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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1951, p. 5

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<~1!U~SDAY, MAY Srd. 1951 T~T~! ~!ANAflTA~ ~'rA'rl!RMÂT<~ ~OW!A~NVTLL~. nwrAllYfl -. . PA(2i~ VIW Preshytery Isues Stroug Protes! Against Legalization of Gambling Two burnung questions of the day were dealt with at the an- 31ual spring meeting of the Osh- awa Presbytery of the United Church of Canada, held at Brook- lin United Church on April 26, under the chairmanship of Rev. X. C. Fisher of Brooklin. These two questions were the Hope Commnission Report on Education, and its recommendations for cur- taflment of the powers and func- tions of separate schools, and the question of legalization of gamb- ling in Ontario, raised by Hon. G. 1). Conant of Oshawa in an ad- dress to the Beleville Rotary Club a week or so ago. In its res- Lplutions, Presbytery asked that Pq' recommendations of the Hope Commission be implemented by the provincial government and Teglstered a strong protest against the legalization of gambling. These matters were brought before Presbytery in the report of Its Committee an Evangelism and Social Service, which was pre- sented by Rev. H. A. Mellow o! Northminster United Churcb, Oshawa. The recommendation with reference to the Hope Com- miission Report was as follows: "We request the Premier of Ontario, Hon. Leslie M. Frost, to implement the rec- ommendatians of the Royal Commission on Education inj Ontario" as the3ý relate t separate schools, and t "We further urge Our Mn isters, officiais and membýers of our congregations ta reg- Ister their concern on this subject with their member of the Provincial Legisiature, and any other members whom they may contact." No Strong Convictions In discussion on this resolution, it was pointed out that the pal- itical parties in Ontario have evi- dently reached the conclusion that while Roman Catholics in this Province can be expected ta vote solidly against any govern- ment that dares f0 implement the recommendations o! the Hope re- port on the separafe school issue, Protestants do flot seem ta have any strong convictions an the matter, and their views are not weighed ta the same extent. The recommendations of the Hope Commission, it was sfated, fav- ored confining separafe schools ta the provisions of the Separate Schoal Act of 1863, and thaf priv- ileges granted since that time ne- stored. One speaker stressed the fact that while the Roman Catholics became a salid politîcaiy entity in matters concerning education, the political influence o! Protestants, as sucb was pracfically nil, be- cause they had no cohesian or unity of thought. If was strongly suggested that ail ministers and lay representatives in the Pres- bytery should give their congre- gatians leadership in stirring up strong support for implementa- tion o! the Hope Repart. Gambling Resolution On the question o! legalizeci gambling, the resolutian braught in by the Cammittee on Evange .-. yur hoe a pldturos «nd furniture to@!I.e. Murphy Paints 1i4ARVO EASIER TO APPLY... LAST LONGER ... lt's soe eay te traniforma your home with the rich new beauty that Murphy Paints and NARVO give. They make it truly "a picture of loveliness" Ultp'4' ...protect your property against wear and weather too. Ask your SOLD ]3Y Lander Hardware, Bowmnanville, Ont. Bonathon Hardware. Newcastle, Ont. Don't Let ROT WEATHER Cut Down YOUR MILK PROFITS Arrange Nfow for a WOODS" MILK # he Tractor owners will be interested to know that tractor service mechanics from this district recently attended one of the Oliver tractor general service schools held throughout Ontario this winter by Goodison Industries Limited, Sarnia. The courses were conducted by factory trained instructors and deait with every phase of tractor repairs and maintenance. In the class picture above are E. A. Virtue of Tyrone, second from right, front row, and A. L. Phare of Tyrone, f irst rîght, front row. ism and Social Service, was as follaws: "We recommend that Pres- bytery register its unquali- fied disapproval af the sug- gestion of the Hon. Gardon Canint that gambling ibe leg- alized in Ontario, and that we go on record as disagreeing with his assumptian that the present Liquor Control Act provides an adequate pattern for other policies, and that a copy of this resolution be for- warded ta the Attorney-Gen- eral of Ontario." If xvas suggested that the narne of Mr. Conant should be remnovcdi fromn the resolution and that i, be couched in gerieral terms, but an amendment to this effect was defeated and the motion carried. *Recommendations for greatcr instruction of candidates for mem- bersbip in the church, for a mem- arable type o! reception service, and that the cali for fuil-time service in the ministry of the church be stressed, were put for- ward and adopted. Suggestion Too Drastic The follawing recommendationI was proposed by the Committee, but was defeated on a vote being taken: "We flot with anxiety the carelessness so often xnanifested in the matter of alcoholic bever- ages drunk in wedding toasts. So vie urge upon ail ministers when counselling with couples planning their wedding f0 remind them af Section 46 of the 1950 Marriage Act, which prescribes a ýpenalty for one who solemnizes the mar- riage of any person under the in- fluence of intoxicating liquor, and ta use that occasion to state that if lie is ta share in the toasts, they must be drunk in non-alcohalie beverages by al." The concensus of opinion was that this resalution was too dras- tic in its interference with the ciesires of those involved in the wedding festivities. A further reference ta, the liquor traffie was contained in a recammendation protesting ta the Hon. Douglas Abbott an accaunt af the fact that in his 1951 budget no provision was made ta increase taxes on alcoholie beverdges when other andi necessary commodities wcre mare bighly taxed. A repart fram the Christian~ Education Committee urged thej greater use in boys' work aof the Tyro. Trail Ranger and Tuxis pragrams, that ail members af Presbytery co-operate in a Boys' Work Canference ta be held at Whitby next weekend, and that a study be made a! the possibility of securing a camp site for boys' wark. Interest in vacation Bible schools and in summer camps was also urged in thi s report, wbichl - bO COOLER %world's finest fully automatic Milk Cooler. Secure an Estimale To-day for thai ELECTRICAL WIRING JOB WATER SYSTENS - DEEP FREEZERS WASHING MACHINES We are also equipped Io service MILK COOLERS or REFRIGERATORS F. W. Werry & Son, Electrk Dealer for Woods' Eleciric Farm Equipment Enniskiilen Phone: Downianville 2539 was adopted without discussiorn. Expiains Pension Schemle Rev. A. M. Irwin, presenting the report of the Pension Comn- m.ttee, said that under the flOw scheme of pensions, by which cost of living bonuses were abol- isheci and ail pensions increased by 25 per cen', those in the higher pension brackets wauld gain somewhat, but those in the loxver brackets would lose. A request by Rev. R. B. Harrison ta be re- moveci from the rotired list and restored ta the active ministry, on recovery of bis health, was ap- pravod. TÊhanks were expressed ta Rex'. A. M. lrwin for his long years ai service ta Presbytery, as he bas retireci as chairman of the Pensions Committee. Committee of Colleges and Stu- dents reponted an adequate num- ber af young mon and wome.a coniing iorward ta study for the ministry, and urgcd thaf ail means possible shoulci be adopted ta place the cali ai the ministry be- fore the young people ai the church. Home Mission Report Rev. George Telford, chairman af the Committee on Home Mis- sions, reported that the Home Mission Board had granted $250 ta the Scugog Charge, and had approved the purchase af a site for a church in Ajax. The prob- lem ai providing churches for suburban areas which had grown up around cities like Toronto and Oshawa, said Mr. Telford, was] causing great concern. and the Gencral Council ai the Church feit this was the concern of the church as a whoie. Ho recom- mended that there should be a Presbytery Committoe in church extension.. and that Sunday, May 20, should be set aside for a spocial offering in aid o! the gon-j oral Church Extension Fund. Af- tor somo discussion, in wbich the neecis of Harmony, Wostmoitnt and other suburban areas were stresseci, and the view expressod that theso should bave priority aver the goneral funci, the pro- posai for a Church Extension Suni-j day was defeatcd although the members were in agreement with a study being made of exteso neecis wi!hiri the Presbytery. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sameils, Melville and Anna, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. John Gnieves, Yvonne and Jimmy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson. Miss Margaret Steelo, R.N., Toronto, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin spent an evening with Mr. andi Mrs. Eli Mains. Mrs. Annie Mackie, Oshawa, is spending a few days with hen sister, Mrs. R. W. Marlow. 1Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs, Allan and Dianne, visited Mn. and Mrs. Eli Mairs. We welcome Mn. and-Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mary Lau back home affer spending the winten in Port Penny. Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and family visited Mn. and Mrs. George Kerr, Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Howlett, Oshawa, visifod thein uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mns. L. Joblin. Mrs. H. Vince called on Mns. Florence Tripp. Mrs. Jas. Williamson calied on Mrs. Alex Tilbrook. Miss Gladys Emerson visited Miss Jean Boxvens. GREETINGS TO ALL SCOTS Written by Rev. C. J. St. Clair Jeans, former Presbyterian min- ister of St. John, N.B.. now of Montreal, as a greeting ta ail Scots on their St. Andrew's night dinnon and* memany o! the late Alex Elliot ïof St. John's, N.B., formerly ùf Bowmanville: I see him stoaping, pinning in the heather, Nodding and smiling as the pipes go by. Old face lit up witb some nemem- bened glary, Old pulses leaping fo the ancient cry. Isee bim kindly as the sang is rising FaIl for a moment, quiet, with- dra.wn and stil.. A propo§al that the prosbytery Thon turning, whisp'ring, "Ye execuitive should plan for visita- mmnd the Birnie Water fions toalal officiai boards was ;Aild where the Gala goes roon' approved. Lauder Hill?" Rev. J. K. Moffat, reporting forIsehmsilwen coad' the Missionary and Maintenance 1 Toa imst i lfte ctln lFund Coxnmittee, said that the Andasi heloingonli re total rcceived ta date was sanrie- fndacle. lnigo i ie what botter than lasf year. HoeButacen paka suggested plans for an officiai But ou now him, on't ou?" board rally' vta be help in MayTx' o nwhidntyu" and these were appnoved. 'jTey say ta me-there's but an 1 empty place. Give for ',le joy of gîving andOdgosstonig quel sing hymns af thankfulness that Olrgond th tables, uel you have if ta give.-Herbent ronthtals Hoovn. jDear ghosts whisp'ring on St. for Summer Homes P,, ,. t.a, end Cottges- a.tit! lol u ot of rooro -tentis hotair i. to t,- pWt l i tttOd 0f hetng outside-circulares ar- fLet al-ô more cold TWEED STEEL WORKcSi Androw's £'lght; "Camne here a minute, wvi1l ye? D'ye mind the Birnie Water, And where the roaci goes dipping doon tae Fidra Light?" VVAICD yorVAICII Finest guarazueed wark donc by experts. Prompt service. Free inspection. Bring in your watch. Dura Power Mainspring<' for ELGIN OWNERS Arnilable for replaomeen in moSt El gins. Maide of "lail» e,"taei. Pat fflp.ndi.g MIARR'S Jewellery 43 King St. W. Phone 463 BOIVMAN VILLE LETS get right ta the point. Your property represents a great nlany dollars. And disaster may, at any time, rab you of these dollars. . . a rough financial biow. That's where we came in! Let us pravide you with the besi protection against such a ioss ., adequate insurance. Cail on us or phone and have us eall on 3you today. MIISURANCE - REAL ESTA Tý'hone:. Office 681 Reg. Kint Street, Bowmanvuio Q &TE 493 DE AND ATTEND GREAT 25th s CELE Bn Starts and 25 RY l'o[i to-day lasts days p. SURE ' 'IWUMAY, MAY 3rd, io5i ýl T= CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLE. ONTAPIO 5 -Çtliarf 1R 12mar

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