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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1951, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVETECAAANTAEM, OMNLLOT O URAYJUY6t.15 WESLEY VILLE Weekend visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Barnowclough were Mns. Hill, Marvelville; Mr. and Mrs. George Acres. Vernon, and Mrs. E. Cowan, Metcalf. Marika Malkov, a young Eston- Ian, necently errived in this coun- try, is staying with Mrs. E. Bar- rowclough for the rest ai the suxnmer. She will improve ber English before starting ta school this feul. Cangratulations ta MIr. and Mrs. George Tufard who are the proud parents ai a baby boy born Saturday. July 21. A meeting was held lest Thurs- day evening at the home ai Tru- mnan Austin ta discuss plans for a Sunday School picnic ta be he!d at Austin's Beach, Thursday af- tennoon. Norman and Gwen Waolacott, Part Hope, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Austin. Mrs. Murray Payne visited with her mother in Myrtie, Wed- nesday. also taking a bus trip with the ladies ai Myrtie W. A. ta Brampton and district. Need a Paperhanger, painter or any other type ai service firm? See the Statesman Classified sec- tion. STARK VILLE Miss Williams, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd. Mrs. Jamieson, Bewdley, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe. Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow. Miss Helena Hallowell, Toron- ta, spent the weekend at home. Mr. George Yule and Diane Yule. Oshawa, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Rob- inson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott and fam- ily, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowery, Toronto. Shiloh W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Llew Hallowell on Wednes- day lest week. During business discussion it was planned ta have Sunday School services for fltw children and some plans weïe made for it. A short program and a pleasant evening was enjoy- ed bv ail. Mrs. Dobson invited the ladies ta ber home for the next meeting. 359 shut-ins were driven by Red Cross Corps' members dur- ing lest year. SALAD DEESSING SATIISSO-URON MIRACLE W HIP 160- 53c SALAD OLIVE WHITE OR CIDER HEINZ VINEGAR etie. 1 7c Jar2 CORN OIL MAZOLA 16o-. 54c AlN CRIAMMIES PREPARED MACARONI 2 so-21< MUSTARD RED SEAL-JULLIED FLAKES TUNA FISH 'TIR 32C Jar 2 1 1111 LbL COHOE SALMON Tit 37c CULVRHOUS-CHOIC BRONZE LABEL BRLT CHICKEN IONELESS 'n 51l( PAR MONACII-SWEET ER MIXED PICKLES Jr26c no. TO BEAT THE HEAT TRY REDDI 2 SERVE FOUDS -ALWAYS FRESH- (Cello Carton) Potlo Salad - 25c - 33c Baked Beans - 29c Macaroni Salad --33c Jellied Vey. Salad - 23c Jellied Fruit Salad - 29c ýES rc ICE LURNNQX-CIOICE APPLESAUCE m. 31c LUYS-MIP DIOWN PORK & BEANS mmW PACK Mm a&G" Pts %0O Presidents of Hospital Board 1912o1951 Rev. Dr. D. W. Best 1924 - 25 J. H. H. Jury 1912 - 13 Rev. H. B. Kenny 191 - 15 Christian Rchder 1915 to 1920 Norman S. B. James 1926 to 1929 F. F. Morris 1930 W 1936 Thomas Tod 1921 MISS ELLA M. SEXSMITH Aiter a lingering illness af sev- eral months Miss Elle Margaret Sexsmith pessed peacefully awey, at the home af ber brother, Peter M. Sexsmith, Hope Township. Miss Sexsmith, the eldest deugh- ter ai the late Thomas L. and Margaret Moffatt Sexsmith, ta whom she was e most devoted deughter, was born in Harwood, Rice Lake. At an early age she came, with her parents ta Hope Township where she received her education and resided until ber death on Jvl 3rd. 1951. Miss Sexsmith was a membor ai the Presbyterien Church, Ne'.ý- tonville and the Women's Mis- sionary Societ.v. in which sin' took a keen interest and in al ather activities ai the church. Left ta mourn ber passing are one sister, Elisa, two brothers, Thomas L. and Peter M., al af Hope Tawnship. A sister, Mrs. Barton (Alice E.) predeceased her several years ega, and e bro- ther, Joseph, three rnanths ega: elso surviving are a number af nieces and nephews. The funeral, conducted by ber minister. Rev. F. Meredith, Bow% manville. assisted by Rev. L. Fowler, Part Hope, was held fromn the George Chapel, Port Hope. Interment was in Union Cemetery. Palîbeearers were: Arthur Mc- Kay. Rager Tamblvn, William Lewis. Tupper Johnston, Stanley Jonieb and Daw5oin &ebe. R. L. Mitchell 1946 - 47 KENDAL Robert Alexander, Toronto, is spending two weks vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander. Mrs. Palmer. Gardon Palmer and Dick Martineli spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Martin- ell and Mrs. J. Martinell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin- eHl and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilisen spent the weekend at the camp at Tory Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith (nee Mabel Thompson>, Caiifornia. are visiting her mother, Mrs. C. Thompson. and Arthur, and also Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cathcart. There was no church service here on Sunday. due to the Rev. D. T. Lancaster being on his holi- davs for a month. For the next three SundaYs there will be only Sundax' School at 10 ar. Miss A. Brereton. ToronW . Ge.. F. Annis 1948 M. S. Dale 1949 - 1951 on vacation here with ber friend, Mrs. F. Stoker. Mr. and Mrs. Barber and fam- ily. Toronta, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swarbrick for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Mlntyre and John, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott. Jr., all af Toronto. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reynalds. Miss Phyllis Jackson, Milli- ken, is home for a short visit and Miss Kathleen Jackson is having a holiday et camp at Stirling. Mr. Bob Vannatto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson on Sunday. Kendal team played e benefit game et Garden Hill, Friday ev- ening. for Gardon Mercer wha had same bones in his hand brok- en at a recent Kendal-Garden Hiflball gamne. After the game a dance was held with proceeds also going toward medical ex- penses. Welcome and Kendal played off their tie-game here on Thurs- day evening with much different resuits. Kendal kept addmng ta their score until at the end of the sixth they had 18 runs ta 3 for Welcome. In the seventh, Wel- corne secured 6 runs ta make the score 18-9. Kendal now has 9 wins and 5 lasses for third pos- ition in the league. Excessive ramn and cald weath- er have diminished the chances for the record tobacco crop pre- dicted earlier in the season. Much of the early planting, es- pecially on lighter ground, bas cornein top toa early and is ex- pected ta be a light crop but suni- shine and hot weather could make same goad beavy crops yet ai the later tobacco. Consider- able interest is being taken in the growth of the different va- rieties planted this year. Many are trying out the new broad- leafed Delcrest while others are trying Hicks and Three Sucker and a few have still adhered ta the Mammoth. The question is, which will turn out the most prof - itable. NE WTON VILLE Miss Bannie Barton is spend- ing a few days with her grand- mother, Mrs. Vinson, Oshawa. Mrs. Sidney Stacey had the misiortune ta break her ankie at the softball game. Tuesday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Johnston et- tended the funeral af his moth- er at Drayton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hadden, Oakville, spent a few days with Mr. George Thompson and his sister. Miss Bertha. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster arnd Miss Jean Wade attended the Rainey-Riches wedding at Cam- bray United Church an Wednes- day, July 18. Mrs. John Pearce and Mrs. Frank Gilmer visited their sist- er, Mrs. Alice Rowe-Sleeman, To- ronto, on Saturday. Donald Adams, Toronto, is va- cationing with his grendparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Bowmanvilie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barton. Little May Kendall had thc misfortune ta break a bone in ber elbow when she fell from a bi- cycle. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Han- cock and family who have been staying with ber mother, Ms John Couch, for a time, hv moved inta Miss Rowland's apert- ment, Newcastle. Mrs. James Nesbitt and her friend, Miss Elsa Harding, Hil- ton Village. Virginia, have been spending a few days with the former's sister-in-law. Miss Annie Nesbitt. Miss Alice Nesbitt, To- ronto, came down for the week- end. -Miss Fae Jones, nurse ini train- ing et Peterborough Civic Hos- pital. is home on three weeks' vacation. Mrs. John Lancaster spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert E. Nichais, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. George Beare and family, Greenbank, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wal- key. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. and son Glenn visited friends at Winona an Sunday. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thrasher, Hamilton. Mrs. Tousignant and family of SydSydenham, are with ber mo- ther, MVrs. George Wade, et their cottage, Part Granby. Master Ted Lane spent a few davs with Kelvin Janes, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley mov- ed into their new home, former- ly the Charles Marris property, on Tuesday. Murray and Jean Bowman, Weston, have been spending a couple of weeks with their aunt, Mrs. Ernest Walkey. Their mo- ther. Mrs. Robert Bowman, came dawn on Saturday and they re- turned home with ber. Miss Ellen Ramsbottom, New- castle. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bandy. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watters, Oshawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. Mrs. J. C. Moore, Hamilton, visited her sister, Mrs. Cleland Lane on Tuesday. Miss Janie Stacey had ber ton- sils removed at BowmanvilJa Hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mns. Runible and farn- ily, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eley. The Newcastle Dial Exchange which has been installed for the convenience af the Newcastle telephone subscribers by the Port Hope Telephone Co.. was ùdficial- ly opened on Wednesday, July 18. More about this by the edi- tor. The WM.S. monthly meeting wa-s held et Mrs. John. Lancast- er's, Tuesday evening. Mr,. George Stapleton gave a very in- terestmng paper on Trinidad. The Women's 1sit- e d their annuel picnic et Oroi4aheij on Wednesday, July 18. 7 h thering was nat as large as 'sual', awing ta several other attractions on the same day. Mr. Raymond Shaw is a patient in Peterborough Haspital. The Burley Bras, have sold their ferm ta Mr. Thomas K. Wey, Toronto. You're in tune with the trend when yau salve everyday prob- lems through Statesman Classi- fide Ads. For Action and Profit telephone 663. ; AND COMPAIPRE! NO FINER WAVE AT ANY FRIC£ X/s BeatyTî 300 gives Y.a., x4ng even in _____ 2Oz. tub* .65 I~ j .39 m:ýW dtXCheck n, Toni Creme Shampi soft water shampo, the hardest water. JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It la Don. Properly . OUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 DOWMANVMLL TRIS DEAUTIFUL NEW AND MODERN MEMORIAL IS A CREDIT TO THE Citzens of Dowmanville and District For the Good of ALLn'm .t. here is no f iner, more satisf ying accomplishment than the building of a modern, f ully equipped hospital. We are very proud to have been selected to play a part in this great achievement for the citizens of Bowmanville and district through the installation of the complete electrical wiring and electrical equip- ment. ELETRIC Phne 438 42 LmGno S, W. i Large, Firm and Crisp Head Lelluce 2 heads 25c Ontario Grown, Firm Green Cahbage - head 17c Ontario Grown No. 1 10 pound bag New Polafoes - - 31c Ontario Grown No. 1. Field Cucumbers, 2 for 15c Arriving Fresh from Ontario Farms Daily Red Ripe Tomatoes - 10c Arizona No. 1 Vine Ripened Salmon Flesh Jumbo Size 45s Cantaloupes - ea. 19c Juicy California Size 288s Sunkisi Oranges - doz 29c UNGrRADID EGOS WANTEDf wéPyhighest market Prces for Ungraded Eggs. Sté nmager for détails. Rg. Gred. Station 0-29. The&* Values Effective 2 .29C l4E 033C GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4E..osy ORANGE, JUICE 2. 31c 4 ro i 35c CLA1lCS-FA#4cy TOMATO JUICE 2 m 27c raioe SIaw - - - - 27c 1 BLENDED MtJE HOSPITAL RIGOON YOUR GENERAL ELECTR1C DEALER lowmanvill. 1 " 7Wý Pf ýRmllNfNj L KI' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'Výý, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 26th. 1031 1 le

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