fgVt SELL TRAIf, BRING YOUR PYCS Jf MESSAGE BEFOREF.ffIfuwSVMNMU 12,000 READERS COTel£PE A BIRTHS GRAHAM-Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. Graham are happy ta announ- ce the birth of a daughter, Eleanar "Susanne", on Wednes- day, Juiy î8th, 1951, at Bowman- ville Hospital. A sister for Bar- bara and Georgeann. 30-if OSBORNE-Mr. and Mrs. Har- oid Osborne announce the birth cf a son. Kenneth John, an July 16. 1951, in Bowmanville Hos- pital. 30-1 RUDELL-Dr. and Mns. W. M. Rudeil are happy ta announce the birth ai their daughter, Patricia Margaret, on Friday, July 20, 1951, at Bowmanville Hospital. 30-1 TABB-Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb (nee Margaret Murdoch) are happy ta announce the arriv- ai of their son, Kenmeth Murray, 8 lbs., 3 ozs., at Bowmanviile Hos- pital on Saturday, July 21, 1951. Mother and baby bath doing line. .30-1* YEO-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo announce the arrivai cof their son (Stanley Clarence) at Bow- nianville Hospital on Saturday, JuIy 21, 1951. A baby brother lor Alvini and Eva. 30-1* ENGAG1&%"-EMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Down, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Jean Almira. ta Gar- don Murray Osborne, son af Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne, .Bow- ~ianville. The marriage will take place at Ebenezer United Church on August Il at 2:30 p.m. 30-1 Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. Hall wish ta announce the engagement of their eldest daughter. Helen Muriel. ta Mr. Allen George Thiessen, son af Mr. George H. Thiessen and the late Mrs. Kath- leen Thiessen ai Virgel, Ont., the wedding ta take place at Tyrone Ulnited Church on the 22nd day of August. 1951. at 3 o'clock. 30-1* DEATHS DOWN-At the home ai his daughter, Mrs. Harvey Ritzen- heim, 13948 Lesure Ave., Detroit, Mich, July 20, Edward M. Down, eider son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dawn, Bowmanville, and brother of Frank N. Down, De- trait and Miss Lola Down, Bow- manville. 30-if GIBSON-At Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Wednesday. July 25, 1951, Mary Henrietta Gibsan, wie ai the late Frank Gibson, in her 74th year. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chape! until Thursday morning, then at the residence ai her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Smith, Newcastle. Service In St. George's Anglican Church, on Fiday, July 27, ut 3 pm. In- terment St. George's Cemetery. 30-1 HENRY-In Bowmanville, on Tuesday, July 24, 1951, D. F. Henry, beioved husband ai Mar- garet Henry. aged 81 years. Rest- Ing at the Narthcutt & Smith Funeral Chapel. Bawmanville, for service on Thursday, Juiy 26, nt 2 p.m. Interment Union Cerne- tery, Cobaurg. Funerai private. No ilawers. SOUCH-At her residence, 32 O'Dell Street, Bowmanvilie, an Sunday, July 22, 1951, Elizabeth L. Souch. in her 8th year. Wid- ow ai James Albert Souch. Ser- vice was heid from the Marris Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, July 24, at 3:30 p.m. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. 30-1 WRIGHT-At Oshawa Hosp ital, on Monday. July 23, 1951, Susan Patricia Wright, aged 8 manths, beloved daughter ai Ross and Peggy Wright, 14'Sauthway Dr. Resting at the Marris F'uneral Chapel. Service in the Chapel on Thursdayv, July 26, ut 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemet- ery, 30-1 CARDS 0F 1THANKS Mrs. J. T. Pearce and iamily wish ta thank their many iriends. relatives and neighbars for their kind expressions ai sympathy duning their recent sad bereave- ment.n301 * REPAIR to ail makes of refrig- eratordomestic and commercial; milkin coolen. Hlggn Elec- bric, 4i King St.IL, Phone 438. 25-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work. try the Neat-Way Shoe Renair Shap. opposite Garton Bus TF-r- imingtL 81-IL IN MEMORIAM BAILEY-In memory ai Fred A. Bailey who passed away July 22, 1943: -Peacefully sleeping, restîng ut last, Xis weury trials and troubles are past; In silence he suffered, in patience he bore Til Godi calied hlm home ta suifer no more." -Sadly missed by his wiie and famlly. 30-1* DUCK-In loving memony af Robent Francis Duck, who passed away. July 27, 1950. He had a cheeny smile, a pleasunt way, A helping hand tealal he knew; He was sa kind, se generous and true; On earth he nobly did his best, Grant him, Jesus. heavenly rest. -Ever remembered by his wife and family. 30-1* KENNEDY-Sacred ta the mem- ory ai aur beloved son and broth-. er. George M. Kennedy. killed in action in Sicily, Juhy 25, 1943. At the going down ai the sun And in the manning-we nemem- ber hlm. -Ever remembered by moth- er. brothens and sistens. 30-1* MILLER, J. H.-As a resuit ai an accident. July 26, 1950. One yean has pused since that sad day When one we loved was called away: God took hlm home-lt was His wili. Within aur heurts he iiveth stili. -Sadly missed by mather, sons Douglas and Marshall. 30-1* MILLER, J. H.-.-In ioving mem- ory ai a dear dad. You at times said I'd miss you, Those W.ords have proved too true, I ]est my best. my dearest friend, Dear dud. when I lost yau. --Sadly missed by daughter Dawn. 30-1* TINK-Chenished memories ai a kind husband and father, Herbert Edward Tink, who passed away, Juiv 31, 1943. -Ever remembered by wife and iamilv 30-1 NOTICE Dr. Storey' s office will be closed July lSth ta Sept. lSth. 27-8* The office ai Miss Apha 1. Hod- gins will be closed until August l3th. ,30-1* Dr. H. Ferguson's office will be clased from dJune 29th ta August llth inclusive. 25-8* Dr, Rundle's, office will bc ciosed fram July 29th ta Sept. 3rd inclusive. 28-3 Palmer's Barber Shop will be clased from August 6th ta 8th, inclusive, for holidays. 30-2* Dr. W. M.* Rudell's office will be elosed for holidays from Sat., July l4th, until Monday, July 3th. 28-3 K. . Art1 icles For Sale G.E. Hotpaint Stove. Phone 2113. 30-1 ROASTING fowl, 7-10 lbs. Tele- phone 2292. 30-1 ICE BOX. cheap for quick sale. 68 Elgin St. 30-1* SMALL row boat, gaod condition. 67 Duke St. 30-l_ý TRICYCLE and trailer, medium size. Telephane 3164. 30-lf LADY'S C.C.M. bicycle, in ex- cellent condition. Phone 3471. 30-1 MASSEY Harris No. 5 binder, in good condition. Phone 2913. 30_1 ICE box, holds 100 ibs. ice, goad condition. Phone 3504, 26 Liberty N. 30-1 FURNACE, McClary Radium. Also damper regulator. Phone 3357, 30-1* REFRIGERATOR a n d brand new, used 4 months. Orono 24r4. stove, Phone 28-tf BABY buggy, wine color, good condition. Reasonabie. Tele- phone 3269. 30-1* POTATOES, berrnes'and garden stuif. J. A. Werry, Enniskillen. Telenhone 2525. 30-1 FALL Wheat-Just as threshed,1 150 busheis. Phone Oshawa 3-9081,1 F. Aldsworth, nean Courtice. 29-2*1 SMALL rocking chair (cherry),1 tapestry covered, brass nail heads;1 silver cold water pitcher, ice hip. 156 Wellington Street. 30-1 * POTATOES - Specializing in No. 1 top quality potatoes. Order yaur supply now. Doug Curi, Bowmanvihle, Phone 3101. 20-tf USED drop-head sewing machine, good condition. Apply Mrs. Clar- ence Mountjoy, R. R. 1, Burke- ton. 30-l.? ICE BOX, 50 lbs., suitable for cottage or small apartment. Good condition. Apply 27 Libert.y S t. N. 30-1 FOX Pens 6'x6*x9'. wire runs with wooden kennels, good for chiekens, turkeys or dogs. $10 at farm. Phone 2679. 30-1 REFRIGERATORS. Before you buy, see the famous Gibson ne- frigerator at Lander Hardware. Priced without tax. 1 30-1* BABY carniage, Gendron, and baby's car seat. Bath excellent condition. Apply R. Coombe.- B.T.S.. or 'Phone 2852. 30-11 CHRISTOPHER Barnett mator- cycle. Excellent condition, $173. W. G. Bowles, Nestieton, tele- phone Part PerrY 192r11. 30-1 QUANTITY of telephone pales and cedar posts on Lot 15, Con. 6, Darlington. F. J. Clemens, 1051 Agnes St., Oshawa. Phone 5-0186. 29-2* ROUND Dining-roomn Extension Table. good condition. 5 chairs: aiso neanhy new Force Pump. Mrs. Gilbert Manlow, Blackstock. 30-1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oieumn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores.. 23-tf WE measure and instaîl finest quality venetian blinds, new plas- tic tapes available. easily kept Articles For Sale FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- ers, Washing Machines, Ranges, service on milk coolers and motors. that wiring job or any- thing electric. Trade-in or terms. Consult Werry & Son Electric, Dealers for Woods Electric Farm Equipment, Enniskillen, Phone Bowmanville 2539. 29-3 NEW shipments of Gold Seal Con- goleum and Rexoleur-n Deluxe, 2 and 3 yards xide, choose from 40 patterns. Imported Pabea war- ranty floor coverings, in new designs. Hall runners, inlaid linoleum and large selection in rug sizes. Marris Ca., Phone 480.' 29-tf WAG'ON or TRAILER AXMES Your Choice of CHEV., FORD or DODGE wheels either 15"' or I6" so your own spare wîll work Price only $30 each while they last. This includes:- AxIe, Hubs, Wheels, Tires and Tubes, ail assembled, lined up and painted Springs $10-00 a pair extra if desired. Pieuse note that this special offer is only good while present stock lasts so order early. Sisson's Garage PHONE ORONO 1031 29-tf Cars For Sale Corpraton a th dea, mnv cloustacos '40 Chev. Coach. Gaod tires. Per- Town ai Bowmanville from. Phone Morris Ca., 480. j fect condition. Best offer. Phone TAKE NOTICE THAT: 29-tf 2679. 30-1 1. The Council ai the Corpora- CLEAN new potatoes, cucumbers. '46 Chev. Sedan. Built in radia, tion ai the Town ai Bowmanx'ille beets, carnats, head lettuce. ail heater, new motor. Good candi- intends ta construct as a local im- fresh daiiy ut very lowest pnices. tion. $1100 or best aller. 1 Silver pravement a four foot cernent Telephone 2680 in advance. Then St., Bowmanvilie 3613. 30.1* sidewuik on the west side ai On- caîl and get them ut Ahi Shrubbs. ta »o Street between Albert Street 30-1If an% Nelson Street and intends ta _______________ AUCTION SALES assess a part ai the cost upon the TWO wheel trailer, square axie, land abutting directly on the rolier beanings, welded steel1 Lix estock Community Auction wank. franse, body size 6hý' x 9' x 4ý:on Provincial Highway Na.2, 1 2. The estimated cost ai thp good tires, Reasonable. Phone' mile west ai Brightoh, will be wonk is $1,600.00 ai which $640.09 Clarke 2414. evenings. J. J. Hart-j held at 8 p.m. every Wednesday is ta be paid by the Corporation. wig. R. R. 3, Newcastle. 30-1 * The estimuted cast per foot front- during the summer months. age is $2.20. The speciai assess- PLUMBRING, Heating and Oil Please have stock ut barn by 7:30 ment is ta be puid in 20 ecîual an- Burnens instulled anywhere in p.m. There is aiways a good lot nual instaiments and the estiîn- Durham County. Reasonabie rates ai stock on hand and good buyers ated annual rate per foot front- and highest quality. For free ut these sales. Oscar C. Morgan, age is 10 cents. estimates cali S. Bluin Elliott, Auctioneer. Phone Brighton 245. 3. Application will be made b *v Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, 30-4. the Corporation ta the Ontario Phone 3348. 29-tf j UR TRE A-The un- Municipal Board for its upprovul VNTA LNS 5dfeetFURsignd uctioneEilsely ai the undertaking ai the saidVcolTaNs a i ap s, 5 dlat colours ubic dAuction for B. . oseb work and uny awner may within cFlouso ae,1 ltclus uleAcnfrB .Mie 21 days aiter the first publica- Fexalum, Aluminum or Steel, in Village ai Newcastle, (North tio ofthi noic fie wth hemeusured and instulled free ai ai Hoars Garage), on Wednes- tiand ahis oeticenfile th e charge. Phone 3121. Weber's day, August Ist, the following: Bard heis abjeton tte aidFbnie Centre. 17-tf jchesterfield suite, dining roamn 4. The said Board may apprave TILE - for kitchen, bathraams, jahn, ice table, iigno his, kgram- ai the said work being undertak- heunths and fineplaces. Walls- cairhone kicenalskitmchen en but befone doing sa it may ap- glazed tule or plastic, alI colours cchs, elecncasg ahne, point a time and place when ans' Floors - rubber, mastic, lino-tile,jcohe.rkig has, anu objections ta the said work wiili quannie and ceramic. Wili go uny- cente.3tble, 2 eates, c oooe be considered. I where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. bdshes3 rus. 2 betads, i spoal Dated ut Bowmanvilie, July 2-tf bed, dressers, washstands gnen 24. 1951. tos anmwr nnsoe 30-2 A. J. Lvle. Clerk. USED nubber tired wagon; used set scales, 2 cross cut saws, trail- dump, rake; used IHC mower; nekv er. Muny othen articles including LotCase equipment; tractors; tractor furniture, too nueru t mn te1 oewyds;wtrpesr PLEASE NOTE TIME. 6 o'clock TWO INNER TUBES, between ste; indertwdine; tepe ssrein evening. Terms Cash. Elmer Brown and the ovenhead bridge. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone Wîlbtmr, Auctioneer. 30- Phae 235 3--'497. 3-1For Rent Help WcmEd For Sale by T n e FOUR Room Apartment. Central VACANCY - Rawleigh business I oaio.Aults only. P.0, Box nowopn n Bwmnvlle Tad ISEALED tenders will be ne- 114"5 B'owmanville. 30-1 now penin Bwmavill.,Tadeceived by the undersigned ior the well established. Excellent oppon- punchuse ai the Bowmanville tunity. Ful time.ý Write at once. Kinsmen Cottage located ut Bobi ATTENTION! Rawleigh's Dept. ML-G-140-189, Ewer's garage, ta be moved by' Montreal. 27-4 purchaser within 30 days irom For Prompt Attention - August 7th. Ahi tenders must be BRICK IVORK. BLOCK WORK Personal received by noon, August 6th, MASON WORK, ETC. 1951, and a certiiied cheque for Concrete Floars, Foundatians. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber 10% ai o the pnice accompany euch Sidewalks; etc. goods) mailed postpaid in plain tender. Fe siae ie sealed envelope with pice list BILL TAIT, -Fe siae ie Six samples 25c, 24 sampies $1 (10 Secretary-Treasurer, T re Mail Order Dent. T-28, NovPFh' Bow'ville Kinsmen Club. L. T re ber c.,BOX91, Hamilton, <r Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 3231 28-4 Bowmanvillei 2àtif Wanted To Bent HOUSE or 4 or 5-room apartment or fiat in or near Bowmanville. 1R. L. King, 16 White Pine Ave., Toronto 13. 30-l.? FARM with good buildings, suit- able for stock and grain. Will rent >for a term ai five years or more. Write Box 617, Statesman Office. 30-1 LIVING quarters for three aduits. Desperatelyv needed. Excellent tenants. Alsa wish ta buy build- ing lot. Write Box 614, States- man Office. 30-1 * THREE-room apartment by Aug- ust Ist. in Bowmanville or Osh- awa by young couple with no children. Write Box 612, c/o Canadian S tatesman. 30-1* UNFURNISHED, large apartment or house (with option ta buy) for The Canadian Statesman Classified Advertising Raies Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional'250 will be added. A charge of 250 will he made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 100~ a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 75e cash with order. To regular advertisers payable monthly. Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or nioney order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Reail Estate For Sale TWO Lake Front Lots. 47' x 110'. Sandy Beach. Gaad Road. Apply 129 King Street W., Cobourg, or Phone 94 Cobourg. 29-7 ESTATE ai the late Bessie E. Harris, 9-room hbouse on Centre St. Immediate possession. Price $6,000. Apply by appaintment ta J. C. Samis, 45 Carlisle Ave., Phone 569. 28-3 HOUSE. 4 roams, insul-brie, hy- dro, soit water inside, 1 acre landi and hen bouse; small fruits: 1 mile north af Enniskillen, 2 miles east. $2,000, part cash. Write Box 613. Canadian Statesman. 30- il LAKE front lot and cottage, new., built, 18' x 22'. 2 bedrooms. Lot 47' x 110'. All-weather road ta lot. Loveiy sand beach. Location Curtis Landing, Rice Lake. Apply 129 King Street W., Cobourg. or Phone 94 Cobourg. 29-7 COLONIAL Homes Ltd. Cabins, from $279.00 up. Cottages iromn $480.00 uip. Homes, from $2050.00 up. Garages, fram $225.00 Up. For further information cail, write or phone 2-4363. E. J. McGarrity, 319 Mark St., Peter- borough. 29-2 "EVANS REAL ESTATE"l New insul-bric 5-roomn cottage. bathroom, hydro. Located less than 100 yards from highway, school, church. bakeshop and post office. Taxes $15.00. Possession in 15 days. . ?nice $5,000. 200 acre fa!m, 165 acres af lex'- el wheat scd, 20 acres maplc bush, strean. Barn 100 x 40 it.. steel hiprod, handle 75 câttie; pig pen, hen louse, drive-shed, good 7-roomn frame house, built iii cun.. boards. h7dro, ever-flowing wat- er in house and barn. Price $12,000. 65 aces %' mile from No. 2 highwat,; 5 acres bush, strearn. Hiproo barn 72'x32': 7-roorr framenfouse, pnice $5,000. W. C. Evans, Broker Phon! 84-8, Orono, Ont. 30-1* $2,9,19-3 acres on edge of village, 3 rom cabin§ hydro, garden soil, traot stream, weIl wooded lot. $24200-12 cabins, each with toi- let and running water. shower bulding, main Iodge. Everything in-maculate. Monthly revenue approximately $2,000. Six months business season, ideal location on No. 2 Highway. Bailey & Taylor Phone 767. 30-11 NIXON REAL ESTATE 6 rcrn insul-bric dwelling, hy,- dro, 3 piece bath, garage, garden, good location, $5.500. Terms. t4ttîtty wHti twLscr ~LiUU16ageU U1111at -iaw. 28-3 dren. References. Wanted by 7 rcomed cottage, east Beach,1 Sept. 3th. Write Box 603, States- two Terandahs looking over Lake1 That Man Scott man Office. 30-1 Ontêria. 2 piece bath upstairs and dowi, garage & furniture, $3500. Hits Headlines Wanted To Buy Terns. ___In Orleans Paper 5 rcsmed frame cottage, hydro, iUSED Massey Binder, 7, 8, or 10 well, garage, east Beach, passes- Attending the National Land- can. Hud Paynooer, 6Newost1e sion anranged. $3,500. Terms. scape Nurserymen's Association can.Howrd ayne NeýcatIeconvention in New Orleans, Lau- Phoe Cark 281. 0-1lOj3cres, with a gaod creek, ideal isiana, Norman J. Scott, Manager BEFORE seîîing yaur live poultry fort trout. running through a ai Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, try us. Our prices are higher. M. '0pled area:saiu 8 roam Bowmanviile, delivered an ad- Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone in Crbiîc . furnae. ohydro. withj dress on the Canadian viewpoint 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf shPrs n perenniais, garage. and ended up by getting his pic- PrSd ta seil. $12,000. Terms. ture ini the New Orleans Times- HOUSE, medium sized, with gar- O0xter retiring. Picayune. den, in good repuir, in good To quote from the southern neighborhood, centrai ta school. F*îns, dwelling, stores, garages~ daily: ~Norman Scott, Ontario. Write Box' 616, Statesman Office. and lots priced ta sehl. Canada, toid the Ornamentai 30-1* James Nixon, Broker Growers' Association that the 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvile Canadians are becoming increas- D EA FA N SOCKPhone 682 ingiy garden-consciaus; that this DEAD FA N STO0.1 * new intenest in gardens is 'par- tialiy due ta the influx ai Euro- Picked UP ProfllPtly IIAMILTONS REAL ESTATE peans, who want ta think ai Cati- Horses, Cows, Heifers, Sheep, %ý,500-On No. 2 Highway near ada as home and wha believe a Pigs and Culves ýwwonviIIe, new Insuî-bric cat- garden gives the feel ai home." (We puy for hanses, cows ~ea om n uro Our Mr. Scott went on ta in- andHefes)sutable for snack bar. Eiectricity'. fori the American convention 3ý4 e Per LB. FOR LIVE HORSES 5 acres level land, permit avail- attendlers that people in indus- Cail collect. Bowmanvlie 2679 able for gasoline tanks. The type trial towns are especiaihy inter- cf praperty sehdom offered.I ested in gardens. He said nur- N argwill Fur Farm f royHamilton, Broker seryrnen in Canada are doing TYOE 30-tf ïOrono Office and home phones 'ever încreasing business with the ____________________._30-1 laboring class, and observed that -while it is true the biggen the GILL REAL ESTATE man the more interested he is in Livestock For Sale '4000-In Bowmanvilie, on main growing things, 'manv business EIGHT 6-week old pigs. Tele- sreet modern garage, service magnates neyer find time ta puit phn 29. 0istation, car franchise, stock,f this interest into practice*'; that phone2091.30-1building and compiete equipment whie they* dream ai the day they 100 Pullets, sturted ta lay, also, plus 2 revenue homes. Terms. wiil get arouind ta gardening, "the hiens @li $2.50 each. Phone 2257. ,iahoring man is actualiy doing it." 30-1 1S250 Choice building lot an Eh- In the triple column picture in gin Sreet.the New Orleans dailv, the cut- PULLETS-Apply Luverne Sug- ____Sreet. i e states that -Coliege Educa- gitt. Nestietan. Phone Port Per'ry 550-Ecelent building hots on tion is a "Must" ta Nurserymen 25r1i.29-2 King -< . j aspiring ta become iandscape de- ______KngSt,_. _ signers." Mr. Scott and three U. NUMBER ai young Yorkshire ,o -1acego lyoa S.nrrmn ae goud pigs; also power lawn mower.:000ace.goddyi am, unuraserymoendren. pe Phone 2646. 30-1 between Oshawa and Bowmàn- ruc hldnrn HOLSTEIN cow, cuif ut side. Ap- vle Local Foursome plv N. Sherbu, Hampton, Lot 17, $3,000-ln Junetvilhe, solid bric Con. 4, Daniington Twp. 30-V' home, 7 noomns, hydro, furna'ce Have Unexpected PULLETS-20 good JRock puhief bs clla, god eilinncsLerkeÎ Scugog Sbsservice. Immediate possess- inL k Peels struin, $2.50 'each. T. _______ Bowman, Blackstock, phone 172'-j Garnet Gohieen wore rubbers 33 Part Perry. 30f" $4000-In Burketon, on main st.,.: ta keep hîs feet dry when he went TA WOTHg:ts hay wi 9 roam frame home, hydro, fuilý for a motor boat ride with Mac pig. Good quality hay, timotily cellar, barn, garage with pit, jMor.EeeiWnctanRy aflamixture, fildbl ' Dý ood garden. Train and bus ser- Bowen ut Caesarea, Sunday. but Mackse. Nestletan. 30' vice. Termns.ashr e scodafrsov H. G. GUI, Realtor ing off he discovened he needed a Phone Office 3326 diving suit. \VatedResidence 3514 It seems the four shoved off ___________________ 30-1 i rom a pier, stern first, about 30 BY edery rspetabe idypoi feet frum shore; their combined ition us campunion, ight ho#Wi. IRL I WANTED Awteîght brushes, twhe 80-i.ark. work. smalh remuneration. V$SiteAstetOWget uewvs Box 615. Statesman Office. 30-11-< Generai office work. wages pounded int the heavily ludien i$35.00 per week. between 18_-jo boat, the crait submerged and LIVE paultny, goose feuthers, lea- f )-ears of age. Must have entrunce the foursome found themseivps ther ticks, bags, scrap iran 1and . or high school education. Quick fiaunidering about in 10 feet ai metal. Dial Oshawa 54912 ýcol.. with figures. good personality, water. lect, or write 1. Turner, ýh! and be able ta meet public. Ref- Mac Moore and Garnet Go- Oshawa. F-14 ertences requmred. agneeable ta heen (with or without rubbers?) work ut either Courtice or Bowt- cannot swim and neither can ex- Far ers flf~I-tjOll munville. Appiy in writing ta plain how they -swam" the 30 Fc=ers Attentéio Box 618. Statesmnan office. stating feet ta shore Rav Bowen clung qualifiîcations. 30-_1 to the submnerged bout and was WE will be pleased ta pi up _p saved. Everett Winacott wus the dead or crippled farm Or~1 f course, the United Nations only swîmmer among the gnoup and puy highest prevailing ' s are not united, non are civil ser- and be made land quite easiiy. For imediate service Tele e t'ants civil, or the fuir sex fuir. The foursome finully did geti Collect, Toronto Empire 3% ~or Lots wha set out ta leurn th,- aut an the lake for a mater boat Cobourg 1266W, Gordon 0,ung 1 secret of success abandon the ride later on. No further mis- L...42 search. hap has been reported. Work Wcmted COMBINING and silo filling with a Forage Harvester and power unloading wagons and baling. Phone 3438. Ivison Munday and Son. 30-2* BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grlnding brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bownianville 32-tf WORK WANTED BuIldozing and Excavating BY HOUR OR CONTRACT Free Estimates Given We specialize in farm impravement. Wmi. Tripp PORT PERRY, R.R. 2 Phone 109r42 18-13 WORK WANTED Painting and Decorafing No Job too Large or too Small. We go anywhere. PHONE:- Port Perry 124r15 (Reverse Charges> 22-tf Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS. IN the Estate of HUGH SIN- CLAIR ANNIS, late of the Town- ship of Darlington, in the County af Durham, Retircd Farmer, de- ceasect, who died at the said Township of Daniingtan on or about the 4th day of June, 1951. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required ta send full partie- ulars of such dlaims to the under- signed, Soicitor for the he irs at law, on or before the l4th day ai Juiy, 1951, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only ta dlaims that then hav7e been received. DATED at Oshawa, this 25th day of dune, 1951. ALLIN F. ANNIS, K.C., 18 12 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the heins JOHN THOMAS PEARCE John Thomas Pearce, 69, son ai the late John Peance, Welcomé, died suddeniy an Juiy 6th ut his home in Newtonviiie. Born in Port Hope, Nov. 2nd, 1881, he was a highway patrol- man for the Ontario Department af Highways. He is survived by bis wife and four daughtens. Mrs. Harvey Os. borne (Elva), Welcome; Mrs. Walter Gnayýson (Edna). Valis, Que.; Mns. Eani Walkey (Gladys), Newtonville, and Mrs. Walter Whittaker (Laura), Toronto. An. other daughter passed away be. fore him. ieuving one bon. Rob- ent, who made his home with the deceused. He leuves two broth- ens, Kenneth, Montreal, and Ger- aid. Welcome. Funerul service was held at the chape] ai A. W. George & Son, Port Hope, an July 9th. Rev. D. T. Lancaster ofiiciated. Palibeaners were Mn. Pearcei four sons-in-law, Harvey Os. bonne. Walter Gruyson, Eanl Wal. key, Walter Whittaker. a grand- son ai the late Mr. Pearce and his brother-in-law, Frank Gil- mer. Interment was in Welcame Cemetery. The iiower bearers were em. pioyees ai the Ontario Depant. ment ai Highways who were members ai his "gang." BURKET014' Mn. and Mrs. David Wursmart have retumned irom a visit with friends ut Wheatiey and Rodney. Mn. and Mrs. Alf Nicholson, Halifax. niece ai Mn. J. Tomp- kins; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nicholson. Curai and Bruce, Montreal, are spending a week wth Mn. and Mrs. Tompkins. Mns. Ben Hubbard and Alden, and Mn. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and family uttended the Davld- son-Down wedding ut Zion on July 21. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Petenson with Mn. and Mrs. Howard Ab- bott visited iniends ut Kinmount. Mn. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheli wene ut Kinmount with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilson and Beryl, Mr. and Mrs. George AI- iston, Oshawa, with Mns. Pearl Avery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers. Toron- to; Mrs, Bowes and David. Bur. lington; Mr. and Mrs. F. Holroyd and family, Bowmanville; R. Thurbie and J. Reynolds withý fnicnds: Mn. and Mrs. J. Tompkins were in Toronto with relatives. Recent Bride Guest of Honor At Several Showers Mrs. Jack Hoar <nee Viviaan Nichals), a recent bride, w4ýs*he necipient ai muny lovelyg showers and presentations çb6i ta her murniage. Mrs. Allan Brooking was hast- ess ut a shower given on Tuesday. July 10. Mrs. Brooking's littie daughter brought in a decarated wagon filied with gifts. Aiter the bride-ta-be had opened these, the evening was spent in games. Re- fneshments were senved by Mrs. Brooking and her sisters, Mrs. Jack Syers, and Mns. May Davey. On Wednesday evening, July 11, neighbors and friends met ut the home ai Mrs. Ken Luxton, King Street, and presented the bride with a card table and four chairs. also a box ai canned goods. An enjoyable evening was spent in piaying cards and games. aiter which a lovely lunch was senved by Mrs. Ken Luxton and three of the bride's cousins. The neighbors of the groom in Oshawa presented the couple with a beautiful lamp and mag- azine rack. The Lions Club of Oshawa, ai which the groom is a member, made a presentatian af a travelling dlock and a pipe ta the groom. WEDDING HOAR - NICHOLS The mariage took phlee in St. Paul's United Church manse, Bowmanviile. on Saturday aiter. noon, July 14, ai Vi\,vin Ann Pa- tricia Nichohs, daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. William Nichois, King Street, Bowmanville, ta Jack Hoar, son ai Mrs. E. Green, Oshs- awa, and the hate Mr. Hoar. Rev. H. A. Turner penfonmed the cere- mony. For her wedding the bride wore a gown ai navy blue crepe with matching linen jacket, navy blue straw hat and matching access- onies. Her corsage was ai red roses. The bride's only attend- ant was Mrs. Harold Pickerstill af Port Rouyn, sister ai the groom, who wore a dress ai pink sheer with matching hat and uccesse anies and corsage af red rases. Mn. Harold Pckerstili, brothe:-. in-law ai the groom, was best man. Following the ceremany, a ception was heid at the homer, the bride's parents on King To receive the guests. the bnidé&s mother wore a navy blue sheer dress with matching accessonies and corsage af red roses.. The groam's mother assisted, weuring a dress ai pale blue sheer with mnatching accessories and red ros- es. For the wedding trip througli parts ai the United States and Arizona, the bride ware a twa- piece navy blue crepe dress witlt matching hut and uccessanies. The bride is wel] known in Bowmanvihle, having been a sales lady ut Breslin's store for the past five yeurs. Out-oi-town guests were present ut the wed- dng from Toronto, Brampton, Port Rouyn, Oshawa and Orono. OBITUARY TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAPIO lrmmqnAv TTTT.v ggfh lui IP A r-V V-Tr-1199M M-