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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1951, p. 4

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PAGE roux Daughler Pays Deauliful Trihute To Rer Durham Conty Father One of fthe fincît publisbed tributes ever pald ta a Dati ap- peareti in the St. Marys Journal- Argus iast week. It was viritten by Mrs. Helen M. Wilson (in hem weckiy tenture column headeti 'From Helen'ýs Angle") te hem fa- ther. M. W. J. (Billy) Mils, well ktnawnanti beleveti Durham County boy, anti a native et En- nlskillen. viheme sevemal other tamaus Canadians tinst saw the light et day. Whther you know Biily Miils or net we can assure aur rentiers yeu wiltinti this tribute bath inteesting anti stim- tilating. It is heaieti: TO DAD ON FATHER'S DAY If I bat a dime for evemy time someone bas saidt t me, "Your Fathem's reaiiy remarkable," I'ti have quite a neat bank balance'. In case yau're unacquainteti with the gentleman in question, this comment is eliciteti by the tact that, at 85 yeams et age, W. J. Milis coulti pass (anti bas) for 69. Proot: as ecently as three weeks age, viben he took Mother te Newi York. the St. Thomas sta- tion agent suggcsted he take eut traveller's insumance. For fun, Dati agreeti. Tben get a waiiop eut et watching the agent's cx- pression et amazeti incrcduiity wben. atter asking "Are you 69 or 69, sir?" Dati gave bis actual age. Net only dees he look far younger than bis years, bis men- tal alertness belies them tee. He can converse with any age greup, holti their intcrest, punctuating bis remarks wîth illustmative anecdotes fram bis ovin experi- ence or frem the tunti et funny stemies be bas at bis commandi. Never a duil moment when Dati's chairman for the evening! Fur- thermere. yeull stili fint i bit daiiy at his desk in the Cement Plant office, bctween 9 anti 5, wieldig a straiglit pen (neyer a fountain one) as expertly as ever. In tact. Charlie Hall telti me only a year or se age that the audi- tors bati remnmked te bim on th excellence et books kept by a Mm. Milis at the Cement Plant. Nice tribute. n'est ce pas? Know vihere Bevimanville is? Weil, nine miles back tram theme is a littie village caileti Ennis- kilien whcrc Dati was bamn May 17. 1866. Always thaught it sheulti have been Mamch 17, as bis tather was born in Enniskiiien, Irelanti-anti is Dati ever prouti et that Irish ancestmy! I neyer knew my paternal gantitather (or my matemnal ones. for that -matter). Al et them dicti before I was elti enough te remember. But Dad's mather was an exccedingly in- dustriaus vioman. His father an expert hamness maker whaotten tumneti eut harness ta go with carniages t r a m McLaugbiin's (General Moters) carniage shop. In fact, Dati anti the McLaugblin boys grevi up together anti mc- maincti frientis throughout the years. From any early photos I've scen et Dad, he looks a very soiemn littie lad. You couitin't cal im goati looking but he has a nice staightforward appearance. Lat- Headed for Health!1 Smart Mems keep Juniors an the path of health . . . with tasty milk drinks every after- neon! Our extra-rich milk makes tem pting egg-nog, milk shakes, malteds! Serve them daily. GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 444 BOWMANVILLE EMPLOYED MEN AND WOMEN, MARRIED OR SINGLE Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan will help yeu pay medical or dental bis, make home or auto repairs, or serve a sixilar worthy purpose-there are three ways to get that boan at lPooal. 110W TO CET A LOAN FAST! L Yeu zay phone FIRST EXAMPLES 0F LOANS -andi get the cash in $Cas.h 15 MO. 24M0 * 24M0ý one isitYou 2. Yau insy write or pliones5.9595765 for a boan entirely by $121 $281 $40 mail. E..'. S 'ye.gfor in b. "fa. 3. You rnay cerne right in ..atl@* f Th on"fl Of *<i00 andi ask for the YES **Caa.tC'd MANager. Whichever way you choose, be confident you will re-~ ceive the friendly, prompt service that matie 7Nuonal the cheice of a great many people last yeam. ~4~4 No endorsers or bankable security requireti. Fer a loan your way andtiai-phone, write, corne in TODAYI HAI LIKfS TO SAY VS" FINANCE CO, 2nd FI., 111/2 SIMCOE ST., NORTH (Over Bank of Noya Scotia) Phone: 3-4687 a Charles D., YES MANager toans mode ta residents of ail surrnanding lawns - Persanal Finance Campany af Canada cm. as a young man with heavy blackc moustache. ho looks ra- ther like the vlillian in a play. My guess is that lic took life more seiously then than novi. His child.hood pleasures were simple ones: an orange in lits seck at Christmas. Such a treat that he saved the skin and car- ried it 'round in bis packet for weeks-just nibling at it-mak- ing it last as long as possible- knowing it woulti be bis last tîli next Christmnas. Andi sleigh-rid- ing devin the big bill at Ennis- killen. Once Dad's sleigh veered inte a tence post, teaing the lig- aments et bis ieg se badly lie vas laid up ail winter (and stili bas the scar). That was the winter when, te help while away the heurs, he learned ta crochet (if yeu can pictume my Dad cro- cheting!) Public scheol in Enniskiiien was followed by High n Bow- manville. With Dati walking the nine miles there and back each weekend. As the eldest et three children (a sister "Lizzie" anti brother "Cal"-beth nevi deceaseti) Dad lett home fer Winnipeg when only 16 years. Why Winnipeg? 'Cause the Winnipeg representa- tive for Maxwells was tram En- nîskillen anti had ottered Dati a job. This was the first et many places in which Dad liveti and worketi: Paris (vihere he met, woeed and won rqy Môther), St. Marys. St. Je, Missouri, Logan, Kans. anti Kansas City, Chicago (wherc for 14 years he superin- tendeti a couple et hospitais), Lo- gan again. Then finally bnck te St. Marys vihere he and Mother contenti they've spent the hap- piest years of their lives. My chiltihood memories et Dad begin in Chicago and serve ta show what a peach et a Pa he was/is. There was the time I was in hospital with inflamatory rhcumatism anti hovilet i f any one but Dad tried te move me, I acheti se-ail over Anti only Dad seemedt t know just how te lift me without hurting Maybe it was due bis hands: big, sett, gentle hantis I thaught et this the other day when, within cup- peti hands. he helti our budgie, "Jeey," who snuggled devin for ail the weli as the' in a cosy nest. In Chicago tee, Dati intreduceti me te the lake-anti swimming. Weil, we calleti it swimming. I was pretty small the'. se splash- ing might be more correct. Anti what a splash I made as I~d jump from the diving board inte the water-supremeiy confident I was safe as a church as long as Dati was there te catch me when I came up. Years inter. in St. Marys, I really leamnedt t swim and lave the mmemoy et those early Suntiay momning tiips with Dad at the Sarnia bridge. He taught some et my- frientis te swim tee: Mary Antierson. Con. Watson, Jean Maxwell anti Maud Geen. However, Dati was most meticulous abeut aur getting back tram these Sunday a.m. (5-6 a.m.!) swims in plenty et time fer chumch! Speaking et Church, Dati was originally a Presbyterian anti fer years my Anglican mether at- tendeti that chumch with him.ý Then-in Kansas-Dati got ropeti inte keeping records for the littie Episcapaiian Mission in Logan. Upen returning te St. Marys he accampanieti Mother te St. James' anti, in Mm. Farney's time, was contimmeti. Since then he's been a egular attendant. Oniy in Chicage titi he anti Muz back- slitie a bit. But let Dad tell it: "We went te the same churcb reguiarly, Sunday atter Sunday fer months. But net a seul spake ta us. No one said Hello- Go te b-, or a tiemneti thing. Se we lett anti went ta Suntiay base- bail games insteati." Dati took me everyvihere. With bim I saw my fimst Ziegtielti Follies. niV first lacrosse anti hockey games. One such' occa- sion here in St. Marys still sticks in my mmnd. I'd be. about 15 r guess, anti we viere bounti for the Flats. Hati got as far as the Jones St. bridge when Dati ebancedti t glance at me- ant- horrors!-I'd pawtiemet my nose. Sa he made me go back home and wash my face. In retraspeet ne anc neetis ta tell me how lucky I've been in having aà Dati with wham I've N'eeuleeraft New s hy Pa dé iRoyý D ID YOU EVR notice how same people seein ta have à speciai talent for living? It hau nothing ta do wth their social or economic standing -.the aise or location cf their homes. It's a knack of knowing how ta live graciously. They furnisb their homnes taste- fuly-and in keepinç with their own likes and dialikes.Tbey . achieve the "homey" touch by .. ..~ ijtigtheir homes and fur- ' ni.hings! Even the arrangement " ' ' of their furniture bespeaksaa friendly, bosfpitable spinit. Cer t- fortable chairs drawn up bef are the fireplace to encourage group conversation or around the caf- fee table for a sociable hour spent over afternoon refresh- ' ment@. These people give toaa bouse the wonderful atmospbere of a happy home. Sornehow ît's the little thins that are most revealing. Furni- ture may be aId, rugs worn with use, but if the curtains are crisp and white, the Iacy doilies are fresh on night-table and dresser and the tray caver ex- quisite under tea things, your bouse says the kind of tliings about with ornamental crochet. At top, a you that any weman likes to bear. pale bine pillowslip trimmcd with a Truc, it takes time and taste, pa- curve of round motifs in yellow and tience and ingenuity, but a woman blue. Thie motifs are appliqued in with the talent for gracious living place, the fabric eut away underneath will find great pleasure in adding. leaving a filigrceeof crochet. At bot- small personal toucbes ta ber house- tom, clusters of lavender and green bold linen. She will initial ber sheets, motifs decorate a pair of pink pillow add a graceful bandmade edging ta cases. For directions for making ber pillow slips and embroider her DAISY AND FORGET-ME-NOT table cloths and mats. PILLOWCASES, send a stamped, Pictured bere is a recipe for lovely self-addresscd enveolope to this paper, bcd linens - pastel pillowcases edged requesting Leaflet No. P-307. NE WTON VILLE (Intended for last week) Elmer Randaîl, Oshawa, with bis mother, Mrs. Jennie Randail. Jim Gilmer frkctured his thumb, plàying bail, and will bc out ef the game for seme time. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Mrs. Thomas Burkell, Hamil- ton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cieland Lane. Mrs. Ellis Sr. was moved te Bowmanvifle Hospital by ambu- lance Monday evening. Clinton Burley, Tarante, came down for the weekend. His mother. Mrs. Spencer Burley, continues very poorly. Mrs. John Elliitt. Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Darlington at the Glover cottage. A number of aur Masonie brethern paraded te St. George's Church, Newcastle, fer service Sunday evening. Mrs. William Uglow is visit- ing Mr. axid Mrs. Cecil White, Part Hope. Mr. and Mrs. William Knox, Beys' Training School. Bowman- ville. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -Fred Nesbitt. Our girls' sot tbail team have piayed five gamnes. won three, tied anc and lest the last game, Monday evening, ta Orone. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Allin, Ta- rante. with Mr. George Thomp- son and bis sister. Miss Bertha, who returned with them te the City. Mr. and Mrs. Clinten Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormis- ton attended the nurses' "At Home," Oshawa, Friday evening. Mm. andi Mrs. John Pearce and Mr., andi Mms., Earl Walkey with Mm. and Mrs. Walter Whittaker, Toronto. Mrs. Moses Heard who waiking aiong' the street one day when a friend, cf mine, who'd had a tew drinks. feli into step beside me. We taîketi as we walked, and just as he was ieaving me this chap said. 'Yeu know, Bill, yeu weuldn't be a bad felew- if yeu anly took a drink'!" Tho' Dati neither drinks nom smekes he's broad-minded enough that, if the other fellow wants, it, it's O.K. by him. He believes too in the maxim "If yeu can't say something good about a persan, say nething at ail." Aise that "Jack's as gooti as his master." Censequently he numbers his friends trra al walks et life. An omniverous reader. Dati has a wide knowledge andi magnifi- cent commanti et the English language. He aIse writes a beau- titul hand which he himselt evol- ved. andi employs each year at Christmas time when he pens approximately 100- letters .te trientis far anti wide. (From re- Plies receiveti anc gleans hew eagerly those letters are antici- pated!' Once upon a time my ]Jad wvas shy. But "neyer ne more." Ta- day he mixes with the greatest case in any cempany. Anti, be they olti or young, they tinti him entertaining. Recently a friend et mine said. "Yeur Pa's a dear. The nicest man in town. Tell him I saiti se." While another tolti me. "I had the cutest note tram yeur Dad the ether day. It was se amusing." Andi se it gees. Te a large extent, Dad hides bis light untier a bushel-the bushel et anenymity. Many vers- es and articles et his have been pubiished under a non de plume. Why? Just modest I guess. Many donations te this and that bc's made iikewise (much te Ma's disgust!) "They'll think you neyer give anything, Billy." I've heard her aey. But Billy doesn't give a hoot). Civic minded? Sure. He's a Rotarian. Mason anti one time diecter ot "A. Y." pinys. (Long betore "Little Theatre," to which he also belongs). His main hobby Is antique fur- niture-preferably walnut. Cen- sequently bis home contains some very fine pieces. Oh yes-anti be's fend et herse races (blarne Lex Sr.). .Ask Dad the secret ef bis suc- cess as an ectegenarian a*d he'Il probably tell you it's due bis daily rising at 5 a.m. and bis daily dish (winter anti summer) ot oatmeal porridge! Dear Dad-had I Tcanvncassei the has been making bis berne with his daughtcr, Mrs. Clinton Browin, passeti away on Monday, June 11. at the age et 91. Only a fcw short weeks aga they had a tam- iiy gathering ta celebmate bis birthday which was Feh. 29. The tuneral service was helti June 13 tram Mr. Broins residence ta Bovimanville Cemetery, with Rev. D. T. Lancaster in charge. W.M.S. met at the home et Mrs. Cecil Burley on Tuestiay. During the discussion they cx- presseti the wish te let thase. vie contributeti clothing for an Ai- berta mission, know how much it vins appreciateti. Reti Cross Visiting Hememak- ers give a much neetiet service in 25 Ontario communities. geing inte the home et came fer tamilies vihile the mothers are ill. 2680 familiis with 5810 chiltiren werc given 19,969 days et service iast year. KENDAL. ebà , I ing. Proceeds are ta, be usedti t take a bus trip at the close of thc term. There was a fine turnout Sun- day afternoon wben the Orange- men of Clarke District attendeti their annual service in Kendal Unitedi Church. Rev. Lancaster preacheti a fine sermon. assiateti by'the Kimby Choir. Xenaal fit e andi drum banti were in attend- ance. Kential bail team and fans Journeycti by bus and cars te take part In the Sports Day at Camborne on June 9th. The bal teain were in good trim and won tram Cambomne 10-1, with Quan- trili on the mounti for Kendal. The herse racing was anather en- Jayable tenture. (Intended for last week) Mmi. Dave Vannatte and Cecil were in Victoria Hambour visit- ing ber mother, Mrs. Moore, whe is in the bespitai Miss Christine Jiliseri, Peter- borough, witb Mm. andi Mrs. Joe Jilisen. Cccii Vannatto is having some bolitinys novi that tjie Goodyear men at Bowmanville are on strike. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hilditch spent the wcekend in Bavimanville. Alec Little anti Bob Alexandi- em, Toronto. were at' their re- spective homes. Mm. anti Mrs. Mclntyre and John. Tomohto, visiteti Mm. and Mrs. Hcrb Reynolds. Mm. anti Mrs., George Swar- biçk anti frientis, Toronto, werc guests et Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Swarbrick. Mr. anti Mrs. Truman Garbutt, Tarante, visiteti hem tather, Mm. anti Mrs. James Swarbmick. Sunday guests with Mrs. D). Vannatto anti Cecil werc: Bob Vannatte, Toronto; Mm. anti Mmi. Shirley Vannatto. Port Hope, andi Mm. anti Mrs. Len Oughtred anti Donna, Wesleyvilie. Mr. anti Mrs. Eaml Bumiey anti family visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Percy Burley. Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mrs. Ariel Langstaft on the ar- rivai et a tiaughter at Bowmnn- ville Hospital. Some ladies trom here attend- ed the bazaar in Bowmanviile anti reporteti a fine selectien et articles with a large crowd on handti t purchase them. Some et aur anglers were lucky over the weekcnd in se- curing some fine big trout. Newcastle bail team playeti Kendal here on Tucstiay betore a gooti crowti. The fitth inning was uniucky for Kential whcn Newcastle secureti 10 runs and woan by a 16-5 score. On Friday evening a fine pro-, gramme vins put an in the Or- ange Hall by the pupils et Mc- Leans, Kential anti Sixth Line scheols under the able super- vision et Neil Stewart anti the three teachers. -Miss Gorrill, Mrs. Reg. Eliiatt anti Miss Katie Stew- art. There was n large gmeup et pupils taking part as there arc navi about 60 pupils attending the threc schoois. A number et thetn starteti at Enster, anti with the last three New Canadians net yet able te speak English, the teach- ers anti Neil Stewart are te be congratulateti on the fine show- Play Golf at Port Hope The Pari Hop& Golf & Country Club a Warn to visit SNACK BAR xtends m welcome ing players DINING ROOM j HOT AND LULD SHOWEU.5 Out of Town Memlbership $ 15.00 per yeur 1 Green Fées, Monday to Friday - $1.00 per day Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays -$1M .per day 10 jIxi' Don't take chances on annoying when you'l be doing plenty of troubles that can spoil your extra driving, most every day. driving pleasure-on costly repair bis that may cut into your vacation budget. Let your nearby Ford-Monarch Dealer or Mercury-Li ncoln -Meteor Dealer put your car in tip-top shape for carefrcc, touble-free miles in the warm-weather months ahead It pays to take your car to your Dealer for service because your Dealer knows your car bestl You can be sure of satisfaction because expert servicemen do the work- using factory-approved equipment -factory-approved methds-and Genuine Ford Parts. FORD a MONARCH a DEALER MERCURYo LINCOLN@'METEOR DEALER, HERE'S WHAT YOUR CAR NEEDS For Top Performance a Complet., sclenteflc engin* tufs-up. a Ail wheis removed end braka linings Insp.ct.d. ~' Brake adjustment. 0 ~ Front wheel toarlngs cl.aned and repocked. 0 Oilifliter cortvldge r.piaced, if need.d. 9 Oil bath air cleaner clean.d and refllled. 0 Cooling syst.m dralnd-ef connections tlghtened. 0 Chassis lubrlcated comtÀeiy. 0 Engins, transmission and dif- ferential draln.d end mefliled with factory recommended summer lubricants. 0 rires lnspected a end.«& if noesseryt KING ST. E. (Near Cemetery) DG WNAN VILLE Stafford Brou. NomumemIi Works Phono WblSU 318 Dunda S&BLZ,.WIiSb FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARER iPrecise workmanshlp and cmreful attention to dota»l are your assurance when you choose from the wlde selection of lnported and domestlc Granites and Marbles in stock. I Alexander Motors PHONE 551 PLUMDING & BOT WATER HEATING OIL BURNERS INSTALLED iniany type of furnace ALSO STOKERS A. J. Hfeari & Nf.]Bothwel PHONE: Noon and 5 p.xu. - 3473 Day or Niglit - 2085 . i THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO TMMWAT. Zm tilt issi TTým A IKtý dmdlr ý 1

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