TNTTRSDAY. .IUNE 2lst. 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE P!T~EEN Oshawa Couple Jfonored by Famlly On 35th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Me- Laughlin, Hilleroft Street, Osha- wa. celebrated their 35th wed- ding anniversary on Saturday, June 9th at the home of their daughter. Mrs. Lamne Goodmnan and Mr. Goodman. Mary Street, Oshawa. Born in Solina. the former Miss Gertrude Pascoe became the jbride of Douglas McLaughlin of 1Tyroine in a ceremony performed by Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson in the parsonage of King Street Unit- ed Church, June 7th. 1916. The couple have spent ail but f ive years of their married life in Oshawa. They had a family of eight: Mrs. Bruce Baker (Madelene) Tomanto. Mrs, Lorne Goodman SUMNER HAND.WORK The new "Belastraw" for handmade bags, hats, beits and place mats. - Attractive Shades - Summertimne is CROCHET TIME Cottens of ail kinds for knitting and crocheting. Bargain Table See our assortment of Plates - Cups - Tumbler-, and Novelties J. W. JEWELL «ERG «"20" 17 Ring St. W.. Bowrmanvllle PHONE .556 v ý (Lorraine). three married sons, Verne. Dean and Ted, and Glen and Mavis at home. Their son. Phil. died in 1937. Thcy also have three grandchildren. A family party assembled for the anniversary at which Mr Dean McLaughlin acted as mas- ter of ceremonies. A grandson Phil McLaughlin presented thce with a chest of silvcrware and a ceamn ari'd sugar set on an en- graved tray. ,Four gencratians werc pres- cnt. the first being eprsented by Mr. A. L. Pascoe. the bride's father. The bride and bride- groom made fitting replies ta the presentation address and Mr. Pascoe, now in hîs 85th year, also spoke. The bride. who was prcsented with a corsage of sweet peas and rosebuds. eut the annivemsary cake and refmshments werc serv- ed buffet style. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cook and Miss Florence McLaughlin. Toronto. ýMm. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe and ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe and Lynn of Solina. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mvrs. Euhl Lake and Mm. and Mrs. Jack Holmes spent the wcekend fishing at Minden. Mr. and Mrs. AIt Brown and family visited Mm. and Mrs. Har- old Skinner, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowland, Toronto. and Mr. H. Rowland, Orono, visited Mm. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Severai attended the Decomation Day service at Orono Ccmetery. Mm. and Mrs. Alf Wilkins and tamily, Oshawa, xith Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Mm. Archie Purvis and son-in- law, Redvers, Saek.. called on Mm. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Miss K. Riches spent Saturday in Toronto and Sunda.v with Mrs. S. Snell, Bowmanvihle. Mm. Bey Jaynes is home after a pleasant trip to the West Coast. On Friday evening the Lake Shore Community gathemed at the home of Mm. and Mrs. Robin Alldred to effer congratulations and bid farewell to Miss K. Riches whço is leaving to be mar- ied. She was presented with a table lamp and ash tray. Miss Riches has been a member of the community in the true sense of the word as well as being a teach- er. and the community is sorry ta lose hem. She spoke of the two yeams spent here as twa of the happiest of hem lite. The even- ing was spent playing euchre, with the gathering being enter- tained with accordion selections bY Mm. Emil Panzaru. Lunch was served. Miss G. Woolner, Bowman- ville: Mr Murray Dunn. Niagara Falls. and Messrs. T. Nobes. F. Allen and B. Eddv, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Bey'. Jaynes. TIC K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamshlp Consult JRY& LOVELL Bowmanvile 15 King St. W. Phone 778 Additional Classified NOTICE Dr. V. H. Storey's office will be closed June lSth to 29th. 24-2* Dr. Birks' office will be closed from June l8th ta June 24th, inclusive. 24-2* Dr. H. F'erguson's office Will be closed from June 29th ta August llth inclusive. 25-8* Softball raffle for Marconi radio which was to be drawn June 2th will be held over until July 7th. 25-1* 1, Ursula Heitner, of Newton-. ville, will nlot be responsible for any debts contracted by my son, Edgar Heitner. 25-1* Clark and Grant Werry offer through holiday time power hay eutting: also any local cartage. Hav and Pea hauiling, etc. Phone 2510. 025-1 Goodyear Rod & Gun Club - The annual fishing trip June 30, July 1 and 2. Members wishing to participate please contact Lance Plain or George Young nlot later than June 26. 25-1* Having taken niy father's live- stock cartage business over I amn prepared to do all kinds of farm produce cartage work at very reasonable rates. Dad passing his experience on te me I feel sure that I can give you prompt and courteous service. Allan J. Werry. Phone Bow. 2570. 25-1 CABDS 0F THANKS Gordon C. Martin wishes to thank Dr. McKenzie and the staff of Bowmanville Hospital for their care, kindness and courtesy dur- ing his appendectomny; also for the visits, cards, etc. from his friends. 25-1 T wish to thank Dr. A. F'. McKenzie, the nurses of Bow- manville Hospital, the Rev. L. H. Turner and all others who visit- ed me or sent cards during my stay in the hospital. John Holubenko. 25-1* T wish to thank Drs. McKenzie and Rundle, Supt., nurses and staff of Bowmanville Hospital for their care: also relatives, friends and I.O.O.F. for flowers, fruit and cards, personal calîs and inquiries during my recent stay in hospital. Leland Baîl. 25-1* Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman, Hampton, wish to thank their friends, neighbours, the Hampton Women's Institute, Bible Class and Service Club for ail the kind cards and expressions of svm- pathy on the sudden passing of their brother. 25-1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter, Hampton, wish to express their sineere thanks te neighbours, friends, church and community organizations for flowers. fruit, cards and many acts of kindness during the illness of Mrs. Salter. 25-1 The family of the late Ernest George Gray wish to express their sincere appreciation to their friends and neighbours, the New- castle Veterans' Association and the Canadian Legion, Bowman- ville Branch, for the many acts of kindness and beautiful floral tokens tendered them in their recent loss of a dear husband and father. 25-1* The family of the late Mr. Moses Heard wish to sincerely thank ail their friends, neighbours and relatives; also the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., The Port Hope Post Office Staff and the Colonial Coach Lines, Peterboro. for flowers, cards and inquiries, many other acts of kindness dur- ing their recent bereavement. 25-1* Diseases of the heart, consid- ered as a group, have been thc greatest single cause'of death of Canada. DRESS UP YOUR LIVING ROOM WITH A NEW LAMP AND SHADE.. LAMP SPECI ALSW KENDAL Mrs. Price and daughter, Gait, are visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Thomne. Bob Alexander, Toronto, wvas home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Howson, Peterborough, visited her father. Mr. James Hay and Helen, Sun- day. Mrs. A. DarlingtÇn and Bill attended the anniversary ser- vices here on Sunday. Nirs. Hattie Langstaff spent the weekend with Mm. and Mrs. Perey Burley. Bob Vannatto, Toronto, spenti Sundav with Mrs. D. Vannatto and Cecile. Friends of Mrs. R. Mercer re- gret that she has had to enter Oshawa Hospital for treatment and hope she will soon be mueh ,mproved. A number from here attended the Decoration Day Services at Orono Cemetery, Sunday atter- noon. W. A. from Janetville, under the auspices of Kendal W.A.. en- tertained Kendal folks in the Orange Hall, Friday evening when they presented two one- act plays entitled "After the Church Supper" and "The Jan- etville Up-lift Society" with Miss Betty How taking the prominent part in each. These were very arnusing. There were also fine musical selections by Rev. Kel- logg, solos by Mr. Pugh, a mono- logue by Mrs, Stoker and com- munity singing. Most heartily applauded was the ladies' rhy- thm band. nine ladies in their gay 90's costumes with instrui- ments secured chiefly froin the kitchen. Kendal baîl team played two games hast week. On Tuesday evening they won from Orono on their home ground by a score of 14-9. Thursday evening Gard- en Hill visited Kendal and were held scoreless until the hast in- ning when they secured three runs. Mercer pitched for Garden Hill with Martineli and Wilson catching. Quantreil was on the mound for Kendal with Copping behind the plate. Kendal secur- ed one run in the first, six in theC second and seven in the fifth for a final score of 14-3. A number of fans also attended the Gard- en Hill-Pelican game Friday night. Kendal has won four games and lost three. The Women's Institute met on Wednesday, June 13 at the home of Mrs. Joe Gordon with a good attendance in spite of the rainy afternoon. Mrs. N. Keri- nedy presided. The roll call, Mothers Safety Methods. brought out many interesting points to be on the watch for when lookin,, after children. Dr. Horner of the Northumber- land-Durham Health Unit, guet speaker, gave a very intemestîng talk on forming correct habits in children, saying that either good or bad habits were like a cable we eave day by day until we cannot break it, hience great care should be taken that the childmen form correct habits. A happy childhood environment af- fects the chihd's outlook in later lite and a child should neyer be humiliated or laughed at. Dr. Homner also told us a number of arnusinig incidéhts-'in connectri6n with her health work. She leit with each a copy of "Canada'; Food Rules" as approved by the Canadian Council on Nutrition. A heamtv vote of thanks was ex- tended Dm. Horner for hem splen- did talk. Mrs. F. Stoker,' oui District Director, gave a fine ac- count of 'the highlights of our District Annuffl at Maple Grove. Mrs. W. Mercer gave a reading entitled "The man who had al diseases at once," and also he-d a contest naming 'Twelve Sons' with Mrs. Stoker getting ail 12. Plans were made for a Hat So- cial on Jul v 3rd. Kendal W. I. are invited to attend Tyrone -W. 1. meeting, Frida, June 22. Miss1 Hilda Bell and Mms. W. Mercer, assisted b.' Mrs. J. Gordon, serv- ed a tasty lunch. The Sunday School Annivers- amy services weme wcll attended on Sunday, June 17. Rev. Eus- tace, Orono, was the guest speak- er at bath service-, being assist- ed in the marning by the choir of girls and boys from the Sun- day Sehool and in the evening of Miss -Margaret -MeGàregor -and Miss Turner. an operetta, 'Days O' Kemry Dancing," %vas present - ed by the pupils of Grades Sev- en and Eight. classrooms of Miss R. Mutton. Miss M. Couch. Mr. PROM FACTORY TO YOU .. . BABY CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $5.25 each Lowest price in Canada. Beauti- ful first quality, completely tufted, no sheeting showing. Ail colors, double or single bed sizes. New centre patterns i.n flawered or solid designs. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one, you will order more. New Address: TW SCOUNTRY MFG., Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. A. Merkley and Mm. M. Slute. The stomy was a truc Irish one, filled with leprechauns and fainies and some fine talent wvas shown by those takîng the lead- ing parts, ably suppomted by a prýettily castumed chorus, assist- cd by other members o'f Grades Seven and Eight off-stage. The scenery. costumes and makeup wcre extremnely well donc and addcd geatly to its presentation. Granny O'Malley.-Maron Van- stone, Patrick O'Maley-Max Lycett. and Nora-Joan Gibson. were well played and solos wcll taken. Max shawing a rcmamk- ably mature voice. Witehes and Goblins A flash-back in time takes place, and we have Rose O'Mal- lcy. Pat's mother, in Ircland. phayed by Pat Morrill: Pat as a young bov-Garnet Wray, and Eilcen Eagen, his swechcart, Joan Buttcry. A magie Golden Fish in the wishing welh. Robert Car- uthers. joined Eiheen in a duet, and Pat and Rose sang solos. join- cd by the chorus, on the theme, I Own the Foincst Donkey.-' This donkcv, played by Harold Kennett and Keith Purdy, nearly bought the house down with its anties. He was a vemy important chamacter too. as Pat xvas count- ing on him ta win the race at the countv faim, and secure a golden harp for him. Howcver. a wicked witch, me- alistically potrayed by Mary Lewis. conspires with Dinny Shecley, Barry Cowling, ta have Pat carricd off by the Lepre- chauns to the Star Fairies and thus be out of the way se Dinny can win the race. The sang and dance of the witch and the Lcp- rechauns dance conx'cyed a very emrie fcclihg, and Pat, having been induced ta leave off his rcd cap which protcctcd him fmom the fainies. was whisked away. As the others prepare ta go ta the faim. Vincent Vanstone. does a ight-hearted and light-faoted Irish dance. Magie Tears Are Shed In the end, ahi is made right again by Eilcen's (Joatî Buttemy) tears of "]ovin' kindness" shed inta the wishing wcll. and the magie Golden Fish escues Pat tram% the fairies in time ta win the race with "The foincst don- key." And for good measure, the witch tomns out ta bc the Emer- aId Princcss under a spell, and the Golden Fish, the Golden Prince. These twa characters are played by Brenda Cooper and Martin Bu ckspan. Other members cf the cast werc: Leprechauns - James Fergus- on. Paul Rombough. Teddy God- dard, Ted Faircy, Billy Cale. Star Faiies-Arlene Begley, Pat Robson. Karen Mutton, Gail Bagnell, Sandra Coole. Mary Lynn. Colleens, Gosseons and Gobhins -Lyn Bagkneil, Beverley Cowl- ing. Normna Dale. Lillian Mar- lowe, Diane Austin, Sylvia Cov- eley. Loreilci Hctherington. Shirley Bathgate. Grace Quac,-- cnbush, Jonc Coyle. Shirley Farrow, Margaret Bruce, Bey- erley Fisher, Pat Bagneli, Nancy Mitchell, Marie F'cguson. Ingrid Conway. Donald Ciayton, Bob Brown, Brian Van Ness, Douglas Cattran, James Parkhill, Garmy Ncsbitt. Bob Fairey, Douglas Hughes. John Lunn, Michael Var- cac, Chantie Bruce, David Ken- nedy. Bruce Colwell, Bruce Clarke, Emnie Robcrts. Pontypool Native Noted B.C. Mariner Dies in Nanaimo Nanaimno. B.C., May 28.-A well knawn figure in West Coast ma- rine circles. Capt. Moses Henry Mclndoo, died May 27 in Nan- aima Hospital, Born in Pantypool, Ont,, 82 y cars ago. "Harry" Mclndoo came ta B.C. and settled in Nanaimo 60 years ago. He went ta the Yukan during the gald rush days, later retumning to B.C. and join- ing the Provincial Police. Lcaving the force he was for a time fishemies officer with the Federal Government. semving as captain of the fisheries patral boat Gull. Rcsigning from govemnment service, he jained the C.P.R.'s B. C. Coast Stcamship Service, act- ing as mate on several welI- known caast ships, including the Charmer. Prîncess Elaine, Prin- ccss Adelaide, Princess Maquin- na. Princess Victoria and Prin- cess Kathleen. Since his retirement 13 vears ago he had made hais home on Gabriola Island. Predeceased by bis wife, Mary Leonoma, in 1947. he leaves a sist- cm. Mrs. Harmy Hooper. Toronto. and a stcpdaughter, Miss Hazel Cahbick of Victoria. Every man shall receive bis own reward according ta his own labour-i Corinthians. Leadership Course Starts Sunday at Cream of Barley Some 80 people, includîng five Bowmanville playgmound instrue- tresses. will be attcnding a weck Camp Course in Sommer Recrea- tion Leadership at the Cream of Baricv Park beginning Sunday. June 24. The camp is sponsored by-, the Oshawa and District Com- munity Recreation Association. The five girls wvho wvili attend the five-day camp arc: Joan Wonnacott, Carole Tuerk, Colleen Hutchinson. Patricia Smith and Dorothy Kilpatrick. Tt is expeet- cd that Jack Ross of the B.H.S. staff wiil aise attend as will Re- creatien Director Don Shav. Mr. Shay will conduet a course in playground safety. It has been announced that visitors wiil bc wclcome at the camp on Friday, Jonc 29. onl', between the hours et 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Sunday evening fram 5:30 ta 7:00 will be set aside for registra- tien when ahi who will be at- tending camp will be given a tag with their name, whemc they camne from, their cabin number and group number on it After the registration. the rest et the evenîng twill be set aside for getting accsuainted and unpack- ing behongings. The campers wiih ise and shine early Monday morning to begin their week-long course. At 9:00 a.m. there will be a gen- emal session on Programme Plan- ning, at which Mm. A. G. Quinn. Director of Recreation, Oshawa, will be the instructar. From 10 arn. until naon, Mao Dalby. Supervisor of Crafts will instruet a general session on Crafts. Aftem the noon hour break, a general session will be held an sand box play froin 2:00 ta 3:00 p.m. At 3:00 J.m. the campers will break up and go ta the individual Spccialists Division in Crafts. Drama, Sports and Swimming. The instructors for these divisi- ans being' Mac Dalby, Super- visar of Craf.ts, Oshawa. «Joan Lambert, Supervisor of Arts. Osh- awa; Bill Smith, Supervisor of Physical Educatian. Oshawa, and Clayton Keith. Oshawa. After supper the campers will gather for a general session in Playground Family parties and after that a social pamty for al those in camp. Lights out will be a welcome time for the campers as after a long day many will be glad te get a gaod night's sleep. Again the next momning. they will seramble fmam their bunks ready for another long busy day. The kangaroo uses his tail for a third leg when running. Be BEAUTIFUL. . . on your Vacation !' A wonderful nem' you .- . alter this relaxing and enjoyable cern- plete beauty treatment. Expert facial, flattering hair styling, and perfect manicure te make you look better, feel better-, actually be betteml Joan' s Beauty Centre 38 King St. W. Bowrnanville Phone 455 or Residence 2951 Open Evenings by Appointment I USED. '50 FORD CUSTON TUDOR '49 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN Fully equipped, custom radio,e '49 FORD DELUXE TUDOR, CAR 'I HOOPER'lS 28 KING ST. W. JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP BOWMANVILLE PHONE 747 àAsH3 - a $1545 Tmuly an outstanding car, flot one mark inside or out, niechanically flawless. '48 CHEV. SEDAN Very clean, fully r '48 CHEV. COACH '48 PONTIAC COACE - FAIR TRADES OPEN 9 a.m. TO 9 r 'I Il '41 DOUCE COACH - Reconditioned and guaranteed. 040 PLYMOUTH COACH reonitond. $1395 9'40 PLYMOUTH COUPE a $875 - - w $875 * - - $750 - -- -$1375 '40 PONTIAC SEDAN - - $845 Radio and heater, new Chev. motor recently. I --$1375 Very sound body almost nw 047 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN - $1395 Exceptionally low mileage. Fully equipped, customn radio, etc. '47 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN- New tires recently. '47 OLDSNOBILE "*98" Jiydramatic driv'e, truiy immaculate. "47 DODCE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN One careful owner. m $1350 '47 PONTIAC "6" SEDANETTE a $1475 Custom radio, underseat heater. underco0ating, new white wall tires, lifeguard tubes. One of the smartest looking models on the road. '47 FORD DELUXE SEDAN - - $1295 Ford factory reconditioned motor, new Super Cushion tiremf, exceptionally clean body and interior. '38 DODGE SEDAN - - - - $550 Gond iotor, body and tires. "37 DODGE SEDAN - - w M $495 Imi-actilate, original interior. $1350 '35 ]FORD SEDAN - - - $ Reconditioried inotor installed recently, $1450good tires and brakes. Cbcap $1450transportation ai $295.00. $295 "34 CHEV. - - *- m-0-m$295 Runs like a '49, Clean inside, gond sound body and very gond tires. TRUCKS '48 FORD halflon PANEL 17,000 gutaranteed miileage. runs like new. '47 G.N.C. 1-on PICK-UP '47 CHRYSLER 4-speed transmission, 8-ply WINDSOR CONVERTIBLE - $2095 '46 FORD haif-ton PANEL Fully equipped, showroomn condition. '46 PONTIAC SEDAN - - - $1295 A good reliable car, top notch condition. '46 PLYMOUTH PECIAL DELUXE SEDAN -- Fully reconditioned, customn radio. $1295 Bissons!. '46 FARGO halflon PANEL Looks and $1095 « -$1095 ytires, almost new. 1 -$595 . . $595 SPE.CIALS SHEET METAL WORK AND ROT AIR HEATING * HOT AIR FURNACES * AIR CONDITIONING * OIL BURNERS * ALL TYPES 0F ROOFING Work estimated witbout obligation will conform to low overhead at my pew location. SELIBY GIRANT 6 MILL LANE (Off Scugog St.) BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2674 --$1750 '41 DODGE SPECIAL --$1675 DELUXE SEDAN -- $875 etc. Outstanding appearance, new car guarantee. MORE THAN 36 DIFFERENT NEW LAMPS AND SHADES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE With prices going up . . . our prices on eý4,nps and shades have gone down Due to colours, shapes and styles which are difficuit to describe ... we invite you to corne ini and sec this beautiful selection of modern lamps and shades. fro $600Up NO0T E ONE-THIRD DOWN - 18 MONTHS TO PAY % ON THE ABOVE TRUCKS IF YOU WISH TO BUY OUT 0F INCOME Garage PHONE ORONO 86-2 -LIDERAL TEINS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAT 1 PAGE iri»TM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVMANVILLE, ONTARIO le