THURSDAY, 3UNE 7th, 1951 IMAGE FVTEEZ ____________THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ZION Mr. and Mrs. Perey Flintoff and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff and family, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and sons, Ebenezer; Miss Joyce Cameron, Oshawa. at Wes Canm- eron's. Messrs. Murray Osborne, El- mer, Bruce and Wes Down, Miss Jean Down. Ebenezer, at Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. James McMaster and sons. Kitchener. at Alex McMaster's. Mrs. Russell Stainton at Mrs. W. J. Trick's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and family, Hampton. at Percy Davidson's. Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Nicholson, Bowmanville, at Alex McMast- er's. Mr. Keith Stainton got the foundation for his house poured on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Lander, Toronto. at Russell Stainton's. Miss Donna Vice, Solina, at Gerry Glaspel's. Miss Ruth Robbins, Bowman- ville; Mr. Jack Pearce, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Geissbergr and family, Maxwell's, at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott and family. Oshawa, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dart, Mal- vern: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dart and Bruce, West Hill, at Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truil, Hampton. at Russell Perkin's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young- man and family, Tyrone; Miss Pearl Leach. Solina, at Norman Leach's. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moffatt and Paul, Mr. Tom Abbott and Larry, Lowell Gatchel, Oshawa, at Percy Davidson's.e Our football team took a trim- ming from Enniskillen on Wed- nesday night, 2-1. Anniversary services on Sun- day were very well attended. Singing. by the children in the afternoon. was enjoyed by ail. The choir sang two anthems and the male quartet also sang at the evening service. Rev. R. R. Nicholson, Bowmanville, was the guest speaker for both services. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ayre, North Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Kedron, at Boyd Avre's. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Mr. and Mrs. K. Billet and Mary Jean, Mr. and Mrs. J. MacNab and family, Hampton-, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Au- brey Hircock, Oshawa, at Fred Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lloyd, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dennis, Oshawa, at Frank Sobil's. SOLINA Mrs. Gordon Leask. Mrs. C. D. Pascoe. Mrs. Isaac Hardy, Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs.i W, Parrinder. Mrs. A. J. Balson, Mrs. H. E. Tink and Mrs. E. R. Taylor attended the Women's Institute District Annual Cou- vention at Maple Grove. Church service next Sunday morning will be at Il o'clock with Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Abbott, Ronnie and Janice. Oshawa, vis- ited at Mr. E. Spire's. Mr. Harold Reynolds, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Mar- ilyn and Peter, Oshawa, were visitors at Mr. Ralph Davis'. Misses Velma, Ethel and Lillie Gilbert, Toronto; Mr. Lloyd Sle- mon, Haydon; Miss Jean Toms, Burketon, visited at Mr. Russell Gilbert's. Mrs. Sam Harris, Misses Irene and Lulu Harris, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Mowbray, Oshawa, visited at Mrs. Harvey Harris'. « Miss Irene Harris remained for a week. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, in company with Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. Blackstock, en- joyed a motor trip to Westernl Ontario over the weekend and visited relatives and friends. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. Joe Chap- man on the death of her husband at Hampton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe, Mrs. Burney Hooey, Mrs. Harold Pas- coe, Mr. Bruce Tink, Mrs. H. E. Tink and Mrs. Percy Dewell at- tended the funeral o! the late Mrs. P. Morrow at Oshawa. Quite a number of people at- tended Brooklin Fair Saturday, and several were present on Sun- day at Zion anniversary services. Sympathy is extended to the brother and sister o! Mr. Hugh Annis. Enniskillen, who passed away on Monday. His entire life, until 17 years ago, was spent on the Annis homestead on the seventh lune. Mrs. S. E. Werry had the mis- fortune to fali and suffered a badly sprained wrist. Mrs. E. Spires, while hurrying downstaîrs. feli and received f a- cial bruises and injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith, To- ronto, spent the weekend at Mr. Stan Millson's. Mr. Bert Montgomery and Donna, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Bruce Montgorn- ery 's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice, Murray and Donna attended Zion anniversary service. Donna had tea at Mr. Gerry Glaspell's, while Mr. and Mrs. Vice and Murrav were tea guests at Mr. George Gibson's. In these days o! uncertainties the only things you can count on are your fingers. LONG SAULT Mrs. May Johns attended the Snowden-Johns wedding in Trin- ity United Church, Bowmanville, Saturday afternoon. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron (nee Greta Pen- warden), on the arrival of a fine baby boy. Miss June Butson, Enniskillen, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and Willie. Burketon, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. Fred G. Smith and Miss Grace Smith attended Salem an- niversary services and were sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hil- l.iard McClure, Happy Valley. Church service will be at the usual hour Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk and family with Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMille, Burketon, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyer, Nestle- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Donna and Dennis, Blackstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Ken and Shelagh, Bowmanville, with their mother, Mrs. Edith Murphy. A number from here attended the house-warming at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMille, Burketon, Wednesday night. HAMPTON Mrs. W. J. Ranton has returned from visiting relatives at Arthur. Mrs. W. Rackham, Manilla, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth. Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toronto, spent the weekend with the Sal- ters. Rev. G. D. Empey attended Conference at Kingston last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey, Toronto, spent the weekend wîth his mother, Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox, Cobourg, with J. D. Hogarths and Mrs. H. Wilcox and Madlyn. Mrs. W. H. Harper and Mrs. R. D. Bell, Toronto, are et the home o! their parents., Mr. and Mrs. C. Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Hughi Murphy, Donald and Brenda, Bowman- ville. were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns- ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. McKeever, Oshawa, Mr. Geo. Riggs and Mrs. Edith Ormiston, Bowman- ville, were tee guests o! Mc. and Mrs. A. E. Billett, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lockwood and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hamilton, Oshawa. on Sun day. Mr Ç~. Daw. is. spending n week wth cousins in Massachus- ettes. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon and grandchildren, Peter and Susani, Dr. and Mrs. Keith Slemon and Needleeraît News by Pa"dé ie oy HAND-KNITED garments are very popular mns young people and some, aleeveless pullover. It in knitted of beige wool 'with the attractive Fair Isle pattern worked in rust, blue, yellow, brown and green. The beauty of your hand knit woollen garinents can be easily re- tained after many washings, provid- ed a few simple rules are followed. Before wasabing, measure the garment and note the measurements carefully. When you are ready to proceed with the washing of the garinent make sure that you use a good mild soap or soap flakes and lukewarzn water. Squeeze the suds gently through and through the garment until it is dlean. Neyer rub a woollen garment and, when removmng the garment from the water, remember to keep it sup- ported by the hands 'n order that the weight of the wet garment may flot stretch the fabric. Making sure that ail the soap is removed fromn a woollen article is one of the most important points to keep in mind when the laundering is containing a thread of artificiel silk, being done. Rinse in dlean, luke- add a littie vinegar to the second warîn water, gently squeezing to re- rinsing water. The same is true with inove ail soap. Once again, as in regard to washing fancy patterned washing, keep the-garment supported socks and sweaters like the Fair Isle by the hands when removing it froin pullover shown above. the water. Now rinse a second timie It is absolutely wrong to put wool- in dlean, lukewarm water to makc len articles to soak, to use strong doubly sure that ail traces of soap soap, soda, boiling -or even very have been remnove& hot -water, to let them lie in n wet Woollen garments should neyer be state, or to bang them up to dry. left lying wet but should he rolled If you practice these simple rules immcdiately in a dlean, thick towel your hand knit woollens should be to remove ail moisture. Once this color-bright and ' new-looking even has been done you may then take after many latinderings. For a direc- the garment from the towel and lay tion leaflet giving you the instruc- it on a fiat surface away jrom heat. tions for the FAIR ISLE SLEEVE- Pin it to the required mensurements LESS PULLOVER, just send a using rustless pins. stampcd, self-afdressed envelope to In the case of woollen garments this paper asking for Lenflet CW-21. Virginia, Bowmanville: Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Crawford, Janet and Margaret, Leaside, were Sundav callers at the home o! Mc. and Mrs. A. E. Billett. Rev. and Mrs, G. Empey, Bar- bare, Janet and Susan, visited relatives at Napanee. Mrs. E. H. Cole, Mrs. F. Honey, Mrs. W. W. Horn, Mrs. N. C. Yel- lowlees. Mrs. T. M. Mountjoy, Mrs. L. D. Sykes, Mrs. J. R. Knox, Miss Norah Horn, Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, Mrs. Harland Truli, Mrs. J. W. Balson. Mrs. Sam Dewell, Mrs. T. M. Chant, Mrs. S. Ker- sey and Mrs. M. Mountjoy attend- ed the W I. District Annual at Maple Grove on Thursday. Congratulations are in order to Mrs. E. A. Kingston who has ceached hec 9lst birthday which was spent quietly at the home o! hec daughter, Mrs. Chas. Daw with whom she resides. Shê was the recipient of many lovely gîfts and flowers from friends, includ- ing members o! the Hampton W. I. and W.M.S., to whomn she ex- tends thanks and appreciation. It is interesting to know, also, that this year marks the 5th year she has been a Life Mern- ber o! the W.M.S. We trust she may be spared to enjoy more bîrthday anniversaries. Mr. Will White is under the doctor's care and confined to bed. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Joe Chapmen in the sudden pass- ing on Monday evening of Mr. Chapman, also to Mr. W. Chap- man. his brother. The earliest form o! telephone system was that o! Emperor Shi Huang Ti. It consisted o! brass tubing extending between guard stations along China's 1,500 mile Great Wall.1 BLACKSTOCK Flyîng Officer Ernest McLean Saskatoon, was home on leeve lest weekend. Mrs. Harry Graham, Toronto, visited relatives in the village end Miss Verna Graham visited Mc. and Mrs. Ross Duff. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cordingley, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lew- is Swain. Mc. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Reyn- olds and Mrs. Franks, Peterbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbect Werry visited relatives at Cavan on Sunday. Mc. and Mrs. Ivan Shook and Marjorie Anne, Toronto. with Mrs. John Merlow. Mc. end Mrs. Harcy Van Camp and Arthur visited friends at Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze, o! Nestleton. has bought Miss Vera Seniors Girl -onnie Grieve, ,Toen Venni«g, Joan Hoskin. Boys-Bert Bowers, Gordon Gettins. Bill Weston. Intermediates Girls-Mildred Brown, Lynn Reid, Dorothy Skerratt. Boys-James Tremblay, Doug- las Davison, Clifford Jackson, Neil Lee. Juniors Giris-Aileen Van Camp, Ruth Prosser and Margaret Davison tied for 2nd; Patsy Hoskîn. Boys-Gerald Brown, Ardis McArthur. Lorne Lee. Midgets Girîs-Bernice Larmer, Edna Shemilt, Rosemarie Langfeld . Boys-Ralph Bowers, Wayn Minshall and Leonard Sanderls tied for 2nd; Metska Lootsma. 1 WANTED TO RENT One to Five Acres of CULTIVATED LAND <flot in sod) ' Will pay good rentai for right type of soil APPLY Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries -Guaranteed for 30 Days "Take -advantage of our special discount for those of you without a tradi" WHY START a.. A "NEW' SEASON IN AN "'OLD" CAR ? Prepare for summer driving with a car that will meet strenuous requirements. $1650,0O 1950 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR 8,000 miles Beautiful light blue finish. One owner car. $1295,00 1948 CHEVROLET 2-DOOIR 12,000 miles Dark blue finish. One owner car. $1195,00 1947 DODGE 4-DOOR Custom Fluid Drive. A black beauty. Very low mileage. One owner car. $695,0 1942 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY New paint. Reconditioned motor. A snap buy. $895,00 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR New paint. Reconditioned motor guaranteed for 90 days. New tires. A nice buy. $625.00 1939 PONTIAC 2-DOOR New paint job. A-i in every way. A clean car. $595,00 1938 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Clean, well cared for. Not a worry in this one. $550.00 1937 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR New paint. Perfect in every way. $395,00 1936 DODGE 2-DOOR Reconditioned niotor. New light blue finish. Clean car. $295.0O 1935 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Motor, tires, lights, battery A-1. Clean car. $195,00 1934 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Original throughout. Just another smart buy. ART'S-CAR-MbARKIET 175 RING ST. W, Open from 9 a.m. Io 9 p.m. _f Including Saturdays DO WNAN VILLE, ONT, YOUR FRIENDLY USED CAR DEALER $175,00 1933 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR Truly a niee car. 50 TOP GUALITY USED CARS TO CHOOSE FRON Ail makes and models See themplo-day and save Up Io $400.000 And remember you have 52 weeks fo pay with a haif down payiiènt Your present car may make the down payment ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. L. Rahm, Rich- mond Hill, at the Prescott homes. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott,1 Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Mr.1 Aylmer Prescott attended the I Smith-Murray wedding in Knoxi Presbyterian Church, Oshawa,1 on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stinson, ,Anne and Marlon, Miss Lillie Walker. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiley, Mer- riton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ormistonj and family, Bowmanville. at H. Smith's. Miss Evelyn Cunningham and1 Miss Freda Schnellar, Brantford, at W. Pascoe's. Mrs. A, W. Prescott and Mrs. Edgar Prescott attended a niîscel- laneous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prescott at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon, En- niskillen. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman, Mr. W. Bowman with Mrs. T. R. Bow- man. Blackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Nicholson, Mount Forest. Miss Ruth Prescott attended the Paîge-Roberts wedding in Christ Church, Scarboro, Satur- day. Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Ruth and Marie, with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, Clarke Union. Mr. and Mrs. H. Weir and Bey- erley, London, at the Bowman homes. Mr. Howard Cowling and Ray, Whitby, at E. Lee's. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis, ac- companied by Miss Joyce Aber- nethy, returned home after spending a week with the Aber- nethys, Oakville. Herbert Prescott, Lloyd Smith and Ivan Ormiston are motoring to the East Coast. 9 Forder's house in North Black- stock. Members of Badminton Club painted the middle room at the Recreational Centre, working on Monday and Wednesday. Through the courtesy o! the Shorthorn Sale Board the lower part of the walls in the auditorium were painted. The building is begin- nmng to look real nice now, but a stove for cooking and chairs are needed very badly. The O.N.Q. dance on Friday evenmng, June lst, was well at- tended with *everyone having a good time. Lilacs, balloons and streamers were the decorations. Tommy Langley and his orches- tra from Lindsay provided the music. Prizes were won as fol- lows: Elimination dance-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm; lucky spot-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tre- win, and door prize-Jim Mar- low. Buffet lunch was served in the yellow room. Neil Bailey has finished writ- ing his Normal School Exams at Peterborough and is now at home. He will teach at Yelverton School in the Faîl. Merlin Bailey, Brantford, was home for the holiday. A special meeting of Loyal *Orange Lodge, No. 133, was held on Monday night for the purpose of dedicating the new lodge robms in the Recreational Centre. Special speakers were Loftus H. Reid and W. Armstrong, Toron- to, who also made the dedication. The rooms are painted creamn with white ceilings and the floors have been sanded and refinished. Speeches were made by the Mas- ter, Howard Saywell, Rev. C. W. Hutton and Rev. George Nich- olson. A lovely lunch was serv- ed by members of the lodge. Field Day Winners Field Day for Cartwright School Areq was held Friday, June lst. at Agricultural Grounds with these winners: WESLEY VILLE Mrs. Hicks of Foxboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Best.* Miss Helen Barrowclough wasl home for the weekend. bringin? with her Miss Kay Robinson oti Caledon East.; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clydesdale,.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbali, Pori- Granby visited Mr. and Mrs. Har-1 old Barrowclough. Mrs. Ewart Peters and daugh-,ý ter Mary of Brittania Bay; Mrs. David Alldread of Bowmanvle.? and Mr. Russell Alldread of Wo- ronto, visited Mrs. Howard, Payne.'1 Sympathy is extended to Mr. ý Victor Thorndyke. and Mr. and, Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke, in the loss of a dear granddaughter and' niece, Sandra Flett, daughter of'- ý Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Flett f. Fenelon Falls. Mrs. Ethel Meeking, Port f~e and Mrs. Len Oughtred, accomp- aniedý Mr. V. Thorndyke and Mr.' and Mrs. A. Thorndyke to Fene- Ion Falls Saturday to attend the funeral of Sandra Flett. At the special Sunday morn- ing church service, Mrs. E. Bar- rowclough read the scripture. Mrs. Carroll Nichols sang "Just As I Arn," and Mrs. P. Snell and Miss Bernice Best took up the of - fering. Dr. Oke's interesting ser- mon was *'Duty of Kindliness." Flowers were placed in the church in memory of Sandra Flett. granddaughter of Mr. Vic- tor Thorndyke. Mrs. Howard Payne and San- dra, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Peters and Jane of Morrish, attended special anni- versary services at Canton, Sun-, day morning, and visited with Mr.ý and Mrs. Fred Currelley, Port' Hope, in the afternoon. A meeting of the church board was held in the evening. at which Dr. Oke announced his resigna- tion. A committee was elected to choose a minister for this i charge. Mrs. Harold Austin accomp- anied a group of sehool children who went to Toronto, last Thurs- day. to vîsit the museum.