0 j 9 Values CHILDREN'S Cotton BDROADCLOTH RHOMPERS AND 2-PIECE COTTON WASH SUITS GIRLS' COTTON OFFF SHOULDERS STYLED BLOUSETrES izes 3 to 6 yrs. Regulor $1.49. CHILDREN'S COTTON DRJILSLACKS Sizes 3 to 6X years. Reg. $1.98 ON SALE $1349 ON SALE $1m49 .GIRLS' COTTON PLAY SUITS Consisting of slacks and baiera jacket tops. Sires 3 ta 6 years. Reg. $2.49. ON SALE$1 9 MISSES' ALPINE SHORTS Sixe 14 only. Originally $298. ON SALE $ 3 1 MISSES' and WObmENS DRESSES Misses' and Women's dresses of cotton broad- c loth, shantungs, failles and French crepes. Sizes 12 ta 20, 38 to 52. Regular 4.98. ON SALE Misses' Peasont Off Shoulder BLOUSES of exceptionolly good quality white Cotton. ON SALE$34 MATERNITY STYLED SLACK SUITS Sizes 12 ta 18. Regular $14.95. ON SALE $8387 I $2m87 Thot Top Anything CLEA RING SWIM .-SUITS BUY TWO FOR THE PHI-CE 0F ONE Purchase any Misses", Women's or Children's swim suit in store at price marked - and get a similar priced one FREE CHILDREN'S COTTON SUN DRESSES Sizes 3 to 6 yrs. Originally $1.69 and $1.98. ON SALE 9.9c LADIES' CTTONM KRINKLE CRIEPECO o.Sies sml, umedum fo rge. Regular $298 and $3.49. ON SALE$ 39 Seen! BOYS' ON SALE COTTON PLAY SHORTS7 Sizes 3 ta 7 years. Regular $1.49.s 7 7 BOYS' CABLE STITCH Regjular $1.49 BOYS' COTTON DRILL SHORTS Siz., 8 to 14 y"s. Regular $2.69. 0ON SALE $1.87 BOYS' COWBOY STYLED SLACIS and SUIRTS Sixes 3 to 7 yrs. Regulor $ ON SALE $Ind4 "EDý9 PNMABAEUTS PANAARATS0 ONegular$3m29 ON SALE ~329 Cotton Sun Dresses Sizes 12 ta 18 Regular 4.98 ON SALE $2.8 7 MENS CORDUROY ON SALE SPOIRT COATS soo Regular $19951 MEN'S COTTON BRILL PLAY SHORTS Sizes 32 to 44. Regular $3.98 ON SALE $2.47 1~ CA~<ADTÂW WpÂ1~MAN, ~OWMAXV1uE~ oIqTARTO PAO laMNSS &lAcKs Of excePtionol quality gabardines, covert cloth ond pick ond pick worsteds. Regu- lar te $12.95. MayOther Great Mney-Saviing Bargai*ns AI M a W RW 'l- mWHITBY L lt :i I 1BO8WMANuVLL !BWMy 3 urY 2th, 2lut E P~L'E i With 'l r ____j STAIRTS TODAT TM: CAMAIX&W BT,&MM&M, ]%OWUANV=.e CMTARIO MENS GENUINE misses' Smd, Crispy, Summery a a m You y ve Seeul