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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1951, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT ~A..JL~LJr~ I * .5 U1N~ <1.11, AU~I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO ~'IXTTfl~~AW ?t~~ flA~ 0*00 Orono Oddfellows and Rehekahs PONTYPOOL U.N. Team Risk8 Lives to Make Health Survey qf jMr. and Mrs. Si esmn Baise Uver $UUU 'for J-Dem Y r Brooklyn. N.Y., were recent visi- tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manetta. Mrs. Weissman In N w Ne oria Hos italwas formerly Eva Bernstein and The Rebekahs' and Odd Fel- scriptiarr of "«Orona and.Coin- Everything looks favourable lows' Service Club, Orono, have munity." for a good crop. Old meadows completýd a drive for funds, and The grand finale ta the drive are real good, fresh seeding fair presented to the new Memorial was staged in the form i a dance and the spring and fail crops look Hospital, Bowmanville. a cheque in the tow nship hall, Orono, *hen real well. The wet weather has Y4 for $811.00. This amount of around a hundred of the younger also been favourable for those mnoney was collected tai furnish set attended. W.J. Riddell, chair- planting their trees late. a three-bed ward in the hospital man for this venture, addressed Our United Church will hold am and will be plaqued with the in- those present, thanking t he anniversary services on Sunday, . people for their support in put- June 10. tmng the drive over the top. A Mr. and Mrs. John J. Webb, To- sum aif $80800 was needed ta fur- ronta spent Saturday with nish the Orono and Community friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Free- ward. Ex-Mayor Sid Little was man Eddy and son, Norman, New-à called ta the platform and Gar- castie, were Sunday 'ýisitors. don Watson presented the rep- L.O.L. No. 82 held' a special resentative af the Bowmanville Royal Arch meeting on Thursday Hospital with the money.Mreein. iv candidates were Little graciously thanked the advanced ta the third degree. club and donors who had made The local lodge was assisted by this contribution possible. He members from Bethany L.O.L. The "Faith Nul Hari,* a 50-ton schooner, served as headquarters also stated that the new hospital Mrs. Earl Richardson and fam- of a three-man expedition sent by the World Health Organization 1 would be opened some time in ily have moved inta the cottage (WHO), one of the Speciallzed Agencies of the United Nations, to 2 July and invited everyone ta be an Amelia St. Earl is serving in make a survey o!f Ilariasis in the Maldive Isiands. On their return present for this grand occasion. Korea and wc sure wish him the trip the craft ran into a hurricane and the WHO teamn bareiy es-t Mr. Little also commented on the very best. ae lv.Ith pe gt:anpofheMdi Acplg.f democratic form i o government Mr. W. J. Goheen has rentcd 1e lv.I h ue ih:ampo heMlieAcieao _____where free people exercised their different rooms ta chaps working1 freedom and where such yen- in Oshawa. We understand that The Super-Efficient turcs on the part af a cammunity, one family is from Newcastle and as the new hospital, could be un- the other fromn Belleville.17 GILO -MAGMC.e keddell painted out that ceivJea Sa qan4tittof cmen fr- i over 400 caîls had been made by his new swimming tank. Others the canvassors and that they less fortunate have been trying t O il ileating were well received. The support hard ta secure some af samne. Un- ci. lf af this carmpaign by the people fortunatcly, Sam thinks he wan't1 MAKES IYOUR PRESENT was mast gratifying. have sufficient for his own necds. HEAINGEQTPMNT It was also lcarned that other We doubt if the potato acreage G..ordon LlflQ8>ySYfth HEATIG EQUPMENT manies are yet ta be counted is as high this ycar. Some farm-V TWICE AS GOOD which will further help ta add ers are nat growing any, athers Stili Time going ta have next ycar. It's an1 _____extras ta the new haspital. growing corn and a few have in- vroelkstbataouexlenid o epa oe-] The music for the dance was creased their acreage. Last year's Eeyn ie abataotecletie ake oe Saves You Money on Your supplied by Roy Forrester and prices were a great knock ta the the first potatoes or the first book and list certain things ve i FuelCost hi orcesta, lcalgrowrsbloom ai a certain flower, but are going ta have for sure nextC Fuel Co. Bhrscrchestr. localmrawers there is as much satisfaction, per- year. We should jot down such Phone or Consuit Statistics indicate that 1800 vast improvement on his prop- hp vnmri aigbom tm sclusao fbom JA Kthunderstorms bellow over the erty east ai the village. During and frcsh vegetables long aiter height, resistance ta disease and t JACK ~earth's surface every instant. his holidays and evenings he has the regular season. In most parts drought and, ai course, the namne done cosiderale wor with i Canada this is easily possible, ai anything we see growing in at done consiter abGrundwr wihehi As a' matter ai fact late plant- neighbour's garden that we hopc b B R Osma lldtrdactr.Grunds erore1ev- ings usuaîîy graw faster and ait- ta have in aur own.0 B R O U GHE_ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ l lned a d a n m er o r e en better than those things plant- W ith certain lines ai nurser y- PLUMBIN We understand that Miss Sut- ed early. With certain tender stock, most shrubs, trees, vines t Division St. S., Bowmanville ton or Orona, has been engaged plants, taa, including a long list etc., one can buy and plant n. New Phone - Office 615 ta tcach at Carscadden's School. af flowers, and the melons, cu- the faîl just as well as nex-,1 HosePhno234 e resorytareor tat cumbers, squashes, corn, etc., sprihg. By doing this we get thesco 4 Hous Phne 384WeMrs.e ongman baspoththbe is no advantage in planting established carlier and save time to el or setting out before the soul and for ather jobs next year. c tisgood ta sec Harry Carter . l wr . Give Themn Roomn able ta be up again. Harry looks Aside from things like grass, Thinning flowers and vege-h fine and hopes ta continue ta be sweet peas and nursery stock, als seilytoeta oe4 more active in the future, fore th rd eall hot weaher, anc from fine secd, is a bother but it b Mr. William Miller was aur cfn one e pelanht tin hegrîn will be well warth while in stur- 01 AFEW CENTS A DAY KEEPS Lay Delegate ta the Canference ra oo lntn eual dier and better plants. With jb heldat ingson ecenly r ight up ta early July in Most foesti ilma ale HedarryKPreston rcrcentcd thr. aiofthe country. Expert gar- fd b bhi wll d î alir INSECURITY AWAY Bhay ircit. peerdtedeners wha want ta get the mast and îggcr bloms and css loss8 Bethny ircut. ut o thir lndinded, akefrom winds and heavy. rains. - We arc sorry ta report the sud- auaiterannddmk With vegetables like carrots, den death ai Mrs. Hampson aif regular practice ai sowing a beets, lettuce, etc., it will be finer Bcthany. Mrs. Hampson was the few rows ai beets, carrats, beans, flavour and quicker growth, wif ofRev Hapso ofBetanycorn, and such things cvery fort- which means more tcndcrncss. United Church. He was called night up ta the end ai June.or Propcrly spaced, properly thin- home from Conierence duea rt e s laeve gardens a . Itte ie eaned vegetables are much casier sudden deatb. theelt adn iteeta cultivate, toa. If at ail possible ________________________cultivation, a little xvatering and anc shauld leave enough roamn -passibly some quick-acting coin- between each plant s0 that a FROM FACTORY TO YOU** mercial fertilizer they will came small hoce or a special long- GOBABY CHENILLE along fast and mature in plenty handled cultivatar can be used. ViBEDSPREADS ai time before frost. These iînplemcnts will save bours $52 echA Good Time to Plan of hand-wceding drudgcry. $52 ec From naw right through ta faîl Save Labour Lowest price in Canada. Beauti- is an excellent time ta look Anspaigilogades fui first quality, campletcly tufted, around and make notes for the thi spakgoofoingwihailaur no sheeting shawing. Ail colars, biggcr and better garden we are garden tools. Cultivatars, spud-l double or single bcd sizes. New y. ders, spades, rakes and practi-, centre patterns in flawcred or BuIsiness Drco cally evcrytbing we use ta dig,1 solid designs. Sent C.O.D. plus e_______________ ut or prune arc much more cas- postage. Immediate money-back E A ily aperated if they have long order more. New Address: TOWN - prongedi cultivator is handier BRANCH OFFICE ~& COUNTRY MFG., Box 1496, W. R. STRIKE, K.C.wihatr-o-i-othade 69 KING ST. E. - OSHAWA, ONTARIO Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. Britr olicitor, Notary Thus ecquipped iA wili save a lot ____________________________________________________Solicitor for Bank of Montreal ai stooping. - --Moncy ta Loan . Phone 791 Anather point in this labor- Bawmanvillc, Ontario saving business. The average LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. persan is inclined ta plant rows EUEarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public far toa close together. Of course UE M MR ingSt W., Bowmanville one can grow beets, carrots, Il, E>Phobnc, Office 688 Residence 55 beans, etc., in raws anly 12 loches YHlS1I.IJ1.IIIDGLU apart if space is very limited, but r' w ~ l B ISSAPHAI. ODGIS A will be much casier for cultiva- Successar ta M. G. V. Gould more apart, and w'ith a garden a', vm rwv .1A I IlTemperance St., Bowmanvillc cultivator they shauld be at least w - 30 inches or better still, thre JW. F. WARD,- B.A. feet. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 9 1,'2 King Street E., Bawmanville, Ontaria Prices rîxed Phone, Office 825 House 409 FrSrw ere CONANT & CONANT Barristers and Solicitors Mnmmpie o tabr Gordoum D. CananttraK.C. GrG . Canant, BA. ries. grapes and green and wax Specil 1-. G. (Hap> GILL Oveali ~ ee eREAL ESTATE "The driver ai the car fallaw- Heavy Duty Ovrl 78 King Street West ing swung out ta pass us but un- Blu ai BlckPANTS p Properties Sold, Rentcd der-estimated the speed ai an an- Blue o BlaM Managcd and Appraised caming truck. The vehicles met PAINTS -embers ai the Canadian and almost bead-on. The truck was $2.95 Ontario Real Estate Boards damaged ut tedrvroth DenmAilHCloGrsGill, Broker car was beyand help." DeimAl ClorsPhone Bowmanvillc 3326 Taken frovi a letter sent ta th'ý, Residence 3514 Industrial Accident Prevention OVERALS 11d ieAssociations this bni story HeavyDutyrecent manthly letter ta indus- HevyDuyGauntlet MONTEITH & MONTEITH trial executives. WOK OOS 3.5Chartered Accountants Accordîng ta this item thero $3.95 WR OT GLOVES 37 King St. E. Oshawa was in the letter a suggestion Mr. Gardon W. Riebi, C.A., that if the driver ai the car bado't $6.95 $19 Guaranteed resident partner. taken a chance lic would be alive. - $1.PTOMETRy While there may be occasions an OPTO ETRY which a chance bas ta be taken there is ane thing quite certain KEITH A. BELLETT and that is that aiter you take a DO MANVIL E S RPL S S OREOptomefrist chance you can't put it back and BOWM NM LE SURP US S ORE74 King St. W. Bowmanvilie say you did nat want it. As the Phone 3252 item states 'Therc is a lot ai 24 ivsio S. Pore 311 Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 p.m. chance-taking withaut prelimin- jexcept Wedncsday 9 - 12 ov'erlaok the phrase *Calculated Evenings by Appointment Risk'" Northumberland Led in Deaths lui Durham Tops in Dirths living in urban centres, 4,351 live in centres having a population aver 1,000.* The assessed population af Part Hope is given as 6,03 1 and Cobourg as 7,209. Peterboroughi is the largest centre in the Zone with 35,682. Oshawa is next with 28,552. Despite bcing smallcr in pop- ulation, Durham had mare births in 1949 than did Northumberland, the latter registering 678 as cam- pared ta 694 by Durham. There were 5,468 in the Zone. In the matter ai deaths, Northumber- land led Durham, the latter hav- ing 327 while Nortbumberland The third annual ecanomic sur- vey bas just recently been issued by the Ontario Goveroment and ln it is much information which wili be ai interest ta residents ai tris, the Kawartha District ai the province, which, for the purpose ai the survey, has been divided ino 19 zones. Includcd in this zone are the caunties ai North- umberland. Durham. Ontario, Pe- terborough and Victoria. The combincd population of the Kawartha Zone is 225,711 in a land area ai 4,979 square miles for an average ai 45.29 persoos per square mile. In the caunty ai Durham there are 27,749 persans and 629 square miles. Northum- berland bas 36,727 in its 734 square mile area. Bath counties have an average square mile pop- ulation greater than that af the zone itseli. The lowcst average tempera- turc ever recorded in this district for the mantbs ai January and Fcbruary was 16 above while the hotest average for July was 69 degrees above. The asscssed population ai Dur- ham Caunty in 1949 was 25,890 as compared ta 23,531 in 1941 or an increase ai 10 per cent. Io Nor- thumberland the increase was much greater, taking a jump from 27,281 in 1941 ta 32,540 in ý 1949, or 19.3 per cent. Io thei district itself the average iocrease was 17.2 per cent, climbiog fmain 180,467 in 1941 ta 211,574 in 19419. A majarity ai the people resid- ing in Durham County are living in rural areas, the survey shows. Of the total papulation, 14,975 live in the country while 12,774 live in towns or villages. Almost the same situation exists in Nor- thumberland where 20,631 live in the country and 16,096 live in ur- ban centres. The trend in bath of the United Counties is the op- posite ta thc general Picture in the District where 124,938 live irn .irban areas as campared to only 100,583 in the country. Of the 4,405,974 persans in the province, over haîf, or 2,703,288 live in cities, towns or villages. Of 8,209 householders in Dur- ham County 3,779 are urban and 4,430 arc rural. 3,325 ai the ur- ban householders live in centres of 1.000 or more. In Northum- berland there are 10,464 bouse- holders ai which a majority, 5,- 878 live in the country. Or those SLEEP 0 .« «aae e zoed"e The earliest dated event in his. tory is 4241 B.C., the year in which the Egyptian calendar was established. Staff ord Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundas St. E.. Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MAcsewrkERnsh n Parecisuwkattinship eand are vu auattinct etaU are vhourssufrancte whde Sau coof irothedadd seleti ra ite and dmaesGrnistscan I {~ had 377. 1W i - If you don't sleep weIl --if nigbts are inter- rupted by restiesaness --look to your kid- neya. If your kidneys are out of order and failing to, cleanse the blood of poisons and excesa acids-your rest is likely suifcring too. Then is the time to use Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Dodd'a help, your kidneys gel rid of trouble-macing poisons and acida- belp restore them to normal action. Se. how much hetter you reat at night-how inuch brighter you feel in the aioming. Get and use Dodd'a Kidney Pilla today., 145 Dodd's idney Pillç Pro tect Your Car witîî ~ the CENEIRAL SI LENT-SAFETY Dual Traction Tire As much as 51%7 stronger than ordinary tires to give you greater protection from blowouts. Made with Jet Cold Rubber that cm bines cushioned comrfort with long, slow, even tread wear. Tread patterni changes every inch, assures angles and edges facing the way the tire is rolling. GISNERAL N!O MORE FLATS FROM PUNCTURESI Corne in und ses General's sensational new PUNCTURE-SEALING SAFETY TUBE pierced hundreds of times by this "guillotine" without losing airl Seuls as it roilsi Out. mears several casingsl -W---Corne ln and Change Over to GENERALS KING & SILVERS STS, 0. F. JAMIESON, Distributor PIIONE 467 Burketon Garage, Burketon L. Fallis Cadmus Ray Graham, Haydon Frank Hoskia, Biacks[ack Roy W. Nichols, Courtice Roy W. Nichols, Bowmanvllie Marbies in stock. One to Grow O n! Our creamy, vitamin enrich- cd milk tastes sa gaod ta grawing youngsters they're mare than glad ta drink their quart-a-day minimum .. . plus an extra glass "'ta grow an!" Try same today! GLEN RAE DAIRY m HN 4 EVE LEIGCHI Cleaners & Dyers - Laundries PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR Kingsway Garage, R.R.4, James Tripp, Port Perry Oshawa Mart Sissons, Orono Wm. Morrison Garage,VrtesGagTon Pontypool itesGrgTon THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO -i'Rim.qnAv OP41% lexi PHONE 444 BOWMANVILLE

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