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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1951, p. 13

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THURSlDAY. JULY Igth, 1951 TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI Bow'vi11e Foresters tite, her many years of service as sec- SALEM 95th Birthday Win One-Sided Game turn to Peterborough after W.I.L and Mrs. Jack Swarbrick Sriewshl spedin a oupe f weksva-mad te pesetatonof a lov- Communion sriewshl From Kingsways cationing at her home here. ely boudoir lamp. Mrs. Stoker ait church on Sunday. Mrs. E. . Miss Margaret Jackson of the thanked the ladies verv much Tw:st sang a solo. Church will Bowmanville men's COF soft- Hospital in Ottawa is spending for their thoughtfulness and for be withdrawn until August 26 bail team racked up their eighth a few weeks with her parents, the lovely gift. Races were run while Rev. and Mrs. Lute are on straight vitory Tuesday night in Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson. Miss in between showers and the tic- holidays. no uncertain terms, defeatîng the Ruth Jackson, N'ewcastle, spernt nic lunch was passed around on About 120 attended the com- Kingsway Aluminum 19-4. In the the week-end at home. the grandstand. For the August munîty picnic at Hampton park pas eiht ame, te Fresers Mr.andMrs Edie ouruxmeeting, the W.l. are invited to last Friday. This was the largest have scored a total of 81 runs and Marie and Ray, are vacationing Ms akSabik' on. atnac o oeyas ae have held the opposition ta only with hiÉ parents at Cache Ba"-. were enjoyed by ail before sup- 28, less than 4 per game. per. After supper, a livelv baIl Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Clark, To li ile'n . 1011o game took place. married men vs Fr-iday nigbt, Coulter's comne tO ronto, spent the week-end aefe'nSa'sn!e etemridmne Bowmanville, each team with the&r surimer homoe. nlo enthmaremnb- five victories in the battle for toon NIr. and Mý,rs. E. J. Williarnisoii. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 'Marlow .v e nners. posi*vion. The samne two teams En'd and Ednuind, London, are ou and EbeneLer pltencedayo 'rr01 and M~s Gld'~sMcI<e atteded'the r i.rst garne of the plavfso play again Tuesday in Oshawa to visiting ber fahe, r. Sam the Dl9moncl W eddîn'ý Annoiver- Tuc- .iay nicht with Salem bea Ig ençi the scbedule. Searl. sary of McLi. and Mrs. Albert He-as- thc winn2rs. kjwhat was expected to be a Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little and lip in Janetville on Sunday after- Misses Gerda Craig. Jane Mc- gdW baîl game at Memorial Park family, Hcalev Falls, and ',,r. noon, July l5th. Clure and Grace Blackburn are on Tuesday, the Foresters struck and Mrs. Art Falls and familv, Several local folk also attended attcnding C.G.I.T. camp forth of early and often to pile up a bas- Bowmanville, visited with Mr. the Diamond Wedding Anniver- Oshawa. ketball score against the Kings- and Mrs. T. Falls. sary of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery vis- way boys of Oshawa. Paul1 Chant, Wayne. MorIe'on, Patsv and MuPen, Lotus, on Saturday, July ited Mr. Luke Buttery at -the with 4 for 4 and a walk was the Sandra ?.îa\!'n. Bowmanville, Ra.v l4th. home of bis daughter, Mr. and big hitter with Tighe and Chant and Marjiln'Mercer-, Carden HiIl, Congratulations from their Mrs. Elwood Cole, Toronto, on each scoring 4 times in the 19 have been hol-dav'.ng with their ma-f~ngto teahnue Sunday. run onslaught. On the mound, aunt. Miss Ada Wilson. couples, It is incle2d unique to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Saverv, T. H. Everson Snowden had an easy time, fac- Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen and celebrate wsuhanvrri Oaa, itM.adMs F ing only 28 men in 7 innings and family, Orono, and Master Bruce in one commrunitv.Blcbr.-woeeidcngautosad pitching 4 bit bail. Mercer iere with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hlarry McLaugh- Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard accom- best wvshes of bis wide circle of Part of the blame can bc put on W. Merccr, Sundav. liLarne and Mrs. Jos. For-pndM.adMsBhCwi~finso udy uy1,a the condition of the field as it Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MN/ercer and der visitedi Mrs. Rupert Werry in of Aurora, are enjoying a few his home, 171 King St., E., Osh- was very sticky. but what is fa!r Ross Patton were sîght-seeing at1 OshawaHopt. Friends wish divs' holiday. awa, on the celebration of ihis for one team is fair to another. Niagara on Sunday. her a spcedy recove-y. r'r. and Mrs. Lewis Rundle and 95th birthday. Mr. Everson sa -A good crow'd nf Oran'cerm.-aT. i T. 7Ic.s. l\cComb -i - Lou with Mr. and Mrs. L. Du"b- ~Cq-::nty ,boy having been From Ken:lal at'--i--d the Tulv moia- Jntv-, ee V.h o .. n:!,it'e i'coenecer district, Cold Storage l2th celebration in Peterborough. guesso r.adj,,J lm.j j obClout n T i South Dr.-]lington. _____The weaLh-ýr an v %-2-,Vr '1-- Mrs. Watson and D'.iss MKavisito g ber sister, Mrs. Froc! (Coninud fom Pge ne) kind, sendin.,ý sho-wers which Toronto, were recent guesis of Baker, London.1 <Consthtinued frm PeageOno spoiled the parade. their aunt, Mrs. John Dickey. CA MU guess tat o-oeraive ar no Master Gordo)n Iowes. Peter- Sundav visitors with Mr. ard .I- longer an experiment. "Farmers borough, is holidaving with bsMr.Gog BoesweM.TV nJC have ove thebsees aplable grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. and Mrs. Ros Adams.,, Bowni- V 1on n pa. silig of ber- mutSic of onucin bsies o alagePatton. ville; Mrs. Donald Lec, Terrv and, scale,'" he said. Mrs. Mary Luxon and Mrs. Bov Wzyne, Oshawa: M\r. Kr'n« Gray MUr. pild Mrs. Unh' il alito11n upils Th exama were ried in According to Mr. Drennon, the Mercer who have been iii are ndMsJocSuonOro. s;peît the wcekend at Laike Port Perr. Tbe results are as1 OtroGovernment bas either both mii-'l im1ýroved. rW.PipadM.M«nSmo. follovws: Grade V-Cathorine Bail- made direct loans or underwritten Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woodcock Phiîp spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Lake_ ey, Honours; Marilyn Jackson, bank guarantees in the neighbor- and David are vacationing -nt Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. hurst; Mr. and Mrs. D. Telfordi, Pass. Grade I1-Joan Hoskin, hood of $1 ,750,000 for the con- their surnmer home bere. Ps.Gd -ly isn s struction of coid storage plants Cnrtltost h olw Mr. Jas. Ferrier and Mr. Bob Peterborough, visited Mrs. W. T. 1Css Honours; Sand eWerson, s Congraulatins tothe fllOw-Thornbury, Perth. called on M\r. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Everton our.Cnatlinsoth througbaut Ontario. The New- ing students on passing their ex- and Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Doug White. Hoous. ong ratlaint t he castle plant is the 27th in the ams at Bowmartville *High School. Marlow returned with themn forl Mrs. G. Speigbt, Oshawa, visit- sgodwrtn province, rdeX t Iup'ilv r and Mrs. Russ Welsh and Stoags ae ecmin mreandGrde I o II hile Quan- a holiday. ed Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. baby, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Stoage ar beomig mre ndtrill. Billy Jackson; Grade X to Mr. aon] Mrs. Walter Lawrence1 Gwen Davey, Bowmanville, at Arthur Hanna. Miss Marie Han- more papular today, Mr. Drennon XI-Ruth Jackson. Helen Hoy told the interested gathering, andadAmCrsnGaeIXt were in Stayner on Suinday visit- lier parents', Mr. and Mrs. D. na returned home with them. be said the day approaches when Roberty Caon:ttGJo e L o X: ing bis, brother. Mr. Frank Law- Davey.1 Mrs. Annie Thompson is spend- farerswil b abe t m Rke bTet wletermancfavourei rence, w~ho is recovering from a Miss Leila Cax4r, Port Credit, ing a few days with Mrs. Ed. thrersapplsbcfrom trorhardsetThean ieal eveaning on rday, heart attack. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry Lawson, Yelverton. The pesnto thtrend oflre uyrs Jul13an d any Kenngo da Mr. Bud'Lawrence is conval- and Mr. Percy Werry; also Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee and is to buy in small quantities and porters attended the Kendal- escing at his home since bis re- and Mrs. Clarence Rowan, How- familv spent Sunday with Mr. Mr. Drennon observed that a Biibr aea aleoot cent appendix operation in a ard and Eleanor, Bethany. and Mrs. Walter McGill, Janet- groernedsa lae a ee cee erteam on to a 9-5 win. Toronto Hospital. Mrs. Margaret Woodley, Sant'a ville. Miss Audrey McKee spent apples ineestor ag Kee cendalr emont 95wn Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze spent Monica, Calif., Mr. Ewart Mc- Sunday with friends at Fleet- Dplsinstr allyng oin rns took the lead with four the weekend in Midland and at- Laughin, Oshawa, visited Mrs. wood. 4"itritday w Pihcm bn ail boio the first inning. Bailie- tended the Ney reunion. Ann Pbillips. M\,r. and Mrs. EIdon Thompqon, fruThemust bemacree t arolghond secured one mun in the sec- Sunday guests with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dclnby, Peterborough. with Mrs. Merdîth an tre i te hid le i Mrs. Grant Thornpson were: Mr. H-avdcon, visited Mr. and Mî's. D- Tbomipson alid Joan. Doug is recagnized agencies," Mr. Drennon it up. Kendal again took the lead and Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Mr. artd' Mountjoy. Mrs. S. Jones, Tor- hîdvn with bis grandimother said in conclusion, and places likze with two runs in the fourth and iMýrs. Russell Francis, Allen. Dor- onto, is spending a wock at th o and John. this cold storage will be the a home run by Doug. Simpison otiiy, Shirley and Lois, ail of -Mounitjay home. rallying point for all the growers with twa on bases, caunted three Beaverton; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mr. and Mrs. J. Broon)e andi in the district, more runs for Kendal in the fifth. WrigoJl n r.Bkr aivvstdM.adMs V Other head table guests who Bailieboro secured ane more rmn Wrnto , Mi l ad oMs Bke, Mfayvisite Mro. and Mrs W. complimented the sharebolders on in tbe sixth but a difficult catch RThor dHl; r dotoC Aiba hompsontMe ndy, Maple Grove their initiative and vision included in rigbt field by Copping put the ricmandHil; Mr. adon r- Visitore:rs. at theyolar. adhome ________fryhasr the building contractor, Alex third Bailieboro man out in the Wrie, asan Mr. andow Mrs. Neilwe Mrs. J. Bie ndurl sM. ad Ms tpe efr a e Piper; R. E. Robinson, Chief Do- seventh inning ta finish the Wry m akMroM.Nf r .Mdn n oga.Mrs. tucined after a pleasant visit ,vith minion Fruit Inspector; Alex game. This makes eight wins and Bailey, Mrs. Farder and Mr. Jj. Mitchell, Mr. C. Colbary and relatives at Bogota, N.J., and ather Smith, Industrial Agent for the five lasses for Kendal. Kendal Sharpe. Ernie, Mms. E. Foster, Toronto; places. 4'l,CI. and the owners of the in- and Welcome have their tic-- Ladies' Aid met*Tuesday even- Mr. and Mrs. A. St. Pierre and Misses Muriel Stevens andi i4- il nierigfrma a- aetpaÎffTusayee-ing at the home of Mrs. George cbildren, Maple Grave. Grace Nicholson bave returned« gýjis n giabcck. ing imo a-g. opa f Tusa vnFinlayson with a splendid attend- All eblidren are urgedt t fe eka onilr o Howard Foley entertained ban- The W. meeting was held an ance. Plans were made for the tend Sunday Schaol ta practise for atrC G IsConilos o que ateder wtbsevra hm- ul I atth prk it Ms.baking sale at Williams Point on Sunday Sehoal Anniversary on , ..T. girls at Oak Lake Camp.5 qut tenes ih eerlhu-Juy11a tepakwihMr.Saturday from whicb the ladies August 19. Misses Lorraine Snowden, Shir- orous poems tluring the evening, Kennedy in charge. There was a elzdafn u.Raig MradMs usllWghlyCyemnJnFito, and it is fitting ta note that apple fair attendance in spite af show- wrelieafne Ms. Rain s r. an ainvd Mrs. Assll rig-ht ley BCryderma,Jelaintoff, locewingth e ica cieraFolthercal]was "y ates.Thefaull ndFinlavson and Mrs. Wmn. Hooey shaw, Toronto. strong and Betty Hemphill are codn sthoraeplt wasonyed for wtIarn dMigett a oret itndand Misses Joyce and Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Will Jewell visit- atten ding C.G.I. T. Camp at Camp pulicspection.plans were made for waIamdig th orecdemon- Hooey and Miss McComb sang a ed Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mount- Petoria. puli nsetin Pas ee ae o tedeo h-lymn. Miss Ruth Proutt con- jov, Kedron. Master Bill Snowden. Toronto, Details of the building and set stration wbich is being beld in ducted a contest. Mr. McCamb M~r. and Mrs. Otto Virtue visit- who bas been visiting his grand- up of the Growers' Co-aperative the Sunday School room, Friday, cîosed the meeting with prayer. ed Mr. and Mrs. Percy Byers, parents lias returned home ac- will be found in another column. July 27, at 2:30. Tea is also being Mrs. Finlayson and Mrs. Gilbank Bowmanviîîe. companied by Masters Kenny pravided for which small charge served a deliciaus lunch and aIl Rev. and Mrs D. Lute and Brooks and Elg in GI'eenham..1 is being made. Ail interested in enjoyed a social time. Members cbildren are attending Summer Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown,1 ]KENDAL okn are invited ta attend. were sorry ta learn Mrs. Finlay- School at Ryerson Camp, Lake Biland Betty, Hamilton; Ms Mrs Knney ad henew print-so ilb leaving aur mic-t i Erie, after noigahldytMronS weTrnoih ed pogrms n hnd t gie ot. njoyng hoida attheir parents, M r. and Mrs. C. H. Visitors with Mm. and Mr$. Miss Katie Stewart gave a fine teFî.Hl' ae Snowdn Spence Gordon and family were five minute talk on current ___________Mr. and Mrs. F. Cardaman and MseGrryTcey itbil Mr. and Mrs. Art Campbell and events. Mrs. Stoker, convener of Bill, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baffa, of coaistPaert Hoe. Jywih son. Peterborough; Mr. and' Mrs. Community Activities and Public YEARN NO MORE! Get that car Cleveland, Ohio, with Mr. and r.JE.WieNwtnil p William Curtis, and sans, Kendal; Relations gave a talk an the you've been wanting through a Mrs. Karl Colbary. IjSvtdrs. J.E. XVi. Newtonil.9 Mm. and Mrs. Earl Burley and mauldîng af character and wbat Classied ad in The Canladian Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs. Mi -vstcje radluiteis -Ms. daughters, Newtonville; Miss An- people are really like. Miss Katie Statesnian. Check the Want-Ads Bessie Hilîs visited Mr. and Mrs» Amr Buorgesn M. LýC. d nie Gardon, Whitby; Mr. James Stewart read a short address of carefully for this week's best Gardon Hilîs, Hamilton. Aldin, r0 lo e oIvr .C Gardon, Oshawa, and Peter Kay- appreciatian ta Mrs. Stoker for buys. Douglas and Wayne Hilîs rcturn.: White. S - _______ed witb their grandparents for Master Billie Brown, Hamniltan,.S a holiday. with bis grandparents, Mm. and U'~~iuLI IA ~Mr. and Mrs. W. Palmateer Mrs. C. H. Snowden. PROP.VINC'~.IA~L PO IC R M Belleville, with ber parents, Mr. m. aned Mr.Fred Stves. ac- i E ~ ~ u ED ~~and Mrs. J. Delaney. wt opne r F OR H EAVY S UMM ER T RAF F IC RMr andMrs . Seple, Miss Sud nGeria at pps oarr Hand-plciced officers from Pro Helen and Jack, Toronto, visited Mle.nandters. Jaak Hopstwt al vrMr. and Mrs. T. H. Tabb. Gen, ft resnt si et b.ith Oincaio lice a hmenbt.s ilornt .. ~Mrs. R. Hawkey, Bowmanville reaielnhrins etb O ntar o na e a isk y b ut i p ort ntG ,- 1 i mo to r M o n d a y fo r th e ir h o m e a t job this summner: they have been . it. sviingbritrMsG asslgned ta motorcycle duty on the Phr.ScaetCif most congested and accîdent-p)rone .~Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Pbilp, Mar- r. and Mr- Howad- Fole At the direction of Deputy Com- attended the Blind Picnic at Osh-adbiivatne h aisna missioner E. T. Doyle, a personal awa. ain ilatened tPar oDavidsa,,e briefing on safety law enforceinent Cecile Park visited Mr. and Mms.prl 1GeeaPr o udv tactlcs is given by Traficj Inspector A. Coverly and girls, Bowman- Mrm. and Mrs. David Crawford, '.i ~s ~A. Wîtts ta ail provincial police e- ville. Brooklin, witb their son, Joe tb ceivlng matarcycles for the season. Misses Heleni Cole, Carol Phil- Crawford He stresses tic Importance of lips, Margaret Chamberlain, Jan- Mr. aocd Mrs. Albert ;' ~~. o~~ "warking" the marc bazardous and le McClure, Gracie Blackburn ,Soiawibtersn arladb GrearagGloria Bren areatIMrs. Balson. congestcd parts oai chcofficersGrt ae II tenin te Petni ~.G.I.T. Miss Betty Smales, Sick ýChild- in ~ terrtomy. en's Hospital, Toronto, with Mr. s «Watch wbere the grief la build- Camp at Columbus. an1rs amsims.r i ng up,"' the Inspector urges, refer- Mr. and Mrs. Glarence Pedlar adMs DJanesTnSalina wi M.b ,sring ta the accidents shown bv dlus- and family with Mr. and Mrs. Miss ian in kgI SDel. w J scr -' ters of colaured pins on headquar- Wle Rh.Mi o]M aJc lfrv ters maps. His aim le. tM enforce The ladies of the village are rmîo.vthJs oheM.C ~< the triafic laws and prevcou ac.i- -bus, r bernes for Mr. .lfr.If dents R-ith the leRet amounit oi pa- Hloward Philp. *-- 10- A T_ ..,irit* .tn1 Moral supremacy is the ol one that leaves monuments ani nat ruine behind.-James Russell Low-ell. NOW'S YOUR CHANCE ta get that job you want! A "Work Wanted' ad in The Canadiaîî Statesman Classified advemtising section signaIs employers that -<ou're available. Phone 663. i\--Y i, m lr -YJ . t, a i ng i f. a:j F.ill v, toi ifildc': M\r. andcl Mrs. eti Frank Gostisk. Mr. and Mrs. Mer- ea 1 in Pugh and Bonnie, Clame- ju 1mont: Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Gos- tick and Judith, Toronto; Ivan in C-v'~'d andiMisLorraine in La -r. Ob0--a'i-a, with Mmr. and Mrs. e iJoe Crawford. es Miss Nancy Jobns, Toronto, is Ibr tat homne for summer holiday s. lai Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clem- 'fi Inspector Witts also streàýeý ta .toppxng accidents betore tbe7 ikappen l a a extra tough Job lnu motorcycle officers thie imiportance heavy sommset traffe. Hm lIapfector D. H. Darby of the Provùincialf being constfantly on patrol au Police ba'lefm Constable George Swalnsbury of Dunda, on the high acci-ijvisible symbols of safety law en- dent locations en hic paire] best, As ln miltary eaznpaklns. manpower'farcement. In their more exposed lms te b.e oncentrated wbere It viii do the niost good: in this rage dolng! position they can bc seen by many the most good means preventlag casualies among the many thousands mare drivers than can the off Icer in es motorat s mnig the roads for heliday trips. The Department of a car. And even the slght of a po- Ilgawn» m ppliec accident mape te the police who then check theiriiceman can a! ten deter drivers whe der te day epermueu by UtIokug a pin in tbe Uap wbere ach atawent might otherwIse b. temptoci ta drive ~~ ltoo lIt or too dangerousby. ens, Ronnie and Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey and Mrs. C. E. Jeffrcy visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Clemens at Bowmanvilie Beach. M,-. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and 'Robert with relatives in Tar- onto. The Crydemman -Ruse family pîcnic was held in aur park on Saturday with a goad attendance. Full repart next week. Communion was observed at aur Sunday evening cburch ser- vice in charge of aur pastor: A number from here attended the TruIl familv picnic at Orono park on Saturday. A severe starm passed over this district Monda ' aftemnoon ac- corripanied by wind. torrents of rain and biail, makzing lakes of' gardens and lawns and flattening garden crops in the north end of the village. Trees were blown down and large limbs scattered aver the highway but no seius damage was donc. Since then the weathem Is somewhat cooher and more enjoyable. the broiling element,* place fish skin-side down on the rack and broiler pan about 2 inches below heating unit. When f ish is well browned on ane side, turn it came- fully and brown other side. It will take 5 ta 8 minutes cookingc time for small fish and 15 ta 20 minutes foP broiling large fish. 7. Prepare tartar sauce or snappy cale slaw ta accampany caoked f ish. 8. Partions of ieftover fish mnay be made ino a deliciaus fisb 'vegetable casserole or flaked and served witb diced celery and ,grated beet for a f ish salad. Anne Allan invites youita write ta ber c.,o The Canadin States- man. Send in vour sulggestions on hoile-nakiog nrobleinq ancd watch this calumn for replies. c Mrs. Tbompson spent Sunday at Gore's Landing. Mm. and Mrs. Reid and family and Mr. and Mrs. Perrin spent Sunday at their cottage. Mrs. Neta Patterson spent Tuesday with Mrs. Bill Wannan and ber mother. Mrs. Annie Patterson, Mm. and Mrs; Bill Wannan and Ross visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer, Kendal. Many fram aur cammunity at- tended the July 12th celebration at Peterborough. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford wîth ber sister at Lakefield. Master Kcitb Sherw'in, Orona, is visiting Mcrrill Graham. Mr. and Mî-s. Jacki Cowao vis- ited Mr. and Mms. Milt Xaînan. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bal. Orono, witb Mm. and Mrs. Ken Bail. There was a smali attendance at Sunday Scboal. Remember the Sunday School is at 10:30 a.m. for a few Sundays. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chapman and family have been visiting nt Brantformd. OId - Time Fiddlers ONTARIO %71TLE CONTEST Sheiburne, Sai., Aug. il $500 - Prizes - $500 Finals on CBC Trans-Canada Network. Playdowns Friday, Aug. lOth, to select eight contestants for $500 prize money: 4'200, $100,ý $75, five of $25 each. Contest open, ail Ontario. Sponsors, Sheiburne Rotary Club, Saturda * night programi under ('Be direction. EntrY fee of $2.00 goes to On- tario Society for Crippied Chuld- ren. Mail entries to' W. C. McIntosh, Flddiers' Contest, Sheiburne, Ont. State age, sex, P.O. address, tele- phone number. Entries deadline, Friday, Aug. 3rd, when contest- ants will be mailed final m-. JULY GROCERY FEATURES Old 'South 48 or. tin Libby's Chonice 20 oz. tin Blended Juice - 33c Sliced Beels --17c Jusi Arriveci New Pack! Y'ork Chaîce S1.3 2il Siokley's Peas - - -ISo.- 19c 15-oz tin >Ottle - - - -25c - NOM£ ECONOMIS Hello Homiemakers! We have receix-cd a new cook bookz-'hot" frorn the pi-css. Tbe proud group who compiiled the contents of Favorite Foods are the Girl Guides awav down (or up) in Grand Falls, Newfoundland. These recipes are their mothers' favorite dishes. These Guides do not know how much their ef- forts will mean ta them until tbey have a home of their own, will tbey? Take a look in your desk draw- er or mnother's cupboard! Cao you sort out your mother's reci- pes? Maybe you sbould start ta paste these recipes an 3 by 4 inch cards wbich you buy io pack and file them under a card index. The recipes that appeal ta us from Newfoundland are, natur- ally, the economical fish dishes. Here are a few. Smokcd Fish Souffle Rernave Ible flesh froni pre - viouslv'\1cook'ed Cod or haddock, about bal f a pound, and £1 ake il. Put one ounce of butter in pan and melt it. Add one tablespoon, flour *and pour on a cuP of1vater. Let this thicken, mix withl fish, season w\,ell and beat in twýo egg. v'oîke. Fold in carefully the stifflv vhipped whites of tWO e gs. Turn the mixture inoaa buttered souffle disb, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in a bot electrhc aven untîl brown and well risen, about 20 minutes. (Delichous made with canned lob- ster). Tuna Fish Mould I(6 oz.) tin tuna 1 2 cup cold water 1,4 cup chopped cucumber 1 cup cbopped celery 1 cup peas 1 I Lý, cups salad dressing 1 tbsp. lemon juice 2 envelopes gelatine Red pepper Salt 1Metbod: Dhssolve gelatine in Scold water. Let stand for five min- utes. Sepamate tuna with fork ta make it flaky. Tbaroughly mix tuna, cucuniber, ceiery, peas, pep- per ancd sait wîtb salad dressing. Add le:,Oon juice. Thon stir ho 9elatine and Pour inoamould wilici has been riosed ho c-oldî water. Chili firm, thon unmold 01 ]cttîîee or cross. Garnhsh \\ithj stulfed olives and sprigs of Par- sley. Baked Fllet Wash fillet, drain and dry. Cut ino serviog pieces. Dip pieces of f isb ho seasoned bread crumbs, thon ho milk, then ho bread crurnbs igain. Place fish in butter coated baking dish. Pour melted butter or it (using about 4 tbsps. but- ter ta 112 bbs. fish). Bake in very hot electrir aven (500 degrees) for about 15 or 20 minutes. Savory Oysters 1/ lb. sausages 11/2 cups milk th2 tsp. sait Dash of pepper 1 pint of oysters 3 tbsps. flour Saute sausage until cooked, then cut the sausage in cubes. Blend the flour into this, then add the milk, sait and pepper. Cook until thick and adid oysters. Heat bamroughly until edges of aysters begin ta curl. Pour at once over toast points or ho pastry shehîs. Gamnisb with *parsley. TAKE A TTP b. There are 6 distinct species of salmon, diffeming in color, flavor, texture and ail content. Dite ta quality differences the prices of caoned salmon, espec- ally, varies widely. The pink is ood for caser7ole dishes. Red ýalmon, always habelled sockeye, idesirable for sandwiches and 3alads. Medium-red salmon is Driced between these and is used Fo cooking or serving in salads. 2 Some smoked and cured fish me cooked partially and may be ýaten witbout furtber cooking, or xtb just beating. Fish of this ,'pe include goldeye, chub and 'bhitefish. Other cured fish, sucb ikippered herming or finnan iaddie. must be cooked. 3. When we extend fisb semv- ngs, by adding other hess expent- ve focds such as vegetables, nacaroni or spachetti, cereals or 55 KING ST. E. ~I. pkgs. Suuar Krisp - 2/35c Certo 1 ib. MEATS AND GROCERJES & * - by-o backîrg h bcds. t Fornierly Harry AlIin's 1 BOIVMAN VILLE PHIONE 3367 Handies ail choppcd forage, hay. Capacities up ta 30 tans per hour with ample power. Will "blow around corners" in barns- 1'uîts the crop where yau want it. Depcnd- !)le ail steel wheel-type fan. Large capac- -, hopper-hinged ta raise mnd lowcr. tsy unloading from ciffir side of hop~. Ier. Adjustable fed. non.choking. Ratch- et-driven m~agon unluaddr aai11îble as an e-xtra. PoNverc-d hv sor- plow tramior or Idrg,2r. Aiso smaller cconorny inodel. Sce thtm: W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery - Flrestone Tires IleLaval Mi1lkers and Separator. Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment KING ST. W.POEU KEEUO02 .F..DAà. t Seaia-wx -- -15 Vr r 1C Allen 20-oz, tins Mil-Ko Powdercd pg Apple Juice - 2/21c Sk3"m Nilà -35c Meal Spnecials This Weck Choice Sprinq Lamb - Spring Ch:ckens Boiling FowI FREE DELIYERY il i 55 KING ST. E. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TMRTZM-- SchoolRepoit S. S. No. 4, Darlington June Report of Promtions....u Grade 8 ta Grade 9:Mihton Arw10 nold. Grade 6 ta Grade 7: Camai: Vinson, Marie Vinson. Grade 5 ta Grade 6: Marion Grills. Grade 4 ýo Grade 5: Ebsie Down. Deibert Grills. Alvin Johoston, \Iyrnia Peterson. Billy Roka. Gracie 3 ta Grade 4: Granit Do-wi, Brian Ormiston. Bonnie Wade. Sandra Vioson. Grade 2 ta Grade 3: Kenneth Coverl *v, Riike -v Petersori, Keith IWordcn, Gloria Vinson. Grade 1Iot Grade 2: Donna- l1agýz(rty, Karcn Ormiiston, Joan Senka. Alice Arnold, (teacher), WISE BUYERS look in The Canadian Statesman Classified advertising section FIRST. That's wbere bargains ARE! Sec thé Want-Ads TODAY. 29C KIRBY

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