PAGE voeu- SWorld Sadly in Need of Brotherhood I laims Speaker ai Canadian Club *'Time and space does flot mean for civilization and the restruc- what It did 50 years ago," said tion oZ the world. Rev. E. C. Kelloway, Rector of People living ln democracies t: Trinity United Churpl, Cobourg, are 'Trylng to have fruits with- at the Men's Cafdcan Club out roots according to the *Ladies' Night held in Trlnity speaker. Re saad these people Sunday Sehool Frlday evening. hoped that democracy would z[He told more than 100 banquet spread, but at the same time they attenders that this fact consti- are flot over]y active in cultivat- tutes a challenge and presents a ing the democratic root when It '7problern which must be solved. is planted. "Leave it to George," Ini his estimation, modern man was the way the speaker describ- *han so reduced the barriors of ed the situation. time and space that the world has Mr. Kelloway belleves that the S"obtained proximity without strength of communismi Is in the commiunity." phllosophy of 111e it advocates. Guest speaker at the final Cari- "To a man down and out," lie adian Club meeting for this seas- said. "anythlng is goo>d." How- on, Rev. Kelloway delivered an ever, the speaker was of the opini- impressive argument in favor of on that the communist philoso- cultivating a spirit of brother- phy could lead to little but ruin. hood and neighborliness ini the Better ][de& Needed wOrld. He behleves that man must foster a spirit of fellowship He said the democratic world and understanding, and aim ut must fight communismn with a -the extension ô! Christianity in better idea, "a more active, vib- the world. "The spiritual," he rant, vital form, and that is Chris- sald, "is the basis for Democracy." tian Democracy." Ini times of na- Mr. elloay ws caablyin-tional emergencies, people in de- troduced by his long time friend, gocratie nations are prepared to Rev. Harold Turner, Minister ofg to extremes, and what they St. Paul's United Church. A cari do in war, they should bc able graduate of' McGill University, to do in peace. "We cannot sit the speaker attended the'United on our oars and assume com- 7%elogcalColegeof ontealmunlsm wîll be defeated," ho and subsequently held pastoral Mr Khs uencea charges at Denby, Carleton Place Mer. vtalomatte considers it a aldnwCobourg. eyvtlmtr that everyone and BtflOWlempay attention to churches and Ihe Bg Prblemwhat they represent. Ho said the The world isconstantly chang- church is the foundation for the 5a2g and in Mr. Kelloway's survival of democracy. opinion, the main problem con- The world is in sad need, of fronting civilization is "How ta brotherhood, according to the lve together harmoniously in a speaker, and if People work and world that is getting smnaller pray for world unlty, it will be every day." Ho said unless com- realized. It has beern realized in patability is obtained between cértain sections of the globe ati nations, it could mean "ccurtains"l the present time. Hie mentionedj ~VI!f~%TfYA,1~IAPElA u Pi!VEA WW' t q'WvA4j1 WIW O.JN ±1R.EUoJTHUYRSDAY, MAY 3ri!, 1051 is sa easy that we as easily aven- .~yelr! Whynyfot join Luis large U euenx ifr look it. The noinedy is fanor-'group of uap )y usera who are ovenyono ta, do a bit more for prepa-ying easiy convenîentiy for Sthe day's pay. "That's taing - .~ .~ nezt winten's fue? for the capitalists," some people With tlifis 'blue coal' will argue. O! course it is. B ut ..,- - . okalasfrteBU oor * plan, househnId Ibudgets it isa glo talking for the young i 1h 3.i'Is: Pl.ycaicooedBUEru_.r.tiûthly ail anti the ageti, the sick anti the 'wtahris y-apstv rtcinyear'on well th oranieti ntitheun. *-4.~- ..~-*for you-an assurance that you re getting organizeti worker, anti fan just. "the wor1d's £nest anthracitm." yo4 anti me. Evenyone is botter '. ~-, î~1.aalrr U off when e dollar will buly a PHONEmetswIIb dollar's wonth o! gootis. Thet Tes e o tattémlrprMon1thly aen wl e TODAYI h4ppens when thene are enotagb gootis for aur atideti dollars ta bu TIC KE TS Th e Sheppard &01 i e o TO EVERYWUERE KN TETE OMNIL HN 1 AiRailor stpazmsiv IGSRE .BWMNIL HN 1 .Consuit__ _ _ _ _ _ JURT& LOVELL. ,u*ee BowvuanvlJle D NTGI I * ç£ i iC L RGU R NýESYO -GIL1T.E BS 15 King St. W.. Phone 778 Canada, «'a conglomeration Of enlng, Wlth W. E. C. Workman lywih bU7fneLT'Cnd'ap people united in peaco," and yet at the piano. IY With gàd od fwinh* e su ndaIf th a good percentage of these people Charles Osborne poesd hesnd dhotn ith wgodtoate foth are fromn nations who are prou- toast to the ladies and rernarked Viuitors at the Avery's Wvere: e .sun_àis b ot i t ota shla f ently quarrelling. Personal free- uonthe growing ipotat f M. ndMr. eileWotten ad pantfen herco ottee silitrm dom is one of tho great peace pro- thie p lace womnen were taking in family, Miss Blanche Wotten, 0e.- .~. etWe viders in Canada. Here, an in- the business world. Mrs. Cecili Oshwa. j~. Speclal Care for Special Job&, dividual ls privileged to stand Found repliod ta thie toast andi Buiqy Bees met at the home of a -_________ up on bis feet and say what ho voiceti the thanks of 8a11 the Mrs. £alababa on Wednesday last ~ '~1~ huad nwta tts wil. within reason. "Thank God woe present. She zuggested wlth live members present. Our -G rdon L1iQ.5 ritTouadskowtatSats you have that pnivilege," Mr. Kel- the Mon'& Canad1ar4 Clu b holti numbers are getting smaller.maiCssfdadarwoefu loway said. for solving everyday problema. two Ladies' Nights, the first In Corne on, ladies, we must keep Lots of Tirne too much, and a hose in the hands Telephono 663. Harmony Is Achleved the flu ta start the season oitf Up thea good work ta keep up aur For every plant or seed lost of the careless is not always an Racal arnersbrek dwn. and the second as the final meet- good naine. We think perhapstlouhatpa Rca aresbekdw ining for the year. the weather has been rather truhle anting there are unmixed blessing. But in trans- # democracy and people live to- M.adMs hs sonaantsm !armmesprobably a dozen that penish planting somneexrwaengs getherg inisarmonyad unieythe Rev. S. R. Henderson andi bis getting out, but we do hope to through being put in too soon. almost vital. In this business it ls of the unguarded U.S.-Canadîan mother. Rev. andi Mn.. Harold have more out next meeting There is nothing to be gained by important ta take as much soil Y border as being unparalleled In Turner and Rev. andi Mrs. E. C. whlch will be May 16, place ta ho getting ina tir. ruc-wthhepntosru asa- the world, and suggested that ifKeoayweaonbectalanoneiaer MrKabaaangas seed, peas, nursery sible so that the fine noots are suc asitatoncar eis inNothguests. Other guests at the heati served lunch. stock, and such lovons o! cool not broken or disturbed. Te America, it is humanly possible table, besides president Cecil Sympatby la extended ta the weather, can hardly bo put in too the roots must be covered i f m- ta find a wayfrpolso u Founti and Mre. Found, were: fanily o! the late John Couch, soon. But with the great major- world ta live. together without a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter Sr., Newtonvllle. ity a! the !lowers and vegetables war every 25 years. lu bis Dr. and Mns. Haroldi Fenguson, Miss Joyce Eddy spent the we grow lu Canada there is no opinion, the next war could mean Miss Apha Hodglns, president of weekend at ber home terrible rush. The main growing "curtains for ail." the Women's Canadian Club, anti Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Fan- peniod, speaking generally, will UK "A mani should have the free- Mr. andi Mrc. Walter Reynolds. row, Miss Jean Perrin anti Bill be June and early July and often FI L OIL CON TRACTS dom a! dovelopment and self Morley, Mr. andi Mrs. George those things which are planted a17L oi1 respect," Mr. Kelloway said. He EDITOR[AL SOLILOQUY 'Honey, Mr. andi Mns. Archie week or two later than the finst PV stressed the opinion that if Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman mi atcghabesp enncred gar-E TO FVE YE R enaugh people were praying and Don't suppose any o! the pnes- Eddy, Joyce and Norman, Mr. and do ee avis epnigno ncer working towards its end, the ont generation living ln Bowman. Mrs. T. Wilson anti family, Mr. everal tîmes and a nt aotcemu peace for which the world pros- ville will rememrber a local paper andi Mrs, George Stephensona but E R S T A R K Ond L LaToDt ently yearns cari be found. calloçl "The Messenger"' which and Mrs. George Stephenson a fortnight or three-week inter- LAU Il -S A E O LTD sivrvals. This brings hmaogi The speaker was thanked for waspublisheti bore ane buntiretiand Lynne attendeti the scesser,.spraigthe alon i bis interesting address by secre- years ago. Rather a foolish ques- wedtilng annivensary o! Mr. and suesior oeaing thear- 43 KING ST. WV. OSHAWA PHONE 58 tary Walter Reynolds. "We got tion ta ask, but the comment was Mrs. W. T. Brunt in Orono on ovesting or gtaofatngas o more than we expected," Mr. due ta the following editorial Saturday evening. oer eektts iead 0stllfudays. To Check Th~ese Fteures: Reynolds said "and and we will which appeared Inlu lst Satun- Several o! aur ardent fisher- is also advisabîe to use at least e tell Lester B. Pearson that ihis day's Globe and Mail in Its "One men ventureti forth for tho an- anc early and one late matuning * STORAGE ONE MILLION GALLONS. place was ably taken at aur an- Hundred Yeans Ago" columu anti nual sprlng fish aven the week- vanîety of' each sort. * AUTOMATIC DELIVERY. nual Ladies' Nigbt." Mr. Pearson was elippeti from The Bowman- endi. Sra u EE TM IKT was guest speaker for the gala ville Messenger a! April 19, 1851: Glad ta repart Mn. J. Hillier EScp noad he ut * METR TAMEDTICET evening hast year. Editorial Soliloquy bas returnedti tathe homeofo! is uExcep ht andhery e ouner Is n- o i rSrie -PoeY oa gn AddAtatosWe bave taken aur lest edi- daughter In Toronto after spend- ousualy ban dry one cari o FrOIo Srie - Phn orLoa gn Addd Atrctinstonial born. We have bld adieu Igseveral weeks in the Toronto o lntin beadnsb eets, csandt, Miss Louise Pearce delighted for ever ta olti Alcobol in all the General Hospital.soe !teqic-rin a-- thebanuetattndes wth ev-capivaingshaes u wichho Mr. Sam Turner, Providence. 'ut nual hîowers too, right up ta mid- oral sangs bath before and a!ter was wont ta present bimself for the Stephenson's on Sunday. Plumbing and chncesafling Phyllis Challis accompqnied Miss gates of aur editonial aesopbagus ting a crap or bloom. In a few Pearce on the piano. Wilfrid Car- are foroyer closed agalnst hlm- CREDO 0F A CANADIAN sections o! the country where first OIL BURNERS INSTALLED ruthers led the gathering in a we have shut down aur ivary !rosts do flot usually arrive until sing-song at one point in the ev- porteullis, and le!t word with the I believe in Canada, with pnide October, and summers are cool PHONE 615 BOWMANVILLE the servant ta say, when ho de- ln ber past, belle! lu ber pros- and moist, onie cari alsa plant mands an entrance, '"not at ent anti faîth in lier future. early spring type vegetebles like home! Adie olt fnieti- ettuce, peas and spinech along - home" Adeu od frend-I believe lu the quallty o! Can- in îate Juîy or eerîy August with Still for ever fare-thee-well!" o! Canadien institutions. We have had some pleasing in- I believe lu the Commonwealhb For New Homes terviews with thee, but tbou art o! Nations within whose bud Scores o! thousends o! Can- CONI LOA H UE toc sevene upan even tby bout we bave founti freedom, and out- adians will have just moveti inta finonds ta hope ta retain' themside which aur national life wouîci new homes. Usually the ground mv ~ ~ 1AA1XTTTT j hlong-using those worst who lv loe isidpnetbig is in pretty rough or raw con- D P R UIJ K M -D V M iVL f tbee best! We want no funther oeisndpdntbng dition. About ahl one cen expect E A T R S F O B WM N I E intorcaurse with e frienti whose I hiee i aur ebidin neghfnienti- he firs t year in permanent work caresses are sa insidiaus. Hence-shp itaunarsnigbr; is ta g et tbings leveiled out for forth lot there be a respect!ul dis- an honest fniendship without oith- the lawn end a layout made on __________________ X' tance between us. If we came er the subservience or the mim- paper. Even under these con- togother, it must bo for war-war irry which must impair true part- ditions, however, one does not 9:26 a.m. - to Kingston - Daily ta the knife! Alas! tbou art flot nersbip. needti t go without some protty 9:50 a.m. - to Ottawa, Montreal - Daily "spirit o! health," but a "'goblin Ind le tht f Cadadîl oesetisfactory decoration. O! course 12:26 pan. - to Ottawa, Cornwall - Fri., Sat., Sun. demneti." The very worm froma a au mns w Or we can't grow trees, shrubs and 2:31 p.m. - to Kingston - Daily which tbou comest proves tbee th oosthnga whch inthe artsav perenniel vines overnight. We * 2:50 p.m. oMnra al the affspring o! the aid serpent; l of mn ecr in the unity. can't expect ta have ahi the roses, oMnra al andti ty business ts ike bis, for 1beeetatitsutiok peonies, iris, etc., xve would like 2:50 p.nx. - to Ottawa - Fr1., Sun. OnIy thou lurest anti decoyest the chil- the spirit o! a team anti an aware- the very !irst yoar. We can t 5:26 p.m. - to Belleville - Daily don o! mon ta their awn destrue- ns !arelew ai hoo ave real hedges. But it is amaz- 7:26 p.m. - to Kingston, Prescott- Daily tion-BomanîhleMeseng n î of rd aaevem e nts ooki nghat anti carido with annu- 1:5pm ais alan ele esengr.injust1a:35 weeks.- to Ottawa, Montreal - Daily aur imagining. The best plan is ta get in oarly Thicen Mssea, whatever nursery stock and per- Conspiratorlu "On Bein Canadian lowors are availeblo and fin- _____ TIISCANDA0F UR ancially possible. Then in be- 6:4am - Dal -Tont TICAAAO 0 S tween these wo can use ail sorts 6:4am ral oot o!anuas hih ii sanlok 9:24 a.m. - Daily - Toronto 2'By Joseph Lister Rutledge (By Pecry J. Pbilip) a fte dawy entee 11:19 a.m. - Fri.. Sat., Sun. - Toronto "Ta Canada aur fathers came hr ebibsyanaslk2:4pm - Diy-Tont Wbat rnany o! us, oven wo who Andi gave 'the unknown landi its cThere, aia,huhyarmastokr:4p.. - Diy oot consider ourselves worthy and naine, co ssdh ls anas, crasetor 5:14 p.m. - Daily - Toronto reasonably intelligent citizens, This Canada o! oura. ail4ant spider lants, onementa cannot understand is that a gooti Goti grant that we will nover letsmriwes ornheianthus, A!urichan :0pnt- Diy-Tr~ deal o! the rosponsibility for the That naine be tarnisheti or forget aiod nigatlsu ht 8:59 p.m. - Daiiy - Toronto increasing pricos wo bewail The joy o! building mightier yot can be uset inl the place of flow- 9:25 p.m. - Fn,, Sun. - tToronto springs from aur own actions. ThsCndoîor.eig hubry Wecnao 11:38 p.m. - Daily - Toronto We necognize, perhaps, that one make temporary hedges or o! the main reasons for all pnice The eager rivelry anti stni-fe or scroens o! these. Thon there TE BuRu fluctuations la that evailable O! altier nations brought ta ie are quick-growing clîmbing plants T O Pr E RB R <money and available gootis bave This Canada o! ours; scarlet runner beans, morning ceasedti t parallel one anothor. Tbey fought for what they glanies, climbing nasturtium, 9:26 - Daily 5:26 p.m. - Daily goods sweet poas, hops anti sncb for cov- arhentiful, Picce ra a nuit'- Got lughmrc uwstood ering trellis or fenco. Anti as for 12:26 p.m. - Sat. OnIy 7:26 p.nî. - Daily ous levels. When, as et prescrit Anti formet injta a bratherbooti solid beds, edging and what not 2:31 p.m. - Daily 10:35 p.m. - Fnl., money is plentiful anti goatis are Ti or.we bave et least e hundreti an- Sn seare, teaopositotfeourbgsnsnual flowers !rom which ta Sat., Sn Canadaheopoit tea!bg s*...Limited Stops Only, Enquire anti pricos moveskywenti. The In strength tagether we wilî choose. perfect situation is wberi money stand; Transplanting - For Tickets, Information Contact - anti cominodities corne close ta a Defending aur belaveti landi, If there is any secret about suc- prt.This Canada o! ours; cessfui transpîanting, anti every C RTON COACH U NES We are passing through dif- Anti nover shall it ceaso ta be gardener must do a lot a! this the ficut yers.The estwar ntiA nation where ail men are froe answer is plenty of moisture. Un- 6KN TETPO E26 the tbreets o! the future have 66hemonKfomGeataTREEdnTnrmiPcndtios t2i6qit disturbeti ail sources o! usableInhr nyfo e osa denrmlcdiositsque comodiie satha wrît-wiieThis Canada o! ours. possible ta water too often, If rot Dodyearshorteges have developeti. Coin- usinss.cident with that condition there- ulr-bas corne a new stirning o! theEW05I social conscience. Thene bas been - a genoral will to socure or pro- ie thickvide improveti living conditions h for overyone. One can argue j ýd fr te anthe fc ha tretdsus mba A, TIM CANADLAN sr-&Trm,&w vtmwuAw*u".T.IF MWV"AIDTÉ% il 1