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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1951, p. 13

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Graduate Nurses of In lis38 Years of Ex Have Nany Nemor: Mrs. Florence Smythe The 21 classes of nurses ta fast tilI they could scarcely 100ok graduate from Bowmanviile Hos- it in the face. pital in its 38 years of existence Tbey remember Mrs. Florence have many memories to cherisb. Smythe for a hundred things, Many o! the happenings in the among them being taught ta wall small, separate world of the bas- naiselessîy, ta canduet themselves pital can neyer be told and as with the dignity befittiîsg their these nurses enter the shining professian, and ta stay with the xnodernity af the new Memnorial job tili it was finished. They re- Hospital, their enthusiasm is member ber fairness and lier loy- tinged with sadness. The aid bas- alty and the fact that she neyer pital was home and its wails, if asked one of hier nurses ta do they couid speak, wauld tell af what she would nat do herseif. joys and sorrows, of placid days They remember the Florence and crises met, of beds in every Nightingale pledge, the salemnity conceivable space, and then a Juil, of whici' she impressed upon for life in hospital fluctuates as It themn. does the world aver. But. there are turning-points in The graduates remember when life. Thiere cames a time when aid 24 hours were divided into twa doors must be ciosed and new shifts instead of three. They re- anes opened ta a brighter future. inember when the nurses did tbe The graduates from 1916 ta 1941, .ýeaning, being assigned ta differ- whose names are listed belaw, are tll.,et parts of the hospital and told praud ta see the apening of the "ýo scrub everything in sight and new MemoriaI Haspital, represent- out o! sight". Tbey remember can- ing in its structure and equipment ining plums from the prolific hos- the great strides which medicine pital orchard in their off haurs, has made in those years and up and eating pium jam for break- ta the present day. List of Graduale Nfurses FIRST CLASS - 1916 Mrs. Darris Hiler Sheppard - Queenston, Ontario Mrs. Edith Toombs Allun - Bawmanviile, Ontario. Mrs. Rae Williamson Ogilvie - deceased SECOND CLASS - 1918 Miss E. Henders - Janetville, Ontario Mrs. Ethel Sandersor> Hamlyn - Ottawa, Ontario. Miss Lena Taylor - Bowmanville, Ontario. THIRD CLASS - 1920 Mrs. Edna Farder Dunn - Oshawa, Ontario. Mrs. Elizabeth Henry Stutt - Bowmanviile, Ontario. Miss E. Bickford - address unknown. FOURTH CLASS - 1921 Mrs. Stella Couch His - Enniskillen, Ontario. Mrs. Winnie Marris Young - Toranto, Ontario. Mrs. E. Betts Hyman - Huntingdon, West Virginia. FIFTH CLASS - 1923 Mrs. Edith Pinch Bray - Mimico, Ontario. Miss Mary Young - Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Aura Rundie Squair - R. R. 4, Bowmanvilie, Ontario. SIXTH CLASS - 1924 Mrs. Gladys Lowe Cousins - Perth, Ontario. Mrs. Mildred Coolidge Foley - R. R. 3, Bowmanville. Ontario. Miss Frances Cryderman - Bowmanville, Ontario. Mrs. Leta Hancock Hoidaway - deceased. SEVENTH CLASS - 1925 Mdrs. Helen Caverly Marshall - deceased. Mrs. Annie EverestMartyn - Bawmanville, Ontario. Mrs. Elsie Peters Aldread - Bowmanville, Ontario. Mrs. Mary Sauva Dumas - Bawmanviile, Ontario. EIGHTH CLASS - 1927 Mrs. Georgina Niddery Widdecombe - Hampton, Ontario Mrs. Lois Lamb Lycett - Bawmanville, Ontario. NINTH CLASS - 1928 Mrs. Mary Jebsan Vine - Bawmanviile, Ontario. Mrs. Mamie Grosiene Tuerk - Bowmanville. Ontario, Mrs. Annie Atkinson Orr - Rydal Bank, Ontaria. TENTH CLASS - 1929 Mrs. Ada Jackman Sudds - deceased. Mrs. Ruby Clatworthy Trul - Hampton, Ontaria. Mrs. Laura Coborne Buttery -Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Mrs. Olga Lamb Bounsail - Milton, Ontario. ELEVENTH CLASS - 1930 Mrs. Marion Baskerville Bragg - Enderby, B.C. Mrs. Hester Moorcraft Boe - Bowmanviiie, Ontario. TWELFTH CLASS - 1931 Mirs. Lillian Holman Emmerson - Bowmanville, Ontario. Mrs. Dorothy Lock.hart Anderson - Toronto, Ontario. THIRTEENTH CLASS - 1932 Mrs. Mary Lamb Hetz - Erie, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Frances Hancock Mîîir - Courtîce, Ontagia. ~ zabeth Bigelow Wilkins - Bawmanvilie, Ontario. eeth Hancock - Ne wcastle, Ontaf'io. FOURTEENTH CLASS - 1933 Mrs. Ann Buttery Cale - Toronto, Ontario. Mrs. Bess Clarke Stevenson - Newvcastle, Ontario. FIFTEENTH CLASS - 1934 Mirs. Doris Harker Culi Newmarket, Ontario. Mrs. Dorothy Bell Parry - Dresden, Ontario. Miss Dorothy Cahoon - Mimica, Ontario. SIXTEENTH CLASS - 199-.5 Mrs. Marjorie Forsyth McDanald - Oshawa, Ontario. 6Mrs. Allie Worden Davidson - Cobourg, Ontario. Mrs. Grace Werry Borrowdale - Oshawa, Ontario. SEVENTEENTH CLASS - 1936 Mrs. Marion Staples Young - Orangeville, Ontario. Miss Veima Gay - Bowmanville, Ontario. Mrs. Marlon Samis Edgerton - Bowmanvilie, Ontario. EIGHTEENTH CLASS - 1937 Mrs. Vera Shackleton Prout - Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Mrs. Audrey Dorland May - Caîhoun St., Lapierre, Milghigan, U.S.A. NINETEENTH CLASS - 1938 Mrs. Clara Beilman Hannah - Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Mrs. Betty Tennant Brough - Bowmanvilie. Ontario. Mrs. Evelyn Taylor Alder - Bowmanviile, Ontario. TWENTIETH CLASS - 1939 Mrn. Catherine Clarke Tamiinson - Bowmanville, Ontario. Zdrs. F. Ruth Simp§on Perrin - R. R. 2, Newcastle, Ontario. Mrm. Ruth Fogg Bate - Bowmanviile, Ontario. TWENTY-FIRST CLASS - 1941 Mrs. Irene Stephens Weinert - Hamilton, Ontario. Mrs. Marlon Knox Jcnsen - Vancouver, B. C. Mnir. Jesse Hogarth Wilcox - Cobourg, Ontario. THE AMA~TAM~'r'rw~RA~ uIIAPtTttt " ~,savP~PAGE THIRTEEN 21 Classes Kistence ies to Cherish HAMPTON jMrs. Garnet Flynn, Mantreal, is guest of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Daw are visiting friends in Elrose, Sask., the former home of the Daw fam- iiy. Miss Thelma Wiilis, Toronto. wvas guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will White. Mr. and Mrs. Wiibur Burnett, Orono, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Power. Lindsay, were guests of Mr. aînd Mrs. Garnet Johnston. k Miss Phyllis Nidery, Reg. N., and Mr. R. Fernandez. Toronta. with Mrs. S. G. Niddery and eMary. Mrs. H. E. Tink, Solina, visit- ed at Percy Deweli's. S Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Sudbury: rMr. Mark Turner, Mrs. Arthur Siyfîeid, Phillip. James and Mar- *ilyn Siyfieid visited at Samn De- well's. Mrs. F. A. Cole, Toronto, is a *guest of Mrs. E. H. Cale. Mr. David Broome, Hamiliton, spent a week at the home of bis son Norman and Mrs. Broome. Mrs. W. H. Harper and daugh- ter Catharine, Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Daw. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray and daughters, Miss Eileen Wray, Reg. N., Oshawa, with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Taronto, with bis sîster, Miss Lulu Reynolds. Mrs. R. J. McKessack, Oshawa, wîth Mrs. Joe Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Sandra and Danald, Peterbor- ough; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellaw- lees and girls, Tyrone, at N. C. Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gare were tea guests of Mr. anri Mrs. Norman Broome.-1 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Warren spent the weekend in Brockviile and attended the Shrine celebra- tion. The Werry family picnic was held in aur park on Saturday.- Though the weather was not to pleasant a fairly good crowd at- tended. The football game between Tyrone and Hampton, played here ont Manday evening, resulted ini a score af 6-2 in favor of Hamp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Wiil White, Miss Nancy Jahns and Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mauntjoy attended a com- munity presentation far Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sileman at Haydon on Wednesday night. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Jahn Purdon. Bowmanviiie (for- merly of Hampton), in the sudden passing af her brother. Mr. John Burn, Janetvilie. A number of1 relatives from here attended the funeral at Lindsay on Monday. Mrs. Hariand Truil is receiv- ing care at the Bowmanvjllér Hos- pital. We trust she may soon be improved.1 Fiorence Nightingale Piedge For the benefit of aur read*. ers who are flot familiar with this "Nurses' Magna Charta," we pub- lish it in full: "I solemnly pledge ffiyself lie- fore God and in the presence of this assembly ta pass rpsy life in purity and ta practise my profes-J sian faithfully. I wil abstain fro mi whatever is deleterious and mis- j chieviaus and wili flot take or knowingly administter any harm- fui drug. I will do ail in my power ta elevate the standard of my pro- fession and wilI hold in confidence ail personal matters cammitted ta my keeping and ail family affairs coming ta my knowiedge ini the' practice of my calling Wit ', physiciari in his work and devote mnyseif ta the weifare of thos.ý commnitted ta my care." The Red Cross National In- quiry Service receiv'ed an aver- age af 50 letters a day seeking lost relatives and friends. A iist ef "~Missing Persans" is published in Canadian newspapers. Skunny men, women gain 5,10,15 bs. Cet New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a tbrWî Sony limbe flil ont; tily hollors 1111 UV, nCek Do longer seraway. body loses hall- stared. alckly -'Lû.anp o okà. Th,usatîds of girls, vomen. men, W«o ecenculd .obel. rc. They Ilt i, pcilvr-bwldlng. fleh-bWIlding appetite and digestion 40 footri bM you more etrengtb mad nourislmet; put iesb on bar@e boutes. Don': tear getting 10e fat. 8toP w hen you,,e gained thse 5. 10. o 0l. ou tted fr _oralwegb Cos.Mi.. 1Ue Nsisî ruan ed' gn oI, 11". fain Ostrez Tome Tabiets for neavigor afl O-eUas, tâté VOIT Clay. At au dn«UIgLa KENNEDY's~j *,ENEY' FIRST Graduai. Nurses Equip Hospital Office I Memory of Supt. The nurses who graduated from Bowmanville Hospital during the years 1916 ta 1941, when training classes were discontinued, have furnished the superintendent's of- fice in the new Memorial Hospi- tal, in memory of Mrs. Florence Smyth, supermntendent from 1915 to 1941. A committee cornposed of Mrs. jAura Rundie Squair, Mrs. Hester Moorcraft Boe, Mrs. Mary Sauva Dumas, Mrs. Lillian Hoiman Em- merson, Mrs. Annie Everest Mar-1 tyn, Miss Frances Cryderman, Mrs. Ruby Clatworthy Truil and Mrs. Georgina Niddery Widde- comte were in charge of the con- tribution of this beautiful office furniture. In the tuperintendent's office, located on the right of the main entrance, are a large walnut desk and swivel chair, an arm chair and straight chair, a coat stand and wastebasket. On the desk are a desk pad, desk iamp and lett.--r tray. The drapes were aiso given by this group. On the walls are a picture of Mrs. Smyth, and a plaque which reads: "Mrs. Florence Smyth, Hospital Superintendent 1915- 1941. This office is furnished in grateful memory by the Baw- manville Hospital graduates." SPECIAL VALUE! Ladies' Cotton HOUSE COAT*S Just the thing ta, lounge around the house in on these warm days, a variety of styles and colours from which ta choose. Sizes 14-16-18-20 Regular $3.95 each ON SALE $2m95 each ALL DRAPERIES AND CRETONNES AT HALF PRICE PULLOVER SWEATERS In Terry Cloth Tennis pullover sweaters in green or brown ON SALE 79c EACH FANCY SWEATERS Lum and Abiner fancy sweaters in small and medium 'uzes Regular $1.49 each ON SALE $1.00 EACH- FOUR PAIR ONLY BLUE SLACKS Size 16 ON SALE $1.19 PAIR NO REF UND S A. 49 Ring St. W. GIRLS' PYJAMAS Sturdy girls' seersucker pyjamas in Pink and blue. Sizes 8 ta 12 years. Regular $2.75 pair ON SALE $1,49 PAIR Girls' Plaid Dresses Girls' plaid check dresses with white collars. Sizes 7 ta 12 years. Regular $2.89 each ON SALE $2.19 EACH RAYON PANTIES AND BRIEFS Beautiful rayon panties or briefs in the popular satin striped in the famous Mèeury styling. Sizes: small and med- ium. Regular $1.00 ta $1.25 ON SALE 79c A group of brassieres made by a well Girls" Polka Dot Dresses known manufacturer in colours of Tea Girls' blue and red polka dot dresses. Rose only. Sizes 32 ta 42. Szs7 ta 12 years. S L Regular $2.39 each ON SA E5c LAI.f ON SALE $1.95 EACH Foundation Garments G IRLS ANKLE SOCKS W are clearing out sone lines o Girls' ankle socks in colours of blue, we hdave ou grmsiz - a nd e fby yellow and brown.whaeyu ie-aonrflb! ON SALE 19c PAIR To Clear ai Blif Prir-p C learance of al Narquiselle Curlain Net in fancy dots - no white, from 36" ta 42" wîde Regular to 75e yard ON SALE 39c YAIRD ONE PIECE ONLY TAPESTIRY Suitable for that odd chair Regular $2.50 yard ON SALE $1.10 YARD DINqITYNIGHTIES Smart dimity nighties, just the garmerit for these hot nights. Sizes: small, medium and large. Regular $2.75 - Limited Quantity ON SALE $2.19 EACH - - '-- - - -- -amm mou Ladies' Hall Slips White Ciepe Hall Slips lace trim - sizes small, medium and large-. Regular $1.10 each ON SALE 79c EACH White Crepe Cocktail Slips Cocktail style - deep, fine lace trim. Sizes: small, medium and large Regular $1.59 each -Limited Quantity- ON SALE $ 1.09 EACH I CLEARANCE 0F SPECIALS MEN AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS CROUP 1. In fancy stripes, worsteds, gabardines, checks and blue serge. Taîlored in single and double breasted styles. Sizes 36 ta 42 Regular from $47.50 to $62.50 OUT THEY GO $3 7@95 CROUP 21 I thîs group, there are tweed and worsted suits ini either single or double breasted styles. Regular $32.50 to $38.50 OUT THEY GO$1@9 NEN'S HATS Men's wool feit bats in assorted colours Regular $5.00 each On Sale $3.95 Ea. Boys' Dungarees Boys' blue sanforized dungarees, sizes 6 to 12 years àa Sale $2.39 pair EDY ALL T-SHIRTS Reduced ta Clear! 79c Io $1.95 - NO CHARGES - ALL SALES KE Dowmanville Phone 836 To celebrate this, our First Anniversary, we are holding this huge Clearance Sale in order that you might partake in the celebration. We have- a store fui! of real values in fine merchandise, with every article advertised a bargain and a real saving to you. R£.âpw DEP ARTMENT 1 THUR., JULY 26 to SAT., AUC. 4 ýl COTTON COMBINATIONS Natural shades of cotton combinations made by Stanfield in long leg and short sleeve styles, no buttons. Sizes 36 ta 44 Regular $3.00 suit ON SALE $1.50 SUIT NEN'S COTTON PANTS Men's and young men's fine blue sanforizeal twill cotton pants, 5 pockets, assorted Ieg lengths. In Sizes 30 ta 42. ON SALE_$4.39_PAIR NEN'S DIJNGAREES Men's dungaree pants, blue sanforized cotton, 5 riveted pockets, double stitching. Sizes 30 ta 42. ON SALE $3.69 PAIR BIG ""B" OVERALLS In sanforized blue denim, built for hard wear, lots of pockets, good ful cut, assorted leg lengths. Waist sizes 36 ta 46. - LIMITED QUANTITY ON SALE $4.39 PAIR FOUR ONLY MEN'S TWEED WORK SHIRTS In cotton checks, blue SPOIT JA KETS and white stripes, blue Size 37 'coveart cloth, blue cham- Regular $18-50 to $ 19.50 bray. On Sle, 10.0 Ea. Regular $2.75 to $2.95 On ale$ 1.00Ea. On Sale $2.39 Ea. MENI'S '.7 TIEIE CANADiAN STATESMAN- ROWM,&W-M.T.V. eWMàll>Tr% 1 r "BRASSIERES FIN AL! Bowmanville Phone 836

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