0 THE CANADIATT STATESMAN, BOWMMNILLE, ONTARIO TkLUMDLAIr. UItE 7tfl, 1951 PAGE TRREZ Old Wood Burner At C.N.R.-Station A real relie of bygone railroading days, an old wood-burning engine buit away back in 1872, made a brief hait at the Bowmanville C.N.R. railway station on Saturday rnorning. The engine No. 40, shown above was on its way to Chicago to be displayed at an exhibition there. It was not, however, running under its own power, but was hooked into a westbound freight train. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allun, nee Jean Ramn- ey. who were married on Satur- day afternoon in Newcastle Un- ited Church. They will live in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Don and Skip, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Mr. Charles Wood, Kitchener, spent the weekend at his home here and with Mrs. Wood attend- ed the Snowden-Johns wedding 4'in Trinity Church, Bowmanville, Saturday afternoon. Miss Mable Davy is a patient in St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- to. We wish her a speedy recov- ery. We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs. Clifford Bruton in Oshawa Hospital and hope she will soon show improve- ment. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mercer on the birth of a daughter in Bowmanville Hos- pital on May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Don McGee have moved into their new home near the mill. Mrs. Wm. Hoar was hostess at a miscellaneous shower last week in honour of her niece, Jean Rainey, now Mrs. Glenn Allen. Mr. J. E. Richards celebrated his 8lst birthday last week. Many m m . $239.00 up Norge Refrigerators $3- - 14.50 61/ Cubic Feet - Pre-Budget Price Westinghouse Combination Radios« $214.50 Pre-tax Price Westinghouse Washing Machines - - $159.50 Pre-tax Price jBUY NOW - Our quota will be cul j in haif in July. MURPHY',S Furniture & Appliance Store 52 King Si. W., Bowmanville Phone 811 friends and acquaintances called to wish him many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gilfillan and family. Montreal, visited their aunt. Miss V. Gilfillan and sister, Miss Viola Gilfillan who has left to take a year's course in Boston. Miss Elizabeth Waddell, Toron- to is spending a few weeks at her home here. Mr., and Mrs. W. J. Inch, Wes- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Lorne Thompson, Blackstock, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Will Cobbledick. Oro-no, is making a good recovery following a very serious accident. Further donations have corne in for the Red Cross campaign: Clark Union $10.; Crooked Creek $2.50. and Newtonville $2.00, bringing the total to $628.80 for the Township of Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Milîson and son John spent the holiday week- end with Mrs. Jas. Dickson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Millson. Mrs. Searle has returned to hcr home here after spending many months in a rest home in Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter vis- ited hier mother and brother Jim in Bobcaygeon. The play "She is My Daisy" which was presented in the town hall on Friday evening by St. James United Church, Peter- borough, was well received by a fairly large crowd. The cast were well suited to the charact- ers they portrayed and the audi- ence showed their appreciation by gales of laughter and hearty applause. Proceeds are for the United Church Building Fund. Members of Orono choir served refreshments to the cast at the close of the play. Mr. W. J. Rid- delI, on behaîf of the choir, ex- pressed appreciation of the gift of gowns and caps received from St. James' Church Choir. The Sunday School Annivers- ary service held Sunday morn- ing in the town hall was well attended. Members of the Sun- day School filled the choir loft and centre geats of the hall. Dr. G. Telford. St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa. was guest speaker and held the attention of aIl with his talk on "Boats that sail the seas." The hall was beautifully decor- ated with spring flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Týamblyn and Diane, Belleville, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Murray, Stirling, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry. We wish to congratulate Mr. Archie Hendry who has coin- pleted his third year in engineer- ing at Queen's University. Kings- ton, hiaving obtained first class honours and was also awarded the "Susan Near" Scholarship in Physics. Archie is a son of Mr., and Mrs. John Hendry. Orono. Mr. Murray Paterson, Brant-' ford. spent the weekend with his' parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pat-ý terson. Miss Gwen Chatterton. Who is at present taking three montbs training in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. spent several days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cooper and Ronnie. Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. C. Tennant. Mr. and Mrs. PaulSnodgrass and David, Rochester, visited rel- atives here and attended the AI- lin-Rainey wedding on Saturday af ternoon., At the close of choir practice held at the parsonage Wednesday evening. Miss Jean Raîney was presented with' a gift and a social time was enjoyed by all. Billy Tamblyn. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn. broke kils wrist when he fell at school. Lake Shore, Clarke Ma to hear that Mr. Gordon Mrtin is home and feeling bet- ter after having had his appendix removed in Bowmanville Hos- pital. Mr. Frank Johns and family, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville. The Lake Shore Ladies K. S. and C. Club met at the home of Mrs. Ken Dean. Next nmeeting at Mrs. Chas. Alldread's, June 13. Mr. Bey. Jaynes is visiting friends and relatives at Calgary and Lethbridge and other west- ern points. Miss K. Riches visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riches at Cambrav and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riches, Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldread and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKay, Bronte. Misses Blanche and Dora Tay- lor, Courtice. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker, Brown's. and Mr. Fred Yoe An- tioch. with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson and Muriel, No. 9, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams spent a day visiting at Peterborough. Mrs. Ken Dean spent a few days at Hamilton visiting her mother. Mrs. W. Holmes attended the wedding in Oshawa on Saturdav of her niece Miss Margaret Val- leau to Mr. James Stewart of Hamilton. Mrs. Norman Allin, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. All- dred. 1 ]KENDAL Miss Evelyn Stevens and friend, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stevens. Mr and Mrs. Morris Patton, Peterborough. with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Patton. Mrs. Hattie Martineli visited her son. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mar- tineli. Peterborough. Mrs. T. Hilditch spent the weekend with Mrs. N. White, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coatham and Chyrreil, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer. Mrs. Mary Luxon and Marion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martinel and Kenny visited her mother and brothers at Roseneath. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duff, Owen Sound. who are on their honey- moon, called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Martinell and a few other friends on Monday. Miss Ruby Collett and Mr. Barney Woodward visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kennedy. Mrs. A. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. IWm. Honey and Mary and Phyl- lis Jackson, Milliken, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson. The girls and boys of Kendal Sunday School were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swarbrick Saturday evening at a picnic. After a game of baîl the Unit wilI be guest speaker at the W. 1. meeting on Wednesday af. ternoon, June 13, at the home of Mrs. J. Gordon. Young mother and alI who are interested in child welf are are invited to at- tend. Roll caîl "Mother's Safety Methods." W. A. meeting was held in the Sunday School room on May 30 with Mrs. Reg Elliott presiding. Mrs. Ernest Hamm, Orono. was guest speaker and gave a very interesting account of her two trips to Florida. She showed a number of snaps, coloured post cards. maps, also a sample of the moss that hangs from the trees. She had a bottie of water taken from the ocean at Florida which tasted very salty. Mrs. Jack Stapleton and Mrs. Gus Wilson were program conveners. Mrs. Garland Cathcart and Mrs. Nor- man Kennedy. hostesses fo r the evening, provided a vcry tasty lu.nch. GIFT GIVE HER KENWQQD BLANKETS So beautiful . .. so sft ... SO warm ... Kenwood Blankets assure you of night-long sleeping comfort. Their sof t restful colours . . . their deep, fleecy nap practically coex you to sleep. The selected wools . .. the skillful weaving, combine to make Kenwood a must for perfect sleeping comfort. Kenwood Blankets are xvoven extra wide of iO virgin wool ...then shrunk to proper finished width. They retain their original freshness, beauty and size even after countless washings. KENWOOD FAMOUS PLAIN COLOURS (Line No. 43) One size only, 72 x84. Ends bound with extra wide satin ribbon. Individually boxed. Colours: White, Blue, Rose, Cedar, Gold, Peach, Burgundy, Turquoise, Green.-- jLVU KENWOOD RAMCREST PLAIN COLOURS 72 x 84. Ends bound with 4" satin ribbon. Individually boxed. Colours: Blue, Rose, Cedar, Peach, Green,$199 Wine. $1.9 JUNE For Shear Regal Beauty and Lasting Quality... KENWOOD VICEROY in Iatest Home Decorating Shades One size only, 72 x 84. Ends bound with extra wide taffeta ribbon. Individually boxed. Colours: Ivory White, Charm Pink, Sky Blue, Orchid, Maize, Turquoise, Lime, Grey, $69 Wild Rose, Flame - KENWOOD RAMCREST BLEACHED WHITE (LUne No. 36). One size only, 72x 90, whipped ends. Available in aIl white or wîth 2 colour bor- ders of Rose and Green, Blue and Gold, Green and Cedar, Cedar and Gold. $19.95 BRIDE FEATURES IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS These blankets are noted for their softness and hard-wearing qualities. An essential L&if t when settng-up housekeeping.$8 .50 ai 9D#4(~ ~*t4M~f BATES BEDSPREADS "Country Garden" a lovely new design in ýcolours of iight blue, rose, aqua and siate. Size 86"x 112" ---- -- OTHERS FROM - $9.95 LADY BETTY SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES Fine 128 count Utica Sheeting 'These sheets have been iaboratory tested and withstood 50 washings without undue shrinkage and no ioss of strength. Sheets 81" x99" $8.95 pair Cases 36"1 x 42" -- -- $1.98 pair Five-piece Embroidered LUNCHEON SETS 36-inch cloth and four 17" napkins in êolours of white with gold, rose, blue or green. Gift Boxed. Only $3.50 sel Here is an excellenti and an appropriate Wedding Gift for the Bride TWO - PIECE LUG GAGE SETS Comprising an 18" Ovcrnîght Case and a 21" 3-Hianger Mirapak. Overnight Case -- $15.95 each Mirapak -- $25.95 each These feature Irish Linen fabrie with Celanese lining and tan cowhide binding and handies. each PURE IRISH LINEN DAMASK DINNER SETS Seven-Piece Set Cloth 57" x 74" - 6 Napkins 17" x 17" $15.95 Set PURE IRISH LINEN DAMASK CLOTH Size 66" x 84" $9.95 each Jacquard Loomned TOWEL SETS Beautiful floral raised designs on colours of blue, rose and green with white borders. Set comprised qf Bath Towel 22" x44"; Guest Towel 16" x27" and Face Cloth 12"' x 12". $3.74 sel Chinese Hand Emnbroidered PILLOW CASES Sizes 36" x 42" .Regularly retaîl for $2.98 pair Our Price each each each Only $2.49 pair NYLON DRESSER SCARVES In colours of turquoise, blue, green, wine, grey, white and yellow. 36-inch -- .5each 45-inch - $ 1.95 each THREE - PIECE NYLON DRESSER SETS In colours of turquoise, blue, green, wine, grey, white $9 e and yellow - - 19 e £dam&z/o&, ùitc PHONE 451 ""Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" BOWMANVILLE, KING ST. E WALKER STORES SUGGESTIONS The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan LOOK AT THESE PRICES! Wçsiinghouse Ranges Individually sold at: Bath Towel $2.10 Guest Towel $C.19 Face Cloth 45e vvmr" "il- loqel %2:>,