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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1951, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CAKADIMI STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO 9TT~T~AV ITTTV 1041~ Ifia, Notes Whîch May Be Useful In lnterpreting the Si. Darnahas Church Affair ini Toronto (By Rev. Warren Turner> concerned with the canons (iaws) 1. Commlttee on Dilferences of the Church. When the Commission has fin- When it becomes apparent to ished its hearings it reports ta the Bîshap of the Diocese that the Bishap with any recammen- there is seriaus trouble wîthîn a dations it sees fit ta make. The Parish he may appoint a Com- Bishop then takes what action mittee ta attempt a reconciliation seems wisest ta him in the lîght oi differences and ta report back of the repart. It is within his au- ta him. If this Committee suc- thority ta remave an incumbent ceeds in its mission this is the from office, transfer hlm ta an- last that is likely ta be heard af other charge, or if there are suf- the matter. Much af the work of ficient grounds: prefer charges such a committee is carried on against him in the Bishop's Court. rather informally. 3. The Bishop's Court 2. A Commission of Investigation Is an ecclesiaticai court for the Where the Cornmittee fails ta trial of Church members on rgstore order. the Bishop may charges lnvolving the canons of issue a Commission of four men the Church (dealing largely with ta investigate the matter fUllY questions of morals, doctrine and and then make recommendations Church discipline). In practice ta the Bishop for his guidance. actuall)r its effective work is re- Such a Commission may be lik- stricted ta the clergy as the av- ened ta a Royal Commission ap- erage layman becoming involved pointed ta investigate the opera- in such matters simply severs his tions of a government department. connection with the Church and It should get at ail the relevant is p)laced outside the Court's jur- information, weigh it and form isdiction thereby. -Church Courts conclusions upon which it bases are flot greatly used in Canada its recommendatians ta the Bish- and the machinery is somewhat ap. This Commission is issued cumbersome. Presumably if the ta a group af four men, two af Rev. H. W. Garbutt refuses ta them priests of the Church, (mn abide by the Bishop's decision, this case, Canon R. J. Shires, a he may be brought before the former Rector af Bowmanville, Bishop's Court, on a charge af and Canon F. J. Nicholson) and wilfully disobeying the Bishop two laymen. one af whom is the in a matter over whieh the Bish- Chancellor of the Diocese, Mr. R. op properly has jurisdiction. The H. Soward, K.C. 0f necessity, court then would have ta decide s uch investigations ar e ehiefly <a) if the Bishop has jurisdiction Relax with NILK for summertime refreshment ! Cool, deliclous milk takes the sizzle from summer days -... puts PEP in your hot weather schedule! Milk's low calorie, high vitamin content gives you energy without adding weight! Keep milk on hand for friends and family'. . . every day! Cail us for delivery. GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 444 BOWMANVILLE JEEATI , DO mANIL COMFORTABLY AIR COOLED THURSDAY - FRIDAY - JULY 20 -21 SECOND ENTERTAIî*4ING FEATURE- ROY ROGERS TRIGGER JR. IN TRUCOLOR FRIDAY EVENING ýAND SATURDAY MATINEE WILL START THE NEW EXCITING SERIAL "WILD BILL IIICKOCK " MON. - TUES. - WED.- JULY 23 -24 -25 howft quit I E'w- h. mrina trvo and (b) if be bas, then whether the said priest was indeed diso- bedient. In event ai his being found guilty ho couid be uafrock- ed-stripped af bis autharity as a priest in the church-but flot ai bis priesthood which is his for flice by reason ai bis ordination. There are also lesser penalties passible. 4. Appeals from, the Bishop's Court rnay be taken, first ta the Metroloitan's Court and frons there ta the gencrai Synod Court. The Church ai England in Can- ada is divided inta four ecclesi- aticai provinces, each presided aver by an Archbîshop as Met- ropolitan. This Diocese is ini the ecciesiaticai province af Ontario, with Archbishap John Lyon ai Kingston as Metropalîtan. The Church ai England in Canada is completely autanomous and there is na appeai beyond Genenal Syn-, ad, although presumably on cer- tain matter, and thîs would not be one, an opinion from ather metropalitans (particularly the Archbishop ai Canterbury) and ai the Lambeth Conference (a consultative body only) might be sougbt. Such opinions would be advisary only and in no way binding. 5. The very fact that the St. Barnabas Church affair bas re- ceived sa much publicity is partly due ta the fact that the Church does not make a great deal of use ai the legal approach ta ber problems, preierring where pas- sible the more personal methad ai infarmal investigation and reasaning, through rural deans, archdeacons and the Bishop hins- self. At present there are about 265 clergy in the Diacese, 180 or more parishes of diiiering sizes and many more congregatians. Put inta this perspective the un- fortunate trouble in Toranta do not seem. so devastating. THE SKOOKUM CHUCK Taking a few liberties with the original Indian, we translate aur tithe ta mean "Water Troubles." Tbat's fia joking matter down here at the lower hevels ai The Cave. With Lake Ontario higber than it has ever been before and an extra heavy downpour every day or so, things arc a bit damp ta say the ieast. The week-end just past was a beautiful anc. The mca folk got a bit chummy and ambitiaus and organized a shovel gang ta dig a channel whîch would drain a little excess water from Willow Lake into the big lake and dry up a fcw roads and back yards. The mca with the shovels came irom Cedarcrest. It wasn't long before thcy wcne joined by a dozen or so supeintendents ai the sîdewalk variety frons The Cave. Soon another gang was seen witb shovels and a wbeel- barow hauling gravel ta re-build a section ai road that had disap- peared inta bog. Well, things were beginning ta look a bit dryer aften the week- end's sunshinc and a bit ai bard work. It lastcd a fcw hours. The rains have came again. Unoificiai measurement ai rainiali in the tub set out ta catch waten for the week's wash is four and ane quarter inches up ta the time ai gaing ta press. It's stili raining. That means a square mile or s0 ai swamp multiplied by 50 many gallons per square mile and divi- ded by the number ai mca with shovels. Well. you can figure it out. It's got me swamped! It is an ilI wind that bnings along fia good as wcll. The dear skunks have departed ta make tbemselves at home with the ilîl folk. They don't like swimming. At The Cottages~ With the Nashes and Gneys at Claver Cabin for the week-end was Mr. Donald GarlandofT- ronto. The Super-Efficient GILO - NAGIC 011 Healing MAKES TOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Savez Tan Money an Tour Fuel Casts Phone or Cansuit JACK BROUGH PLUMBING -HEATING Division St. S., Rowmanville New Phone - Office 615 House Phone 2384 Needleerait News c;' Wypa e ROY ('IOMPLAINJNG about the summer's heat will flot lower the texnperature a- ne degree, but dressing sensibly and attending ta your groaming will help you ta look cool anid casefortable in spite af the rising t.hermometer. If t mau be said that graami* * a mare "portant at ane time àf vote must go ta the summer enonths. Because it'a at this time that the elements - heat, hu-. rnidity .and sua - are warking against you. Prepare youzself for the sum- mer months 9ensibly. First of ail relax and slow down your Pace. You'II get through the hot days < mare effortlely if you do. Dresa camfortably. Yau'I1 do that very . eaaily this year af sheer fashions. 4 ' Sheer fabrics and ight pius . are attractive fabries that wl allow any breezes ta cool your ekin. Don't wear high necklinea or tight sleeves because t.bere's nothiag that will feel botter than these two style points. Wide leather beits wiIl leave you with that clammy wet feeling around the waist. An over-supply af heavy jewelrv will become aý,.uncom- luses on heels and soles. With bare fortable burden an a hot day. arma fashions you will want ta be Summertime is the time ta ac- most particular about defuzzing un- custom yourself ta a regular groom- derarms, - and legs, too. Ail thlese ing schedule. In this way your do's points are good starters for your bot and don't's wiIl become routine and weather groomning campaign. you wo't forget any of them. Daily Remeinher, too, ta kecp your tub bath ar shower - no matter how clothes well-groorned. Clean crisp busy you are. Regular use af andrsefshlnrino wit underarma deadarant - also dressdrsefshlnrino ht shields if neoessary. Faithful use af gloves help ta make you ledl cool the hair brush and shampoo. Ina as well as look cool.,To freshen vour cidentally, Iceep your hair covered dark sheers or linon suits beres a when exposed ta the hot sua. Doa't pretty collar and eif set that is ailow yourself ta sunburn toa much easily laundcred. You can crochet it - it does irreparable damnage ta your yourself at home with just thrcehalls skia. Protect your skia with lotions of niercer-crochet. To have directions and sua tan preparations. Are your for this set called OFFICE BOUND, bands nicely manicured? People simp]y send a stamped, se]f-addressed notice your bands. During the sum- envelope ta this paper and ask for mer manths your feet, too, will be Leaflet No. CT-246. The leaflet also bared at the beach and under sandale. gives instructions for tatting another Sa pedicure your taes, prevent cal- pretty collar and cuiTs. glad ta see the shutters of Gale Cottage opened for the seasan. The, illness of Mr. Pitfield's daughter, Mrs. Heuther, has de- layed their arrivai at The Cave. Gardon White who is studying at the Generai Motors Institute in Flint, Mich., spent Sunday with his parents, at Journey's End. Also visiting was Donald Capeland ai Taronto. Mrs. Howard Pickard ai Brae- side Cottage entertained at a supper party an Wednesday. Those present were Mrs. J. Els- ton, Carol and Brian; Mrs. L. Doreen and Lynne; Mrs. George White, Jean and Lorraine; Mrs. S. Craga and Alan; Mrs. G. Elli- att. Corrine _and Susan, ah aif Bowmanville: and Miss Cather- mne Yuen. Taronto. Miss Karen Lau Ott is spending the summer with ber grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ott at El-Ti-Di-Sa. Mrs. K. V. Duncan has ief t for Mantreai after a short vacation with Mrs. E. Ott. Miss Lamna Fletcher spent the week-end with Miss Sally Ott. Mr. J. H. Fox bas returned ta Chequers aiter a two weeks' Business DirecIory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Solicitor far Bankc af Montreai Money ta Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontaria LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bawmanviile Phone, Office 688 Resideace 553 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Salicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanvifle W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan 91/ Ring Street E., Bowmanville, Ontariaý Phone, Office 823 Hause 409 CONANT & CONANT Barristers and Solicitors Gardon D. Canant, K.C. Rager G. Canant, BA. Offices: Oshawa. Ont., 71/ Simcoe St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office Jury Jubiee Bldg. 40 King St. W., Bawmanviile Office Hours:- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9a.m. ta 12 naon Satu.rday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone 3609 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanviile Office Haurs:- Phone 351 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily' 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 REAL ESTATE B. G. <Rap) GILL REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members ai the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards H. G. GU, Broker Phone Bowmanville 3326 Residence 3514 AUDITING MONTEITU A& MONTEITH Chartered AccounWtaht 37 King St. E. Oshawa Mr. Gardon W. Riehi, C.A, resident partner. OPTQMETRY KEITH A. BILLETT Optametrist 74 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Monday ta Saturday except Wednesday 9 -12 Evenhngs by Appointment f business trip ta several cities in Western Canada and attendance at the International Convention oi American Society ai Heating and Ventilating Engineers in Seattle, Washington. Newcomers for the seasan at The Cave (neighbors of The Canltons) are Mr. and Mrs. W. McGillivray ai Toronto with their son and twq daughters. Vîsiting with them for the week- end were Mrs. Ivan Mackie and daughter, Errington, ai Alder- shot. At Cape Cod Cottage for the season are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cameron ai Oshawa and their daughter. They are alsa newcam- ers ta The Cave. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. McCarthy ai Toronto are vacationing again this year on The Cave Road. They had as Sunday visitons. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Greene and son Rab- ert ai Toronto. About thirty friends ai the Canltons fram their Toronto. church held a very happy pienie on the lawns ai Swastika Lodge an Saturday afternoan and even- ing. Wm. H. Carlton Jr. is spending the week with his grandmother, Mrs. Wm. H. Carlton Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCartney had their daughter, Sheila, with them for the week-end. Sheila has just returned from two weeks as a councillor at Camp Mirama- chi on Lake Huron. Mn. and Mrs. Jimmie Bell and family are holidaying at Three Gables. Mr. and Mrs. J. Attwell ai Poplar Lodge, Cedarcrest, are touring the Gaspe with Mr. and Mrs. C. Erz, also af Cedarcrest. CHAPEL-ON-THE-HILL Another bright and pleasant Sunday saw nearly sixty people assembled in the Chapel-on-the- Hill for the weekly service of worship. Mr. Harrop conducted the service and Mr. McCartney was the speaker. A very welcome visitar xvas Pastor Paul Holliday ai the Bowmanville Baptist Mis- sion who led in prayer. A pleas- ing feature ai the service was a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Rocher, "Take the Name ai Jesus With You." The leader of the hymn period, Mr. Atwell, was away on a holiday sa this part ai the ser- vice was conducted by Mr. Roch- er. Mr. McCartney's subjeet was "Two or Three" and bis text was the well known words from St. Matthew, chap. 18, verse 20, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, Girl Guides Left Tuesday for Annual Camp ai Pigeon Lake Girl Guide camp time bas rail- cd around once mare and on Tuesday marning, July 17, 53 girls irons this district leit Baw- manvifle by chartered bus for 12 days under canvas an the shore ai Pigeon Lake, on the Kawartba Lakes. Girls gaing from Bowmanville include Patsy Bagneil, Marlene McDonald, Canal Milne, Sylvia Caverley. Deanna Bickell, Betty Foran. Pat Conway, Frances Downey, Mary Ann Henvysage, Shirley Abernethy, Gloria Purdy, Dorothy Lewins, Lorelei Hether- ington, Elizabeth Watt, Joan Buttery, Joan Welsh, Jean Ander- son, Mary Ann Smale, Lillian Marlaw, Sandra Constable, Mary Joncs. Norma and Helen Cawlc. Staff in Charge The staf includes: Mrs. A. J. Frank , Commandant; Mrs. R. Hetherington, Camp Nurse; Mrs. A. Coverley, Mrs. B. R. Heavy- sage, Mrs. A. B. Bickell, Quarter- masters. Misses Elsa Sheppardj and Dorothy Ann Cumnie ai To- ronto and Lamna Bellingham ai Oshawa, ahl members ai the Roy- al Lufe Saving Society are in charge ai swimming. Guiders, there am I in the midst ai them." These words are usually associa- ted with a church service but the speaker found a ncw and fresh interpretation in this text. He said that the words can be ap- plied ta any gathering held on any week day, because the words "in my name" do not nccessarily set any limits on when the gath- ering takes place. Christ said "two or three" because He knew man 's need for association, that men would do better wvork in' twos or threes. Mcn had set out in pairs ta spread the gospel and again the "two or threc" ean have a wider meaning. The "twa" can be man and wife and a child ta make "three". ail making a Christian home. Or the two could be the appasing generals in Korea and the third the EPeace- maker. The service closed by Mr. Bahl Pronouncing the beniediction. The Sunday Sehoal was again a hap- py rendezvous for the children under the leadership ai Miss Willa Simpson. The influence ai the Sunday School may nat be apparent immediately but is more likely ta be evident some time later. At the breakfast tablp during the week one ai the four- Year-olds suddenly bunst into sang with "Climb, climb up sun- shine mauntain." Bowmanville Man Attends Labor School At Port Huron, Mich. Bowmanville was repnesented in graduation exercises held this weekend ta mark the conclusion ai a one-week CCL -CIO labor sehool. Some 70 Canadian trade unionists attended the schoal with CIO members from the Amenîcan side ai the barder. Site ai the sehoal was the FDR - CIO Labor Centre, a permanent camp on Lake Huron's shores. During the week the Canadian union students took such courses as CCL - CIO Policies, the Job ai a Union Steward, Basic Time Study, Public Speaking and Ca- operatives and Credit Unions. Another school is being held July 15 ta 20. Robent Cook, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville, a member ai Local 222, United Automobile Workers, was among the graduates. WELL, ISN'T IT? Taîl spending High living Incrcasing dcbt' Soaring speculation. Immense wastefulness Selfish gneed. lmpending fear Nagging insecurity Frcnzied hoarding Lowered morale Accelerated nisks and Towering prices. Inflation's race 0f impassible odds la which Nobody wins. Beverley Frank, Barbara God- dard and Marie Leddy are in charge of Handicraft. With the co-operatian af the weatherman and the addition af a marquee tent laaned by the Government, everyone was look- ing forward ta a good time. Visitors' Day JuIy 2Z Visitars' Day wiii be Sunday, July 22 and friends and relatives are invited ta pack a picnic bask- et and came up and visit the camp-site. Hot water wiil be supplied ail day. A chartered bus will leave Garton's bus sta- tion Sunday mornîng, if there are enough passengers ta justify the trip. Contact Mr. Gartan for further particulars. Follow Highway No. 36 from AY1IDRY DEO DORANT by HARRIET HURBARD AYEIÎ 2wLoO rogularly 2 for $170 pot A LIMITRO TINS ON. Jury & Loveil Phone 778 Bowmanville Lindsay through Bobcaygeon and Nogies Creek and turn at water- ing trough. From there the Girl Guide camp signs wii bring you into camp. WOOL SALE ONE WEEK .ONLY July 201h Io 281h inclusive 20% Reduction On ail wool A wonderful appartunity to secure your supply. This includes: Beehive -Guelph Bouquet -Monarch and Corticelli. J. W. JEWELL "TIG <"201, 27 King St. W.. Bowmanvle PHONE 556 b 'i Wilh an AJI-Electric Nome! Yes, life can 'be a lot easier when yaur home is equipped to handie ail the modern Iabor-saving electrical appliances that you nced to-day. Why not cansuit us about whether yaur present home is ado- quately wired ta give yau the bcst possible service? If you necd to re-wire yau can rest assured that we wilI furnish you with the best job passible. - CaIl us to-day for a free estimate. - v e Hi ggon Electric Tour Generai Electrie Appilance Dealer Phone 438 42 King St. E. 1-Bierton tiraley. 1 Rawmanville tbULi iW lt talces a lot cf cooling ta keep a Polar Bear happy. This Iargest member of the bear family Is smaller thon a porcupine at birth, but aften weighs mare thon three-quarters of a ton whcr, full grawrl. To this tremendous bulk, add the. fact .-that the bear is covered with a thick, water-proof coot, whidhi s designed ta proteci Iiim in the Arctic... it's a big job keeping him cool in aur zoos. Leamnabout nature's creotures.Visit the nearestzoo and sec them. A whole new worfd cf interest wil be opened tQ you when yau understand nature. Nature Unspoiled YOURS TO PROTECT - YOURS TO ENJOY CARLT&G'S THE CARLING 19REWERSES LIMIED wa:.m&@@.O, NT1ASIe _____________________________________________________________________________~ 3' I THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TWELVLF THURSDAY. JULV lqtlh lq.ri

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