. , IUEINAV 1YW.'V12e- tos TR CAMA TiTNRT9AIEgAI4N. ôwtIMf? ?.F YIAUW' J PAGE -I SOCIALMNDPERSOIIA Phione 063 Mns. W. C. Jenkins is enjoy- fng a visît with aid friends in Kingston. Miss Emma Werny, Toronto, Is guest ai ber cousin, Miss Flon- ence Werny. Mn. J. J. Mutton end daugbten, Brighton, spent the weekend with Mns, A. E. Devitt, Mns. Alfred Nichais, Oshawa, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mns. Leslie Nichols. Miss Helen Devitt, Toronto, % ent the holiday weekend with n rnmothen, Mns. A. E. Devitt. . Mns. C. H. Dudley and NoeI spent a pleesant week et thein summen home on Stoney Lake. Mns. Benyl Oliver bas retunned fnom visiting ber daughten, Mns. G. D.* W. MacMillan et Cornwall. Mns. F. Lehmann and son Wil- liem, Brooklyn, N.Y.. are visiting ber mothen, Mrs. Elgin R. Wight. Mns. J, Carpenter and- two children, Guelph, are bolidaying *with ber mothen, Mrs. Fred Cny- derman. Mn. and Mns. L. B. Nichais, Cal- ebogie, spent the holiday week- . end with Mn. and Mns. Leslie Nichols. Mrs. W. J. Leask and family spent the weekend with ber brother, Dr. S. S. Lumb and fam- ily, Bancroft. Mrs. W. Hersant and Miss Pa- tricia Hersant, Toronto. spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. C. Papineau. Mn. and Mns. J. A. Fry and family have been enjaying a motan tnip ta Kingston, Ganan- oque and other eastenn points. Mn. and Mns. Bob McFenlane and deughter Joan, Aimante, were visitons ai Mn. and Mns. L. H. Bucknell, Carlisle Ave. Miss Lola Down was called ta Detroit, Mich., an Wednesday owing ta the seiaus iilness ai ber eIder brother, Mn. Ed. M. Down. The woaden sections ai St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Temperence St.. received a new coat af cneam and green peint this week. Mrs. Hanry Rice and daughter Joan and Mrs. S. G. Chantran and daughten Doris left Monday on a week's motor trip ta Syra- cuse. N.Y. Mrs. J. Tbompson, St. Cath- arines, is visiting ber daughten and san-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Keith W. Slemon, and also ber new gnenddaughter. Raspbennies made their finst appeanance in King St. gnoceny stores Tuesday. Goodbye stnaw- berry short-cake. You wene wonderiul while it iasted. Doug Carter and Fred Cale tnavelled ta Peterboraugh Wed- nesday ta represent Bowmanville in the doubles lewn bowling tour- nament held in the Liftiock City. Mn. and Mns. A. Haines Cox and Master Jon, Rivenside; Mn. and Mns. Gardon Lanktnee. Hunting- don, Que., wene visitons af Mn. and Mns. J. A. Cox, Temperance Street. Mrs. A. J. Frank with hen staff ai helpens and 53 Girl Guides leave next Tuesday morning for thein annuel 12 days' camp at Pigeon Lake among the beautiful Kawantba Lakes. Mn. and Mns. Cednie Needham and family, Syracuse, N.Y., have been visitîng bis parents, Mr. and Mns. J. H. Needham, wbo bave neturned with them ta Syra- cuse fan twa weeks. Guests fnom this district at the Barken-Adems wedding in Albert St. United Chuncb, Osh- awa, on June 30, wene Mn. and Mns. Lamne J. Bradley, Hampton, and Mr. and Mns. David W. Bath- well, Bowmenvilie. On June 28 a very successful strawbery tee and sale of home cooking wes held on tbe lawn ai Mn. and Mrs. James Marn s home on Lowe Street by mem- bers of Durham Chapter, O.E.S. Mr. and Mns. Everton S. White, Bethesda; Mn. and Mns. Allen Down and femily, Countice, et- tended the dinner given in bonor af Mr. D. C. White's 87th birth- day on July 4th et "Idalia," Port Hope. Visitons with Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon this week wene: thein deugbten, Mrs. C. R. Siemon, Trenton; Mn. and Mns. Howard Price and son Biliy, Wilaowdale; Mn. and Mrs. Henb Slemon and Mns. Sulas Trewin, Toronto. Bowmanville Scouts and Cubs collected 25,740 lbs. ai newsprint in the paper drive June 29, which adds $154.44 ta thein building fund. The current pnice of aid newsprint is set et $12 per tan. Mns. Alpha M. Pinch, a nesident ai Bowmanville for many years, died et ber home, 22 Gladstone Ave., Oshawa, Juiy 6th, in ber 95th year. Interment was in Smash Hit "Krossroad Kapers" To Play ini Bowmanville ,4Town Hall, Two Nights, July 19-2 "Knossroad Kapers" is the name ai the big smash stage show and amateur contest which will be steged on Juiy 19-20 in Town Hall, Bowmanville, unden the sponsorship ai the Hampton Women's Institute. "Krossroad Kapens" Is pattern- ed aiter popular barn dance type prognams and uses a cast ai lo- cal talen ta impensonate radio celebrities as tbey compete ior cash awards. The campetition is open toalal those taking part, and the winners will be selected by the vote af the audience attend- ing. There is no age limit set for the talent who wish ta compete for the pnizes, and the contest is open ta everyone in this town and in the surrounding commun- ity. It is not necessany ta be- long ta the sporting organizatian in order ta enter the competition. AIU types ai ententainens are need- ed for this big show. If you are a singer, yodelen, tep, square an jig dancer, there is a place fan you in the cast. If you play a musical instrument sucli as a fiddle, guitar, banjo, mandolin, accordion, harmonica, or if you do animal or bird imitations, or if you know ai anyone who does any ai these things on bas any other type ai specieity ect, then contact Mrs. F. Honey et Hamp- ton, on 'phone 2560 Hampton for funthen details, on The Statesman, Bowmanville. A profession stage show di- nectar will have charge. She will hold tnyouts fan talent an two difienent evenings et the Town Hall, Bowmanville, Thurs- day and Friday, evening, July 12 and 13 et '7:30. She will elso train the master ai ceremonies wha impersanates Roy Rogers, King af the Cowboys; Dale Evans, Queen ai the West; Minnie Pearl, and the oie Injun Fighter, Roy Rogers' pandner, Gabby Hayes. The setting fan the show will be quite unusual. By means of baled straw and bey the stage will be given a rustie setting ai e typical aid fasbioned gathering et the cnossroads. It gives the local talent an oppatunity ta ap- pear in the cast and imitate their favorite radia or TV enterteiners. "Knossnoad Kapens" bas met success whenever it bas been staged and bas e record of playing tawns in every state in the union and many provinces of Canada. If you or any ai your friends and relatives have talent you will enjoy teking party in this big show. If you are not going ta take part, then mark the dates July 19-20 and plan ta attend the show both nights as there wiil be a diffenent program each evening. Advance indications are thàt there will be e large tunnout for the affair and advance tickets for the show are on sale now. Special Features for ROT WEATHER Zero pkg. Junket, ail flavors pkg. Dessert Mix - - 15c Ice Cream Mix - 14c Shiriff'. Lushus pkgs. Aylmer bottle JelIy Powders 3/29c Ketchup . . . 20c ,,i16-z in Assorted Sandwich lb. Sweet Relish - - 29c Cookies *--39C Al Flavors Freshie - ---5c Margene - - -41c Silver, Gold or Chocolate Ogilvie's Cake Mix ----pkg. 35c Why Carry Your Groceries in the Hot Weather LET US DELIVER - FREE 0F CHARGE See Our Complete Stock of FRESH AND COOKED MEATS 55 Kfl YEOI'S M4EATS AND OROCERIES Formerly Harry AIlin's MG ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONI IE 3367 Bowznhanville Cemetery Monday afternoon. Membens ai Durhamn Chapter, O.E.S., held a picnic July 5th at Mn. and Mrs. Howard Piekards' cottage. at The Cave. A boun- tiful supper was served on tables set up on the lawn. Races and games were enjoyed by the child- ren. Mr. Ralpb H. Carruthers, New York City, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Carnuthers before contin- uing ta Chicago, whene he will attend a convention of Amenîcan and Canadien Library Associa- tions. The iollowing wîll be acting as Boy Scout Leaders at the an- nual camp from July 28-Gond. Richards, Ken Nicks, Ross Rom- bough, Russell Hayes, Arnold Sleep, Glen Fry, plus the regulan leaders. Patrol Leader Don Cramp ne- ceived the Silven Arrow, not Bronze Arrow as stated in last week's Statesman Boy Scouts must have thein Bronze Arnow to qualify for this course. Don ne- ceived his a couple af years ago. Mrs. Donald Ferguson and daughter Laura bave returned fnomn spending a week at Dr. and Mrs. Fenguson's cottage on Jack Lake and they are spending the summen with Mn. and Mrs. Les- lie Nichols while Donald Fer- guson is taking a summer course at Petawawa Anmy Camp. Recent visitons with Mrs. Gid- dus Jones and Eileen wene: Mrs. J. E. Jobnston, Portland, Ore- gon; Mns. Douglas, Red Deen, Ai- berta; Mn. and Mrs. Matchett, Millbrook; Mn. Ed. Mitchell, Lindsay; Mns. Dr. J. Inwin, Co- bourg; Miss Muriel Irwin, Mont- neal; Mrs. Geo. Hazelitt, Peter- borough; Mrs. H. A. Galbraith, town. Responding to an alanmo at il p.m. Tuesday evening, the Bow- manville Fine Brigade quelled a bush fine on the propenty of Fred Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmnanville, which might have pnoved dis- astrous to cottages situated et the other end of the bush. The Bri- gade was directed to the scene north of Hampton by O.P.P. Ray Kowal. Miss Doris Chartran, ledger keeper at the Bank of Commerce, on severing ber connection last week wîth the local bank aften three years' service, was bonored by the staff when she was pre- sented with a Ronson lighter and the good wisbes of ber fellow workens. Aften a couple weeks' bolidays Doris will join the staff of the Bank of Commerce in Osh- awa. Bnookdale Roses basebaîl teamn cbalked up two wins aven the weekend. Defeating Port Hope Ontanios 3-1 Saturday in the bilîside town, they duplicated the feat in Coîborne Monday evening when they tnimmed the home- town teamn 9-7. The Roses play Coîbonne at the B.H.S. park to- night (Thursday) and entertain Lindsay Menchants bere, Sat- unday. Mn. and Mrs N. G. McCulloch attended the annual McCullach picnic at Campbellford on July 2nd which was a buge success. It being a perfect day 91 ai the Mc- Culloch clan sat down ta a sump- tuous fowl dinnen, after wbich a prognama of sports was played with prizes for winnens, bath young and old participating. Mn. and Mrs. N. G. McCulloch spent the rest af the week visiting old friends, returning home Thurs- day. Mn. A. W. Blue, daughter Miss Mary Margaret (Mory) Blue and bis mothen-in-law, Mns. J. R. Gifford who went ta England lest August returned ta town on Sat- urday and are for the time be- ing staying at the Balmoral Ho- tel. They enjoyed visiting with bis daughters and granddaugh- tens wbo live at London anaI Newcastle, but they are glad ta be back in Canada wbere living conditions are nat 50 restricted. As they sold their bouse at On- tario and Queen Streets ta Mn. Howard Gibson before going overseas tbey are now in search of a small bouse, eitber ta rent on buy, as they would like ta manville. Mn. F. C. Pethick, Bowman- ville's oldest menchant and we11 S.S. No. 9, Clarke The regulan meeting afi Suent Sisters was beld last Thunsday evening at Mrs. Bill Allin's with 15 ladies present. The meeting apened with the regular business. Tbe blankets wene distributed and the premium blankets sold, witb two baby blenkets being do- nated ta Bowmanville Hospital. Mrg. Chas. Fisk spoke a few words af regret on behaîf of the club at the ioss of one ai aur membens, Mrs. Alex Ritchie, wbo is moving ta Orono this month. She then presented ber wîth a lovely plate and cnem and su.- an. Mrs. Ritchie ,w.ho vvas taken quite by surprise thanked the ladies for their kindness. The rest af the evening was spent in contests which were much enjoyed. Lunch was serv- ed by Mns. Allun and Miss Betty AlUin. Next meeting in August at Mrs. W. Brunt's. Miss Maie Kent Io spending two weeks holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw and family, Osh- awa. Mrs. Wally Gibson. Russell, Canol and Gerald with ,her par- ents, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Henning Sn., Oshawa. Miss Mary Bowen, Cornwall, with ber mothen, Mrs. F. Bowen. Mn. and Mns. Sam McR.eelis and family. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and family, Stark- ville, with Mn. and Mrs. David MeReelis and faniily on Sunday. Spinday vîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk wene Mr. and Mrs. Plunkett and Mr. and Mrs. Stanbennie and family, Peterbor- ough; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fisk and family and Mrs. White of Pontypool. Mrs. Chas. Fisk visited ber par- efts, Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Cambellcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk and family spent Monday with rela- tives in Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pedwell and Barry and Mrs. H. Pedwell with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Youngblutt and family at tbeir cottage at Burnt River. Mrs. Stan Riekard, Brian and Ralph, Beaverton, with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ped- well. Mr. and Mrs. John Fisk visited his sister. Mrs. Joe Lee, Fenelon Falls, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kent on Sun- day. NE WTON VILLE Miss Jean Wade who bas been vîisting friends at Lindsay re- turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Staple- ton with their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port McNicoll. Mr. andý Mrs. George Breen, Canton, Ill., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick and granddaughter, Miss Nancy Wood, Enniskillen, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap. Miss Ella Sexsmith who bas been in failîng health for about a year pased away at her home on Tuesday. July 3rd. The funer- al was from the George Funeral Chapel, Port Hope, on Thursday. Interment was in Port Hope Union Cemetery. Mr. and Mns. Jack Elliott and Dorothy attended a family picnic at Toronto, Saturday. Miss Gwen Stark spent a few days last week with ber teacher, Mrs. Murray Walton, Newcastle. Mrs. Hattie Langstaff has had ber house painted, thus im- proving its appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Russell MacNeil, Oshawa. with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow. The Kendai Fife and Drum Band members were in the vill- age Friday evening. Mr. Low- ery, anxious to have bis aunt, Mrs. Jane Annott hean them,. brought her down in his car. Mrs. Richardson, Chicago, and Mrs. Buekle, Boston, are visiting their sister and ber busband, Mr. and Mrs. James Daynard. Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Van Allen and daughter, Phyllis and Mn. Morley Wellbanks visited their aunt. Miss Hamilton, Belleville. Mn. and Mns. Wayne Elliott and Bob Pearce have fin ished up at Winghamn and are at home waiting for their next assign- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Holly Kernahan and Mn, and Mrs. Arnold Coulter, ,Minden, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Milligan. Mr. William Glover, Souris, Man., and Mn. Harold Payne, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gloven. Like a boît fnom the blue came the message Friday morning that Mr. John Pearce had passed away. Mr. Pearce had no sick- ness and although flot feeling as well as usual was on the job on Thursday. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Peance and family. The funeral service was held at the George Fenguson. Mrs.*Wilfred -Wood-and the president and secretary are a committee to look aften games, transportation, etc. Mns. John Pearce. the convenen. then took charge of the meeting. The roll caîl was "A verse fromn an old school book." Mrs. Sid- ne 'v Lancaster gave a papen on cunrent events. Eight ladies from Newtonvilie attended the district annual con- vention held recently in Maple Grove, and Mrs. R. S. Johnston brought us a splendid report.'One thaught she brought from the meeting \vas "Wbat we choose is what we are:, wbat we love is what we will be." Mns. Melville Samis sang ai lovelv solo, "0, What a Beautiful Morning." Mrs. Frank Gilmer eonducted an interesting contest. and the hostess and ber gnoup served lunch.& BLACKSTOCK Mn. and Mrs. Alan Train, Wes- ton; Mr. and Mis. A. J. Newton, Toronto, w ith Mn. and Mrs. George Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peance. Robent Ford af R.C.M.P., Kirk- land Lake, Mns. Fard and baby Roberta wîth Mn. and Mrs. Fard. Miss Eva Brown, Hamilton, with Miss Vere Fonder. Miss Ruth Hamilton who is working in Part Penny et the "Del" Restaurant and Miss Doris Hamilton, Toronto Western Hos- pital, with Mr. and Mns. Fred Hamilton. Miss Donna Farder is holiday- ing with Mns. e.~ Tamblyn of Bowfranvile, et Midland. Mns. A. J. Cook, Bnooklin, and Mrs. Pearl Robson, Toronto, vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm. Mn. and Mrs. Norman McNally and Venna, Coîborne, (Verna left Monday with girl friends ta spend the summer in England), Miss Marion Leundny, Cobourg; Miss Helen McGuire, 'Miss Marilyn Farder, Miss Lucille Farder, Mn. Gardon Sturnock, Bowmanville; Mn. Harold Fonden, Part Penny; Mn. and Mns. Howard Farder with Mns. Charlotte Fonder. Mr. and Mns. J. W. Cunning- ham, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Borden Campbell, Dantford, with Mn. and Mns. Neil Malcolm. The annuel l2th of July Sun- day Parade and Service was on Sunday evening with a good et- tendance. Tynone Fife and Drum Band led the walk ta tbe United Churcb. Rev. McCoomb of the Janetville - Nestieton Pnesbyten- ian Cburcb Circuit wes guest speaker and Enniskiilen men's quantet provided special music. Mrs. Harold Martyn and Ron- nie are visiting ber sisten. Mns. Charlie Stainton at Binch Point on Stungeon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy and family, Langstaff, with Mn. and Mns. Norman Mountjoy. Mns. J. Brown, Toronto, with ber daugbter, Mns. Frank Stani- land. Miss June Whitfield is holiday- ing this wcek at home. We are ail glad that 'Harold Kyte is home from the bospital in Toronto and able ta out again. Miss Lois Larmen and pupils enjoyed e pienic in the park et the close of school. Miss Larmer was presented wîth a lovely gift,> Alex. We Deliver, china peacocks, and a cup and saucer. Allan Rahmn and Pets Agg, of Whitby, motored to Algonquin Park for a trip. Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe are spending a week at Fenndale, Muskoka, attending the Canadian Keswick Conference. Mr. John Archer made a trip to Chatham, N.B., last week to see where the flying accident which took Ronald's life took place. Mr: and Mrs. Art Burt and Jack visited her brother, Mn. Robent Ford and irs. Ford. Mrs. Rupert Werry had an operaton in Oshawa Hospital. We hope she.-will have a good recoveney. Mr. and Mrs. Samis, Peter- borough, visited Miss Vera Fonder and Mrs. Gannet Wright. ZMON Miss Beverley Knawles, Osh- awa, was hostess et a miscellan- eous showen for Miss Helen Day- idson. Misses Jean Cameron and Helen Davidson were bostesses at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Mary Geissberger at Helen's home on Thursday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and sons, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Flintoff and family, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and family, Mns. Reta Burgess and sons. Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff and family, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Flint- off and familv. Maple Grove; Mr. and Mn4s. Lloyd Flintoff a nd and family, North Oshawa; Mrs. Deibent Flintoff, Wes and Don Flintoff, Kedron, at Wes Cam- eron's. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and family, Hampton; Mr. and Mns. Howard Abbott and family, Burketon, at Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil and family., at Beaverton. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee, Toronto; Mr. Tom Curnie. Hamilton-, Rev. and Mrs. George Killen, Sutton; Mn. rnd Mrs. Dave Hutcheson and Bruce, North Oshawa, at Robent Killen's. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, George and Peggy et Ben Hub- bard's, Bunketon. Mn. and Mns. Ivor Gerry, To- nonto; Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Glas- pel and family. Tynone; Mn. and Mns. Ray Scott and f amily, Osh- awa, at Mns. F. B. Glaspel's. Mn. and Mns. Russell Robbins, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Browning Island: Mr. 'Leonard Harper, Toronto, at Alex McMaster's. Decoration service on Sunday ~s very well attended. IRev. H. ~.Cleverdon. Christ Memonial Chunch, Oshawa, was guest speaker. The choir sang one an- themn and Mrs. Lloyd Ayne, Bow- manville, sang a solo. Zion W. A. met at the home ai Mns. Genry Glaspel with a real good attendance. Mns. Gerny Glaspel took charge of the war- ship service with Mrs. Haass reading the scipture. The fol- lowing pnogramn was given: piano solo. Edwand Haas; vocal trio, Sylvia Hasink, Marilyn Fiee, Peggy Davîdson; reading, Mns. Haas. Mrs. Ray Scott, Oshawa, gave a very interesting talk on "Building for the Future." De- licious refneshments were served by Mns. Genny Glaspel, Mrs. H. Haas, Mrs. Donald Yellowlees. Mrs. George Gibson is imprav- ing fnomn hen attack of erysipelas. MUSIC RESULTS Pupils of Reta Cole Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M., R.M.T., were successful in exarninations held recently by The Royal Conserva- tory of Music of Toronto, Exam- iner David Ouchterlony. Piano Grade IX.-Pass, Eileen Spicer. Grade VIII-lst Class Hunors, Douglas Mantz. XVitbv; Honors -Ray Asliton, Donald Cramp. Grade VI-Pass, Lorelei Hetli- erington, Rosemnanie Monnill. Grade IlI-Honors, Mary Ellen Lewis; Pass, Grace Marie Turn- er. Grade II-Honors, Candace Eastaugh. Grade I-Honons, Marzaret Vanstone. Singing Grade II-Pass, Nancy nmythe. Theory Grade IV-Hanmony, Honons, Janet McGregor. Grade III-Harmony, Honors, Elizabeth Gibson. Grade II-Honors, Norma Dale. Mns. Dudley will resumne hen class September lOth. McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 a. - s. a Ls..IVOIs7121M LLéS .Mlàffl. MOL ., v.ta.. V% ..- . $ýdepndenfCOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Dru SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY L.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS 3 and 6oz0 Aromatic bascara Reg. 30e& z50e Z2 23c, 39c Boracic Acid 8 & 16 oz. Reg. 30e, 45e 23c, 37c Epsom Salis 8 & 16 oz. Reg. 15c, 25ec uc, 19C Idasal Tablets 300's. Reg. 89c 59C Minerai OÙt 16 & 40 oz. Reg. 43c, 87c 39c, 85c Reg. 37c, 79 Vitamin BI Tablels 100's & 09s 29c, 59c Whife Embrocation Reg. 2~99 23c, 39c Cold Cream E. Howard, 1 lb. Reg. 89ec. 69C FACE-ELLE - ----- 3-ply 2.5c, 2/49e - 2-piy 22c, 2/43e KLEENEX Tissues -----------22c, 2 for 43e MODESS ------------------ 12's 40c, 2/79c 48's $1.53 TAMPAX,I 5's, 10's, 40's- 25c, 43c, $1,491 ENO'S TOILET TISSUE, Cashmere, Interlake,Fri Etc.- ------- - -- 2 for 27c 59c - 98e à I.DA. Brand N., Health Salk~ English Style A refreshing glassful every morning realiy 8 oz pk. j16 o. pg."peps YOU Up. ~ 8 o z P g ~ 1 o z . P k g .1 - b . e a u 250J 48e 9 "'Hero" Fire Extinguisher Pressurized $1.59 Band - Aid for First Aid 15c, 35c, 65c Bathing Caps 49c up Sun Glasses Aviation Style $1.23, $1.98' Voids stops bad breeth 25c, $1.25 Î GRAPEFRUIT CREAM HALF PRICE SPECIAL HELP PROTECT VOUR SKIN FROM SUMMER DRYNESS A creom of very fine texture with the pore penetrating of nature grapefruit oil, acid removed. Ideal for dry, sensitive akine. HEADACHE si 29Ç - 55Ç - 98Ç GIN PULLS URNED Pictures Thaot Satisfy ele boclache, Or A New Roil FREEÉ ,he um tc pain&'. derariged kivdmeys. [Reg. Size 740 Ansco AiI-WuMterFHm (c ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. L. Ste heb and Ronnie at Mr. HowardCo1 ing's, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor i family, Toronto, are holidayfii with the Stark family. Mr. Joe Ashton, Detroit; Mi'. and Mrs. John Gilson, Woodvlfle; Mr. and Mrs. Fred King, Oshawaz Miss Merle Ormiston, Brookli.n at H. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe and fa mily with Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and Mi>ss Bessie, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormi*~n, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gray and Bobby. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and family with Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and Miss Bessie Pascoe. Oshawa. Sympathy is extended to !MrI4 James Stark in the death of her mother, Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, Ragà ian. Several fromn here enjoyed the entertainment provided b3y The Barber Shoppers at Ennisicillea Friday night. LONG SAULTý Sympathv is extended to r D. Cole and family, Bethesda, ini the sudden lassing of a 1oving husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds. Lindsa * , and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly, Orono. with Mr. and Mis. R. Sim and Mr. D. B. Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd, Doreen and Eileen, with Mr. 4nd Mrs. A. Tompkins, Burketon., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker and famnily and Mrs. May Johns with Mr. and Mrs. Robert C«xn- eron. Ty" rone. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk and John, Miss Mary Vaneyk and Mr. Charles Penwarden end- joyed a motor trip to Bobcaygeon. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim who celebrated their l2th wedding anniversawj Julyr 8th. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyer, of Nestleton with Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. D. B. Farrell bas sold bis farm. Congratulations to Miss Pearl Penwarden on passing ber ent- rance exams with honors, also to ail pupils who passed into anoth- er class. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY -s. - - - 1 .,ý PAGE quoË