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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1951, p. 16

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PAGE SYXTEEN Cobourg to Get 3 Million Dollar Drdlnance Depot Three and a haîf million dý;Ea-. ordnance depat for th.e town of Cobourg was announced Thurs- day night by Hon. Brooke Clax- ton, Mnister of National Defence. fclimnaxing negotiations which had been going on for the last four months. Key figures in these negatiations were the Minister af ,Iqational Defence, Dr. Fred Rob- ertson, M.P. for Northumberland; Senatar William Fraser. and May- or Jack Burnet of Cobourg. Mr. Claxton intimated the dé- oot mlght be used as an overseas .upply point "when the St. Law- rence Seaway is completed." This was taken as an indication that when ocean-going ships could dock at Cobourg. the depot would be used to send supplies to Europe. The huge depot. which is ta be known as the Central Comnmand FIYour silver and chin* sporkle against Dresden'Blue IULCRIPTi 'PAINTS Ordnance Depot, will utilize the services af 1,500 maie and fa- male personnel af which sme are saldiers but most of them ci- vilians. Work wili atart in twa months. An assembly point for supplies, it will handie everything fromn tooth brushes ta huge Items of ar- mnored equipment..- Location is at the north-east end af Cobourg. The depot will accupy 125 acres. Use Harbor Facllitles The harbor, which is open ail year, will play a vital part for in- coming and autgaing mnaterial along with rail and highway transport services. The town will supply utilities services af water, sewers and power up ta the pro- perty in question. Mayor Jack Burnett said that workers and their families will amount ta an increase af more than 3,000 ta the population of the town. It i. quite possible that the location af the depot here could nat only accelerate pres- ent industries which would be supplying equipment component3 but could attract other irxdustriçs ta locate there. The depot would not necessarily stock equipment for the Army alone but conceiv- ably could handie items which were common toaial three services such as technical and medical equipment. The negatiations were cloaked in secrecy. high military and gav- ernmfent officiais have been in Cobourg fram lime ta time look- ing over such essential services as water, sewers and power, the ideal location af Cobourg from the standpoint af land and water transportation and its possibilities for air travel. were ail studied carefully in the visits af the of- ficials and mîlitary mnen there. THURSDAY - FRIDAY- MAY 24 -25 OH! FOR THOSE WILD AND WONDERFUL DAYS when you kissed, blushed and blundered through The stories that thrilled and delighted America for eleven years in the Saturday Evening Post! CARTOON IN TECHNICOLOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE 8TH CHAPTER "BATMAN & ROBIN" SATURDAY - MAY 26 -Added Attraction - Hopalong Cassidy "SILENT CONFLICT"I Matinee OnIy "BATMAN & ROBIN" CARTOON SHOlRT 1 -4 Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Sander- )ck. Orono, at Mr. and Mrq. arl Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. WVallace Grîffin d baby Heather were Sunda *v citons at Mn. and Mn.. N. Collke- Itt's. Anniversary services wv e re rgely attended %%,tin Rev. Hec, Drsan delivered very fine ser- ,ns on bath occasions. Mr,4. and Mrs. Geo. Moody and lanon, Bawmanville; Miss Beryl nmer, nunse-in -training, Peter- )rugh, at Mr. E. A. Werry's. Mvr. and Mns. Cecil Milîs and nily, Miss Shirley Ellis were inday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. raId Milîs'. Mrn. and Mrs. C. Milis. Port ?rry. visited Mn. and Mrs. Har- cMilîs on Monday. Mrn. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton A iamiiy. Purple Hill, with his xents, Mr. and Mn.. Walter ce. Mir. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, Bo, manvil-le, with Mr. and M Adam Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Cou tice. ait Mr. and Mrs. A. Lea beater'. Mrs. J. Borrawdale and Brie Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. S. Wenry. Sauina: Miss Nora Weri Mr. R. Luke and Miss Olive Luc Kedron, with Mr. and Mrs. J.. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rund' Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. JE Simpson and family, Trento visîted Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Mr..and Mrs. Jabez Wrigt Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthi Hanvey, Miss Margaret Chambe lain, Tynone, Mr. and Mrs. R(~ Knox. Hampton, with Mr. ar Mn.. John Siemon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill ar Don. Toronto, at Mrs. John M Gill's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Milis, Po Perry; Miss Lynda Potts, Haydo at Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn, M and Mrs. E. Ward, Claremon Mr. and Mrs. E. Parrott, Cha: Lake; Mr. and Mn.I. W. Parro and Jean, Oshawa, at Mr. an Mrs. A. L. Wearn's. Mn. and Mrs. Theron Moun joy, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Steven Mrs. W. W. Horn, Mrs. Laur Ranton. Hampton; Mrs. Wi Martin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts an family, Haydon, with Mr. an Mrs. Howarèl Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. James Smale Hampton; Mr. Fred Ellis with M and Mrs. R. McLaughlin. .Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Pollarc Mr. Bert Creeper, Miss Alic Creeper and Miss Cora Scott, Tc ronta; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gil bert with Mr. and Mrs. T. Iv Slemon. Mrs. Laura Ranton, Mrs. WiJ Horn, Hampton; Mr. and Mri Henb Rogers, Bowmanville; Mi and Mrs. R. J. Weaving and Ric key, Willowdale, at W. l' Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry wer receiving congratulations on thei 52nd wedding anniversary c May 20. Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Georgi visited friends at Port Perry. Mn.. E. C. Ashton, Janice an( Bonnie Beecli, Maple Grove; Mrs Eva Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. W. J Bragg, Providence; Mr. and Mr5 I. G. Travell, Beth and Bruce Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. O. C Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Durnham anc family, Harmony, called on Mr and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Okç Oshawa, Mr. and Mn.. Clarenci. Avery and family, Burketon visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Congratulations ta Lois Ashtor on winning fînst prize for piant solo at the Kiwanis Festival ai Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. 'Pethîck and vIns. Venna Wood with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Sunday tea guests ait Mr. and vIns. Harvey McGill's were Dr, anld Mrs. C. W. Slèmon, Bowman- ville; Miss Dorothy Virtue, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, James and Douglas, Scarborc Bluffs; Master Bnian Borrow- daie, Oshawa; Mr. Wm. Mahaffy. Mrs., Charles Bragg, Winnipeg: Mr. and Mrs. Gea. A. Scott. Osh- awa; Misses Louise and Marjonie McIntosh, Whitby, at Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin's. Mr. Frank Smith, Columbus; Mr. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon; Mr. nd Mrs. Fred Toms and Jeant, Purple Hill; Mn. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and Lloyd, Blackstock. at Mrs. Minerva Trewin's and Mr. nd Mrs. Eanl Trewin's. Mrs. Reg. Sutton and Joyce, Orono; Mr. Ken Gray, Lotus; Mr. nd Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne and Tenry, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and family, Black- stck, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fer- 'usan, Maple Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mn.. Ross Page and tmily, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Fan Luke and family. Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beck- ýtt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett and ays, Scanbono Bluffs; Mn. and [rs. Roy Langmaid and Chantie, WANTED FOR EXPORT REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEIN HEIFERS AND COWS Freshening this summer or fali WANTED FOR THE DOMESTIC NIARKET SPRJNGER COWS without test WALTER FRANK PHONE 2403 BOWMANVILLE ts )r il it. Next meeting June 28, at the fhome of Iva Twist, Salem, with Marg McGuirk's group in charge. ! Lunch was served by the group. The Explorer. group did flot have their meeting on the reg- ular Tuesday nlght, but met at the home af Mrs. Milis on Sat- 'urday afternoon. The recreation and business sessions were held and then nine waste piper bask- ets were campleted. Mother and Daughter Ba*nquet The tirst Mother and Daughter Banquet of the newly arganized Maple Grave C.G.I.T. was hal May 15 in the basement of the church. Grace was said by Vaughn Stephenson in Japanese and then ail repîted it in English. Aiter dinner toasts were -propos- ed: to the King, by June Staiker; ta the Church, by Shirley Bath- well and responded ta by Rev. L. M. Samerville; ta the C.G.I.T., by Mrs. C. SrIowden, responded ta by Betty Carsweli; ta the mothers by Elva Snowden, re- sponded ta by Mrs. S. Morton. The program was canducted by President June Staiker. A sing- sang was led by Lorraine Snaw- den with Miss Edna Swallaw at the piano. Lucinda Warwick gave a reading; a piano salo by Jean Flintoff; June Staîker, Betty Carsweli and Patsy Schram sang. The speaker, Mrs. S. Saywell spoke on "The Purpose." Lor- raine Snowden thanked the speaker and the mothers for coming. Shirley Cryderman play- ed a piano solo. While the dishes were being washed, athers jained in recreation, after which every- one journeyed homeward after taps and a delightful evenlng. Mn., John Pnoutt, Miss Ruth Proutt and Mrs. George Nesbitt were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pnoutt. Visitai,. with Miss Gladys Mc- Kee were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jannaway, Mr. Earl Can.cadden and Mrs. Gea. Janes, Tôronto. Mr. and Mn.. Alvin Marlow and family. Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons and Joan, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mn. Nelson Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fratalochi, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Eîrl Brad- humn and family, Burketon, visit- ed Mn. and Mn.. George Bowers. Mm. and Mn.. McComb, Ray- mond and Moira wene dinnen guests of Mn. and Mn.. J. Harris. Mises Jean Maskeli, Oshawa, and Marion Thompson, Toronto, with Mn. and Mn.. Grant Thomp- son. Miss Nellie Lapp, Cedar Grave. and Mn. and Mrs. 'Hillary Kennedy, Uxbridge, called an thein causins. the Thompson's. Mr. and Mns. Oliver Rohmer and twa childnen moved tramn Black- stock ta the home ai hi. brother. Ivan Rabrer until finlshing his house for occupancy. Mrs. Jas. Fonder spent a few day. at the home ai her son, ivIr. Liong Creani Style Standard Quality Corn - - For Coaking, Salads Nazola Dil - Easy, Quick Kraft Dînner Claver Valley Ch.... eMIS Memorial Hospital age space, the basement boast, C ~the nurses' dining room and a pni- r ~vate dining noom for the Hospital 1 <Continued fram Page One) Supenintendent where hospital i ng raoms should be mentioned. guests can be ententained. One *They a!fe situated at the north end basement room is allocated to ai the narth-south part af the dishwashing only and a large 1building and are twa in number. automatic washen i. alneady in Thene is an instrument cabinet place. There i. alsa a roomn for built inta the wva1l in each welî stcnilizing babies' botties and the lighted room and the floor is prepanation af special formulas. patterned with lines ai metal Three-Room KRitehen which form squares. The metal The kitchen proper occupies ensures that an aperating doc- three rooms with an electnic mix- 1tor is gnounded at ahl times and er and electnic vegetable peeler minimizes the danger that a waiting ta be fixed in place. patient may neceive a shock. Thene is also a room ifon washing The doctons have a pnivate garbage cans; a raom whene th-e locker oomn adjacent ta the op- Women's Auxiliary ai the Hos- cnating theatres and anc of the pital can meet; a dining rom nfar beauties ai this private sanctum help other than the nursing staff, is a showen. Aiter a particuîarly and a room for hospital records. difficult operation an immediate Anothen noom which will be used showcn works wonders on a doc- exclusively for the stonage of tor's morale, according ta the dnugs will be locked at ail times. Hospital Board Chairman. The ail-important laundry is la- Speed in Emergencies cated in the basement at the The yste fo hanlingam-north end af the north-south wîng Thane e s s iorhneding varn-id the huge washing machines bulncecass i dsiged a sveand dniers are ready for opera- time. Ambulances will drive up tion at a moment's natice. ta a neceiving room at the north end ai the building, dischange thein One ai the most Important un- human cargo which i. then its in the basement 15 the bailer wheelcd into a wash-up roam room which is now ln apenatian. and igh ino oe ofthetwobp-Whilc there are two bailens in the erating raoms. Because the room, aniy anc is used at any ane raoms join anc anotîhcr, it is only time. One boiler i. aiways kept a matten ai seconds fnomn the rcady in the event the othen time an accident victim enter. breaks down or needs cleaning. hosptaluntl h is n te oer-Heat is a necessity in a hospital hoigtale.tlheinth pr and it must be assuned constant ating al times. The wing which runs east and Behind the scenes, the hospital west i. the matennity ward an~d is taking shape and within a veny whiie the rooms are Painted in the few manths it wiil be ready ta same coiors it diffens from the neceive its finst patients. By that othen wing in that it lias a nur- time, the grounds araund the sery. Twenty babies can be ac- building will be iandscaped and cammodated in the modern nur- Bowmanviîîe will be able ta sery and fathens will be aliowed baast anc ai the most beautiful as ta sec thein new-born anly well as anc ai thc mast modern through a large glass u-indow' hospitais in Ontario. There arc txvo af these windows ___________ anc on cithen side ai the attend- ing nurse's office. Even doctors A L anc not allowêd in the nurser', IU.LIJIJJV propen. they must examine the-Ir charges in the nurse'. room which Miss Mildned Snowden spent is cquippcd for such examina- the wcekcnd with her cousins, Dr. tian. and Mns. L. H. Coates, Bnantford. Althoughi many people hav'e Mn. and Mn.. Albert Brown, made countiess visits ta scec sciý Biily and Betty, Hamilton; Missg friends in hospital, fewv peopkc Marion Snawden, Toronto, spent have had the pniviiege ai going the wcekend with thein parents, thnough the basernent. Many andi Mn. and Mn.. C. H. Snowden. varicd are the things faund in S. S. and church service ncxt thc basement ai this new Me- Sunday at the negniar time, 1:30 marial Hospital. and 2:40 p.m. Besides an ahundance oi stnr- A numbcr from here attended annivensary services at Countice Orona; Mr. E. Dickcy, Oshawa, and Enniskiilen. at Mn. Milton Staintan's. Mn. and Mn.. Wallace Munday Mr. Athur Milîson is putting and Donald visited with Mr. and a new aîuminum roof on .; Mrs. Doug. Kennedy,. Toronto. an Mn. Hanna ai Haydon, is buil- Maple Grave Evening Auxili- ing hîmself a littie barber shop any met at the home ai Manjanie and in a few days will be cutting Jeffery with Il membens present, hain in hi. new shop. Marion Flintoif's group conduet- Mn. and Mn,. Roy McGili, Reva cd the worship service. The and Keith. attended a double wed- study book was in the farm i o ding ai Mn,. McGiil's two nieces, questions and answens, with the the Misses Langmaids at Eldad theme 'How we are wonking fan Church an Satunday. peace.thnough foad?' A reading Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto; Mr. xvas given by Gary Jefcny. The and Mn,. Stanley Turner and business period was apened by Helen at Mr. and Mn,. Frank Dan- vice-president Myrtle Bradley. A iand's. can.d af thanks was neceived from Mn., and Mn.. Lamne Staple -, Glad. Rahmc. W.M.S. are having Bar-v and David, Bethany; Mn. the apran booth at the Auxiliary and Mn,. Rivv. Bunketon, at Mr. bazaar ln the faîl. Discussion an and Ms. F. W. Weny's. a play was cit until ahl have recd Swift's, Ideal for Picnies lM.- Swift's Prcmium Macaroni & Chose. Loai 65c Fraiks Califomnia, Swect, Su Oranges - Importcd Iceberg Letiuce - - Florida Pascal Celery - - GIVE!! G IVE!! IGIVE! TO THE NEW MEMORIAL HOSPITA DO WMAN VILLE $50,000 lx :1111 rsqulrsd Io pay for 1h. New Nomorlal Hfospital A. Campalgn will bé Conducted i the Municipalities of DAELINGTGN AND CLARK fer donations Siarling Monday, May 281h and Closing Wednesday, June Bih Help this worthy cause . .. be as generous as you ci COMMITTEE IN CHARGE Russell Osborne, Chairman Clarke Geo. Annis - Ross Stevens Darlington Stanley Graham Newcastle P. S. - Newcastle Canvass will be held at a later da Hamr McLaughiln whlle Mn. McLaughlin wus in Blackstock with her mother, Mns. Herbert Haoey who returried home fronm hospital In Oshawa. Master Louis Hare had hIs tonsila remnoved An Bowmanvile Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hare and famnUy moved ta Toronto on Sat- urday. Mr. Grant Thompsoai apent Sunday in Beaverton.' Mr. mnd Mrs. Max TallAs, Bette Jean and Douglas, Toronto, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompgon. Mr. and Mns. Austin Beacock Miss Marlon Beacock, Mr. gala Mrs. Max Fallas attended the wedding of Miss Bette Beacoc in St. Paul's Presbytertan Church, Peterbarough, May 19. Mr. and Mns. Albert Grieg and childi-en, Toranta, wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris. # Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mount- joy visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sic- mon, Tyrone. Mr. Perce Huibert. Toronto-, Mr. and Ms,. Bruce Freelove, Teddy and Gloria, Peterborough, with Mr. Arthur Huibert. For Breakfast A2 15-oz. tins Neowport Fluffa - - 3/29C [demi for Lunches and Pienjeu Pints Gattugo - a. 49c Siuffsd Olives - m m Junior m m nki-st size 288 Florida, Sweet and Juicy size 112 * doz. 29c grapefruit * a a 6/29c California Bunched tender, criap - *2/25c Carrot, *- - *- 2/21c Tender, Cnlap - -2/21c New Calibage e - lb.5c CAWKER'S IG.A. SUPER MARKEI M 8 qts. e 2 3 far 4 »ar MN 20-mz.tins 0 2/31 iS-oz. tin sa. 4k Strawherrles * * * 31 SHOP AND SAVE ib. * * 75c swif t'. l-az. 1~I. Braumschw.iger Chahs - 43c lb. cello pkg. SERVE YOIJISELF TO SAVINGS Fruits and VegetablesI C AWKER'S I. GA. SUPER MARKE'I EVERY PRICE A SAVING WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - NAY 30-31 Re. l. G. A. Brand 2/29c Orange Julce lb. Aylmer B.C. Fancy MEATS Swift's Premium Shankieus lb. Swft's Preniium Siuoked Picnic Hams - 59c Dolegna 1 1 Swift' s ven-aReay Veal Halls Swift's Table-Ready 1 M^X ZIIE4 friend. Stiling, Mr. and 1 W. Brown ansd Allun, C wlth the Grant Thompion' A carioad ut local falk éd a meeting êt Janetvll' bytenia Churcli an Wec evéttlng. Priends are sorry talif Mr. Lameé Thompsan's seri ness An Oshawa Hospital ln¶an accident on his tarn Prdyevenlng. Ail wi a Épeédy return ta heaiti, Mrs. Cécul Wilson retur Sunday evenlng troim an &blé three weeks' vacation Petersburg, Fiorida. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wer Eleanor Thornpson) mq Thumsday evenlng fron wedding trip and te youî gmeeted them with a ch Mr. and Mm.. Thas. op.ned their new snack b'ul Village Grill" on Saturd4 an up-to-date spot and mont convenlent for the ing highway touriat thraugh the village. Mr. and Mrs.R. . Marilyn and Clittard sp weekend in Welland visiiti i ui LA m --- r TRUPSDAY- MAY 24tli- lh. Sc -A

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