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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1951, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAV. .YULY lGth. 1951 SELL ~,oM BIRTHS COMING EVENTS Articles For Sale BROWN-It's another girl! On Came and hear the Salvation WHEAT - Phone Oshawa 3-8791. Wednesday, July llth, 1951. in Army Band of Oshawa, at Enni- 29-1* Bowmanviile Hospital to Babe skillen Church shed on Tuesday, and Wilf, Wendy Jill, 9 lbs., 10 oz. July 24, at 8:15, under the auspices RASPBERRIES - Joe Crawford, Daddy is beat f ive to one. 29.1* of Waman's Association. Admis- Hampton, Phone 2552. 29-1 WERR -Mr an Mr. W Weleysion 40e and 20c. 29-1* STEEL crib. walnut color, nearly Werry are happy ta announce There will- be a get-together of new, $10. Phone Orono 80r1. the birth of a son on July I lth, the Bowmanville Boat Association 29-1 1951, at Bowmanville Hospital. an Saturday night at the East TEAM corn scuffler, good repair. 29-1 Beach at 9 o'clock, July 2lst. Ail Henry Nixon, Phone 56r5 Orono. members and wives, or friends 29-1 WRIGHT-Mr. and Mrs. Fredare asked ta attend. 29-1* Wright are happy ta announce the - - TWO C.C.M. bicycles, 1 new and arrivai of a baby boy, Leslie Reserve Tuesday, July 3lst, for 1 used. 55 Jackman Rd, Phone Arthur, in Bowmanville Hospital1 the major event of the year. The 841. 29-1 on Juiy lth, 1951. A brother Worlds Champion Colored Soft- for Wayne, Kenneth and Brian. bail Team from Chicago is coming BABY carniage, silver grey, Sun- 29.1* ta Orona Community Park under shine, 3 years old, $12.00. Phone sponsorship of Orono Orphans 2741. 29-1 ENGAGEMENT Hockey Club. 29-1 REFRIGERATOR a n d stove, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jackson NOTICE Orono 24r4. 28-tf announce the engagement of their OA adptodusan eldest daughter, ajreYon, D.Soe'ofiewlb csd sprays for sale. Phone Herb. ta Earl William Edward McQuaid, July lSth ta Sept. lSth. 27-8* .isn 2584. 29-1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Gsn McQuaid, Oshawa. The marriage Dr. Dinniwells office will be BEANS, green and wvax: 20e a will take place at the homne Of (losed from July lst -to July 3lst 6-_qt. basket. Cail and get theni. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. By'ers on inclusive. 26-4* Alfr ed Sbrubb, Phone 2680. 29-I Augst lth 191, t 3 9-1*. Dr. H. Ferguson*s office will be CABIN trailer, fumnisbed, 18'x6', ---------------------... ~porch ai-d small shed attached, IN MEMORIAM HOOPER-In loving memory of Mrs. Gertrude Thetford (Hooper) who passed away on July 20, 1949, and Ronald Hooper, who was killed in action on July 13, 1944: There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. -Ever remembered by Florence, Hubert, Edward, Arthur and Har- old. 29-1 McKEOWN-In loving memory of our only darling son, Ronald Wayne, who passed away July 16th, 1949: However long our lives may last, Whatever lands we view; Whatever joy or grief be ours We will always think of you. .-Lovingly remembered by Mum and Dad. 29-1)' STEWART-In loving memory of our dear mother who died July 2nd. 1933; also our dear father,; 'WilIis Stewart, who died July 17, 1950: ---Ever remembered by the fam- ily. 29-1 STONE-In loving memary of a dear husband and father, Frank Stone, who departed this life .Iuly 2lst. 1948: A little token true and tender Just to show we still remember, Meniories of us all together Will linger in our hearts forever. -Lovinely remembered by bis %vife and family,,. 29-1* CABRIDS OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who, 'vas so kind ta me during my recent illness. Mrs. J. A. Smith. 29-1* Patricia Phillips wishes to thank alI her friends who remeinbered ber while in thç hospital and since her return home, for their mnany acts of kindness. 29-1* e Deep in our hearts w wish to thank friends and relatives who sent cards and flowers in ourý recent bercavement. the death of mnother, Mrs. J. J. Ormiston. Mrs. J. Stark. 29-l* T -%vish to thank mv rnanly Iriends, relatives and neighibours for flowers, cards and fruit du ring nmv recent stay in Oshawa Hos- pital. closeu fjromn une 29th tLU August llth inclusive. 25-8* Dr. Rundle's office wilI be closed fram July 29th ta Sept. 3rd inclusive. 28-3 Wanda's Beauty Shop will be closed July 28th ta Aug. llth in- clusive. 28-2* Dr. W. M. Rudell's office will be closed for holidays fromn Sat., July l4th, until Monday, July 3th. 28-3 Flowers for all occasions - Phone Bowmanville Flower Shop, days, 474, nights and holidays, 3550. Wm. Buckley, proprietor. 27-3 For Sale by Tende r SEALED tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the purchase of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Cottage Iocated at Bob Ewer's garage, ta be moved by purchaser within 30 days fromn August '7th. All tenders must be received by noan, August 6th, 1951, and a certified cheque for 105, of the price accampany each tne.BILL TAIT, & Secretary-Treasurer, Bow'ville Kinsmen Club, Bowmanville, Ontario. 28-4 Niolice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of HUGH SIN- CLAME ANNIS. late of the Town- ship of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Retired Farmer, de- ceased. who died at the said Township of Darlington on or about the 4th day of June, 1951. Creditors and others having dlaims against the ahove estate are required to send full partie- ulars of such dlaims ta the under- signed, Solicitor for the heirs at law, on or before the 14th day of July, 1951, after which date te estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only ta dlaims that then have been received. DATED at Oshawa, this 25th day of June, 19.51. ALUIN F. ANNIS, K.C., 1,2 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the heirs at law. 28-3 Work Wanted Mrs. Edgar Wright. 29-1 COMBINING. and filling silo Man ,N thanks to ahl mv friends vith a Forge Harvester and M-1o sent nie flovvers and cards power unloading wagons and %vhile in the Sick Childrcn's Hos combine. Phone 3438. Ivison pital; also -thank voun'ota hase i Mun day & Son. 29-3I' who brought me 'gifts since I BRAKE DRUMS!' came home. Lathîng, Honing and Grinding Sharon Leach. 9.1* We specijalize in complete The familY of the late Jonhn Douglas Cole. Bethesda, xishes ta express most sindere thanks ta relatives. neighbours aiid frieiids for the many acts of kindness andl messages of svýmpathv,\ during their recent sad bereavemenit. 29-I1 For Sale By Tender Two-storeY brick school build- ing consistinýg of the following material:-i. Slate Roof, first class condition: 2. Heating Systemi, com- plete modern radiators. cast iran pattern: 3. 5 Toilets, compiete: 4. 2 UrinaIs; 5. 3 Basins. vvall type: 6. i Drinking Fountain; 7. Soul Pipe and Fittings; 8. Electric Fix- tures, large bowl type; 9. Doors. Sasb. Window Framnes and Trini: 10. 2" x 4" Studding: Il. 2" x 6" Studding: 12. 2" x 12' Studding; 13. Pine Flooring. V-joint Ceilings; 14. 2 Maple Hardwood Floors: 15. Hard and Soft Brick: 16. Ful Sized Basement, approx. 30'x30'x 6': Cut Field Stone; 17. Electrie Conduit Pipe. Bowimanvilie Boy Scout Association, Owners. Picase mail Tenders ta Chief S. Vention. Treasurer, Bowrnanville. This Building will be torn down and soid piece by piece if not sold by July l8th by Tender. We will take orders for any o! the ftaterial specified abox'e, ail mat- @rial wili be sold at site o! (Old South M'ard Public Sehool, Duke St.) Buyers '%'il1 supply avn, transportation for rmroving mat- eriai. All orders will be hon- cred ini the order of date eceived. Ail brick will be cleaned. Building Committee:- W. A. Clarke, Phone 2688; Geo. Brown, Phone 3361: L. D. Goddard. Phone 534; W. M. Allun, Phone 576: Sidney Venton. Phone 845: Bob Kennett, Phone 3546; -Walter' Woolley, Phono 2951. 28-21 brake overhautils.'-- BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanviîle 32 tf WORK WANTED. BuIldozing and tires micude.PoeOrn 4 29-1 McCORMICK binder, and Cock- shutt manure spreader. F. R. Sanderson, Tyrone, Phone 2502. 29-1 FALL Wheat-Just as threhed, 150 bushels. Phone Oshawa 3-9 081, F. Aldsworth, near Courtice. 29 2* SINGLE bed; also ice box, 50 Ibs., suitable for cottage, good condi- tion. Apply 27 Liberty St. N. 29-1 MODEL "C" Allis-Ch'almers trac- tor, used; used spreader; new 66 tractor. also 60 Hatchet Mill. Virtue's Garage, Phone 2882. 29-l* NEW power take-off for M.M. tractor, used only two days. Price only $35. Apply Ivan Mountjoy, Burketon. 29-1 MASSEY-Harris binder, 6 ft. cut. Cut last year's crop, $25. Taylor & Hall, R.R. 5p Bowmanville. Phone 2402. 29-l* NINE-piece oak dining-room suite, rocking chair, Victrola, dining table (square), also bridge lamp. 51 Temperance St. 29-1* FINDLAY gas range; Princess coal stove, water front; cabinet radio; baby's play pen, all good condition. 24 O'Dell St. 29-1* POTATOES - Specializing in No. 1 top quality potatoes. Order your supply now. Doug CurI, Bowmanville, Phone 3101. 20-tf QUANTITY of telephone poles and cedar posts on Lot 15, Con. 6, Darlington. F. J. Clemens, 105 Agnes St., Oshawa. Phone 5-0186. 29-2* TRACTOR '50 Ford, side mower, lights, etc., oversized tires, used only three weeks, $1500 or best offer. Trull's Store, Courtice. Phone Oshawa 3-3051. 29-1* BROCK oil burners, completely installed with one 200-gal. tank, one year's free service, $375. For information appl.y D. Bryant, Dial 3647. Terms if desired. 27-tf WE measure and instaîl finest quality venetian blinds, nexv plas- tic tapes available, easily kept ean, many colours to choose from. Phone Morris Co., 480. 29-tf CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum- Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores.2-t Articles For Sale FOR Haine Freezers, Milk Cool- ers, Washing Machines. Ranges, service on milk coolers and motars, that wiring job or any- thing electric. Trade-in or termýs. Consuit Werrv & Son Electric, Dealers for Woods Electric Farm Equipment, Enniskillen, Phonel Bowmanville 2539. 29-31 NEW shipments of Gold Seal Con- goleum and Rexoleum Deluxe, 2 and 3 yards wide, choose from 40 patterns. Imported Pabco war- ranty floor caverings, in new designs. Hall runners, inlaid linoleum and large selection in rug sizes. Marris Ca., Phone 480. 29-tf KELVINATOR refrigerator, re- conditioned and guaranteed, $169; Frigidaire, 7 eu. ft., reconditioned,, guaranteed one year, $225.00; new rangettes, $49.50; new washers, $159; used washers, $49.50; new electric ranges, 4-burner, $229. Ahl pre-tax prices. Mýurpby's, Phone 811. 29-1* WAGON or TRAILER AXLES Your Choice of CHEV., FORD or DODUE wheeis either 15" or 16" so your own spare will work Price only $30 each This int.ludes:- AxIe. Hubs, Wheels, Tires and Tubes, ail assembled, Iined up and painted Springs $10.00 a pair extra if desired. Please note that this special offer is oniy good while present stock lasts so order early. Sisson's Garage PHIONE ORONO 1031 29-tf PLUMBING. Heating and O011 Burners installed anywbere in Cars For Sale Durham County. Reasonable rates '0PEET o ieggo and highest quaiity. For tf.nee 50 PREFECTPhoemi3eage,2good estirnates eall S. Blain Elliott, cnito.1hn 30. 9l Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, 11940 DODGE Sedan, in good con- Phone 3348. 29-tti dition, radio and heater. Phone 'rTC) .;...g,isfly q o n , , 1 , w ,., 3569. 29-I' and tubes ta fit; 2-wheel box trailer with 16" tires; '39 Plyrnouth Coupe, in fair running condition; twýo 700 x 20 truck tires, almost ne\v. E. D. Knapp, Middle Road, Boxvmanvi]le. 29-1~ 1931 CHEV. Sedan, good condi- tion, gaod tires. M. Adams, 185 Duke St. 29-i1 1950) CffEV. Coach: 1949 Plvmouth Sedan. H. J. Stacey. R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 29-1* AUCTION SALE HIGH GRADE Sh orthorn Caille Horses, 'Sheep, Swine, Tractor, Implements, Hay -and Grain, Etc. jThe Estate of the late Douglas Cole LOT 4, CON. 5, DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP 5 miles north of Bowmanville Friday, July 201h HORSES Matchied Teain, 5 and 6 years aid; Marc, 10 vc'ars Horse, 14 vears. SHORTHORN CATTLE 6 Shanthomo Cows, Calves at side; 4 Shortharn Cows, bred; 6 Baby Beef; 10 Steers and Heifers, 2'12 years; 6 Steers and Heifers, 2 years: 20) Steers and Heifers, yearlings; Reg. Shorthomn Bull, 1iý years. The above cattle are aIl high quality Shorthorns and in excel- lent condition. SWINE 3 Brood Sows, bred; 20 Shoats; 15 Chunks; 40 Sucking Pigs. IMPLEMENTS linternational Tractar on Rubber, nearly new; International three- furrow Tractor Plow; Massey - Harris Spreadcr, new; Rubber Tired Wagon and Rack, new; Steel Wagon and Rack: Fertilizer Drill, 4 years aid: Massey-Harris Binden, 7 ft.: Mower; Roller; Harnows; Single Piow; Gang Plow; Fanning Mill; Scales; Corn Scuffler; Apple Ladder: Apple Barrels and Bas- kets: Quantity of Lumber; Hay Rake: Sawing Machine: Cultiva- tor; Wood's Electrie Grinder. new; 20 b.p. Engine ai-d ,Jack and Belt; numnerous otîler articles. HAY AND GRAIN Quantits' of Hay, loose and bales: 15'0 Bushiels, Wheat; 400 Bushels Mixed Grain. PO ULTRY 100 Yearling Hens (Leghorns) SHEEP 55 Shropshire Ewes and Lambs will be sold as a flock. Terms Cash Sale at 12:30 p.m. Sharp Everton lWhite, Cierk TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Real Estate For Sale1 AUCTION SALES The Canadian Statesman Classified Advertising Raies Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate -30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 25e will be added. A charge of 25e~ wiIl be miade for ail replies dir--rted to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3a iword with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 1 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 10ç a line for vc4w COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Inclu des ail ad%,et- tising for persons or firmis selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 3e per word; minimum charge 75e cash with order. To regular advertisers payable monthly. Dispi ay Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch -Additionaî insertion at the sanie rates Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save rnoney- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) TWO Lake Front Lots. 47' x 110'. Sandv Beach. Good Road. Apply 129 King Street W., Cobourg. or Phone 94 Cobourg. 29-7 FARM for Sale - Lot 1, Con. 5, Darlington, 100 acres, 98 cleared, on county road, stone house with ail modern conveniences. Cash. Colin Smith. 29.1* ESTATE of the late Bessie E. Harris, 9-room house on Centre St. Immediate possession. Price $6,000. Apply by appointment to J. C. Samis, 45 Carlisle Ave., Phone 569. 28-3 LAKE front lot and cottage, newly built, 18' x 22'. 2 bedrooms. Lot 47' x 110'. AlI-weather road ta lot. Lovely sand beach. Location Curtis Lai)ding, Rice Lake. Apply 129 King Street W., Cobourg, or Phone 94 Cobourg. 29-7 COLONIAL Homes Ltd. Cabins, from $279.00 up. Cottages from $480.00 up. Homes, from $2050.00 Iup. Garages, from $225.00 up. For further information caîl, write or phone 2-4363. E. J. McGarrity, 319 Mark St., Peter- borough. TA29-2 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE $5500-Farm on open road, two miles to town, dloser ta shoo1 125 acres good land, ones'good b arn with steel roof and solid brick 8-roomed bouse, gaod water supply, hydro in bouse. Reduced for quick sale, open for offer. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Office and home phones 29-1 GILL REAL ESTATE In Bowmanville, completely equip- ped garage and motor sales, with two revenue homes. Price $34,000. On King St. West, 3 choice build-' ing lots at $750 each. On Elgin St., a perfect building lot, $250. A. G. (Hap) Gi, Reaitor Phone Office 3326 Residence 3514 NIXON REAL ESTATE Insul -brick, 5-room, hydro, heavy xiring, floor covering, hardwood floor, low taxes, $4500. Terms. 65 acres-in village, 1l-roomed solid brick dwelling, furnace. hydro at door, garage, convenient ta stores, church, school, milI and bus transportation. $7500. Terms. $3700-Newtonville. 38 ;acres, 7- roomed frame dwelling, hydro signed, 10 acres bush, spring- creek, small harn. Possession 30 days. Insul-brick store in village, 5-1 room apartment, bydro, 6 ft. re- frigerator, 6 f t. show case, grinder. 2 sets scales, pop cooler, nearly new: merchandise at invoice price. $10,000. Terms. Frame dwelling, 5 rooms, hydro, floor covering, hen bouse. 3 acres. Possession arranged. $4000. Terms. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 BAILEY & TAYLOR $10,500 - Fully equipped bake shop, candy stave, 2 trucks, on highway, annual turnover $40,000 . Terms. $8,900-9-roomi solid brick house, new furnace, large lot, central, easily converted into duplex. $8,750-8-room solid brick bouse, 2 bathrooms, ail furnace, new roof. new eavestraughing, goadj residential district. $5,150-4-room insul-brick bun-1 galow, built 3 years, good garden.1 Phone 767 YOUNG man, ex-service preferr- 29-1 ed. ta serve as supervisor of boys, SOntario Civil Service Salary EVANS REAL ESTATE 1 Schedule, 48 hour week. superan- Being a nepresentative of the nuation and vacation with pay. late Mrs. E. Cooke. Broker, New- Apply Superintendent. Ontaio castle, for some tirne, I am ow Train ing School for Boys, Bow- prepared ta handle alI types of manville. 29-t Real Estate, specializing ini farmisT and dwellings. Wanted ToBuy W. C. Evans, Broker Phone Orano 84-8 Onono, Ont. BEFORE seiiing your live poultry 29-1 try us. Our prîces are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone I liave received instructions from Mrs. W. J. Leask. 118 Elgin St., Bowmanville, ta seil by public auction an Saturday, July 2lst, at 1:30 p.m., modern and antique furniture, electric refrigerator, Findlay cook stove, sealers, garden tools ai-d many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 28-2 The housebold furniture and furnishings of the late Mrs. Bessie Harris will be sold by public auc- tioni at 2 Centre St., Bowmanville, on Wednesday, July 25th, at 1:.30 p.m. Sale will include bedroomn suites and odd pieces, chester- field, rattan chairs, library table, odd tables and chairs, rugs, cur- tains and drapes, settee and stool, Quebec heater, cook stave, kitchen cabinet, radio, sewing machine, garden tools as well as many more useful articles. Theran Mountjoy, clerk; Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. 29-1 The praperty and household effects of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis. Enniskillen, xvill be sold bY public auction, Saturday, .Julv 2lst, propertyv consists of a oom0011, frame dwelling, with l hydro, paved road, close ta school and church. small barn, haîf-acre of land, with aIl kinds of fruit trees and small fruits; also a 4- acre lot joining praperty which will be sold s'eparatel.y. The bouse is open for inspection by appointment with John Siemnon, Enniskilleni, Phone Bowmanville 2573 or Frank Gilbert, Sauina. Phone Bowmanville 2691. Terms -on furnituî-e cash: terms on property given day of sale. For list of furniture sec sale bills. Furniture sale at 1:30 p.m., pro- perty at 3:30 p.m. For furtber particulars regarding this sale contact Clifford Pethick, auction.. eer. 28-1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of Ida Ann Smale, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Widow. deceased, who died at Weston Sanitarium on or about the 20th day of June, 1951. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R. S. O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and athers bavingi claims against the above estate are required ta send partîculars and full proof thereof ta the un-1 dersigned on or before the 6th day of August, 1951, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard ta the dlaims that have then been me- ce ived. DATED at Bowmanville, Ont., the 4th day of July, 1951. Lawrenoe C. Mason, 30 Ringý Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. 27-3 Repairs REPAIRS toalal makes of refmig- erators, domestic and commercial-, milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 Ring St. E., Phone 438., 25-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Gartan BusTr minai.31t Help Wanted VACANCY - Rawleigh business now open in Bowmanville. Trade well established. Excellent appor- tunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-G-140-189, Montreal. -27-4 At wc I Inoti th. Or eci hi I'm si 1 VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different,*,W neT * ~ 3 ees ~ags iU c 'xaa-n' 1cluso tps 5sa oor,34 CHEV. Coach, five good tires, W.Ld O .LenL &ixteflued ... - 3 ees hre 5-fTo hbL ExHOR CvlNTRACT ' lxusof Aluminm oratel 1 s:body and moton good. econiomical. IOS r4orsro prtetFrOeMoeW e AY W N E bî B HORO COTAT measuned and installed free of Best cash olfer. 75 Division St. OSor4r5ronaptmtFrOeM reW k!H Y AN EThe Free Iistimates Given charge. Phone 3121, Webers .29.1* or fiat in or near Bowmanville.f We specialize in Fabric Centre. 17-tf197CRSEgocndtn R. L. King, 16 White Pine Ave. WE ARE FEATURING will buy up to f 'artmimprovement. kitcen3bahnoors S eater. dcad tToronto 13. -29-l* W S ifA TL -fo icebtrosgodtires, radio haeB utl bWA H RS10 os Wm. Tripp lheartbs and fireplaces. Walls-2 57 Liberty St. S. or Phone 2744.,UNFURNISHED large apartrnent A I ~Tn TOforOfIniMedium Io Good Hav y PORT IPERRY, R.R. 2 ylzdteo lsial oor _______________-fx a iwth two schooi-aged 1rpi n e h ags Whate Phone 109r42 uri n eai.Wl oay 99FR Coupe, recanditioneci children, references. Write Box selection of WASHERS DeIivered ta my farm or possibly thi 18-13 where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902.1 motar, good tires. A car ready ta 603, c/o Canadian Statesnian Of- at ail prices. uwe would huy it and engage His Io 2-tf go.' uipie$90.At a ie 29-i Everv machine factory guaranteeddeiryosa. he W R A T Market, Phone 2148. 29-11TeRdoS p Please phone and give me Withoi W ORK WANTED a, cokeq ality11937 CHEV. Cochreodtnd vL jok For Sale Bsua%,e Rdi h~oneouquta573s 5 P aîhingsmoked bams and bacon, sausage1 motor-, an A-I car tbroughout. a LiBwmnviie29 * ery Painfing ~and hamburger, Darlington Abat-! snap at S4 Î5,00. 29hone 2148,y a and tan apo.Poe34;as Arts Car Market. Many mare CALF for sale. Phone 2678. POE27 o pickiing, smoking and sausage s mart buy's. 29-1' 29-1 A TN INJ29-11 WC Deoaigmkn.Drn h T E TO But hi NoJo Dcoaingi akn~ Drig hesumrer 1.94(0 CHEVROLET I1 -ton Pael YOUNG sow, due ta a'oorPop Atninoo etl'dC months -bog killing o us Truck, matai' in good condition, Phone 26.2- o rmtAtninFrRn NoJbtoo Large or too Smail. days and cattle at any time. five good 700 - 20 tires, inudnI BRICK WORK, BLOCK VVORK ________________ PHONE:- o nyhee.4-tf two snow tires, new iast winter. TEAM nf bay horses. about 1250 1 MASON WORK, ETC. 'LARGE furnished room for light hi PotPr 141 SED nubber tired wagon, used $300-00. Apply Gardon Metcaîf. îbs. Phone Clarke 1902. 29-1 * Concrete Floors, Foundations, housekeepîng. Phone 3479. 291 A hdai PotPry12r5 dm rake: new dump rake, less Nestieton, Phone Port Perv yURI DberooraFrha (Rev-erse Charges) ,tires and tubes: used I.H.C. mo- 0-2.29.1 PIS7cce Yrsir is ieake eweeks aId. Phone 2181. 2- Free Estimates Given - gnlea.Appîy 21 Beech Ave., is 22-f r:ne Csetrctn owr'1947 PONTIAC Sedan, ligbt green, FIVE Yorkshirpissxwek rnr Bownianville. 29-1' There used Case corn barvestei' ne%\ is i . .Tre Los Case forage harvester, with dut- 44.000 actual miileage, heater and i d. Phone 257 2, Floyd Beckett. HUEi ie o ____________________ ingbr se .H.specedefrosteî's. Private owned car 99-1* Phone 3231 Bow,%manville FARM OS 1)miefrn te cmin e.barith motor:H seel ýsînce new, dlean as a pin. Full --i2f Bowmanville, siîitable 1lc twO lie%%,_6__combine._____________steel_____ lamilies, reasonable rent. Phoq(- STEEL ton of a bamrel, betwý,eeti fenepss abdxie iecrprice onîy Sl2st).0t, $625.0<) down TWELVE pigs, 6i and 9 weeks 2-1 MY borne and Blackstock. around 1 water systenms; fencing and bat-j payrnent and 12 nmonths ta pay. oîd. Ha rry Beaucharnip, Phane Fariners Attention 76.fim July 1. Appiy Ivan Mountjoy. teries: Firestone tires. W. H ýPhone 2148. Art's Car Market. 2661. 29-1 6_________________batha___in___ 2ukto.29-1BrwCsDelPhn49. PULLETS-Apply Lavèrne Sug WE wili be pleased to, pick up store. ice crearn, soft drinks, ta- YOUR Custom Work Chcks For Sale itt, Nestieton. Phone Port 'Perry dead or cmîppied tfamm animal$ bacco and cany ecads tgie Nouanistom eougot go--____________For ____Sale311 29-2 and pay highest prevailing prices, invoice price. In thriving town Statesi BAUING. round veather balles. ern another man wiihout that LAYING liens. and 6-week-old 'TWO vo-ng iand several For iediaroteosEmrvceph366orc- an mainvebighxt v, Mauinesset.ktfio R. Stenger, EnniskilUen. Phone others consent.-Abraham Lin- . chicks. 65c each. Phone 2257. calves. Austin Wood, Phone Bow- Coilet ouront Emire3-3.6rGorth i J r-eNixonti60tibertMaynSt.'eN.ket fo. 284 91ci.29-1* rmanville 2388. 29-1' Ltd. 7-42 'Bowman ville. Phone 682. 29-1 ' NOW. ork in the evening wbeneves pass ice him naking or cutting he grass iging it neatly or using the ise. ;re in that way a man's îaracter shows. rn I arn wiiling ta take off ny bat. ?isn't mach wrang with a elIow like that. lacs and trousers are worn nd xvet, l s a mailto beÀ" Ic het. ver bis faults, thé'WIe not àen ini sight. ove for bis lawn shows bis eart is ail right. uit such devotion the grass ýouId fali fiat. lere isn't much wrong with fellow like that. t know bis name or his 4 iork through the day, is iawn and bis garden bis urage display. jess that bis neighbors on rn cao depend are pmoud and are giad ta .ve him for a friend. in the word "weicome" on every mat. can't be mach wmong witht feliow like that. -Edgar A. Guest ,grace is sufficient for thee: iy strength is made perfect îkness.-II Cornthians. tOWN COMMON SENSE syou ta The Canadian ;mlan Classified advertising n wben you're in the mai'- )r a bomne, a car or blouse- needs. SFa th& Want-Adr. BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 50c PER AD Room and Boarel ROOMER-Nice room, in central location. Phone 3562 after 6 p.m. Wahted 120'-V6 Thresher Beit. wi rid Carruthers. Phone 923. 29-1 BOARD and Lodging for two in central location. Write Box 611, c/o Statesman Office. 29-1* PIANOS-Cash for approved in- struments. Telephone 492, Bow. manville or write P.O. Box 353. 29-1* LIVE poultry, goose feathers, fea- ther ticks, bags, scrap iron and metal. Dial Oshawa 54912 col- leet, or write 1. Turner, North Oshawa. 17-14 DEAD FARM STOCK Picked up promptly Horses, cows, heifers, sheep, pigs and new born calves. (We pay for horses, cows and heifers) As an added service we wilI co-operate with your veterinarjan in post-rnortern. 2 ,ic per lb. for live horses Cail collect Bowmanville 2679 MAItGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone 3-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep. too. Try famous Ostrex Tonie Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New 'get acquainted" size only 60c. Ail druggists. 29-1 Old Age Pensioners Again Guests of National Exhibition Old Age Pensioners will again be invited to be guests of the Canadian National Exhibition this year. Last year more than0 pensioners were given tickei# Exhibition Park and to the n oon Grandstand performa'nce. Application for tickets should be made to James Garrick, Office Manager, Canadian-National Ex- hibition, Toronto 2B. Tickets are good for one day only, and ap- plicants should specify which of Ille following days they prefer: Aug. 28, 29, 30, 31 and Sept. 4, 5, 6 and 7. Applicants should in- clude their pension serial num- ber. Who Would Pay? If, as some fanatics suggest there should bc nu coînpany pro- fits who wvould pay the taxes, asks The Financial Post. It states: -In the iast five years the Fed- eral Government at Ottawa has collected almost two and a hait billion dollars in income taxes from Canadian corporations. That is a big ehunk of money and a major source oi government in- corne. Only thoee companies that make a profit pay this tax to Ottawa. If Canadian companies did flot make a profit, or if their profits were substantially reduced the hundreds of millions of dol- lars they now contribute to Ot- tawa's tax collectors would have to come from somewhere else. Unquestionably the burden would faîl on the personal incomnes of individuals. Butt to secure the same net revenue, Ottawa would have to collect far more because it is much more costly to collect taxes on a thousanci small in- cornes than on one large one." HOME LOVER PAGE FOIURTUW THURSDAT. 3MY IM. 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO

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