TffiJR~AY, &Y 24b, 101 'PfIM 'M'IWA I'AI'!DAWuh,.A -- ' LA-- IP fLacNg IJWJiO AJJ N. U JiA.jYME T U Miss V. Gilfillian, Toronto, vis- lted ber aunt, Miss Viola Gilfil- lian. Mr. Roy Powers visited bis maother, Mrs. C. L. Powems. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson and Betty Ann, Toronto, visited >*'-his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wat- son. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Hrne, Wbitby, visited ber moth- er, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornisb, Port Perry, witb Miss Minnie Cornish on Sunday. Mrs. Smith who bas lived with the late Mrs. McPbemson for a umber o yers, as returned ona trip ta Florida and is mak- h er borne witb Mr. and Mr&. C.Duncan. Wayne Miller, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, bad the misfortune to break bis lcg in two places whlle playing last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Boyd rnoved last week to their new home in Kinigston. Friends i Orono of Mr. Win. Bunting were very sorry to hear of the death of his father and ex- tend sincere sympathy to him i his bereavement. Congratulations to Ruth Bul- Iock' for winning the prize for the County. on the Sunday School Temperance Essay, presented by the W.C.T.U. The Women's Institute met in the town hall May 18. Mrs. 0. W. Rolph president, conducted the business. Rev. Eustace in- stalled the officers. Guest speak- er was Mr. Syd Rutherford wlio gave a fine talk on Citizenshîp and Education. The prograrn was under directions of conveners & tfoiptoec Most important Paint Advancement in 25 years New Fuine-Proof, Sun-Proof House Paint produces a filmn of unusual whliteness. It will not discalor or darken from ed smoke or industrial gases. It's self-cleaning. too-removes surface dirt. Years of extensive exposure tests under many types of climate conditions, from strong sunlight and sait air to heavy industrial fume mras, have proved the superiority of this new formula over ordinazy house paint. Corne in and ask us about new Fume-Proof, Sun-Proof House Paint. J.H. Abernethy' s PAINT & WALLPAPEB STORE Phone 431 BOWMANVILLE 85 King St. West PAINT & WALLPAPEE STORE The Orono News The members o! the Evening Auxiliary enjoyed a pleasant ev- ening at the home o! Mrs. Cecil Billings on May 17. Mae Allin. president, conducted the business period. during which plans were laid for donations ta the new bas- pital. It was also decided ta sen'l a case o! Klim ta Africa. Mrs. Ed. Graham, gmoup leader for Community Friendship, opened bem part o! the program with an appropriate verse. Barbara Simp- son gave a prayer and Dora Mor- ris read the scripture. Ruth Alhi gave a splendid reading en Friendship. Mrs. A. E. Billett, Hampton, and formerly of Orono, was guest speaker and everyone enjoyed ber talk on community Friendsbip. Dawn Moffatt favor- ed with a medley o! tunes at the piano. A delightful 'lunch was served and thanks extended ta Mrs. Billings for the use a! ber borne. KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thertell and Mm. and Mrs. Norman Elgear and Bannie, ':toronto, at theix summer borne for the weekend with the ladies staying down a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swarbmick, Maureen and Jahnny spent the weekend in Toronto with Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Swambrick. Mr. and Mrs. E, Coumoux and Mm. and Mms. Percy Tbompson, North Bay, spent Saturday in Ta- ontaý Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Margaret Anne, and Mr.-and Mrs, Ray Hughes visited Mrs. Luxon and Marion, Mr. and Mrs. EarI Burley and daughters moved ta Newtonville on Monday, into bal! o! Bill Gar- don's bouse. Robert Alexander, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. Alexander. Mrs. Gea. MÉrcer and Mrs. Raiph Geach spent Saturday in Toronto. Mrs. Reg. Elliait and Miss Katie Stewart attended the teacher.-' meeting and pienic at Cooked Creek Scbool Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilisen bave moved into the bouse vacated by Mrs. Marcus Saper. Executive and conveners o! W. I. met Wednesday evening at the home a! Mrs. Garland Cathcart ta plan their pragram for the corn- ing year. Mr. Cecil Carvetb was in Ken- dal May 17, sbowing pictures f romn the Film Board and also sorne taken by Mr. Cockburn sbowing the catching and taming o! n pair o! wolves, and alsoaa trip into the Nothland for geese. There were many flocks of geese from which the bunters, aided by their dog, secured a good supply. Tbe scenery was verx' beautiful. After hearing sa mucb about the oul boom in Alberta it was vemyiteresting ta see pîctures o! men dmilling for ail and ttie conditions they work under. Away ta the east was sbown a stmange way of ishing-strange at least ta we Ontario folks. In the Bay o! Fundy wbere the tides are noted for rising ta great beigbts, the nets are bung bigh above the sand and the fisb, carried by the tide, are caught by the guIs. Ahl the fishemman bas ta do is pick them off tbe nets and place themn in bis cart. Another interesting picture wvas made by a tobacco company, showing the planting, grawing, pruning and' curing *of the ta- bacco and the pracesses it bas ta go through in the factory ta be- came a cigarette. Howevem, it did not show the part that keeps the growems busy !mam November ta February, the steafining, strip- ping, grading, tieing and baling o! the crop o! tobacco-just a !ew mare hands it had ta pass thmoug h. Mr. Carveth said this film was bard ta secure as he bad been eigbt months in getting it. Thursday, May 24 at 6:40 is the apening date for ail eight teams a! the League. Omono pînys at Kendal, Bailieboro at Garden Hill, Camnbourne at Welcome and Pelîcans at Newcastle. Games are being played Tuesday and Thursday o! each week. An ad- mission charge o! 25c is being made by a&U the teams i tis year.i Mrs. il. E. Logan and Mri. C. Cooper, and their committee who served lunch during the meeting. Rev. Hutton, Blàckstock, took charge of the United Church ser- vice Sunday morning and gave a challenging message to a large congregation. Rev. Eustace was taking a special service ini Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn spent the weekend with their son, Mr. Glen Tamblyn and fam- ily. Belleville. Mrs. Charlie Taylor and son Ross visited i Belleville with relatives. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rowland, Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. J McMinn and Miss E. Holman, Oshawa. The Silver Medal Contest held in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening was well attended. It was *under the auspices o! the W.C.T.U. There were il con- testants, -seven girls and four boys. Winner for the girls was Muriel Gibson of Na. 9 and for the boys, Clifford Dayes, Blackstock. WC wish to congratulate the winners and also say "Well done" to al] taking part. AIL contestants re- ceived books. Intersepersed witb the speeches Mrs. J. J. Brown, Newcastle, delighted the audience with ber solos and Miss Jure Wood. Bowmanville, was beard in two well rendered piano solos. Rev. Turner, Mrs. Percy Hare, Newcastle, and Miss K. Stewart, acted as judges and Rev. Turn- er also entertained with a recita- tion. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong have returned from a trip to Ple- na in the Renfrew district, where John wvas fortunate in catching a three lb. speckled trout. Evening Auxiliary WESLEY VILLE Sunday mroning services were made delîghtful with the baptis- mal service for six babies. Tbey wpre Joan Carol, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Carrai Nicbnls; Sandra Elizabeth, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Payne; James Henry, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Nichais; Frederick Roy, son a! Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl McBride: Leslie William, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford; Richard Imwin, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Miles. Mrs. George Martyn and Lynîi, Weicorne; Misses Dorotby and Muriel Mason visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason. Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichais were Mr. Shields, Mm. and Mms. Sid Lan- caster and Dorelia, Newtonville; Mrs. W. Nichols and Alfred, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Eale McBride and Freddie and Mr, and Mrs. F. McBride were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichais. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peters and Jane, Morrish, and Mr. Ted King, Peterborough, spent Sundny with Mr. and Mms. Howard Payne. Mm. and Mrs. Bert Binstead. Hubert and Evelyn, Belleville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Miles and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Green. Mr. Carroll Nichais attended the opening a! the Children's Aid Society's new building at Port Hope on Satumday. Mms. Arnold Austin and Mrs. E. Bnrrowciough attended n group meeting o! the W.A. at the home o! Mms. Clarence Nichais Fridny evening. Plans were made for the June meeting ta whicb Mor- rish and Zian ladies bave been in- vited. Mr. and Mms. Harold Barrow- clough visited Mrs. S. O. Milis, Port Hope. Mms. Braokig spent a week visiting hem deughtem, Mns. Cecil Sîcerm. Ennisken. _ PONTYPOOL r We are very sorry ta report that Linda Youngman, infant daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngman, Was taken ta Civic Hospital with spinal menigitis. We understand that she is doing very well and sincerely hope that no other complications will de- velop. A large number of the relatives and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rab- inson on Friday evening ta cele- brate with tbemn on their necent marriage. Tbey were the recip- lents o! many useful gifts as the affair was bath a presentation and a shower. Mr. Jack Payne acted as chairman and read the address. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Rob-' inson made very suitable nemarks tbanking their friçnds. A good lunch was served and the aven- ing was spent in dancing and social chat. We will be glad ta welcome Harry Carter home again after bis recent operatian. We under- stand be is corning borne Sunday. Mrs. W. Hackwood is doing nicely in hospital after bier recent operation. L.O.L., 82, beld their regular meeting on Monday evening wheni the Royal Blue Degree was con- ferred. W. Bro. H. Lawery of Kendal L.O.L., was in the chair and was assisted in the work by Capt. Deering of the Salvation Armny as Chaplaîn while W. Bras. T. Staples and G. Tirnrs assisted ini the lectures and secret work. Capt. Deering gave a very inter- esting talk an Orangeism and the Salvation Arrny in Newfound- ]and. He also told of bis exper- iences on a mission field in Rbod- esia. All those who took parti were thanked by the W. Master1 Delbert Bowins for their help. A .good lunch was served after the rneeting. It is very seldom that you need rubber boots ta discover your lawn mower but Mr. A. Manetta had that experience on bis recent visit here. In the building where he stores bis tools there was several feet of water. He dlaims that bis guests can bave their morning dip very bandy witbout visiting the local pond. We understand that al aur streets are ta be oiled soon ta elirninate the dust menace. This is long overdue and we welcome the council's action. If the Eounties would give us a few miles o! pavement we might ac- cept aur extra milîs rate in a less pyilistic -mood. We were glad ta say welcome to N. D. Chambers o! Toronto, ývho spent the weekend in aur 'air village. Norton looks fine, don't weigh over 300 lbs. and stili a greater booster for bis horne own. Mrs. W. Boggs, who is in a rest home in Millbrook recovering from a broken hip, is receiving nany cards wishing ber the best.i Among those received was one rom Premier Leslie Frost of Lindsay. Local people have been very generous with their donations ta be Salvation Army Red Shield Drive. Over fifty dollars bas been ollected and we will be glad ta eceive further donations until May 3lst. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb, Tor- onto, spent the weekend witb friends here, Local tobacco gioi'ers are wlaiting the result.- o! the recent vote taken in regard ta market- ig. Cansiderable construction la being done in the Marsh district preparatory ta storing the 1951 crp. We certainly wisb ail the rawers a good season. Several yards a! top sal bave been spread on a portion o! tbe cal cemetery. Tbe Cemetery Board are trying each year witb their limnited finances ta improve nd beautify the last resting place of aur loved anes. We forecast a certain wedding Io take place when the May lowers were bloorning. Due ta the backward spring we will have Io predict it for June. We also redict sorne more in the very ear future. Our young Shur- :ain salesman is desirous o! bav- ng a lady secretary. Our village vill "sure gain" when that bnp- )ens, BLÀC.KSTOCK LWe are ail very sorry that Mr. Lorne Thompson i5 very ill in 1Oshawa Hospital baving met witb an accident last Friday. He was fencing and bis gun accidently dîscharged wounding him in the stomacb. He lay three bours in tbe field until bis wife found hlm and suxnmoned belp. We hope be will soon be recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Durrell, Martin and Valerie, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorrell. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson, Katherie and Sandra, Windsor, brought Mrs. Fred Balley borne on Friday night and spent the week- end bere. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Percy Collins on the birth of their second son in Oshawa Hospital last Tuesday, May l5th. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert, Joan, Judy and John, Millbrook: spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Venning. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Malcolm, Gail and Bonnie, Nestleton, with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm. Several £rom bere attended the opening of Tyrone Cburch on Sunday afternoon. Allan Rabm started ta work at Blackstock Motors on Monday. Pleased to have Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Mrs. Hill back with lis after spending the winter at Richmond Hill. Mrs. Osmond Wright is in Tor- onto these past two weeks staying with Misses Valerie and Vickie Faint as Mrs. Goldwyn Faint is in hospital with a new daughter. We are pleased to welcorne to the village Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry who maved into their bouse the first of this week. Thej young people chîvareed the young couple, Neil and Eleanor lastf Thursday nigbt when tbey came WALKER STORES PRESENT home from their trip. The annual 24th of May United S.S. Anniversary on Sunday a well attended. We were deligbt- ed ta have the Rev. A. E. Eustace, Orono, as guest speaker. He delivered twa fine addresses. In the marning the cbildren's choir provided the singing - and were very fine. In the evening the United Church choir from Janet- ville provided excellent music. The church was nicely decorated with flowers. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Prescott attended Tyrone Annîversary ser- vices and visited at Mr. C. Wood- ley*s. Several from here attended En- niskillen Anniversary. Our ser- vice Vas withdrawn. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and Roland with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis, Mr. Don Samis and Miss Elsie Samis with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bar- rabali, Courtice, and Mr. T. Gimb- lett, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Abelnetby and Joyce, Manilla, at Mr. Milton Samis'. Congratulations and best wisbes ta Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prescatt, nee Margaret Smith, who were married Saturday. On the Sat- urday preceeding the wedding, over a hundred friends gathered at the borne of the bride's parents. Mr. Wilfrid Bowrnan called the1 gathering to order and called on Mrs. A. W. Prescott who read the address, followed by the present- ation o! a trilight larnp and purseE by Miss Celia Griffin and Herbt 'Prescott. The yaung couple thank- ed their friends and everyones NESTLETON The Nestieton W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Allan Suggitt May 17th with 18 ladies, Rev. Hutton and some childnen. Meeting in charge o! Mrs. Sug- gitt's graup was opened witb the theme scing, bymn and prayer by Mrs. Huttan. Devotional was taken by Mrs. R. Davison; roll caîl, a praverb; study book, Mrs. L. Suggitt; reading, "More than Gold," Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Lad- ies decided ta dlean the church and bave a supper and play in the near future. Meeting closed with hymn and prayer by Rev. Hut- ton. A dainty lunch and cup o! tea was served by the graup. Ail were given a vote of tbanks for another profitable a!ternoon in Mrs. Suggitt's borne. Mary Lau Crawford is recaver- ing fram the measles. Rev. Hutton and members of the Young People's Society did a kind act when they gathered papers for the salvage. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Blnckstock, visited Mré and Mrs. L. Jdblin. Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Black- stock; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Jamie and Nola visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mrs. George Nesbitt and Miss Ruth Proutt visited friends in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boe, Shirley and Andrea, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson, Toronto, Mr. J. Thomp- son, Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. We were aIl very sorry ta bear of Mr. Lamne Thompson's accid- ent. Hope be will soon be able ta came home again. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Cread spent Mondny with Mr. and Mrs. 1~ SWIMSUITS New Radiant Southern shades ... Spicy Tangerine, Bali Lenion, Rico Mint, Java Red ... or softly glowing pastels . .. Blossom Conal, Bud Blue, Green Fern. Interesting new materials, fittingly modelled styles for ail figures and sizes. Faniaus Suntops, bra boned folr rounded contour and ample sun- ning support. Removable or tuck-away straps. New charm in the cuff- top brims. Smooth cinssics, flattering skirted styles, easy to wear two-piece. CHILDREN'S GABARDINE SHORTS Strong quality . .. one pocket $1.98 pair Sizes 8 to 12 Guaranteed hand washable, in colours of green, turquoise, red, blue and wine. ..CHILDREN'S BROADCLOTH BLOUSES Eyelet trimmed collar and front $2.25 each Sizes 7 to 12 ... in white only OTHERS at $1.59 and $1.98 See these models ~~~=-<-~ , on display to-day . Puckered woven elastic bengaline with rounded, boned bra. A strapless beauty - ____$7.93 0 Two-piece Puckered woven elastic bengaline with tuck-away straps and boned bra $7.95 Two-plece printed brocade in bright and delustered satin LASTEX $7.95 One-piece printed diamond black bengaline, gathered front and shirred back $5.95 Two-piece classic or ranger satin, tailored lapel trimmed bra, satin Lastex back $5.95 Two -piece chevroned striped cotton with satin LASTEX back ---- $4.95 ___________One-piece gathered double panel haif skirt, - rounded bra has sof t gathers and top frili --- ------- - -- - $7.95 One-piece cuffed Classic, brocade printed satin LASTEX, haif skirt-_ _ - $7.95 FOR FUN IN THE SUN SHANROCK SHORTS Women's Gabardine Shorts, extra strong quality $2.98 Sizes 12 te 20 Guaranteed colourfast and.hand washable in white, green, turquoise, red and blue. WOMEN'S FINE PINWALE CORDUROY SHORTS $3.95 pair Attractive shorts in colours of grey, red, wine, green and blue. 1 WONEN'S INTERLOCK COTTON T-SHIRTS In plain colours of white, blue and yellow.. Sizes small, medium and$ large. Ail colourfast and washable -1.59 each OTHERS at____________ __-- 98c - $1.25 - $2.95 l49&2",8#dd 1PHONE. 451 ""Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" BOWVMANVILL KING ST. E. Tragedy Averted Through Efforts of Salvation Army He was a young fellow in an~ Ontario village. Everything would have been fine if he hadn't be- corne enamored with another mnan's wife. She was induced ta, leave ber three-year-old child and go with him to the Far West. The boy's mother was dis- traught. She appealed to the Sal- vation Arrny. An officer tried bis best to trace the couple but ai- ways they were -one jump ahead." Then the girl's mother wrote later to say that she had heard from her daughter. The post card had corne f rom a U.S.A. town. Salvation Arrny o! ficers in that locality helped, but again the couple had rnoved on. Finally they were located. The officer told the boy of letters from the parents of both, and urged him to write home. There was an exchange of letters, and the boy later voluntarily soughi out the Salvationist, wanting a proper solution to his problem. He was counsclled to put hi; wrongs right and make a new' start. Difficult aý it was, the tbinig was done. The girl returned tô ber busband and baby and a re. conciliation was effected. Theq boy was completely broken l and was sincerely sorry for bi$ terrible mistake. The parents of both the boY and the girl wrote ta thank Tble Salvation Arrny. Sàid the boy'$ mother: "There is no orgnz tion 1ilke The Salvation Arry.i cannot thank you enough." Don't be downhearted becausq of a mistake-unless it's a id. RADIANT THO LMAT. MAT 24th, 1951 . -ýlm - * 9%"PPAI Fm KING ST. F.