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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1951, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TN~~~~~~ CMIAn!AN RT~~~~r MAw lflflWMA?.x3" v1TTV lrm &TD1AqtA7eJL 4e.LIIJ.Ju1 YIrI-Lf~I ual winner will be a family whoseDit ctR g holT ak M e Complet e Fcither's Day Ward robe DIrsnaie o h ieml Fa Mily generations live-in different parts of Canada. No1ce, however, that IV-e a lly domniciled in Canada. High School track men i2r this greatest number of points to the area-and ail over Ontario in fact winning district's total. Framed -are busy these days trAining, pictures of the trophy will be giv- Contest Rules for a series of competitions thai en to the other schools represent- may take them right up to th2_ ed on the winning district's teamn. 1. A prize of a complete Ontario Interscholastic Track ani The cup will be presented to the FahrsDyoti o ue Field Championships. Captain of the winning team at a ie 17 wil be presented to a The activity right now centres dinner on the night of June 9th. Canadian 5-generation fam- around the local and district track The trophy is pictured ini the ily by the Canadian Fath- meets. Top men in the 300 par- accompanying' mat with Miss er's Day Committee., ticipating high schools in the pro- Cheerleader of 1950, Jeanette -* 2 Thewinnng fmily vince go on to one of the seven Lastowska of Central Commerce wil betheCandia faîly district meets. The two best com- in Toronto. ri epotdt the C omanfmite petitors in each event at the dist- It's a big spectacle that will be ¶ onor ef orte 31 My 1951 rict meets will move into the On- presented on June gth. A total of which has the oldest great.- tario Interschoiastic titie hunt. 25. events will be run off during great-grandfather and in The big all-Ontario champion- the afternoon. About 250 coni- addition fulfilis the foilow- ships are to be held on June 9th prtitore fre evperc oner of the ing cnditons:(1) here at the Ontario Athletic Commis-prvneaeepcdtoati- are five generations living. sion training camp at Lake Cou- pae. Individual awards will be presented to the winners of each comprising great - great - chiching. event. grandfather, great-grand- The District meet for this area Last year's district winner was father, grandfather, father, takes place in Oshawa on June the Niagara District Schools Ath- son-all in direct maie uine; 2nd. letic Association and once again (2) Each of the five is nor- This year for the first time the this year they are expected to put malydoicle i Cnaa: Manufacturers Life Insurance up a stiff fight for the champion- (3mach of th ive is winad- Company trophy will be awarded ship. Winner in 1949, first year (3)Eac ofthefiv iand to the winning district team- It of the Championships, was To- -. ingtoral o hisedi will rest on the trophy shelf of ronto Secondary School Athletic phoogrph o e ued 11 the school which contributes the Association. connection with the an -_______________________________ nounicement of the award. 3. In the event of no aIl- maie five-generation familv Girls" Sofihaîl League Composedl be awarded to a five-gen- 0 o e m hsS ao eration family having four -fF u e m hsS a o maies In direct line and with the oldest great-great- Dlgn rciehsams 1Bwavlea ae grandfather as outlined in Dlgn rciebsam~ 1Bwavlea ae Rule 2. assured that Bowmanvilie's Girls' 22-Hampton at Maple Grove 4. Il epots ustbe Softbali Team will be in tip-top 25-Salem at Bowmanvilie F- shape when they meet Hampton 2-ape roetHmtn made to the Canadian Fa in the opening tilt of the C.O.F. 28-Saiem at Hampton --ther's Day Committee in sponsored Girls' Softball League, 29-Bow'ville at Maple Grove writing either by a member May 28. The game wil be play- July- of the claimant family or ed in Hampton with a similar 2-Hampton at Bowmanviile Great-great-grandfather Harry Walis, years aid, heads this outstanding five-gen- someone on behaif of the tilt between Salem and Maple Maple Grove at Salem eration Canadian family. Is this a record? The Canadian Father's Day Committee is family. Grove being staged on the lat- 5--Salem at Hampton looking for a five-generation ail-maie family in direct son and father line. The Com- C5 The judgment of the ter's home diamond. 6-Bow'viiie at Mapie Grove m:tte ofersta cmpleelyautft ai f ve mle mmbes ofthe innng fmilyfor an a di an Father's Day Originally it was believed the _________ Faithe ers ay, Jun et.ely otst losiesmalet. o h inigfmyfr Committee as to the Wifl- league would consist of six teams Fathr'sDay Jue 1th.The ontst loss 3st.ning family shall be final but due to the inahiiity of Shaw's and binding on ail parties. to field sufficent players and the Three Goodyear Men Is there a 5-generation ail-maie Mrs. Neil Gow, 60: great-grand. Grandfather enteurte oleagueshisayeas Girls'i Long S.ervice family known to the readers of mother Father Bebarhl eague iîî con'sis' fPn,25 4 e The Canadian Statesman? If sa Mrs. Fred McKean, 38: grand- Son. four eams:alem, Hapton , t&Pis 5ta 0Ye r they may win a grand prize of a mother I ssc aiywihwi Counter - Hoppersfortas SleHmon complete outfit of clothes for each HarldDesogs, 1:faterafitted for Fath-l Maple Grove and Bowmanviiie. Roland Bate celebrated 40 mnember of the famiiy. which is Hrl 'soes 1 atwithopetl ufitdfo ah-Ls Shb l G re P ayesw's hav aned forces years continuous service with the being offered by the Canadian Fa- Jerald Desiages, 10 month: son. er's Day. The grand prize xill wihSa' aemondfre local Goodyear Company and ther's Day Committee in ca-oper- It wiil be seen at once that the go to the qualifying family which To Lodge Team with Salem. qualified for membership in the ation with this newspaper. 5-generation ail-maie uine is in- has the oldest great-great-grand- Jack Kitson will again handie 40-year-ciub, it was announced terr.upted at the third generation father. C.0,F. met Front Street in a the local hall club with Jim recently. Two other Goodyear The Toronto Telegram recently level, and also at the faurth. What If such a fami is not found, pre-season softball tilt played at Levitt helping with the coachinrg men, Leslie Nichois and Fred published a picture and StOI'Y the Father's Day Committee is then the award xiii go to the next Central Public School May 15 and chores. Bath substantiate that Purdy, have served continuously about the 5-generation famiiy of loaking for is a 5-generation fam- best-perbaps to a 5-generation walked away with a 12-5 victory. this year's team "wili be a lot for 35 and 25 years, respectively. Harry Walls (Above) of Toronto. ily with ail the maie links living, famnily witb four of the maie gen- Both teams are entered in the better than last years." The 1950 Mr. Bate was born in Birming- It consists of: nameiy: erations still living, and in the Town Softball League. season saw the local girls finish ham, Engiand, and came to Can- Henry Walls: great-great-grand- Great-great-grandfather case of a tie, to the famiiy with The winners brought in five in the celiar. ada 45 years ago. Living in father1 Great-grandfather the oldest living great-great- runs in the first inning two of Although a number Of local Toronto, he joined the Gutta grandfather. which were homers made by girls are "trying out' for the bail Percha Company and worked in We av herdmay sores"Biackie" Blackburn and Jim club, the roster wiil be reduced the Hose Department for five btihvderesieny tsotis Levitt. The long clouts apparent- to 15 prior to the opening game. years prior to associating hlm- abot lng-ive reidets f tiy took the ginger out of the HOTITIRED ditrit ançi occasionaiiy have Front Street couniter hoppers and Girls' Softball Schedule self with Goodyear. Father of found amang aur readers that the C.O.F. found themseives on May- f ive cbildren, three work in the mno oa vr10yasoid. rest of the bail game. Salem at Maple Grove Rose and Bob Bate work in Dept. Soathe them The iatest census returns say The victary went to the credit 3 l-Salem at Bowmanviiie 274, while Murray works in the qucky ndefetiel.there are no iess than 50 of thein of pitcher John Stacey who re-' June- Stock Room. In his younger days qikyadeec'ey* in Canada. corded six hits, seven strike-outs 1-Hampton at Mapie Grove "Roiy" was active in soccer foot- Get fast-drying Minard's A 5-ee ati l-maie famiîy and no waîks. On the losing 4-Maple Grove at Bow'viile bail. M Lietrbit on. Feel is said by the lite insurance com- team ,Cliff Trewin gave Hampton at Salem Lsi ihlte3-ermn th coles-~t elef qic!.pany statisticians ta be even more hits, struck-out seven and walked 18-Bowmanvfle at Hampton was born in Courtice but has lived l4 blei eteleqik unutuai tiian a dentenarian. From five. Maple Grove a Salem mast of i life in Bowmanville. titMe ta time- there have been re- Aithough Front Street fared parts of such a famiiy in this dist- badiy in their first bail tilt, it, rict but ta date we have heard of must be noted that this was their none. first time out this season. CQO.F. M !!AHWS Is there onec m this distr'ict? have bad severai practices. P ictum 'e M ou KING OF PAIN"i is not necessary for al 'nem- bers of the qualifying or winning Larwn Bowlers 1 atilyquteossibl that the event: To Open Season Thus.,May 24th I'1 I ID 1open officially until May 24, local MM W MM E awn bowlers have already enjoy- Il Il III SMrs. Doug Carter were quite in- cIeIy~' vuL I Lvolved in the papular pastime ~Membership Il the local club O be t non h as even a sliht nteesti awn bowling. Accrdig o oe cubspokesman, a ptenialmemerdoes not eveni hav toownhisownbowis as he canborow her atthe club bouse. The lacal club wiil we2 ..........corne new members. ~ A great deal of work bas ai- ready-ben _don -onth _green mU .a census in 3,8Q0 B.C.; China had finish with a synthetic rubber base. Dries sucn enterprise Canacuai BuorBakPANTS a census in 3,000 B.C.; Rame had in next ta no turne and con be scrubbed P EAITS census-takers in 600 B.C. clean time and agoîn. is "Serving Canadians TI $2.95But it took William the Con- Denim 29 queror of Engiand ta almost put Ail Colours an end ta tbem forever. His sur- vey, in 1086, known as the OVERALLS "Doomsday Book," was for the Leather GAL. express purpose of finding out HeavyDutythe value of every estate in Eng- Gauntiet land and the taxes owing ta the royal treasury. $6.95Guarateedday Book" that for centuries na $6.95 $ 1.98 Gaate censuses were taken again. 24 Division St.Pon3lI 'jROW Jy.r,., Niri need nourishnient. Proper plant feeding through C-I-L fertilizers makes an important difference in the early growth of grain. He started with the Durham Rub- ber Company on April 14, 1909, and with the exception of three breaks ln bis service, bas been ln the business ever since. A married man, Les Nichais be- came a grandfather several months aga. He is extremeiy interested in sports and as a hobby grows gladili. Twenty-five year man, Fred Purdy came ta Bowmanviile from Bobcaygeon and started working at the Goodyear April 6, 1926. His name sweils the ranks of the 25-year club. Employed in the Hase Dept., Fred foilows a hobby of gardening and be reputedly bas one of the nicest gardens in "Bowmanviile the Beautiful." MAPLE GROVE (Intended for iast week> Mrs. H. C. "Molly" Hurlbert, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. N. W. "Kathleen" Grose, Winghama, spent Mother's Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer. Recent caliers at Mr. and Mro. A. F. Spencers were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Maines, New York; Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold McFaul, Mrs. R. Currie and Miss Margaret, To- onta; Mr. and Mrs. L. Stoneburg, Oshawa; Mrs. White, Elizabeth- rSay It With Flowers.. FROM Bowmanville Fkewer Shop 33 KING STREET W. PHONE 474 WM. W. BUCKLEY, Prop. There are now over 270 filmi libraries in Canada, where only 44 existed at the end of World War II. SCAMP.ERS MEN'S OXFORDS $5.50 BOYS' OXFORDS Sizes 1 to 5% $4.95 YOUTHS' OXFORDS Sizes il to 13% -- $3.95 CHILDREN'S OXFORDS Sizes 6 to 10% -- $3.50 CHILDREN'S GOLDEN BURGUNDY Saddle Oxfords $4.50 Misses' Saddle Oxfords $4.95 Men's Crepe Soles_____ $6.95 BOYS' Crepe Soles $5.95 Girls' Crepe Soles $5.50 Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair King St. W. BOWMANVILLE MILK m m the Energy Food! Served in a mated ... in a dessert . . . in a cream sauce over meats and vegetables, you can't beat miIk for nutrition and good taste. Order today! GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 444 HO WMAN VILLE ro ýs THE SPUR Snefits from chemical iyour camf art, the tter living, form the -L extends ta home, better brush, a finer :plosives and count- materials ... ail owe enterprise. Through in Industries Limited rhrough Chemistry". CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED MONTREAL EASY TO CLEAN and easy ta use brushes witli new nylon bristles aid Spring painting. Those nylon bristles dan't break off and are long.lasting too. CLEAR THE WAYI C-I L Explosives play a constructivo part in the. building of n.w roads, roilways, bridges and buildings. r .5Ur4E dWALCHUTK of Regina, Sask., winner of the 1951 "C-I-I Singing Stars of To-morrow" Grand Award receives her cheque fromn Dr. Edword Johnson, retired General Manager ofthie Metrapaliton Opera Association of New Yark. Over $3000 in C-I-L music awards were won tdii radio season. 10 WMAN VILLE SURPLUS STORE Phone 3211 TIM CANADiAN STATMMAN. BOWM*ANVILLE. ONTAILWO Il Ri i ýo-,nav %ffAv -9d#lk faiti * --?Am TM

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