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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1951, p. 13

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. qlqISDAY, JV'LY' 2th, 1951! jThe Orono Nèws 1 Mifm. &.E. Loganm Mr. and Mrs. Russel VanHomne, Whitby, visited with Mrs. Fred Tamblyn last wcek. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Found have moved ta Orono with the former taking a position with his father, Mr. Dane Found, in the restaurant business. Jimmie Gamsby bas gone to Whitehorse, Y.T., for his hcalth. He is with the Milîs family and already in the short tîme he lias be9jn. there is feeling better. £&~gratu1ations ta Mr. and *z Martin Sisson (nee Ruth ~'q\fes Who wcre married in Ncwcastle church recently. Mr. Archie Hcndry, Ottawa, with lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hcndry. Jamie Rickard, Newcastle, is spending a wcek with his grandparents. Mrs. Turrel and daughtem Rae, Port Arthur, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Dicksan. Mrs. Davis and daughtcr Flor- ence, Newmarket, are enjoying a holiday at the home of her son, Mr. and Mms. Jack Davis. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gamey and Miss Alma Cutteil are on a motor trio to the east caast. Mr. and Mrs. Rus-el VanHomne, Whitby. Mrs. Laurence Cryder- « man, Bowmanvilie. M. Fredi Tamblyn, Orono, enjoved a motor trip ta Carnarvon, Haliburton, last week and visited at Rev. John Wilkins' cottage. They also visit- ed Mrs. Crm'vderman's daughter, Anne, who is spending the sum- mer at Tall Pines, the summeri home of AI and Bob Harvey of radio fame. Mr. and Mms. M. J. Tamblyn and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples were in Toronto on Saturday,11 Julv 7th. attending the wedding af Mr. McCmae Brown and Miss Kathleen Mcver who were mar-i1 ried in Emmanuel College Chapel.g They also attended thc reception1 at the residence of Dr. Walter Brown. On Saturday evening a family gathering was held at the home of Mr. Robcrt Evans, Bowman- ville, when Miss Anna Staplesc was guest of honon and duing1 thc cvening was prescnted with at cup and saucer shower. Miss Viola Gilfillan had as her guest recently, Miss Olive Copp, forrner]y of Hamilton and now on« an extended trip thmaughout Canada. Gucats with Mr. and Mrs. W. Leaman are her sister, Mrs. B. Grant and daughtcr, Mrs. L. Jayner and son, Grant, Toronto.E Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carletoni and family, Ajax, visited his par-( ents .on Sunday. Sandra andE Anna remained for a week's visit . with their grandparents. Bill Bagneli, Bowmanville, is instructing a class in swimming this week in Orono park. Marlene Graham is holidaying with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mms. Oliver Gibbs and family, Dunbarton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hoy visited on Sunday wîth her father, Mr. Anson Gilmoy. Miss Leona Mitchell, Ballydufi, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Howard Myles. Mr. Bob Cascy and David Phasey visited with Bob's parents in Lindsay on Sundav. Mms. Drmnmond and son from Northcrn Ontaria. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pater- son. Mr. R. H. Wood las gone ta thi- home af his son. Mr. Wesley Wood, for an indefinte time. Twcnty-six members af the Mission Band a*ttnded a oîcnic in thc park on Friday afternoon. Races and games -weme enjoyed and a bountiful picnic supper scrvcd. The leaders, Mrs. Rayi Goode, Mms. Everett Brown and Mrs. Les. Alldmcad werc in charge assisted by Mrs. C. Wood, Mrs. N. F. Porter and Mms. R. E. Logan af thc Aftemnoon A" Liliarv. Congratulations t"M r. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson on the birth ai their daughter in Oshawa Hospital an Sunday, June 8th. Mr. and Mms. W. Cobblcdick visited on Sunday at the home af their daughtcr, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Thompson. Blackstock. Miss Allie Wood. xvho has been confined ta bcd for the last three weeks in her home here is now at Mrs. Wicks' rcst home in New- castle. We hope she wiil have continued improvement and soon be able ta be arounid again. Owing ta thc postponement af tIc apening af the Orono United Church from July 15th ta Sept.1 9th Rev. Eustacc is taking his holidays from July 15 ta Aug. 15. There will be no chumch service for the next two Sundays but on Sundav, July 29, Rcv. Nicholson, Bowmanviile, ,vill have charge of1 the service and also the first two Sundays in August. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoskin and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hoskin. Oshawa, visited with Mr. R. H. Wood and Allie. Mm. Jay Mason spent the week- end with Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Young ladies from Orono who are taking a three weeks' course in figure skating in Cobourg arc Caroline Joncs. Mary Ann Arm- strong, Adele Cooper and Mary Jane Found. The Newcastle Independent Misa Margaret Ash Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bagneli and Kenny Lane moved to his mother's home in Brown's Sec- tion. Mrs. Mabel Jewell, Mrs. W. Jewell and Mr. Bert Jewell, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wight. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Embley and Sandra are settled comfortably now in their new apartment in Mr. Stanley Graham's house. We were sorry to learn that Chris Barchard Jr. has been re- admitted to Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. "Pete" Gibbs and Carolyn spent the weekend at their cottage at Ompah. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Christian and Vernona spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Miss Dorothy Trenwith, To-. ronto, spent the weekend with her aunt, Miss Louise Trenwith, "Clovermere." Weekend guests with Mr. H. T. Manes and familv were Mrs. Ida Logan, Lindsay, and Mrs. 1. Rob- inson, Millbrook. So glad to hear that Karen, Gary and Stevie Barchard, child- dren of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bar- chard, are convalescing camtort- ably at home after each under- Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phono Whltby 552 318 Dundau St. E.. Whitby FINE QUALfTY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vour assurance when Vau choose from the wide selection ofi mported and damnestic Granites and Marbies in stock. [lAVS &cou 2 Mill Lane off Scugog BOWMANIILLE Ail1 Kinds of SHEET NETAL WGRK and ]IOOFING FURNACES RENEWED AND REPAIRED Get Our Free Estimates Established 45 Yeart PHONE 3412 office and Residence wcnt a tonsilcctomy in Bowman- vile Hospital. Miss Camai Millilgan, Toronto, las retumned home aiten enjo - ing a holiday with the Milligan's af the Gate way. Mrs. Launa Fisher is spcnding two wecks with Mr. and Mrs. Cari Fisher in Cornwall. Miss Ruth Hancock las neturn- cd home fmom a verm-' pleasant holiday witl Mn. and Mrs. C. A. Hancock ai Lakeview. Mrs. D. Williams ai New Jer- sey spent a few da-ys witil hon aunt., Mrs. W. H. Gibsoni. We wenc sorny ta hear that little Jimmy Scotlad the mis- fortune ta faîl and break his collarbane last weck. We hope he makes a speed.v recovery. His many iiends in tawn were deeply shacked bv the sudden death ai Mr. John Pierce ai New- tonville. We extend sinceme sympatly ta lis family. Miss Rita Rowecliit. Guelph, spent a fcw days \vith Mn. and Mrs. A. R. Randaîl. Mrs. Paul Warnen and children spent a few days at Balsam Lake near Coboconk. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade and Dougie, Mms. Dora Brooks. Miss Lois Martin, Mm. J. P. Martin and Mr. Harper Kelscy motored ta Pine Ladge, Coboconk, on Sundav. Miss Martin remnained for a weck's vacation. GIFTS TO NEWVCASTLE UNITED CHURCH DEDICATED AT SUNDAY'S SERVICE Two events ai kinmred and sig- nai importance featured the mor- 'ning serv'ice ai worship in New- castle United ClurcI, Sundav, Julv 8t1. An artistic Desk Pcen Set bearing the inscription: -'InMemoriam" 'Presented and Decicated inî affection ta tle late Mms. Bessie JS. Rickard lby 1er son, John." A Visitons' Book, complemen- tar.y ta the Dcsk Pen Set, W&zS presented for dedication lv Mrs. ICharles A. Cawan in theIcm ai the Association. Thc Praver ai Dedication aller- ed by the Minister w,,as as iolloxvs: "Dedicated ta the Glonv af Gad. ta the added and efficient mnin- istries ai this Chuncî. ta thc stranger within hem gales irie- spective of race, colon. cnced or dîime, wlcame" Il is the confident hope that tIc Memonial Acousticon ivill be installed in time ta designate Sun- day, July 29, as the Day ai Dedi- cation. Campiementarv ta this will le the installation and sul- sequent dedication ai a pulpit lamp made possible bv Miss Hat- lie Mason, a member ai the Church, in memary ai hem late m t h er. The Acousticon wvill mccl a great necd in enabling worshiîn- pers ta follow in detail the ser- vice wvhose hearing is less on- crRctic than normal. TIc roof ai tIe Board Raornis in process ai repair. this cansti- tuting a prelude ta thc overal me- pair af church propert-v. Habit is a cablte: we wevcxe a thread of il evemv day,. and at last we cannot break it.-IHorace TII CANAflXM( MTATESMAN. EOWMAMVTIL!1!. nWrA WTt'> School Results <Continued tram Page one) Grade XI to Grade XII Prize for General Proficiency- Diana Webber. lse Class Honors-N. Eddy, M. Reid, D. Webber. 2nd Class Honors-N. Allîn, J. Bragg, M. Cooper. B. Crowe, G. Herron, D. Hockin, J. Maguire, G. Martin. L. Osborne, B. Stew- art, C. Werry, I. Woolley, M. Wright. 3rd Class Honors-L. Herron, M. Leask, R. Leask, A. Richards, G. Ritter. G. Robson, C. Tuerk. Pass-T. Annis (Hist.), D. Bate. C. Byam (Latin), G. Heal, D. Hevland (Maths., Fr., Music), C. Hutchinson (Alg.), J. Hutchin- son, W. Jackson, M. Nickerson, S. Quantrill. M. Reynolds, P. Smith. J. Stainton (Lit.. Lat.), C. Stewart (Maths.), H. Turner. Credit i3 given to the follow- ing students in subject listed: B. Armstrong-Hist., Germ., Geog. A. Host-Agric., Geog., Record Keeping. D. Murdoch-Maths., Hist., Agric., Geog. Grade XII Prize for General Proficiency- George Buchan. The folloxving are the names of the students who will receive their Secondary Sehool Diplomas: H. Allun, M. Allun, N. Allun, G. Bartlett, J. Belîman, G. Buchan, K. Buttery, C. Campbell, C. Clarke.. B. Colville, J. Craig, I. Cruickshank, A. Cryderman, B. Hansen, A. Husak, J. Lobb, J. Luxton, M. Miller, M. Mutton, G. Nicholson, A. Ott. J. Wonnacott. Credits are as foilows: H. Allin-Eng., Hist., Latin, Fr.. Chem. M. Allin-Hist.. Fr., Music. N. Allin-Eng., Hist., Fr., Mus- G. Bartlett-Eng.. 1-ist., Geom., Latin. Fr., Gemm.. CIern. J. Beilman-Eng., Hist., Gcom., CIern., IMusic. M. Bowman-Gcom., Latin, Fr, Chem. Joyce Bragg-Eng., Geomi., Chem., Music. R. Bragg-A. Hist., Alg., Chem.,' Geog.. Music, Eng. G. Buchan-Eng. Hist., Gcom., Latin, Fr., CIem. K. Buttery-Eng.. Hist., Gcam., Latin, Fr., CIem., Music. C. Campbll-French. C. Clankc-Eng.. Hist., Geam., Lat., Fr., Germ.. Chem. M. Clarke-Latin, French. P. Clarke-Geom.. Latin, Chem. I. Cruickshank-Latin. B. Colville-Eng., Hist., Geom., Fr., Latin, CIem., Music. C. Craig-Eng.. Hist. J. Craig-Eng., Hist., Geam,, Latin, Music. A. Cryderrnan-Eng., Hist,, Georn.. Latin, Fn., Clem. J1. DcGeer-Hist.. Miusic. R. Gibson-Geog., Music. B. Hansen-Eng., Hist., Geomn., Latin. Fr.. Chem. K. Hockin-Eng., Hist., Chem., Geog.. Music. A. Husak-Eng.. Hist., Fr. T. Husak-A. Hist., Alg., Lat., Chem., Geog., Music. J, Lobb-Eng., Hist., Geam., Lat.. Fr., CIem. J, Luxton--Eng., Hist., Geom., Lat., Fr.. Gemm.. Clcm. M. Millcr-Eng., Hist., Geom., Lat., Fr., CIcm. W. Murdoch-Hist., Gcom., La- tin. Clcrn. M. Mutton-Eng.. Hist., Gcom.. Fr.. Music. G. Niclolson-Histary. Latin. A. Ott-Eng., Hist., Geomn., Lat., Chem., Music. T. Ott-Hist., Chem.. Music. S. Sisson-Hist., Gcom., Chem., Music. D. Sleep-Hist., Geom., Chemn., Music. B. Stockcr-Eng., Hist., Alg., Chem., Geog.. Music. J. Wonnactt-Eng.. H is t., Gcom., Latin, Fr., Chem. COMMERCIAL RESULTS Bank ai Commerce Prize for General Praficiency - Shirley Marris. Bank af Montreal Cup fori Speed and Accuracy in Typing- Betty Williams. TIc follawing are thc names ai thc students who will receive tîcir Commercial Dipiomas-J. Kitson, G. Hayward, S. Morris, B. Williams. Thc following are the names ai thc students wla will receive their Commercial Certificates-- H. Maguire. M. Perfect. M. Steph- ens, P. Stephens. The iollowýing students will tiransfem ta Senior Commercial- V. Brown, H. Bruce, F. Joînston, R. Lane. M. Willatts. Bo lary Club (Continued irom Page One) thew Nl.P.'s and "~chop at th1cm feet o ai a." Struggle being Waged In the modern world, extneme letituss and rightists are pitted against democracy in a 'struggie for the spirit ai man and ior lis total allegiance," Rcv. Lavcnty tld Ratarians. and sud a stnuggie does not involve influ- entiai on territorial considera- tions. He said Dominion Day week w-as an excellent tîme for Rotarians ta acquaint thc com- munit ' vwiflhthe struggle present- Iv lcing waged for polit ical lib- ccl -v. 'Fine themn with passion ta preserve it," le said. in order that the *v can uise il -t briniz equal- itv and fraternity ta tîcîr IcI- low man." Because ai sudh a warld strugglc, le said -nothing we can pav for it in the sense ai victor.v is toa much." He said de- mocracv is 'blood hought' and stressed thc nced ta suir aur- selves up and achieve somie pas- sion ta preserve thc hiberties we enjay. Quates ('anadian Poet "Just now w c are filled with the idea ai post-%; ar reconstruc- tion," Rex'. Lavcrtx' said quating a statemnent attributcd ta the famnea Canadian author, Stephen Leacock. subsequent ta the sec- ond Warld War. -1 propose as a first nced for the post-war world tlit v ou recr'nstruct yourself a litile.' Treaties and compacts. leizislation a n d pledges. are worthless without the heart and spirit of the people... Don't let's wait for the rebuilding Let's you and 1 begin." If we do not begin to recon- struct oùr world now. "the to- morrow of aur children will be different than ours," the speaker said. If we do flot begm ta re- construct our world now, we will not measure Up to the heritage we did not earn but which our forebears handed ta us. "A na- tion which refuses to seil its soul can neyer lase it," Rev. Laverty concluded. The speaker was thanked for "one of the most inspiring ad- dresses we have had in many months" by Past President Ross Strike. He was later commended by President Dave Higgon. Bob Stevens celebrated a be- lated birthday at the Friday lun- cheon which saw Keith Jackson take aver the duties of song lead- er and Bill Lycett embarked upon a one-year term as ser- geant-at-arms. Guests included Rotarians Geo. Finlay, Ajax, and Les Langs. Til- bury. Mr. Langs is a former ac- countant of the Bank of Mantreal here. and since leaving Bowman- ville has earned the distinction of being a charter member of two Rotary clubs, one in Bothwell and the other in Tilbury, where he is manager of the bank. .Royal Museum <Continued from Page One) as far north as the French Riv- er. .Paint Peninsula" pottcry is decorated with cord and fabnie marking impressed inta the wet dlay during manufacture. They used copper. probably mincd an Isle Royale in Lake Superior. No extensive excavation on anc ai their villages has pmcviausiy been attcmptcd in Ontario. Other eariy Indian graups were the Mount-builders who came in irom the south and built the weil-knawn Serpent Maunds on Rice, Lake, and thc "Laurentian" gmaup wha were mainly a stone- using people. Thc age ai the village an Wash- bumn Island may le fairly diffi- cult ta estimate. Reccntiy sim- ilar Point Peninsula sites have been describcd as 2,000 ta 3,000 ycars aid. In the past, dating back las been donc by straiti- graphy, geological changes, and ather unsatisfactory methods. but science has corne ta the aid ai the archaeologist with new meth,- ods. Atomic research womkers have found that charcoal is radia ac- tive, but that the amaunt ai radiation which it gives off de- creases with age. By callecting, the charcoal from the camp fine sites ai Indian villages. the an- aunt ai radio activity can be mcasured and the age ai the site dctcrmined by comparing it with tables ai radio activity which have been womked out. It is amazing ta think af people living in Durham when the pyramids weme still new, when thc Grccks wcre besieging Troy and when Solomon was reigning in Jerusalem. CÂDMUS The ganden party Fiday even- ing attracted a good crowd in spite ai haying. A large number attcnded thc Orange service at Blackstock Church on Sunday nigît. Mn. and Mrs. Russ Welsh and baby.ý, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Bob Vivian and lamily, Bawmanvjllc'. spent Sunday with their parents. Miss Faye Ferguson, Toronto, with hem parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson and Gay with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibs'on. Mns. Annie McQuade spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Mabel McKce, Blackstock. Miss Audrey McKcc, Bert Shea and friends, Janetville. spent Sunday at Sunnyside. Toronto. Miss Leah McKee is feeling letter alter a bout xith tonsilitis. BURKETON Mn. and Mrs. J. Frankumn and Patsy have leit aur cammunitx' for Maple Grave wlerc Mm'. Fnankum will teach school in September. July 5t1 thc W. A. met at Mrs. H. Rahm's with a good attend- ance. Mrs. H. Làrmmr. president. was in charge and Gnoup Onie served lunch. Memnbens wcî'e askcd ta prepane tIec durcI she'd for the play an thcei 7t1, and music from Boxvmanvilic. Next meeting et Mms. H. Larnem's. A picnic was lcld at the farmn ai Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dcan with 30 fiends and relatives fromi Oshlawa. Mm. and Mrs. Oriand Baile.v Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tompkins and Mr. and Mrs. Worsman drove ta Fenelon Falls and Peterborough on a picnic. Mm. and Mrs. E. Adams, Mm. and Mrs. Albert Adams and rela- tives were in Peterborough. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Trick weme in Millbrook. Mm. and Mrs. Mar- tin, Mm. and Mrs. Smith, Ronnie and Sharon, Toronto, w'ith Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins. Albemt Stevenson is a guest ai Mrs. A. Hughes. Mm. and Mrs. Norman Avery and Gloria Jean, Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. C. Avery. Miss Lois Stevenson is home inom Toronto. Fred Carter bas returned 'Io Toronto after visiting Mn. atnd Mns. L. Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avemv and children with Mrs. J. Johns- ton. Oshawa. Messrs. Jack Sinclair and Bill Hoskins weme in Piclon ion the weekend. Mm. Will McIDon%1d. Mm. Jerry O'Donald. Mrs. Ruby Bailey, Miss; Edith Elliott with Mrs. Tanm Bailev. Mn. and Mrs. Orland Bailex'. Mrs. T. Bailev were in Jantville. Mn. and Mrs. A. Gillard, Sm.. and Charlie were in St. Cath- arines. The habituai strugrcle to be al- ways good is unceasing prayer.- Mary Baker Eddy. Mm. and Mrs. W. L. Power, Sunderland, witî their daughter, Mrs. Garnet Johnston. Mr. Raymond Petit, Toronto, and Miss Giadys Chapman, Thess- aion, wvith Mn. and Mrs. Will Chapman. Visitons at thc home ai Mrs. Joe Clapman wene: Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Murray, Clarkesville, Maryland; Mrs. Gea. Ryan, Mnr. and Mrs. Gardon Sanders, Mr. and Mms. J. W. Cîapnian and daughtcr Gail. Tomonto; Mn. and Mirs. Laurin Hogarth. Mrs. R. J. McKessock,1 Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mms. H. E. Tink, Sauina. Mr and Mrs. Cecil Lockwoad with relatives at Pickeming. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, En- niskiilen; Mm. and Mrs, Chas. Rice, London, were guests at W. W. Horn's. Mrs. J. Baker, Salina, with Mrs. Jim Smales. Mn. Sam Aluin, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Ida Trenoutl, Napance, with. C. W. Souch and Mr. and Mrs. K. Cavcniy. Rev. and Mrs. G. Empcy and famiiy have been with friends at Binston, lis former circuit, where le officiated at a wvedding, Bar- bana Empey leing flower-girl: also with friends at Prescott and at tIc home ai hem father, Rlev. Coburn, Ottawa. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Niclols and iamily, Bowmanville, at Gamnet Jolnston's. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Toronto, with Miss Lulu Reyn- olds. Mr. Bruce Caverly, in company witl five athen B.H.S. students, is at Ipperwasl Cadet Camp, Lake Huron, where le is taking a seven weeks' training course. Misses Marilyn and Sandra Lockwood enjoycd a week*s va- cation at Hall's Lake. Our paston will le in charge ai tIc Sunday evening dhurcI service at the usuai huur. Mn. and Mrs. N. C. Yelawlees accampanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant and Bey..,Scugog St., Bowmanville. ta Brampton and Milton on Sunday whene they visited relatives. Hampton W.M.S. heid their meeting at tIc home ai Mrs. Bill- eît, witli Mns. Warrack, ist vice- pros. in charge, owing ta tIc ab- sence ai Mms. H. Salter, *presi- dent. wla is still unable ta le present. Minutes were read by Miss L. Reynolds. Letters wcre rcad in reply for bale sent for averseas relief. Dccided ta send ior annual reports. Mrs. H. Truli taok charge ai thc wonship wil Bible neadings by Mns. Cale and Mrs. Jeifrcv. The Study Book was taken by Mrs. M. Mountjov and Mrs. Niddemy. complcting the last chapter ai United Chunch me- enters Japan, contribution afi the western nations, contribution ai thec durcI. ,Anniversary Services Suinday School anniversary ser- vices on Sunday, Jul.v lst were vcry well attended. Guest min- ister was Rex'. John Wilkinson. Oakwood, whose theme at the aiternoon service was "If I Were Eiglteen" whicî was an intemest- ing and practical message. Tho singing, rendered by a portion ai the Sunda ' Schooi memlens, was under thc leadership ai Mr. Gar- don Harle, Bewmanville. and consisted af a couple ai Ivmns lv the chilcîreri, a well rendered anthem bl>v the Seniors and a maie vaice selection. Mitadl.,,n Wiicox was aItIthe piano and Mrs. Keitl Bilcett at the argan. Supt. Mmr. Will Wilbur assisted in the service. R,?%-. Wilkinson's fine TTessa£!e in the cvening was mucl ppe cîated. Thc adults renderedtw anthems and the men contribut- MAPLE GROVE t.Don't farget the Couples Club picnic on Saturday, July 14 ai Orono Park, supper at 6:30 p.m. There was a fairly good attend. ance at the service on Sunday when Mr. Williamnsan, Toronto, gave a good talk on Temperance. Sorry there weren't more out to hear him. Two beautiful solos were sung by Mrs. John Hopps af Sacramento, Cal., '"God Sees the Sparrow F'all,"' and "We Would Be ]ýui1ding." tune Fin- landia. with Miss Edna Swallow at the organ. Mr. W. A. McMaster, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mclntyre, d caugliter Mary, Toronto, were-Sunday visi- tors at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping, sons Jim and John, Clifford; Mr. Harry Lynchi, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. Rev. Frank Keys, Toronto, wil be the speaker on Sunday in the interests of the Bible Society. Miss Gail Lodge, Maryland, Past month visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp and cousin Joyce, also oth- er relatives, left this marning for ber home. Haying and filling silos is the order of the day, if the, weather onlv stays fine. Work has been very backward with so much rain. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Morton were hosts at a dinner party at their home when Mr. and Mrs. John Hopps, Sacramento, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens were guests. Ail celebrated caming silver wedding anniversaries. The table was tastefully decorated with orange blossoms and a sil- ver basket af beautiful roses and baby's breath, with the best wish- es from Mrs. J. D. Stevens, help- ped ta grace the living raom. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Osborne caîl- ed later in the evening and added their congratulations. Recent guests at Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer's included: Mrs. H. C. Hurbcrt and Molly, Miss Ruth Snowden, Miss Gertrude Hicks, Mr. Art 011cr Sr,, Mr. Art 0f- fer, Jr., Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Grose and Kathleen, Wing- ham; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green- trce and Diana, Mr. and Mrs. B. Crowell and Beverly Ann, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stoneburg, Mrs. M. Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. M. Berry, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Code, Dunbarton; Mrs. Olive Meredith, Pat and Susan Vetzel, and Mrs. D. Bothwell. HAMPTON Miss Ida Campbell, Regina, Sask., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wesley Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beacock, Donald and Grant, Port Perry, visited Mrs. W. E. Beacock. Mrs. Margaret Tarviss and Miss Olive Beacock have been holi- daying et Elim Camp, north of Peterborough. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip wcre Mr. -and Mrs. Victor Grandy. Flcetwood; Mr. and Mrs. Emery Grandy, Joan and Robert, New Jersey. Mrs. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. B. Heaslip visited Mr. and Mrs. Wcsley McKeown, Mono Road. Mrs. Irwin remained for a visit with ber daughter, Mrs. Mc- Keown. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gray and family, Port Hope; Mrs. McLean, Miss Rase Mountjoy and Mr. Lor- enzo Mountjoy visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samelîs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clarkson, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Miss May Noan, Taronto, vis- itcd Mr. Noon and Mrs. Emerton. Mrs. R. W. Marlow called on fricnds in the village. Mr. J. Tampkins and Jimmie caught some fine pickcrcl at Hastings and treated Miss Noon, Mr. Noon, Mrs. Emerton and Jimn ta a fish and clip dinner. Mr. Russell Jackman, Toron- ta, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fratalochi and Mr. Wallace Trick, Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Mr. Arthur Hulbert visited his son, Mr. Perce Hulbert in To- r onto. Miss Muriel McKee, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barber and Brian, Courtice, visited Mrs. S.1I McKce. Mis. McLean, Uxbridge, was a guest ai Miss Rase Mountjoy. Walter Sharpe and Ted Len- nard spent a couple ai days work- ing at Mr. Sharpes farm at Cav- an. Mrs. Alice Farder spent a day in Lindsay. Miss Gladys McKee spent Sun- day with Miss Eva Parr, Black- stock. Misses Giadys Emerson and Jean Bowers and Mr. Arnold Wil- ]ians motored ta London ta visit Miss Yvonne Chant. Mn. and Mns. Lewis Fitzc ari, visiting hiem brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ney at Ottawa Mms. Norman Lansing is vist- ing hier family in Oshawa. Mr. Cecil Slcmon, Hlaydon, visited his sister, Mrs. Lorenzo' Mounitioy.1 Mm. and Mrs. Charles Briggs, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mountjoy. This is Mns., Briggs' first trip ta the country since lier iline-ss. Mr. Holmes, Mms. Thompsoi,1 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tîompson, Peteroorougl, visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. We are pieascd ta sec Mm.. El- mer Nesbitt is about again since bein'" sick. Mrs. Ted Colley and daugîters visited hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Langfeld. Several local folk atýtende decoration service at Union c e ne-, tery, Sunday, also Orange ser- vice in Blackstock. Nelson Marlow and Jas. Har-i ris are shingling a cottage at Scugag Paint. Several from hene attended the garden party at Cadi-us Fmi- day evening. It was a grand sup- pem and splendid entertainiment. Nestleton Women's Institute, met Wednesday aftemnoon at the. lovely home of Mrs. Cecil Wil- Soli. Mrs. Philip Langfcld .vas presented with a cup and saucer as a remembrance from liem friends. Mm. and Mrs. Philiip Langfcld have huilt a new home in Bowmanville and wil l e imov- ing ver\' soon. SUHOOL REPORT S. S. No. 14, CLARKE (KIRBY) Naies are in alphaletical ord- cm. Gm. 8 ta 9-BobhY Capping. Gm. 7 ta 8--MarilyNn Quantniii)', Elizabeth Reid*. Gm. 6 Ioa"à Clair Chapman, Reid Cochrane, Dorcen Copping*, Jin- MY Strnng. Gm. .5 lu fi--Jean Carscadden. Doris Kenne v. Gm. 4 Io 5 -Bruce Cascadden, Donald Chapman*, Elwood Bak- cr, Jo ce H~arris*, Dîck Rutler- fard. Gr. 3 tu 4 -.Shirlex' Baker. .Taan Bowpn*. Mernill Graîain, Evelvi Harris, Catherine Lowcry, Allani Quantrill*, Rallie Reid, Joan RUt le m!oid. Gm. 2 ta .3- Ronniie Glass, Wxn Lower.v. Bille Reid*. Gm. 1Iota2-Donald Allin. Mi'- gamet Baker. Billy Barr,], Ed- x'.'ardi Canscadrien ý'. Tom mx', Hen- derzon", David Ruthienfordý'. (~Promaied an xeas vrk). Mrs. Gardon AsI, leadher. The Christian grades are lik- pefu'res. and thc more thev ar,~ prcssed thc swelter the, mel ~ Francis Beau mont. Thc growth in grace is like the poMshing ai metais. Theme us first an opaque surface; b 'y and bv yau sec a spark dartîng ont, tIen P strangiz lght: tilI at longth it sends back a perfect image 1)f the sun that shInes upon it.-Ed- ward Payson. CMEp- PAGE rgni",W Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rundle4ý and family, Oshawa. visited witbh. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skelding. -và Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coppin and,* Mrs. Fred Wilson, Oshawa. andî Miss Betty Allun, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville. ed another selection. Mrs. K. Bil- lett was at the piano and Miss M. Niddery, the organ. The usual flower arrangement formed the church decorations. On Monday, July 2nd a tea was held on the church lawn, which was attended by man * who came from far and near ta partake of the bounteous mneal prepared' and which was voiced b *v manv as very enjo-yable. and to whichi ail did ample justice. The sports in the park consisted of two bal games. In- the evening Blackstock folk put on their play "Raggedy Nan" which was much enjoyed by the large audience. Between acts, piano music was given by Mrs. J. A. Warrack, and bv Ralph Peters, Toronto, who ail were delighted to hear. Sun- day offering was $140.00. Total proceeds were $5 13.00. Nesilelon Siation Serve Refreshing Juices.0Often! J. . Om a 0& m 0&-OII Grapefruit Juice '29Ç 2 n« 27Ç Blended Juice o-33 2 n»29 Orange Juice "For Cool Delicious Salads" B. C. PA&CK-gANCY ftUO SOCKEYE Salmon SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP Jar VELVEETA Cheese sfo, ROSE BRAND-SWEET WAFER PICKLES FRAY BENTOS CORNED BEEF Golden Yellom Ripe Bananas Excellent for catlîîg or preserving Ontario Grown - Sweet Black Cherries - $1.39 Ncew ('rop (alifornia Size 100'9 Grapefruit - - - 4/27c Red Ripe and Siveet Ige. qize 24 ta ?8 ca. Walermelon - - $1.39 Juicy California zze 288's doz. Sunkisi Oranges Ontario No. 1 New Potaloes -29C - - 39c F'RESH DIAL1 - LOC'AL GROIVN G;reen Pea's Tomatoes CaulîfloNver - Cablage Lettuce - Beets . Carmots RASPEERRIES NOIN K.SEASON IJNGRAOED EGGS WA14TUDI Se@ mnag.r for dotails. Reg. Grad. Staflom Vi. pay highest market Prices for Ungraded Ih.i., VaIuei Effective Thriday. Pridoy, Satu day, Ju y 12th, 13h à I4th 1 35Ç. 2 3bOU21 AYLua-IN T'.S. ROSTON iaowwie 45( PORK & BEANS 53 c 29( ;EgsI . 1 ý2 so-29c lw CULVUtt40usî-Cm4Ocg DESSERT PEA RS % & 24c Infant & Junior Foods QUIRNIS ROYAL-STD. Sliced Peaches 200 CLARIS-WITM Via. Boied Dinner ~29C BUDGET WAX PAPER DO F. 0OO44NION-FLAYOURFUUL Peanut Butter Jar z.35C ZEST-SLICED 'DILL PICKLES 2A Oz. ' 4 Ja oe .w Our Guarante. AI .é..d... ..*i 0~- ~ i~.o 0 A ~~*I~cI~ *~ 4 ~..*,,a .. e.., , 100% SutIsIo<iI Cf Jr35( in0, 47C lb. - * 19C DOMINION sionn Iwitie -fruit le THZ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Gordfon Martin and Doris have ]eft on a motor trip to Western Canada. Messrs. Bey. and Bill Jaynes spent a few days at London. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lois with'Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woohams at their cottage. Fen- elon Falls. Master Floyd and Miss Sandra Coulter who have been vîsiting their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Sain Powell, have returned to their home at Downsview. Miss Elaine Powell visited at Downsview on Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Bedwin, Marlene and Freddie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Taylor, Cour- tice. Mr. A. Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch and family, Shi- loh, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pollard and1 family, Brampton. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes, the boys re-1 mainîng for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMinn,i Oshawa. with Mr. and Mrs. W.i Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clemence, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes and Donnie and Mrs. W. Holmes spent a day in Oshawa last week. Notice Io Credilors-' AND OTHERS IN the Estate of MELVIN-ý GRAHAM, Deceased. ALL persans having claims,. against tIc estate of Melvin.-ý Graham, late of the Township of Clarke. deccased, who died on or about thc 28th day of October 1950, are hereby notificd to sen4 in ta W. Ross Strike, K.C., SoliclU" tom for the Administrator, 'Bow2 " manville, Ontario, on or before the l7th day af July, 1951, fuit particulars ai their daim. ý t Immcdiately after the said l7tIiy day ai July, 1951, the assets af. the deceased wvill be distributed-., amongst the parties entitled there.'- ta, laving regard only ta clam~ ai which the said solicitor forte adminîstrator shall then hav@ ý notice. DATED at Bowmanville twbl" 22nd day of June, 191.1, W. R. Strike, K.C., Solicitor for the Admînistrator, Bowmanvllle, Ontarfo.

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