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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1951, p. 1

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bte~nï~rn "Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal" VLM97BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUIRSDAY, MAY 3lst, 1951 6c PER COPYNUER2 Kilted Legion Band Makes .irst Colorful Appearance Making its first public appearance at the head of row: Pipe Major Doug Bloor; Pipers Glen Thirtie, Ray the Kinsmen Karnival Parade Thursday evening, Branch McNab, Bob Lockhart, Jack Stark, AI Fletcher, Bob Dunbar; 178, Caniadian Legion, Pipe and Drum Baud, \vear'ng Me- second row: Pipers Don Brooks, IRay Abernethy, Arnie Hart, Kenzie Tartan, turned in a fine performance. Although Dave Pollack, Art Brooks, Bill Colville, Harry Conners; third organizcd less than a year, the kilted pipers and drummers row: Drtîmmer G. Parkiu; Drum Sergeant Jim Essex; Drum- certainly stirred 4he "Hielaud" blood iin many a Bowman- mers Jim Martyn, Jim Taylor; Piper Don Anderson; Drum- ville resident of Scottish strain. Beginning aI the left, front mers Andy Stark, Mel Hawle3?. Local Doctors Puzzled by "Catch"1 At Lake Nipissing RecèntIy Dr. Harold Fergusonl and d r. Howvard Rundie traveli- c.d to Lake Nipissing'for- a wcek's fishing as guests o! Dr. V. H. Storey at bis sumner cottage. Much more recentiv the trio rcturned. bearing a frcsh water frcak that for a time deficd recognition. It was a fish, sure enough, buit snceb fîsb should be confined to side- shows. Drs. Ferguson and Rundie we;e quietly casting for pickercl at twiight 011e evening wvhen Dr. Ferguson got a strike and exueri- enced a brief but iornIîibh, fight-theh thie tbinjj_ camle quieti v. Dr. Rndesconnped :wil fisb up with a net and dlnmped it on the boat bottomn. One' look ut the monstrost v anti both Drs. teetered the' bout \wn h lutjht(cr. Onivý on TV. could thlzt fish bc, describci. It bas the nouth o! a trolitth,' head of a bhuv nnd tllie «ies o04 (Conitiiiiid on 'uge Ffteeîî) Women's Hospital Aux. Bazaar To* Be Held At Community Centre Should Attract Hundreds of People The Womcii's Hospital Auxili- ary Bazaar ou Tiiurscia.v. Juîie 7tli ai. the Lions Community Centre on Beecb Ave., will be une o! the' biggest, briglîtest events lield iii Boxvnanville for, 1 long time. At 2 p.m. oui June 7tb. bbc doors wvîH open lu neveal the many beautiful arti cles on wiîhicb the ladies ')f thie Auxiiiary and otlier organiz- atiuîs uo' Boxvmaiiville anîd <uni- îiicnitv have licou xorking foi'- this wee ks in pirparation fon thsbig day. Tiiene xviii bt' nu iess than ciglît attractive bootiis froni whicli lu lins laiît vand tîseful art icles. There xiil bc special dont prises drawxn "cr lonr on the hiour. aud a cîlicious afternoon tea vvîll .'e Snxcd t brougiiout tllie iiten- uioon iii thle tnrorn unthie rigb t n0f Ille entranice doons. In addition to a door prieyo nîay wiu the' beautiful Round-the- World Quilt, made by the ladies o! Euîîiskillen United Cburcb; a colourfttl baud crucbeted afgnan douabed by Mrs. Franîk Hunn'- sett, Toronto; a luvable bunny at the Cbildreuî's Booth, a sanîple o! bue work dune by bbcex'eberaus o! Surn'ybrook Hospital, Ibis par- ticular une betug made by Wîl- liani Whitehead xvbo was con- fined tu Sunnyi' brook during this past xvinter; or ' on may win a lovel.v doli, dressed in daiiity, (Continued on Page Seven) Elford Cox Receives Furthier Recognition As Modern Sculptor Furtiier tu Elforci Cox's career as a scuiptur reccntly traced lu Tht' Stabesuîaî, xve are plcased luo ,gouIe ,Ihat Elford is xxinniiîg fur- te inours arnd, recognition iii his field.- The art critic lu Tht' Toronîto Globe and Mail ilu e- xiexviugthe carving exhibition D 'v bue Sculpton's Societ.v at Eston's- College Street fine art gaileries. says: -E. B. Cox is the' obvions leader o! tlie imodiers. Hle al- ways carves and thinks profes- sioualhv and witb deiigbtful re- spect for tht' finishicd job." lu coniiection xvitb Ibis exlii- bitionî the sanie crîtic cummeuits tuat the renaissance ini churcli art in Canada is oîîe o! tht' iiost iv- niarkahie dev-elopmI'nltS O!ont- nia . Religions scLI]Ptktl-e iii WOod !oruied a large and inîporta;it part oîf tht' exhibition, led b 'v Iiie artîsts froin Frenîch Canîada. El- f rd*s xxork îoxvxer is no 1 1 is niedium, but is abstract iii foi-ni aîîd inîspirationî. Wvood sculpi Lire iii the' moden inaniîcr, îkej Local Motor Boat Racers Win at Pt. Perry Regattd Hap Palmer rocketed home a winner in the 22 h.p. class at the' Port Perry Regatta on May 24, capture the Arthur Trophy which is put up for competition by A. E. Brown Motors, Toronto. An estimated 5,000 people attend- ed the motor boat races on Em- pire Day. Not content with one 'first,*" the local boat man went on to win the five-lap "open" race to bring the free-for-all championship to Bowmanvjile as well. Besides the Palmer entry, Bow- manville Boat Club was repre- sentcd by Bill Harnden, Jirn Thompson, Russ Vezna, Dutcb Haîlman, Russ Burley. Lucky Tbompson, Bill Kilpatrick and a Mr. Clarke. Bill Harnden came close to be- ing a winner in the 10 hip. class. He wvon the first heat but haci mnotor trouble in the second and encled up out of the running. In the 13 h.p. class, Russ Burlev of the Bowmanville Club placed first with co-club member Clarke, following him in to dlaim second place. Ail local motor boat enltl]Lsiasts are keenly looking forward tô the regatta, sponsored by the Bo-r manville Boat CluLb. WhiCh ýs scheduled to take Place on Mon- day. .Jul >v 2nd. If last year's tUrni- out is any indication, the coming regatta should be a top notch al- fair. Scouts and Cubs Will Hold Rally This Frid-ay On Fi iday of Ibis week, Jâme ist ail the Scout Troops and Cub Packs o! Bowmanville w'ill as- semble on the Higb School grounds for their annual rallv. Regular meetings tvili be heïd viere b ' the varions Troops and popular Bu tol thei clIe Seal Cubs hi)e proniîotcd eye at lestthe effct pr ducd IOScot anks Parentsand bv abtat ood scuptue ,ohe netd purons are oî -ifimore pleasng. da tdth e prcsent. SLions Club Issue Cail For 300 Citizens To Provide Their Ilood Wiîi '2,,500 hlood donrsnee- hv txilg ve stauncb support. ed in the Oshaxea disrt and 300 Tht ough the gouerosity o! oftbatfigure fom BxvmanvllCr stai aid Glen Rae Dair(e.ý the' Lions Ciub are again ppeal othci Boxx ni le resîdeuts xiii uîîg for vomi tecîs willng o do- aso. be afforded tht' puiiege o! nate theur blood lu fîgbtung Can- gux ng a part of their bluod tu a adians on the' Kurean Front. wortbwbilc cause. Týe dairy' A umobile clinic wviil be on lid drivers \%'ilIcave comprceesîv-e i oîcecac uunt attu' M~oiininformation relatiug tu questions Temple iii Oshawa, and tue firt ~rltv utt oîîugo io biood donatiug date bas been setwhîcb might be put forth by a asJuuîe14 oosil eakc person wisbiug tu xvolunteer. Eac as 14. Dboui ons wi be akeicustomer will receive this infor- \uîear blood enounvices.le,;can at' iilie happy sinile xxorn'nLv President Jack Landet- i x or. hintwl e e n ces. ea honii oild a rc-'ideuit requine fui- prbbymore tlîan equalled in the heart of Mrs. T. C. Luke doent.w b aeu rm dituer înfonnîatioîuit' bec PIubbh~dî Ave, To ono, he uck wineî-of doorand ph\sicians substantu b i rcu'One to te lubjan 176 GofaeAeTrno h uk inro the 1951l att' that a person caun make zis h srqetdt li n Chev Coeh d~aw fo ut h<ŽKinsen arnval îidv nîuivas our ncb duuitjo,;have a chat xvthî Jack Colt' at Chev.Coachdrawnfor a th-- Kinmen Krniva Friavi mriv a foursCihda)naionu- Ch.rou-n Stior'Stuatamems-aI evening. T'fhe wînncîvs son, Tomn Luke of Willowdale, sold xvtiicîîcindugernu ibs hitatli. bis King Street Insurance office. lte Iuckv ticktet to hits mother and thcrebv qualitied for the' Il is tuidcrstoiid tht' Roîarv or Alex McGregor at McGregor's $1,OO ewad itetdec fo bb pesonx~'o sld he innngClub. the' Kuînsieu Club auî'i Drug Store. At ail tbret' places! $1,00 ewad itened or he ersn wo sld he innngBrauiclî1i 8, Canadiaui Legioni, xxiii plcdge cards uiax be filed liand1 Sticket. Mirs. Ltiko is pictured with the Kinsmen President he couîtacted this week aund thî, our utame taken as a -voluui- ~HtICl h.< Twoîîn riri~'Lions- Club ccuuîrnttee belie% c teer." Firemen Hampered In Fighting Fire by Faulty Hydrant Called to a fîre at 11.05 Monday evening, the Bowmar ville Fire Brigade was unable t( save a car and garage belongink to Gordon Cowle, 3 Church St. due to the advanced stage of thf blaze and the attempted use of faulty fire hydrant. Arriving on the scene a scan few minutes after the alarm waý registered, firemen hooked hose to a hvdrant immediatelv ir front of the Cowle house, but-th, hydrant proved fauity and it' water xvas forthcoming. Firemer xvere forced to rush 500 feel down the street to a second liyd- rant wbile the blaze mounted the car and garage were com- pletely destroyed. The garage fire spread to the side of the Cowle house, anti wVhile anxious residents were re- moving furniture. firemen suc- cessfuliy concentrated on stem- ming the spread of the blaze. While the extensive damage cannot be attributed entireiy t10 lack of water during the first crucial second following the ar7 rival of the Brigade, the faulty hydrant did littie to assist fire- men in their haste. It is under- stood the municipality pays $60 per year per hydrant to the Pub- lic Utilities Commission to ser- vice. hydrants and. ensure they are in proper running order. Post Office Hours Changed Ef fective Monday, lunie llth According to Postmaster John Kent. effective Monday, June 11, the lobby of the Bowmanx'ille Post Office wilI close at 7 p.m. *dail.y. Boxholders are notified of this change so that they may call *for their mail during the day. This coming Monday, June 4th, will be ceiebrated as the King's Birthday by the Post Office staff. The wickets of the Post Office will only be open between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 pa. Rev. Earl Sigston Former Rector To Preach Here Re Earl Sigston. former pop- ular St. John's Chur-ch rector who joined the Royal Canadian Navy last fahl, will returii 10 bis old church next Sunday and preach at the il a.m. Holy Com- munion service. As Navy Chaplain, Rev. Sigs- ton has been stationed at Dart- mouth, N.S. He is now in On- tario to attend a Chaplain's Coui- ference subsequent to wbich hie and bis family w' %iil proceed to the West Coast 10 take over a new posting. Padre Sigston's friends in Bow- mnanville and district are cor- diallv invited to attend next Sunday morning's service ai-d re- new their acquaintance witli the former Rector. Sunday evening at St. JIohn's wiil be "Question Box Time." The present Rector, Rex'. War- ren Turner, will answer two questions. Tbey are: (1) -1 dont go to Churcb very often but 1 was christened in the' Anglican Cbnrcb, I think. What shah J1 bell the census peuple when tbey ask mv religýion?" (2) Jo con- nection with thiat Cburcbi dis- pute in Toronto the Bisbop bas issued soi-e kind of commission. Wbat does that mean'."' Two-Night Kinsmen Karnival Attracts Large and Happy Crowds Car Won by LuckyToronto Lady Tbe Kinsmen Karnival started off with' a bang on Thursday ev- ening, May 24, fire-crackcr day, as bundreýds o! local residents, escorted by' c ager cbildren, fol- lowed tbe Canadian Legion Pipe and Drum Band to tbe Memorial Arena and took a turo at trying tbeir luck at tbe colourful Kins- men bootb. The season's first carnival prov- ed a popular success, and wbilc offering patrons a chance to walk awav witb a panda bear. a bingo prize or some other novelty pe- culiar tu take-a-chance games, il also swelled the Kinsmen '-Tee for the Memorial Arena Fund" by an estimated $1.500. Opening Tbursdav evening, the Kinsmen Karnivai got off to a skirling start xvhen the Legion Band, bedecked in new McKeiî- zic tartan. white sbirts and gait- ers, led off a parade from B.H.S. at 7:30 p.m. Boy Scouts and Cubs eagerly foliowed the High- land mnusic as the parade made its way down Qucen Street and along bbe route previously publishied. Hundreds of people crowding tbc parade route saw farm tract- ors, farm equipment and many 1951 automobiles in the long pro- cession. Young members of the' Orono Figure Skating Club pos2d sedately on one float: hockey plavers of aIl sizes and ages man- JuINY stood on another. Toronto Wonan IVins Car Fridav evening the much pub- licized Kinsmen Chevrolet coaeh was won by a Toronto woman. John M. James, M.P., Durham, drew the winning ticket fromn the buge drumn at 1l1:30 p.m. Friday evening. The wvinner was Mis. T. C. Luke, 176 Golfdaie Ave., Toronto. Her son, Tom Luke of Willowdale, sold the winning ticket and qualified for bbe $1,000 awa rd. Friday evening another parade tormed at the Higb Scbool; its lengtb was estimated at over one mile long. - Again tbe local Le- gion Band marcbed off in front but there were nu Boy Scouts be- Iinid. Jnstead there %v'as a longa line o! 1951 cars put in the par- ade bY' local merchants. Tbce wasaso buge farm- machinery ln bthe lne-up and included every- thing from tractors 10 automatic balers. Those who had cars or faim machinery' in the parade were: S. S. Morton & Son, Bow- mianvile Motor Sales, Roy Nich- ols Motor Sales, Palmer Motor Sales. Alexanderýs Motor Sales and Edwards' Motor Sales. The local Pepsi Cola Company alo had a truck lu bbc parade as did Boxvmanville Fuels, King's Taxi and the Royal Theatre. The Boys' Training Scbool Band put lu an appearauce lu tbe Fr1- day parade and as ustial tbey burned iii a top performance. Their bugle and drum band was inspiring lu marcb lu. and the boys themselves seemed eager to hold their ranks well. Karnival Is Colourfut The Karnival ibself was quite colounful. There were bootbs lu eacb of the four corners of the' Arena; tbree along the south side; bwo on the nortb side and a glatt Causes of Juvenile Delinquency And How Io Overcome Them Revealed by Speaker ai Rotary Club Juveîîihe delinqueîîcy eau be attributed directly lu bbc failure of parents and suciet., lut satisfy bhe needs o! youtb, accordiug tb Dave Nicholson, Elceutive Secre- tary o! Broadvicw Y.M.C.A., Tb- Dave Nicholson rontu. lu an address dehivered at the Rotary Club unucheon beid iii tht' Balmoral Hotel, Frida. Tht' speaker enuiiierated fivuý basic requireiiients o! yýoutb: The' îîeed for, secunit 'y; tht' îeed for aciiveient; the îîced for~ pers- Local Enumera tors Start Census-Taking Friday fectioîî. and the necd for experi- cuce. He said if any nced is ne- glected, a pcrsoîî, somewbere aloug tbe road of Jife, will become maladjusted. Iîîtroduced by Rotary President Jack Eastaugh, the speaker was described as sometbiîîg o! an ex- pert Who kuows Toronto's jv- enile problemn intimately. When teen-aged gangs werc wreaking havue in Toronto several years ago. Mr. Nicholson was assigued 10 study bbc situation in au effort bu briug to ligbt bbc causes for the aiîti-social bebaviour o! juv- enles. To do this the speaker weut direelv bu the source, and for 18 moulus xvas au accredited member o! "The Jonction Gang' whicb later evolved itt Tho' Jonction Athletic Association. Gangs are nul new. Ex'ery nor- mal boy lias at some lime or oth- or belonged tu a neigbbourbood gang, but at tbc extreme end o! the scale from thiese frieudsbip gruups are tht' anti-social ganîgs. Protest Arbitrary Authority" Acconding Iu Mr. Nicholson, 'Group action may spring frôni internaI]uîeeds or external pres- sure." He said most "gang ac- lion" stems from a desire to pra- test -arbitrar ' autbority," and a lack o! *'adult orientation." Rel- ative lu the latter quote, the' speaker said cbildren adjust tbemsetx'es, nul lu their owii nceds as tbcy sbonld, but tu aduit needs. Man.v uveuulles are u'ejected at, William J. Found Honoured on His 7Oth Birthday k On Wednesdlay exening, May 16. the brutbcrs and sisters of Williamn J. Found, Concession St., gathered with tbeir families at tbe Balmoral Hotel for a dinner in honour of bis 701hi birthday' and also tbe Stîth year since he started to work- for tbe late Charles M. Caxvker, well knowri butcber, of this toxvn. This -%vas nul bbe first contact of tbe famiiv witb Bownîanville, since Mr. Found's nother had arrived at New'castle fromn Eng- land on August 12. 1868, and his faiber came to tbe same district five vears later. Finaliv the famn- iiy settied ini the' south-w'est cor- net* of Daln Igîton Township wJîere Arthur anîd Charles Found now reside. Otber members of tbe family who were preseut at the celebration were Dr. Norman Found, Toronto, Cecil Fouud, Courtice, Mrs. Wmn. Allun (Mary) Bowmauviile, and Mrs. Wrm. Lymer (Olive), Maple Grove. Twenty-fîve members o! the family were present and during the eveniîîg, Janie Miller o! Pick- ering presented Mrs. Found wibh a bouquet of red ruses. Then a birtbdav gift was duly presentect and acknowledged. Greetings Were received froni Chatham and Peterborough. It is doubtfnl if anyone ini Bowrnanville equals Mm. -Foutid',, record of haif a century of con- tinuons service with the one family of merchants. The Cawk- ers will soon,ý.have been in bus- iness here one hundred years which is now carnicd on by the third and fourtb generation, Wes- ley Cawker and bis son George. "Billy" Fouîid, as he is familiarly knovn b 'v bis mny friends and customners, bas been a loyal and courteous emiploye and tbnougil lus hal! century o! faitbfut ser- vice has, *in niaiiy cuses, seen at least tbree generatiois <if custoni.. ers cor-ne and go, et lic is stihi fouind on the job cv e r v day wear- iîîg his xwbite aprori. (arving kuife in lîand and cuittig np tbose chioce etuts of meat for wbicb Cawkeir's are famous. (Wes, that plug sholîd be good for a Suindayý roast for the edi- tor) Mr. Fouîîd las hteii paîricuI- arNY active iii Masonic circles, be. ing Wursiuipfui Master o! Jer- Lisalerm lin1947 ;ind]Worthy Patron of tht' Order of the East. cru Star ini 19:38. Mr. and Mrs. Hioward Jeffery anid faunîlv'% spent the' xeekend at their coQttage- at Rock Lake, AI- After four davs' schooling by Supervîsor Rav Dili- manville. and M!rs. Howard Malcolm, Janetville. Standing. ing at the Lions Community Centre. Bowmanville, the above a t back are: Elmer Cox, R.R. 4, Bowmanville; J. A. John- 17 census-takers are xvelt prcparcd 10 begin enumenaîing ston, R.R. 1, Burketon; Kenneth Roblipi, Burketon; W. R. tomorrowr in thc Townships of Darlington. Cartwright and Piekell, R.R. 2. Bowmanvil]e: Newton Armstrong, R.W. 1, I\lanvcrs, as well as iu Bowm 'anx'ille. Sitting in the above .Janetvillc; Sidneý, Powers, Pontypool; Ncrmnan Mountjoy, picture arc. Ieft to righi: Ms Helen Gordiner. R.R. 2, Bow- Blackstock; Gordon Moorcraft, Bowmanville; Edgar Beer, manville, AMiss MAai-*y Nidd cmv, lampton, ns Allan Osborne, R.R. 1. Beîhany; Frank Pascoe, Hampton, and Supervisor Bowmanville; Mrs. Mla]colm Hamilton. R.R. 5, Bowmanville; Ray Dilling, Bowmaxivihle. 'Mrs. Robert Kent, Bowmnanville; Ms Cecil Muttun, Bow-i Toronto Lady Wins Kinsmen Car lie Williani J. Found 1

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