PAG EIHTTTI tANA)TNL£rAý 1? m flîWiniÂMv1T.T W vý.iAm ~LI1U11bJJAY. JULY 19t!L in~ Hear f I1 ately one year, said "new mem- Roe C pue ein hlln eTrpyio LIU~D 111 RIZ Oat such a convention. You grasp teU Lo sg ithe vastness of the ognzto, h n Con enio Hed i Ila Ii CtyLion J. J. Brown had the fore-wul Th ee Ne M m er Idu le lsight to bring a collection of ancs ner meeting. He passed these ta article l Tbree new members were in- B.H.S. teaching staff are the new club members who could pers- that aC ducted and local representatives Lions Club members. Interna- onally see the pictures of the ta the Lions International Con- tional Councillor J. J. Brown and more important events. gree ai vention in Atlantic City deliver- Lion Wallv Braden rendered re- NieenerodMrtaGr eeoe ed reports at the Monday dinne" ports on the Atlantic City Con- cia-Bellido, daughter af the-May- efo meeting of the Bowmanvîlle vention. or af Arequipa, Peru, was votedan p Lions Club in the Communîty Three new countries have en- Miss Lion for 1951 by conven- Canada Centre.tfred Lîonisrn durîng the past tion delegates. pared Jack Hawes af Boy manville year, according to the delegates, New ]International President the cour Cleaners, Ralph Mclntyre of the and 837 new clubs have corne intomuti Goodyear and Jack Ross of the existence. Italy, Finland and leartsP uterscceedH __________________Uraguay are the nations most re- C.Petry, Jr., as International series a cently associated with Lions In- President and R. Roy Keaton was Hsoy ternational and a Lions Club bas voted Director Geniral of the Hsoy also eenarganized in White - International Association ai Lions W l hos. u hores.Alaska The ladies were catered ta ing t- New Canadian rsdn but once during the four-day suppose i- Touching on the highlights af convention, accarding ta the del- csporne( - the convention, it was reparted egates, and this took the form of An is - - - that Jack Farlow of Woodstock aArakat n asinihw was elected Canadian President Approximately 28,000 Lions at- etra at the Canadian breakfast held tended the convention with 4,000 houertan - June 25. Another Canadian, having full voting powers and ed by Ic 2 Gardon Belyea, was elected ta 650 alternates. dbb the Board of Directors. J. J. Brown termed the At- The delegates were particuf- lantic City gathering "a top con-- arly impressed with the immen- ventian" and recommended that sity of Convention Hall in At- more members ai the local club lantic City. They said it seats endeavaur ta attend such a con- 66,000 people and the height is vention "in order that you may : Go caefreeso great a 150-ft. aerialist trapeze see the true spirit ai Lionism." can be set up on the stage. The The 1952 Lions International Y c stage is so large entertainers are Convention will be held in VACATION days anu their forced to run ta its centre in ord- Mexica City. pleasures bring a huge crop er to keep continuity in the pro- Induct New Members of accidents with loss and gram. Launching the induction cerc- Thirty-six bands-one frorn mony at the Monday dinner meet- damage to the personal pro- Leaside-took part in the giant ing, President Don Williams toldWen perty folks take along on Lions Parade in which there were Lions Jack Hawes, Ralph Mc- splen 40 floats representing many Intyre and Jack Ross, that it was af The their trips. Why not get the states and a few fareign coun- "a privilege, a pleasure and an rcut right insurance ta make your tries. The wînning float took hoorawloetenit eronne, vacation "loss free"' and care- ted ays,0 taakes, and caintainthe amnil in be Legion President Elgie Harnden iiands the Canad- stock.1 ed 5,00 ossaccrdng a heexplained the significance ai each t free? Before yau go, see delegates. letter in the word L-I-O-N-S and ian Legion Basebaîl Challenge Trophy ta Roses' Captain, that, "so: Mark Clark Speaks called up Lion Gord Elliott ta Ted Bagneli, in a brief ceremony at the B.H.S. bail parkiers m Business sessions were beld introduce the new members ta after the local club trimmed Port Hope 3-0 in a seven-inning get me t( mostly in the morning which en- the Lions Code ai Ethics. tit tnigi h m eit acgon steclrda te Sta iE a e be eeae aejyaiter- Lion Aub Smith acquainted firblWli enoh optcdteBwm vlesebg noons af sightseeing. In the ev- them with the Objects aLinsn eblWli Mcnoh wopic teBowmilesh ea Sta tI.J m s enîng exceptional entertainment and Lion Ed. Sumnmers charged shutout. pops the was offered delegates subsequent them with their several duties husbandE INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE ta which dancing was enjoyed mn and responsibilities. He infarm- ,, u figures1 many ai the botels. General ed the new members what the Iin a H ma husbgnd. 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 Mark Clark was guest speaker at Lions Club expected ai thern and clraioAo5-uan 8ighs self, woi KigSreBwavle one ai the morning sessions. wbat they cauld expect in return. gP ,L ~ J 1 ~ tn kind enc Lion Wally Braden who has Lion Norm O'Raurke presented To i modern been a mrember of the Bowman- each with a Lions lapel button Top amof**auigh *ing M eig ue i ville Lions Club for approxim- and his dinner badge, certîfîcates u iVII prefer i and_________and____________ In O N 'pl I rove Womeii s anstitute I on the workings ai the club and W- WjMrs. warned tbemn ta beware ai Lian _______ rom Siw Fred Cale, the tail-twister. President Mrs. Ivîson Munday bier own notes on the motta "The a glass( R E W Lions Norm Allun and Wally conducted the business for thewrd n m id meal. S _____ Ibae brhdy n oldi m outy mnin stastesa thM rae Mndceetdngirthdaysiat July meeting ai Maple Grave my friend."' Our communica- ether. C1K 1l he M onay m y eetinadLione Women's Institute. Motions were tion and transport facilities -ofpotrc B &4 S E B à4 LCuck Haag, onpl rcely re- carried ta cater for a September this age have assuredly made the potertc1 a belated birthday. H. C. Iarr, wedding and ta assist with sew- world our country and we can during M~ Toronto, father ai Lion Jimmy ing for Bowmanville Hospital. no longer hope ta exist in a nar- Jack and Marr, was a guest. The rail caîl "Who's wha in row space where material P03- leaving t 1 Canada and Why?" brought forth sessions or self importance play heading 0SIRAW A N E CIRANTS m in interesting variety ai respon- an undue part. Mrs. Stevens illi e fO are ot onsderd Or oly m- scoolday incident and the tho e a 'VS. .i.eatn i raps 1 partant persans. lesson taught by her mother then, day, Mr. Information was given îromn which is the lesson mankind must cided it Within a few short decades the executive session ai the Fed- soaner or later learn if there is two bottl BR NT OR ED OC Sman bas increased the pace ai erated Wamen's Institutes ai Can- to be world-wide peace. buried i: AFrond travel tenfold-fram the ada held recently at Macdonald A special number on the pro- hali year (Leaers f te Iner-cunt Leaue)eight-miles-an-hour ai the trot- College, Quebec, by the District gram was the singing in duet ai man solc (Ledes f heInercont Laqe)ting horse ta the aîî-too-îrequent Director. "It is no secret what God can do" inta theii &T 80-miles-an-bour ai bis automo- Mrs. Chas. Greenham, convener and "Mocking Bird Hill" by Mrs. was color * bile. As man accelerates, death !or Citizenship and Education, Ken Summersiord and Mrs. Gar- tiniest 1i and injury also accelerate in in charge ai the program, gave don Beech. seen. Jocl Oshawa CvcM m ra tdu geornetric progression. ausaione valuable information pub- The tapic "Declaration ai Hu- in fairly ùvicMem ria Sidiiin I on ofthestaes outhof s lshe bytheNational Institute man Rights" was taken by Mrs. bler at there is a bighway sign which ai launderers and dry cleaners in Greenham, Mrs. Stuart Morton But 1, t reads: "Drive carefully-death 1, regard ta belts for ladies' dresses. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden with only ta]< TH R D Y U Yso permanent!" Mrs. Fred Stevens spoke fromn Mrs. Greenham conducting a didn't g' THUR DNISSIN Y 26 This is only too tu.Rgti your own district there are bodies in graves, or broken in ai 8 .ehospitals because ai bighway ac- p.m. cidents which ordinary common sense should bave prevented. ADMISIONEngineering advances in the design and speed ai today's motor car, when cambined with the in- A ui75 - hlrn2c creased number ai vehicles onôd the road, have brought a rapid 1increase in property damage, in- ______________________________________juries and fatalities, despite the - ..marked advance in modemn bigh- _____________________________________ way construction. Uncontradict-10PA able records prove that a high PYW Iwhen you think about vocatio percentage ai these accidents are LW so o* unnecessary-that they are caus- WITH Ithink about y'our cloths. ed by carelessness, thoughtless- I Ees.ness and aiten by plain stupidty. WA L L It i this fact which must be faced because there is not-and neyer will be-a SAFE mator highway. Nat so long aga, six peopleM'A À D >nnaire fromn the "Charter such kind haspitality, felt they nan Rights" as adopted by were large enougb. Aiter the ited Nations General As third glass Jock and the husband ai December 1948. It hiked for bed. Madame and I seem that the 30 articles hoistedacul oe hnw ing this charter should be rtied.a oue nxtmortnwe eary part ai the education realized why the servings were ~r aduit Canadian citizen. ýsa small. That pesky stufi was J. D). Stevens read an liquid dynamite. Maybe it did Arhich painted out the fact smell like ether, if it did, I didn't Canadian citizen could flot notice it. But I did notice that .questions with any de- each glass tasted like mare. faccuracy as ta Canada's *e bistory or gavernment, We aeanw daughter-in-Iaw, aliens caming ta Canada ebaean :plying for citizenship in Our son, Gardon, married Faye ithere are bookiets pre- Trenaman an July Ilth, in Cal- for / distribution through gary, Alberta. We haven't met rts which. might well be a Faye, but according ta the grape- revery home. The book- vine she is talented, industriaus, )f Canadian citizenshii, a good hausekeeper and awiully are "Our Land" - 'Our gaod looking. Anyone will be and "Our Government." welcome who can add a bit ai glamor ta the Yaungman clan. should have enough care We don't know when we will rCanadian citizenship ta have the pleasure ai meeting the things a persan desir- Gordon's wife. In the meantime become a citizen here is we welcome her ta the family ýd ta know before he be- circle and hope she finds us ta aCanadian citizen hem liking. We hope Gardon told interesting contest "Can- ber the truth about us, that we twns and cities" pravided are no better and very little warse inment during the social than the average Canadian labor- id reireshments were serv- ing family. Tbirty-two years ago dmr. Greenham's group. I driited into these parts, a bach- elor. Now there are twenty-one Iin the Rroup, seven children, 7 grandcbildren, two sons-in-law, La )ungman 's Column .jayed Mrs. Velva Bailey's 1article in a recent issue Statesman, in which she ed the activities ai the &I ai the Village ai Biack- Mrs. Bailey mentioneds 'me ai the men are mod- sbands." For over thirty iy wiie bas tried hard ta lff to emulate the gaod points -' husbands. Just when n ta feel she bad me with it amaunt ai polish, Up e line about the "modern" Is i Blackstock. Now she1 I should be a "modemn" 1.Bei are I commit my- )uld yau, Mrs. Bailey, be iough ta explain what a r"husband is? When inds out maybe she would ne as is. Herbert Parker, writing weden, mentions drinking ai schnapps before each Ihe says the schnapps -v awful and smells like The only time your re- sme in contact with tbis liquid was in Belgium Iarch, 1919. One evening d I told aur hasts we were themn the rîext day, were for Blighty, on the first ir return ta Canada. As ai aur departure wauld my twenty-iourth birth- and Mrs. Brasteaux de- was time ta uncork the tles ai schnapps they had in the cellar four and a rs befare, when the Gem- ldiers had first marched ir village. The schnapps rless, it was served in the liquor glasses I've ever 'k, wha likes bis "Scotch" liberal size doses, grum- the size ai the snorts. being a teetotaller, and king a hooker because I ish ta offend by refusing ND ENDS: 4 >OD, COVER.E D CHINTZ O. PAPE R. Spots Vanisi, 9 Lonuer..Lusting Press The Ontario Government may à JV ~~~~~~~~~have ta afier considerably m are H L S C P E O I L N W I T H than at present if it expects any Don't worry about chose old sport cloches; - real interest o the part ai theH L ~ C PE O.FLIG WT amazing Sanitone Dry Cleaning will bring municipalîties for its rentai hous- WAT E kR. *H ANDOLE - BE N T WAT E R ackcolr, atern, txtue ikemagc. ing plan. The blunt truth is that PIPE,/ A T N O WII L O bc ou'lor atrs etr iemgQ many municipalities are flot anx- F S E E VT L O Yo'lhardly be able to tel hat thec gar- ious for new bousîng and new COU PLI NGS --- Oz. 2 x2, \VTH ment arn'ractallynew An whn ~ population, declares The Financial getsbakhenaalyn fromAydur vacaton Post. They feel that with present TWVO PI EC ES FIZOA DI SCAR DE O get ackhomeagan frm yur vcaton; school costs they. cannat afiord e bring them in so we can get out ail the vaca- residential expansion. WVAG ON OP. CA R. PR.I N G5S t'on grit and gime There' ~ ~Explanation for this attitude is F S NEO WT OL S le. iound i.n the fact that residential J-0leaning service like Sanitone. property does not praduce the tax revenues required ta meet the cost of a additional investment in schools Y u1 i d m r E Y E LE I IffS and services. A new scool ne- iN w BOOI<LET Ifraino cessitates the expenditure af $1000 tNE In anrman o Clouiers & Dvors - Landrjn pr pupil to build, and $200 per hrnetnieIn h oke 'rudthe He amn' PHOE:OSHWAZEITH1300pupil per year ta maintain. Just pubierhed. wite for your copy teoTom Gard, c'o. MOL#SON's y! HOca NEn:-OSHAWER A IES' WE3000What gavernment is the best (O. TARIO) LIMITED, P.O. Box490, Adeaide St.Station, Toronte LeuiAget:- OOPR'SLADIS' EARThat which teaches us ta govern PHONE ACE REFRIGERATI( Commercial and Domestic - Sales & Si Ail Work Guaranteed - Free Estimates on Ail Equipment 78 SIMCOE STREET, N. OSHAWA ALLAN THACKERAY three daughters-in-law, my wiie and I. About two months aga Bob, asked permission ta attend Gord's wedding. We told him be could if he earned tbe necessary funds. He did and for goad measure baught a new suit. Sa, at fifteen years ai age he travelled, alone, 2600 miles, acted as graamsman at his brother's wedding, and attended the world famous Cal- gary Stampede. Carrespondence from bim indicates he isn't miss- ing much. Hope lie didn't do like Gardon Cathcart. Gardon was graomsman at bis brother John's wedding recently. When the time came ta hand over the ring, Gord iound it was stuck tight on bis little finger. - For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty,-f%çi ye gave me drink: I was a sf ger, and ye took me in.-Christ Jesus. DIAL 3-2452 ;ervice PLUMING & ROT WATER HEATING OIL BURNERS INSTALLED in any type of furnace ALSO STOKERS A. J. Heari & N. Bothwell PHONE: Noon and 5 p.m. - 3473 Day or Night - 2085 HARDWOOD FLOORS FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT Tile Floors - Linoleum - Rubber or Wood Block Plastic Tule for Kitchen and Bathroom Walls. - FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN - "Stand with Confidence on a Leggette 'Floor" M. LEOGETTE Glovers Road, North Oshawa Dial 5-5836 My lawn roller neyer seems ta be home. Possibiy I ahould make another ane -just ta iend ta people! Fooling aside, thia borrow- ing tools and then forgetting to brjng them back con be ipoat . ..... annaying - and î'm not guiltiese. I was ail set ta rail the area. just apaded for late vetetables when 1 discovered it was missing. The predicanient was finaliy settied by borrowing Herb's sleek "store" r job. It gave me the idea of looking for a short, fat hot water tank and Kftxng up a handie attachinent from O o K inch water pipe. Ita weight can be ___________ rogulated by the amount of water used in the tank - quite an ixnpravement on my present one filled with heavy concrete. Possibly that will b. miy firat job when holidays are over. Chiuftr Ceupy Here la a simple wayta perk up your kitchen window, noticed wbile in the St. Thomas area. A 0,â» light canopy was constructed from building board and fastened on the IO L E 5 ineide to the edge af the window frame. Bright chintz was sewn in E LA~C E. the farn of an awning to fit the frame and thumbl tacked inp lace, WMwA with the tacks out ai sight. I t waS moet attractive. Aiter repeated attempts ta describe its construc- LFr tion ta my usuaily bright "better balf", I finaily took the hint aaL built one. Now she will fiave4 get busy and caver it. e While sewing the cnnopy, insybe I can talk ber into covering the gueat book I made out ai a cigar barxiaut spring. It'a quita attractive ini its natural finish but it will b. even better cavered with sanie ai the drapery material that wua loft aver. Jk1 rk-Kaek Si If you want a miall uheli for liglt keepeaken try your hand et making one froni coat hangers. It will tae a bit ai patience to faim the wire into the deird pattern but it can be dons. 1 li- 1 TIR CANADIAN STATEsmAN. BowmANvmilR!- r)wTARirn iLd -4 Glovers Road, North Oshawa PAGE XIGHT 24 NOUR SERVICE LAID m SANDED m FINISBED Dial 5-5836