PA<W ~TX~TI~EM TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMM4VXLLE. ONTAMO THURSDAY. J!JLY 26th. 1051. The Orono News MIn. R. E. Logan First Hospital Superintendent 1. p ~ -~ing Mýary Que,%n o! Scots iead- O R dess studded with peamîs. SIc ance an heîrloom silver cross on a fine sihver dam mceived asa cv*00time a! hem confirmation, ulso with triple peani carrings. White ros- es and gladiolus petals with large RICHRD LNG MG RADAIgreen and white caladium leaves RICHRD ONG MEIRANALLcompriscd hem cascade bouquet. RAY CLUNSMms. Stanley Lawrence was matron o! honor for hem sisten. Miss Joyce MeAthur o! Oshawa and Miss Joyce Milner o! Toronto - wcre bridesmuids. Tic gowîis NOM worn by the attendants weme de- signed on identical lines in a pale shade of green Swiss eyelet oveà: Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenze Upstains, the showing of the and family have rcturned from- trousseau and gifts, was very a two wecks' vacation spent ut capably taken cane of by Mrs. their cottage at Ompai. Glen Wiggins (n ee C arnol Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey arc Staples); Miss Joan Webster. o! home after bolidaying in Ottawa Brighton; Miss Allison Jeffnies, and at Sharbot Lake. Grimsby, Miss Audrey Billings, Mr.andMr. Js. ilillan ndtown. Many o! the guests were Mn.andMr. Js. iliiian ndfom Bowmanviile. !amily, Montreal, visited bis aunt, Miss Viola Gilfillian. On Thursday evening Mrs. Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osi - Chanles Disley and Miss Betty Cooper wenc hostesses ta a mis- awa Hospital, is on a mnonti s va-ceanussoninhnr f catio and irs. viiotin er.prns Miss Gwen Pbasey, a bride-to-be Mm. nd ms.NeilPorer. o! Saturday, at hem home herp. Miss Maian Rickaby was a Tic bouse was beautifully decor- guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bill- ated with !iowers, streamers and ings and Audrey. wedding belis fan the occasion. Miss Mary Samerville lias ne- On Gwen's arrivai !rom Oshawa turned from a tirce weeks' va- sie was complcteiy taken by sur- cation ut Talhyho Inn, Lake Mus- prise ta find about 40 guests wait- koka. ing ta shower lien, with gifts and Mrs. Alex Eliiott, St. John. N. best wishes. Evemyane had a B., will arrive on Thursday ta good time watching the guest o! visit ber sister, Mrs. R. E. Logan bonon unwrap tic lovcly gi!ts, and !amily, during the next after wbich she tbanked one and month. ahl. Refeshmcnts weme served Mm. and Mrs. Stewart Cowan and a social time enjoyed. and Dquglas, Ottawa, are hall- Mrs. Wyven Reid, Bowman-, daying witli ler parents, Mr. and ville, is visiting Mrs. Walter, Cob- Mrs. Newton Cobbledick. bledick. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Frost, Nap- Mms. Turley and daughter Rue ance. snent the weekend with bis wîo have been visiting hermomth- brother. Mm. Charlie Frost. e r.Js ikoaesed Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and -r 1 .Js.Dcsn acsed Gail visited on Sunday witî uis îng this week in Campbchlfond' parents, Mn. and Mms. C. Wood * wbere Mms. Turley taugit sdhool Visitons on Sunday with Mr. for ten vears. and Mns. Wes Wood and Mr. Rich- ard Wood were Mr. and Mr-' MAPLE OV Gea. Ammour, Hampton, and Mr.E LU.UJ and Mrs. Wes Hoskin and Mrs. D.____ Flintoff, Oshawa. Miss Norai Hagemman is holi- On July 21 tic nieces and ne- daying witli fmied tGenRvMr. ablEn piews o! Rcv. J. S. Chapman, To- ayedatGenRvMr. ablEi onta, ield a picnic in Orono cm. Park in honor o! tîcir uncîe's Master Donnie Bagneli, town, - birthday. At the conclusion o!flias been holidaying wîtl i s thc suppen ice cream was served gmandpaents, Mr. and Mrs. R.M n re d Mo witl-ibitiday cake wiicli was R. Stevens. rid. in tic farm o! an open Misses Joan Wrigt and Nancy b3c..Thse reen wee ro Haeranare enjaying holidays 0f Beloved HospiLi Gt1'awa, Brantford, Guelph. To- with tic fammem's sister, Mms. Bert .u onta, Markiam, Oshawa, Bow- Murdock, Larder Lake.WR eua e£n manville and Oono. . Sormy ta lose Mn. and Mrs. W idJ n 2 d Mrs. E. J. Hamm is liolidayîng Norman Wrighit fmom aur dam- at Chemonc Lake with Mm. and munity. Tbcy have gone ta En- Theme arc muny in Bowman- M"-s. Calvin Hamm. niskillen ta reside. ville and Durham County.serv- Mms. M. H. Staphes cntertained Master David Ailison, tawn. cd by Bowmarnvillc Hospital wha on Saturday aftcmnoon ut a de- spent a few days witli Mm. and remember with affection and es- lightful trousseau tea in honan Mms. Ross Stevens. tccm, tiat institution's finst su- a! hem daugiten, Anna, a bride- eiect o! next Satumday. Tic spa- Mn. and Mrs. Adam Gow, Mr. peintendent, Miss Muidl E. ciaus home was beautifully decor- and Mrs. Albert Hudson, daugli- Bruce. Hem deati, no matter atcd witli fiowems for tic accu- ter Lindy, Toronto, werc Satur- when it migit have accurred, sion and about 80 guests were mc- day visitons ut Mms. L. C. Snaw- would bc a great loss ta hem fam- ccived by Mms. Stapies and Anna, dcn's. ily, fniends, and ahi those wha assitedby Ms. ossStnie, on' faret hurli shoo utknew lier and neceived hem heip, assitedby Ms. 2ssp.m.e, on Sunday. h cholatbut lier pussing on June 2nd, Bowmanville. Deliciaus efresi-2 . oSudy 1951, ut Victoria, B.C., is more ments were scmved in thc dining Miss Marion Wardem o! St. keenly feit by hem fricnds in Bow- room by Miss Ruth Manning o! Marys, spent tic weckend with manville because sic did flot live Grimsby; Mrs. Allen Williams, Mm. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. ta sec tic opcning of tic new Wingliam: Mrs. Jim Paterson, Mrs. F. R. Folcy, Cleveland, Memonial Hospital on Juhy 31. Bowmanvîlc; Miss Jean Turner, Ohio; Mrs. H. W. Foley, taV/f, Supeintendent of Bowmanvihle's tawn. Pouring tea during tic a!- have been vsiting their sister-in- !inst hospital fmom 1913 ta 1915, temnoon were: Mrs Gea. Chase, iaw. Mns. J. D. Stevens. no anc would have been more Bowmanvilie; Mrs. Allin Pen- keenhy intemestcd than sic in its found, Oshawa, Miss Muriel In tic 1939-1949 periad spend- success. Staples, Port Hope; Mms. Kyle ing by Canada's municipal gov- Muidl Emma Bruce, later Mr3. Squair, Bowmanvilc; Mms. C. B. ernmcnts increased !om $304 mil- Cliarles G. M. Evans, was born Sisson and Mms. A. A. Drummond, lion ta $621 million; provincial ut Caesarea, Cartwrighit Town- town: Miss Stella Penfound, town. spending increascd fmom $355 ship, Durham County, tic daugi- Others assisting with thc tea million ta $865 million; federal ter o! Andrew and Mary Bruce, werc Miss Louise Osborne and govcnment spending incmeused on Juhy 29, 1878. Sic received Mrs. Bob Evans, Bowmanville. from $550 million ta $2.4 billion, hem nursing training ut St. Cati- aines, and took post-graduate wvork ut New York's famed Belle- a.f vue Hospital. Wlien Bowman- ville Hospital opened an Mardi 26, 1913, she took up her duties as its superintendent. Tirougliaut ______________________________________________ hem cancer and in pivate life, sic ul constanthy gave berseif for oth- _ In 115, sic feht tiat theme was THEATRE - DOWMANVILILE great work ta bc donc overseas, and us a nursing sister, sic went COMFORTABLY AIR COOLED !irst ta England and then ta France, with tic lst Canudian THU S. FR. AT, -JU Y 2 2, 8 Fil Ambulance In war, as in TH R .,F I. AT UL 6,72peucetime, sic distinguisied lier- self in lier chosen work, and mc- ccived tic Mons Star, service and victary medals, and was present- ed witli tic Royal Red Cross by King George V ut Buckinghumn Palace. Prior ta lier eunfo th Jane an, she married Charles G. M. X JaneEvans, and tliey took up ticir life Fowe 11together, sctthing on a farm in Manitoba. While in Manitoba Ricardlo Psic continued ta epoheswt M 0n1Iban ' 1 -'WEDDING LOUIS CALHERN ANN HARDING CX-ESO SECOND CHAPTER "WILD BILL HICKOCK" O'eESO SHORT ..... "SHOOTING THE SALMON RAPIDS"9 St. George's Anglican Churci, Osiawai, was tic settinc for a MONDAY, TUESDAY - JULY 30, 31 weddirbg on Saturdayu!ftemnaon, tan,,daugliter o!. Mrs. _Haroli HAYDON The commninty gathered at the shed recently in..honor o! Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Siemon, reoent bride and groom. Rev. D. J. Lute acted as chaimman. Whiie the wedding march was being play- ed by Mrs. Roy Gnaham, Arthur Tnewin and Don Cameron escont- ed the couple ta the platfonm and seated them in pink streamer decked chairs. Miss Dora Black presented the bride with a lovelv corsage o! sweet peas. The plat- form was pnettiiy decorated witi pink and white streamers, a large white bell and baskets o!fiow- ers. Readings were given by Mrs. Cecil Siemon, Mrs. Theron Mountjoy and Rev. Lute. Ray Ashton played an instrumental; Mrs. Lloyd Ashton rendered a solo, and Mesdames F. Ashton, B. Ashton, J. Potts and A. Read gave a vocal selection. Mrs. Chas. Gar- rard read a short address and Chas. Garrard, on behai! o! the community, presented the couple with a loveiy tri-lite floor lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon very ably tendered tbanks and issued an invitation for ah ta cail on them. A bounteous lunch was served and a social chat enjoyed. W. A. met at Mns. Roland Thompson's on Thursday with Rev. D. J. Lute in charge in the absence o! president and vice- president. Tic devotional period was taken by Mrs. Chas. Garrard. Readings were given by Mrs. W. Blackburn and Mrs. F. Ashton. Lunch was served by Miss Win- nifred Trewin's group. Sympatliy is extendcd ta Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black and family in the sudden passîng o!flier mother, Mrs. Dickie. Mr. Fred Ashton is painting bis cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grahiam have returned home aftcr spcnd- ing a week motoming in Nqotbern Ontario. Mr. T. W. Westover undcrwent an aperation at Sunnybmook Hos- pital recently. We are pleased ta repart be is improving and doing fine. Mr. and Mns. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, are bolidaying at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. Mn. Fred Castle, Miss Grace Tewin, Toronto. are halidaying with lier parents, Mm. and Mrs. W. Trewin. Mn. and Mns. H. Ashton, Mn. and Mms. A. Rcad and family, Mn. anC%Mrs. F. Ashton and fam- ily, Mn. and Mrs. B. Ashton anid !amily, Mn. and Mms. loouis Afh- ton and family enjoyed a trip ta Bunleigli Falls on Sunday. Famîily Reunions CRYDERMAN-RUSE PICNIC The Cryderman-Ruse familles lield thein annual get-togethen on Satunday, Juiy 14 at thc park ut Hampton. There was a coi crowd, aven 60 sîtting down ta na Bruce Evans arn the Passing al Superintendent d, al Victoria, B.C. her nursing know]edge and ex- perience, since there was no doc- tor in that area for many miles. Mrs. B. M. Warnica, a member of the first Ladies' Hospital Aux- iliary, and a friend of Mrs. Evans from lier Bowmanville -days, re- lates that hundreds of people dur- ing her years in Manitoba had reason ta cailliher blessed. In 1941 Mr. and Mrs. Evans, with their family, moved ta Vic- toria. andi about five years later ta Cowichan Station where they lived until Mrs. Evans' death, which ocurred in the Veterans' Hospital, Victoria, B.C., June 2nd, 1951. Mrs. Evans was in faiiing health for about three years be- fore lier death, having undermin- ed lier strength by giving ber skili, time and energies so freely ta others al lier life. Funeral service was held on June 7th at Rayai Oak Cemetery, Victaria, Rev. Douglas Rendeil of the Veterans' Hospital officiating. Overseas nursing sisterd of the Canadian Legion formed a guard of honor. Among the many beau- tiful floral tributes which ex- pressed the love and esteem in which Mrs. Evans was held, were those of the Overseas Nursing Sisters of the Canadian Legion, and the Cowichan Brandi o! the Canadian Legion. Palibearers were Meýsrs. Frank Barton and Jack Ross, Cawich- an Station; George Dunn, Hill- bank, W. J. S. Hatter, James Moore and Jack Castie, Duncan. Lef t ta maurn the passing of thîs fine personality, in addition ta ail those slie befriended, are ber liusband, Cliarles CT. M. Ev- ans, Cowichan Station, B.C.; a son Anthony, at Vanderhoof; a daugliter Irene, at home, and a sister, Mrs. Louise Harvey, 35 Kelway Bivd., Toronto. Those in Bowmanville privil- eged ta know Mrs. Evans feel that there is a bond af sympathy between tliem. lier famiiy, and many friends wherevrer tliey may be. taffeta made witli a buttoned bo- dice and richly flared skirt fali- ing in sof t folds ta floor length. A "V" neckline with a standup collar highliglited the bodice and matcliing long lace mittens com- plemented tlie short sleeves. They wore matching picture frame hats o! Swiss eyelet accented with tiny rosebtuds. Their jeweliery was a single strand of pearîs and they c'arried nosegays o! peach gladiolius petals and Lester Hib- berd rosebuds with tulle florets and green rainbow rîbbon strea- mers. Mr. Robert Heard was best man. The ushers were Mr. Don- ald Fox and Mr. Barry Fox, brotliers of tlie bridegroom. As the bridai couple le! t tIje churcli the chimes were played by Mr. Leslie Couiburn. The reception was held in St. George's Parish Hall. To receive the guests the bride's mother wore a dress of flower blue sum- mer crepe witli embraidery on the bodice and a pleated skirt. Her hat was a smali model o! blue straw materiai witli flow- er trimming. Pink roses and gladiolus tips camposed lier cor- sage. The bridegroom's mother chose a dress of orchid faille crepe with baiera jacket, a small hat o! natural milan straw and a cor- sage of yellow rases. The wedding breakfast was served by Mrs. S. W. Watton's graup of the Wamen's Association. Later the guests were entertain- ed at the new home of the newiy married couple. Mr. and Mrs. Fox wili leave by mator on July 28 for Florida wvhere the honeymoon wiil be spent, and an their return wil reside at 600 Sammerville Ave., Oshawa. The bride presented lier bridai bouquet ta Mrs. H. Whittaker, a îclose familv friend, ta be sent ta .Mr. Whittaker who is iii in Sun- dinner .and oven 100 for supper. The aftennoon was spent in re- newing old acquaintances and meeting new relatives. Aften the evenmng meal Hanry Jose, New- castle, vice-president, took charge of the business meeting in the absence of president Alian Cry- derman Jr.. Newmarket. Two o! the family o! Malcolmn Onyder- man, Myrtie, and one of Evenett Cryderman's daughter of Ennis- killen pnovided music. The Sec- retary nead the treasunen's report and also message from some o! the fiends wbo were unabie ta attend.' Short speeches were made by Oscar Cryderman, Flint, Mich.; Frank Mason, Oshawa, Claytan Cryderman, Newmarket; Frank Ruse. Long Btanch; Foster Hoidge, Toronto; Lamne Cryder- man, Long Branch. Greetings were tendered the bride and groom, Mr. and Mns. Ross Cry- derman, Enniskillen. It was decided ta leave the date place of picnic for 1952 ta the executive, The new executive: Pres. Harry Jase, Newcastle; Vice-President- Frank Ruse, Long Brandi; Sec'y-r Treas.-Mns. F. M. Cryderman, Asst.-Miss Helen Cryderman, Bowmanvillc;, Supper Comn-- Mrs. Frank Mason, Oshiawa; Mrs. Gardon Wiibun, Hampton; Mrs. R. Van Horne, Whitby; Sports Com.-Lowell Palmatien, Toron- ta; Receptian Com.-Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orona; Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Sauina; Nominating Com. -Merwin Cryderman, Oshawa; Tom Palmateer, Newmarket; Harry Cryderman, Bowmanville. The results o! the sparts wbich were. mudli enjoyed, are as fal- lows: Races-Boys and girls un- der 5 yrs., Sharon Tamblyn, Oro- no; boys and girls under 7 yrs., David Cryderman, Maple Grave; girls, under 10 yrs.-Joan Cryden- man, Oshawa; boys, unden 10 yrs. -Jimmie Cryderman, Mapie Grave; boys, under 16 yrs.-Keith Cryderman, Enniskillen. Ladies' ciothes pin race-Mrs. Shirley Blackburn, Toronto; bal- boon race for men-Lynn Pascoe, Solina; ladies' nail-driving con- test-Mrs. Doris Wiibun, Hamp- ton; threading the needie-Fran- cis Jase, Newcastle, and Mms. Lamne Cryderman, Long Branch. Those who came iongest dist- ance-Mm. and Mms. Hunter, Lan- sing, Mich.; youngest baby pres- cnt-John Jase, son of Donald and Marian Jase; Newcastle; the couple the sum o! wbose ages was the greatest-Mr. and Mms. Bruce Ferguson, Hampton; the couple with the lamgest family present- Mr. and Mms. Howamd Crydemman, Maple Grave. After twa sumptuous meals and a real good time, as everyone said, they ail picked up their empty baskets and stanted for home, hoping ta meet again next year. Evemy man. woman and child in Canada wili this yean pay about $400 in taxes, about $300 o! whidh will go ta Ottawa. mSuits TIME MARCHES ON Frmnk L. Mason Former Mayor of the City o! Oshawa anid weli known native son of Durham County, celebrat- ed his 79th birthday. on Thursday, July 19, when he received the congratulations of his many friends. TYRONE Mm. and Mrs. H. Tivett, Wes- ton, halidayed witi hem parents, Mm. and Mrp. H. Cameron. Miss Alice Delaney, Wclland, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Deluney. Mm. and Mms. R. Clapp visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Imonside, Stouff- ville. Mm. and Mrs. G. Grun!den, Bob- caygean; Mn. S. Smith, Mms. Bar- bara Robinson, Fencion Falls, visîted Mr. and Mms. S. F. Cowl- ing. Miss Bessie Hilîs is holidayîng at Camnarvon. Mms. G. Drew, Mms. Roy Cor- nish. Lynda, Oshiawa, visited Mms. W. T. Worden. Mm. and Mms. E. A. Virtue and John visited Mm. and Mms. H. Wonnacutt, Dixie. Mn. and Mms. Albert Cooper and cbildmen. Brookiin; Mm. and Mrs. Grant Briglit and chidren, Mr. I. Imwîn, Seagrave; Pte. Lloyd Soles, Pte. Ken Greenlaw, Camp Picton, visited Mr. and Mms. M. Bird. .Nancy Bird is visiting ber grândparents, Mm. and Mrs. M. Emerson, Nestieton. Mm. D. Broome, Hamilton, is spending a wcck witi bis son, Mr. J. Broome and Mrs. Broame. Mn. and Mrs. H. Spragg and famihy, Hamilton, visited Mm. and Mms. H. Hall and Mms. W. T. Womden. John Virtue is hloidaying witli Mn. and Mms. Percy IFayward. Mn. and Mrs. Jack ¶oie, Higli- land Creck; Mms. Edna Starey, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mr&. Otto Virtue. Mr. B. H. Mortlock and ToM. Ottawa, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mn. T. H. Gibbs. Mr. and Mn. J. Welsh and Lauralyn, Bowmanville; Misa Mary Alldread, Toronto, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Wilxner Hardy and John. Goderich; Mn. Bai, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. T. Douglas, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mrs. J. Liliicrapp, Cannlngton. returned home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. L. Byam and Mr. Byam. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rahm. Black- stock, visited Mr. and Mrs. WalI- ter Rahm. r Mn. and Mn. M. Hooper Wýe . chuldren, Edgeley, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hooper were tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb on the arrivai of a baby boy in Bowmanvilie Hospital, July 21. Sharon Bail, Miilbrook, is holi- daying with Jacqueline and Lon- raine Rosevear. Women's Institute members en- *joyed a picnic at Orono Park last Wednesday, July 18. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gray, Clare- mont; Mrs. L. Pnescott, Mn. Ray Prescott, Bowmanville; Mr. Law- rence Tabb, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. M. Elford and family, Port Perry, visited Mr. and Mns. T. H. Tabb. Miss Winnifrcd Brown. New- market, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. V. Davenport and David. Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stain- ton. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Staples, Mr. D. C. White, Oshawa; Miss Grace Mitchell, Chiliiwack, B.C., visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Everton White. Miss Yvonne Saundens visited !riends at Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tabb visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. H. Fraser, Orono. Mrs. A. Marshall, Charles and Jimmy, Toronto, are visiting Mn. and Mrs. T. Scott. Audrey Wood is visiting her cousin, Grace Webb, at Pontypool. Sorry ta leann Percy White un- derwent a serious operation ini Bowmanvilie Hospital. Hope he will soon be feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam visit- ed Mrs. J. Liliicrapp, Canning- ton. Rena and Ian Graham, Hay- don, witli their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. Ronald Rahm was pre- sented with an end table fromn Goodyear employees. From 1901 ta 1911 more than 1,800,000 immigrants entered Can- ada, producing 34 per cent popu- lation increase in the decade, largest relative gnowth of any modern country in a similar period. ANN SHOPPE'S NYLON ROSE Our regulan branded hose lines (by Canada's foremost nylon hosiery producers) . . . the complete stock of ruxmner shades reduced to clear. $1,69 $1649 $1,39 $1,029 BLOUSES Nylons, crepes Cottons, etc., in a host o! Shades and Styles. Sizes 12 to 40 ALL REDUCED1 SHORTIE COATS ALL REDUCED ! JEANS SIJACKS Sun Tops <ALL ON SALE Glory Ann Shoppe 57 RING ST. E. SOWMAN VILLE PHONE 3363 P THE GLORY OUR ENTIRE STOCK 0F SUMNER WEAR Reduced 25% to 75% First quality 60 gauge, 15 denier hose. Reg. $2.25.- - Sale Price First quality 51 gauge, 15 denier hose. Reg. $1.95. - Sale Price Finit quality 45 gauge, 30 denier hose. Reg. $1.79. - Sale Price First quality 42 gauge, 40 denier hose. Reg, $1,59, Sale Price OUR COMPLETE SUMMER STOCK REDUCED TO CLEAR CLEARANCE 0F DATHING SUITS COMPLETE STOCK ~ REDUCED! SLIPS - PANTIES ERASSIERES - GOWUIS ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED SHORTS Cottons, Gabardines, Corduroys, etc. -Ail Reduced Io Clear !- WHITE UNIFORNS COUNTER SOILED NA LF P RIC E Dresses m Skirts THURSDAY, JULY 26th, MI - PAGE SIXTEEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO . q-d