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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1951, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN THÉ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA1qVL!E, ONTARIO ~~tIY ?~~V% A W V~V~ -. ... * i i ~.. ~oM~ - I II1LitucflA, .JUtmL5e. tobit Turu Dack for Additional Classified BIRTHS HARVEY-Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harvey <nee Constance Kerr) wish to announce the birth of1 their son, James, at Bowmanville Hospital on June 17th, 1951. 25-1* ROBINSON - Ewart and Ruth Robinson are happy to announce the birth of their son in Bow- manvilie Hospital on Sunday, June l7th, a brother for Robert and Ronald. 25-1 TICE-Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tice are happy to announce the ar- rivai of a baby girl, Juanita Kath- ryn, in Oshawa Generai Hospital, on Wednesday, June 2th. 25-1* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. R. Kennett wish to announce the engagement of their second eldest daughter, iEveiyn May, to Mr. Harold C. Thompson. son of Mr.' and Mrs. James S. Thompson, of Port Hope. The wedding wiii take place at Port Hope on July 7th, 1951. 25-1* The engagement is announced ci Elsie, youngest daughter ofî Mrs. J. Morrow and the late Pat- rick J. Geddes, of Bowmanville, ta Vernon Reginald Hudson Mac- kenzie, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mackenzie, Lunenburg, Ont. The wedding will take place in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, an July Zlst, at 3 p.m. 25-1* DEATHS MURDOFF-In Bowmanville, on Saturday, June l6th, 1951, Minnie Murdoff, in ber 89th year. Fun- eral was from the home of ber daughter, Mrs. Frank Williams, 170 Church Street, on Tuesday, June l9th. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 25-1 SMALE-At Weston, Ontario, on Wednesday, June 2th, 1951, Ida Ann Smale, beloved wife of the late William Smale, aged 77 years. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Private service in the chapel on Fniday, June 22nd, at 2 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemetery. 25-1 IN MEMORIAM if BARRETT-In loving memnory of aur dean mother, Annie Barrett, who passed away June 2lst, 1947: They say tume beals aur sorrow And helps us ta forget, But time sa far bas anly pnoved How much we miss you yet. Many a silent tear is shed When others are asleep, For when we lost aur mot her We lost aur dearest friend. .-.Ever remembered by the fam- 1Iy. 25-1* BROWN-In loving memany af aur dean mother and grandmother, Mary Jane Brown, who passed ta rest one year ago: Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet; You were the kind of a mother Your loved ones would neyer forget. -Ever remembened by daugliter, Grace and son-in-law, Arthur Rahm and family. 25-1* BROWN-In loving memory af a dean mather, Mary Jane Brown, who passed away June 24th, 1950: No one knows how much we miss you, -No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered. Since we lost you Life bas neyer been the same. In aur hearts your memony lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is nat a day, dear mother, That we do nat think of you. -Ever remembered by husband, son and daughter. 25-1* GRIFFIN-In loving m.env3rxr of aur dean mother, Mrs. Wiiiiam Giffin. who passed auav Jure 24th, 1950: --Ever renmerbcred by the fa- ily. 25-if PEARCE-In loving nmemory of a dear father, George Henry Pearce, who passcd away June 23rd. 1949: In our hecarts your memory lingers Sweetly-, tender, fond and true There is no'. a day dear father That we do flot think ai you. -Sadly missed and ever nemem- bered by daughters Rhoda, Ivy and Gretta, and grandchîldren. 25-1* TENDERS WANTEDml TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON NEW TENDERS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL SEALED BULK TENDERS, ad- dressed ta the undersigned and plainly marked "Combined Ten- der for twa-raom Schools at Courtice and Maple Grave," wil be recelved until 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th, 1951 Plans and specili.cations may be obtained from Murray Brown & Elton, Architects, 622 Coniedera- tion Lufe Bldg., Toronto, upon deposit of a cheque for $25.00 nayable ta the Architects, which deposit will be refunded upon eturn af the plans and specifica.. ,ons in good condition. Tojwest or any tender flot nec- esxarily accepted. M. J. HOBBS. Seçre tary-Treasurer, Sottth Darllngton Town- ship Area Sehool Board, EnnskllMen Ont. 2à-1 iArtcles For Sale FOUR acres of mixed standing hay. Phone 2587. 25-1 ELECTRIC rangette and two hot plates. Phone 2566. 25-1 * SEED Buekwheat. Apply Garnet Rickard. Phone 2813. 25-1 TOMATO plants, cheap. Phone 2227. 25-1 TEAM rake: three geese and eight goslings. Phone 2472. 2.5-1 M.-H. GRAIN bindlex 6 it. eut. Phone 2124. 25-1 *1 SAIL boat, 16 ft. snipe. Phione 3657. 25-1 NEW wheeibarrow and new kit- chen door. Phone 3142. 25-1 BERRY boxes. Herb Gibson. Phone 2584. 24-1 12 ACRES standing mixed hay. W. T. Symons, Phone 2251. 25-i* 38 ACRES of mixed hay, Timothy and Alfalfa. Fred G. Smith, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone 62r8. 25-1 MIAROON colour carniage, price $8.00. Apply 342- Liberty St. N. Phone 2108. 2-1 CANADIAN CEMENT. -. Apply Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 25-1 COCKSHUTT mower. oil bath, 5' cut, perfect condition. Phone 2904. 25-1 TRACTOR corn cultivator, fits International H or M tractor. Phone Port Perry 78r11. 25-1* Wp nicasure and instail finest quality venetian blinds. Phone Morris Co. 480. 5-tf THTREE-burner Guerney gas stove with oven, creamn and green. Phone 414. 25-1 RANGETTE, automnatic ox-en, used two summers, in excellent con- dition. Phone 2673. 25-1' STANDING hay, may have two loads for one. Apply Allan Dick' ie, Enniskillen. 25.1* FOUR acres of standing mixed hay. Phone 2337, 242 Liberty St. North. 25_1, No. 55 MASSEY-Harris tractor, 0o1 rubber, equipped xith crown fenders and lights. Norman Mal- Articles For Sa. ile BF Supplies - Frames, drawn' combs, shailow and full depth. Supers, new and used, aIl standard ten frame. Reasonable. Erie LiIley, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Ont. 23-2 BATTERY radios, reconditioned trade-ins. 6 only, compiete with new battery pack, oniy $19.95. (Battery alone costs $12.70). An excellent buy for your cottage. The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 25-1 VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different colours of tapes, 15 slat' colours, Flexa]um, Aiuminumn or Steel, measured and installed free of charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabric Centre. 17-tf TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, hearths and fireplaces. Walls- glazed tule or plastic, ail colours Floors - rubber, mastic, lino-tule, quarrie and ceramie. Will go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf FOR Home Freezers, Milk Coolers, Washing Machines, Ranges, ser- vice on milk coolers and motors, that wiring job or anything elec- trie. Trade-in or Terms. Consult Werry & Son Eiectric, Dealers for Woods Eleetrie Farm Equipme'nt, Enniskilien, Phone Bowmanvilie 2539. 23-3 ALL kinds of meat, good quality wieners, bologna, caoked hams, .,moked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Darlington Abat- toir. Hampton. Phone 3243; also picklîng, smoking and sausage making. During the $ummer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattle at any time. 34-tf FARM Machinery for Sale - New John Deere equipment, 2 and 3- furrow plows, side delivery rakes, forage harvester, corn picker, manure spreaders, model "M" tractor, model "AR" tractor, 61/2' and 101/' cuitivators, 12A com- bine, hammer milîs and wagons. Used John Deere equipment, model "D" tractor, 17-run seed drill, 3-furrow plow. 8' cultivator. discs and tiller. We alsa have an oul bath, 7'horse drawn mower, priced for quick sale. For Sales & Service of ail your John Deere equipment cali F. S. Allen & Sons, Phone 2833, located 3 miles west of Bowmanville on No. 2 High- wVay. 25-1 WAGON or TRAILER MXES Lotir Choice of RENFREW cook stave, wood and CHEV., FORD or DODGE coal, new grates. reservoir, gond wheels eitber 15" or 16"1 condition. Mov ing, seli cheaply. ooronsaewilok Phone 2854. 12)5.1* Pme soyoriceonly $3e achl o TWO New Holland balers. good rc ony$0e h condition.' Apply Merlin Suggitt, wbile they hast, R.R. 2, Nestleton, Phone Port This includes:- Penry 332rl1. 25-2* Axle, Hubs, Wheeis. Tires and Tubes, aIl assembled, iined up POTATOES, Irish Cobblers grown and painted fnom certified secd last year. 15 Springs $10.00 a pair extra bus. at $1.00 bag. Phone Oshawaifdsr. 3-981 25l~Please note that tbis special offer POTATOES - Specializing in No. is only good while present stock 1 top quality potatoes. Order lasts so order early. youn supply now. Doug CurI, Bowmanville, Phone 3101. 20-tf isn Grg THREE-piece chesterfield suite. PHONE ORONO 86 - 2 extra eheap; a few chairs, and a 25tf colbodr(500 chick size).'oiel .J Poe2066 noon or evenings. a ru i r BROCK ail bunners. compîcteîy AND OTHERS installed witb one 200-gai. tank, one year's free service, $390. For !IN the Estate of information apply D. Bryant, Dial: MARY SIDNEY WAUGH, 3647. 22tf deceased. ALL pensons having claims FURNACE, McCiarv Radium No. against the estate ai Mary Sidney1 521, pipeless; also Blue Coal damn- Waugh, late ai the Township of1 per negulator and induced draft Clarke, in the County ai Durham, funnace blower. Phone 3357. deceased, who died on or about 251* tlhe l7th day ai December, 1950, SAW iliconîletewitb are hereby notiiied ta send in ta SAW ill coiplte ithsaývsW. Ross Stnike. Solicitor for the edgen; also boxing and crating Administrator, Bowmanville, On- miii, pawered by 6-cylindcîr car ýtaria, on or before the 25th day enigine. R. Bowen, 42 Libertv St. of Jonc, 1951, full particulars ai C'JNOLEU Ga j S~ uù~s, Immediateiy aiter the said 25th yard goods and hall run -r-i Rex. <Iav ni June, 1951, the assets ai oleurn Delu xe 2 and 3 yards wîd-e. deceased will bc distributed yard gaods at budget pnices. anongst the parties entitied Phone 451, Walker Stores 3t thereto, having regard only ta ____ - aimis o! whieh the said solicitor ALFALIA and Red Claver: ý j for tlhe admunstrator shall then Alialfa and Tinîoth v, sqlu-~e bave notice. bales, ini ficld. 50e hale. J. A. DATED at Bowmanville this .ohnston, Burketon. Phone Port 8tlî day of Jane. 1951. Perry 172 - 12. 25- 1;4 W. R. STRIKE, INTERNATIONAL Farnialî Sohicitrfathe tractoîr; International 3 -fL1rrow adBomnito, Otro ploxv, on rubben; International B2ma4lî-2nana green cnop hay loader: fan12- trailer and 3 tca'îîs 0f-horses. H-. Cars For Sale r M. Kyte, Blackstock. 217)-2 __* ________________ TWO ne-but C.C.M. bicycles, 1930) MODEL "A" Ford Coach, in campietely overhauled. lIrmOIOuIs running condition. Harvey Smith, nexv part.;: also smnalî size jov- Phone 2015. 25-1* cycles, excellent condiîon Apply -14 ONIC fiepssne W. George Crowtheî-, Newý,castle. coupe, good tires. heater and de- Phone Clarke 3723. 5lj froster. $500 or best ofier. Phone PLUMBING, Hcatung and Oul 2833. 25-1* Burners instailed anywhere in '38 FORD -ton pick-up truck, ne-t Durham County. Reasonable rates'! conditioned moton bas gone 2,000 l and highest qualit.y. For free miles, new paint. Phone OshawaC estimates eal] S. Blain Ellîott, 3-8945. 25-1 Heating., Plumbing & Tinsmithing, 1- Phone 3i348. 29-tti1'40 CHEVROLET Sedan Delivery, $495 or best offer. F. A. Osmond, TRADE-IN - ice boxes; clectrie Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1132. p refigerators; washing machines: 25-1*1 electnie ranges, necanditioned - Z________________ guaranteed; coal ranges; ail burn-r PLYMOUTH Sedan, 1948. mileage ens and combination radio and! 2i.000, new tires, heater, in ex- phonagraphs, ah prieed ta dlean. cellent condition. Apply Mn. O. New Norge refigerators. 6 12 ceu. Friend, Bowmanville, Phone 700, it., $3,4.50 , trade-in aceepted. lor at Virtue's Garage, Tyrone. Mumphy' s, Phone 811. *25-U 25-1* NEW heavy industrial 16' clectnie ietckFrS l fan, bargain pnice. A limited _______________For___Sale- quantity oi 9 x 24 Goodyear trac- SIX 6-weeks-oid pigs. Ernest tan tires at bangain pnice. TWo lockaday. Phone 2985. 25-1 used McCornîiek-Deering ail-bath r_______________ mowers. Used Bean orchard TWO Registered Shorthorn buils, sprayer. S. S. Moton & Son, dank ned, serviceable age, and Massey-Harris Dealers, Phone 781. good pedieree. N. R. Green& 1 Sans, Nestieton. 25-1* %% The Canadit[n -Statesman Classifie. Advertising Rates : Effective June 21, 1951'i :~ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, ,. FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. ±Cash Rate --3e per word with a minimum of 500 : Must be paid by date of insertion.. If charged, an additional 25é will be added. A charge of 250 wiIl he made for ail replies directed de to this office, NOTICES, COMING EVENTS ANDJ ~ 3 awod it aCARDS 0F THANKS .0 awor wih aminimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less : :BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES . $1.00 per insertion SIN MEMORIAMS --$1.00 plus 10e a line for verse ..Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates jAil Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than*: 12 o'dock noon, Wednesday. -ed cash, stamps or money order and save money- * (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Real Estate For Sale HOUSE, 4 rooms and bath, % - acre land. Phone 913. 1 24-1* HOUSE and lot for sale, easy terms.: Phone 3142. 25-1 STREET car on 1-acre of land, has lights, water and phone. 10 minutes' drive from Oshawa. $1500. Phone 5-4934. 25-1* FARM for Sale - 100-acre fanm, 50 miles east ai Toronto, near Highway No. 2, 35 acres ai bush, 65 acres workable, nunning water, good buildings. Phone Clarke 3623, Lanson Milîson, Newtonvile, Ontario. *25-1 GILL REAL ESTATE $3,500-In Newcastle, 5 raoms, insul-brick home, hydro, extra lot, large garage 32' x 50'. $4,500-On East Beach, 7 roonîs, insul-bnick, insulated home, heavy wiring, 3-pce. bath. H. G. (Hap> GUI, Realtor Office 3326 Phone Residence 3514 $8,700-Brick house in good con- dition, large garden, residential district. 160 acres, good income farmo near Oshawa, permanent stream, bush lot, 1 mile from highway. WTe have a client wanting a good 200 acre farm near highway. Bailey & Taylor Phone 767 25-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Solid brick, 7 rooms, bath, hvdro, furnace, marble fireplace, bard- wood f loors, garden. $10,300. Terms. Insul-brick store in village. 5- room apartinent, hydro, 6 ft. frig- idaire, 6 ft. show case, slicer, grinder, 3 sets scales. pop cooler, nearly new; merchanduse at in-ý voice price. $12,000f. Termas. Frame dwelling, 5 rooms, hydro, hen house, 3 acres, floor cox'ering. Poss e s s i o n arranged. $4,000. Terms. Frame dwelling, 4 rooms, full basement. bath. hydro, heavy wir- ing. $3,500. Ternîs. Farms, dwellings, stores, garages and lots. James Nixoni, Broker 160 Liberty St. N.. Bowmanville Phone 682 25-1* Wanted WOMEN to wax and polish floors, etc., once wveekly. Phone 2282 after 6 p.m. 25-1 GIRL, 15 years old, wants sum- mer employment. Phone 3375. 25-14: ROOM and board for working mother and ten-year-old daugbter. Write Box 599, e/o Canadian Statesman Office. 25-1 * "A HOME away from home." A comfortable room- with board for a High School teacher. Please reply to Edith M. Laycock, Mil- tpn, Ontario. 25-1 LIVE poultry, goose feathers, fea- ther ticks' bags. scrap iron and metai. DiÉl Oshawa 54912 col- leet, or write I. Turner, North Oshawa. 17-14 IMMIGRANT family arriving at Quebec Fniday wants farmn em- ployment at once. S, Buma, R.R. 1. Nestieton, Phone Port Penny 225r24. 25-1* DEAD FARM STOCK Plcked Up promptly Horses, cows, beifers, sheep, Pigs and new bora calves. (We pay for horses, cows and heifers> As an added service we will .o-aperate with your veteninarian in past-mortem. 2 liec per lb. for live horses Caîl colleet Bowmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone Work Wanted YOUNG man wants work part tîme or steady: also tractor work. Phone Clarke 2504. 25-1* SEPTIC tanks cleaned and chim- neys repaired. Write Box 584, Statesman Office. 25-1 DRESSMAKING and altérations, button holes made, drapes made- to-order, neat work guaranteed. Phone 3649, 10 Division St. south. 24-3 BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize in complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf WORK WA NTED Bulldozing, and Excavating By Hour or Contract Gerald Balson HAMPTON PHONE 2733 25-3 WORK WANTED BuIldozing and Excavating BY HOUR OR CONTRACT Free Estimates Given We specialize in farm impravement. Wm. Tripp FORT PERRY, R.R. 2 Phone 109r42 18-13 WORK WANTED Painting Decorating Na Job too Large or to We go anywhere. SmalI.1 PHONE:- Port Perry 124r15 (Reverse Charges) 22-tf Help Wanted CARETAKER for Tyrone Church. Apply ta Percy Werry, Chairman of the Board. 25-1* EXPERIENCED carpenters, top wages, steady work ta night men. G. Reynolds, Courtice. 25-1 Far mers Attention!1 WE will be pleased ta picktup dead or crippled faim animals and pay higbest prevailing Pnices. For immediate service Telephone Colleet, Toronto Empine 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W. Gardon Young Ltd. 7-42 Personal SKINNY MÉN, WOMEN! Gain 5 ta 15 lbs.: new pep. Tny Ostrex Tonie Tablets for new, healthy flesh; new vigon. Introductory, "ýget-aequainted" size only 60e. Ail dnuggists. 25-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with pnice list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Repairs REPAIRS toalal makes af refrig- enators, damestie and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elec- trie, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf i Attention Farmers! Co mme n cing Thursday, dune 28h and each and every Tbursday to SEPT. 27th, ail sales beld at the Durham County Sales Arena at ORONO will be held in the evening commencing at 7 p.m. sharp. Plan to meet your farm friends on Thursday evening of each week throughout the summer mon ths. L. HALL, Sales Manager JACK REID, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE- The undersigned bas reeeived instructions from the IExecutors of tbe Estate of the late Ernest Reid to seli by public auction at bis late residence LOT 10, CONCESSION 3, CLARKE TOWNSHIP 1,ý mile west and % mile south of Crooked Creek at 1:00 p.m. sbarp Tuesday, June 26 The followîng. HORSES Matched Team of Clyde Mares, 9 and 10 years, 1500 lbs. MILK COWS 2 Hereford Cows, 4 years, both fresh and with caîf at foot; Ayre- sbire Cow, 4 years, fresh, caîf at foot; Dur~ham and Jersey Cow, 4 years, fresh, caif at foot; Ayr- shire Cow, 6 yrs., due Sept.; Veal Fat Pig 15 Hybrid Hens MACHINERY Empire 2-plow Tractor, used 2 months; International 2-funow Tractor Plow; Me-Deering Binder, 6 ft. eut, gaod as new; Cutter; Mc-Deering Manure Spreader, good as new; International 10 it. Hay Rake; Toboggan Sleighs: McCormick Mower, 5 it.; Set of Team Dise; Twin Plow; Hay Loader; 4-section Diamond Han- rows; Buggy; 2 Single Plows; Rubber-tired Wagon: Seed Drill; McCormiek Cultivator: 2 Hay Racks; Fanning Miii; 150 it. Hay Fork Rope; Forge; Anvi]; Steel Vice; Saws: Ahl kinds ai Tools: Quantity of inch Lumber; Set Breeching Harness: Set Teami Harness: 200 Bus. Mixed Grain; Quantity of Loose Hay; 10 acres af Standing Hay: Renfrew Bench Cream Separatar, nearly new; Quantity ai Furnitune Terms Cash No Reserve JACK REID, Auctioneer. 25-I Lost KITTEN, two months aid, blaek Persian. 6 claws on front paws and 5 on back. Retunn ta Patsy Johnson, 39 Ontaria St. 25-1" FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, IMMEDIATE Sale - Gift Shop. try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Children's Wear, Lingerie. 111 Shop, opposite Gartan Bus Ter- heaith fonces sale. Reasonable. mial. 31-ti'Mrs. L. A. Reid, Oronio, Ont. .15-1' AUCTION SALES I have receîved instructions from Mn. Adam Keane, 1 Con. north ai Orono, ta seil by public auction on Friday evening, June 29th, at 8 p.m., 30 acres ai stand- ing hay. Tenms cash. No re- serve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 25-2 Having sold his fanm Mn. Thomas Gimblett, Lot 24, Con. 2, Darlington Township, first iarmi south of No. 2 Highway on the Solina Road, will selI by public auction on Saturday, June 3Oth, at 1 p.m. sharp, ail his farm stock, implements and funniture. Termis cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 25-1 I have reeeived instructions irom the farm manager ai Tekwini Farms, 3 miles east and 1 mile north of Bowmanville, ta seli by public auction on Satur- day, July 7th, at 1 p.m. sharp, his entire household effeets, îll purchased new withun the last year. 55 acres of standing hay, 40 acres of mixed grain. Terms cash. No neserve. For partie- ulans sce bills. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 25-2 The undersigned auctioneer will selI hy public auction the propenty ai Russell McLaughlin, in the Village of Enniskillen, 8 miles north ai Bowmanville, Saturday, June 3Oth, bis machinery, inelud- ing: M.-H. 44 tractor, on rubber, used 3 months, with floor stand and lights, and two extra pulleys, good as new; a Mount Forest "Newv Favounite" thresher, size 24 -36, claver attachment and shredder, witli higb elevator, an nubber, f irst ciass condition; George White 15" silo filler, this box bas filled six silos, good as new; 3-funrow International trac- ton plow, new Faîl 1950; 8 ft. In- ternational cultivaton, xvith tractor hitch; 100 it. of endless beit and 50 ft. endless belt. As Mn. MeLaughlin is giving up bis custnm work there will be no reserve. A bave articles are in first class condition. Tenms cash. Sale at 2 p.rn., at Enniskillen Sehool grounds. Clifford Pethick, auctioneen. 25-2 For Rent FURNISHED light housekeeping room, central: also tent and two camp cots. Phone 3477. 25-1* LARGE apartment in the country, north ai Tyrane. Phone 2365. 25-1 * HOUSE ta rent-Grant Jackson, Blackstock, Phone Part Perry. 333rl 1. 25-1* THREE-room winterized cottage, haîf-mule from village and six miles fnom Bowmanville. Phone 2523. . 25-1* Custom Work CUSTOM baling with Rata baler. Marley MeAllister, Phone Garden Hill 6r14. 25-3 WANT your corn scuffled or a water system installed? Phone Harvey Partner, Tyrane, 2240. 25-1 Announcement ... W. H. DRGW has been appointed DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE for Sani's Garden Tractors Free Demonstratlon and Immediate Delîvery Phone 497 Wanted To Rent MARRIED couple with no child- ren desire two or three roomns un- furnished. Box 600, c/o Canadian Statesman Office. 25-1* Wanted To Buy BUCK rake. Phone 2590 or 2115. Charlie Downey. 25-1* BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our pnices are bigber. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 51-tf ATTENTION! For Prompt Attention BRICK WORK, BLOCK WORK MASON WORK, ETC. Cancre te Floors, Foundations, Sidewalks, etc. - Free Estimates Given - L. Turner Phone 3231 Bowmanvllle 25tf Anyone Interested GRASS SILAGE contact Frank Symons BOWMANVILLE Equipinent ineludes: Large Capaclty Engine Driven Harvester and Self Unioading Wagons. Phone 2459 Turu Page for Additioual Classified AUCTION SALE The underslgned has received Instructions front Neil Curtis to seil by public auction, at LOT 10, CON. 1, z MAN'VERS TOWNSHIP 1 mile south of Pontypool Saturday, June 23 at 1 p.m. The following: Valuable Furniture, Machinery, Livestock, Lumber, Etc. Norge Electrie Stove, ail enamel, near new; Findlay Cook Stove, near new, ail enamel; Sewlng Machine: 3 -piece Chesterfield Suite, wine velour, near new; Kitchen Table and Four Chairs, near new; Child's Cot; Living- room Rug; 3 Sniall Tables; Dmn- ing-room Table; Kitchen Couch; 3-piece Parlour Suite; Cupboard; Kitchen Cabinet with porcelain top; Day Bed; Couch; Upright Piano; Washer: Davenport: Two Washstands; 2 Toilet Sets; Large Heater; Philco Electric Radio; Bed and Springs, complete with mattress; Battery Radio;, Number Kitchen Chairs, Electric Meat Grinder,' new; Set Toledo Store Scales, new., MACHINERY Deep Well Force Pump, with gas motor; Single Scuffler; 1937 Chev. Truck, new motor, platform and racks; Rubber-tired Wagon, on roller bearings; M.-H. Seed Dril: 2-rowed Corn Cultivator; Set Toboggan Sleighs; McCor- mick Mower, 5 ft. cûit; Quantity Scrap Iron: Several Cords of Stove Wood; Quantity of inch Lumber: Colony House, 10 x 12; 3 Double Plows; Set Team Harn- ess: 100 Chiekens, 3 months; 500 Chicks, 8 weeks old; 4 Pigs, 90 lbs. each; 1 Gander. The property consisting of 150 acres with 100 acres of workable land and 40 in Tobacco, 3 Kilns equipped with oul heating system, 7-room insul-brick bouse, good barn 60 x 40 is for sale. For further particulars see Neil Curtis. Terms Cash No Reserve F. E. Lyeett, JTack Reid, Clerk. Auctioneer. 25-1 will be held on Sundayi July !SI Services at 2:30 and 7:36 p.ns. Rev. John Wilkinson of Oakwood United Church, will be guest speaker at bath services. SPECIAL MUSIC rprovided by Sunday School Nonday, July 2nd SUPPER wili be served frontr 4:30 p.m. until ail are served.ý SOCCER GAME 7 p.m. - Sauina vs. Hampton CONCERT at 8:30 p.m. Blackstock Young People wuil present their play "*RAGGEDY NAN" Admission: Adults- Tea. and Concert 11.9» Concert only --- ,' Children- Tea and Concert --60o Concert only - . 25é 25-2 Strayed HEIFER -strayed onto ot5 Con. 5. Owner may bave sarne by proving property and paying, expenses. Phone 2581. 25-1 Local Price of -Meat Not Uppbd As Much As In The Cities While the retail pnice ai beef has increased by as much as 10 cents a pound in other s tions ni Ontario, the mnark-4~~ local1 butcher shps and gy tre is only three cents tc te. Due ta the obdurate attitude ai U.S. cattlemen in respect ta the government arbîtrarily set- ting a wholesale buying price be- low that registered by supply and demand, cattie are not being mar- keted in~ the States, which means a consumer shartage, high pnioes, and the necesslty of finding a nwbuyîng market. U.S. cattîs buyers have tunned ta Canada. According ta a recent report, U.S. purchases ai livestock in this country have Increased by as much as 35 per cent. This buy- ing refleets in the Canadian home by redueing the available meat supply and shooting up the per pound cost. Western Canada lu the breed- ing ground ai mast ai the water- BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH An COST 50c PER AD COMING EVENTSe' The Goodyear Recreation Club Picnic scheduled for Saturday, June 23rd, has been postponed. 25-1 Commencing Friday, June 22, round and square dancing; every Friday night, Geneva Park, l Ruth Wilson *Variety tand. ' is ing £rom 9 p.m. 'titi 1 a.m.bïAd mission 50c.- 25-1 Bowmanvillé Legion Carnival. Saturday, June 3Oth, 1951. Tickets on sale for 1951 Ford Sedan, Kel- vinator Electric Refrigerator and- Beatty Electric Wasbing Machine. Group 'No. 1 of St. Paul's W.A. are holding a Strawberry Tea ana Home Cooking Sale, Friday, June 22nd, from 3 to 6 p.m. Price 25c in 'St. Paul's Lecture Room. Ail welcome. Come and enjay your strawberries fresh. 25-1* Haydon Sunday Sehool Anni- versa-y services will be held on July lst at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m., with Rev. F. J. Whitely, Oshawa, guest speaker. Special music. On July 2nd, sports, tea and con- cert. Full partieulars next week. 25-1 Plan to attend the supper and concert at Nestieton United Church on Friday, June 29th, sponsared by the W.A. and W.M.S. Admission is aduits 85e and child- ren 40e. Supper served from 5:30 on. Everyone welcome. 25-1 Strawberry Social and Bazaar under auspices of Woman's As- sociation will be held on New- castle United Church lawn, Wed- nesday, June 27th, at 5 p.m. Attractive assortment of aprans, pillow cases, etc.; also home-madle candy for sale. Admission 50c and 35e. 25-1 Church Parade-The membée ai Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 230î4 Bowmanvil]e, are holding th1 annual Church Parade ta thei. vation Army Barracks, June 24, at il a.m. Ahl members and County District Lodges are invited# ta meet at the Odd Fellows Hall at 10:30 a.m. 25-1* St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock, observes its lOlst Anniversary Sunday, July lst. Services at il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Special preacher, The Rural Dean, Rev. H. Hesketh. Monday, JuIy 2nd: Supper and play in Cao - munity Hall. Supper served frdu.> 5:30 p.m. Play commences 8:30 p.m. "George in a Jam," (~ Bethany Church Playersý Ad. mission: adults-supper and play, $1.00; play, 50c. Children-50e; play only 25e. 25-1* Hampton Sunday School Annivergary

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