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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1951, p. 11

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1 'TTMflAY. 3TItV l2th. 1051 Statesman of 50 Years Ago Sent in hy Cavan Suhbscriber Contains Some Interesting News It's amazing how old news- papers, like old soldiers. neyer die. Thev just fade away-and do it much more slowly than aid soldiers. This fact was brought ta light recently when we received a letter fi-rn Mrs. Roy Fer-en off Cavan Township, enclosing a Canadian Statesman, dated Feb. 3 1901 Yellow with age and a fr-lfe tattered, the print was stili _ýdable and historically the ~ws was most interesting. We wrote to Mrs. Ferren to oh- tain information which would tell us how she came into pos- session of this haîf century old copy and received a mast interest- ing rcply. "I have had the paper In my possession about ten years only," write Mrs. Ferren. "but thought when it got leave ta survive that long I'd keep At until it reached the fiffty. We rented the farm off David Hunter. west off Cavan, 14 years ago and whilc putting the sap buekets away in the attic over the xvoodshed one spring, happened to take time enough to look through an old bunch off papers and this old timer was among them. "The aid folks who lived here have been dead for several years and this being the first time the farm was rented, I guess things gat Icave to stay around longer e) THE BELL TELEPHONI * COMPANY 0F CANADA as the bouse is some 75 years aid. Several of th'e old timers around bere have bor-owed the papers ta compare prices. Sure is quite a difference. We just remarked that bay had only daubled in price and l'in sure that wages had done a great deal better than that. At lcast you will be able to sec bow mucb your paper bas improvcd in 50 ycars." The paper. with advertising an its front page. makes most in- teresting reading although for many readers some off the naines off the merchants would nat be familiar. Many off themn werc grandparents, Parents and rela- tives off present gencration citi- zens. such as undertakers Levi Morris and M. D. Williams & Son, grocers Cawker & Tait and many others. Some off the news items held special interest. One article pre- sents the opening off negotiations to buy a church building on Queen Street for an evaporator. The promoter, Mayor Graham off Belleville, wanted the town to put $5000 into the building and plant and he offfered to put in capital off $25,000 and would cm- ploy 75 ta 100 bands. We believe this was the start off the evap- orator later i-un by the late Thos. S. Holgate, ex-Mayor off Bow- manville and his father. The building is not active now, only anc corner being used for anl In another way, too, the telephone is higger value today than ever hefore. Now you can reach twice as many people as you could ten years ago and more telephones are being inatalled every day. If you haven't service, vie want you ta know we're -working at it. Your place on the list is being pro- tected and yaur telephone will be installed just as soon as possible. FriendIy, help fui folephone service Is one of todoy's o tbuys )oniqion Bureau )f stitics **Average incroie in colt of service in the territory w. Serve marks the Spot.. 4/, '1 MI s vr Don'-t be upet..,. Cail for SANITONE Dry Claningi " Stubborn Spots and Stains Out Like Magic " More Dirt Removed, Even Ingrained Soil " Returns Original Shape and Drape to Suits- Ob No Odor-Perspiration, Cleaning Odor Gone 9b Gosts No More Than Ordinary Dry Cleaning Il ) THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, .EOWMANVMLLP, ONTARIO 1 Wed in Double Ring Ceremony ME. AND) MES. WILLIAM STEVEN McL*I-IE whose marriage took place recently. The bride, formerly Ruth Audrey Eileen Phair, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phair of Courtice, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGhee, of Oshawa. offfice for Mrs. Holgate's coal bus- iness. Mr. Graham based bis reason for expansion on the fact that he bad a two-year contract with the British Arrny for so many carloads per month off cvaporated products. On another page off the paper, the big news off the day was a political fracas between candi- dates C. J. Thoraton and Robert Bcith. Apparently, the election was contested because Mi-. Thorn- ton bad depositcd a marked cheque with the returning officer instead off legal tender or bank buis. One off the lawyers on the case Is now Scnator Sur Alan Aylesworth. In the following election in 1904 East and West Durhamn were joined into one constituency. If you arc interested in com- Iparing prices, you'Il be interest- cd ta know that bleachcd table linen off super quality, double threaded satinfinish was selling at 771/zc Yard. Pure linen towel- ling was 5c yd. Men's tweed lined pants were $1.00 pr. Ladies' Union Vests sold at 30c. An dle- gant assortment off Men's Puff and Flowing End Ties had been i-e- duced ta clear at 25e and Ladies' Corsets, beavy jean. well made were Éoing at 38c. Business Direcfory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Solicitor for Bank of Monti-cal Money ta Loan Phone 791 Bowmanvillc, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W.. Bowmanvîlle Phone, Office 688 Residence 5,53 rRSS APHA 1. 1HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan 9 1 King Street E.. Bowmanville, Ontario Phone, Office 823 House 409 CONANT & CONANT Barristers and Solicitors Gardon D. Conant, K.C. Rager G. Canant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7½, Simcoe St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office Jury Jubîlee Bldg. 40 King St. W., Bowmanville Office Hours:- 9 arn. ta 6 p.rn. dailv 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone 3609 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours:- Phone 351 9 arn. ta 6 p.rn. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closcd Sunday Phone 604 REAL ESTATE Hf. G. (Hap) GILL REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West P'ropei-ties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members off the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards H. G. GUI, Braker Phone Bawrnanvillc 3326 Residence 3514 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E. Oshawa Mr. Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., resident partner. OPTOMETRY KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 74 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.rn Mondav ta Saturday except Wednesday 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointxnent If any man seeks for greatness, let him fai-get gi-etness and ask for truth. and be xwill find bth.- Horace Mann. Only those men and women gain greatness who gain them- selves in a compiete subordina- tion off self-Mary Baker Eddy. Whosoever will be great among you, let hima be your ministei-. Chr-ist Jesus. OBITUARY BEN.TA1MN JOHNSON A long active life was closed on July 2nd when Benjamin Johnson passed away in bis 94t1? year at the homne)f;his daughter, Mrs. Lilace Mabel Thickson, 163 Cburch St., Bowrnanville. Mr-. Johnson was bai-n near Harwood, Rice Lake, on March 12, 1848, the youngest son off a farnily off 10 children. His par- ents, the late Peter Johnson and his wiffe* Bridgett White. were pioncer settlers in this district. WIs yaunger sister, Mrs. Leona Wilson, Brantford, in ber 9th year. is the last rcmaining mcm- ber of this pioncer farnily. After the death off bis parents deceascd lived ln Toronto for several Years wbcre he learncd carpentry and built bouses in the West Toronto comrnunity. For a time he worked at Port Huron. Michigan. then after the turn off the century he wcnt ta Edmon- ton, Alberta, and became inter- ested in propcrty there. He soon returned ta Ontario wbere be farrned for many years in. Peter- borough County. Although i-e- ti-ed fi-rn active %vork and liv- ing in the city off Peterborough for several decades, be rctained bis interest in i-cal estate until two months before bis death. Hle came ta reside with bis daughter after a breakdown in health in May, and bis death fi-rn a heart attack can be attributed ta aid age. He was twice married. His fi-st wife, Lilace Cai-stairs off Fenella, passed away in 1912. Scv- ci-ai vears later he married Mary V. Pimmett off Otonabee Town- ship who survives bim. His only son David Walter Johnson met death accidentallv in 1930. Besides bis daughter he is sur- vived by two grandehildi-en, Alice Ha 'vrnan and James A. Thickson, Bow manville. A brief service was held at the Northeutt & Smith Chapel, Bow- mnanville, on July 4th, fallowed bv a servi-e& at the Comstock Funeral Home. Peterborough, on July 5th. Many beautiful floral picces were a tribute ta a fine citizen whose upright honest chai-acter will be long remem- bered. Rev. Hlid Turner, St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, conducted the services. Paîl- Masterpiece of Engineering..à the quieter, smoother, ever-depe indable Mlonarch 112-Hp. V-8 Engine .... offering Touch-0-Matic Overdrive (optional at extra cost) for savings up ta 15%7 on gasoline .. . featuring a matchless combination of top performance with ecanomy that makes this pros'ed V-8 the outstanding engine in its field., Convenient push buttons respond ta a touch af yaur fi nger ... automatically raising and lowering the top and the windows ... and adjusting the front seat forward or back ta thse inost comfortable position for your personal height and preference. 's.IN A Goodyear 25-Year Service Mai Raises Goli Fish for a Hobby Going Io England for a Holiday Dave Armistead completed 25 ycars continuaus service at the Goodyear. i-ecently, and was pi-e- sented with his 25 year pin by Chai-lie Cattran. Fellow work- ers, through spakesman Sid Little, foreman off the Power House and Boiler Roorn, made him a gift off $100. Apparently in celebration. Mi-. Armistead plans a trip ta England in August. Mi-. Armistead's record would indicate that the long-service Goodyear man likes the idea off numerical pi-agression. Once rnarried, Dave was twicc in the Canadian Army, foui- times with Goodyear, and bis proposed Aug- ust trip will be bis fifth visit ta England, the land off bis bii-th. Bai-n in Gi-cen Gates, York- sbire, 66 years aga, Dave moved ta Wolverhampton when four years aid and in this town r-- ceived bis primai-y and second- ai-y sebool educatin. Hie later served apprenticcships as plumb- er. tinsmith and stearnfitter and spent twa yeai-s as an improver. He passed ail courses with hon- ors and bis diplomas ai-e dotted with seals. Dave fi-st came ta Canada in 1909 and began working for a plumbex- in Toronto. He return- cd ta England in 1911, however,l only ta make bis way back tai this countr-y in 1912 in companyi Change Made In School Inspection In ai-der ta make a more equal division off inspectorates, the De- partment off Education bas an- nounced that the schools off Clarke Township and the Village off Newcastle. in Durham County, have been transferred from the bearers were Merton Storey, Chai-les Quinlan, Robert Dutton, Wilffred Collinson, Basil D. Hall and Norman J. Crook, ah off Pet- erborough, Interment was In Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough. iwith his mother, two brothers and two sisters. The family settled on a farm in Darlington Town- ship. Enlista Lni Army In Nov. 1914, Dave Armistead enlisted in the Second Infantry Battalion but was discharged in 1915. In Nov., 1916, howevcr, the story was slightly different. The Army recalled the once i-e- leased soldier and during the next five ý-ears he saw action in Bel- gium.'France and Germany. He was discharged April 18, 1919, on hîs return to Canada. During the period from. 1915 ta 1922, Armistead hired with Goodyear on, three different oc- casions. On June 24, 1926, he .joined Goodyear for the fourth time as a steamfitter and after 25 years continuous service is now recognized as a Goodyear veteran. He was made foreman of the Pipe Shop several years ago. At one time in bis career he was emiploved as plumber wiffh Rice & Co., hardware firm. A happily married man, Mr. Armistead enioys an easy chair ta while away leistire hours and ihe can usually be found with a ibook on some phase of fi*shin g in his hand. This long servýice man raises ffish for a hobby; last ycar he raised 25 tropical speci- mens in bis pool. East Durham Inspectorate ta the West Durham Inspectai-aie. Inspectai- T. R. McEwen off Oshawa, inspectai- of the West Durham Inspectorate will thus have additional duties while In- spectai- W. H. Carleton off Co- bourg will be i-elieved off a por- tion off bis large inspectoaae. Woi-king in co-operation withl Inspectai- MeEwen will be Earl J. Webster off Oshawa, who will share the duties off inspecting the public sehools in Oshawa and West Durharn. Their duties, it is learned, will flot be divided on the basis off city or rural work but bath men will work in the city and in the rural district. Mr-. Webster is well known In If you've an eye for the lovely lines of sails against the sky. if you've a pulse that quickens to the caîl of sua, and air, and the open spaces ... then just one drive and you'll make this Monarch Six-Passenger Convertible your car. It's s0 beautiful to look at . .. so regally upholstered in ricb, genuine leathers . .. so fleetly powered for smooth, road.mastering performance. lIts so obviously a qua/it -'1 car. lt's built "the Monarch way-' ... with-care and crafrsmanship .- for people who take an honest pride in possessing the finer things of life. "'Ride like a King in a Monarch' and you'll agree that it is, indeed, "~A masterpiece by evcry - measure" .. . a car to own and un " enjoy with pride, for years to corne. onorc ALEXANDER MO4TORS KXING ST. E. (Near Cemetery) BOWNANVILLE PHONE 551 PAGI ElEVzm this area having been the super- visai-y principal at Ajax wheni the school was establlshed there. He assisted Mr. McEwen here for a time until he took over duties in the Renfrew district last spring. He will assume bis new duties here in September. For ive Point ' Protection and Beuutyt Ys'u gét bath spreod ond economny when you use the Sun-Proof Two>- Cour Hous, Point System. Sun. Proof is mode with "Vitolized Oil' whicis stays in the point film, keeps it L.s'e, tough and *iostic. Easy ta apply, resists calar changes und lais for yeors. In many respects taday's Pittsburgh Points are better thon pre-war qualoty. v J. H. Abernelhy Paint & Wallpaper Store 85 King Street West 80 WMAN VILLE v-j' O Compare thone pri. Introases durlng the past ton Yoars FOO* Up 111% COST 0F LIVING* 4. UP 64% S TELEPHONE U21% Schooner "Buns".iuol.eweai ont of th~e grerzt, aliqtime maiterpieces of shipbuilding. De.igne4d built and manned entirely l'y Canadians, il'. bad a pheno menai tur>: of speed-and reigned as undefeaied queen of the Grand Banks ishing flec;:. 6~ /pC4~Jg/'C' E YVE LEI GH 'S Cleaners & Dyers - Lmundries PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent:- HOOPERS LADIES' WEAR SANITONE ,=5

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