTHER'S Day. May 13th, G.E. kettles and irons at aid prices, $14.50. The Radio Shap, Phone 57.3. 18-1 SEVERAL tons of ground corn1 and whcat shorts, reasonable. John MacKay Milling Ltd., Bow- . manvilie, Phone 2621. 18-1 NEW shipment o! bcdroomn chairs in yellow, green and rose, ta be featured in Morris Ca. 7Oth An- niversary Sale. 18-tf HAVE you baught your ticket on the Kinsman car? OnIy a lii- ited number of tickets ieft. Car dnaw at Giant Carnival, May 24th - 25th. 18-4 HAY, 20 tons good Timothy and IAlfalfa, baled; also good Suprenie hand wringer, good shape. J. A. Johnston, Phone Port Perry 172-12. 18-1* CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleurn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf POTATOES-Specializin-gin-No. 1 top quality potatoes, waxed turnips. onions. Order your sup- ply now. Doug Curi, 5 Nelson St., Bowmanville. 2-tf THREE-furrov'r Oliver tractor plow, in good shape, will seli, cheap. Fleury-Bi$sell grain rnd- ers, slightly used, 101,2~ inchgpl ate: 200 bus. Ajax oats. G. Kovacs, R.R. 1, Tyrone. 18-1 TILE - for kîtchen, bathrooms, hearths and fireplaces. Walls- glazed tile or plastic, ail colours Floors - rubber, mastic, lino-tile, quarrie and ceramic. Wi1l go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different colours of lapes, 1.5 siat colours, Flexalum, Aluminum or Steel, measured and installed free of charge. Phone 3121, Weber's Fabric Centre. 17-tf RealI Estate For Sale HOUSE inl HampnP, 8-roomed brick, garage, hot air heated, running water with bath, $6,000. Phone Bowmanville 2520. 18-2 BAILEY & TAYLOR $5975-6-room home, newly, de- corated, new furnace, centrally located. Immediate possession. $2,975 down. Bailey & Taylor. Brokers Phone 767 18-1 HAMILTON REAL ESTATE Smail Farm For Sale $2,500-Ten acres on County Rd., one mile west of paved highway, between Orono and Pontypool, near church, school and store, numerous bearing berry canes. Good 5-roomed, insul-brîc house and good size steel-roofed and cernent floored barn. Full price as above. Immediate possession. This is a bargain. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Phones 32r10 - Ir16 Orono The Canadi=n Statesman Classified Advertising Raies Effective JuIy 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate ,- - 30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid hy date of insertion. Il eharged, an additional 250 wiIl be added A charge of 250 will be made for ail replies directed to this office. CONYNG EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3e a word with a minimum of $1.001 - for 33 words or les.. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MA1RMAGES $1.010 per Insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 100~ a lie for verse. Display Classified- at 80é per inch with a minimum of ane inch I N]IXON REAL ESTATE Additional insertion at the same rates.I Brick 4-rooni dwelling, 3-piece Ibath, fumnace, large lot. Possession Ail Classi.fied Ads. miust be in this office not later than 30 days. $4,000. Termis. 12 o'clock naon, WedInesday. 20 acres, sanie bush, large cmeek,1 cernent in for dam, close ta Bow-1 -Send cash, stamps or maney order andi save money - manville, $2,200. A gaod place (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) for a summer resort. _____________________________________________________89 acres, 8-room insul-brick hause, bamn, stable, garage, creek, *well, close ta village. Possession ar- Aricles For Sale Cars For Sale ranged. $6,500. Ternis. 99 acres good land, 7-rooni stone 15 ACRE apple fam, faîl and 1930 DURANT Sedan, mechanic- house, 2 barns, stables under winter apples. Fully equipped. iaIly O.K., good rubber. J. Ballin- banwtri tbe ela including new spcayer and other gaîl, Blackstock. 18.1* house. Possession 30 days. $10,000, implements. For fu rther inform- DDESdn esnbybl ah ation write P,O, Box 27, Part '41.DDESdn esabyhlcs.« Perry. Ont. 18-1* Ipriced. Robert Allin, Newcastle, 5-om faedclnhdo Phone 38 S.L. Clarke. 18-1* weroomgarae se, mercihde PLUMBING, Heating and Oil 134DOGESea, odgatrnagetre.,Posessiondie Burners installed anywhere in194DDESdnboy oo vic pre.Pssin i- Durham County. Reasonable rates and tires in good condition. Phone mediately. $3,000. Tci-ms. and highest quality. For ttee 2357 or 403 at noon. 18-1 James Nixan, Broker estimates caîl S. Blain Elliott, 1951 MONARCH Coach, practic- 16Phort S.n., o6 anv2l Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithîng, ally ncw, $100 off list. Apply -Poe62 18.1* Phone 3348. 29-tf Honey Hollow, Newcastle. 18-1 ____GILL REAL ESTATE TRACTOR, 1949 Ford, perfect 1I-ton DODGE Express, late model condition mechanically, tires new, iow milcage, good condition. Fan-mi Cartwright, 100 acres, neyer been used for fanming, I Phone Agincourt 123. 18-1* 8-rooni brick bouse, fumnace, $1,12.5.00. Farm Equipment &; heavy wîring. good barn, impie- Automotive Limitcd, 134 King '37 OLDSMOBILE Sedan, im- ment shed, hen house, garage. St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 689. mnaculate condition. Phone 4,56 $6,200 down. Immediate poss- 18,1 after 6 pim. 18.1* ession. CUSTOM MADE SCREENS '36 DODGE I1,½-ton stake, best In Blackstock, 6-room home, hy- Ail types made-to-orderý offer. Must be sold. Phone dro ,etc., goad location. $5.000. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS Clarke 2614. 18-1 Terme. A CsvtowrdBicke. Cuc 1940 PONTIAC Coach, new paint St.,v Bowandvikle, P 5hone c job, in real good condition, $650. 7-rooni insul-brick cottage be-1 St.,Èowanvlle Phne 53.. Pone2341, Bowmanville. 18-1ltween Bowmanville and Oshawa. 18-1 197 DSOT Seanblu, rdio$4,500. Ternis. INTERNATIONAL FarmalCubl14 E OOSdabue ai tractor, brand new, used only for ad many extras, low mileage, , On Elgin St.. 6-roon.i, nsul-brîck display purposes,copeewh excellent condition. Gamnet Par- home, insulated, 3-piece bath, lihssateec Reular t ter, Newcastle. 18-1 garage, chieken house, goad gar- lg02.strteeducd frequick prîce dn 650 ens $1,05. edued fr qicksale 1936 FORD Coach, good rubber,de.$,0.Trs ta $825.00. Fanm Equîprnent & built-in radia, good appearance, On Southway Drive. new, modemn Automotive Limited, 134 King St. cheap for cash. Phone 57r9 5-moani bungalow. $8.000. Ternis. E., Bowmanville,. Phone 689. 1-1Omono. 18-1*. ~33 Pickup and De]ivery Business in DONAIONSo! $00 t hel CHEV. Coach, excellent con- Bowmanvîlle, $1.950. DONTIOS o $100 o h lition, privately owncd. Apply____ fumish a four-bcd ward at the 18 Duke St., evenings oiily. Go uliglt nS.Gog New Mernorial Hospital, Bow- 184* et blging t. nS.Gog manville. With your $1.00 dona- S. li t tion you receive a ticket on a 1949 'PONTIAC SEDANETTE, H. G. <Hap) GUI Real Estate draw for a 1951 Plymouth Sedan. light bluc, with accessomies, mile- Phone: affice 33261 Contact any member of the Bow- age 22,500, $1700. Apply 32 Sec- After bours 3514 1- manville Rotary Club ta miake ond St., cvenings. Phone 3147.1W. your contribution. 18-1 18-1" ENTERPRISE coal range, white, 1939 CHEV. Coach, A-i condition, . WORK WANTED - with shelf, good condition, $35; radia and motor heater and ather1 nantel radios, $10 up; Gilsonlextras. May be scen evenings Bulldozing and washers, good condition, guar- land weekend. G. Kayacs, R.R ,W antced, $59.50; day bcd, coîplete1 Tymane. 1-!V a with mattress: 1950 rangettes, guxranteed, $29,50: fou r-burner range, ane year aid, closed eIe- ments, automatic oven control, $99.00: Westinghouse radio com- bination, floor sample. reg. $229, for $175: Norge refrigerator, brand new, 6 4 cu. ft, $314.50, no tax, 1/3 down: Norge electric range, complete with deep xveii cooker, floor sample, reg. $359, for $300; new rangettes, $49.50. Murphy's, Phone 811. 18-1. AUCTION SALES Pari Stock and Iniplements of Cccii Slemon, Lot 16, Con. 9, Dar- lington, wilI be sold by public auction on Saturday, May l2th, 1951, aI 1:30 p.m. List in next week's paper. Ternis cash. T. S. Mountjoy, Clcmk; Clifford Peth- ick, Auctioncer. 18-1 Mm. Oscar McQuade, Burketon, Lot 21, Con. 4, will seli by public auction on Saturday.' May 121h, at 1 p.rn., fanm stock and iniple- ments. For particulans sec bills. Ternis cash, No reserve. W.D. Ferguson, Clerk; Ted Jackson, I Auctionéer.182 Pari Sold - Richard Stinson, Lot 9, Con. 3, Cartwright Twp., will seil by public auction on Saturday, May th, at 1, hisi fan tocka.d..- irnan lFrI Msy 49Aia cl u.J Ilz JUST arrived - ane Parmall priculars sec bills. Ternis cash, za GUS51U Super A tractor: anc McCormick no reserve. Ted Jackson, aoc- for the WA4 tractor, for imniediate dcliv- tioneer. 17-2*Kis a env. Phone 689, Pari Equip- -]is a ment & Automotive Ld., Bow- Mr. Earl Byarn, 63 Centre St,. Ga' manville, 18-1 Bowmanville, bas sold bis pro- GintCanival FORHOM Frezrsmil col-pertv and will seli by public eda FOR OMEFrezers mik col-auctian an Saturdav. May 5tb,atl at ers, washing machines, ranges, 1 p.m.: bedmooni, living-roomn and MEMORIAL ARENA service on milk coolers a.nd kitchen furniture, rug. dishes, Parade - Bingo mators, that wiring job or any- staves, etc. Terms cash, no me- Games - Draws tbing clectrie, Trade-in ar Ternis, serve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. - FUN FOR ALL - Consoît Werry & Son Electrîc, 17-2 18-4 dealers for Woods Electric Pari ________________ Equipment, Enniskiilen, Phonel - Wanted T . ir Bowmanvile 2539. 173 Repai-s - XTo HLEdigr-lir x ALL kinqs o! meat, good quality REPAIRS toalal makes ofi efrig' 1,P00 HOLEs.GodonSgger aprx wieners, bologna, caoked bams n trs , oetean omr i 00 halPbes.PGro trng. Bur-r3 smoked hanis and bacon, sausage eratars, doese and ommec; and hamburger, Darligton Abat-nukn coer. ignEe- oPoePrtery1r3 toir, Hampton. Phaene 3243; alsa 25-tf18* pickling, smoking and sausage FOR prompt, efficient, guarantced Business for Sale niaking. During the summer 1 service, dyeing and custom wark, months - hog killing an Tues- 1 try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair GOOD Taxi Business. Appli ýdays and cattle at.any tirne. I Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- Lawrence Brown, Star Taxi, New- - 34-tl minai. 31-tf castle, 18-j' froster, driving lights, new motan jîob, tires, 17-plate battery, goad condition thnôughout. Phone 3507 days until 4 p.m. 18-1* 1948 MAROON . Special Deluxe Dodge Sedan, with lifeguard tubes, custm radia and under- coating, low mileage. Apply Grant Cooper, Boys Training School, Bowmanville, Phone 2237. 17-2* .50 CHEV. Deluxe Sedan, equip- - ped with custom-built radia, heaten, defrosten, unqcrcaating, like new. Less than 13,000 miles. Apply Hubbard's Store, Burke- ton. Ont. 18-1 SPRING Clearance Specials - '50 Chcv, Deluxe Sedan, new condition; '50 haîf-ton Pîckup, low mileage; '49 Meteor Custarn i Sedan, in spotless condition; '41 . Chcv. Deluxe Sedan, good con-1 dition: '37 Ford Coach, motor, body and tires good; also 2-wheel box trailer, good tires. Came and sec us at Maple Grave Gar- age. Your car is down payment, balance 12 months, Maple Grave Garage, Phone 2652, Bowmanvi île. 18-1* COMJNC EVENT RESERVE Lxcaann'1g BY IËOUR OR CONTRAUT Free Estimates Given We specialize in farm improvemen t. Wm. Tripp PORT PERRY, R.R. 2 Phone 109r4Z 18-13 Wctnted To Buy TRICYCLE in gaad condition, suitable for six-year-old child. Phone 3202. 18-1* WANTED-aged work horse, good home. Write H. J. File, Clarke. 18-1 * HOUSE in Bowmanville, 5 or 6 roams. Apply in writiqg ta Box 572, c/o The Canadian Statesman j Bowmanville, 18-1* BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r13, reverse charges. 51-tf DEAD FARM STOCK Plcked up promptly Hones, cows, helfers, sheep, pigs and new born calves. (We pay for horses, cows and heifers) As an added service we wilI ca-operate with your veterinarian in post-mortem. 2%~c per lb for live horses Cali collect Bowmanville 2679 MARGWIFLL FUR FAIM Wanted To Rent HOUSE, in vicinity af Bowman- ville, for G.M. employee. Phone 2091. 18-1i BY Bank accountant, 4, 5 or 6- roorn hause in Bowmanville. Phone 2327. 18-1 WGRK WANTED Gardent Rololilld H. G. Saunders 146 Liberty North, flowmanvllle Phone 2712 81 Work Wcmted GARDENS ploughed. Phone 501. 18-1* LOCAL trucking done. Phorial 2091. 1l-là YOUNG woman with two chilffl ren desirés housekeeping in work-- ing man's home. Phone 3611. Write Box 571, c/o The Canadien Statesman. 18-1* SHEEP shearing done. Phone Snowden q Bras.. Phone 1827J1, Oshawa. 18-10 CUSTOM work with tractor and gardens. J. H. Alldread & Son, Phone 496. 15-40 FOR Prompt Attention - Brick work-, block work, mason work, etc., concrete floors, foundations, sidewalks, etc. Free estimates given and satisfaction objective. L. Turner, Phone 3231. 18-tf BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Griasding We specialize in complet. brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville For Rent TWO-room heated apartment Aduits. Phone 2436. 18-1 75 ACRES land, with no build- ings. John Nichols, Phone 2168. 18-1 FOUR-room house. Possession the first of June. Apply H. Van de Belt, King St. E., Bowmanville. 18-1* FOUR-roomed apartment, large and brîght. hardwood floors, newly decorated, excellent loca- tion. Write Box 570, c/o Canad- ian Statesman. 18-2 ON Tuesday evening, fur neck piece. Reward. Leave at Box 573, c/o Canadian Statesman. 18-1 Booms Wanted YOUNG married couple, neo children, require 3 or 4 rooms, good references. Phone 651. 18-10 Custom Work Shop. IiI PLOWING, cultivating and disc- MAN wanted--steady job, if womk i îtney Clrke31. Phne -. Z satisfactory. Vanstone Flour &'31, 83 Fced Mill, Phone 777. 18_.1*1 Seed for Sale ABLE badied young man fa de- liver ice. Apply Williams' Ice, Phone 439. 18-1 MALE 4th class stitionary en- gineer. shift work, 3 weeks annual vacation. Apply Superintendent, Ontario Training School for Boys. Phone 600. 18-1 $$ $ $ SELLING FLU-O-RAY exclusive lighting needs to homes and stores. Full, part, time; no experience necessary. Build your owvn substantial repeat business. Rush details Piu-O-Ray, Dept. 10W, Hamilton, Ontario. 18-1 Chicks For Sale 400 SHAVER strajn White Leg- hoon pullets, 12 weeks old, $1 50 each. Gordon Metcalf, Nestieton, Plione Port Perry 104-r-22. 18-1* TREWHAVEN Poultry Farm. - Want started pullets? Peels fast feather Barred Rocks, four weeks aid, available May 16. 23 and 30. Price 35c, C.O.D. Write J. G. Trewin & Son, Burketon, Ont. 17-2 GARDENS Rotary TiIled Frank Hoskin j BLACKSTOCK t Phone Port Perry =3r 17-21j Custom Work EXCAVATING, levelling and all kinds of bulldozing work donc. Gerald Balson, Hampton, Phone1 '2733. 16-3e Wanted LIVE poultry, goose feathers, fea- ther ticks, bags, scrap iran and metal. Dfal Oshawa 54912 col- lect, or write 1. Turner, North Oshawa. 17-14 Morris Ca. 701h Anniversary Super Special TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITES ln best grade wlne, green or t grey frieze cavers. t Regular $219.10 Special - $170.70P Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price Eist. Six amples 25c, 24 sampies $1,00. Y4ail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- Der Co., Box 91, Hamiàlton, Ont. 1-52 SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 ta 15 lbs.;, new pep. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new, healthy flesh, new vigor. Introductory, 'get-acquainted" size only 60c. All ctruggiO>s. - 18-1 TIMOTHIY seed. Oscar McQuade, Burketon. 18-1e Farm Help APPLY FOR FARM HELP NOW -Don't wait until spring. Get your experienced, reliable help from Netherlands. Also aiilled workers and artisans available. Caîl S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestieton.. Phone Port Perry 225r24. 49-tf Farmers Attention 1 WE will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animala and pay highest prevailing prices. For imr*ediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young Ltd. 7-42 Youngman Speaiks (Continued from. Page Ont) mancuvers, about fîve miles from where it was suppascd to be when the dinner bell rang. Pathos of War Other bamrack roani anecdotes were humorous, but anc was flot and it stands out as symbolic af the pathos o! wam. According ta Mr. Youngnian. the Germans put up a terrifie fight at Vimy Ridge, and crossmng the Ridge with sup- plies was a far cry froni attend- ing an afternoon tea. Ail ami- munition and food was transport- cd by horse drawn vehicles dur- ing the Pirst World War; there weme no jeeps and no trucks. However, Mr. Yaungman said he was crossing the Ridge during the big show when he came acrasa a wounded muleskinner lying ay the road. He was a French-Can- adian, the speaker said, and evi- dently the sheli that accounted for bis wounds also wounded bis teani. The speaker saîd th 1 horses were shot immediately they were in the proccss aof paring ta, remove the wound teanister w4e~n he put an arm araund the feçk of the horses h. had gmown ta love, pillowed his head on one, and died. In conclusion, Mn. Youngmart recited a poci whîch paid trib- utc ta the unsung hcroes ai the transport command. It waa titlcd, "Dumb Heroes" and writ- ten in Robert Service style. Speaker Thanked The speaker was thanked b>" Art Hooper for bringing back "a lot of memorica ta bath ,the aider and younger members. At the same meeting, Legion President Elgie Harnden presid- cd, and subsequent ta the read- ing of the minutes by sccretary Howard Brooking, a new Legiont Coîrade, Stephen Whitehand, was initiated. The president wua assisted by vice-preident C. Mc- Donald and Art Hooper and D)on Morris. George Elliatt, captain of the 'Legion bowling tean that cap- turcd the Ontario championship, presented the newly won trophy ta Legion members through presi- dent Harnden. 18-1 2734. 18.1* TENDERS WANTED TENDERS wil be received by the undersigned until noon Mon- day, May 14. 1951, for a new heating system for the South Wing and South end of Auditor- ium of the Newcastle Community Hall, Newcastle, Ontario. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily ac- acepted. J. H. JOSE, Chairman of Property Committee, Newcastle. 16-4 Livestock For Sale 10 YOUNG pigs, 7 weeks old. Phone 2215. . 18-1 27 PIGS, six and seven weeks old. Douglas Cole, Phone 2125. 18-1 18 PIGS, eight weeks old. Tay- lor and Hall. R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Phone 2402. 18-1 TWELVE Yo1tkshire pigs, seren weeks old. Herb Stainton, Phone PUREBRED Red Shorthorn Bull, Il months old. Ernest Hockaday, Phone 2985. 18-1 FIVE-year-old Clyde mare, broken in. sound, $110. C. Curtis, Ponty- pool. 18-1 REGISTERED Shorthorn red bull, one - year - old: Tamworth sow, to farrow in May; also 3tooth Massey -Harrîs cultivator. Earl Trewin, Enniskillen, Phone 2351.1 CARS FOR SALE 1950 Chev. Sedan ----- $1995 1947 Oldsmobile, new motor and tires -- $1395 1940 Pontiac Coach, radio, heater - - - -- $875 1939 Ford Deluxe Sedan -- $650 1939 Pontiac Coach ------- $675 1939 Plymouth Sedan $395 1938 Chrysler Sedan- $750 1938 Chev. Coach ------ - $595 1934 Oids. Coach ----- ---- $325 Blacksfock -Motors, PORT PERRY 197r23 Cash - Trade - or Ternis ______18-1 Help Wanted MEN Wanted-Apply Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries. 13-tf EXPERIENCED cou'nter g irl~ TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV=ýX. ONTAMM Il- c 1 1