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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1951, p. 7

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THMISDAY, MAT l7th, 1951 p.- IlSOCIAL AID PERSONAL Pbone 653 Miss Eleanore Wight, Toronto, spent the weekend with her inother, Mrs. Charles A. Wight. Miss Irene Casbourn, Toronto, was weekend guest o! her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Casbourn. .&_Mrs. Bill Mutton and Mrs. Wil- 'liam Cunningham are spending a lew days in Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Bickle were in Toronto over the weekend and attended the McFeeters - Hamilton wedding. <~ST. JOHN'S Anglican Church Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION ia.m.- CHORAL COMMUNION 7 p.m. - EVENSONG Mrs. R. Gabounie and son,1 onto, were weekend guestsm her mother, Mrs. C. S. HaUIrr Miss Mary Cowan visited cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Norn Casey, Montreal. Mn. and Mns. H. S. Benn Elaine and Johanne visited parents, Mr. and Mns. M. Tht ton, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cawl Belleville, were Sunday gug with his parents, Mr. and 1 T. W. Cawker. Mr. and Mns. E. R. Hanna and Master Jimmie Hughes, Toronto, wene Sunday visitons with ber mother, Mrs. Gea. E. Pritchard. Miss Mary Alldnead' and Mn. Russell Alldnead, Toronto, spent Mother's Day with their parents, Mr. and Mns. David Aldread. Mr. and Mrs. John Faulkner were among the out-of-town guests at the Jay - Leslie wedding ii Toronto. Miss Mary Logan, Miss Helen Gunn and Mr. Vincent Lynch, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. J. A. Gunn. Mns. Forbes Monroe and sons Robin Lee and Murray, Ottawa, wene weekend visitons with hen parents, Mn. and Mns. Wrigbtson Wight. Mn. and Mrs. John E. Wyiie and son Brock, Cooksville; Mn. and Mns. Don Cox, Leaside; Mn. and Mns. Alan Greville, Toronto; Miss Lois Dean, Onono, wene Motbem's Day guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cox, Kingston Rd. East. k -Vl Speaker: BEY. JOHN K. NOFFAT, B.A., Oshawa Guest Soloist: MR. FRED DENSHAM, King Street United Church, Oshawa. Choruses by Sunday School EVENING SERVICE AT 7 P.M.- BEY. HAROLD TURR,' B.A." B.D. BOWMANVILLE Special music by the choir assisted b y Mr. Mathew Goldburn, A.LC.M., and Mr. W. A. Yonson, baritone soloist of Sirncoe Street United Church, Oshawa. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to ail by W. E. Warburton, Sunday School Superintendent.j 11 A.M.- 7 P.M. Tor- with man. her nan riett, her iuns- 'ker, .ests M'rs. TEE CNADIA STAESMAM ~OWANVTTT.11 flWr1E!r Miss Phyllis Martin, Toronto spent the weekend with her auni Mrs. George Purdy and visitec other relatives while in town. Miss Manlene Gibbs, Toronto and Miss Eileen Gibbs, Oshawa spent the weekend with theli parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gibbs Miss Joan Greenfield, Toronto, and Miss Ethel Byam, Stouffville, spent the weekend with Joan'E parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. K Greenfield. Mrs. Jack McGül and Ronnie have returned home ta Oakviill aften spending two weeks vaca- tion with Mr. and Mrs. IÇarl Hall and Marilyn. Mrs. Elmer Ott and Mr. Jack McNulty visited their mather, Mrs. E. McNulty, Montreal, whc is a patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital undergoing an operation. Mr. and Mrs. H. Meincke and daughter Sharron, Hamilton, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bucknell, Kingston Rd. East. Mr. Don Bisbop bas joined the permanent staff of The Canadian Statesman and us now working his way up ta become a Journeyman Pninter. Mrs. Jim Coyle attended the semi-annual meeting of the Peter- borough Presbytenial of the W.M. S. of the Pnesbyterian Church ini Canada beld in Coîborne lasi week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Joint, Bowmanville, accompanied by Miss Edna Ailan, Toronto, spent the weekend in Lindsay visiting Mrs. Joint's and Miss Alian's parents. According ta the Bowmanviile Chamber of Commerce stores in Bowmanville will be closed next Wednesday afternoon, May 23rd, as well as on Victoria Day, May 24th. Mn. Robt. Miller, Winnipeg, Man., who bas been attending the Dental College at University of Toronto, was a weekend guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mr. Miller left Monday ta attend military camp at Picton for the summer months. Mr. Thos. Cartwright, who is vîsiting relatives in London, Ont., writes that be hasn't been enjoy- ing the best o! bealth and is look- ing forward ta being back in the old town among his many friends ta ahl wbom he sends his best regards. Mn. and Mns. Alec Birks and daughten, Montreal, wene week- end guests o! their parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Bimks and Mr. and Mns. S. M. Scott. Thein in- fant daughter was amorIg the thirteen babies ta be baptized at Trinity United Church at the Sunday morning service. Funther bonours in the realm o! music wene conferned on a Bowmanvilie boy recently, when Glenn Hodgson was awamded !irst pnize at the Temiskaming Music Festival in the piano solo class. Glenn, wbo is son of Mn. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson, o! Bowmanvilie, is on the staff a! the Canadian Bank o! Commerce at Cobalt. Mns. Marianoe Pewtriss, Ca- bourg, Regional Adviser of the B siness and Professional Wom- eX! Club fan this district wbich extends from Belleville ta Osh- awa, wiil be present at the meet- ing- o!'the Bowmanviile Club on Thursday evening at the Balmoral Hotel ta instaîl new officers fan 1951. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar bad as weekend visitons in honor o! the cbistening o! their grand- daughten, Barbara, at Trinity United Cburch on Sunday morn- ing, Mn. and Mns. Charles Hoan and Barbara, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Chester Plante, Southamp- ton, Ont.; Mr. Harold Hoan, Ton- onto, and Miss Darathy Hoan, Toronto; Mr. and Mms. Kerr and Patsy, Oshawa. Bowmanvilie Rotary Club Eas- ter Seal canmpaign for Crippied Children reahized $1,265.95. O! this amaunt $632.97 wihl be ne- tained for local cases. To more than offset this amount the Rotary Club in the past six weeks bas paid out $680.78 on local cases being bandled by the Crip- pied Childnen's Committee. Under these cincumstances the club will« stili welcome donations for this worthwbile womk. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home o! Mrs. Herbent Galbraith on May 15. President Mns. W. H. Caruthers opened the meet- ing. The theme o! the wonship service "Peace I leave with you" was conducted by Mrs. Kenneth Wenry assisted by several mem- bers, clasing with prayer. Mrs. Wenry conducted an instructive and educational questionnaire ont wonld conditions. Topics were "Food versus Famine," "Bread versus Bulets," I'Apathy or Aid" conciuding with a realization o! the need o! 'help, and the wish ta give assistance. The president thanked Mns. Werry for organiz- ing the splendid pnogram. 7 HAMPTON Hampton W. I. presented their play "The Grapevine" for the sec- ond tinie in the basement o! the cbuncb on May 11. This is six times it bas been pnesented as they were invited ta Nestleton, Albert St., Oshawa; Enniskillen and Seagnave, where they wene neceived and ententained mosi. gnaciously. The cast enjoyed a social boum aften the performance. Tbey bave enjayed pleasant fol- lowship togethen. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Toronto, visited bis sister, Miss Lulu Reynolds, and aunt, Mns. R. Pascoe on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Balson and Miss Elleen Balsan, Solina, visit-J ed at J. W. and Harold Balson's.1 Morley Hastings, Toronto, at G. Adcock's. Mr. Clarence Smale and son Bobby, Tomanto, visited bis math- er, Mns. Wa Smale. Mn. anl Mns. Alan Parker, To- ronto, wene Sunday guests o! ber mother, Mrs. M. Goodman -and sister Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bow-r manville. with relatives. Mrs. Wiil Wilbun visited rela- tives at Orono on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray1 1 1141h ANNIVERSARY ST. ANDREW'S PRESDYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, May Zth, 1951 t 1 c tr h P d~ a a: h V ti t< a: ti ti T ae n a, ci G. 0, er ie ýs n e and daughters, and Miss Eileen Wray, Oshawa. with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, at Perey Dewell's. Mrs. T. S. Mountjay has return- ed home having spent a few days with Mr. and Mns. Cephas Mount- joy, Islington. Mr. and Mns. Cleve Clemens, Oshawa, were guests o! Mrs. E. H. Cale. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon, Scar- bora; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Poçier and Larny, Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. Mel MeCune, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Clare and Douglas, Enniskillen, at S. Ker- sey's. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy attended the 3th wedding anni- versany velebration o! Mn. and Mrs. Kayacs held at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Long Sault, on Saturday evening. Miss Wilma Leach spent Sun- day with friends in Bowmanville. Hampton friends were sonny ta hear o! the passing of Mrs. Chas. Willis, Toronto, the former Ada Hastings, Hampton and daugh- ter a! Mr. Edward kastings. Be- ing a praminent dressmaker, she served many friends throughout Darlington and Cartwright, when residing here. She will be ne- memnbered for her friendly and pleasant disposition. For several summers she bas spent a couple o! weeks with'fniends here as a guest at the home o! the late Mrs. Elmina Johns, and Mrs. Will Wbite. Sunday church services were fainiy well attended. The pnint- ed program for "Christian Fam- ily Day" was observed at Sunday School with sevenal cbildren and aduits taking part. Our pastorj was in charge o! tbe evening se,.- vice and had a fitting messagej for ail, including an interesting story "Every day is Mother'e Day" for tbe younger members of the congregation. He also baptized Dana Lloyd, son a! Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Damant, and Trudie Vinginia. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilkins. ZION HEADACH Calms your Q NERVES 29Ç - 55Ç - 98Ç em&m ý;7-Holp relie ve DULLNESS 0 SICK HEADACHE ACID INDIGESTION * CONSTIPATION 1I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS Kleenor Aniisepiic 4 and 16-oz., Mercurochrome with Rod - reg. 20e 14c Olive Oil 4-az. - reg. 29c 23c Wild Srawberry compound Reg. 35c 27c "cHAIR NEEDS" qe .f ldroot i 12 Cream 011 43e - 7 c $.2 3 SBreck ~hampo - - 85C - $1.95 2 in 1 Bargain WILDROOT Liquid Cream Shampoa $1.30 value for OnIy- '7e Cmplee - 3.2 DANDERINE --------- --- ---- 40c, 70c, $1.20 DRENE SHAMPOO ---------- 39c, 69c, $1.09 GLOVER'S MANGE MEDICINE --- 59c, $1.10' HALO SHAMPOO ----------- 39c, 69c, $1.09 HOLLYWOOD WAVESET ------ - - ------ 25e Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO- $1.25, $2. Hudnut CREME RINSE - - --- $1.25 Lustre CREME SHAMPOO -37c, 65c MARLENE'S SHAMPOO $1.39 NESTLE COLORINSE------------- 15c, 35c PRELL SHAMPOO --- ------35c, 69c, $1.09 SUAVE HAIR DRESSING --- 60, 95e VELVETTA BRILLIANTINE - ----- 35e VITALIS HAIR TONIC------- 40c, 70t, $1.30 TONI HAIR NEEDS Tani Spin j Curlen Kit $3.00 Toni Ref ii $1,50 Richard Hudnut WHIRL-A-WAVE Home Permanent Kit r s v 0 tg ri Motben's Day service was at- tended by a real gaod congrega- tion. Bertha Geissberger nead the Mother's Day story and music was furnisbed by the choir. Six chiidren wene pnesented for bap- tism: David William and Linda Anne, chiidnen o! Mn. and Mns. William Nemis; Stuart Boyd, son o! Mn. and Mns. Boyd Ayre; Jas- eph Bernard, son o! Mn. and Mns. Bud Hincock; Bnian Robert, son o! Mm. and Mrs. Ahian Tbompson, and Peter Craig, son o! Mn. and Mns. Ross Atkinson. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Stainton, Mns. Wes Cameron, Mns. Robent Kilien, Mns. Alex McMasten, Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mns. F. B. Glas- pel, Mns. Harold Bennett, Mrs. M. Morgan attended the "Spring Fantasy" at Central Collegiate, Oshawa, last week. Mn. and Mrs. Boyd Ayne and Stuart at Ai! Ayres', Oshawa. Mn. James Killen, Miss Winni- fred Powers, Mrs. Robent Killen, Mn. and Mns. Harvey Balson, Douglas and Betty Anne visited Mrs. Tom Cunnie at Hamilton on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Loo, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Eyman, Whitby, at Hans Geissbergen's. Mr. and Mns. Kelvin Edgar and Karen. Oshawa, at Boyd Ayrp s Miss Joyce Cameron, Oshawa, home for the weekend. Mn. and Mns. David Killen and !amily, Toronto. at Robent Kili- en,'S. Mn. and Mns. Ross Bell and Ber- nice, Oshawa, at Russell Stain- ton's. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and daughtens, Courtice, at Wes Camenon's. Mn. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre and Stuart at Harvey Cnossman's, Kedron. Mn. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and family, Mn. and Mns. Alex Mc- Master and famiy, Mns. F. B. Glaspel at Ray Scott's, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Claude Storrns and Betty, Oshawa, at Jack Cam- eron's. Master Glenn Balson, Oshawa, at Robent Killen's. Mn. and Mns. Ray Cameron and family, Mn, Jim Morris, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mns. James Gib- son, Toronto, also Mn. and Mns. Norman Wilks, Toronto. Mn. Keith Stainton is getting' ready ta pour the foundation for his bouse. Messrs. Bert Beckel, Jim Stain- ton and Doug Skinner wene ai. Lakefield. SOLINA The Women's Institute met on ['bursday a!ternoon with Mrs. Gordon Leask, president, in the cbair. Announcement was made of the District Annuai Conven- tion at Maple Grave on May 31. vIns. O. W. Rolph, Orono, con- ducted the installation o! the newly-eiected officens: President -Mns. Isaac Hardy; lst Vice- vIns. E. R. Taylor; 2nd Vice- vIns. Tom Baker; Se'y.-Treas.- vIns. Ralph Davis; Assistant-Mns. B. Hooey; District Director-Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Gnoup leaders and assistants- 1Mrs. Percy Dewell, Mns. Lloyd Bnoome; 2. Mms. Harold Pascoe, NIs. E. Spires; 3. Mrs. John Knox, Mns. C. Hamen; 4. Mns. C. Vice, Mrs. F. Westlake. Bnancb direc- nos--Mrs. J. Knox, Mrs, H. Tink, Mrs. J. Baker, Sr., Mns. J. Yl lw]ees; Pianists-Mrs. E. Cny- Jerman , Mrs. J. Yeliowlees. The netiring president expnessed ippmeciation for the co-operation rid support a! the ladies during ier term o! office. Mrs. S.*E. lerry responded, voicing the hanks ta Mns. Leask for hem un- iring efforts and e!! iciént sen- ice on al occasions. Mrs. Percy Dewell pmesided fan he progmam and opened with a 'eading "How ta be a Success." rhe roll eall: "What can I do ta sist New Canadians?" was wel Lsponded ta. A vocal solo, 'rees", was weil rendered by nrs. Jim Smaies. The guest speaker and District cesident, Mns. 0. W. IIolph, Save PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY FOR tqlaFIRST AID BAND nAID" ADHESIVE BANDAGES GUARANTEED!I Pictures Thot Satisfy Or A New Roll FR111 KLEENEX PIACKAGCF 22P 300 tissus./4er ffn 200 tissus 'Y" x 101,Gg MAN'S SIZE 12"x12"f Ale x. We Deliver MceGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 aa splendid taik on "Education and -Citizenship." Dividing her re- marks i.nto several parts the tspeaker explained the importance of (a) learning t Q discriminate -the good and bad; ') combining sthe intellectual and moral way of lufe and (c) using our talents willingly and gladly in commiun- ity activities. The community's history should noz be forgotten, but oid stories and old but beau- »tiful articles should be forever r treasured. Current events should be followed closely and consider- ed carefully. Referring to Home Economics Mrs. Rolph said we should not only know how to prepare meals but should give evidence of that knowledge in daily practice. In closing these lines were quoted: "We should make our homes the healing place of the soul." Refreshments were served by the East Group. Mrs. G. Rose- vear and Mrs. J. Cook of Tyrone W.I. were welcomed guests. Several from the Seventh Line Lattended a presentation at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith, Enfield, for their daughter, Margaret. and Donald Prescott whose marriage will take place on May 19. Mrs. J. Smales, Hlampton, was hostess at a miscellaneous show- er for Muriel Langmaid when Solina ladies were guests. The many gifts were contained in a gaîly decorated wheel - barrow which xvas wheeled in by Master David Smales. Dainty refresh- ments were served by the hostess. The Mother's Day service on Sunday afternoon was well at- tended. Mr. E. R. Taylor, S.S. Superintendent, conducted the program. Bouquets of snapdrag- ons and roses graced the altar lending their beauty and fragrance on this special day. The scrip- ture passages were read by Lorne Tink and readings were wiell presented by Larry Spires, Dor- 1othy Woodruf!, Kathleen Graham and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. The anthem "When Mother Prayed" was contnîbuted by the choir. A vocal duet, "It Is No Secret" was sung by Donna Vice and Olive Cryderman. A mixed quartette, Pearl Leach, Gladys Yeliowlees, Bruce Taylor and Harvey Yei- iowiees sang "God Will Take Care o! You." Rev. G.-Empey's ne- marks were based on the theme "Christian Famuiy Day." Church service next Sunday motrning will be heid at il o'ciock. Visitons: Miss Velma Gilbert and ber aunt, Miss Ethel Glbent, at Mn. Russell Gilbert's. Misses Jean Cryderman and Mantha Lillie, Orillia, at Mn. Everett Cnydenman's. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Yeilowlees, Taunton, at Mn. J. Yeilowlees'. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterbora, at Mr. E. R. Tayior's. Mns. Lloyd Ferguson, Betty and Donald, Messrs Bill Stevens and Donald Lawrence, Osbawa, Mn. and Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Orono, at Mr. Bruce Montgomeny's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe at Mn. Harvey Grossman's, Taunton. Mn. and Mrs. John Knox and chiidren at Mr. W. Knox's and H. Malcoim's, Brougham. Mrs. E. M. Carr, Toronto, is spending this week at Mn. Stan Millson's. Twenty-five young people en- joyed an evening of bowling in Bowmanville. They were after- wards entertained at the manse at Hampton wbere Rev. and Mrs. G. Empey served deliciaus ne- fresbments. % Mn. Garnet Shields, Port Hope, visited at Messrs A. L. Pascoe's and Bruce Tink's. Mrs. S. E. Werry visited at Dr. S. Geo. Werny's, Oshawa, and at- tended the funeral o! Mrs. A. B. Werry at Ebenezer. Mn. Chas. Werry, Oshawa, and ville, at Mn. S. E. Werry's. Mr.> and Mrs. _Èruce Tink, Lamne, Dianne and Neil, and Mrs. H. E. Tink at Mn. Clarence Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Lor- raine and Muriel, Ebenezer, visit- ed at Mn. Clarence Vice's. Mr. and Mrs. N orman Leach, Taunton, .at Mn. J. R. Kivell's. Mrs. T. Mînaker, Toronto, is visiting at Mn. Lamne Keilett's. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Balson, Carolyn and Barbara, Bowman- ville, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Bal- son, Gene and Vinginia, Hampton, at Mn. A. J. Balson's. We welcome Mn. and Mrs. Joe Snowden ta aur community. Mnr.and Mrs. Campbell Hamer, Doreen and Donald were at Mr. D. E. Hamen's, Brooklin. The service for Mother's Day was weli attended and special music and flowers added ta tbtŽ enjoyment of the service. Four infants were baptized by Rev. Ri. M. Seymoun, namely: Margaret Rose Mary. infant daughten o! Mr. and Mrs. Onville Greer, North Oshawa; Diane Margaret, daugli- ter o! Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Av- ery; Bruce Clifford William, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Knapp, of Bowmanville; Allan Walter James, son o! Mn. and Mns. Leslie Argue. Best wishes go ta Mn. and Mi-. Stanley McCullough, nee Rutb Cannochan, "wbose baby girl was born in Bowmanville Hospital, May 10. Mn. and Mns. Fred Sheehan and Shirley with Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Hantborn. Mrs. E. Caughill visited friends in Port Penny hast week. Mn. and Mns. Grant Wilson and Beryl, Mn. and Mns. Frank All- son, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Mark Corega Plate Pwder 33c - 53c - 89c Jeanetie Talcum-- 19c*- 2 for 35c il Il 1 and 2~ lbs. 79C - $1.79 Medicine Gilasses - - 2 for 15c Eye Cups - - - 2 for 15c ~edepndonlCOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE rugg.sSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Guest Minister: The Ex-Moderator of the General Assensbly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada BEV. WILLIAM BARCLAY, D.D. Soloists: Miss H. McCauley and Mr. G. Mcîntyre, Toronto. - EVERYBQDY WELCOME - ST. PAUL'S UNITED CRUECH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY NEXT SUNDAY, MAY 2Oth Il am Guesi Speaker: Mr. Stephen G. Saywell OSHAWA, ONTARIO SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE JUNIOR CHOIR Under the leadership of D. H. Williams Organist: Mrs. Reta Dudley W. D. CARRUTHERS, J. H. SWINDELLS, Superintendent. Secretary-Treasurer. EVENING SERVICE - 7 P.M. Speaker: REV. L. M. SOMERVILLE, B.A., B.D., of Courtice COURTICE UNITED CHURCH NORTH 0F TRULL'S STORE F. L. Walter, Choirmaster SUNDAY, MAY 20 Annual Suuday School Anniversarv AT 2 P.M. Wý day guests with Mrs. Pearl Av- ery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns and family,. Toronto, with Mrs. E. Caughill. Mr. and Mrs. Art Tompkins and Gordon, Birchcliffe, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins. Mrs. Tompkin's sister and hue- band. Mr. and Mrs. David Wars. man, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng- land, are sailing May 24 ta spend the summer with the Tompklns. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, Peter- borough, spent the weekend with relatives. Mrs. T. G. Breck is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. William Breck at Clinton and Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slingerland, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt and Phyl- lis, Mr. Ross Hubbard, Taranto; Miss Irene Çanfield. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. E. Vigar, Miss Betty VI. gar and brother, Mr. Art Vigar, Mr. Pat McCready with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. Alden Hubbard spent Sun. day with Mr. C. Brawn, Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rahm, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm. Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Jlm MeLaughlin and Ralph, Unian; Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm and Ruth and cousin Helen, Saint- field, witb Mrs. H. Rahm. Many in this district have planted young trees fromn Orano Forestry. Herb Hooey planted 9,000 and Carters 2,000 Red Ced- ar. The school cbildren helped with the planting. Mrs. Carter was in Toronto to attend the R.C.A.F. May Tea at Danforth United Church when Rev. Johin E. Bell# Fadre, and Squadron Leader W. Surman of Sunn 'vbrook Hospital were the special speakers. Mrs. Kather- ine McBain, Royal Conservatory of Music, was soloist, accompan. ied by Miss Lois Scully. Ail Sil- ver Cross wearers were invited. Mns. Walter Jenkins, Bowman-.McMahon, Toronto, wene Sun- h 7 L1590 - M J Soap Boxes TIM CAMADIAN STATESMAN, BOVebUNVMLE. ONTARIO qu 1PAe-1p 0. U. 0 1 13c - 2 for 25c 1 19C - 59C 1

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