TWSA'T, .TUY 2fth, 1051 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .T H E C A N A D I A N S T A T E S M A N , B O W M A N V I L L E , O N T A R I O A W . T 1 ? Three Service Clubhs and Legion Commandeered to Nove Patients And Equipment in Short Order "0peation Alexander" is siated for 6:30, Wednesday Augusi 8, 1951, at Bowmanville h08pitai, The objective of "Operation Alexander" la to mave ail patients and equipment from Bowxnanville Hospital ta the new Memorial Hospital as quickly and efficiently as possible, accomding ta M. S. Dale, Hospital Board Chairman. Members of the Canadian Leg- ion together with an army of service club wakers-preferabîy dt'essed. in aid clothes-are being càtipn ta complete the maving ,Pra]Wt with as littie strain on patients as possible and in order flot ta interupt hospital routine. The handling of patients will be directly under a nurse and a staff of ambulance men, and each of Bb(wmanviile's three service clubs will provide a six man team, a team captain, and a truck and driver. The teams will be divided Whou Fuot Buru Sting And ItM And shoas feel as if tbev werp rut- fin * ràniht auto the fieah-get a bottie meraild Ou and rub well over feet and ankles night and morning for a few days. A real discovery for thousands who have fonnd blegfed relief. Moone's Emerald 011 je eas5y and pleasqant to une; does nat Stain-economical. On sale wherever drugs are sold. 1 into two groups with each group tbeing under the supervision of a .nurse. kPlan ot Attack According ta present plans, the F. F. Morris Ca. ambulance and a team of Kinsmen will be respon- sible for nioving ail patients and equipment an the main floor. The Northcutt and Smith am- bulance and the Lions Club wil handie the moving of patients and equipment from the second floor. The Canadian Legion wil han- dle the moving af al basement equipment and food supplies. Mrs. Everson Prout will detail her staff in order that someane wiil be available ta direct the moving ta be done by Legion members. The Rotary Club team wili be stationed in the Memorial Hospi- taI and the duty of placing the equipment in the new building ivili faîl on their shoulders. Hig. gon Electric will move ail electri- cal equipment. While the move is in progress, emergency cases can still be deait with. Hospital Superîntendent Gertrude Deweli ill appoint one nurse ta handle such cantingen- cies. With the volunteer aid expected from the service clubs and the Canadian Legion, "Opemation Al- exander" is expected ta go down in histomy as ane of the fastest and mast efficient hospital mnoves ever made. YOU OITf MORE FOR YOUR TELPHONE DOLLAR AUBREVIATING certain words in our telephone direetories can often reduce a listing from two lines to one. This not only mû..e the directory thiquer and easier to read, but aloo less costly to produco. in one of our bigger directories, for instance, taking out juat one Une saves je nough paper ta print 1,310 pages or 1.directories! This careful attention to little things in typical of how ail departmenti work to keep comits down. It's one of the reasons why your telephone la one of today's lest buys. Cmwe thoe oprke ru m usàrlnis hep« las nu UP 111% COST 0F LJVING* UP 64% TELPt4ONE 00DJihJIuuuo**Avmig.oe mSmIn Mof o ov of sitisiks l inA ewfPo,»eY@w n A C.w stw.l wire, go .tron 9 that only hait a. many pole@ are needod tu support it, extends apacng between Ç 1le to 400 lent or more. DhiC aavbog in important as construction costa continue to go op. Long Distance oporators now dial maoy out-of-town cas ,,at as ea.ily as people dis] local oumber,. Thiasflot onlytmcans tester. more tounoient service for vou. but mean, our operating dollar@ go further. SeOrs bave beeu equosa. in si"e until today amlifiers that would have 'ild a whole building now cobe put in a iogle room. Resul t: important saviogs in building OIS V.kpiu.èayshbMby THI BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA 4 TED WOGDYARD'S APPLIANCE STORES Corner et Klng and Silver Streets. Bowmanvillh and at Orono Donor of the First Hospital THE LATE J. W. ALEXANDER Dowmanville's Firsi Hospital Made Possible by Generosity 0f The Laie J. W. Alexander Although Bowmanville's fi hospitai. oiginally known ast Alexavdem Hospital in bonor the late J. W. Alexander wbod nated the South Park proper for that pumpose, was not open, until 1913, plans for the buil ing bad been under discussi for three years. As far back as 1910 a 'If pital Accaunt" had been operi and sufficient money promised carry out the umdertaking. A parcntiy howevem the gene public was apathetic towards Il projcct. for littie was done uni a counties' hospital tiontrovers( filled the pages of The State man in 1912. At that time Editor M. James, as Reeve of Bowmanvill was the town's representativec the Counties Council. The cor trovemsey started with the ai mounicement that John Helm, former resident of Port Hope,i bis will had bcqucathed the sui of $100,000 for the building of Counties Hospital. Tbe CountiE Council split into two camps an finaily the offer was rejectec Editor James opposed the pis: for eason whicb would seem a] most ludicrous in these dayso sparse and cramped bospital ac cammodation. The proposed hos pital would have 50 beds, whi<] Editor James opined would neve be fiiled. In outlining bis opposition.i The Statesman on February 19 1912 Mm. James had this ta sa: "For same tîme a hospital h& been talked of in Bowmanvill and a bospital account was actut ally opened two years ago anl enaugh money was promised t( establish one, but the promise, fci some eason was not ýcept, but i is only a matter of bine wber o nc will be established."- This comment apparently se in motion once again the plan5 for the local hospital, and or March 28, 1912, there appeared in The Statesman this comment: "A good friend of this town has offered ta make a gift of Saut] Park (the former residence of Mm. Hector Beith and the Misses Beith) for a bospitai if $5,000 to equip it was raised in anc wcek." The Statesman put out an "Extra' dated March 26, carrying the ap- peal. Factory whistles and church belîs were soundcd ta an- nounce the opening of the xvhirl- wind campaign and 50 ladies of the town set out ta make a house ta house canvass. On March 28. The Statesmar anounced that among the firsi subscriptions were those from C. Jonas Thomnton, M.P. for $50.00; W. R. Brock, Toronto, for $200, and C. H. Carlisle, Toronto, for $25.00. -The South Park praperty, bav- ing been inspected and approved by Dr. R. W. Bruce Smith, Pro- vincial Inspector of Hospitals, a public meeting was called in the Town Hall on Saturday, March 23. The meeting was sa largely attended that mamy had ta stand in the corridors. The enthusi- asm resulting from this meeting resulted in the whirlwind cam- paign. It was on a motion by W. B. Couch and Postmaster John Mc- Murtry, that the gift of South Park (the donor stili being an- onymous) was accepted and the campaign dccided upon. In the following issue of The Statesman, April 4th. 1912, Mr. J. W. Alexander was revealed as the donor of South Park with the ackmowlcdgement of Mr. Alex- ander's $4,500 donation for the purchase of South Park "ýor amy other suitable poperty." The campaign was a huge suc- cess and for the next fcw wceks The Statesman published long lists of subscribers. On April 25 The Statesman an- maunced: "Our readers wîli be intcrested in knowing that Mr. J. W. Alexander, President of the Dominion Organ and Piano Com- pany, has complcted the pur- chase of the propertv known as South Park, coriprîsing abouit six acres of land and a fine brick st residence and bas made a gift of e the same ta the Town of Bow- if manville for a public hospital." :)- And s0 Bowmanville's first by hospital was an assured fact. ýd Witbin a year, as mcorded cise- - where, the necessary physicai n changes wcrc made, the building properly equipped and afficiaily -opcned by the Lieutenant-Gaver- ýd nom of Ontario, Sir John M. Gib- ;0 son on "-ýrch 26, 1913. - Nobody secms ta know wby, i1 on the eve of the officiai open- ýe ing, Mr. Alexander resigned from il the Hospital Board. On several yr occasions The Statesman sought -ta find out wby the generous don- or of the hospital had withdrawn from its *lanagement, but if amy- anc knaw'the facts, thcy certainiy were mot talking. - Mm. Alexander was a native of -Scotland, coming ta this country ain 1895 and settling in Guelph, lOnt. A yeam lattir he moved ta lBowmamville, having purchased 1 the Dominion Organ and Piano sCompany joimtly witb John Kydd 1and J. MeConnell. In 1903 he . purcbased the inýerests of bis 1partmers and became sole owner. Mm. Alexander was a sby etr- ring man, mnd it may have been h is dislike for publicity and pub- lic adulation that caused him ta retire from thre Hospital Board. Neyer in the ncariy 35 years be lived in Bowmanville did be scek public office or acclaim, but quictly and with great modcsty he took a keen interest in the towm's affairs. Mrs. Alexander, the former Nellie Brittain, daughter of Mm. Josepb Brittain, local customs officer, died in the ear1y- 1930's. She, likcwise, was actiýYe in com- munity affairs and was much at- tached to the work of St. John's Anglican Churcb. Mr. Alexand- er himself was a member of St. Paui's Presbyterian Cburch. Tbey had two sons, John of Toronto amd Joseph of Ottawa, both of them successful in the business worid. Early in 1938, Mm. Alexander retired and moved ta Toronto to live with bis sons. Apparcmtly in better health than he bad been for some years, he succumbcd to an attack of pnumonia, md died Jifs AUinu Knowing How! HOME, car, fummishings. You can lose ail this té f ire, accident, windsform. That is a big problem! But coming up with the correct, safe answers is easy for me. Cail on this Agency today! Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681 Kint Street. Bowmnanville 1 - NES TLE TON Nestleton W. A. and W.M.S. net at the home of Mrs. Kenneth ;amells July 19 with Mrs. Sam- eils' group in charge of meeting. Prayer was offered by Mrs. M. Emerson. devotional by Mrs. L. Malcolm and Study Book by Mrs. K. Samells. Roll cali was-bring avisitor. There were 17 ladies and several children present. We were pleased ta have Mrs. B. Heaslip with us who, gave a spien- id talk on "The plan for effec- ive living." Solo "He shaîl feed Iis flock" by Mrs. L. Malcolm; .ading "The Tired Woman" by in the Wellesley Hospital, Toron- ta. on January 4th, 1939. Fum- erai services werc heid in St. Paul's Church, Bawmanville. and interment madc in thc family plot in Bowmanville Cemetery. diss Jume Whitfield, Cartwright, 1 1 E t t 1 a e E b fj E IV m R G v IV Pl ai ai m Our, Heartiest CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLE 'BOARD 0F GOVERNORS AND THE CITIZENS 0F THE DISTRICT On the Successful Achievement of an Objective of the Greatest Social Value to the Community ALL DRAPES AND DRAPERY MATERIAL IN THE NEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, BOWMANVILLE SUPPLIED BY WEBER'S 10 King Street East CENTRE Phone 3121 PONTYPOOL Miss Sophie Pewar, Toronto, was marmîed on Saturday. Among those from here who attended the wedding weme Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimegon, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Yacanak, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Curtis. Mm. Ted Graham attended the wedding of his niece in Toronto, recently. Counties Road Commission have started an the County Road east of the village and have ail the gravel on the raad ready for the praPosed Paving contmact. Our village Was densely pop- ulated over the weekend when hundreds of tourists visited aur faim village. A large canvoy of military vehicles passed through aur vill- age on Sunday. We are sorry ta report that Mr. Yacanak is in hospital in a seriaus condition. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Neals have returned from a twa weeks' honeymoon in South Caralina and ather States. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Wilson have maved into their home in the village. Mr. Albert Stewart bas been engaged by the municipality ta cut ail the grass. on the sidemoads. Several vacant lots and uncrop- ped famm lands are covered witb sweet claver this year. These should also be cut as they are a real fire menace ta the entime district. Congratulations ta Nancy Low- emy and Doris Timms of Bethany, and Lorraine McGill of Yelver- ton, ail of whom passed with hon- ours their piano examînations set by the Royal Conservatory of Music. Toronto. These young musicians are pupils of Miss Jeanne Coulter, A.R.C.T., Ponty- pool. Mrs. M. Emmerson: reading, "Don't Let Go" by Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Mrs. Saineils and group served a dainty lunch. All were given a vote of thanks for anoth- er pleasant afternoon at Mrs. Sameil's home. Dr. R. P. Bowles very kinclly invited us ta his home for the August meeting. J Mrs. Herb McGill, Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hudson and Donnie, Pontypool, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Johns. Mrs. John Ladbrooks and Mrs. Reg Middleton, Islington. visited Mrs. H. Vine and Mrs. Fred Middieton, Blackstock. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Grant Campbell on the arrivai of a young daughter. Sympathy is extended ta the friends of Mrs. Jas. Dickie who was buried at Nestleton Cerne- tery on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm opened their home Saturday ev- ening for a demonstration. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fitze, Oshawa. Service in the United Church was well attended. Mr. Jack Hill will speak ta us again, next Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAllister, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Henry and Miss Joan, Peterbor- ough. visited Mr. and Mrs. Hem- man Wilson. Miss Anna Samelîs visited ber gandmother, Mrs. Wm. Smiith and Mm. Smith, Lindsay. Miss Gloria Sadier entertained some frîends on hem bithday. Discover How Good Iced Tea ConBe! m Make tea double strength and while aui hot pour intogicsses fiJled with crcicked ice . Add sugar and lemon to taste. ~~ ICED TEA h. See for Tourseif ai Our Shop! Youm automobile is a com- plicated machine but there is nothing mysteriaus in how it works. Wen yu bave difficulty with yaur car, drive up ere. We'll explain the cause and emedy in simple language that you can undestand! 166wKINGvE.0.FleBNMPoo Sle 166 KTNG ST. E. O. F. ROBSON, Prop. PHONE 585 1. e. w FABRIC Bowmanvile Re& 4931 rwun v MUN at Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil's. M. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and sons with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg. Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cathmoir, Murray and Glenna Mamie, Osh- awa, at Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens'. Miss Kathryn Siemon with Miss Ruth Whitfield, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke at Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke's, Osha- wa. Mrs. LeRoy Hamilton, Omono, visited Mms. John McGili. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Yeo and family are on their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson, Toron- ta; Mrs. C. English, Newcastle; Mm. and Mrs. H. Staînton, Hamp- ton: Miss Lynda Potts, Haydon, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collacutt visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin. Mr. R. E. C. Werry, K.C., and Mrs. Werry, Pauline and Billy, Montreal, attended the Werry picnic at Hampton on Saturday ared spent a few days with rela- tives. Catherines with Mr. and Mms. E. Mr. and Mrs. Hamold Milîs, Mrs. Wright. Mm. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton were guests of honor at a surprise Party heid on the speciaus lawn at the home of Mm. and Mms. W. J. Bragg and Mrs. Eva Bragg, Pro- vidence, ta celebrate their lOth wedding anniversary. Twenty- seven members of the immediate family of Mm. 0. C. Ashton fomm- cd the gathering. Mr. Bruce Ash- ton acted as chaimman. During the mcmry-making Mm. Harold Ashton presented the couple with a set of bathroom scales and oth- er smali gifts on behaif of Mrs. E. C. Ashton and family. The bride and groom of 10 years made fitting replies and brief speeches were made by Mms. Eva Bragg, Mrs. S. Rodman. and Mm. Wrn. Bragg. Congratulations are in store for 1M. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Mms. Vemna Wood, Toronto, wvith hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rl. Pethick. Mm. and Mrs. Hemb Slemon and Greta, Toronto-, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowmanville, with /M. and Mrs. T. M. Siemon. Mrs. A. M. May and Gary, La- cemr, Mich.. with hem parents, Mr. and Mms. John Domlamd. Mm. and Mrs. F. Hepburn, Osh- awa; Mms. H. Siemon, Toronto,- Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling and son, Howard Miîson, Mr. and Mms. John Siemon visited Mr. Howard Milîson, Maiton Hospital. Mrs. E. Strutt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethîck and Ruth at Mr. and Mrs. Harmy Strutt's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Marie, Ronald and Ray;, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and Cheryl, Haydon; Miss Joyce Wright, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Brown, Don, Robert and Sandra, Lindsay, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ommiston. Miss Ruth Lamb is spending ten days at Camp Pretoria. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke at Mr. and Mms. Walter Oke's. Mrs. J. Adams with Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin on Sunday even- ing. Ted Werry, Stuart Lamb and Clarke Wemry spent holidays with Mr. and Mms. Bey Veale, Kirk- land Lake. Miss Margaret Wright of St. a m n s e ai ti H r ICED TEA Bowmanville Notor Sales PHONE 585