TT!E cANADiAN sÂTzs mAN. Eo*MANv=L» OIfrAlIO TUSA.MY1~,1 1Mrn' Beal, Baysville, is visiting Mrs. Frank Hall and othar friends. MIrs. Glenn Wiggins who bas been with ber husband i New- foundland, is visiting ber parent%, Mnr. and Mrs. M. H. Staplas for the gunimer. Mr. Don Staples, To- rente also was home for the weekend. Miss Shirley Porter and Miss Lauma Begley, Oshawa, spent the weekand witb Mm. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mr. Charlie Wood, Kitchener, spent the weakend aI his home here. Miss Gwan Pbasay. Oshawa, was berne for the waakend. .Mms. J. H. Leslie, Peterborough, sfpent the weekend with hem par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. M. and Mrs. Al! Elliott and Douglas, Mms. Irene Dunbar and Elliett. Permytown, and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott and family, Ken- dal. spent Sunday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Eflott. Mr. Murray Patterson, Brant- ford. spent the weekend at hi$ home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wood, Mr. R. H. Wood and Allie visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundie, Bowman- ville. Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa, spent the weekend at her home here. At the Orono Park Board meeting the following were chos- en as directors for 1951: H. Mer- cer. W. H. Carman and L. Low- ery, replacing C. T. Miller, P. M. Lunn and J. E. Armstrong whose term of office had expired. The matter of charging admissinn to ball games was discussed. After suggestions were advanced, it was moved by Wm. Armstrong, by way of a recommendation, that the new board discuss the possi- bility of the Orono Amateur Ath- FlOor Polisher r'NO more bck-breaking hours of buffing by band! No *More wrestling with a clumsy, weighted brushi Just guide your new G-E Floor Polisher over waxed surfaces and you get a speedy, gleaming polish to procec and beautdfy purBoom. Higgon Electric Trour Gmeeal Electrie Appliance Dealer Dowmnanvtfe 42 King St. E. The Orono News »Dra. IL. E. Loan corne in now for a demonstration Ted Woodyard Corner of King and Silver Streets, Bowmanville, and at Orono letic Association charging an ad- mission for basebali at the local park. Carried. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong celebrated their 40th weddin.g an- niversary on May 8th and were at home to their friends and rel- atives during the afternoon. Gift bouquets of 40 beautiful red ros- es and 40 pink and white carna- tions and other spring flowers filled the living roomn with their fragrance. A turkey dinner was served to the relatives and during the evening refreshments and wedding cake were servel by Heather Rebekah Lodge to a number of friends in honor of Mr. Armstrong's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robb re- turned home last week from Bradenton, Florida, where they spent the winter. Visitors with Mr. R. H. Wood and Allie were Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hoskin. Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armour, Hampton. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry were Mr. Archie Hendry, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hen- dry and family, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard and family, Shaw's, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry and family, New- castle. Mr. Denny Lynch, Woodbridge, spent the weekend with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowe. Mrs. C. Awde visited her son, Mr. Harold Awde and famnily, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Lantz and Mrs. Walter Cobbledick, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mrs. Cob- bledick's home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood visitedl relatives in Hamnptonî on Satur- day. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berry, nee Velma Mar- tin. on the birth of their son ini Bowmanville Hospital on May 14. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Gerry of Hamilton have corne to Orono to spend the summner in their new home, now nearing completion. Woman's Association was held May 8th in the Orange Hall, Mrs. Clarence Duncan, president, pre- siding. Devotional period wvas taken by Mrs. A. E. Eustace. The lheme of worship service was the story of Dorcas, a woman of good works, with thoughts leading up to Mother's Day. The temper- ance reading was given by Mrs. J. Lycett. 'Report of W. A. Pres- byterial at Enniskillen was given by Mrs. E. Rainey. CLARKE TOWNSHIP MAKE GOOD SHOWING IN RED CROSS DRIVE The Redi Cross drive which started in March and bias been somewhat late in some communi- ties in Clarke Township is draw- ing to a close for 1951. Orono Branch certainly appreciates the co-operation of many faithful and interested workers and canvvs- sers who sacrificed so much to bring up our creditable total which is made up as follows: Port Granby, S.S. 1 ---- $ 7.00 Lakeshore S. S. 2 . - 11.00 Newtonville-Collected by Women's Institute-------87.50 Brown's, S. S. à ----------- 6.0o Brown's Busy Bees--.. 5.00 Brown's H. and S. Club- 10.0( Antioch S. S. 8------------- 22.50 Lockhart's, S. S. 9 - 17.50 Starkville. S. S. 1 o .1 1.90j Kendal Women's Institute 47.00 Kirby, S. S. 14 ------ ----- 7.00 Leskard, S. S. 15 .P Leskard School-....- - 3.00- Leskard United Church W. A----------------- _------- -5.00 McLean's, S. S. 17, ---------- 27.3,5 Sixth Line, S. S. 21_---_ 22.50 Heather Rebekah Lodge---- 25.00 The Orono United Church W. A.- ---------------- 1.00 Orono I.O.O.F. Lodge - ---- 25.00 Orono Women's Institute 5.00 Orono Village - ---- 237.25 $6 14.30 The Statesman SoId Ai Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. S. Brown, Newtonville. T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Burketon. Lake Shore, Cfark. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, To- onte; Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland, Orono. and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowland and family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Gaham and family and friends, Pontiac, Mich., and Mrs. W. Clemenca, Shaw's, with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Holmes. Miss K. Riches visited rela- tives ini Lindsay and Cambray. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Holdawa§, Port Britain; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Mr. and Mms. Ken Neal and family. Bowmanville, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Mrs. E. Dean, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean. Mr. and Mms. E. Tonkin and family and Mr. Bill Powell, Osh- awa, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynas. Mr. Alf Brown visitad bis motb- er, Mrs. H. Brown, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones and Miss Joyce Martin, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and family, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskem- ville. SALEM There was a good attandance at the special Mothar's Day sai - viceon Sunday. Rev. Lute gave a special message and Rata Cann and Joan Craig sang a duet. Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Black- burn, Mrs. W. Symons, Miss Gr-- ta Symons were guests at the marriage of Miss Ruth Newman and Mr. George Lawinger in St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- manville, on SaturdV' evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chatterson with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Collacott. Mms. Lillian Brine and family, Mrs. Phillips at Mm. and Mrs, W. Craig's. Mm. Gordon Shackleton at Gem- ald and Ken Sbackleton's. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowling, Aurora; Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keîth Tannant and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cow- ling and f amily with Mrs. J. Cow- ling. Mm. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and family, Mm, and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton and Ruth with Mm. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Hamp- ton. Mm. and Mrs. W. G. Werry at- tended the funeral o! Mrs. Arth- ur Werry on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Werry, Sbaw's. HAYDON Sunday services will ba with- dawn hara this week on account of neighboring anniversamies. Mrs. R. Olesen bas bad the tele- phone installed. David Malcolm bas bis lieuse wired for hydro. The public school pupils are busy getting ready for their fes- tival te ha held at Tyrone on June lst. Ceci Siemon had a very suc- cessful sale on Saturday wben ha sold bis famm stock arýd im- plements. W. A. was beld at the parsen- age on Thursday afternoon. De- votional period was, taken by Rev. Lute. A reading was given by Mrs. H. Ashton. Mrs. Chas. Ran- kine rendemad a vocal solo and a couple of contests were enjoy- ed. We are baving Tyrona W.M. S. as aur guests at the Juna meet- ing, te be beld at Mrs. Frank Denby's. Lunch was semved by Mrs. Roland Tbompson's gmoup. The holy rite of baptism was observed et the cbumch service on Sunday, when Ivan Roy, son of Mr. and Mms. Roy Graham. was baptised. Mrs. Eaml Kennedy and familýy, Oshawa, at Mrs. Russell Cross- man's. We were pleased te see Mrs. Herb Bradley in the village on Monday, who, accompanied by Mms. Lomne Bradley and family, Hampton, were at Mr. James Hanna's. WESLEY VILLE Mother's Day service was held Sunday morning. Mr. Truman Austin acted as superintendent of the Sunday School. W.A. meeting was held at thé' home of Mrs. Percy Snell with a large attendance of ladies. Dur- ing the meeting they presented Mrs. Earl Inch with an electrýc lamp, as she will be leaving the community in the near fu.ture. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duff, Myrtle, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jinsen, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Payne were Mr. and Mrs. A. Peters. Morrish; Miss Jane Peters and Mr. Ted King, Peter- borough. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and family, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow. Mr. Brenton Farrow visited Mr. James Emerton, Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Walden andi family. Hamilton; Miss Williams, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd. Mr. Arthur McKay visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclougli, Wesleyville. Mrs. Westheuser, spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Falls, Ken- dal; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little, Healey Falls, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. Mr. J. Hallowell visited in To- ronto. Mrs. Gilbank and son. Newton- ville, visited her sister, Mrs. John Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd spent Sunday evening with Mr. ani Mrs. Llew HallowelI. Mrs. White -visited Mr. an-d Mrs. Lawrence White. Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. George Etwell have gone to their summer home at Seabright. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and daughters, Mr. and Mýks. Ew- art Robinson and sons with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson. Shiloh W. A. met at the home of Mrs. John Stark with an at- tendance of 18. Rev. Lancaster gave a fine talk on 'What is Life?" Mrs. Paeden and Mrs. Westheuser gave readings. After business discussion and some plans for anniversary lunch was served and a pleasant evening eïi- joyed. Mrs. Lorne Todd invited the ladies to ber home for the June meeting. To be honest about what we arc really fightîng for, we mnust see what we are really living for. SucesTip- DATE-ORANGE iBake it withmAeGIC! PUDDING - . rmms'u-~l 'I 'I i JCombine in a greased casserole (6-cup aize) Uc. corn uyrup, 1 tbe. grated lemon rind and ý4 c. orange juice. Mix and sift once, then sift into a bowi, 1 '-ý c. once-sifted pastry fleur (onri11 c. once-sifted hard-wheat fleur), 2',2 tape. Magie Baking Powder, 3-j' tsp. sait and 14 c. fine granulated sugar. Mix in V4 c. cern flakes, Edightly cruahed, and 3, c. eut-up pitted dates. Combine 1 well-beaten egg, ?,2'c. ,nik, 34 tap. vanilla and 3 tbe. shonteing, melted. Make a wellini dry ingredients and add liquide; mix lightly. Turn into prepared dish. Bake in moderately bot oven, 375', about 40 mnuUtes. Serve warmn, with pouring creamn. Yield-6 serins. - .'- -, h. 1 Clover Valley Farm Style lb. pkg. 1. G. A, Cheese Rails - - - 49c Sunny Norn Coffee 1. G. A. 16-oz. jar Crown Brand Prepared Mustard - - 17c Carn Syrup - Aunt Jemima lb. pkg. 1. G. A. Aunt Clara's Pancake Mix - - 19c Fig Bars - - Shop and Save IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT Blue and Red Brand Beef Boneless Pot Roasi Sweet Pickled Cottage Rails Swif t's Fresh Park Shoulders lb. - - 73cs lb. - - 65c lb. - - 55c Swift's Premiums lb. cello pkg. Franks -» -« - 58C Swift's Premium Sliced Rindless 1,* -lb. pkg. Side Bacon - - - 35c Park Liver Cabbage B.C. Winesap Apples Anne and Stephen, Miss Wlnnl- fred Trewin, Bowinanville, at Mr. Wm. Trewln's. Miss Shirley Garrard, Toronto, with her parents. MrS and Mrs. Tom Linton and David, Toronto, at Mr. James Hanna's. Mrs. Wesley Thompson, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomp- son and f amily, Toronto, at Mr. Roland Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. James Graham, BowmanviUle; Mr. and Mrfî. Roy Graham and family at M±t. Les- lie Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Potts, Mr. Blll Potts and Dorothy, Mrs. Jim McDonald and Jimmy, Colline- wood; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnd- ton, Peterborough; Mrs. Dèlbert Mylas, Orono, at Mr. Jack Potts'. Mr. Glen Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Eari Thornpson, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Frar>k Os- mond and family, Newcastle; Mrs. Lamna Chaters, Toronto at Mr. Roland Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Asbton and Sheryl at Mm. Wm. McLaughlin's, of Burketon, and Mrs. Wesley Brownlee's, Leaside. Mm. aipd Mms. Earl Masters and Gail, Eiiniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pummaîl, Charlettown; Mr. and Mrs. John Pummell and Elleen, Willowdale; Mrs. Rogers, Mm. and Mrs. Bill Sanderson and Vemna June, Janetville; Miss Jean Sanderson and friend, Mr. and Mms. Matthew Sbick, Mr. and Mus. Douglas Higgins and Jim, Miss Ruby Virtue. Toronto; Mm. Fer- guson, Mr. and Mts.*Evemett San- derson, Miss Marlon Sanderson, Hespeler, at Mr. Richard Sander- son's. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Colbary, Toronto, at Mm. Wilbum Black- burn's. Mr. and Mms. Blackburn and family and Mrs. T. Cowling took tbem back to Toronto Sun- day aftemnoon. Mrs. Ceeul Slemon and Mis. H. Booking spent Monday with Mms. Slamnon's sister, Mrs. E. Skinner. Oshawa. Mrs. Van Eyke, Long Sault; Mr. John McSwain, Toronto, at Mr. Frank Denby's. pâm si lb. 9 2c 2-lb. tin » 30C lb. pkg. m 39C Serve Yourself to Savings IN OUR FRUIT DEPARTMENT California Long White New Potatoes - 4 lbs. 29c Sweet and Juicy 252's Florida Oranges - doz. 33c - ea. 33C 2 2lbs. Ilc 150's - doz. 39c I l Cawker 's I. G. A. Super Market v 1 CAWKERS MIQGA. SUPER MARKET OFFERS FREE PANCAKES FOR EVERYONE ON SATURDÂYI MAY l9th - Aunt Jemima Pancakes will he served fo al aur cusiomers the whole day long. Made righi before your eyes and served wilh huiler and Maple Syrup. EVERY PRICE A SAVING ?ho» ue Cuban Sweet Ripe Pineapples - New Green Imported lb. - - - 35c THlURSDAY, MAY 17tb, 1951 1 1 NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Urry and family, Ottawa, spent the week- end with ber mother, Mrs. Jen- nie Randail. Mr. Ethan Jones and family moved to Bowvmanville on Tues- day. Ethan will ba much mîssed in the United Cbumch as he took the Bible Class at Sunday Sehool and was caretaker o! the church. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto,1 was home for the weekand. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwen1 and son, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle. Mrs. Ken Ware and daughtem, Miss Pat Wame, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Ovans. Kenny Staplaton bad bis tonsils namovad at Bowmanville Hos- pital on Monday. Mms. Lennox Vasey, Port Mc- Nichol, attended the funeral of her unckle, M4r. Bert Samis on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster and daughter Doralla spent the weekend with friands at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gibbs and son, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whit- taker and family, Toronto, wita Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Marchant, Boxv- manville, with Mr. and Mms. Win. Milligan. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pollard and family, Courtice, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey. Morris Ramsbottom, Bancroft, is staying with Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Bandy and working at Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kitchen and family, Toronto. visited ber par- ents, Rev. D. T. and Mrs. Lan- caster. Miss Donna Stark bas accepted a position at Honey Hollow res-1 taurant for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodhamis (nee Pearl Samis), Toronto, at- tended the funeral o! ber brother, Mr. Bert Samis on Thursday. Bud Jones and David 'Elliott, Napanee; Misses Fae Jones and Eleanor McGee, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welsh and family, Bowmanville, with her mother, Mrs. John Lancaster. Mrs. William Pryce and infant daughter, 'Toronto, have been spending a week with ber par- ents, Rev. D. T. and Mrs. Lan- caster. Mr. Pryce, Miss Margar- Lancaster and Mrs. Hinton came for them on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bradley, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Plattsville, with bis mother, Mrs. William Lane. Mms. Florence McGee and friend, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. 1 A large gathering of sympa- thizing friands attended the fun- eral of Mr. Bert Samis at the George Funeral Chapel. Port Hope, on Thursdsy, Rev. D, T.1 Lancaster was in charge of the1 service. Interment was in Lake- view Cemetery. Mrs. Gorman, Toronto, is stay- ing with Miss Annie Nesbitt. 9 The church services on Sun- day for Mother's Day were well attended. An abundance of beau- tiful flowers graced the pulpit. The selection by the junior choir, under the leadership of their teacher, Bruce Gorill, receivc!d great praise. The pastor chose a text appropriate for the occasion, showing that Mother's Day was not of recent origin but had come. a long way down from Bible times. Eight babies were pre- sented for baptism: James Ed- ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald SPECIAL 59e size Brytcreem 25c Comb BOTH FOR - 59o NEW Gilette Thin Blades 8 Blades 25e 3 Blades 10e SIGHT SAVERS 4 packages - 15e size For - 39e Helene Curtis - Special 69e size Egg Crame Shampoo 60e size Suave Both for - 98e 1 Schiek Razor 1 Travel Case 20 Schick Blades Ail for - 75e q rON! Hom* Parmenani 11,fi $I 1.50 Tampax Kotex Modess Kleenex 25c-43c-1.491 40e - $1.53 40e - $1.53 2 for 43t Sarnak For Rheumalism Thec spring tonie for draggy Dolicin $2.39 aches and pains. i')r Templeton's $13 T.R.C.'s ---- - 60c4-125-00 95COWLING'S DRUG STORETRSES Wood; Dianne Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Milison, Bownianville; Ronald Atuseli, son of Mm. and Mrs. Lawrence Mill-' son. Betbany; Frederick Peter, son o! Mr. and Mms. Fred Han- derson; William Thomas, son of! Mr. and Mms. William Gordon; Frances Margaret Phoebe, daugb- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sta- oey, Welcome; Joanne Mdelle, daughtem of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Shaw: Judith Lynne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Pryce, Toronto. e' Next Sunday. May 20, the Uzè- ited Church will hold their anni- versary service when Rev. Archie McLachlan, Ajax, will be guast speaker. Music will be supplied by the boys' choir o! Bowman- ville Training Sehool. ý27 "=ný