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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1951, p. 7

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?BURSDAY, MAY 'ird. 1951 TIII CANADIAN S'rATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLI~. ONTAWTfl' DAI'~U! OV~,Wsi c fl~fl tan v a,~ Mrs. Alfredi Spence is spending the week with friends in Toconto. Mn. and Mrs. F. O. McIlveen, Auburn, have been guests of Mrs. S. G. Chartran. SMiss Mary Jury, Toronto, was weekend guest of Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Mrs. Geo. W. James motored to Dundas on Tuesday to visit hec mother, Mrs. George Woods. Mrs. H. Layman and Miss Mas- ters have nelurned to towvn after spending the winter at Braden- ton, Flonida. 'Mr. and Mcs. Chas. Hoar andi d ýhter, Toronto, spent theý W èn with bis parents, Mr. an Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allison are attending a general board meeting in Detroit, Mich., from April 27 ta May 4th. Mr. and Mcs. Allan Baison and family, Catacaqui, visitcd with ber mother, Mrs. C. J. Smale, Scugog St., over the weekend. Mrs. Harold Wakelin spent the weekend with her familY, M-,. and Mrs. Clair Wakelin, Sherry and Nancy Gayle, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Miss Joan Woolley and Mr. A-, thur Walker, Bowmanvilie, were Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minister. 55 King St. W. among the out-of-town guests a, the Mifflin-Fairbrother weddin, held in Whitby reeently. Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, Mr. an( Mcs. G. W. Fitchett and daugh ter Susan Montreal, have beet visiting the fonmer's sisters, Missý es Elizabeth and Carnie Paintoni Mcs. B. M. Warnica who ha! been living witb Miss Eva Helyai for some months bas returned tc Oshawa to reside with ber son Mr. Roy Warnca. Mr. and Mrs. James Cailar wece dinner guests of Mr. G. C Bear, Detroit, Mich., aI the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Monday e yen ing. Miss Mary Alldread and Mr Russell Alldread, Toconto, speni the weekend with their parent. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Alldread, bringing witb theni as their guests, Miss Jean Benger and Miss Jean Peters of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson at- tended the reception of Mrs. Pearl McDonald, Worlhy Granc Matron Order of the Easterr Star, and hec Grand Officers by District No. 14 at the Chateau Laurier. Ottawa. Cpi. Stanley Paimateer, form- erly in charge of the Ontario Provincial Police detachment at Bowmanville, bas been pcomnoted to the rank of Sergeant and is stationed 4t Peterborough. His wife and two children will con- tinue t0 live here until the end of the school term. Miss Irene Mitchell, who on Saturday hecame the bride of William Everet Robinson, Osh- awa, and Miss Doris Robinso!], xvho on May Il is 10 be marrieci 10 Mr. W. E. Ray Trew, were re- cipients of many lovely gifts dI a shower given in their honor last week by the girls of the Goodyear office staff. Regular meeting of Trinity Woman's Missionacy Society took the form of a supper meeting at 63 p.m. on Tuesday. Mrs. C. A. Bartleit showcd pictures taken on lier trip 1 Virginia and the Car- olimas at Easlcr lime. whieb were most interesbing. Mrs. Bartîtt and hec group took charge of the. wvorship service. Rev. Warren Turner, rector of St. John's Cburcb, accompanierl Rev. Lloyd Delaney. Lakefieid. on a visit 10 the Rural Training School at Mono Milîs on Tuesday. Mr. R. G. Harle, Director of Music Phone 3348 - or send this coupon - S. BLAIN ELLIOTI il King Street West, BOW'MNANVILLE, ONTARIO Without obligtion, send, me full particulars about Automatic Oil Burning Equipment. We are at present using: Hand-fired Coal- 1. Blower---- Stoker..... OiL. NAME ADDRESS CITY t ýn ks Lr 0 1, Married in St. John's Saturday MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM E. ROBINSON A very pretty xvedding was solemnized in St. JTohn's Anglican Church on Saturday, April 28, when Miss Irene Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell, Bowmanville, became the bride of Mr. William Everet Robinson, of Osh- awa. The happy couple are shown outside the church fol- lowing the ceremony. Photo by Ernie Rehder Rev. Dclaney is chairman of the Diocesan Town anci Country Cbucch Committee which con- ceiveci the idea of such a scbool a few years ago and is stili ce- sponsible for il. St. Pauls C.G.I.T. met on Apr<l 25 at the home of Miss Ileen Bai- son, Solina. Meeting opened wilh the Lord's Prayer repeated in Japanese. Miss Donnie Creasser conducted a sing-song and led in the worship service. A ne- bearsal was given of the Reaffili- ation service to be heid on May 16. Following the rcguîar ser- vice games wcre piayed and a lovely lunch enjoyed. The evcn- ing closed with laps. News that Rev. Eari Sigston. former reclor of SI. John's Church has been transferred from H.M.C.S. ýShearwater" aI Dartmouth, N.S., 10 the R.C.N. Pt Victoria, B.C.. was ceceived bere Ibis week. Mc. Sigston and his famuly will leave Dartmouth to- ward the endi of May. On their way wesî Rev. Sigston wili at- tend a Chapiains' Conference early in June at Muskoka and will preacb aI SI. John's Church, Bowmanville, atIlh a.mi., Sunday, June 3rd. Miss Anna Batbgate who w:is recently married 10 Mr. Donald Wilcox, Bowmanvîlle, was pre- sented with a lri-light lamp -by the staff of the Bell Telephone Com- pany of Port Hope, and a pair of ornamental wall brackets by the Ladies' Bowling Club of Port Hope. She was the recipient of many lovely gifîs aI showecs in ber honor in Port Hope. and in Bowmanville aI a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Ross Rom- bough, High Street. The Labora- tory staff of the local Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company present- ed the groomn with a tri-light lamp. Mr. William E. Robinson, on the occasion of his appcoacbing marriage to Miss Icene Mitchell, Bowmanville, was presented with a mabogany coffee table, a set of matching ash trays and a white satin wedding book froni the of- fice staff of Fittings Limiled, Osh- awa, on Friday at noon, the pres- entation heing made by Mr. Wil- liam McClennen paymaster. Mr. Robinson was also honored at a slag party at the Yacht Club ce- cenîly when he received a man- tel radio with Mc. Don Ormiston presenting the gifî. The sixty guesîs in altendance were the foreman and clerks from the plant and office of Fitlings Lim,- iled.-Osbawa Times Gazîte. WEDDING ROBINSON - MITCHELL St. John's Anglican Cburch, Bowmanville, was the seîting for a wedding Saturday afternoon when Irene Kathleen Mitchell, daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. Wil- liam Mitchell, Bowmanville, was uniited ini marciage xith William Everetî Robinson, Osha wa, son of Mr. W. G. E. Robinson and the late Mrs. Robinson of North Bay, Ontario. White snapdrag- ons on the altar and in the chani- cel formed the background for the double ring cerernony per- formed by rex'. Warren Turner, the pews being designateci witb white moire bows. Mrs. Jack Gunn presided aI tbe organ con- sole and accompanied "Ir.Kei'h Wood who sang -Th1_0 Lord's Prayer" pneceding the ceremony and "Because" during the the signing of the register. Given in mnarciage byv hec fa- ther, the bride chose a traditional gown of heavy white slippec sat- in and Swiss embroidery. Th-ý fitted basque featured long slim sleeves pointci over the hanci and appliques of Swiss embroider> on the square neckline and at the hip. The full gathered skirt feul in graceful foids 10 a caîbedral train wbîch was also highlighted witb appliques of Swiss embroid- ery. Hec embcoidered net veil w'bicb flowed beyond the train of hec gown, was caughl with a tiara of icridiscent beads and seed pearîs. She woce a single stcand of peacîs and caccied a cascade of ced roses and stephanotis lied with embosseci white satin nib- bon. Mrs. Alexander Anonichuk was malcon of honor foc hec sist- er. wearing pink net over taffeta fashioncd with a moulded bodice set off witb a wide sasb of blue satin, and a bouffant skict fea- turing lier upon lier of net with which she woce a matching net jacket, long mittens and a halo headdcess; hec flowecs wece a cascade of blue carnations with pink cibbon lies. The bcidesmaids were Mrs. Waiker Henderson and Miss Ellen Wacd wearing identical gowns of flower blue net over taffeta de- signed with fitted net bodices in- set with taffeta and billowing skirts. They woce matching shoulder capes accented with ap- plîqueci taffeta tucking, net mit- tens and Dutch caps and tbey cacnied pink carnation cascades lied with blue ribbon. The senior attendants each wore stcands of pearîs. Miss Yvonne Irene Anonichuk, small niece of the bride, wore blue and cacried a cascade of pink carnations with -blue ribbon tics, and Miss Barbara Mary Hender- son in pink with a cascade of blue carnations with pink nib- bon lies, were flowec girls. They wore long gowns styleci on idein- tical lines of frosteci white or- gandy over taffeta. The short bodices featured square necklincs and short puff sleeves with which they wore long matching mit- tens and the very full skirts with a sofî sash aI the waistline feat- uced lier upon lier of frilîs. They wore bonnet shaped headdcesses fashioned of the same materiai as their gowns and they each worc. a gold lockeî on a fine gold cbai'i Mc. Robert Robinson, Ternis- kaming, Que., was best man for bis brother. The ushers were Mr. George Bebee, Bowmanville, and Mn. William Eyre, Oshawa. The ceception was held in St. John's Parish Hall, Bowmanville, which was decorated with bask- ets of snapdragons. To receive the guests the brides mother wore a gown of powdec blue crepe with Chantilly lace, black straw bat with pink flower trimming, black accessories and a corsage of tea roses and stephanotis. The bride- grcom's step-mother w'ho assist- cd, was wearing navy crepe with appliques of satin, a small close fitting white slraw bat with navy velvet flowen accents and veil- ing. Deep pink roses composed ber corsage. The wedding luncheon was sccved hy the Women's Guilci of St. John's Anglican Cburcb. For the honeymoon trip bbe bride donned a navy gabardine suit, a wbite sheer blouse, red stcaw sailor bat, ced shoes anci bag and a white gardenia corsage. Before leaving, the bride pie- scnted bier bridaI bouquet to hec mother. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson on tbeir return will reside at 292 William St., East, Oshawa., And thine ears shaîl hear a wvord bebind tbee, saying, This is the xvay, waik ye in il, wben y.c turn to the right hand, and when ye lurn to the left.-Isaiah. Charity is quite as rare as wis- pear, it is known by ils patience- and endurance.- Many Baker Eddy. 1 SOCIAL AID PERSONAL Phone 663 Local Nerchant's Career Proves Thai Perseverance Pays Dividends Back in the roaring 20's wben Breslin is in a position to enjoy radio was inx its diaper stage and the abiiity of competent employ- the name of Henry Ford *ras a household word, an energetic ees; perhaps this is attributable young peddfler, poor in dollars to one of bis basic business prin- but rich in confidence, steamed ciples: "I want to hire people into Pontypool in a second-hand whom 1 know. and wbo know Model T and set up shop on the me."' His choice of associates bas sidewalk. He strung a rope fromn proved exoeptional to date; the the car to a nearby post, draped men working in bis three stores bis merchandise, and with the are ail Durham County boys. help of bis attractive young wife. Edjth. the talented taîker made bis pitch to the Saturday night crowd. But the local constabulory did not take kindly to the man who operated a sidewalk shop with only a peddler's license and they told bim to pack up and git. And he did - he moved bis dry goods to a summer kitchen donated to the cause by a generous Pontypool woman, and for the first tume in bis brief business history. the ambitîous salesman bocked bis wares under a roof. Twenty-five years later, Mau- rice Breslin, the once poor but proud peddler, owns an Oldsmo- bile, tbree stores and the enviable reputation of bonoring bis basic business philosophy which is: "Satisfaction guaranteed or y1ur mio n ey cheerfuily refunded." Many of bis presenit day custom- ers are good friends made in the turbulent 20's when the local merchant peddled bis wares froni f arr to farm. But whether old or new, ail Bresiin patrons are Maurice Breslin privileged to take advantage of the 25th Anniversacy event which While Jack Childs, who has starîs to-day and wili run for 25 been with Mr. Breslin five years, consecutive days. manages the Ladies' and Child- ren's Shop in Bowmanville, Frank Boasts Capable Staff Burns handles similar chores in No business man, however, no the Men's Shop assisted by Ross malter how agile bis brain, can Embley of Newcastle. The girls expeet to forge ahead witbout the in the store which specializes in assistance of a capable and trust- ladies' and children's wear: Vivian worthy staff. Apparently, Mr. Nichols, Mrs. Bennice Tuerk, Mrs.- I 'N >.deupendent WJ COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Drugst . Aflice ySPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I$URPRISED-L- IWHEN YOU ÇIRSTr USE AfACEi4.5/ " C,,vez teeth dazzling nlaturel brl. lience. * Exhuieratni-refrethina....weet. 33C regu lar large 59C Relieves HEADACHE "Cor Calms your NERVES ~ _ 29Ç - 55Ç - 98Ç Box OF 12 C 1. D. A. BRAND WEEKEND-SPECIALS Astringent Mouth Wash 4, 16.. 19c, 53c Cascara Tablets 5 grain, 100's, reg. 39c 33c Flaxseed Wbole, 16 oz., reg. 29c 23c Idasal Pain Tablets , grain, 300's, reg. 89c 69C Suiphur Powder One pond, rcg. 25c 19C Syrup Hypophosphites 16.z, reg. $.00 79C I.D.A. Baby Cough Syrup 3 oz. botîle 35c Steedman's Teethlng Pdrs. 29c Castoria 36e - 70c Baby's Own Tablets 29c - 69o Phillips Magnesia 12 oz. - 46c 26 oz. - 71c .D.A. Syrup Figs & Senna 3 oz.- 33e HANKSCRAFT Automatic Electnie Baby Bottie Warmeis $3.25 - $3.95 ISpecial ! I.D.A. Penetrating Liniment For lumbago, neunalgie pains, sone and stiff muscles and joints, spnains and lame jor aching back. i4 oz., reg. 45e - 33e 35c, 6 for $1.98 GUARANTEED! Picturos Thot Satisf y Or A New Roi! FR EE! JAnsco A I-WeetherFilm DAVOL NURSING UNITS --------- - VASELINE, White-jars- BOROFAX Soothing Borated Ointmenl Spectal ! I.D.A. Cleaning Fluid and Spot Remnover For gloves, lace, clothing. Non-inflammable. Non - iurious. 4 oz., reg. 25e - 19e 10 oz., reg. 49c - 37e 20c, 30c' t 40c, 60e OTES cAT HOM Laits For Months Makes your plates fit lilco new ... stops rocking rub- bing, clicking, irritating dentures. ..always remaains soft, acushioniaryourguis. Not a powdcr or pastc, 0nly $2.25 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALfl Alex. We Deliver MeGregor, Your Local .DA. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 p. Helen Wallace and Miss Dorothy merchandise Is still béing sold. Clarke, are ail local people, while Opn rchSoe the Whitby shop, although man- OenBrchSo. aged by John Gibson of New- When the maie element in the castle, employs Whitby girls as Breslin duet received his army sales cierks. discharge ,he came back to the Opens First Store business and through an intensive While stili carrying on bis farm and continuous advertising cani- to farm trade, Mr. Breslin and paign in this weekly newspaper, bis ctie yong ife pend ahe expanded his sales to th2 point hi sratore iyon oen 92awhere he considered opening a sAll thorg e resin su26r.dbranch store. In 1948. "Breslin's" Altouh te resin sufeedmade its first appearanoe in a few reverses in Orono, they Whitby. and in a sense it was a saein town which advertises feat paralleled by the trite say- itefa:"A Good Place to Live, n:Hoew bymksgd.' for seven years. and gradualiy xnMr.Hoetoiw bo makengood. built up a good business. Subse- OshaBreslinwa brnnith quently. the Breslins moved t Osb uub Bowmanvillè and set up ýshop in As more and more people be- the store presently occupied by gan dealing in the local shop, the L. A. Parker & Sons, Plumbers. business outgrew itself, and be- The next move was across King cause, there w s not sufficient Street to the present location of space to displae and store mer- The Radio Shop. chandise, the owner opened a sec- In 1944, Maurice Breslin joined ond Bowmanville branch - the the army and while he was serv- Men's and Boys' Store. ing bis hitch in Kingston, the Claimîng to have "'the largest woman he relied upon through stock of ready-to-wear merchand- thick and thin during a quarter ise in Eastern Ontario" at the century of business, his wife disposai of customer. "Breslin's" Editb. took over the store. She also boasts Canada'.% top limes of moved to the present location o p- clothing; merchandise on a par posite the post office, of the Lad- with that carried by the exclusive les' and Children's Shop where shops in Toronto. SORE THROAT? from common sore throat, when you can do some- thing about it. Rub in soothing Minard'a Liniment - get a ksupply, today! Get quick relief-today! "KING OF PAIN" LNIMENT t- to(thurd WORSIIIP is an ESSENTIAL part of living. Without it if e is emp y, insecure and with- oui a goal. Think About If! . . .Choose a Church! Be in thec buse of God this Sunday. SERVICES IN TRINITY UNITED CHURCHR 11 a. in. and 7 p. n. SUNDAY SCHOOL - at 12:15 FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW DIEFORE DUY.ING AN OIL DURNER Get this Interesting Bookiet Absolutely FREE 0F CHARGE - Sa BLAIN ELLIOTT HEATING & PLUMBING I.D.A. BORACIC ACID 1 lb., reg. 40e 2 RIGO NIPPLES Each in carton 13c, 2 for 25c, EVEN-FLO Nursing Units-complete ---39e- PYREX, heat resistant Nursers, 8 oz. 25c, 6 for $1,45;i BOWMANVILLE AQUA-SEAL BABY PANTS 39c, 59c FULLERS EARTH I.D.A. Brand, 4 oz. can 15e HEINZ BABY FOODS 3 tins 28c I.D.A. BABY CREAM 3 oz. jar, reg. 50ec -----39c' MENNEN'S OILi with Lanolin 65c, $1,19' PABLUM or PABENA Mead's Cereals -- -- ----25c, 50e' DRUG STORES - - - 0 IUMWDAY. MAY 'Ird, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO' rAftz Rv.viru 9

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