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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1951, p. 4

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T~2 ANAIANSTAESM~. OWMNVILI.ONTROTHUIBSDAY, MAY 17th, 1951 PA=E Voua5-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -- ------_ _ _ _ _ _ «"Woman'u Responibilty inaa Modern World" was th. subject chosen by Mns. I. HPcrigae, who 1wau gucat speaker att he 55th An- nual Convention ai the Ontario and Durham Women's Christian Temperance Union held li Centre Street United Church, Oshawa, on May Rth. Duning the latter part af the l9th century many onganizations wce ormed, she said. Among thcm was the first Ontario Wom- en's Christian Temperance Union fonmed in 1874 in Owen Sound by Mns. Doyle. In the same yean SMrs. Youmans, Picton, organized a Union in ber home town and the first Toronto Union was form- ed in 1875. Threc yeans iter To- ronto District was onganlzed wlth five Unions and a membcnshlp ai 300. At bbc same time Frances Willard was ciected president of the first National Council of Women in the U.S.A. Women's United Effort At present in Canada she con- tinued, there are 44 women's na- tional organizatians wlth a mcm- r bership oi thrce and tbree-quar- t er millions. By Iheir united ef- fort women had gra.dualiy ex- pressed themselves and had a vaice'in moulding the pallcy of thecocuntry. Democnatic citizen- ship was more than engaging in pre-eleclion discussions and cait- lng one's vote. Democnacy was a way ai lufe wbich should be prac- tlsed in the home, school and so- cial reintionshlps, she said. The population of Canada ta- day was about .14 millian and 650 million was being spent in alco- bol which was about $50.00 per5 capita. In Ontario alone $70.0à, per capita was spent. The Cah- adian spending was 5 per cent of bbc incarne oi al Canadians and the nicohol bill last yean amn- ountcd ta 30 per cent ai the total Dominion outlay. Evcny 24 bours Canadians spent two million dol- lars in beverage alcohol, she saîd. The speaker stated that as a re- suit ai aicohol, cvery hait hour in Canada and every two hours in Ontario an illegitimate baby was born; eveny 40 minutes in Canada and every hour in Ontariolomre- one was injured li a highway ac- cident. In 15 yeurs convictions for drunken drivîng had increas- cd 212 per cent and the numben oi reportcd motor accidents had incrcased 299 per -cent. Every day li Canada and every eight days li Ontario someone was murdered. Triils have proved that liquor had played an import- ant part in the cause oi these tra- gedies, she added. Increase in the consumption ai spirits, wine and beer had been 278 per cent.. In 1939, she stated, lmprisonmenta .for crime against public marais and decency had numbcred 824 as against 1,277 in 1948. Convictions for drunk and disorderly had been 7,666 in 1939 as' against 11,685 in 1948. Convictions for drunkenness in 1939 18,120 against 32,701 in 1948. The Alcohollcs Anonymous, Mrs. Perigae stated, was said ta be ane oi the fastest growing or- ganizations in the worid. Fonm- cd oniy 15 years aga, it now had a mcmbership ai 140,000. The only nequirement for member- ship in Ihis organization was an hancst desire ta stop drinkine. Through a study of cause and ef- fect. she said, it couid be conciud- ed Ihal the educational program had faiied ta teach people ta live rewardlng. satisfactory i i ves. Many feit personally inadequate, she said, many had a feeling of frustration and futility about liv- ing and therefore lurned ta drugs ta give lempanary escape from self. This was partiy due b Ithe background provided. af bhe home, schooi, and church and was a challenge ta the christian wom- en.' Alcohol Study Establluhed The W.C.T.U. organization be- lieved in prevenlion bhrough cdu- HELP THE NEW.. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL wllh a $1.OO DONATION T.0 FURNISH A FOUR-BED WARD et the same time YOU RECEIVE A TICKET ON DRAW FOR 1951- PLYMOUTH SEDAN Contact any member of the BD WNAN VILLE ROTARY CLUB to make your contribution Draw will ho made ai the ]Rotary Clulb flanc. to be held, ln the NEWCASTLE CGNMUNITY HALL Frilday, May lsth Round and Square Dancing to the Music of BILLY HOLE and HIS FAMOUS BAND -Gaines, Booths and Other Entertaininent - !Hitor0o Women'ys Temp'ance Union Ilaled hy Speaker ai Convention ,'f Ontarioanad Durham Groups India's liquor laws might well give world leadership, the speak- er continued. Indla's liquor iaws included provincial co-operation with state prohibition resolutiono; eliminated ail liquor advertise- ments in Indian-owned neW'spap-, ers; excluded ail drinking scenes from motion pictures; forbade liquor service on dining« cars of trains and railway station re- freshment stands; discontinued the serving of aicohliic drinks at State functions and those who used alcoholic beverages were 'barred fromn election as Congress delegates. Women, the speaker continued, were too prone to stay in the background, ta do ail the detail work and leave the leadership ±o men. If women took their place in the affairs of the nation, wars would be a thing of the past.* Peace is womnen's business, everything she created, home, famlly, civiliza- tion itself, was destroyed by war. Frances Willard had visions of the memberu of the W.C.T.U. giv- ing leadership in social reiormn work. The W.C.T.U. was the tinst woman-sponsored organization to function and marked the begin- nlng of wonld co-operatian. In closing Mrs. Perigoe urged her listeners to enllst ail women to unite in a program for total abstinence as a necessity for the security of Canadian home lufe. BROWN'S Mr. and Mns. H. Sinclair and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Morley, To- ronto, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson. School was closed on Monday and Tuesday, our teacher, Mrs. Payne, being fii. Mrs. Cyril Avery spent Thurs- day vislting at Maple Grove. Mrs. W. Farrow and Mrs. Tracy Embley attended a shower for a popular bride-to-be, Miss Thel- ma Stapieton, at the home of Mn., Ted Belsey with Mn,. Jim Bcd- ford as ho stess. Brown's Home and School As- sociation attended No, 9 Home and School on Tuesday last, the guest speaker belng Mrs. (Dr.) Mller. She told of life in Gen- eva and Germany and also show- ed slides. Our members report a very enjoyable evening. Brown's Home and School As- sociation will hoid their regular meeting on May 22. Our an- nual will be discussed at this meeting. Everyone is asked to come and have an enjoyabie ev- ening. Mr. and Mns. C. Avery and family spent Sunday aiternoon in Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson and Jim 3pent Sunday in Toronto. Sornebody is always coming along to take the fun out of the garden chores. Latest on the market is a wheelbarrow powered by a one-cylinder engine. And we suppose you've got to keep up wlth it to kecp it balanccd 0$ that ane wheel. cation. she continued, and was encouraged by reports of prog- rasa made li the field of science and medicine. Yale University was the first to establish a School of Alcohol Study. About 20 framn Ontario attended this school last year and the Provincial Council af Womcn gave scholarahips and three Young women were chosen ta take the course. British Col- umbia had established Aicohol Education in the schoola, and the Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatche- wan schools had tound It inost 4successful. The Secretariat of the World's Health Organization of the Unit- cd Nations had prepared a report on aicoholism which treated af the medical, social, economlc and practical phases af the subject. The committce recommended pro- hibition af sale ta minors, prohi- ~,ition ai sale on credit or irn ex- change for work, compulsory teaching in schools regarding the effects ai aicohol, prohibition dur- ing duty and 24 hours 'before go- ing on duty by transport workers in ail fields. air, sea, river and land; prohibition ai sale withln 300 feet of churches, schoois and law courts, prohibition ai sale an election days and cvenings be- fore; incneased taxation on drink in order to reduce the-sales. Indua Gives Leadership Hello Homemakers!. Many jobs pop up so suddenly during the month ai May Ihat we home- makers require extra help. These belpens need ta know how ta be of assistance without "upsetting the appiecart." Let us- review items from aur ihousekceping natcbook that are a guide for thase that require some tuition. 1. Fry fresh fish in a smal amount ai salad ail for 12 min- utes, na langer, 2. An easy sauce for fish Is made with anc cup plain white sauce. Beat 2 egg yolks and add the sauce then stir in 2 tbsps. but- ter, and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Beat for 1 minute and serva. irying pan ta the river bank for 3. If the boys plan ta take bbe frying the trout be sure ta rub the autsidc ai the pan with soap. The black saab can then be wash- cd off. 4. For an economical pudding using maple syrup, beat 3 eggs and add I/ cup maple syrup,- 2 cups milk, '/,& tsp. sait, 2 tbsps. chapped nuts and 1 cup soit crumbs. Pour into greased cus- tard cups and aven poach at mod- erate temperature for 30 minutes. 5. Deep-dish rbubarb pudding is stylish this manth. Serve the dessert with cream inta which you have spninkled'a littie nut- meg or cinnamon. 6. With a cheese souffle for a supper dish, serve a platter ni vegetabies: riced potatoes, but- tcred asparagus, corn niblets, and aisa a dish ai bomato aspic flav- ored with f resh mint. 7. Keep ice-bax cookie dough in waxed paper in bbc reiriger- atar. When yau want cookies, just slice off as needed and bake frcsh cookies. 8. Keep baking powdcr dry or il will lose its leavening, Ther., 100, always shake bhc box occa- sionnlly andI use a dry measuning spoon for level measurements. 9. Crisp any wilted asparagus by placing the stems in coltI wat- cm for awhile. 10. Rails and miuffins cven thaugh banc-dry can be fresh- ened by sprinkling bhoroughly with water and sealing in a piece ai aluminum foul, then heated in a warm aven for 20 minutes. HOUSEKEEPING FACTS 11. Sorting clothes for wash- ing is a good opportunity ta ne- move pins which migbt tear ciothes, turn packets inside out, turn down cuifs on slacks, get nid ai sand, grass andI grit andI give each garment a look-ovcr for stains befare placing in sonpy water. 12. Soaking clothes overnighit in water wbich has cooled down and in suds Ihat have died down bas a doubtful cleaning valu,ý. The oltI-fashioned Iong-soaking tends ta give ciothes a grayish cast. Tests indicate Ibat 15 min-- utes soaking in warm suds is best. 13. Neyer wash woollens in hQt water; use iukewanm suds with 3 or 4 inches of suds. Do not soak andI do not operate washing ma- chine longer than 3 ta 5 minutes. Rinse 3 limes andI press out the water each lime. 14. Soi ten the waten for ruts- ing ail clothes. If you use borax mensure 1. lenspoonful per gallon ai Wnter. 15. Neyer leave wet colored clothes in a basket. If il begiris ta rain befare clathes are dry, hang them on hangers covered with foul or wooden hangers. 16. When damp clothes have ta be kept before îroning prevent mildew by storing un bhe electnic refrigerator or bang ta dry atid redampen next day. 17. Let skirt hems dry before Ironing. Then iran tram hem ta waist, neyer across the width ai garment. This is impartant when the skirt is matIe ai any mateniai whichbhas a tcndency to stretch or distant. 18. Most rayon fabrics should be pressed whiie slightly damp, though spun rayons usuaily look best if ironed when aimost dry. 19. Use the electnic steam iran on rayon andI wool biended fab- rics. 20. Always hang alacks or anv type af trousers by the legs aiter wasbing. The wet weight will take almost ail bhc wrinkles out. 21. Wben ironing shirt or blouse coilars press tram cach corner tawards bbc back ai the collar la eliminate Ihose undesir- able wrinkles which pcrsist i crinkling the front edges. THE QUESTION BOX Mrpg. R. K. asks: What kind of cîcanser can 1 use on plastic tish- es? Answer: Cleansing chemicais destroy bhc finish ai plastic. Use saap nnd water only. Miss H. C. asks: How do you take cane ai a waodcn salad bowl antI the spoon and fork? Answer: Wipe out witb a wax- cd paper aiter each use, Ihen with a damp cloth. Neyer immense in waten or soaa. Keep away tram beat antI do nol keep. in bbc me- figerator for more Ihan an bour aI any lime. If oughened smootb witb sandpaper, neyer varnish or paint tbem. Anne Allan Invites you ta write ta ber c/o The Statesman. SentI in youn suggestions on bomemnak- ing problems and watch Ibis coiumn for replies. Budget-ilustered Housewife (La butchen biding behind caunler): "You shouid seil ment by bbc ounce-then bbe price wouldn't seem so high." (Inlended for last week> Cadmus co;mmunity express their sympathy ta relatives ai Mrs. William Philp who passed nway in Osbawa General Has- pitl on May 7th. It was a shock to everyone ta hear ai her death. She had been in pon heaith for several years, but taok a stroze' on Saturday and died Monday. Mrs. Phillips was a member af Cadmus Church, Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. She will be missed very mnuch. Mn. and Mrs. McQuade are giv- ing up iarming on account ai their health. We hope they stay in the' community as they will be great- iy missed should they mave Mrs. Lamne McKee is out again aiter being sick fan about lhrce, weeks with the flu and Ihen pneumania. Mr. and Mrs. C. Vanstone and family, Bowmanvilie visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna and Marie. Mn. and Mrs. Muray Shea and Mary, Fleetwood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamne McKee. Associates Honor Former Weekly Ed. Receives Wristwatch Toronto, May 14.-Special rec-, ognition ai bis services was ac- corded a former weekly news- papen publisher, Athol McQuar- rie, Gencral Manager ai bbc As- sociation ai Canadian Adventis- ers, at bbc 36th Annuai Dinnen ai bbc Association. In appreciatian af ten years loyal service la bbc Association, 1 y Mwr. MceQuarrie wau the reciplent from ACA Directors of a'hand- some Bulova AcademnY Award 21- jewel wrist watché "As everyone knows," Presi- dent Trenholm stated when mak- lng- the presentation, "wc inmm bers who take on part-time jobs on the ACA's behaif are a passing procession whose responsibilitie-s are temporary andI transient. Athol's are. petrzanent, unrelent- $ng, heavy. XIfever a single indi- vidual flot only personified but wàs thc heart* and bones and slnew of an. orgatization such as this. he is that individual. IiHe, ln a very real sense, single-handedly, has made it what it bas been and he in the sturdiest guarantee and, guanantor of its fututc. When' the Amnerican Trade Executives Association gave the ACA its last year's award as 1950's best trade assoc:tion of its size on the continent with par- ticular applause for the expan- sion nf our prdgram durlng the past decade, it was iinmlstakabiy ~IPUBLIC MEETINGi TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE The electors and ratepayers and (or) ail per- sons affected in the present Township of Clarke School Area are herewith being notlfied that the Municipal Council of the Township of Clarke shall consider and deal with a by-Iaw to withdraw former School Section No. 2 from, the Township of Clarke School Area at an open meeting to be held ini the Township Hall, Orono, jon May 19th, 1951, at 8:30 pm (D.S.T.), H. E. MILLSON, 'Cerk WESTINGHOUSE 8 CUBIC FT. REFRIGERATORS '& RANGES Pre-Dudget Prices NORGE 6% CUBIC FT. REFRIGERATORS & RANGES Pre-Bu'dget Puices New Radios- Pre-Budgeý Puices MURPHY'IS FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE Il! BOWMANVILLE -( 77/mmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 00s BMM VILIAE MAY 1st o MA 25M $I 25L aske ofCrocrîe I f Io a e a t n o r w r n o y u n Y u Iice he h CROWN BRAND KITCHEN DETECTIVE, P p e à r ui#ÀFa liFf r, 11 IMPORTANT If, when the. Crown Brandi Doectiv calils on yau, you do flot have a tin of Crown Brand 1 in the. house but have any two of the. following Canada Storch products, thon you are eligible fer the $25.00 basket of groceries: CANADA CORN STARCII SILVUR Glass LAUNORY STARCH SENSON'S CORN STARCH HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Tho Crown Brand Kitchen Detective wilI b. in your neighbourhood soon. Ho wiII select, at random, a ist cf homes. He wiIl coui at homes sometime during the day and when yau answer the door, this is whot happons: 1. He wili Identify himsolf and present his credentiols; 2. He wili osk you if you have a tin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup in your homo; 4 3. If you have a tin of Ctown Stand Corn Syrup, ho will osk tomes if; 4. Aftor you show hlm your tin of Crown Brand Corn Syrup ho wIilpissent t. you a Gift Certificat*, rodoomoble fer $2340O worth of grocorlo; purchasoble et the grocer trom whom you bought your Crown Stand Corn Syrup, and whose nom* you .wiII givo te the Kitchen Doeoctivo. Crown Brand Corn Syrup today 1 THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED ; Montreal ; Toronto RE-ENTERS ST. LAWRENCE SERVICÈ - The 26,300-ton flagship of the Canadian Pacifie Atlantic fleet, Empress of Scotland, is shown as she passes the Chateau Frontenac at Quebec City, outbound for Greenock, Scotland, and Liverpool. The white-hulled luxury liner will make the first of 10 cails at Quebec this season on May 22 and will sail from there three days later. With the 20,000-ton sister-ships, Empress of Canada and Empress of France which dock at Montreal, she will provide a weekly service from St. Lawrence River ports to the U.K. The "Scotland" has just returned from a successful winter cruise ,eason durîng whiqh she sailed from New -York to Caribbean ports. ~ I CADMUS I Il Admiission -50C 11 ---------- TE£ CANADUN STATESMN, BOWMANV=.ýZ ONTAMO « à àý a tribute to Athol'a personal acillevèments ince ha took over n1941. "This is the first pubUeppor tunlty we have had toalct that award a personial remem- bnanoe for him. And l'anm pleaa- etI that the last directiive to me as Preuident from the A<CA Direct- ors waa to present to hlm thia en- durlng symbol of appreciation, It's a 21-jewel Bulova Academy award watch that he will find # faithful on his wrist as he hd been to the ACA." FAITU Tt la a comparatively simple thing for a nation ta determine by its votes whether il chooses the liberal or the conservative fonm of govcrnmcnt. On the er hand, a nation can nev rfd telligently determine its ;ohbr Il it has to go through the con- fusion of voting for candidates who pretend ta be ane thlng but who act the other,

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