?R~ ~A~AflTAM 'A'T'fl~?~4Ae WtJAM¶rvvY.v a9~A~?P~ ENGLISH GABARDINE this season icoat et lestf season 's price. A terrific buy for the mon who wonts high quality clothes et 0 Iow price. Szes 36 te 44 in novy, beige, grey o'nd brown. $3950J SA VE ON GOOD QUALITY SUITS Choose f rom a selection of gab- ardines, pick anâ' picks, Mila- tenes, sharkskins and gien checks - Ail carefully taîlored in styles thot the ladies ail prefer. Origin- aily ta 35.00. Sizes 10 ta 20. Re- duced to Savë on 4 t. Save on Men 's Gabardine SLACKS They're smort Iooking weilI foi. ored of good fitting gabardine. Pleated, zippered and wth lop seams. Every pair of sbacks guar- anteed ta give satisfaction. Sxes 28 to 38. SPORT JACKETS RED UCED! Sporty looking jackets ta wear with yaur odd stocks. Exceptionat- Yly good quaiity rayon satin hip l e n g t h jackets. ( S~ izes 36 ta 42. $12.881 t Sport Shirts Reducedf Fancy two-tone. or salid shades in smart looking twill or gabardine. Long siceves in boys' end vouths' sizes 10 to 18 yrs. ReduceMso Sinadrt ookinq Men's. Jeckets Smooth fittîng men's cotton poplin wind- breakers. ln beige only! Sizes 36 ta 44. Reduced to $5n64. MISSES' SUITS1 Taiiored from rayon sharkskin and man- nish rayon worsteds. Choice of 3 styles in Misses' sizes. R EDUCE D TO GIRLS' TOPPERS Girls' ail wool fuil lengtli toppers. Fully lined withi rayon. Sizes 7 ta 12 yrs. Originally 14.95 ta 16.95. SAVE ON LADIES' TOPPERS Smart taoking rayon gabardines in pastel shades. Rich in appearance, ail wool twills, duvetynes and cards. Belted and loase fittinq models. Originally ta 35.00. Reduced ta Reduced to $9n77 SA VE Save on Girls' ON Botter DRESSES Wash Dresses Why bother making kid- dies' dresses when yau can buy tbem ut such low, prices. Wasboble summer prints. Sizes 2 ta 6 yrs. Reduced ta End -0f- Line Clearance SHORTY COATS Fully lined - Ail wool materiols. $10.9 Originoily priced at 19.95. Ciearing ot ' SA VE ON M1511 &WOMEN'S COATS. You will be amozed ut 5 the beoutiful fabrics and good looking styles j - You con choose from ail wooi twills, Eî crepes and flannels. Fuit flored bocks, f itted styles. Belted wraparound sport modeis. Misses' and wome35.00.yendc ta riinil T~ ~ ~ ~o3.0 wo en'sstyeod losaOignai SA'mE ON MENS TROUSERS Exceptional saving on tough wearing, fuit cut men's cottonade work ponts. Sizes 30 ta 42. Our regular price 4.95.' Speciat Anniversory Celebration Price ...........$2 9 Choase from ginghams, broadcloths, crepes. Sizes a large selection of prints, miracords, rayon stripes and 12 ta 20, 38 ta 44. $7.95 BETTER DRESSES Low Priced ý Summer crepes, sheers and shon- tunSs. Solid shodes, prints and large fiowered summer patterns. Misses' and wamen's sizes. Re- duced f ram regular up ta 19.95 stocl- 'Save On Cotton Dresses! SEND 0F LINE CLEARANCJE P ~ 'i Misses' and Women's summer cotton print dresses - Regulor 2.98 and 3.95. Excelleni selection of styles and sizes. MISSES' SIZES 14 TO 20 '4/OMEN'S SIZES 38 TO 44 OVERSIZES 46 TO 52 Clearing at SA VE ON RA YON JERSEY DRESSES REPEA T OFFER! Misses' and women's suzes in tricot knit raon jersey. Smait flowered patterns on white background. Sizes 21 ta 20, 38 ta 44. At only $695 $1837 $lz94 TEM CANADIAN STATzsmAN. BowmAmvrLr- nwTkl:tirn PrItYTT"orAW lkraqp i%àILm *-., 1 il ÀMW Co T N N 1 UES NIIII-T OUT H TH N E ORDI, ARY SAVINGS $l8n77 $lm37 $7m95 $l8z77