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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1951, p. 6

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*'~~ *~~,.'~-.r--,--.. THE CANAD!AN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. 3ULY 26th. 1931 , New Nemorial Hospital Needs $40,U bIoBe Clear of Dehi When Officially Opened on July 31 Built and furnished at an appreximate cost of $400,000, the building cemmittee of the new Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile, faces a def- icit of around $40,000. Donations have been generous, in rnany instances, but with construction costs inereasing almost monthly due te the higher price of essentiai material and labor, more money is stili needed. It was hoped to open the hospital debt free on July 31. but uniess donations corne pouring in the next week, this desired objective will net be reached. Originally, the building was expected te cost in the neighbonhood o! $250,000. In onder that citizens of Bowmanvilie and district can better un- derstand the distribution of costs as compared with sources of incarne, the following statement is issiued by the Hespital Board: DEBITS Bradford-Hoshal Universal Piumbing Universal Heatîng Architect's Fees Lighting Fixtures Sterilizers Sereens Kitchen Equipment Laundry Office Furniture Appropriated for Grounds Town of Bownîanville Provincial Grant Fedenai Grant Daningtcn Township Clarke Township Village cf Newcastle UJnited Counties AIl other donations CREDITS Wriqhtson Wight First Patient to Be Operated on in 1913 The fîrst patient to enter the old hospitai was Wrightson Wight. now cf Bowmanvîlie, at that time rcsiding with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Wright on their farm, Providence. Mr. Wight wns ad- mittod te the hespitai on the even- ing cf March 26, 1913, as those whe participated in the epening ceremonies were leaving for their homes. Tt was net an emergency, -Mn. $246,331.00 50,041.00 44,425.00 24,481.98 2,024.59 5,584.05 1,337.00 7,232.00 10,130.50 497.75 500.00 $100,000.00 $56,000.00 56,000.00 15,000).00 8,000.00) 3,000.00 17,000.00 97,605.17 Deficit 1,392,584.87 $352,605.17 $ 39,979.70 Wight, now empioyed xith J. H. Abernethy, assures us, just the re - movai cf an appendix wbich bad been giving trouble for some time. Losicg nn time in takicg advan- tage cf the facilities offenod by Bcwmanville Hospital, Mn. Wighit entered a few heurs aftee the doors wene efficially opened andi was openated on the next day byj a Dr. Pnimrose of Tenonte, assist- cd by Dr. Robent Clark and Dr. Alex Beith. Mn. Wright bas had a hand in briglhtcning the new Memorial Hospital with paint to greet its first patient, but he bas ne plans for being distinguished by that honor this timo. 'Congratulations.. to the people of Bowmanville. and District on the completion of their new MEMORIAL HOSPITAL HAROLD J. SMITH, M..A.L.C. ARCHITECT 62 Charles Street East Toronto SHEET METAL WORK AND ROT AIR HEATINO * HOT AIR FURNACES * AIR CONDITIONING * OIL BURNERS * ALL TYPES 0F ROOFING WNork cstimnated without obligation w~ill confor..î te lov overhead at my new location. SELHBY rGRANT 6 IWILL LANE (Off Scugog St.) BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2674 Deodorants Stoppette Spray - 75c, $1,25 Odorono Spray- - - - îac Arri] Croam 53c, 75c Fresh- -------47c, 69c, Vacation Needs Tangel for Burns - 75, $1.95 Unguentine - - - 63, $1.19 Sun Tan Oil --30c, 60e Sun Tan Cream - 30e. 60e Flashlights - $1.75, $2.00 Bathing Caps - 49c, $1.25 Sunglasses- - 29c, $5.00 C-ameras-- $3.25, $17,95 Nivea Cream - 70c, $1.25 For Flies Fy Tox Spray -35. 59.,98e Inseci Bornbs $1.39, $1.89 S)prayers -35c, 49e Olympene - -5c, Sl.25 Absorbine Jr. -$1.19, $2.39 iNysorbo 75c, $1.251 Bromo Seltzer- 29, 55, 98c Alka Seltzer - 34, 68e Sal Hepatica 43, 85, $1.45 KERSLAKE'S SWE [I FOR BEETSI No Heat 1 gal. 35c Inseci Repellanis 6-12 ----------59e Tantoo Cream ----57e Skeeter Skatter-- - 59e Repelli-- ------60c Toni Twin, Kathiene Crescente, scys,ýj TONI Horrn Permanent iteflih $1.50 7EET PICKLE MIXTURE AND CUCUMBERS No Sugar 0 % gal. 20c PRO~E CWLINS DUG SOREWE FIT P 069 N OWLIG'S RUGSORETR II19SFS 1 Bowmanville Doc tors - 1951 Dr. W. H. Birks Dr. H. Ferguson Dr. Chias. Austin Dr. Keith Siernon COVE STHE MAP 0F MEMORY Dr. H. Rundle derwater cargo of boulders and then make their way again into the neyer-never 1 a n d f r o m whence they came. The ycars have wrouglit thoir changes but for me these thing-ý xvilaixvays bc indelib)ly printcd on the map of menory. AT THE COTTAGES Mr. and Mrs. Sing Yucti have returned to Toronto alter thoir vacation at The Dîngle. Mrs. Yuen will be preparing for hpr teaching duties at one of the iîcw sehools in York Township. She successfully comPietcd her lrî.;t year's work at Toronto Normal School. Mviss Catherine Yuen etran cd a group cf voung friends last Thursday for supper and a tnp-, tn the swvings and mcerry-Igo- round. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. MeKay Jr. were weekend guests at Daisy j Dell. Master Douglas Denton is visiting bis feiend Jackie Fox at Daisy Dell. Mn. and Mrs. James Grey and family arc busiiy prepanîng to move into Meadowview as' ns new ewners. Bulletin from Gale Cottage re- ports thi'Nt Mrs. Heuther is mak- ing a splendid recovcry after lier recent operatiun. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sugden of To- ronto with their two babies, Peter and Stephen, are spending two xveeks at The Cove. Wilh therm is Mrs. Sugden's mother, Mrs. James Carlton. News comes from Halifax of the recent birth of Noble Stevens Carlton. son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Carlton and grendson cf Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carlton Sr. At Laf-a-Lot Cottage for the summer months are ir. and Mrs. T. V. McCarthy. Recent guests cf the Simpsons gentieecunve cf shoreline that Mrs. Warren Turner and child- bgivos The Cave its came, my roc cf Boxvmanvihhc. thoughts trax'el back through the Miss Rcuth Lugsdin cf Toronto years te sec The Cove cf my is with Miss Moiiy Vaughan at childhood. To the castward the The Neuk. long protecting arncof the barbon Mn. and Mrs. C. P. that used te streteh fan oct intc Back Acres spent two days with the waten, heid in the palm cf its Mn. Robins' mother at Sparrovi hand the weicoming beacon cf Lake. Tbey had as Sccday vis;,- the ligbthouse. Like a white- tors Mr. and Mrs. A. Arnold of Christmas card church it seemed Toronto. excopt for the nover failing light Master John WhIte hai corn- that cighthy shone acress the xvat- pheted two weeks at Y.M.C.A.- or brîngîng vessels safely home to Camp Picecrest. With bis pa- pent In those days thene were ents he wiii ho returning te Jour- - s. Ships that caliod te load ney's End after a short trip le c-- unload their cargees cf grainî Sudbury' vacd Manitoulin Island. n.nd ceai at the two faded red Credit gees te Miss Adreicne grain elevaters and one dingy Fox for acting as ncxs scout for1 bhack ceai elevaton that stood itemns fromn the cottages in thi: whero new the yocînger gonora- cohumn. tien spends its cveings tripping* * the light factastie tee. CHAPEL-ON-TIIE-IIILL The barbon bold a fascination Dcîe te the uncertain xvcathîerý for the yeuth cf a fermer gen- the service at the Chapel-oni-ilh- eration tue. The crib-xvork of the Hihh saw oniv about 35 people in western pion offoned a challenge attendance last Sucda.y. M\r. liar- te acy who wcouhd dare te waik it rap was the speaker and t1t' 1 te the very ecd. A dizzy feat! Prosident, Mn. Robins, conducteni 1 The wide expanse cf solid piank the service. Aften thre epening- ef the oastcrn pion hcrod the oce- hymn and Ced Save The King casienah metenist on bike-rider te Me. Bail led in pr-a.%er. I n the- travel eut and circbe the light- absence of Mn. Atwcý-ll. the hvrno bouse and back again te terra Iporion w-as led bv Me.r Kocher. firma. Those were rare cue- In bis announcment the PreSi - ronces. Mostly it was the Sun- dent extended a welecrnle te ai! day boardwahk fashýon parade <le at the service, xxith a specia; j the rendozvous for curieus on- greeting te any ncxv-eomens. An lookens at seme strange craft tied invitation from the Board cf Cov- up te its staccchi snubbing POsts. ornons te attend the oenin, cr Memnony makes me s00 agairn the Memnirai 1Hospital o uJchv.1! that sudden flash cf ight, follo\%- was rend. A veny pleasing *duel, cd by the ear splitting craFl of xvas sung bv Mr. and Mes. Hoihi- thunder, that henaided the doom day. of the chd light. Next menning Mn. Harrap's subiect waq "TIv the lighthouse keeper xvas feune, Illusion \Ve CI'eishl.' Ils te,:t dead, halfway dowc the tower was St. Matthew. Chap. 9, vr stairs. Kihbed in the lineo f 12, '"But when Jesuis hcnrd that,1 duty! hie sain] unte them,. Thev that bc To theo west cf imxY Cave? That wbohe ceen] not a phv-sician, bitý wvav advecîure la. The point they that are sick.- These %vor- whcre cow a row ef cottages shewed that Jesus thotlIt ht îk, stands, once cchoed with the sud- the Pharisces, te whýom1h"i den p-i-ni-g cf nifle shot,--far wonds woro addressed, shocild there the rifle ranges hav. Theyl have han] more c.onta I c.v,îth the hchd a store cf cartreîdqes for,- Master Physician: i IJS view chihdish troasure seekers. Be- they were physical; well but ycnd that point we watched thc, spiritualhy siek. Th'c.,- theught i smoke cf approncbin'q ves!zplç -1 themnselves -w.ell and hadn]on the Slowly moving masts cf the sense cf ceen]. It is the sanie oh] stone-hookers thî u ie.iLO it us today: we gîve i ')-service core ne mb ue ittie h13a- -te Ced. do ail the coinvnntional 1 or while laziiy "Li]ing 1their un- things expecteci of ai Clgitiàn1 Dr. C. WV. Sle.mon Dr. V. H. Storey bat. have ne sense cf reality cf Himi. Peuple xiii say that the2y believe ini Ced but de net need im in their daily life. This is Av' "illusion xve herisi'-that we eýna get. along without Ccd ancd not suffer. The speaker sain] that there is a further illusion xve chenish, thzit whii iî we do have a specifir weciv erush te Ced and pray foi- the îîccd te' be fuifillen], xith- Out ex er considcning \whlctier air nal it accord1sxit the xvilh cf Ceci. W\V desire Io put ourselves at the centre and Ccd on the eut- side, instean] cf putting God at Iihe centre and curselves at the oLitsdc. GCedcocs xvant te tise us but lie cannut do se until we niknan vl subservient tc His. w'hen wve bave dcnc se. we will bc scirprisen] at the paths xxhicli Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown, Bar- rie. visiting with Mrs. Newton in Twiilingate. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Large, town, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. C. Alleway and Suzanne. With Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole and Merle in "Glen-Deug" are: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wade, Mrs. E. Bobier, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Somme and Erie, Mr. and Mrs. R. Qgden and Lynda, Mr. and Mrs. W. Helmes and sens, Mr. W. Wade and Mr. and Mrs. A. Ru*- ter. Miss Mabel Silis with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice and family in "Sandhurst." Mrs. Jean Lament. Miss Mar- garet Lament, Glasgow, Scot- land; Mrs. E. Edmends, Toronto; Mrs. C. Penny, Newfoundlind, holidaying xith Mr. and Mrs. A. Gueran at "Camp Cozy." Mr. and Mrs. T. Sharpe, Toron- te. vacatiening in Mrs. G. Milien's cottage. Misses Mary and Barbara Dopp, Toronto, holidaying at '"Seldomi Inn." Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bottreli and sons, Jim, John and Harvey, Toronto, have returned te "Sel- dom Inn" for their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Bannister and daughtors Dianne and Bar- bara Ann, Gederich, are visiting Mr. and Mns. Harry Babb. Mr. and Mrs. C. Simpson, To- rente. visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Hutchinson at Ciiffview Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McLean, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green and Maioc, Mr. and Mns. B. W. Murchisea and baby Peter, Mimico. with iVcggy and Noryn Muiholland. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright, Mi.s N. Parker, Mr. Fred Yatcs. town; Miss Jean Street, Mr. ai-d Mns. Wm. Street Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Street Jr., with the Pankens in "'Wene-verfus." Mr. and Mrs. R. Collard, Bob Collard, Miss Anne Gray, Miss Manjorie Gaine, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. A. Lowe and Bob, Master Rickie Harnies, Toronto, in "Ir- madeil" with Mr. and Mrs. A. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hughes. Toronto. weekended in 'Leaside.*' Mr. and Mrs. L. Atcheson, New- tonville, at Mr. and Mrs. M. AI- lin's. Mn. and Mes. Rcbt. Mecish and daughter at ber mother's cot- tage "Vel-etta." Mrs. L. Windsor, Toronto. is Ho wilh open Up for us in ways cf service. Miss Wilha Simpson again led the Sunday Sehool at which about. 25 chiidren attended. Shie is usingz the Fianneigrnm meth- od cf teaching a senies cf lessons on the miracles performed by Jesus Christ. Last Sunday's lus- son xvas on the feeding cf the 5t00() on five loaves and two fishes. J.H.ADERNVETHY PAINTING AND je He 85 King Street West DECORATING visîting Mrs. F. Pethick in "'EEEE's." Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hayes, Taunton; Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. Sev- ors, town; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sev- ers, Kenneth and Bobbie, Ajax: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Severs and son. Oshawa; Mrs. Winton Ba.- nell and family, Mrs. Moily Kent and Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole and sens were guests of Mrs. Fred Cele in Gary's Paradise. he children and their friends wvere treated te a program cf movies -on Sunday ovening when Mr. Ferrest Dflling presonted four filmns from the National Film Library. Thoy were both amus- ing. entertaining and educationai. The children enjox' these littie treats cf the Beach Associatien on Sunday evenings. Mrs. Fred Coce vas hostess at a dinner party for Mrs. Fred Poth- ick on the occasion cf lher birth- day on Thursday, after whie.i thcy attended the concert in the tewn hall at xvhich talented chil- dren and peopleocf the commun- itv contributed their art and vied for the prize axvard, for the ont' votcd "tops" for the evcning. Master Gary Cule Nvas awarded the highcst number cf ballots both evenings and emerged the best entcrtaincr on thie prograrm. We ahl join in offering hini unr congratulations. Kecp Up the good work, Garv Hope te sýe your aet at our Civic Holiday en- tertainment. Our popular swimming instrue- tor, AI Witherspoon, is rnost anxicus te hchp the adults on the beach learn water safety, both on the land and in thoexvater, ospeci- ally mothers cf small children. Ile is willing te hoid thesc classes each Mondav and Thursday Pt 1 p.m. (xveather pormitting). Also he will hclp yuu learu lu swim or improve your swimming if you SO desire. The Sports Day. prograînicf sports is eut, se folks, gets prar- tised up in your specialty. Prizes are the usual fine type as in the past. For particulars sec States- man 'for our ad. Dr. and Mrs. 1H. E. W. Brown- ice, hiad as theii' gucsts Mr. and Mrs. George Latimer, Gail and Denise, Toronto: Mr. and Mis. Henry Bowycr and tamily, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brownlce and Mr. Robert Brewnhee, all cf Oshawa. Our sincere sympathiv is ex- tr'nnledh In Ir. and 1\'rs. Ross Wright (ine' Peggy, Street) on the death cf their baby daughter at Oshawa Hospital on Monday ev- en ing. Mr. and Mes. Wnm. Currie, Mr--. F. Pethick "EEEE's," Mir. and Mrs. F. Cole and Gary, "'Gary's Paradise," mctored te Pigeon Lake te visit Miss Dorothiv Annc! Currie wbo is s;vimming instrue- tor at Girl Guide Camp there. The xveekhv cuchre xvas heli WEST BEACH NEWS By The BEACH COMBER FOR WEDDINGS Crystal, Chinîa, Pictures, Figurines. FOR SHOWERS Ciips andi saucci s, Kitchen %vare, saits and peppers. Kniick-kna.cks FOR BIRTHDAYS Hlankies - Notepaper Photo Alhîîms andi Scrapbooks. For Your Hosless Alumjnuni travs, plastic Place mats and coasters Vases and Teapots In fact, whatcver your necds, %ve have the gif t to suit your purpose and pu rse. J. W. JEWELL 1131G «20", 27 King St. W., Bo-ianville PIIONE 556 Phone 431 PACE SMX in Mrs. Dornev's cottage, XTC. Once again the Saturday evenmgc bingzo was rained out.1 Our sineere thanks te Miss Lynda Miller for "combing" the beach for visitors and guests this week. The standard of living in Can- ada bas gene up by 50 per cent ever the past ten vears; in thc U.S. the increase hias been less than one-third. More than 100,000 acres cf su- gar beets have been planted in Canada this year and a million ton crop is expected. GIETS ) OFFER BEST WISHES To The NEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLE On The- Occasion 0f Its OFFICIAL OPENINO TUESDAY, JULY 3lst PAINTING AND DECORATING IN THE NEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BY ABRNEH Bowmanville ............. ................ lill - - . - -..

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