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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1951, p. 16

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P A G EI*N T E PI A MN A J.)IA £. W M ??4I V M ? T2 ~ W A T H R D B IRTHS 1 BEBEE-George and Joyce Bebee1 (nee Grant) are proud to an-d nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, Marillynn Georgia, 8 lbs., 2 oz., on Sunday, May 27, 1951, in Bowmanville Hospital. Mom and baby both fine. 23-1 CAMERON-Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron (nec Greta Penwarden) are happy to announce the birth of their son. Raymond Robert, at1 Bowmanville Hospital, on Mayc 301h, 1951. 23-1 SLEMON-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Siemon (nec Margie Matheson), 30 Inglis Rd., London, England, wish to announce the birth of a daughter. Sally Elizabeth, on May l8th, 1951. 23-1*< ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms an- nouncc the engagement of their daughter. Matilda Jean, to Mr. Lloyd Johins Siemon, son of Mr. Milton Siemon and the late Mrs. Slemon, of Haydon. The marriage will take place on Saturday, dune 23, 1951, at 2 o'clock in Biack- stock United Church. 23-1* MARRIAGE MAHON - TAIT - At St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, dune 2, 1951, the marriage took place of Helen Grace Tait, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Tait, High Street, and George Drummnond Mahon, son of Mr. Samuel Mabon, Tor- onto, and the late Mnrs. Mahon. 23-1 DEATHS ANNIS-Died at the residence, Enniskillen, on Monday, dune 4th, 1951, Hugh Sinclair Annis, belov- ed husband of the laie Grace Siemon, in bis 63rd year. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thursday, dune 7th, at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 23-1 CHAPMAN-Died suddenly at the residence, Hampton, on Monday, June 4th, 1951, Joseph Chapman, beloved husband of Margaret Elizabeth Pascoe, in bis 7th year. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Private ser- vIce in the Chapel on Thursday, June 7th, at 3.30 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemetery. Fi1 o w e r s gratefully declined. 23-1 CONNELLY - At Prestonpans, Scotland, on May ist, 1951, Mrs. Margaret Connelly, dear mother of Mrs. Harold McKnight and Miss Peggy Stevenson, of Bow- manville. 23-1* CORDEN-In Bowmanville, en Tuesday, June th, 1951, George Albert Corden, beloved husband of the late Adeline Williams, in bis 801h ycar. Resting at the re- sidence o! bis daugbter, Mrs. George MeMullen, 67 Wellington Street, Bowmanville, until Friday noon, dune 8th, then to St. Paul's United Church for service at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 23-1 WADE, Mary, Elizabeth - At the home o! ber son, Mr. Harry L. Wade, Newtonvilic, Ont., Satur- day, dune 2nd, 1951, Mary Eliza- beth Hoidaway. wife o! the late John Symons Wade,« in her. 76th year. Funeral service was beid at the George Chapel, Port Hope, Tuesday, dune th, at 2 p.m., fol- lowed by interment at Wesley- ville Cemetery. 23-1* IN MEMORIAM ALLIN-in loving memory of a dear \vite and mother who passed away dune Ist, 1942: The rolling streams o! lit@ pass on But still the vacant chair Recalis the smile, the love, the voice Of one who once sat there. Three little words forget-me-not, They don't seem much, but mecan a lot, dust a memory fond and true To show dear wife and mother, we tbink o! you. -Sadly missed by husband and daughters. 23-l* HOY--ln loving mcmory o! a dear mother and wife. Margaret Jennie Hoy. who passed away dune th, 1947: And -ý%,hile she lies in peaceful sleep Her nmemory we shahl always keep. -Lovingly renmembered by hus- band and familv. 23-1* TENNANT-In cherished memory of my husband, Dr. Wm. Tennant,4 who died in Bowmanville, on dune 2nd, 1950: Witb deep gratitude for our happy years together. Unforgettable, unforgotten, Linked still by a love: no parting can divide. Worthy o! everlasting remembrance. -Ella J. Tennant. 23-1* For Rent LARGE furnished room, ligbt housekeeping. Phone 3479. 23-1 LARGE furnislied room, suitable for two men or two women. Phone 3249. 23-1* ATTRACTIVE three-room apart- ment, ground floor, separate bath. Phone 2436. 23-1 THREE-room apartment, partiaily furnished if desired, in exchange for services. Write Box 592, c/o Statesman Office 23-10 S Articles For Sale BABY carniage. brown, good con- dition. Phone 3269. 23-1* THREE-burner coal oul stove, used on]y tbree times. Phone 559. 23-1 BOY'S C.C.M. bicycle, in good condition. 72 Scugog St. Phone 3231. 23-1* ELECTRIC stove, in good con- dition, $20. 72 Scugog St. Phone 3231. 23-1* BLUE Gendron baby carrnage, excellent condition. Phone 83r7 Orono. 23-l* WE measure and install finest quality venetian blinds. Phone Morris Co. 480. 5-tf CHILD'S crib with mattress, large size, hardly used. Apply T. Har- rison, 13 Brown St. 23-1* PIANO - small. modern. mabog- any piano and bench. Telephone 492, Bownianvillc. 23-1"' DROP head Singer sewing mach- ine:, also Simplicity washing machine. Phone 2181. 23-i MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle, in good condition, with sealed beamn head- iight and kick stand. Phone 2187. 23-1 McÇORMICK-Deering 6 ft. mow- er. nearly ncw; also two Tam- worth hogs, 3½' montbs. Phone 2»851. 23-i' CLARE - dewei coal and wood range, white porcelain enamel, high shelf, excellent condition. Phone 3553. 23-1 POTATOES - Speciaiizing in No. i top quaiity potatoes. Order your suppiy now. Doug Curi, Bowmanviile, Phone 3101. 20-tf COAL or wood stove, in good condition, has warming closet and good baker. Colour. ivory and green with black. Phone 733. 23-1 No. 37 MASSEY-Harris mower, used for less than 100 acres of bay. Colin Smith. R.R. 4, Bow- manville. Phone Orono 56r6. 23-1 BROCK oul burners, completely installed with onc 200-gai. tank, one year's free service, $390. For information apply D. Bryant, Dial i3647. 22-tf MANS double bar, Sunshine bicycle, generator ligbt, white wali tires, used only 3 months, $35.00.i Phone 3259 or apply Apt. 4,t Walker Apts.1 23-1*c BOY'S on man's C.C.M. bicycle, maroon colour, used approxi- mately a dozen limes, band new condition, $40. Phone 3576, F. W.t Bradd, 111 Elgin St., Town. 22-2 CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prîces. Phone 451, Walken Stores. 23-tf CEDAR fence rails, used, suitable for fences on finewood. BesI offer takes ail. Locatcd near Orono. Apply Sami Manetta, Pontypool,1 Phone Bethany 20-r-1IlW. 23-1*1 LARGE shipment o! sommer chairs, with wood and aluminum style frames. May be bad with canopy or foot rest. Sece these specials at F. F. Morris Co. 20-t! PLANTS o! cabbages, cauli!lowem,. brussell sprouts, savoy cabbages and broccoli, second door east o! Salem school bouse on south side. O. P. Hetzberg, Phone 2200. 22-3 ONE water systein (25 gal. tank); generator; 4 Deambomne plow shares (cast); cistern pump; pipe: wbeelbarrow; electric fencers and 2 wrecked cars for scap; also pipe thmcaded up to 1-inch. Cal Harvey Partuen, Tymone 2240. 23-i * STAKE plat!ormi, 6 x 8 inside, 40" high, hamdwood. Also 1940 Chev. 8 cwt., ail but front axle. Annex (Mo!!at) all wvhitC porcelain, $30. Norge large space heater, used 21 winters, $75. Frank Hoskin, Black- stock, Phone Port Penny 333r3. 213-1 USED M.-H. spneader; uised I.H.C. cultivator; used Cocksbutt hay loader; new Case side rake; newv Case tator mowen; 9' electric nefigerator, baler and binder twine; steel posts: barbed wime. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 23-1 FOR Home Freezers, Milk Coolers, Washing Machines, Ranges. ser- vice on milk coolers and motons. that wining job or anything elec- tric. Trade-in or Terms. Consult Werry & Son Elcctric. Dealers for .Woods Electnic Farm Equipment, Enniskillen, Phone'- Bowmanville 2539. 23-3 ALL kinds o! meat. good quaiity wieners, bologna, cooked hanis, smoked hanis and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Darlington Abat-1 toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickling, smoking and sausage ,making. Duing the sumnmer .months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattle aI any lime. 34-tf TRADE-IN - 4-burner Westing- bouse under-oven range: Kelvmn- ator, 4 eu. fIL refrigerator, recon- ditioned, guaranteed; Servel re- frigerator, 6 cu. f t.. guaranteed; rangettes; one Kroebler daven- port bed and chair; Gurney coal range, 'vhite. with shelf. enamel oven; Sulent Glow oil burners for kitchen stove, two 6" burners; one Quebec style kitchen stove, com- plete with oul burner, 8": ice boxes. Murphy's, Phone 811. PAY CAS. SAVE-MIfi COST 50c PEi R2 -~ J i I - - - - - - - I ~ - I ~%~d1~LTj~I i-v~rr'~rn'f. I T ..,.I. t'.- ~JjVjjj'4L~ LVLJ.~ II~ Articles For Sale ELECTRIC stove and washing machine, running order, cheap for quick sale. Jack Hately, 143 Queen St., Phone 926. 23-1* BEE Supplies - Frames, drawn combs, shallow and full depth. Supers, new and used, ail standard ten frame. Reasonable. Erie Lilley, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Ont.I 23-2 VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different colours of tapes, 15 siat colours, Flexalum, Aluminum or Steel, measured and installed free of charge. Phone 3121, Weber's Fabrie Centre. 17-tf PLUMBING, Heating and 011 Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates cal] S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, hearths and fireplaces. Wals- glazed tile oý1plastic, ail colours Floors -rubber, mastic. lino:-tue, quarrie and ccramic. Will go any- iwhere. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf FRIGIDAIRE, General Elcctric, 6 cu, ft.: electric stove, 3-plate, oveni control, wood and coal stove; brass bcd with spring; electric water heater, 3,000 watt; bot water cou:; furnace heater. Ap- ply 603 King St. East, Osbawa. 22-3 TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE Federal Buildings - Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed bo the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received untîl 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, dune 21, 1951, for the suppiy of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Pro- vince o! Ontario. Forms o! tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chie! o! Purchasiug and Stores, Depart- ment o! Public Works, (ttawa, and the District Archîteet, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the !orms supplied by the Department and in accordance with depart- mental specifications and con- ditions attarbed thereto. The Department reserves the right to demand from any suc- cessful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the forni o! a certi!ied cheque on a cbartered bank in Canada, made payable 10 the order o! the Hon- ourable the Minister o! Public Works equal to 10 per cent o! the amount o! the tender, or Bearer Bonds o! the Dominion o! Canada or o! the Canadian National Rail- way Company and ils constituent companies unconditionally guan- anteed as 10 principal and interest by the Dominion o! Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a centificd cheque if required 10 make tmp an odd amount. Sucb secunity will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil- ment o! the contract. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secnetary. Department o! Public Works, Ottawa, May 28, 1951. 23-2 Cars For Sale 1934 FORD, in good conition. Phone 3207 a!ter 7 p.m. 23-1* 1939 PONTIAC Business Coupe, excellent condition. Phone 2418. 23-1 1941 DODGE 5-passenger coupe, new motox'. Trade. Terms. Apply 62 Scugog St. 22-2*. 1937 PONTIAC, good, new bat- tery, slip covers and six tires. L. Stanley'_Chapman. 23 -1* 1950 PONTIAC Coach, 12,000 miles, in perfect condition. Phone John Kent at 3395. 23-1* 1949 PONTIAC Sedan, metallie grey, underseat heater, new bat- tery, radio, undtrcoating. Phone Orono 60r7.. 23-1 1946 CHEV. Sedan, built-ýn radio, heater. new motor, good condition throughout. Best offer. 1 Silver St., Bowmanville. 23-1* 1949 DELUXE Pontiac Coach, blije, excellent condition, small mileage. Laverne Clemens, Hamp- ton, Phone 2436. 23-1 1950 CHEVROLET Sedan, blue, completely cquipped with air-con- ditioning, radio, wheel rings, fen- der mounts and mirror. Cash, CARDS 0F THANKS Real Estate 1-or Sale Mrs. Arthur Gibson wishes to LOT for sale. Appiy 44 Duke tbank ber friends for the flowers, Street. 23-1 fruit and cards sent ber while in the hospital. 23-1* FIVE-rooni frame bouse, with Gordon and Mabel Cowie wish to thank their friends, neighbours, Bowmanville Fire Department and ail who helped at the lime of the f ire at their home. 23-1* Mr. 'Herbert Hooey and daugh- ters Bertha and Normna wish 10 tbank the many fricnds and re- latives for their kindness, cards and gifts of flowers during their recent sad bereavement. 23-1* Mrs. Ernest Reid wishes to thank ber many frLnds, relatives and neighbours, also Dr. McKen- zie for cards, flowers and their kind expressions of sympathy in ber recent sad bereavem-ent in the loss of a dear husband. 23-l* In the Women's Park Auxiliary raffle the prizes went 10: 1. Set of laps-A. MacDonald, Oshawa; 2. Electric dlock-Mrs. Gco. W. Graham, Jane St.: 3. Steamer rug-E. Rundle. Jane St.; 4. Satin cusbion-Mrs. Permis, King St.: 5. Table cover-Mrs. White, Duke St.: aiso the season's high score cuchre prizes: ladies' -Mrs. A. Plain, Ann St., donated by Mr. R. Bate; gents' -Mr. C. Quinney, Duke St., donated by Mms. G. Clarke and Mms. E. Mitchell. Thanking all wbo beiped 10 make these euc'hres'a success especially the Board of Education and the caretaker Mr. Ted Bird. Net pro- fit on cuchres $581.05, making our club bouse funds $2,308. 23-1 TENDERS WANTED Applications will be receivcd up to noon, June 19th, 1951, for the position of Assessor for the Township of Hope, for the period necessary to re-assess ail proper- ties. Salary $2.00 per card for completed work under supervision of the County Assessor. A lower or any application not nccessarily accepted. Further information may be had by writing E. F. Hall, County Assessor, Cobourg. Send applications to W. W. LORD, Clerk-Treas., Campbeilcrof t, Ont. 23-2 Notice ta Creditors AND OTHIERS- In the Estate o! MARY MeFARLANE, Mamricd Womran, deccased. ALL pensons having dlaimis against the estate o! Mary Mc- Farlane, late o! the Town o! Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Married Woman, de- ceased, who died on or about the 7th day o! May, 1951, are bereby noti!ied 10 send in 10 the under- signed Personal Representatives o! the said deceased ou or before the 29th day of dune, 1951, full particulars o! their dlaims. Ini- mediately afler the said date the said Personal Representatives wili distribute the assets o! the said deceased having regard only 10 dlaims o! which -they shall then bave notice. DATED at Oshawa Ibis 28th day o! May, 1951. John Irelancl Charles Campbell McGibbon Edgar Frank Bastedo Executors By McGibbon & Bastedo, Bamnisters, etc., 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawva, Ontario. Their Solicitors hemein. 92-3 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of JOHN HENRY COUCH, Deceased.' ALL persons having dlaims against the estate of John Henry Coucb, late of the Township o! Clarke, in the County of Durham, farmner, who died on or about the 26th day of April. 1951, arc required to send to the undersigned at New- tonville, Ontario, full partieulars o! the saine on or before the 6th day of July, 195 1, after which date the assets of the deceased wil] be distributed hax'ing regard only to the dlaims of which the Admin- istratrix shahl then have notice. DATED this 7th day of dune, 1951. Alice Ethel Couch,. Administra trix, by Aphia 1. Hodgini, her solicitor herein. 23 -1 Notice to.Creditors AND OTHERS 2811 afle 7 pm. 2~1*WRIGHT, Dcceased. 1950 Chev. Coach ALL pensons baving daims bgainst the estate o! Mabel CartWvright, Green, Radio, Fresh-Mir Heater, late o! the Township o! Darling- New Condition ton. in the County of Durhami, Less than 6,0qMiIeo imannied womnan, who died on on J- about the 28tb day o! :Mamch, $1,895. '001951, are required 10 send, 10 tbc undersigned aI the addressi below, Trade Accepted Terms Arranged full particulars o! the samé on or -11 before the 6th day o! July, 1951, B owmanvie 326 after which date the asset4 o! the 2- dcceased will be distributed hav- 231ing regard offly 10 bbec dimrs o! whicb the Administrator shahl Farmers Attention1 then have notice. ____________________ DATED tbis -7th daýr WE '.'.ill be pleased to pick up o! dune, 1951. dead on cîippled farn animali Thomas Edward Cartwright, and pay bigbest prevailing pices. Administrator. For immnediate service Telephone by Apha I. Hodgins, Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or 16 Temperance Street, Cobourg 1266W. Cordon Young i Bowmanvillc, ont., Ltd. 7-42 lus soliciton herein. J-1 3580. 123-1* NEW red brick, i ½ storey house, ail conveniences, full basement, furnace. Good frontage and large garden plot at back, residential section. Apply Box 583, States- man Office, Bowmanville, Ont. 21-3 HALF acre lots, 66x330, on No. 2 Highway, 2 ½ý miles west of Bowmanville $300; aiso about 30 acres of bushland with about 3 acres of clear ]and, 1/2 mile north of highway. Apply Alex Anoni- chuk, 16 Horsey St., Bowman- ville, Phone 3189. 22-2* $4,200-4-roomed, fully insulated, insul-brick house in Orono. Mod- ern kitchen, 1-acre lot, A-i con- dition inside and out. Early pos- session. $5.200-Nearly new 4-roorn bun- galow, good garden. $6,000-Good 6-room bouse, bard- wood floors, centrally located. $15,000-240 acres, 110 under cul- tivation, recently modernized 9- roomed insul-bric bouse, furnace, full litie o! ouI buildings in ex- cellent state of repair:, water bowls in stable, eement silo, per- manent stream, bush lot, '/4-mile !romi couuty road, 3 miles froni No. 2 Highway. School on fanm. Bailey & Taylor Phone 767 193-1 GILL REAL ESTATE $4,500-6-room solid brick bouse, on Ontario St., full cellar, heavy wiring. Terms. $5,500 - 3 bedroom, insul-brick bouse, on Elgin St., insulated, gar- age, good garden. Ternis. $3,500 -4-room, insul-brick cot- tage, on Hunt St., full cellar, beavy wiring. Terms. $1tý000-Farm, 200 acres, 2 barns, garage, implement shed, etc., north-east o! Janetville near No. 35 Highway. $1,900 - Complete Pick-up and1 Delivery business in Bowman-1 ville. I also have other homes, lodges, farms, businesses, etc. H. G. (Hap) Gill, Realtor Phone Office 3326 Residence 3514 23-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Frame dwelling, 6 rooms, 2piece bath, double garage, about 1/4 acre. Immediate possession. $4200. Terms. Approxi mately 16 acres near Lake Caesarea, 4-rooma cottage, right of way to lake; orchard, barn, hen house and bush. $5,000. Garage in village doing a good business, merchandise aI invoice pnice. Possession arranged. $6,000.z Fram dweling 4 ronis fui brasment, bathg, yrom, heavy wiening bth,50. T ro, s. v Birick 6-3o500.dwellighyro heuc b-ouse grae >i -acre sma frui. ose garaew highw say. ý,$4,500. Tenms. 4-mooni iusul-brick, hydmo, weli, garage, close 10 school and church, low taxes, about 3 miles from 1 Oshawa.' $4,000.1 8-roomed brick bouse, in Orono, close to Ont. Reforestation, bot air and bot water beating, heavy duty wiring, bardwood floors. Immed i a t e possession. $7,000. Terms $3,000. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 Help Wanted MEN Wated-Apply Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseies. 13-tf EXPERIENCED woman cook, and assistant cook. Own bedroom. Stabe salary, references bo Matron, Ontario Ladies' College, Wbitby, Ont. 22-2 TWO young men, ex-service pre- !ered, 10 serve as supervisons o! boys, Ontario Civil Service Salary Schedule, 48 hour week, superannuation and vacation Witb pay. Apply Supenintendent, On- tario Training School for Boys, Bowmanville. 23-1 CANADIAN Company wants fu time man for sales and service work in Ibis district. Prefer man witb seliing experience. Car nec- essary. We will train and show you botW $50 to $80 per week can be made in tbis business. Write Sales Manager, 386 Water S. Peterboro. 2P-l WE are ready to appoint dealers for Sales and Service work in Ibis district. No experience necessary. Must have car. Excellent oppor- tunity for active intelligent, young married man. In your rep]y give past experience and two references. Salary and com- mission. Write Box 589, c/o The Statesman Office. 23-1 Notices AUCTIUN SALE The undersigned bas received instructions froni the EXECUTOR 0F THE ESTATE '0OF THE LATE Sarah McPherson to seli bypublic auction at AGRICULTURE BUILDING EXHIBITION GROUNDS, OROtWO at 1 p.m. sharP Saturday, June 91h 9-piece Oak Dining-room Suite, good as new; 97-piece Dinner Set; Wingham Ali-Enamel Cook Stove, nean new; Studio Couch, near new; 2 Steel Beds witb mattresses, near new; 4 Chests o! Drawers; Electrolux Vacuum Cleaaner, near new; 2 Drop-lea! Tables; 2 Dres- sers; 2 Single Bcds, neariy new; 3 Extension Tables; Card Table; 12 Kitchen Chairs: Kitchen Buf- fet, nearly new; Electmic Washem; 2 Platformn Rockers: 2 Congoleurn Rugs; 2 Axminster Rugs, near new; Chesterfield; Chesterfield Chair-, Drop-lea! Table; Lawn Chairs; Several Smnall Tables; Oul Heater; Toilet Sets; 6 Dining- room Chairs and Table; Several Parlour Rockers and Chairs; Large quantity o! Dishes, Cook- ing Utensils, Linen, Bedding, etc. Terms Cash No Reserve Plan to attend Ibis large Fumnitume Sale JACK REID, Auctioneer. 23-1 AUCTION SALIES The contents of the residences1 of J. Thompson, R. Robinson, Miss Joint and Mrs. Wcstlake are be- ing sold jointly by auction on Saturday, June 16 at 1 p.m. Rea- son - ail must vacate the pre- mises at 142-4-6-8 King St. East, while it is bcing remodelled. Watch for detailed list next week. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk; Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. 23-i 1 have rcceivcd instructions from Mr. Neil Curtis, Lot 10, Con. 1, Manvers Twp., 1 mile soutb of Pontypool, on No. 35 Highway, to seli by public auction on Saturday, dune 23, at 1 p.rn. sharp, bis en- tire houschold cffects, machinery, iivestock, poultry, lumber, wood, 11947 Chev. truck and many other items. For particulars sec bis. Terms cash. No Reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 23-2 T have rcceivcd instructions from the executor of the estate of the late Alf. Saunders to seli by public auction at bis late re- sidence, one Concession north of Newcastle on Saturday, June 16, at 1 p.m. sharp, bis entire bouse- hold effects: dishes, glassware, bcdroom and living-room furni- turc, stove, garden tools and many bis. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioncer. 23-2 Reception Reiiv. Warren and Mrs. Turner will be "At Home" to parishioners and other friends at the Rcctory, Friday, dune i5th, from 3:30 to 4:30 and fromn 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 23-1 * Work Wanted FOR bulldozing. grading, excav- ating, etc. caîl Taylor Bros., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Wbitby 2687. 20-4* DRESSMAKING and alterations, button holes made, drapes made- to-oider, necat work guarantced. Phone 3649, 10 Division St. soutb. 21-3 BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize in complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf WORK WANTED BuIldozing and By Hour or Contract Gerald Dalson PHONE 2733 223-*ý WORK WANTED Bulldozing and Excavating BY HOUR OR CONTRACT Free Estimates Given We specialize in farm improvement. Wm. Tripp PORT PERRY, R.R. Z Phone 109r4Z WORK WANTE: Painting and Decorating No Job too Large or too NV o anywhere. Commencing dune IsI we will PHONE:- be nab 1 t do any delivery or Port customi grinding on Saturday afternoon. Vanstone Flour &(R Feed Mill. 2- Perry 124r] Reverse Charges> Bowmanville Legion Carnival, Saturday, dune 3th, 1951. Tickets on sale for 1951 Ford Sedan, Kel- vinator Electric Refrigerator and Beatty Electric Washing Machine. 8-tf Bowmanville Public Schools Spring Musicale in Memorial Arena, dune l3th and i4tb. Junior pupils, 7:30 p.m., Wed., dune 13; Senior pupils, 8 p.m., Thurs., dune 14. One ticket gains admis- sion to two programs. No re- servéd seats. Admission 35c. 23-1 "The Beantown Choir" will be presented by the Eniskillen choir in Enniskillen chunch shed on dune 13, at 8:30 p.m., following the Solina vs. Enniskillen football game. The Jurko Bros. will give music between acts. Proceeds for the parsonage fund. Admission: adult2 35c, childreri 15c. 23-1* Anniversary services at En! ield, Sunday, dune 10tli', at 2 and 7:30. Rev. H. A. Mellow,, Northminster United Cburch, Oshawa, will preach. Music by the Sunday Scbool in the afternoon"and Zion Juniorechoir in the evening. Mon- day nigbt aI 8:30 Solina folk will present their play "Abigail Goes Haywire" witb music between acts. Admission: adults 40e, child- ren 25d'. 23-i Maple Grove Sundav School Anniversary services will be held on Sunday, dune l7th, at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m., when Rev. James M. Finlay, o! Carlton Street United Church, Toronto, will be the guest speaker. Speciai rnusic by the Sunday School assisted in the aftcrnoon by Mrs. J. Hopps, Sac- ramento, California, and in the evening by the B.H.S. quartette. On Wednesday, June 2th, supper will be served from 5 p.m. At 8:15 p.m. Eldad Y.P.U. will pre- sént a 3-act drama, entitled "Abi- gail Goes Haywire." Full par- ticulars next week. 23-1 HARVEY DANCING ACADEMY presents Dance Review in ST. JOHN'S PARISH HALL Friday, June 81h Sponsored by St. John's Sunday School Adults 35e Chlldren 20e - Everyone Weleome - 23-1 Ebenezer S.S. Anniversary Suaday, June 101h Services at 2 and 7 p.m. Rev. W. A. Hunniseit fromn Fred Victor Mission, Toronto guest speaker aI both services Special music by school and choir assisted by Donald Williams, of Bowmanville WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13TH Supper will be served from à p.m. until ail are served FOOTBALL GAME between Maple Grove and Courtice at 6:30 Yelverton Dramatic Society wili present their play at 8:15 ADMISSION $1.25 for Tea and Concert Supper only $1. Concert only 35e 23 - 1* Buildings For Sale FRAME building, 16' x 26', to be removed.' David Malcolmi, 1 ',2 miles noth o! Haydon, after 7, evenings. 23-1* HOUSE - 14' x 22', built 12 yrs., wcll finisbed, to move off pre- mises, $400. 'House, for nebuild- ing, main part 26' x 40', witb suni- mer kitchen attacbed, good steel roof, $400. Barn, 36' x 56', in good shape and steel roof, $400. L. Stanley Chapman. 23-1* Wanted To Rent MEDIUM sized garden, central location. Write Box 596, c/o The Statesman Office. 23-1* THREE rooms,' unfurnished, with bath. Three adults. Abstainens, quiet. Box 595, c/o Statesman Office. 23-1* HAS anyone ani unfurnisbed rooni *,'ith board for a gentleman (total abstainen). Reply giving particulars 10 Box 594, c/o The Statesman Office. 23-1* WOULD like 10 hear 0!f a furn- ished nooni witb or without board, suilable for an old aged perisioner. Write Box 593, c/o Statesman Office, giving particulars. 23-1w Room and Board 3ROom and Board accommodation Pinnegar's, Newcastle. 22-2* Wcmted LADY -High Scbool teacher de- sires rooni and board in comfort- ab le home. Central location de- 5maII. Isirable. Write Box 591, c/o The Statesman Office. 23-14 LIVE poultry, goose feathiers, fea- ter ticks, bags, scrap iron and 15 metal. Dial Oshawa 54912 col- ledt. onr write I. Turner, North 22-tf Ushawa. 1714 10 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 oid. Phone 2234. SIX Yorkshire pigs, 2 months < Don Metcalf, Phone 2469. 23- TEN pigs, eight weeks old.* Ap~'r Frank Kroiewski. R.R. 3, Bn4L manville. 23-4 old. orie indma, ePhne 254 23-1* *Wanted To Buy BINOCULARS in good condition, at least 8 x 50. Stanley Chapman. 23-1 BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are hîgher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13, reverse charges.. 51-tf FARM' WANTED - About 50 acres, with bush, stream, good road, electricity. Buildings flot necessary. Box 590, c/o States- mnan Office. 23-1 Picked Up promptly Horses, eows, heifers, sheep, pigs and new born calves. (We pay for horses, cow and heifers) As an added service we will co-operate with your veterinarian in post-mortem. 2%c per lb. for live horses Cali coliect Bownianville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone 3t ATTENTION!è For Prompt Attention BRICK WORK, BLOCK WORK MASON WORK, ETC. Concrete Floors, Foundations, Sidewalks, etc. - Free Estimates Given- L. Turnerf Phone 3231 Bowmanville 23-tf Repairs TYPE WRITERS repaired and ser- viced. For pick-up phone 2871. 23 -1 REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestie and commercial; milkîng coolers. Higgon Elv:ý.. FOR prompt, efficient, guarateé service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf Personal SKINNY Men, Women! Gaini' to 15 lbs.; new pep. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new, healthy flesh; new vigor. Introductory, .'get-acquaintecl" size only 60c. Ail druggists. 23-i HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25e, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, NovRub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Pets For Sale SPECIAL SALE - Beautiful Cocker puppies, black, blonde, black and white, platinum and white. Real pals and watch dogs. Vour choice $8.00. Pets for good homes only. Mrs. Bernice Smith, 3 miles west of Bowmanville, R.R. 2, Maple Grove Rd. South of£ No. 2, near new highway. 22-2' Brookdale Roses Defeat Lindsay 2-1 In Tight Game The Roses made il five in a î'ow when they took Lindsav Menchants 2-1 on Fiday, June lst. The Bowmanvilie wiu was bigblighted by Cec Hall's twc- bit pitching effort, Captain Ted Bagneli's hitting in the clutch and Lloyd Hamilton's sensational catch in the last bal! o! the se'.- enth inning witb two men o.ît and two unnens on base tu end the mamne. The game was a pitchers' battle froni start 1<> finish with Cec Hall holding the Merchants 10 two bits while Doug Loucks o! Lindsay held the Roses b thret'. The Roses opened tbe scoring in the first o! the thirci. Stain- bon f1.xed Ici centre,( e Hall walkedhD ol, walked and hn ' agnel connected for a two-baggen 10 drive in botb nuns. Thc Merch- anIs scored their only non in the last ot the sevc'nth. Lindsay scomed a single by Tompkins and Junior West bit a double lu di'.c' in the orîly Lindsay non o! the game. With two ouI in the sev- entb and runner', on second and third. JewelI of Lindsay bit a fly baîl that should have dropped in for a bit but Lloyd Hamilton playing shortstop for the Rosei turned arM ran for the field, and witb bis back bo the infield made the most sensationai, catch seen in these parts for many a day. This catch ended the gamne and saved the gamne for tbe Roses. Hamiton's teani-mabes literally mobbed him after the catch. Line score: Roses-;----- - 2 3u Merchants .. 1 2 In addition 10 about $340 fed- eral taxes on a $2000 car, in son. P provinces Canadians pay provin- cial and municipal taxes. BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS THUMDAY. "=". r,&?JÀnT,&Iýr -,,TAYE&MAN. igowmANMLLF. ONTAitio , 1 'l 23-1* - 1

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