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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1951, p. 18

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* -s BRING YOUR PYCS N MESSAGE BEFORESÀEMNMM 12,000 READERS - >CSI5cPRA b -- CAAD N A1M vWwuw ~vAIJLI m»àuL.Aà à UEr bacs EUEAmmionrn wtfazsiiieml BIRTHS1 COMING EVENTS BURGESS-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ladies' Legion Auxiiary are Burgess (nee Loryne White) are sponsoring a dance at the Bad- happy to announce the birth of! minton Club. Friday, June ist, their son, Kenneth Arthur' at the with Lou Dewell's orchestra. Bowmanville Hospital, on May 20-3 l8th, 1951. 21-1* Members of the Bowmanville McDONALD-Mr. and Mrs. Cuth- Women's Institute are reminded bert McDonald are happy to an- that the next meeting will be nounce the birth of their daugh- he]d on Tuesday, May 29th, in fer, Sylvia Ann. a sister for the Union Hall at 2:30 p.m. 21-1* Dennis on May lth, 1951. 21-ifa Bowmanville Legion Carnival, ENGAGEMENT Saturday. June 30th, 1951. Tickets, _____________________ on sale for 1951 Ford Sedan. Kel-j Mr. and Mrs. L. Hart, Oshawa, vinator E]ectric Refrigerator and aninounce the engagement of their Beatty Electric Washing Machine. daughter, Beverlv Jov, to Harold, 8-tf youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knight. The wedding to take. St. Andrew's Presby te r ia n place in St. John's Anglican Church is holding its Anniver- Church on June 9th. 21 -1* sarv Tea at the home of Mrs. W. L. Paterson, 18 Concession St., on MARRIAGE Tuesday, May 29th, from 4:30 on. ___________________Tea 50c. 21-1 HENNINGSEN - REDMAN - A ais optlAx Toronto on April 7th, 1951, Revt Lde'HsialAx J. M. Finleyo alo t nt Bazaar at the Bowmanville Lions ed Church, united in marriage Community Centre, Thursda*v, Mrs. Evelyn Redman of Torontoj June 7, at 2 p.rn. Aflernoon tea and Mr. Ben Henningsen. o! Nova .il be served. Special door Scotia. Reception afterwards was prîzes. 21-2 held at Little Denmark. 2l1i - . DEATHS Starting Mondav, May 28th. a campaign for donations to the New Momoriai Hospital. Bow- nAlviiin .L.a.1115 ngin a n i.J COULSON, Annie Maude - At Clarke wili stant. Be generous the Queen Elizabeth Hospital,- do your share. 21-1 Toronto, Sunda 'y, May 201h, 1951, ____ Annie Maudo Coulson, aged 85, Plan to attend the ONO. Club years. widow of Joseph Coulson, dance in the Armourye *Black- and dear mother o! Joseph, Van- stock, on Friday evonirgg, June couver: John. Dawson Creek; Wil- Ist. Tommy Langiey orchestra. liam P.. and Helen (Mrs. Reg. Pnizes and lutnceh. Admission $1.00. Lovekin), Toronto, Resting at Everyone welcome. 21-1* the Morris Funorai Chape], Bow -___ inanville. Service in St. George's Music Festival, at Tyrone Com- Anglican Church, Newcastle, on m runity Hall, June Ist, 8 p.m., Tuesda 'y, at 2:30 p.m. Interment 1 Lunder direction o! Mrs. Marlon St. Georges Cemetery. 21-1 Pansons. Admission 25c, child- non 12 and under free. Proceeds REID, Ernest David - at the re- for Music Fund for the Blind. sidence, Crooked Creek. Saturday, 21-1* :May 19th, 1951, Ernest Reid, aged ____ 68 years, beloved husband of Be sure fo hear Rev. M. San- Rubv M. Clysdale. Resting i derson at the Burkoton Sunday the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- Sho Anniversary services, Sun- manvillo. Service in the Chapel,1 day next, May 27th, at 2:30 and on Monday, May 2lst, at 2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Special music by local Interment Lakeview Cemnetery, and Enniskiilen choirs. 21-1 Newtonville. 21-1 ___ The $80.00 Jackpot must be CABDS 0F THANKS won by someone at the final bingo o! the season sponsorod by 1 wish to thank ail my friends the Newcastle Lions Club in the for the iovel 'v flowens. cards and Newcastle Community Hall on letters I received durîng my re- Thunsday, May 31st, at 8 p.m. 21 cent iliness: also the nurses and regular games -Five Spocials - staff o! Bowmanviie Hospital. Share - the - Wealth and Jackpot. Mrs. Ed. Youngman. Door pnize dnaw. Admission 50 21-1 cents. 20-3 Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Cochrane Supper and band concert at and family wlsh ta thank ail their Tyrone United Church, Wednes- friends, relatives and neighbours day, May 23rd (to-nightj. Supper for letters, cards and for putting frorn 5 to 8 p.m. Band music by, in the spring seeding during aur the Oshawa Salvation Army sickness. We again wish ta thank Band, under direction o! Acting you al. 21-1* Bandmnasten Tom Cou]]. Admis- sion' Aduits, tea and concert. $l.25; concert only, Soc; Childnen,.$ 60c! N tcsanid 25c. 21-11 Dr. Keith Slemon's office will Salem Sunday School Annîver- be closed Wednesday ta Sunday sary on Sundav, June 3rd. Ser- Inclusive, o! this week. 21.1* Jvices at 2 p.m. 'and 7:30 p.m. Bev. C. S. So:nerville, B.A.. B.D., guest Dr. Fenguson's, Dr. Rundle's and speaker at bath service.q. Special Dr. Storey's offices wilI ho closed music by\ the Sundav School. On May 2th 10 27tb, inclusive. Wednesday. JuIr 6th, a supper 19-3* will ho served from 5 to 8 p.m. and an excellent varietv concert Old Time Dance, Newtonville b eginning at 8 pin. Admnission: Hall, Fidav, May' 251h. Farrow's supper and concert-- dîîlts. $1.00; orchestra. Admission: gents 50c, children, 50c; Concert oniv-50 cj ladies with lunch free. 21.1* and 25c. 21-1 Commencing June IsI we will Plan to attend Anmual Live be unable to do any deiivery or Stock Judging Competition Sat- custom grinding on Saturday, undav, Ma' 26th, at Brooklin afternoon. Vanstone Flour &z Town Hall. Ontario County Agni- Peed Mill. 21-3 cultural Representative bas kindly 1 invited us to join with them. 1 "The Harvey Dance Academvy" Registration 8:15 a.m. to 8:45an Registen Frida y aftrnoans (3 - 7) Judging starts sharp at 9:00aîn. for classes in Ballet and Tap; Bring your lunch. Al Junior Union Hall, Bowmanville. Ironie Boys and Girls under 30 years are Harvey. 52-tf invited ta take part. E. A. Sum- - - mers, Agricultural Ropresentative. Give' Give' Give' To the New î Durham County. 21-1 Memnoriai Hospital, Bowmanville.j Clarke and Darlington peoplei Eldad SxîndaY School AnniVer- mneet the canx assers with yaur.j sary services Sundav. Max' 27th,1 contribution. 21-1 lat 2 and 7.30 p.m.. with Rev. iHarold A. Tur~ner o! St. Paiil'si NOTICE j United Church, Bowmanvile NOTICE is hereby given that!school. dinectod hI' Mrs. J. C. the patnershîp heretofore sub-1 Smales. assisted by B.H.S. maie sisting between the undensigned quartette, Bowmanville. Monday,r as ~May 281h, the Y.P.U. wiil present1 DAVIS & GRANT ý"Ak.igai1 Goes H ir" a 3-act In he ownof owma nill idrama. with nmî!sicil 'entertain- 1h 1. Twn o Bomanvllo mont between acts hy Mn. Mer- in the Countv of Durham has Ibis day been dissolved by . xy ae sa'.2 inutual consent. AIl dehts oving ir the saîd! CONING EVENT partnership are to ho paid citherý ta Mn. Davis or Mn. Grant aI the E RV addnesses gîven helaw and al] EEV dlaims against the said partner- May 241h and 251h S ship are ta be presented ta either a! thein and the sanie will ho for the settled.Kinsmnan Mn. Davis wiil carry on business under the name of GatCria at 2 Mill Lane, Bowmanville held ai 1 (Phone 34121. 3IEMORAL ARENA c Mn. Grant will carry on busi- Parade - Bingo, mess under the name of Games Draws p SELBY GRANT- FUN FOR ALL - 1 aI 6 Mill Lane, Bownianville 18-4F (Phono 2674).n DATED aI Bowmanville Ibis Personalc 151h day o! May, 1951.F WALTER DAVIS HAVE you a -Pimples Pensonal- D. SELBY GRANT iby?" Kleerex is your answer. AC 21-2 i medicated salve specificallv pr-o- Chicks For Sale TREWHAVEN Poultry Farm - Want started puflets? Peels' fait leather Barred Rocks, four weeks old, available May 1e, 23 and 30. Pnice 35c, C.O.D. Write J. G. ITrewin & Son, Burketon, Ont. 30-20 pared ta reniedv aIl skin ail ments. Amazingly effective. 75c, $ 1.35, $2.45. Aht druggists. 21-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - rUbber goods) niailed posbpaid in plain seaied envelope with pnico list. Six &amiples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order DepI. T-28, Nov-Rub- b4r CO., BOX 91, Hamilton, Ont, 1-52 £lA Lluiv 1 1-%VIlau POTATOES, 75c a bag. Phone 2154. 21-1 BARN 30 x 10, steel roof. Phone Orono 7r9. 21-l* CEDAR posts and poles. Phone Clarke 613. 21-2 GREY Lloyd pram. in excellent condition. Phone 917. 21-1 ICE refrigerator, '75 lb. capacity, $15. Phone 3428 after 6. 21-1*j ICE box, Connor Thermo, like new, cheap. Phone 630. 21-1* PHILCO radio, floor mnode], in good condition. Phone 3427. 21-1* PETERBOROUGH "Pal" sailing dinghy. For particulars apply D. Neads. 1* BABY carniage, blue, used onlyj for 7 inonths, price $15. Applvy 206 King St. E. 21-1 7 1,j h.p MOTOR with two trans- formers. Phone 428 before 6 or 802 after 6. 21-1 ICE box. Ruddy, good condition-, maroon. fitted spring coat, size 14.1 Phone 966. 20-tf 400 APPLE and pear trees, four- years-old. $1.00 each. Phone Clarke 1922. 21-if CASE baler with automatic tie, used one season. Ray Munday, Phone 3438. 21.1* WE measure and instail finest quality venetian blinds. Phone Morris Co. 480. 5-tf NEW Elto outboard motor, 5 h.p., $225 cash. Apply Thos. Moore, R.R. 1, Port Hope. 19-3* NEW Wellington rubber tired wagon. Walter Frank, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Phone 2403. 21-1* TIMOTHY and Alfalfa mixed hay, in bales, $22.00 ton. J. A. John- ston, Burketon, Phone Port Ferry 172r12. 21-1* STRAWBERRY plants, Premier, vigorous plants, $2.00 per hund- red; $15.00 per thousand. Phone Clarke 2430. 21-1 Aricles For Sale AUTOTRAC tractor, A-i condi- tion. good motor, roasonably priced: also quantity of potatoes, grown from certified seed: Katah- din, Sobago and Cobbler, for either seed or' table stock. Lloyd J. Slemon, Phone 2508. 21-1* PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhore in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For froe estimates ca.l1 S. Blain, Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf TILE - for kitchen, batbroonis, hearths and fireplaces. Wals- glazed ile or plastic, ail colours Floors - rubber, mastic, lino-tle, quarrie and ceramic. Wili go any- ICE refnigerator, capacity 50 lbs.; 2t cuphoard, glass top and counter;AL kido!magoqait smali nocking chair. 93 Scugog L kidofmagdqult St., Phono 818. 20-2* wieners, bologna, cooked hams, smoked hams and bacon, sausage TWO new 10 x 24 tractor tires, a and hamburger, Darlington Abat- bargain; tbree used 750 x 20 10-_ toir, Hampton. Phono 3243; also ply truck tires. Virtue's Garage, pickling, smoking and sausage Tyrone, Phono 2882. 20-2* making. Durîng. the summer months - hog killing on Tues- TRANSPLANTER for tomabtoes, days and cattie at arty time. . cabbage or tobacco; also one rub- 3- ber tired wagon. Apply Foster Snowden, Oshawa, R.R. 2. 21-1 USED milk cooler; used Farmal "A" tractor; used hay todder; used BOATS - Peterborough Water- spraver; 2 usod mowers; new craft, Canada's best. Order now, tandem disc harrow; now i"SO" good delivery'. Phono 580 or 519 tractor; now "VA" tractor; new for prices and panticulars. 21-i "VAO" tracton;, new "D" tractor; j POATOS - pecalizng n ~ poultry fonce; barbed wine; pres- POTAOES- Spciaizin inNo.sure systenis. W. H. Brown, Case 1 top quality potatoes. Order Dealer, Phono 497. 2- your supplv now. Doug Curl, 2- Bowmianville, Phone 3101. 20-tf TWO Shorbhorn BuIls, senviceable NEW International side delivr age, grand sire O.A.C. Ransoni, rak, oly ake 30acrs, qu023, ~kherd accredited, 3 young j pe with' vbote 3racresand horse orkhire sows, farrow in June; hpd itch Pho Canke 3904. 2or1*gasoline ongine for pumping -ic.Pon lre394 11 water; Massey-Harnis hay loador; LARGE variety o! Flower and Massey-Harris spreader: good Vegetable plants for sale at George dumb waiter with pull9.ys and Petty's, Cor. Hunt St. and Base weights. Carl Wright, Biack- Lino or at Stewart's Seed Store, stock, Phono Port Penny. 21.1* 23*TRADE-IN - 3-piece chesterfield, BEAVER gardon riding tractor, 2 wine, 1 green; Thon washen, ne- with 5 implements. excellent con: condit ioned, guaranteed, enamel dition. Can ho seen at 54 Liberty 'top; small and medium size spaco St. N., after 6 p.m. or Phono 2697. heaters; rangettes; coal range, 21-1* reserv'oir and warming cioset; ice -boxes; coal heater; Caleman 3- 1936 PONTIAC Sedan, with new hurner gasoline stove and coal ail tires and battery, cheap for cash; stoves, reduced to clean: used ne- also used bird cages and supplies. figerators, eiectric. Munphy's. 142 King St. East, Phono 916. Phono 811, 21-1* 21-1 WESTINGHOUSE and Norge re- WATERLOO thneshing machine, frigenators available at pre-tax 28 x42 grain thnowor and dloyen prices, $3 14.50 up; one only, 9 cu. concaves, good working condition. i fI. refnigenaton, 1 year old, freezer Clarence Burley, Phono Clarke across top, soid for $399.00, pnice 1613. 21.1* now $275.00, 4 year guarantee; - - one onlv Keivinator refrigerator, HAVE: you bougbt your ticket on nrecondiiioned. guarariteed 1 year,j the Kinsman car? Oniv a lîm- .1195.00: Westinghouse combina-1 ited number o! tickets left. Carltion radio, pro-tax pnice $21400;4 draw at Giant Carnival, May one floor model Westinghouse 24th - 25th. 18-4 >radio. reg. $289.00. for $225.00,-; PERFECT saddle horse, 7 years rnetes, brand new, $49.95 up; Tractor, autotrac, 3 plows and 50-1b. ico box, mebal, $15.00.1 motoncvcle. veny cheap. Appl' Murphy's, King St. W., Bowman- Rod Simpson, Fnniskillen ,,or ville, Phono 811. 21-1 phono 2876 Bowmanville. 211* CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rug, yýard gonds and hall runners; Rex- oleuni Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, y'ard goods nt budget prices. Phon 451, Walkr Stores. 23-f LARGE shipmenb o! summen chaiirs. with wood and aluminum style frames. Max' ho had wibh ranopy or foot nest. See these specials at F. F. Morris Co. 20-tf X'OU wvill want ta have a part in building the New Memonial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. Your dol- lars wili heip. Canvassens will cali an Clarke and Danlîngtonj people. 21-1 VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different colours o! tapes, 15 slat colours, Flexaltim, Aluminum or Steel, measured and installed froc o! change. Phyne 3121, Weber's Fabrîc Centre. 17-bf CABIN trailer, will bratde for car or soîl for cash; '34 Pontiac Sedan-, '47 Pickup truck;-, '38 Ford Pick- up truck; '34 Ford Pickup truck: Webster Air Conipressor. Apply 14", Liberty St. South. 20-20 TRACTORS, 66, 77 and 88; man- une spreaders; corn plantons; Snialley grain blowers; balers; powver mowers. Virtue's Garage, Goodison - Oliver Sales and Ser- vice, Tyrone, Phone 2882. 20-20 LUXURLOUS Bathroomi Set - $179. Save up to $100 on a com- plete Matha Washington or Richledge three - piece built - in bathroom with lovely chromod fittings. Pastel coloured sets, $274. Sink cabinets with stain- less enamel sink, chromed swing spout faucet, crumb cup strainer, plastic top, $98, stoves, refriger- ators, furnaces, pipes, oil burners, etc., ail at similar discounts. Installation diagrams available. Guaranteed satisfaction. Special plumbers offers. Write r.,. visit .Johnson Mail Order Division, ,Streets-tille Hardware, Streets- ville, Ontario, Phone 261 - Evon- lings 51r15.19-4 TENDERS WANTD TENDERS will be accepted bv the undersigned tip until 12 o'clock noon. Mondav, June 4th, 1951, to supply window blinds to the Home for the Aged, Cobourg. Information concerning sizo and quantity rnay be obtained from the superintendent in charge o! the above named institution. Low- est or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Signed: W. E. BARR, Counties' Clerk and Treasurer, Cobourg, Ontario. 20-3 Work Wanted FOR bulldozing, grading, excsv- ating, etc. caîl Taylor Bros., Osh- awa 3-3831i or Whitby 2687. DRESSMMUING and alterations, button holes made, drapes made- to-ordor, neat work guaranteed. Phono 3649, 10 Division St. south. 21-31 FOR Prompt Attention - Brick work , block work, mason work, ýetc., concrete floors, foundations. sîdewalks, etc. Free estimates given and satisfaction objective. BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grlndlng We specialize in complote brake ovonhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-t! ATTENTION! For Prompt Attention BRICK WORK, BLOCK WORK MASON WORK, ElrC. Conerete Floors, Foundations, Sidewalks, etc. -Free Estimates Given- L. Turner Phone 3231 Bowmanville WGRK WANTED Bulldozing and Excavating BY HOUR OR CONTRACT Free Estimates Given We specializo in farm improvement. Wm. Tripp PORT PERRY, R.1. 2 Phono 109r42 18-13 Wanted To Buy CIRCULATING heator, to burn wood or coal. Phono Clarke 1131.1 21-1* BABY'S play pen, in good con- dition. Apply Mrs. R. B. Craig, Phone 3207. . 21-1* FALL Wheat, may be slightly sprouted, 200 bus., will cali., Phono 2720, 12 ta i p.m. 21-1l THE Bowmanvilio Lions Club is interested in purchasing a used piano. Contact Sec. Norm O'Rourke, Phone 2083. 20-2 BEFORE seliing your live poultry try us. Our prices are hlgher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bothany, Phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 51-tf DEA» FAiM STOCK Picked Up promptly Herses. cows, heLfers, sheep, pigsand new borncalves. (We pay for horses, cows and heilers) As an added service we will co-operate with your veterinarian in post-mortem. 2 % c per lb for live horses Call collect Bowmanville 2679 MARGWELL FUR FARM Tyrono Lost WOULD tho person who borrowed a threshing machine belt from Ivison Munday in the Fall o! 1950 please return il. 21-1* Wanted To Rent APARTMENT with 3 or 4 rooms urgently needed, no children. Phone 2961. 20-2* ONE to four acres o! land. Ap- ply Brookdaie-Kingsway Nurser- ies, Bowmanvîlle. 21-1 GARAGE requireci for car star- age, LIberty St. or north Bow- manvile Preferred. Owner leav- ing for Korea. Please write Capt. G. H. Brown, R.C.A.M.C., Chor- îey Park Military Hospital, Doug- lau Drive, Toronto. 21-1 Gars For Sale 1931 CHEV. Coach, cheap. Phone 2904. 21-i 1932 FORD V-8 car, in good run- ning order, reasonably priced. Phone 2508. 21-1* 1941 PONTIAC 5-passenger, good tires, heater, defroster, reason- able. Phone 2833. 21-1* '34 DODGE Sedan, body, motor and tires in good condition. Phone CHRYSLER Sedan, radio and overdrive. $200 cash, balance to suit. Phone Bowmanvilie 3263. 21-1 1950 CHEV. Sedan, air-condition- ed heater, slip covers, privately owned, $1965. Phone Oshawa 5-5336. 21-1 1938 PLYMOUTH Coupe, fair condition; also 2-wheel trailer with size 16 tires. E. D. Knapp, Middle Road. 21-i 1938 CHEV. Coach, black, no knee action, a dlean car, $250 cash. Terms on balance. Phone, Bowmanville 3263. 21-1 1951 METEOR Convertible, fez red, radio and overdrive. New, at pre-tax price. Terms arranged. Phone Bowmanville 3263. 21-1 '34 PONTIAC Sedan; '47 Pickup Ford Pickup truck; Webster Air Compressor. Apply 147 Liberty 1951 MERCURY Sedan, black, whito wall tires, overdrive, radio. New, pro-tax pnice. Cash, tradeý or terms. Phono Bowmanviilel 32312- TWO sows, due scion. Phone 2169. 21-1 1l YORKSHIRE pigs, eight weeks old. Phone 2138. 21-1 BLACK mare, 9 years old, 1,400, lbs. Harold Murphy, Tyrone. 21-1* HOLSTEIN heifer, due to, freshen within a few days. Phono 805. 21-1* 18 PIGS, 6 weeks old. Hlerman Chnistl, Phono Oshawa 5-4055. 21-1* TWO sows with 16 pigs, three weeks old. Walter Ferguson, Phono 2329. 21-1* HOLSTEIN bull one year old. Straight toý frorný 16,000 lb, 3.9% dam and sired by Parkacres R.A. Historian. Priced right. A. A. Gibson, NoiWcastle R.R. 2. 21-1* Help Wanted IVIN Wanted-Apply Brookdale- WAITRESS-Full and part time. Apply Cowan's Restaurant. 21-1 DINING room and kitchen girl or woman. Apply Balmoral Hote]. 21-1 STRONG man wanted, good wages. Apply Williams' Ice. Phçne 439. 21-1* YOUNG man with high schoo 1 education for position in ac-, counting dept. Apply Goodyeari Tire & Rubbor Co. Ltd., Bowman-1 ville. __ 21-11 WANTED at once, a widow with one or two children, to work on a farm, electric appliances, run- ning water. A good home as- sured, with moderate wàges. Write Box 580, c/o Statesman Office. 20-31 For Rent ONE 2-room apartment; one 4- room apantment and one double bedroom, with running hot and cold water, flush toilet, at New- castle Beach, 10 minutes from Bowmanville. $150, $200, $110 for 5 months. Owner on pro- penty. Lake Side Lodge, every day between 1 and 4 p.m. 21-1 Repairs REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- orators, domestic and commercial; mnilking coolers. Higgon Elec-' 25-tf FOR prompt, efficient, Suaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf Farmers Attention 1 WE will ho pleased to pick up. dead or crippled farm animais and psy highest prevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young Ltd. 7-42 GENERAL TIRES 600 x16 Wagon Tires 2 -650 x19 Heavy Duly nearly new APPLY:- Frank Hoskin BLACKSTOCK 21-1 JAUCTION SALES On Tuesday afternoon, May 29, there wil be offered for sale the farm machinerv and other articles of Herbert Taylor at his farm, 1 mile north and % mile west of Blackstock on 7A Highway. See bill for particulars. Ted Jack- son, auctioneer. 21-1 Auction Sale, June 6, 1951, at 1 p.m., complete garage equip- ment and parts. Watch next week's paper for complete list of equipment and look for bills. 111 health necessitates this selling. Stuart C. Webb, 66 Swayne St., Cobourg. No reserve. Wm. Chal- 1 have received instructions from the farm manager of Tek- winj Farms, 3 miles east and 1 mile north of Bowmanville, te soul by public auction on Monday, June 4th, at i p.m., their entire herd of Registered and Grade Holstein cattle and a full lineofo tractor machinory purchased now in 1950. For further particulars see bills. Terms cash. No re- serve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 20-2 AUCTION SALE The Bowmanvllle Hospital Board wîiI soul by public auetion the furniture and effecis of the late Miss M. Trebilcock 33 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE ai 1:30 v.m. on Saturday, Nqay 26, 1951 This sale will include a large quantltY cf good modern sud antique furniture sud household furnishingi. Total Proceeds wil]!go to the NEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND Terms Cash No Reserve R. L. Mitchell, W. J. Challis. Clork. Auctioneer P.S.-Anyone wishing to donate furniture or other household items for the Hospital kindly bning thom to 53 Division St. Saturday morn- ing. Proceeds will ho turned over to Memoniai Hospital Building Fund. 21-1 The undersigned has received insrutions fron the Execntors of the Esiate of the late Evelyn E. Cooke to seil by public auction at ber labo residence MILL STREET an Sâturday, May 201h at 1:00 sharp The following: Frigidaire Electric Refnigeraton, iîsed 2 months; Findlay Electric Slave, near new; Walnut China Cabinet; 9-piece Walnut Veneer Dining Suite, near new; 3-piece Walnut Veneeî' Bedroom' Suite, near nevv: Windsor Chair; Hall Table, waInut; Coffee Table; 3 Office Chair's; 3-piece Chesterfield Suite: Odd Dressers; Wainut Writ- ing Desk and Chair; Antique Pan- lour Chair; Cabinet o! Silverware; Walnut Gate beg Table; 4 Chrome Chairs, nean new; 2 Occasional Chairs; Sewing Machine; Steel Bed and Marshall Mattress; 'Wal- nut Wandrobe; 4 Axminster Rugs; 4 Scatten Rugs; 3 Candlewick Bedspneads; 4 End Tables: Lange Trunk; Easy Electnic Washing Machine; Numben Cane-hottorn Chairs; Cabinet Radio; Hassock; Smoke Stand; Flower Stands; Radio Lamp; Bedding; Floon Lamps; Drosser Lamps; 2 Hall Mirrons; Glassware; Chesterfield Cushions; Set Dishes; Lace Table Clotbs; Linon Table Cioths, Odd Dishes; Silver Trays; Curtaîns; Drapes; Folding Card Table; Carpenter's Tools; Hedge Clip- pers; Extension Ladders; 2 Stop Ladders;, Lawri Chairs; Lawn Mower, etc. Remnarks: Anyone interested in buying good furniture wouid b. j well advised ta, attend this large sale. Terma Cash Proper ty Sld F. E. Lyceti, Clerk Positively No Reserve - JACK REID, Auetioneer. 21-1 TIRE in Bowmanville. Owner may have same by proving pro- pont" .Phono 476. 21-1 uaii àà 7 uAO&E The Stilsman Sold ai Pre-Tax Prices AiFlwngS re 1951 MORRIS MINOR AIFlo igS re 4-Door Sedan Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastl. Ne 1530.00 D. G. Walton's. New castie. S. Brown, Newtonviie 1951 MORRIS OXFORD T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. 4-Door Sedan F. L. Byam, Tyrone. Heater. New $ 1795-00 G. A. Barron, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Bunketon. FarmEqupmel & H. T. Saywell, Blackstockc. FarmEquiment Keith Bradley, Pontypool. C.B. Tyrreil, Orono. Automolive Lid.* H.K. ]Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagnel, Jury & Lyve!!, 13.4 KING ST. . j. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, El g e BOWMANVILLE pHONE 689 Harnden's Handy Store and T'h. 21-1 Statesman Office. Turn Page for Additioaal Clasuifie<I ]Rectl Estate For Sale" TWO new 5-room bungalows. D. Bothwell, Sash and Doors, Maple Grove. 21-1 SEVEN-room stucco house on highway in Hampton, good gar- don. Phono 2860.. 21-10 BRICK cottage, near towni ba~ hn houses, elght acres lae lovely for fiorist. Phono 3427. 21-14 NEW red brick, 1%' storey house, aIl conveniences, fulil basement, furnace. Good frontagp- and large gardon plot at back, rosidential section. Apply Box 583, States- man Office, Bowmanville, Ont. 21-3 PROPERTY. for rent or sale known as Donald Chambers cot- tage ovenlooking the village o! Pontypool. Cottage, 5 rooms, large gardon ready for planting, good weli, wator close by, very reasonable. Immediate possess- ion. Highway 35. For further particulars apply aI Pontypool or Write 405A Roncesvailes, Toronto, Ont. 21-2 Classified Advertising Rates Effective July 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SAVY FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - - 30 per word with a minmimum of 500 Must bb paid hy date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 wil ho added A charge o! 250 willJ b. made for ail replies d.irected to this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - fer 33 words or les& BIRTHS, DEATHS,' ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS -* - 31.00 plus 100 a lUno for verse. Display Classified ai 800 per Inch wlth a minimum of one Inch Additiona! Insertion ai the sane rates. AIl Classitied Ads. must bo ln this office not later than 12 o'elock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money - (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) 21-1. NIXON REAL ESTATE Holiday Special Frame dwelling,* 4 rooms, fui! basement, bath, hydro. Possession 30 days. $4,200. Brick 6-room dwelling, hydro, heni house, garage, 1/2-acre small fruit, close ta new highway. $4,500. Ternis. Frame 9- room dwelling, furnace, hydro, bath, hardwood flor;-,l large lot. Possession arrang~d 35 acres on No. 2 Highway, frarme bouse, barn, stable, spring, %vell, garage, $7.800; without hous-:, $3,500. Inimediate possession. Ternis. 8-roomed brick bouse in Oronn, hot air and hot water heatinçe, heavy duby wiring, handwood floons. $7,000. Torms $3,000. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmaville Phone 682 211 GILL REAL ESTATE $8,OO-On East Beach, 10 -well furnisbed rooms, in good frame home, 3-piece bath, garage, spac- ious grounds, close ta new high- way. Immediate possession. $4,500-On East Beach, 7 rooms, insul,.bric, insulated home, 3. piece bath, heavy wîning. $6,OOO--On Elgin St., 3 bedronm, insuiated, insul-bric home, 3-piece bath, garage, good gardon. Terms. Imniediate possession. .1,900 - Good revenue making Pickup and Deiivory Business in Bowmanville. Good building lots on Elgin St.- Fanms and homes in Cartwright and Darlington. H.G. <Rap) GuI. Broker 78 King St. West Phono: Office 3326 Residence 3514 21-1 Wanted SEPTIC tanks cleaned and chim- neys repaired, Write Box 584. c/o Canadien Statesmnan. 21-1 LIVE poultry, gnose feathers, fea. thon ticks, bagx, scrap mron and metal. Dial Oshawa 54912 cal- lect, or write 1. Turner, North Oshawa. 17-14 When you want ta rail l t. etc., in flour, put the fia moat in a paper bag ant' aII the bag. This will caver bhe ment evenly and without any nîeàs. The. Canadian Statesman RAMILTONS REAL ESTATE.- I arn daiiv having inquinies for farms o! ail sîzes and town homes. If vou are thinking of selling it wiil pay you to ]et me know. Leroy Hamilton, Broker. Phonos: 32r10 - Ir16 Orono 21-i $4,000-Ideal summer location for severai imaîl families, 3 acres. 5 furnished cabins. i housekeeping cabin, flood lights. trout stroam. Imniediate possession. Terms. $6,000-45 acres, insul-bric houjpe, barns, hydro, goad water. 7-acre wood lot, i mile froni church and school. $'7,00-In Orono, good 8-room brick house, bath, now furnace, good gardon. Possession 30 days. ' Bailey & Taylor -1- P Livestock For Sale

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