- r OA KA.:. A a. -- AO4 IAU MeU. ........ e pMM, i 11HURSDAY. JtTqE 7th, 1951 TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI Lady Speaker Advises Noihers Nol To Decome Door Nais - But Keep Ilerself an Individual "Every member of the famlly ý eds a place in the eun," said Mrs. Manseil Stacey, speaklng nt St. Paul's Evenîng W.A. meeting an Manday, June 4th. Mrs. D. H. Williams, leader af Scugag Street graup, was in charge af the war- shlp service and Bertha Calville cantributed two lovely plana salas, a campasition by Debussy and Schubert's Ave Maria. Mrs. 13:y Lunney aisa sang, "Be Thou rMrs. Stacey spoke an the need for each member af the famiiy, fram the youngest ta the oldest, ta feel that he or she is an im- partant part af the famlly unit. Young children's questions should flot be ignored. They deserve ani CHOOSE A DAY JUNE 17 lewellery 43 King St. W. Plhons 463 BOWMAN VILLE attentive reply. The teen-ager needs ta know that she can con- fide in her parents. Mrs. Stacey sald. If the opportunity for this confidence gaes by, it may neyer came again. Grandparents need ta feel important too and this need shauld be recognized by en- couraglng the aider folk ta tell the children staries of other deys, making history live for themn through their p ersonal ex- periences. Mother. of course. Is the one~ malrily respansibie for making everybady In the family happy. She must not sacrifice her hus- band ta the wants af her children. neither must she sacrifice hei7- self compietély to ber familv. B ishop Administers Confirmation at St. Joseph's Church Mast Rev. G. J. Berry,, D.D., Bishop of Peterborough, th'e altar in the church are: front row (lef t to right) Patricia shown at extreme right, admiriistered confirmation to the Conway, Margaret Lynn, William Cole, James Masterson, above 12 candidates at St. Joseph's Roman Catholie Church, D'Arcy Lynn and Edward Forget, back row: Fathei' S. J. Bowmanville, Sunday morning. Father S. J. Coffey. Priest Coffey, Mrs. A. Lunnemann, Miss F. Lambert, Mrs. C. Now- of the parish, (extreme lef t) assisted the Bishop in celebrat- ian. E. Tice, Francis Bruton, W. Bunting and The Most Rev. inq Mass. The candidates in the above picture taken beforei G. J. Berry, D.D., Bishop of Toronto.1 She sbould take time out, even if only a iew minutes a day, la keep herseif an individual and not become a door mat. But ane of the niost important things she cati do is ta encourage her hus- band and ber children ta ios'm familv habits. which will become traditions and be looked back on with pleasure ln years ta came. Mrs. Williams thanked Mrî'i Stacey and others assisting with the program, then turned the meeting avec ta the presideilt, Mrs. Robert Evans, who conduet- ed the business meeting. This was the last meeting ai the Ev- eningz W.A. until September. Re- freshments were served by members ai Scugog Street group and the evening closed with a social hour. ENNISKILLEN Mi'. Lau Williamson, Ponty- pool; Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Courtice, with Mr, and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. Master Geor'gie Leadbeater en- tertained a few friends on Fr1- day on the occasion of bis iourth birthday A monkey is the only wild an*- 2~ i mal that wilI use sticks. stones, or anything handy as a wveapan. 1 Wet* gh e. w--ý 1 THE ELECTRIC RANGE WUTH THE Exre tarte Olina t ré Four @oro Sfso mUmia uNI Pive OufteoIId Nuls lEys..Ia Ootrl Puol ToI.a41... elaI Ouros àdoi* IoTimer Bul-M4i MiaeMdu Largo Wru.g Cmam ul Twl mUlion Neyer before has any clectric range.. any type of cooking eq1pmet .. . made so rnany V*ital contribu. tions to cooking ease and perfect resuits as this BIG, NEW Westinghouse. OnIy in Westinghouse can you enjoy the advantages of the Super-Size "Miracle Oven" with its Even-Flo heat distribution . no drafts, no "hot-spots." OnIy in Westinghouse do you get the extra capacity cooking surface with 4 high.speed COROX units (two giant. cwo regular)'. Seeing is believing! Corne in and nstDect this great new Westinghouse for yo4rself! U-- a FURNITURE AND m U P HY SAPPLIANCE STORE 52 King St. W. hwmanville Phone 811 OBITUABY MARY EMMA HOOEY After a lingeî'îng illtiess, Mis. Herbert Hoaey passed away Fni day, May 25, at ber home in Blackstock. She was born ini Cavan Towvnship, the eider daughter af the late Mr. and Mis. Josepb Sandeî'son and came ta Cartwrîglit Township at the age af six. On New Year's Day, 1900), she married Herbert William Hooey and it was with great plea- sure the couple celebrated theiî' golden wedding, January Ist, 1950. Mrs. Hooey was a 11e-long member and staunch xorker in the Presbyterian Chiurch, first la Biackstock and then in Nestleton. Ilulier own quiet way, sue woun a hast aofiends among yaurig andi aid: and ber constant thoughit duî'ing ber lufe was for others. .Scor'es aofisiends cailed ta pav ber tribute and the banks ai' beautiful iiowers vaiced the lave friends had for bier. A family service was held at the home, fol- lowed by service iin Nestieton Presb\'terian Chuî'ch wtýhere the minister Mr'. H. McComnb condiiel- ed thé service, assÀsted by Rc\'. G. Nicholson of St. John's Ang- lican Church, Blaekstockç. Pallbeaî'ers weî'e Messrs. John Tamblyn, Bert Sandei'son and four nepbews, Roy Werry, Dr'. John Werry, Muriray Werry andi Haî'ry Sanderson. Flower heur- ers inclided Messrs. Heî'mi Haaey, Ivan Mountjoy, Tain Had'ge, Ross Duff, Eldoii Hub- bard, George Carter and Edgaîr Hoskin. Interment was made in the Union Cemetery, Cadmus. Lef!ta marnurn the passing ai a thoughtfui wife and a dear moth- er are the husbaod, twa daugl- e rs. Mrs. HarrY McLiitghli!î (Bertha), Mrs. George Wolf,, (Noi'n-a) andc a grtlindsoiî, La\N'- rence McLaughlin. A sister. Mrs. Ruper't Weni'v and a bi'otheî', Mr, Simeon Sanderson, bath i Cart- wright, sur'vive her. STARK VILLE Friends froni For'est, spent thec weekend xith Mi'. and Mî's. Lamne Todd. Mr. and Mî's. Al Dobsoiî spoat Satui'dav ec'eing vith i-.Vi',and Mrs. Sid Htillox\cli. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Pioeh, Cleve- land, Ohio, with Mr. and Mi"s. Bert Trim. Mn. and Mms. Llew Hallowcll and Miss Nor'ma llall<wili weî'e in Lindsa v. Mr. and MVrs. Colin Brox,\ýj Leskard, anîd Miss Morris, To- ronto, with Mi'. anîd Mi's. Orme Falls. Mr. Ted MVaker. Toronto, visit- ed Mr. Hugýli Westheuscr. Miss lVar"i'Halioweili sptt Mondas- with MViss Ruth Ka]- ebaba. Newcastle. A few friends af Mai'il.yni Fall'î were entortained at a birthdav' partv ut lber home on Manda.y.' Mr. and Mrs. Cari Tocid spent Sundav e'iigwitb Mr. anîd Mrs. Llew Hioel l\IiSs Williams, Toronto: M"'. and Mrs. Waiden. Hamilton, with Mn. aud Mi's. Fred Tadd. Mrs. Goidon Trii vsited bei' mnoîhex', Mrs. Cloughceliff, Scai - bora. Service at Shîloh is beiug held in the mioru îngps during the sain- mrer nmontlu. ZION (Hope Twp.) The public school pupils are not doing taa badiy these days in the way of holidays. Ceiebrations'in hanour ai Queen Victoria and the present King George VI were good for two .pleasant breaks. Then Thursday the senior pupi]s joined with the others ai Hope Township ta make a trip ta Tu- ranto ta visit the museuma and Casa Lama. Mrs. Hamilton, Toronto, spent the week with ber niece, Mrs. A. Waiker. Mr. P. Kessier, Newtonvilie, and Mr'. E. Yomngman, Pantypool. called on Mr. H. Casweli. The congregation af Zion xvas dismayed ta learn ai t.r' transfer af their pastar, Rcv. Dr. C. Oke, ta Dover Centre. in the Windsor-Chatham area. A con- gregational meeting was held at Weicame an Monday to discuss a new appaintee. WEDDING SNOWDEN - JOHNS Lilacs and tulips farmied thi' background for the double ring, ceremany in Triinity Unitet. Church. Bowmanvile, an Sat~- urday aiternoan. Julne 2id, whel Anna Celina Johns, daughter i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns, Bawm-anviiie. became the bride af Stanley Ewart Sniowden, son ai Mr. an d Mrs. Lloyd Sn-o-%vdeii, Maple Grave. Rex'. S. . I lender- son oificiated, and Mrs. Albert Cale played the wedding musi"-.1 Mir. Ross Metcalfe was salais!. singing "0 Perfect Love' ai "Wedding Prayer." Given il nmarniage b.vler bih- ei', the bride \vas gownied il, whit(" satin withl nylon yake aiid fitted bodice fashionod with lace-trim- nied bertha and long pointed. sîceves. The fuil skirt had a bustie hipline A beaded tiara held bier floor length embroid- ered veil and she carried a cas- cade aifi'ed rases. Miss Dorothy Johns was înaicl- of-honaur for bier sister. gowned in rase taffeta with fitted bodice. off the shouider collai' anci full skirt. She carried a noiegay ai white carnations. The bride v[.s also attendeci by bier sister. Mi111 Rau McDonald. and Miss Doroth-,, Snowden, sister ai the groom, ini similarly styled gowns of peri- winkle bloc and caîrving nase- gays of yellow roseis. 'l'le maid. oi-honoîîr and txA a bniciesînaicl.i ware cî'ownless bonnets andc gioves ta match their gowns. i The ushers were Bert Snow- den, brother of the gr'oom; Roni McDonald. bi'otier-ini-lawv of tho bride and William Lewis, broth- er-in-law ai the groom. For the receptian held iii Triio- itv Church Sunday Sehool roam, the bride's mather wore a dress of navy blue sheer with navy ac- cessories and corsage of pink çcar- nations. She wvas assisted in i-e- ceiv'ing by the groomn's mother, wearlng a dress of paie greeni xith vellow accessories and col-- sage of'-white carnations. For the wedding tr'ip b'.'matai' ta points north and east. thc bride %vare a nat'y blue suit hpin.; adnax'y accessories, a corsage of ~pink carnations, and for necik sucCes5 JAM UPSIDE-DOWN SHORTCAKES Combina 1 tha. soft butter, 74'C. thick jam, 1 tbs ilemon jue and, if desired, 1i e. hroken nut- încats and dxx ade hetween 6 greased individual haking di'ih( . %ix and sift, lwîce. then sifi, into a bowl, 11i2'l c.once-sifted pastry flour (or 1'j ic. tinte-sifted hard-wheat flouri, 3 top3. Magie Bak- i ng Powder, i ' tsp. sait, ij,i tsp. grated nutmneg - and i4 c. fine granulated Bugar. Cut in fineiy 5 t Ni. chiiied shortening. Combine 1 well-beaten egg, 1 c. miik and i. tsp. vanilia. Make a weli in dry ingredients and add liquida; mix iightly. Two-thirds fill prepared dishes with batter. Bake ina moderateiy hot aven, 375', about 20 minutes. 'i'irn out and serve hot with sauce or cream. ' I Yiîld-6 serx'ings. Accarding ta the French Aca- demy. the actual numnber of languages spaken and written ln the worid is estimated at 2,796. The Chinese language and its dialects are used by nearly 500 million peaple. The Engiish language by a littie mare than 270 milioin. ANNOUNCING MqILLER among the worid greatest, are of littie use uniess the populace appies human effort-work-to its production. The jelly fish is ons of the greatest exasperatians of Can- adian coastal fishermen. It le unmarketable and fouis up gear. TAXI Owned and Operated by Jack Miller OFFICE AT 103 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE piece, the gift of the groom. Mr. OREU SRVC and Mrs. Snowden wiil reside ln SPECIAL RATES FOR LONG Maple Grave on their return. Guests were present from Pet- 0 0 lRIPS, WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, ETC. erborough. Oshawa, Oronoan Brooklin.- q à Clark's in Chili SaUct Pork & Beans 2. Q uake r Muf fets York Brand Boogna Fancy Cranige iLilce Maple Leaf Matches 15'oz lins 23c o14c 12'oz lin 47c 20 oz tin 16C 3 hoK Pkg 25c Custom Ground Bokar Coffee. 96c Arin Page-White or Brown, Sliced Milk Bread 24*oz loiJ 4c Lonnox Choice Apple Sauce Z 20-oz lins 29C Ann Page Mayonnaise 8-.o, i.,Z7c Ltan dard mm À ,& B loua Penchez 20oz in24 Nut Breads 1n1lC Fancy - Custard 16 oz lin 3 Sc J e GRAPEFRUIT 220 oz lin 2 C Heinz Assorted Fancy Baby Foods 3 lins, 28c Kola Salmon 1/2,s lin 21C Dr. Ballardi's ChampionSwf' Dog Food 2 <ni 7c Swift'ning il, 47c Ju Jubes H cinz Ketchup Shrodded Wheut Ogilvis Flour Pork Loaf Pic Joli>' Powders Jello Green Giant Niblets Claver Valley' Link Cheese 8-oz ce!io bag 23c "l-oz bt[ 6 2 Pkg, 31c 2'/a-IL bag 20c 12-01 lin 51C 3 pkg, 29c a oz lin l oc '/z'lb 19c A & P SUPER RICHI QUALITY MEATS Choice Lamb Legs P.89c Fronts 62c Loins whole ar rnb endn 79c Cookd nom Peamealed Cottage Bons Choice Siiccd Breakfast Bacon Restigouche Salmon Steaks Cooked Baby Lobuler. lb 72c I/a lb pkg 35c lb j9c lb 77c i1>53c Cuban Rod Spanisn, No. 1 jineapples e29c Oranlges Colifornia Vaiencia, 288's doz 2.9c Cherries Fresh Caiifornia Bing lb 59C W atorMelons Florida juicy, Na.1 I b Sc CaUrg«ts Fresh lmported Na. 1i bchsiw ]Pomamoes Alobamna, white No. 1 5 lb, 29C Celelry Hea«grts Florida Pascal jumb'o bcb 19c Now availabilo Native Head Lettucc, Spinach, Green Ornions, Leaf Lettuce, Radislije, Asparagus, Tomatoos. Swift's Prsmium, bone in. Butt or shank haif, shank off Svvift'o Premium Rîndiose lb 69c Bireakfast Bacon C ro mcd lb 1;,SCottage Ch... A&P Freih Candy PAGE v2v lowmanviRe Phone 811 52 Xàq SL W.