Bod Hospiti riew Me: Tfuesday ceremon3 Hc;- Ï01, ; kk~ -- - -* *~=".* A*'£4 S AN . BJW Â VL L.jL (ON TAIOJ PAGE FIFTEEN rtrd Chairman Poses On f-lospital Steps tai Board Chairman Melville S. Dale poses on the steps of the front entrance of the rnoriaI Hospital, Bowmanville. The, $$400,000 structure will be opened officially on revening, July 31, and the general pub]ic is învited to attend and participate in the iy and the inspection of the building. ospital Heads Inspect Maternity Room -~Flanked by two lovely Bowmanville nurses, Hospital B seen in the Vanstone Room in the maternity wing of the nev tendent Gertrude Dewell stands to the left of Mr. Dale ar right. Four wards in this wing have not been sponsored to d LONG SAULT Mr. and Mns. Roy McLaughlin, Donna and Dennis, Blackstock, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mns. Fred Smith and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Kenneth and Sheila, Bowman- ville; Mr. John Fraser. Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. Gordon Bak- er. Mns. John Harvey and daugh- ters, Sarnia, are holidavîng withi the fonme's sisten, Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mn. and Mns. Hugh Murphy, Donald and Brenda, Bowmaîî- 'ville, with Mns. E. Murphy and Harold. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Sim, Osh- awa, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Sim. Mns. E. Murphy and Miss Grace Smith spent Fiday in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell and Janie, Mn. Wm. Invine, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and Willie, Bunketon, with Mn. and Mns. Bert Johnson. Mrs. Mary Sim, Oshawa, is holidaving at the home*-o! ber son, Mr. -R. Sim. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker and family, Mrs. May Johns willi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby, Hay- don. Mr'. and Mns. G. Kovacs and Gabriel with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Van Dam, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Grace visited Mrs. Joe McRobents xvho is ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard, Tyrone. Mns. Ken Hardy and Gerald, Mns. Earl Prescott, Tyrone; Miss Joyce Murray and Mr. Don Mur- ray, Toronto, visited with fiends. Mr. and Mrs. John Lipstay anci family, Haydon, with Mn. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. Mr. Fred G. Smith spent a ci days north of Buckhonn, picking blue bernies with Mr. and Mrs. H. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott and Mr. James McClure, Salem. ( Intended for laýt week) Miss Mary Vaneyk and Mr. C. Nesileton St ation Mrs. Sharpe spent Tuesday in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Knight wene Sunday visitons with Miss Gladys McKee. Mn. James Emerton is holiday- ing at Hastings wîth Mr. James White. Mr. and Mrs. Manvin Nesbitt and Mrs. Jas. Harris spent Mon- day in Toronto. Guests with Mrs. Jos. Fonder were Mn. and Mrs. Norman Pol- Ion, Bernice and Gerald o! Dau- phin, Man.; Mn. and Mrs. Non- man Roland. Raymor, Sask.; Mn. Willard Eaton, Rossbona, Man., and Mn. and Mrs. Williamson, Brandon, Man. Mn. and Mns. Otto Spencer, Bethany, visited Mn. and Mrs. Hanry McLaughlin. Mrs. Bowers, Jerry and Ralph, motoned to Orillia whene Mrs. Lonnie Chapman and baby took the train for Trout Cneek. Mn. and Mrs. James Veale andi Winnifred, Detroit, Mich., visited Mn. and Mns. Grant Thompson. t Mrs. Kitchener Burton cele-1 brated a birthday on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to the family and friends o! Mrs. James Dickey who died at the home o! ber daughter, Mrs. Clarence Ginn.1 Service was in Nestleton United Church with interment in ad-à joining cemetery.E Master Merle Elford, Portà Penny, visited bis , cousins, thee Bowers boys.f Mn. and Mns. Cli! ford Hetz and family, Fairview, Penn., are visiting Mn. and Mns. Wm. Lamb and Mn. and Mns. Cecil Wilson. Miss Joyce Graham, Punple Hill, spent the weekend with Miss Eunice Wilson. Miss Gwendolyn Wilson who 1 is attending Queen's University,S Kingston, was home for the week-F end. BLACKSTOCK Cartwright Public School Entrance Resuits t 'i.Cadmus-Teacher, Grant Camp- boGel Joan Venning, Yvonne GivMarilyn Jackson, Shirley Ellis, Joyce Forder, Donna Fond- er. Eppie Buma, Beth Pnoutt, Lawrence McLaughlin, Gordon Gettîns, Wayne Vennîng, Bert Bowers, Donald Ellis. Archer's-Teacher, Miss Gwen Wisn; Verna Larmer Purpie Hili-Teacher, Mns. F. Gilbert; Miriam Swain, Phe'llis Strong,. Verna Kozub. Merle Van Camp, President of the Young People's Union, took the following to Oak Lake Camp on Saturday-Keith Van Camp, Glenn Larmer, Mari orie Mc- Lean. Wilma Toms. Mrs. Ethel Hockridge, Wasaga Beach. visited her cousin, Mrs. - ~ Clarence Marlow and attended the Werry Picnic at Hampton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer at- tended the weddng of a cousin at oard Chairman M. S. Dale is Cambray United Church Thurs- wr Memorial Hospital. Superin- day and visited other fiiends. id Mrs. Barbara M\cGee on the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte late.motored in the States last week .ate.and went as far as Washington, D.C. Mrs. Geo. Fowler stayed Penwarden with Mr. and Mrs. H. with the children. DeMile. urkeon.Mrs. W. A. Dawson and Sandra, DeMile. unkeon.Windsor, are at Mrs. F. Bailey's Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middletoin, house for holidays. Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Fned Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Partner. Arnold Taylor on the birth of a Miss Helen Paniner spent a daughter on Friday at Oshawa weck's holidays with her parents. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk vis- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelusky, ited fricnds at Holland Landing. Gaît, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Master Johnny Vaneyk is holi- Wright. daying with bis sister, Mrs. H. Mrs. Cecil Hill was hostess to a DeMille, Bunketon.- demonstration on Monday even- ing. Church service will be can- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hall and celled until August 26, while Rev. family, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Mns. Lute are on holidays. DeMille and family, Oshawa, with W. A. met at the homne of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm. Vaneyk, July 17, with an at- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wannan tendance of 11. Devotional and and family, St. Catharines, with seipture were ably taken hy Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. F. Pantncr. We all enjoyed a Miss Joyce Venning entertain- fine readjng by Mns. O. Miller. ed her girl friends. Misses Grace "The Church Bell." A lovely Graham. Norma Malcolm and salad lunch was served by pro- Diane Santer and her grandfath- gram committee and hostess. The er, Mr. Sam Ferguson, on Sun- next meeting at the home of Mrs. day as hirthday guests. F. Holroyd. Congratulations to Jack Mar- Memorial Hospital Date Sto he Laid See these new REFRIGE RATORS Westinghouse Refrigerator 9 CUBIC FEET - FREEZER ACROSS THE TOP $399 OO '0 1 Norge Refrigerator 6% UBC FET----__$3140OO Norge Refrigerator 8 CUBIC FEET - SELF DEFROSTING # $429,00j General Refrigerator 6 CUBIC FEET $259,00 Trade-ins accepted - One third dowvn, 12 montbs to pay MIURPHY'rS Furniture & Appliance Store Phone 811 Tvo hundrcd and fifty people attending the Date Stone Laying Ccrenony at the Memorial Hospital on July 8, 1950, heard the Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, then Acting Minister of Health for the Province (lef t), congratulate the Bowmanville Hospital Board for "such a fine beginning." Pictured at right, holdingy a stonecutter's tool, is Board Chairman. M. S. Dale. Miss Lenore Harding, Supeintendent of Bowmanville Hos- pital at the time, is shoxvn at centre. The building was dedi- cated to "the work ofl healin&" at the meznorable ceremony. low who was 17th out of a class of 170 in his medical examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snooks and Shirley with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snooks, Sonya. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Belyea (nee Hazel Mount- joy) were given a shower of gifts in the hall by their relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Collins, Terry and Randy visited her sîst- er, Mrs. Brown, at Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Or- illia, with Mrs R. Bruce, Miss King and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong. Mrs. Bruce returned to Orillia for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Bill with Mr. and Mrs. O. Carley, Cavan. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Riding, Bar- bara and Paul, Union City, Penn., with Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. Miss Diane Blair, Oshawa, with her grandmother, Mrs. George Fowler. Mrs. Luther Mountjoy is vîsit- ing in* Port Perry. The O.N.O. Club members and their children enjOYedi a picnic at Rowan's Beach, Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McAllister (Merle McQuade), Teeswater, visited her brother, Harold Me- Quade and their cousin, Mrs. G. Fowler. Mrs. John Marlow, Mr. and Mrs. Glbert Marlow at a cottage ýnear Port Carling with Mr. anîd Mrs. Ivan Shook for the week- end. Mrs. John Marlow stayed for a week. SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Peter Laskas, Mvrs. M. Dobson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Tordiff. Brooklin, were Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jardine, Kingston, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert. t Those attending Sunday School on Sunday morning were pleased .vith the freshly decorated ap- )earance of the church basement. NVhen the Painting and varnish- ing Was completed and the yen- etian blinds hung in ail the win- dows, willing workers co-operat- ed in putting things in order and reversing the seating arrange- nents. f Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- flan were given a rousing chari- vari last week. Everyone par- ticipating enjoyed the generouis treat provided by Ross and Mar- 7~ jorie. Mn. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees 8 and Harold were on a weekend C- notor trip to the Thousand Isl- 6 nds. The heavy down pour of ram }E n Saturday night brotight disap- pointiment to a huge erowd of s( football fans gathered at Solina to witness the Enniskillen vs.7 Solina game. The game came to aforced conclusion shortly after aif-time. with no score. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anthes and children are spending two L weeks with Mr. A. Anthes at Port E' olborne. Mr. and Mns. Campbell Ham- r, Doreen and Donald at Misses ottie and Luella Hamer's, Aur- it Dra, and Mn. Harold Lintner's, ci rowds, each going in a different touffville. d MEMBER 0F O.R.F.E.D.A. irection. I E Mr. and Mrs. E, Spires at Grav- enhurst. 1 Master Jimmie Youngman of 1Tyrone with his aunt, Pearl Leach at Mr. J. Kivell's. Miss Marilyn McCarrell, Orne- mee. with her sister, Mrs. Wes. His and Wes. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, Broi4gham, at Mr. John Knox's. Mrs. B. Fitzgerald, Miss Eliza- beth Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yates, Milton. at Mr. George Hamlin's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox at Mr. Howard Farrow's, Starkville. .Miss Lillian Hoar, Toronto; Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterborough, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Miss Luella Hepburn, Oshawa; Mr. George Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs. James McLaren and sons, Unionville, at Mr. Clarence Vice's. Miss Donna Vice enjoyed houi- days at Mr. Arthur Hepburn's, Columbus. and also with her cous- in, Eileen Jebson of Columbus, ut a cottage at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and children at Mr. Orval Jackson'--. Brooklin. Mrs. Pearl Robinson, Toronto; Mrs. Levi Ellins, Mrs. Charles Grills, Mrs. Arthur Hepburn, Col- umbus and Mrs. A. J. Coolc, Brooklin, with Mrs. Chas. Blan- chard. Miss Gail Baker at Mr. Ralph Ormiston's. Bowmanville. Master Gary Ormiston, Bow- manville, with his cousins, Ron- nie and Jean Baker. Mr. Norman Wîllson, Fairview, Alberta, at Mr. J. Baker's, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker, Mr. N. Wilson and Mr. Jim Smales, Hampton at Mr, Maurice Baker's, Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ormiston and family, Bowmanville, at Mr. Tom Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr., at Mr. Nelson Fice's, Taun- ton. Mr. David Broome, Hamilton. with his sons, Lloyd and Norman and their families. Mr. Chas. Shortridge attended a Party in hunor of his aunt, Mrs. Kivell, at Brooklin, on her 83rd birthday anniversary. Messrs. Ralph Davis and Lorne Kellett have improved the ap- Pearance of their houses with a *resh coat of paint. ENFIELD SCHOOL REPORT 7'o-Honors; 6O%ý'-pass mark Grade 8 to 9-Evelyn Pascoe 88, honors; Doreen Lycett '78, Glen Prescott 74, Glen Cochrane 63. Grade 6 to 7-Dellan Lycett 64. Keith Taylor 35. Grade 5 to 6-Ronald Stephen- on 62. Grade 4 to 5-Bernice Cochrane 76, Wilma Kearns 74, Ronald Hubbard, pass. Grade 2 to 3-Luceille Kearns 91. Donald Lee 60, pass. Grade 1 to 2 and 3--Norman Lee 82. Anne Stinson 83, Williami Kearns 78. Mrs. J. I. McKenzie, teacher. Political leader: One whosc task it is to keep ahead of several I.- -- --~*--~' q SDAY,. JULY 26th. 1951 NOW AVAILABLE ! New 1951 Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile and Buick cars plus new Chevrolet and G.M.C. Trucks. GOOD ASSORTMENT! If you are Iooking for a good uscd car see our large assortmnent first. Many late models to choose frorn ]ROY W. NICHOLS Chevrolet - Pontiac - Oldsmobile - Buick Cars Chevrolet and G.K.C. Trucks 0 -TWO LOCATIONS- COURTICE BOWMANVILLE Phone 2510 Phone 3353 - Corner Silver and Church Sts. 52 King Si. W., Bowmanville WEDDNG jon a wedding trip to points east WEDDIJ and north and will return to live f~ at R. R. 4, Oshawa. For the trip I the bride chose a white linen suit DOWN - DAVIDSON with mauve accessories and a At Zion United Church on Sat- corsage of gladioli petals and car- urday afternoon, July 21, Elmen nations. Heber Down, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Down, Oshawa. took as his bride, Helen Viola Davidson, SALEM daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Percy Davidson, Zion. Lilies and delphiniums fre The W. A. held their July meet- fomding at the Barrie home. Presi- the setting for the cenemony per-_ dent Mns. W', Werry conducted formed by Rev. G. Empey. The the business. Mrs. Lloyd Rich- wedding music was played bY ards and her group had charge of Mrs. Lloyd Down and Miss Alana the program. Mrs. Hertzberg Swizerwassolist favored with several piano solos. The bride who was given 'in Mrs. Gerald Shackleton and Mrs. marriage by her father, wore a Ken Shackleton favored with a strapless gown with panels of vocal duet accompanied by Mrs. lace, net and satin over which Sam Buttery. Mrs. Wes. Cawk- was a lace redingote with a er gave a very interesting talk stand-up collar and long pointed on ber trip to Florida last winter. sleeves. The net skirt feil into a Mrs. Richards and group servd long train. A white velvet flow- lunch and a social 'time was en- ered headdress held ber fingertip joyed. veil and she carried a white Bible Ebenezer and Salem played with flowers and streamers. Her their third game in the playoffs iewelleny was pearl and rhine- on Tuesday night, Ebenezer be- stone earrings. ing the winnens. Ebenezer wn Her attendants, Miss Jean the series 2 games to . Cam eron, m aid of honor: M iss M iss N li i e a h i g t n Loi Ha lyn seior bri esm idisspending a month's vacation and Miss Margaret Davidson, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. junior bidesmaid, wore identic- Mr Gordon Shackleton and ally styled, strapless gowns of Fred are holidaying at Gerald mauve taffeta with white net and Ken Shackleton's. overskirts. A bolero with three-_ Mr. and Mns. Faewell Black- quarter length sîceves comple- humn and family, Mr. and Mns. mented the bodices. They wore Les Welsh and family attended a taffeta D utch caps and pearl ear- - -c at O o o n S tu d y i rings and carried white and îcnorcoatheOrnon Satrday inF maue crntios ad wee pes.Chapman, Toronto) birthday. Mr. Wesley Down performed We are sorry to report Mr. the duties of best man. The us- Luke Iluttery is in Oshawa Hos- es were Mr. Bruce Down and pital again. We hope he wll Mr. George Davidson. soon feel better. At the reception held at Ad- elaide House, Oshawa. the bride's 6,141 articles of.- sick room mother received, wearing gray equipment were loaned by Red printed crepe with -white acces- Cross during the last year. sories. The bridegroom's mother Bookbinding is being taught by who assisted her. was in powder Red Cross Arts and Crafts in- blue crepe with navy blue ac- structors to panaplegic patients. cessories. Both wore corsages of This us an intenesting trade that carnations. calîs for small outlay of equip- HARVEST TIME GET THE BEST IN COMBINES THE NEW CASE A6Gand F2 COMBINES will go out in the f ield andi give you the Best Possible Job Corne in and see them on Display DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tire# DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment KING T. W.PHONE 497 1 TEE CANAnTAlV -,IrAMV-QlgAlg