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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1951, p. 16

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TH CANADIAY STATESMMi, EOWMAKV!LLE. ONTAIIO THURSDAY, MAY 1'Tt~, 1951. PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIM sel£ toNUY COST 50c PER - AD BIRTHS DUNN--Stan and Helen Dunn are happy to announce the arrivai of a son, Ronald James, at the Bowrnanville Hospital, May 7th, 1951, a brother for Larry. 20-1* McDONALD-Mr. and Mrs. Cuth- bert McDonald are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, Sylvia Ann, a sister for Den- nis, on May 18th, 1951. 20-1* LEE-Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Lee are happy to announce the birth of their son, David Wayne, at the Bowmanville Hospital,j May 4th, 1951, a brother for Larry. 20-1* PHAYRE -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phayre, of Oshawa, (nee Thelma Sweet) are pleased to annonuce the birth of their son. Garry Marshall, on Monday, May 7th, 1951, at Oshawa General Hos- pital. 20-1* ENGAcmX'F-MENTS The engagement is announced of Sara Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Breslin, to Seymour Steinhart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steinbart, of Buf- falo, N.Y. The marriage will take place early Fall. 20-1* Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McCar- reil, of Omemee, announce the engagement of their daughter, Doris Eileen, to Wesley Arthur Hilîs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilîs, Enniskillen. The wedding wi]l take place June 9th, 1951, in Bethel United Church. 20-1 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mount- joy, Oshawa, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Willa Muriel, to William Everson Nor- ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. Norton, Locust Hill, Ont. The marriage will take plaee on Saturqay, June 9th, at 3 p.m., in the Kedron United Church. 20-1* Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kossatz, of Pembroke, Ontario. announce the engagement of their third eldest daugbter, Aleta (Pat) Faith, to Roderick Bruce Simpson, young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Simpson, Enniskillen. The mar- niage is to take place on Saturday, June 9th, at 7:30 p.m., in the Holy Trinity Church, corner of Court and Barrie, Sts., Oshawa, Ontario. 20-1* DEATHS CREEPER-At bis late residence, 20 Horsey St., Bowmanville, on Friday, May I lth, 1951, Herbert B. Creeper, beloved husband et the late Amelia Barrett, in bis 87th year. Funeral frem the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Monday, May l4th, at 2 p.m. Interment Bewman- ville Cemetery. 20-1 WERRY-In Newcastle, on Thurs- day, May lth, 1951, Mary Alice Oke, beloved wife of Arthur B. Werry, in ber 84th year. Funeral freni the family residence, Lot 32, Con. 1, Darlington, on Satur- day, May l2tb, at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Bethesda Cemetery. 20-1 WILSON, Dorothy R.-At Bow-1 manville Hospital, Saturday, May l2tb, 1951, as the result o! 'an accident, Dorothy R. Wilsen, aged1 24 years, formerly o! Kingston. Service was -held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, May lSth, at 3:30 p.m.i Interment Groveside Cemetery. 20-11 CARDS 0F THANKS The Women's Auxiliary Mem- orial Park wish te thank the following for prizes donated to euchre: Mrs. Sid Luxton, Mrs. Poile, Mrs. C. Mutton, Mrs. W. M. Spry and Mr. Bert Snowden. 20-1 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kovacs wish to thank all their friends and neighbours for ail the lovely gifts whicb were presented to them Saturday night on the oc- casion of their thirtieth wedding ,nniversary. 20-1* Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown and family wish to thank friends, relatives, neighbours, staff at Bowmanville Hospital, Dr. Austin and Dr. Birks for their many acts of kindness, cards, floxvers and gifts during Mrs. Brown's recent illness. 20-1 * Mrs. Bert ' Samis and famiiy wish te express their sincere thanks to all frîends and re- latives, also Rev. Lancaster for their acts o! kindness and sym- pathy during their recent be- reavement in the loss o! a loving husband and father. - 20-1* I wish te thank aIl my friends,1 relatives, neighbours, and Drs. Sturgess and Ferguson, Miss G. Dewell. nurses and staff at hos- pital; St. John's Men's Club. Local 289, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hooper for gifts, fruit and cards sent te me during my recent illness. Roland Bate. 20.1*1 held at MEMORIAL ARENA Parade Bingo Gaines - Draws -.FL'NFOAALL - IN bMMRIAM BURNS-In loving memory of our dear Father and Mother, James Burns, who passed away May 27th, 1931, Hannah Burns, who passed away May 2th, 1943. Time does not darken, nor shadows dim The beautiful memories we have of them. -Always remembered by the family. 20-1-1 McDONALD-In loving memnory of a dear mother and grand- mether, Mary McDonald, who passed away May 25tb, 1949: IWhen twilight heur draws near, jAnd sunset flames the sky, We think of you dear Mother, And the happy days gene by. Thoughts et you ceme drifting back Within our dreams te stay. To know that you are restîng When the twilight ends the day. -Lovingly remembered by Harry, Irene and grandchildren Evelyn, Clnude and Martyn. 10-1* COLWELL-In loving memory of n dear husband and father, Albert Irwin (Bert) Colwell, wbo pnssed nway se suddenly May l7tb, 1949: Benutiful memories are aIl we bave left Of a dad we loved dearly and neyer ferget; His loving smile and happy face, A broken link we cannet replace. Saddest parting ne one can tell, Se sudden on eartli the sorrow feli; Memories we trensure ne one Det can steal, Dthleaves n beartache nething can heal. -Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by bis leving 'wife and sons. 20-1* ARMSTRONG-In memory of a dear niother and grandmother, Eliza Armstrong, who passed nway May l8th, 1950: God knew that sbe was su!! ering, That the bis were bard to climb, Sa be closed ber weary ', eyelids And whispered "Peace Be Thine." Away in the beautiful bilîs of God By the vnlley of rest se fair Semetime, some day, we know net when We will meet our leved one there. -Sadly missed by Margaret andi Otto and grandchildren Ruth, Jean. Joyce and Kenneth. 20-1l Noices Open Bowling every night at Martyn's Bowling Academy, Bow- Charis Foundation Garments Corsettierre, Mrs. E. O. Leddy, for appointment Phone 534. 17-4* Dr. Ferguson's, Dr. Rundle .s and Dr. Storey's offices will be closed May 2th to 27th, inclusive. "The Harvey Dance Academy" Register Friday afternoons (3 - 7) for classes in Ballet and Tap; Union Hall, Bowmanville. Irenie Harvey. 52-tf As Victoria Day falis on a Thursday this year, The Cannd- ian Statesman will be issued one day enriier next week coming out on Wednesday, May 23rd. The deadline for ail clnssified and display advertising is moved ahead to Tuesday, May 22nd. Your co-operation in this matter will be greatly appreciatei.. 20-1 Work Wanted FOR bulldozing, grading, excnv- ating. etc. caîl Taylor Bros., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 20-4* PAINTING and decorating. No job tee large or tee small. We go, anywhere. Phone Port Perry 124r15 reverse charges. 20-1* FOR Prompt Attention - Brick work, block werk, mason werk, etc.. cencrete floors, feundations, sidewalks, etc. Free estimates given and satisfaction objective. L. Turner, Phbne 3231. 18-tf BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grindlng We specialize in complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf 1Article's For Sale EXTENSION couch, with mat- tress. Phone 3148. 20-1 TWO doors, 64)" x 32". 49 Liberty St. North, Phone 803. 20-1 MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle, good re- pair, $25.00._ Phone 2234. 20-1* 1TOILET and bot plate with two burners, nearly new. Phone 506. 20-i * TWO feet of good ensilage. Come and get it. Frank Dorland, Phone 2335. 20-11 ELECTRIC range. apartment size, for quick sale only $50.00. Phone 2719. 20-1 DAVENPORT and chair to match. Phone 2016 after 6 p.m. Thurs- day. 20-11 400 APPLE and per trees, for years oid. $1.00 each. Phone Clnrke 1992. 20-1* ICE box, Ruddy, good condition; maroon, fitted spring coat, size 14. Phgne 966. 20-tf WE measure and instaîl finest quality venetian blinds. Phone Morris Co. 480. 5-tf PIANO, Nordheimer, refinished, good condition. A. Ellis, Phone 124r15 Port Perry. 20-1* NEW Elto outboard motor, 5 h.p., $225 cash. Apply Thos. Moore, R.R. 1, Port Hope. 19-3* EIGHT-piece dining room suite, large size, walnut; also cedar posts. Phone 2383. 20-1* TWO oul drums, with taps; wash- ing machine: dinfing table with chiairs. Phone 2778. 20-1* ELECTRIC range, in good con- dition, cheap; also boy's C.C.M. bicycle. Phone 3231. 20-1* TWO-burner Perfection oil stove, with oven, nearly new. Apply Mrs. W. H. Cowan, Newcastle. 20-1* FOUR tires and tubes, 16 x650; one kindergarten set. Apply af- ter 3 o'clock, 59 Wellington St. 20-1* COLONY bouse, practically new, 10 x 12; small colony bouse, 6 x 8. Reasonable. Phone Clarke 2504. 20-1 JOHNSTON outboard motor, 22 h.p., in new. condition, $290. C. E. Rehder, Bowmanville, Phone 865. 20.1* KATAHDIN potatees. 12 hens and 1 rooster, and Empire cook stove. Henry Watchorn, R.R. 1, Bowmanvil]e. 20-1* GUARANTEED nursery stock - Columbia blue raspberries, $9.00 per 100; Latham, $5.00 per 100. Phone 2561. 19-2 MORRIS Co. Special - Walnut full panel wooden beds, in 3/3 size only. Regular $39.50, Spec- ial $24.50. 20-1 MOFFATT combination stove, coal and electric, 4 burners; girl's sidewalk bicycle, good condition. Ph*mne 2615. 20-1 ICE refrigerator, capacity 50 lbs.; cupboard, glass top and counter; small rocking chair. 93 Scugog St., Phone 818. 20-2* TWO new 10 x 24 tractor tires, a bargaiiù; three used 750 x 20 10- ply truck tires. Virtue's Garage, Tyrone, Phone 2882. 20-2* POTATOES - Specinlizing in No. 1 top quality potatoes. Order your supply now. Doug Curl, Bowmanville, Phone 3101. 20-tf LARGE variety of Flower and Vegetable plants for sale at George Petty's, Cor. Hunt St. and Base Line or at Stewart's Seed Store. 20-3'* MORRIS Co. 70th Anniversary Speciai-Your choice of dresser or vanity with chest and bed, in dnrk walnut finish. For oniy $89.50. 20-1 IHAVE yeu bought your ticket on the Kinsman car? Only a lim- ited number of tickets left. Car draw at Giant Carnival, May 24th - 25th. 18-4 LINK cedar strip beat, 1950, 15' long, 56" wide with 7/12 h.p. twin Scott Atwater motor $300.00. Ap- ply Palmer Motor Sales, King St., Bowmanville. 20-1 FINDLAY range, large size, with warming closet, wnter reservoir; equipped with two oul burners; cemplete with three cennected 45- gai. oil drums. Phone 517. 20-1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and bail runners; Rex- oleumn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf Concrete Floors, Foundations, LARGE shipment of summer Sidewaiks, etc. chnirs, with wood and aluminum -Free Estîmates Given -_ style frames. May be had with canopy or foot rest. See these L. Turner specials at F. F. Morris Ce. 20-tl Phone 3231 Bowmanville 201VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different coleurs et tapes, 15 slat colours. WolqK WÀ M l) Flexalum, Aluminum or Steel, WGRK ANTED measured and installed free ef charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Dulldozing and Fabric Centre. 17-tf CABIN trailer, Nvill trade for car Excavtingor seil for cash; '34 Pontiac Sedan; Excavling'47 Pickup truck;; '38 Ford Pick- BY HOUR OR 'CONTRACT up truck; '34 Ford Pickup truck; Free Entimates Gîven Webster Air Compresser, Appiy We specialize in 147 Liberty St. South. 20.2* far n iprovement. TRACTORS, 66, 77 and 88; man- W*. Tri.n ure spreaders; cern planters: FF Smaliey grain blowers: balers; PORT FERRY, R.R. 2 power mowers. Virtue's Garage, 4rhone 109:43 Goodison - Oliver Sales and Ser-' 18-13 viace, Tyrone, Phone 2882. 20.2* Articles For Sale 1942 DODGE V,' -ton stake truck; 1 used Allis Chalmers model "C" tractor; 1 used Allis Chalmers model "B" tractor; 2 new Gee tractors, with corn or bean plant- er and fertilizer attachment, and other implements. Apply Palmer Motor Sales, King St., Bowman- ville. 20-1 ALL kinds of meat, good quality wieners, bologna, cooked hams, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickling, smoking and sausage makîng. During the summer months - hog killing on' Tues- days and cattle at any time. 34-tf PLUMBING, Henting and Oil Burners installed anywbere in Durbam County. Rensonable rates and bighest quality. For free estimates cail S. Biain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmitbing, Phone 3348. 29-tf TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, bearths and fireplaces. Walls- glazed tile or plastic, ail colours Floors -rubber, mastic, lino-tule, quarrie and ceramic. Will go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf USED milk cooler; 10' roller pack- er; 7' Case power mower; ham- mermill; used Farmaîl "A" trac- tor; used spreader; two used mowers; new washing machine; new 9' electric refrigerator; wire fence; barbed wire; poultry fence; water systems, etc.; Swift's Fer- tilizer. W. H. Brown, Case Deaier, Phone 497.' 20-1 As Victoria Day falîs on a Thursday this year, The Canad- ian Statesman will be issued one day earlier next week coming out on Wednesday, May 23rd. The deadline for ail classified and display advertising is moved ahead to Tuesday, May 22nd. Your co-operation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. 20-1. LUXURIQUS Bathroom Set - $179. Save up to $100 on a com- plete Mnrtha Washington or Richledge three - piece built - in bnthroom with lovely chromed fittings. Pastel coloured sets, $274. Sink cabinets with stain- less enamel sink, chromed swing spout faucet, crumb cup strainer, plastic top, $98, stoves, refriger- ators, furnaces, pipes, oul burners, etc., aIl at similar discounts. Installation diagrams available. Guaranteed satisfaction. Special plumbers offers. Write or visit Johnson Mail Order Division, Streetsville Hardware, Streets- ville, Ontario, Phone 261 - Even- ings 51r15. 19-4 TRADE-INS - 4-burner electric ranges, nearly new;, Filter Queen vacuum cleaner, less than 1 year old, haîf price; trade-in electric refrigerators, $125,00 up, recon- ditioned, guaranteed; brand new daveno bed, grey tapestry, $79.50; Thor washer, reconditioned, guar- anteed, $59,50; mantel radios, $10 up; Norge space beater, cost $109.50, used 3 menths, for $72.00; chrome kitchen set, Duncan Phyfe style, airfoam cushions, choice o! colours, reg. $129.50, for $112,50; chesterfield suites, three- piece frieze, two wine, one green, reg. $269,00, te clear $199.50; rangettes fer $25.00; table rang- ette, $12,50; new Westinghouse combination radio, floor model, reg. $289.00, for $225.00. Trade- mns accepted, Terms. Murpby's, Phone 811. 20-1 CARLOAD OF Dry Softwood Slabs Immediate Delivery Bowmanville Fuels PHONE 410 20-1 Cars For Sale 1949 PONTIAC Conch. Phone 3168. 20-i 1931 CHEV. Coach, cheap. Phone 2904. 20-1 good condition. Phone 2375 nights. 20-1 * '48 CHEV. Deluxe Sedan, dark green, extra good condition, qwner driven. Phone 3134 Bow- manville. 20-1"* 1947 STUDEBAKER Champion Sedan, overdrive, four new tires and battery; excellent condition. Phone 939. 20-I * '34 PQNTIAC Sedan; '47 Pickup truck; '38 Ford Pickup truck, '34 Ford Pickup truck; Webster Air Compresser. Apply 147 Liberty St. South. 19-3 1936 FORD Deluxe Coach, just like new, 1947 metor, 5 good tires, new seat covers and paint job. Apply 72 Scugog St., Bewman- ville, or Phone 3231. 20-1 * AUCTION SALES Real Estate FQr Sale 1 COMING EVENT I bave received instructions fTlom the executor of the estate o! <he late Evelyn E. Cooke to sell by public auction on Satur- day, May 26th, at ber late resid- ence, Newcastle, ber entire bouse- bold effects. Property sold. Ne. reserve. Terms cash. Jnck Reid, auctioneer. 19-2 1 have- received instructaiens from Mr. C. B. Sisson, 1 mile south o! Orono, on No. 35 High- way, te sell by public nuction on Saturdny, May A9th, at 1:30 p.m.: bedroom, living-room and kitchen furniture, rangette, nearly new; and many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Jnck Reid, auctieneer. 19-21I I have received instructions from the farm manager o! Tek- wini Farms, 3 miles east and 1 mile north of Bowmanville, te seli by public nuctien on Monday, June 4th, at 1 p.m., their entire herd of Registered and Grade Holstein cattie and a full line o! tracter machinery purchased new in 1950. For further particulars see bills. Terms cash. No re- serve. Jack Reid, auctieneer. 20-2. AUCTION SALE The Bowmanviiie Hospitai Board wili seli by public auction the turniture and ettects of the late Miss M. Trebilcock at 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 26, 1951' This sale wiii Include a large quantity of good modern and antique furniture and househoid turnishingi. Total proceeds wili go te the NEW MEMORIIAL HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND Terms Cash No Reserve R. L. Mitchell, W. J. Challis, Cierk. Auctioneer 20-1 AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from the executor of the estate of the late John Couch Ie sell by public auction at bis late residence LOT 11, CON. 2, CLARKE TWP. hait mile west and hait mile north of Newtonville, on Friday, May 181h at 1 P.m. The follewing: r HORSES 4 work borses CATTLE 7 Durham and Hereford milk cows. due to freshen in May nnd June. SHEEP 20 Leicester breeding ewes, due to lamb time of sale. Swine, poultry, hay, grain Full lune of good farmn machinery and a large quantity of bouse- hold furniture, including stoves, bedroom suites, dishes, chairs, etc. Terms Cash No Reserve For further particulars see bills. JACK REID, Auctioneer. 20-1 Wanted To Buy THE Bowmnanville Lions Club is interested in purchasing a used piano. Contact Sec. Norm O'Rourke, Phone 2083. 20-2 BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are bigher. M Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 51-tf DEAD FARM STOCK Picked Up promptly Herses, cows, heifers, sheep, pigs and new born caives. (We pay for herses, cows and beifers) As an added service we will co-operate with your veterinarian in pest-mortem. 2 %ec per lb. for live horses Canl collect Bowmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone Chicks For Sale 500 SUSSEX chicks, 12 weeks old, $1.00 each or will take trade. Phone 2257. 20-1* TREWHAVEN Pou]try Fan - Want started pullets? Peels' fast feather Barred Rocks, four xveeks old, available May 16, 23 and 30. Price 55c, C.O.D., Write J. G. Trewin & Son, Burketen, Ont. 20-2* PLOWING, cultivating and disc- For Rent ing by the hour. Phone D. E. GARAGE for rent at 204 Church St. W~est. Telephone 492. 20-1* ONE large roorn, separate bath, heat, water and lights, centrally located, adults. Phone 2436. 20-1 PASTURE for rent. Apply te Kenneth Fraser, Saturday, May 19th, Telephone Orono lr14. 20-1 FIVE-room bungalow, i,ý miles north o! Tymone. with garden and cistern." Write Box 581, c/e The Canadian Statesman. 20-J.' COTTAGE at West Beach. Phone 891. 20-1 HOUSE and lot at 2 Hunt St. Phone 3142. 20-2 HOUSE on 168 Church St. Im- mediate possession. 20-1 IN the Village of Hampton,-double frame bouse, barn and garage, 24 acres of workable land. Phone 2949. 20-1 FIVE-room imitation brick bouse with garage, 32' x 60' and extra 1/8 acre lot. Phone Clarke 3714, or apply John Alldread, Beaver St., Newcastle. 20-1* HOUSE on Elgin St., 5 rooms, frame, tiled kitchen with new in- laid linoleum, bath, electric bot water tank, insulated, storm win- dows, doors, screens, garage. Phone 665. 20-1* $5,500-55-acre farm, ail workable, 7-room frame house, gooci furn- ace. garage, orchard and steel roof barn, hydro available. Terms. Immediate possession. 1 ¼ý miles east of Enniskillen. Phone 2509, Bowmanville. 20-1 $7,500-plus stock at invoice, for attractive garage business, equip- ment and property in the village of Haydon. B.A. products, White- Avery machinery agency, Ontario Motor League, confectionery; bot water heating; five-roomn apart- ment above; haîf acre lot. Must be sold immediately. Roy Graham, Haydon, Phone 2730. 20-1* HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE $ 1,000 - An ideal property on which to build your summer home, 5 to 7 acres, on county gravel rond, 2 miles from Orono. twenty foot trout stream, level land, well wooded. $2,500-Conveniently located on accessible rond, 100 acres level land suitable for ireforestation. $6,000-Newcastle residence of 8 rooms. solid brick. detached, pri- vate diriveway, combined work- shop and garage, lovely grounds on quiet street north of Com- munity Hall, furnace, electricity, low taxes. Early possession, rea- sonable terms. 1 have funds available for first mortgnges on town residences and farms. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Phone 32r10 - 1rI6 Orono 20-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Frame dwelling, 4 rooms, ful basement, bath, hydre. Possession 30 dnys. $4,200. 89 acres, 8-rooni insul-bric bouse, barni, stable, garage, creek, well, close te village. Possession ar- ranged. $6,500. Terms. 35 acres on No. 2 Highway, frame house, barn, stable, spring, well, garage. $7,800. Without bouse, .$3,500. Immediate possession. Terms. $8,500-217 acres, stone bouse, large barn, full stnbling, dlay loam, 5 acres bush, 1 creek, 2 wells, gees te lake, broken front. Immediate possession. Frame bouse, 7 roonis, full base- ment, hydre, double garage. $5,000. Terms. Lots and other properties for sale. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 20-1* GILL REAL ESTATE In Blnckstock, well kept frame home, 6 reoms, garage, barn. Ternis. In Blackstock, lovely, ranch style bungalow, 6 roms, air condition- ed, etc. Terms, In Cartwright, 100 acre farm, brick house, 8 rooms, beavy wir- ing, etc. Immediate possession. In Cartwright, 100 acre farm, 7- room brick bouse, full line o! implements. Immediate possess- ion. On Scugog St. 9-rom solîd brick home, insulated, heavy wiring, modern kitchen, 2-car garage, many extras. Building Lots, Business and Sum-, mer Properties in listings new on hand. H. G. (Hap) Gill. Broker 78 King St. West ]Phone: Office 3326 Residence 3514 $5,200 - 4-room bungalow, fully insulated. good garden, garage. Possession arranged. 7-room framne bouse, in good condition, te be moved from pre- sent position. Make offer. Bailey & Taylor Phone 767 TENDERS WANTED Whitney, Clarke 312. '8-' TENDERS will be accepted by1 the undersigned up until 121 Wante o'clock noon, Menday, June 4th,i WTanted1951. tà supply window blinds te LIVE Poultry, geose feathers, fea- the Home for the Aged, Cobourg. ther ticks, bags. scrap mron and Information concemning size and metal. Dial Oshawa 54912 col- quantity mnay be obtained fromn lect, or write I. Turner, Northi the superintendent in charge of Oshawa. 17-14 the above named institution. Low- l est or any tender net necessar- Seed for Sale Jiî aceped W. E. BARR. SEED oats. 25 bushels. Ajax OatsI Counties' Clerk ana with s.prinkling of bariev-. Clean - Trpa&urer-, ed and treated. Phone 2294. - Cobourg, Ontario. 20-J. 20-3' Depew's Pavilion. East Beach, opening.Saturday night, May 19. Free dancing. 20-1 Reserve Friday, October 26th, 1951, for Order et Eastern Star bazaar. Further particulars later. 20-1* Afternoon tea, bomecooking and rummage sale, St. Paul's Sunday Scbool room Saturday, May l9th, 3 te 6 p.m., auspices Evening W.A. 20-1 Ladies' Legion Auxîliary are sponsoring n dance at the Bad- minton Club, Friday, June lst, with Lou Dewell's orchestra. 20-3 Bowmanville Legion Carnival, Saturdny, June 3tb, 1951. Tickets on sale for 1951 Ford Sedan, Kel- vinator Electric Refrigerator and Beatty Electric Washing Machine. 8-tf On May 24th, 8:30 p.m., the Yelverton Young People are pre- senting their play "The Dutcb Detective" in Blackstock Com- munity Hall. Sponsored by Unit- ed Church Sunday School. 20.1* Dance in Town Hall, Orone, Tbursday, May 24th. Sponsered by Odd Fellows and Rebekabs' Service Clubs. Proceeds for equipping 3-bed ward in Bow- manville Memorial Hospital. Roy Forrester's Band in attendance. Admission 5Oc. 19-2 Womnn's Association o! New- Stonville United Cburch annual Anniversary Service, Sunday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. Guest minister, Rev. Archie McLachlan, Ajax.- Music provided by the Senior Choir o! the Beys Training School, Bowmanville. 20-1 The $80.00 Jackp6t must be won by someene* at the final bingo o! the season sponsered by the Newrcastle Liens Club in the Newcastle Community Hall on Thursday, May 3lst, at 8 p.m. 21 regular games -Five Specials - Share -the- Wealth and Jackpot. Door prize draw. Admission 50 cents. 20-3 Gala old tinie square and round dance to the music o! Biliy Hole and bis famous orchestra at the Newcastle Community Hall Fni- day night, May lSth, nt 9 p.m. Games, bootbs and entertainment. Draw for 1951 Plymouth Sedan at midnight. Admission te dance 50c. Sponsored by the Bowman- ville Rotary Club. 20-1 As 'Victoria Day falis on a Thursday this year, The Canad- man Statesman will be issued one day enrler next week ceming out on Wednesday, May 23rd. The deadline for ail classified and display advertising is moved ahead te Tuesday, May 22nd. Your ce-operation in this natter will be greatly appreciated. 20-1, Enniskillen Sunday School An- niversary services Sunday, May 2th, 2 and 7:30 p.m., with Rev. S. R. Henderson, Bowmanville, guest minister. Music by the school under leadership of Mrs. R. M. Seymour, assisted by Bow- manville High Scbool maie quar- tet. Sports programme Thursday, May 24th, beginning at 3 p.m. Junior Football game at 4 p.m. and League Football game at 7. Supper served from 4:30. Concert at 8 p.m.. drama: "Raggedy Nan" presented by Blackstock Young People with music between acts by Koss Brothers. Admission- Adults, tea and concert, $1,00;, concert only. 50c. Children, tea and concert, 50c; concert only, 25c. 20-1 Help Wanted MEN Wanted-Apply Brookdnle- Kingsway Nurseries. 13-tf GIRL or woman for summner months. Appiy Mrs. Dean Hodg- son, Queen St. 20-1* TWO salesmen wanted for sel1-. ing from door te door, full or part time. Better than ordinary wages. Write Box 579, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 20-1* WANTED at once, a widew with one or two children, te work on a farm, electric appliances, run- ning wnter. A good home as- sured, with moderate wages. Write Box 580, c/o Statesman Office. 20-3 JUNIOR Clerks, male or female, age 17 - 20, with three years' High Schoi education and pre- ferably knowledge ef typing. Ap- ply in writing, stating particulars, te Box 577, c/o Canadian States- man, Bowmanvilie. 20-1 MAN wanted for selling position, Bowmanviile and District. Per- manent with 'kood income. Car essential. Ne experience necess- ary. We teach you our methods. This is an excellent opportunity for active, intelligent, eiderly man. Give two references in f irst let- ter. Apply Distributor, 466 Bol- ivar St., Peterborough. 19-2 Lost DOG - Mexican Chihuahua, fe- maie, light fawn celer. Phone 2884. 20-1 APARTMENT witIh'3 or 4 reoms urgentiy needed, ne children. Phone 2961, 20.2* SMALL -self contained bouse or apartment. for quiet childless! couple. Write Box 582 c/o The Statesman 01ffice. 20-14" fLivestock For Sale' PIGS, six weeks and texi weeks. Phone 2581. 20-le NINETEEN shoats. Phone 197r33 Port Perry. e0 il YORXCSHIRE plgs, sevenleîý,, old. Phone 2181. EIGHT-pigs, 7 weeks old. Frankç Krolewski4 R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 20.1 QUIET 6-year-old Jersey cow, jiust freshened. L. 'A. Squair, Phone 2223.20 GOOD 'team of farm horses. 5 Buma, R.R. 1, Nestleton, Phono- Port Perry 225r24. 20-1- HOLSTEIN cow, five years old,» exceptionally good milker. Phone' 2720. 20-1*' 00W, due to freshen May 17,, with second caif. John Cincurak, corner- Rosalind Rd. ar!d Gerrard* St., Oshawa. 19-2. Repairs* REPAIRS to ail makes of refrii. erators, domeetic and commercial; milkng coolers. Higgon Elec- 25-îf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repa*r Sbop, oppositc 'Garton Bus Tep- minal. 31-tf N otice Dog 0wner.% ALL PERSONS owning or haI,- bouring a dog are required fo secure a licence for same.. Pré. secution for failure to hold a licence may be instituted without further notice, under by-law gov- erning the keeping or harbourie of dogs. C. S. OKE, Tax Collector. 192- Farmers Attention 1, WE will be pleased to pick tib dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W. Gordon Young Ltd. 7-42 Farm Help APPLY FOR FARM HEIM N6 -Don't wait until spring., Get yeur experienced, reliable heip from. Netherlands. Aise skîlled workers and artisans available. Onul S. Bumai R.R. 1, Nestieton. Phone Port Penny 225r24. 49-tf Persornal LADIES! if you wish te earn money, wve have fine opportunity fer yeu. Part time work, near home. Write te-day, eox 578, Statesman Office. 20-1 SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 te 15 lbs.; new pep. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new, healthy flesh;, new vîgor. Introductory, "get-acquainted" size only 60c. Ail druggists, 20-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubbeX ipiajds) mailed postpaid in plaig sealed envelope with price list, Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.ü0 Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 SKIN Sufferers! Tricd every- thîng? Whien ail else fails use "Kleerex" for that -hopeless" skin condition. Be amazed by its dramntic resuits. Specificaliy med- icnted to attack reet of trouble. Ail druggists. 20-1 A factual itemn says Americain safety razor blades are used 1i% greater quantity by more ef thW- world's people than any other product-and we thought all along it was US. money rather than blades. Berlou moth-protection for a man's suit costs only 20 cents per year. Berlou guaranters in writing to pay for ail mdoth; damage within 5 years! BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS - 1 - - 1 - 1 THUMDAY, MAY ITtk, lUt. PlAor BrKTEM TRE CANADUN STATMIL&LN. BOWIL&NVI=l ONTARIO

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