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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1951, p. 7

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THUBSDAY._.TUNE 2lst, 1951 THE CANADIAK STATESMAIL BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Miss Kathleen Moxtlock, Ot- tawa, was guest on Tuesday of Mr-. and, Mxs. Geo. W. James. Mrs. Annie Maybank, Olds, ,Ata., is visiting ber brother, Mr-. ,,Xnd Mrs. John Cox, Elgin St. %Messrs. Ed. Hooper, Napanee, and Hub Hoapex-, Brantfor-d, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hooper. Mrs. John Luxton, Queen St., has returned home aftex- visiting her daughter, Ruth, in Aurora and visitiiig other friends. Mrs. Douglas, of Red Deex-, Al- berta, bas been visiting ber cou- 'Iltis, Mr-. and Mrs. H. A. Galbraith, imeéugog Street. Mx-s. H. Meincke and daughtex-, Sharon, Hamilton, spent the week- end wîtb hex- parents, Mx-. and Mx-s. L. H. Bucknell. Mx-. Thornley Pennington, Ham- ilton, has been visiting bis inother, Mx-s. Andx-ew Pennington and his sistex-, Mns. Fred Cryder- man. Mx-. Don Rowe, Bowmanviile, was among the guests attending the Howe -Smyth wedding June 9, in St. Gregory's Rectory, Osh- awa. Mr-. and Mrs. N. E. Williams and Mr-. and Mns. Curtis Hall spent Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. Kari Hall and attended the De- caration Service 'in Orono. Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. M. Dustan, Los Angeles, Calif., is visiting his sister, Mrs. M. M. Gexry, and ne- newing aId acquaintances o! bis youth in bis native town. Congratulations ta Kay Lycett, son of Mx. and Mns. William L. Lycett, on passing his first yeax- examinations at University of Toronto, pass arts course. Mx-. and Mrs. Jack Lander, Stanley Dunn and Geoffrey Moses attended a tbree-day Kinsmen1 District Convention at Cleveland1 flouse, Lake Joseph, in the Mus-g koka Lakes, from June 14 to 16. Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Hutchinson and daugbtex-, New Toronto, and Mx-. and Mrs. Bihl Hutchinson and daughter, Toronto, were guests of theix- mathex-, Mrs. M. J. Hutch- inson. Out-of-town guests attending the McFeeters - Foxrester wedçling eWj Oshawa oaâ June 9 included )"Mr. Chas. McFneters and Mx-. and Mrs. C. L. McFeeters, Bowman- ville. Public Utilities men recentiy trlxnmed trees on many Bowman-t ville streets that bad branches intexferng with bydro wines. Sevieral residents have complain- ed that the trimmed branches were left below the trees fox- tooc long a period allowing cblîdren( to pull them away into unwanted places.i Si. John's I Anglican Church Rev. W. N. Turner, B.A., B.D. 8 arn. - HOLY COMMUNION ia.rn. - FLOWER SERVICE 7 pm at St. PauI's Church Rev. S. IL Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minigter. - ALL ARE Bowmanviile's oldest citizen, Mx-s. Charles Manning, Welling- ton St., celebrated ber 92nd birth- day on June l5th and received congratulations fx-om her niany friends. Rotarians Dave Higgon, Ollie Robson, Geo. Moody, Ted Morris and Dave Buckspan represented Bowmanviile Rotary Club at the Charter meeting Fx-iday night o! Midland Rotary Club. Mrs. Giddus Jones returned from visiting hex- son and bis wife, Mx-. and Mrs. Ciifford P. Jones, at Ottawa. While there she attended the funeral o! ber cousin, Mr-. Clifford M. Johnston. Mr-. and Mrs. Walter Reynolds and son, David, and Mrs. W. R. Strike were in Guelph aver the weekend attending a reunion of graduates at the Macdonald In- stitute and the Ontario Agricul- tural Coliege. The Statesman tries ta keep Up witb examination resuits of Bow- manviile and district students, but we wouid very much apprec- iate youx- ca-operation sa tbat we may not overlook anyone. Just phone 663 with your information. Bell Telephone Company bas enected a public pay telephone on Temperance St. near King's Taxi. Tbe box is painted white. A sec- ond public telephone booth be- side the Royal Theatre is painted red. A native o! Port Hope and well known in musical cirches in Bowmanville, W. H. Wickett, 32, of Ingersoll, bas been appointed organist o! Wesley United Cburch, Lýondon. Ont. Mr-. Wickett wiil start bis duties July lst. The editor was pheased ta have a caîl on Friday.from Mr-. Chaude Law, St. Boniface, Man., and his brother, Mx-. Ivan Law, Whitby, bath natives of the Sohina district. Claude was xeturning home after attending the Presbyterîan Cburch Assembiy in Montreai. Rev. Warren Turner and Rev. Lloyd Delaney, o! Lakefiehd, are representing tbe Toronto Country Chux-ch Committee o! the Diocese o! Toronto, at tbe Annual Confer- ence of the Rural Workers' Fel- lowship of the Episcopal Chux-ch, at State Cohiege, Penn. The annual church parade af the Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 2384, wilh take place Sunday, June 24th. Membens wiil fox-m up at the Odd Fehlows Hall at 10:30 a.m. and will max-ch behind the Sal- vation Army Band ta the Citadel where Captain Deering wihl con- duct the service. Members o! otber Orange Lodges wiil be wel- comed. Hamilton Township. adjoin- ing the municîpality of Cobourg, bas agneed ta pay the County Town a fiat rate of $2.000 per year for fire pkotection in the fox-m of a fine pump service. Bowmanville made a similar ar- rangement some montbs ago whereby Dariington Township pays $1.000 a year plus an hourhy service charge for the local Fire Brigade answering cahis in the township. Mx-s. William Alhin, Scugog St., entex-tained at a surprise picnic 1 supper on hex- hawn for Miss Jean Turner- who is ta become the bride of Bob Stevens, son o! Mx-. and Virs. Ross Stevens. AIl the mem-i bers o! Miss Turner's public school chasses, Grades V and VI, and theix- mothers were guests, and the bride-ehect was presented with a loveiy hostess plate. The bhldren also px-esented ber with abook in which they had in- cribed their names. Mx-. and Mrs. Ernest E. Patter- aon, Mrs. Giddus Jones, Bowman- ville; Mx-. and Mrs. John Berry, MIr. and Mrs. Roy Ber-ry, Orono, i accampanied by their aunt, Mx-s. 1 r. E. Johnston, o! Portland, Ore- 1 Mr. R. G. Harle, Director of Music WELCOME Capt. and Mns. E. Deering Married in Oshawa Shown following their marriage in Christ Memorial Anglican Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, June 9th, are Mr-. and Mrs. George Wesley McFeeters. The bride is the former Barbara June Forrester, of Oshawa, and the groom is the son of Mr. Charles McFeeters, Bowmanville, and the late Mrs. lVcFeeters. gon, motored ta Peterborough on Sunday ta visit ber birtbphace. Whihe there, Mrs. Johnston en- joyed sceing tbraugh St. John's Anglican Cburch wbex-e she was christened 90 yeans aga. At the age a! 91, Mns. Johnston travelled ahane ta visit ber relatives bene. Rev. and Mrs. Wanren Turner wene "At Hame" ta parishionens and other friends on Friday at the rectory. During the after- noon houx- the fonmex-'s mother, Mx-s. Webbe- Turner, Peterbor- ough, assisted in receiving the guests. Tea was poured by the Warden's wives, Mrs. J. G. Par- ker- and Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston, and by the folawing presidents o! parish onganizatians, Mrs. Wm. Tait, Mrs. Jas. Overy, Mrs. E. C. C. Southey and Mrs. John Good- man. "Sunprised Fisherman" read a heading in the Toronto Stax-. Reading funthe- we found it ne- ferred ta a native o! Hampton and a brilliant B.H.S. graduate. Hex-e's the des patchà "Port Anthur, Ont.-Dr. Albert E. Allun, pro- vincial pathologist, 'was fishing for smelt when he netted a 24- inch ling, weighing nearly 2%½ pounds. The long, member of the cod family, usually is found ini the low deptbs o! Lake Superior." We'l lbok for more details of this event from. Dr. Albert when he pays bis annual visit here during the summer. Small local items make a news- paper-it is you and yaur family, their comings and gaings and theix- joys and sarrows, that this paper is intenested in. It is thisI newspape- that falaws you and your family ail through yaur life -trecords your birtb, it starts you ta school, it tells o! youx- pro- gress it graduates you, marries you Mid tells o! youx- death. This newspaper is yours and you can help ta keep it so by letting us know things-your visitors, part- es, birtbs, marriages, etc. We wtant ta make and keep tbis a ively, newsy paper and would certainly appreciate your help. St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary net on Monday evening at the home o! Mx-s. Alex McGrego-. M'rs. Webstex- conducted the wox- bhip service, the theme o! which vas "Warsbip and Wonk." Scrip- tue readings were given by Miss Helen Carruthers and Mrs. J. McQuannie. Items o! interest from. 'ariaus mission fields were read. Mrs. Dunn and Mx-s. MeGregor ead o! Japan; Mx-s. Turner read of Africa; Mrs. McQuarx-ie told bout Trinidad, and Miss Helen Carruthe-s told o! the New Can- adians. It was decided not ta hLd meetings during July and August. Officiai Titie 0f Mysterious Fish' Is Sheepshead Tbanks ta Pete McGilhen, The Toranto Telegram's famous "Out- doox- Calumnist," the puzzle posed by the strange fîsh caugbt by Dr. Harold Fergusan on a recent trip ta Dr. V. H. Storey's cottage on the shores o! Lake Nipissing bas been solved. Previously describ- ed as a "Freshwatex- Drum." the fish, according ta Mr. McGillen, is a "Sheepsbead.'" A sbeepsbead fish as descnibed in the Winston dictionary, is "a common and valuable food fisli ( Archosargus probatocephalus ) !ound on the Atlantic coast o! the United States: so cahhed from the resemblance o! its incisor teeth ta those of a sbeep . . ." Apparently the fisb Dr-. Ferguson caugbt was the "black sbeeps- head" o! the family wha wandex-- ed fnom bis Atlantic home. Wben the fisb was fixst taken to the Kitson Frigid Locker Sys- tem here it px-sented the biggest fisbermen's puzzle o! the seas-1 on. Many made attempta at iden-i tification until Jack Emerson1 provided a reasonable explana- tion a! its existence by calling it a freshwatex- drum. However, Wilfrid Kitson wanted ta be cer- tain so he addressed a query ta Pete MeGillen and sent along a picture of the odd !isb. It prov- ed to be a sheepshead.à STARK VILLE Miss Williams, Tor-onto, with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Todd. Mx-, and Mrs. Albert Harrison, Taronto; Mx-. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bowmanvîlle, with Mx-. and Mrs. Howard Farrow. Mx-. and Mrs. Lamne Tadd with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapheton, New- tonville. Miss Helena Hallowell, Toronto, at home. Congratulations ta Mx-. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson on the birth o! a son. Mr-. and Mrs. Dehbert Hallowelh and Linda, Toronto, with Mr-. and Mx-s. Jake Hallowelh. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family with Mr-. and Mrs. T. Falls, Kendal. Miss Norma Hahlowehh was guest at the Butler - Gilmex- wed- ding ini Trinity United Church, Bawmanville, Saturday. Mx-. and Mrs. Clar-ke and AIma spent Monday in Peterborough. Misses Colleen and Dehores Falls, Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss Mary Hallowelî. Mx-. and Mns. Clarence Gilmex- attended the Butler - Gilme- wed- ding on Satux-day. Mx-. and Mrs. Llew Hahlowell, Mx-. and Mns. Delbert Hahlowel and Linda with Mr-. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell, Monday evening. Shiloh W.A. met at the home o! Mrs. Lamne Todd with a fine attendance. Plans were com- pleted fox- the anniversary service on July lst, Mx-. Lancaster gave a fine tahk, "On Being Educated." Miss Hilîs gave a piano selection and Mrs. Dobson a reading. With a few wonds o! appreciation the ladies pnesented a quilt ta Miss Hihis wbo is lçaving aur commun- ity for duties elsewhere. Mr-. and Mrs. W. Chapman re- turned home Thursday from a two weeks' delightful trip and vacation spent at Truro, Cape Cod, Mass., in company with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nash and daugh- ter of Detroit, Mich. Mx-s. J. McCullough, Miss Edith McCullough, Toronto; Mrs. Chas. Patterson and son, Philadeiphia, were visitors at Geo. Gilbert's and Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey's. Mrs. Annie Stewart, Toronto; Mrs. F. M. Cryderman, Bowman- ville, and sister, Mrs. T. E. Hig- ginbothan, Vancouver, B.C., were visitons with Mrs. E. H1. Cole and Mrs. W. J. Ranton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Honey spent Sunday in Lindsay. Mx-s. Bruce Hyne, Mrs. J. Van- sickle and Mrs. Stanley Kennedy and families. Port Hope, were tea guests of Mrs. W. J. Ranton. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mx-. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and Jean, Osh- awa. Mrs. H. E. Tink, Solina, and Mrs. Joe Chapman were Sunday guests at Percy Dewell's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Suddaby of Burnt River; Mrs. Wes Reeds, M~r. V. Reeds, Mr-. and Mrs. T. MVoffatt, Fenelon Falls, were Sunday visitors with the Billetts. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moase, Little Britain, were guests of Mr. and Mrxs. Garnet Johnston. Mrs. E. H. Cole spent the week. end in Toronto. Miss May Van- stone accompanied her home on ruesday and is a guest of Mrs. Cole. Mr-. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam and son George, Port Perry, and granddaughter Sharon Baird, 3lackwater. were visitors with M4r. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Dr. J. A. and Mrs. Virtue and Iaughters Judy and Mary, Mont- real were dinner guests of Mr-. and Mrs. A. E. Billett. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nash and Iaughtex- Mavis. Detroit, Mich., 'isited Mrs. Nash's sister and husband, Mr-. and Mrs. Will Chap- man, on their return from Cape Cod. Rev. F. Keys, Toronto, Visual Education Secretary of the Up- >er Canada Bible Society, will be at the Sunday evening church er-vice and will gîve a message and present a sound film on the work of the Bible Society. This service is wortby of your intereât e r a s v h SOCIAL AUl PERSONAL Phone 663 Mx-. and Mx-s. Thomas Hopehy, Toronto, have moved ta the farm and home they bought from Mx-. Fend Needbam. Mx-. and Mrs. Boon and family have had ta move ta another fax-m o! Mr. Van Dam's neax- whex-e George Tabb was living. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes, Osb- awa, maved ta ive at Pete Gatch- ell's home. Miss Maud Bailey is maving ta Enniskillen. Mr. Ross Hubbard bas graduat- ed fram the Radia School, Ta- ronto, and bas accepted a position with the Generah-Electric, Toron- ta. as a technician. Congratulations ta Ross and ta Patricia Bawles, and Isabel Carter who were successful in aIl subjects a! sacialagy and phil- ahogy. W. A.,met at the home o! Mrs. Bill Jobnston wîth 17 members present. It was decided ta have a play and sel nefreshments in July. Mrs. Larmex- reponted al blankets were neceîved from Winnipeg made from ohd woollens and were satisfactony. More and a good attendance is antici- pated. Our pastor gave a splendid message last SurAday evening and the beautiful' basket of flowers which adox-ned the church were placed there in memory of Mrs. C. Johns who passed away a year ago and whose memox-y is cher- ished. The Girl Guide Mothers fx-om Bowmanville and Hampton met- at the home of Mrs. Tom West- lake last Friday eveaing to dis- cuss camping requirements and plans for the girls. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knapp, Eva and Bobby, Oshawa, visited at Tom Westlake's. Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees, accomp- anied hex- daughters, Mrs. Fr-ank Wright, Bowmanville. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Solina, to a trousseau tea for Miss Mary Hep- burn, Columbus, on Wednesday. BURKETON woollens wrnl be sent in the fali. July meeting wil be at Mrs. H. Rahm's home. A dainty lunch was served. Miss Jean Davey, Toronto, with Mr-. and Mrs. R. Davey. f Mrs. Rilda Stevenson. Toronto, with Mrs. A. Hughes. Mr-. and Mrs. Katchapaw, Pic- ton, with Mr-. and Mrs. Ken Rob- lin. Mrs. J. Sinclair, Kenny and Billy, and Mrs. Ed. Caughill vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tay- lor, Blackstock. Mr-. and Mrs. H. Strutt and Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sling- erland, Oshawa; Ross and Miss Irene Canfieid, Toronto, at B. Hubbard's. Mr-. nad Mrs. R. Carter, Peter- borough. with relatives. Rev. and Mrs. Orland Bailey have gone to Kalamazoo, Mich., to conduct revival meetings. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. George Tomp-. kins with Mn. .and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. David Warsman of York, England, re- tux-ned with Mx-. and Mrs. G. Tompkins. Mr-. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins with Mr. and Mrs. Waxsman of Peterborough. Miss sabel Carter, Lakefield, was home with ber parents on Thursday. LONG SAULIL Mr-. and Mrs. Tom Baker, Allis- ton, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Dundaý, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barra- bail and family, Whitby, with Mx-. and Mx-s. Gordon Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy, Mr-. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Donald and Brenda, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugblin, Dawna and Dennis, Blackstock, with their mother, Mrs. E. Mur- phy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sim with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richards, Salem. Mr-. and Mx-s. Wm. Penwarden, Mx-. C. Penwarden and Miss Mary Vaneyk with Mx-. and Mrs. Mox-- ley Keilett, Janetville. Mr-. and Mx-s. Walter Vaneyk and John with Mx-. and Mrs. Geo. Van Dam and Mr-. and Mrs. Souch, Pontyool. Mr-. and, Mrs. Harold DeMile, Bux-keton, with Mx-. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Miss Grace Smith spent Satur- day with hex- cousin, Mrs. S. G. Harmrx, Erindale, and enjoyed a motox-trip ta Niagara Fals with Mr-. and Mrs. J. G. Cook. Tobacco pianting is ahl finished on aur local tobacco fax-m and they are now taking a *"rest"' waiting fox- the weeds to stax-t ta grow so tbey can start ta hoe. Mx-. and Mrs. Bino and son, Oshawa, with Mr-. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. Long Sault Home and School Club Community Picnic will be held on the lawn o! Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Partner Thursday, afternoon, June 28. Sports for young and old. Bring youx- basket and enjay an afternoon of sports and supper fox- ail. In case of rain picnic wiii be on Friday, June 29th. Notice change of date. Long Saulý W. A. met Tuesday evening at the home of Mx-s. E. Murphy with an attendance of 16. President Mrs. Vaneyk op- ened the meeting. Asst. Secx-etarv Mrs. Doris Baker read the report. Rev. Lute took the devotional. It was decided to paint the cbux-cb iloor and varnish pews and the woodwork wbiie Rev. and Mrs. Lute are on holidays. Mrs. Van- eyk kindly offered her home for the July meeting with Mrs. O. Miller and Miss Grace Smith as pxogramme committees. Pro- gramme included reading by Mns. Partner; accordion solo, Miss Pearl Penwarden; reading, Mrs. O. Millex- and a duet, Misses Dox-- een and Eiieen Holx-oyd. Mx-. and Mýrs. Sidney Martin, Oshawa, and Mr-. and Mrs. H. Partnex- with Mr. and Mrs. F. Partnex-. Mary and Dick Neilson, New Park, with Mn. and IVrs. S. Goble. Thoma~ Guthrie. Sdependont COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Dru SPECIAL VALUES AND RErMNDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "fr 1ab'sGohfore KLEE'NEX PRACKAGE OP L00 r ::s 22c MAN'S SIZI 12",x12" 360 Beef, Iron & Vine I.D.A., ifi-oz. Reg. 79e 59C Milk of Magnesial Tablets, 100's - 3oo's 29c - 59c Kleenlor Antiseptic, 4 -16-oz. Reg. 25c, 79c 19c - 53c SSyrup, Figs & Senna 3-oz. Reg. 33e 23c' JUNE 171h JUNE 23rd Be wise . .. prepare to meet those emergencies that so often occur on holiday or at home. . . cuts, bites, burns, etc. Take along the necessary - National First Aid Week. GRAY'S RALM - - ---- - -------------------50e - 79e NUPERCAINAL OINTMENT $1.0 B.F.T. POWDER------------- ---- ---35e - 85e Absorbeni COiiOflHospital Grade, Short Fibre $1.19 Medicine GMasses 10e Value 8c - 2 for 15c Eye Cups 10e Value 8c - 2 for 15c Ointmenis Boracle or Zinc - Reg. 25c, 40c 19c - 33c CALIGESIC OINTMENT--- $1.00 DETTOL ANTISEPTIC- -- -- ----- 39e - 59e - 98c MECCA OINTMENT -------35c - 69c - $1.39 UNGUENTINE OINTMENT 63e - $1.19 IDASAL PAIN TABLETS __-25c - 39e - 89c ADIIESIVE TAPE 15c - 20e up Ob ASORIENTCOTTON, 12 and 4-oz.------------- 25c -40c -70c ELASTOPLAST, Elastic First Aid Dressing 20c - 40c GAUZE BANDAGE, 10 yds. 25c - 35c up HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, I.D.A, Brand, 4, 8 and 16-az. f-o VUILL.B&E L$SURPRISEDL-~ IWHE-N YOU 9Trf USE MA CZjF,4#5! *Givet teeth datirling natural brell ens the bresth. * ecps remove smoke and surface .tains. EUT TODAT 33C regulari -large -59C - 19c -29c -45c SPIRITS of AMMONIA - 25e - 40e BAND-AID or HANDI-TAPE Adhesive Bandages - 15e - 35c - 65c FIRST AID KITS for Car, Cottage, Home, AamwÀtlli 75c - $2.00 and up Lcifogenl Modified Milk - 1 and 21/' lb. 79c - $1.79 Corega Forbo Plate Powder Deodorant Tablets - 12's 33c - 53c - 89c1 60C1 PIRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. We Delivez MeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phàne 792 St John's S.S. Picnic A Jolly Af fair At Orono Park St. John's Sunday School held its annual picnic at Orono on Satux-day, enjoying a fine auting. General arrangements for the enjoyment of the large croWd that attended' were in the capable hands of Wm. Tait Jr., the, Su- perintendent. Winners of the, major racing events were: Girls, 6-7 years- Donna Gould, Connie Henning; boys, 6-7 years-Donald Tordiff, John Phiilips; girls, 8-9 yeaxs- Mary Laskaris, Charlotte Austin; boys, 8-9 years-Lowell High- field, Donald Henning; girls, 10-11 years-Frances Downey, Wanda MacFarlane; boys. 10-11 years- David Parker, Wayne Brunton; ginls, 12-14 Years-Vivian Hawes, Helen Laskaris; boys, 12-14 years -John Lunn, Raiph Rogers; girls' 3-legged race-Dot Kilpatrick and Merle Lingard; boys' wheelbar- row race-David Par-ker and T. Gould: time race-Mrs. H. W. MacDonald, Mns. K. Lamb; spot race-Dot Kilpatx-ick, June Ruit- er. In the contest ta find "Mrs. X{ugh MacDonald) Betty Lou Ro- gers was successful. Red Shield Drive Needs $1,400 More To Reach Objective The Salvation Army's Red Shield Campaign bas entered its last week and according to cam- paign secretary, H. G. Hacking, Manager of The Canadian Bank of Commerce, the total amount of donations is approximately $1,400 short of the $3,500 objec- tive. There is no neason, because we are pex-plexed, ever to despair.-. 'w me tehurdL 11:00 an MORNING WORSHIP and COMMUNION SERVICE 12:15 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 p.rn. - AT ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCE During the rnonth of JuIy we wilI worship with the Congregation of St. Paul's. TEINITY UNITED CHURCH -/ THE- SALVATION ARMY DI VISION STREET SUNDAY, JUNE 24th 11:00 »Lu. - DIVINE SERVICE Attended by Loyal Orange Association 12:15 p.rn. - SUNDAY SCHOOL '1:00 pm - SALVATION MEETING liq 1 TRUPJMAY. JUNE 21st. 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN

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