Darlington League Topped by Courtice Enter Semi-Finals With seven wins ta thein credit as against two lasses, Courtice eamned 14 points in scheduied league play ta end up in first place in the Darlington Men's Softbail League. Ebenezer and Shaw's ended in a 10-point deadiock for second place, but a sudden-death game gave Ebenezer sale position off the second berth. League Stand[ ng Courtice 9 7 2 14 Ebenezer 9 5 4 10 Shaw's -~----- 9 5 4 10 Salem -------- 9 i 8 2 With the usuai first and third, second and fourth teams meeting in the best twa out off three semi- finals. the below schedule lists playoff dates and opposing teams: Playoff Schedule July 19-Saiem at Ebenezer July 20-Shaw's at Countice Study of Strike Figures Reveals Hints for Hitters Studies by Everett Dean, fa- mous athletic expert at Stanford University, show that the aven- age batter hits much betten when behind the count. He is more likely to tee off on a 1-2 or 0-1 pitch than when he is ahead 2-0. Analysis off Dean's work and special tests by Sports Coliege indicated the reason for this. Ap- parently the batter realizes he must sharpen up when he is be- hind the count, and becomes more aIent, watches the bail more cane- fully and pays attention to the fundamentals off hitting. Not Sharp Enough In addition, the average batterj is not sharp enough when he first gets ta the plate, according to tests. The bitter who beans1 down from the first pitch can1 swing the odds in his favor. It was aiso indicated that the pitcher usually eases up siightly when ahead off the count. Since it is probably an unconsciaus move. pitchers shouid Iearn to bear down when on top off the batter. What happens when the aver- age batter swings and misses? Does he hit over or under the baîl? This is a report on inter- esting facts uneovered by Sports College's investigation into the scientiffic aspects off basebail. Hardball Swings over bal _ 72%7 Swings under bal __ 22% Baîl goes past end off bat - 6%17 When the pîtcher was tail, or had a three-quarter or over-arm delivery, the batter swung above the bail 90 % off the time. On slow to medium paced deliveries, the batter swung high on 65 % off his misses. The bail went past the end off bis bat 24% off bis swings. Conclusion- The batter shouid check carefully to see how he is missing the baIl and adjust bis swing accordingly. It was interesting ta note that few off the players interviewed had the faintest idea off how they usually missed the bail. Sofftball Swings under baîl - .--------84%lI Bail rarely went past end off bat except on slow balls. when tendency was to swing too soon. Conclusion: Softball players should hold bat higher than usu- al in ready-to-hit position. This will help them swing along the ball's line off flight, instead off across it. Since the sofftbali pitch- er releases the bail close ta the ground, it usually is travelling upward as it crosses the plate. The trajectory off the pitch in hardball is definitely downward. Players who make use off this information in their hitting prac- tice should effect a considerable improvement in their hitting. If she told you ber reai age ber birthday cake would be a fire hazard. TREATRE FOR l FREE MATINEE EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. (Starling Thursday, July 191h) YOUR CHJLDREN WJLL BE SAFE AND WELL TAKEN CARE 0F* SHOP WITH THE FOLLOWING NERCHANTS THEY ARE HAPPY TO SERVE YOU AND ARE PAYING FOR TRIS TREAT! Fealures fo be Selected from Children's Library whenever possible. «K. J. ALLINIMEATS & GROCERIES BRESLIN'S MEN'S & LADIES' WEAR CHARTRAN'.S MEN'S WEAR DON McGREGOR HARDWARE D. HIGGON ELECTRIC GA.JURY & LOVELL DRUGS GA.KENNEDY. Men's & Ladies' Wcar IMASON & DALE HARDWARE ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS POOLE'S 5c TO $1.9)0 STORE SEVERN'S BAKERY STEDNIAN'S 5c TO $1.00 STORE YEO'S MEATS & GROCERIES 4h. BERRY'S BOOK STORE CARTER FAMILY CAWKEItIR A SUPER MARKET FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET HOOPER'S JEWELLERY JEWELL'S "BIG 20" LANDER HARDWARE .MARR'S JEWELLERY F. F. MORRIS CO. THE RADIO SHOP SHEPPARD & GILL LUMIBER CO. WALKER STORES Juvenile Team Bows to Defeat At Little Britain Bowmanvilie's Juvenile Base- bail team went down to an 8-2 deffeat at the hands off Little Bri- tan, July 7, on the victor's home dlamond. Detailed statistics off the game are not available but members off the Bowmanviiie club are as fol- iows: Masters <3rd), Dewell (2nd), Dadson (lst), Falls (cff), Brooks (c), Bate ss), White (if), Lane (p), and Ferguson who re- lieved Lane on the mound in the fifth inning. The juvenile club wouid like ta thank Mike Osborne for do- nating his sound truck ta adver- tise the team's home games. Local Bowlers Win Prizes ai Liftlock Doubles Tournament Fred Cole and Doug Carter represented the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club in the Lif t- iock Doubles Tournament heid in Peterborough, July il, and won tenth place honons. Bowmanville bowlens were given scattermats as prizes. Forty-eight doubles teams en- tered in the competition which was stopped due to nain at 5 p.m. Ail teams played but two gamnes and the local men tunned in a two game total off 34 with a plus off 10 when registering deffeats over a Peterborough and Bright- on entry. R. Wright and R. Flintofff off Oshawa carried off first place honons in the Liftlock Tourna- ment. Maher Football Team To Play Darlington ""Ahl-Stars" July 27 Darlington Soccer League "Al Stars' wiil clash with the Maher Football Club off Toronto's Metro League in the annual benefit game staged by the Daniington League as a means off earning money for the injured player fund. The game is scheduied to get underway at Enniskillen at 6:45 p.m.. Friday, Judy 27th. Defeated two yeans ago in a similan benefit game by the Ul- ster United Football Club off To- nonto, the Dariington "Ail Stars" necouped the loss in the 1950 tilt by defeating a Toronto Massey- Harris team 7-3. The Maher Club is reported ta be a top-notch aggnegation and football fans can well look for- ward ta a keen contest. The visit- ing club when approached were kind enough to consent ta take part in the benefit game. Members off the Darlington "Ahl Stars" who wili be seen in action Juiy 27, include: Bil Gearing, Ross Sharpe, Slim Pen- found, Bob Scott, Bob Muir, Ivan Sharpe. Steve Sobal, Ralph Vin- tue, Maurice Preston, George Giiroy, John Baker, Art Rey- nolds, Bob Johnston, John Ven- ning, George Jones, Ray Pascoe, Mike Nemisz and Bernard Lewis. Tam Baker off Sauina who turned in such a capable effort managing the "Ail Stars" last yean, will again be at the helm when the Darlington team con- fronts Maher's. Establisheci 45 Years j) PAfM POU Air Conditioning 2 MILL LANE, OFF SCUGOG ST. -Skylighis Furnaces - Ventilalors Lake Shore, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. W. Adams and ffarily vîsîted with Mn. and Mrs. Lavenne Souch, Bowmanville. The Lake Shore Community Is holding a pienic Sat., July 28th, 7 p.m. at Orono Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Aildned and family visited Mr. and Mns. Donald Duncan, Bnooklin. Mr. and Mns. Chas. Glenney and family, Newcastle, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville. Mrs. F. Anderson, Mrs. Chris. Anderson, Elaine and George and Mn. Neil Anderson, Moorish, with Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Jaynes. The Lake Shore Ladies K. S. & C. club met at the home off (Mrs. Bill Lake with several visi- tors present. Mrs. John Hendry has kindly extended an invitation to her home on July 25 at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and family spent Sunday wiffi Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKnight and Mrs. M. Huggins, Oshawa. Mrs. W. Holmes attended the funerai off hen brother, Mn. A. L. Gibson, Coutiand, N.Y. Mn. and Mrs. T. Arnold For- rester visiting frorn England, wene with Mn. and Mns. W. Hal- mes Sunday. Mns. Fonnesten is a sisten off Mns. Holmes. Master Jack Brown celebnated his 8th binthday with a few fniends. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, Ton- onto, have ben spending à few davs with Mn. and Mrs. W. Hol- mes. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Skedding spent Sunday in Port Hope. Messns Robin and Charles AI!- dred neceived word off the death off their uncle, Mn. Robent Mag- wood, Raddisson, Sask. Great men are they who see that spiritual is strongen than an" materiai fonce; that thoughts rule the wonld.-Emnerson. Copper Miner _For 35 Years Says "Wondrf.I for Tird Iarning Fot" "I have worked in the copper mIneo here- for closé to 35 yeare," wrîîes T. M. P. off Butte. Montana. "Ernerald 011 is cure wonderful for tired burning tact. I would highly recommend it.' When feet eting, itch and ohmca feel au if they wer, euttin g right Into the flesh. get a bottle of Moones Eimrald Oil and rub well on fret and ankies night and mnorrin.- for a few days. A real discoverv for thousands who have found h1ese relieL On sale wherever drugs are soiLd TBE VANADIAN BTATESMAN.. EOwkuT!mq!. ONTARIO Oshawa Wins Çoodyear Trop hy Winners of the Liftlock Tournament in Peterborough, July 11, R. Wright and R, Flintoff, of Oshawa, joined forces with J. C. Ward ta maintain their winning ways and capture the Goodyear Trebles Trophy on the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club green Saturday afternoon.1 Twelve teams entered the competition and repre- sentation was made from Oshawa, Port Perry, Peterborough Port Hope and Bowmanville. The tournament started at 2 p.m. and fair weather saw it conclude at 9:30 p.m. Vie Highfield's Port Hope entry which won the trophy last year ended up in second place in the Saturday competition. They scored three wins for a total count of 42. The Oshawa winners finished the tournament with three wins for a 50 plus 4 score. The next lawn bowling tournament ta be held on the local club's green will be for the Carter Family Trophy and is scheduled for August lst. The tournament will be a trebles competition. W EST BEACH NEWS By The'BEACH COMBER Dr. and Mrs. H. E. W. Brown- lee "Boskey Dell", had as their guests this week, Mrs. Brownlee's aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ed- wards, London, England; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aldwinckle and Miss Joan Bowyer, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Collis and son Teddy, Toronto, Mrs. Percy Hodge and son Gary, Ottawa. Miss Nina Cramer, Toronto. with Mrs. Summerscales and family, Town. in "Lazy Daze". Mr. and Mrs. E. Downey, Town, and family, in "Moonshine". Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawlev, Peterborough, in "Rest-A-While" with his sister. Mrs. E. S. Varcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker, David and Ronnie and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright, Town, in "Wene-Verfus". ÇDecorating Supplies Over 350 Samples of WALLPAPER to choose f rom Also Many Remnants A Full Line of PITTSBURG P AI1N TS Ripolin Enamel Wall Fix Gyptex Spred Satin Spred Flai Window Blinds Aulcraft Colorizer Timberlox Also a Counter of ODD LINES being cleared at 25 per cent O F F J. H. Abernethy Paint & Wallpaper Store 85 King St. W PHONE 431 We are sincerely sonry to learn that little Miss SAsan Wright lias been ill in Oshawa hospital and hope she has a speedy recovery. Miss Joyce Cunrie, Mn. Jack Doaks and Mrs. Wm. Currie, To- ronto, in EEEE's. Mn. and Mrs. Art Foster and David, Mr. and Mrs. N. Green and Marylou, Miss Shirley Fea- then xvth Mr. and Mrs. N. Mul- holland. Rev. and Mrs. Halliday are va- cationing ini the Sandland Apts. Mr. Jack Demsey, Mr. Carlton Waddle. Mr. Ray Geer and Mr. Pat Riddel with Mn. aînd Mrs. Harny Babb. Mr. and Mrs. Fnank Bottrell in 'Seldom Inn". Mn. and Mrs. Roy Swindeils in 'Fiesta". Mrs. Louise Owen and familv, Oshaw.a, with Mrs. F. Cale in 'Gary's Panadise". Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ellis and Bobby, Town, with Mr. and Mrs, Russel Halîman in "Fyvie". Mn. and Mns. Russel Oke, Duogie and Michael, with his fa- ther, Mr. W. Oke, Town, at Mrs. C. Haliman's Cottage. Messrs. Tony. Cappy and Keith McCracken, Toronto, visiting with Mr. and Mns. Keith Collins. Miss Shirley. Fowler, holiday- ing in "Irmadell". Miss Donothy Ann Currie, in "'EEEE's". is at Girl Guide camp at Nogie's Creek P.O., on Pigeon Lake, where she will be on the staff as swimming instructor. Little Gail Mulholland cut her feet badly on Saturday when she stepped on a broken bottle in the lake, where someone had tossed it thoughtlessly. Do be careful off glass on our beach. Think off the children. Mrs. Dorney off "XTC" Cottage is in Toronto this week with her family. Mr. and Mrs. Manvin Allen. Judy and Janice with her sister, Mns. Geo. Moone, Hamilton. Mn. and Mns. Forrest Dilling, Mr. Wallace Diliing, Miss Cather- ine Dilling, Mr. Wm. Carlton, motored to Tobermory bo spend YOIJR EYES and RewrItten previaus copyrights off C.H.TUCK Optometrîst Disney BIdif, "opp. P.O.) Oahawa -Phone 1518 No. 157 Migraine headaches as a rule affect onlv ore side off the head but sick stomach does flot nec- essarl '.v accompLny it. The in- vestigation at the time of the eye examination gives a good oppor- tunity ta know the type of case and whether it is a true migraine condition or not. Proper care and attention to the eyes is a means off relief in many cases. Correct errors in sleeping. Giet lots off rest and a measure off relief isaaie.(Covyrightecl) TTP~T~AV XTTV 1O4~. iBR'i - -- - -.---. ~, .a..J~. *otsa, Lut,. the week-end with the former's son and brother, Gary Dilling, who is porter on the S.S. Nor- isle. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Masters' off "Log Cabin" attended the 60th Wedding Anniversary off his aunt and uncie, Mr. and Mrs. James McMullen, Janetviile. Mrs. J. Miller was host at her cottage, "Ilene", for a Past Ma- trons' picnic on Wednesday af- ternoon when 14 past matrons off Bowmanviile O.E.S were pres- ent. Mrs. Wm. Dunn off "Rusty- Nook" a life-member off the Or- der Eastern Star was the honour- ed guest. For the past three weeks a blackc coulie dog has been wan- dering on the beach either lost or deserted. He lias a friendly na- ture and seems to enjoy the com- pany off éhildren, but we trust he wiil soon ffind his owner again. Mesdames Cole and Haliman are busy training and practising the children for our Civic holiday Sunday evening entertainment. %NNISKILLEN W. M. S. met at the home off Mrs. M. and Mrs. E. Trewin on July 10, with President Mrs. H. MeGili presiding. Roll caîl was answered by a favourite Psalrn. Mrs. R. Ormiston had charge of the Devotional, the themne bcing 'Meet the people of Trinidad". Mrs. E. Trewin read the Bible reading. Program was in charge of group three, leaders being Mrs. M. Trewin and Mrs. R. Or- miston. Nancy Wood favoured with two piano solos. Mrs. Fran- cis Werry read "Canada's Birth- day". Ruth Lamb also plaved two numbers. Mrs. H. McGill read the Benediction. The group in charge served a dainty lunch. C.G.I.T. meeting was held at the home off Miss Mona Brunt on July 13. with il members pres- ent. Vice Pres. Mary Griffin was i charge. Scripture -,as rcad by Ruth Lamb. Readings by Eleanur Heard and Joyce McGill. Piano solo by Dorothy Stainton. Recre- ation was conduted by Shirle *y El- lis. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and her mother. Meeting closed with Taps. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Slcmon, Mrs. S. Trcwin, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Slemon. Mrs. Earl Doonan, Tyrone, visi- ted with Mrs. D. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lor- na, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill and Don, Toronto, with Mrs. John McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Colenutt, Leaminjgton, and Mrs. M. Trewin visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne and Terry; Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Oshawa; Mr. Henry Watchorn, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson, Maplc' Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton and Joyce, Orono; Mr. Ken Gray. Lotus; with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rogers, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Keithi Yeo and family, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson and family, Trenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Oke. Mrs. Stanlcy Malcolm, Bow- manville, with' ler sister, Mrs. Minerva Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Miss Hilda Kay, Mr. and Mrs. R. By- crs visited Mr. and Mrs. W. M. M Henry at their cottage on Four Mile Lake. We are very pleased to report Mrs. Edgar Wright and Mrs. R. M. Seymour are home fromn the hospitals convalescing. Mr. and Mrs. Cacil Rahm, Un- ion, were Thursday evening cail- ers on Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr. Masters Joe MeGili and Grant Werry are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Royal E. C. Werry at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs.4.Aovd Preston off Bowmanville with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Mr. Lau Snell, Willowdale, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catherines, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Miss Gloria Wright returned home with her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family at Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Bottrell's, Newcastle. Miss Betty Cole, Cordova Min- es, spent the week-end with Miss Patsy Ellis. Mrs. M. Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Doreen were Sunday dinner guests off Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray, Victoria Corners. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Messrs. John Fisk and Davc MeReelis attended the Juiy l2th walk in Peterborough. Messrs. Wally and Herbie Gib- son were in Toronto on Saturdav evening attending the basebal game. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ritchie and family m-ovcd f0 Orono on Sat- urday. We hope they will like their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here and plan on moving down in the spring. The Erwin Allin family, Mvr. and Mrs. Howard Allun and Mr~. and Mrs. Rudman held a family picnic at Caesarea on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner et- tended the. July 12th parade in 'Peterborouigh and visited %-4ith Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter anid family, Lakefield. Coupfle Honored by Neighbours About 50 friends, neighbours and relatives gathered on thie lawn off Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin to honour a recent bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allin. Mr. Austin Turner acted as chairman. Mrs. Branch read the address from the community and Home and Sh~ Club and Mrs. Bowen presented the couple with a coi- fee table and reflector. Bill Allin spoke a few words in behaif of the relatives who presç';ted them with a pair of bedroom lamps and a mirror. The bride and groom thanked eVr-,Vjne for their kindness. A short program was put on by the following: selections by the quartet and cornet selections by Carlos Tamblyn. Mr. Stewart led in a lively singsong. Lunch was served and an en- joyable time had by aIl. Mr. and Mrs. Allun are living in Orono. Stafford Bros. Monumental ok Pone %Vl¶tby 552 318 Dundas St. E.. Whltby FINE QUALITY MIONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise wnrkmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when vou choose from the wide selection off imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. i i PHONE 3412 W. DAVIS PHONE 691 R. FINNIGAN DAVIS & CO. Sheet Melal Workers and Roofers DASEHALL Oshawa Merchants Kingsway Lumber, Toronto AT Oshawa Civic Memorial Stadium SATURDAY, JULY 21 ai 8 p.m. ADMISSION Aduits------60c - Cbildren 25e O ut standing quality hase made Salada Canadct's largest selling tea. TEA, HOLIDAY TIME! WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR IIOLIDAYS from MIONDAY, JULY 3Oth AND OPEN MGAIN ON MIONDAY, AUGUST l3th We Âsk Your Co-operation BOWMANVILLE OLEANERS & DYERS ?HONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY or Leave Orders at:- DYER'S DRUG STORE - NEWCASTLE COOPER'S BARBER SHOP- ORONO BARRON'S GENERAL STORE- HAMPTON Darlingion Soccer League ANNUAL DENE FIT GAME ai ENNISKILLEN FRIDAY, JULY 27th, 1951 6:45 p.m. Darlington Ail-Stars Maher Football Club FIRST DIVISION, TORONTO Admission 50C - Ladies 25c CHILDREN UNDER 12- FREE FREE - MATINEE - FREE COME TO BOWMANVILLE ..0 SHOP TO YOUR HMARTIS CONTENT! DRING YOUR CHILDREN WITH YOU. THEN PARK THEM AT THE ROYAL à THURSDAY. MMV loth- losi
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