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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1951, p. 14

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VAGI TOURTWi ~RE CANAI')IAN STATESMA1~, EOWMANVILL~, ONTAMO s tEè~ ~,0M' THUR~flAY. . ATCITTOU, MA 1fl B R IN-G YP0U R MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 REAPERS BIRTHS CARTER - At St. Joseph's Hos- ptal, Peterborough, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter, 790 Devon St., a son, Robert Wayne, on August 23, 1951. 35-If KNOX-George and Eileen Knox (nee Farrow) are happy to an- nounce the arrivai of their daugh- ter, Carol Elleen, on August 28, 1951, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- mnanville. 35-1 PURDY -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Purdy are happy to announce the birth of a daughter. Susan Joan, at the Port Hope Hospital, Aug. 22, 1951, a sister for Betty, Brian and David. Both doing well. 35-1* SMITH-At Brandon, Man.. to L/Bdr. Charles E. and Mrs. Smith, a son, Victor George, on Tuesday, August 28th. 35-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn, Enniskillen, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Evelyn, to Ray Nelson Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hos- ken Smith, Enfield. The wedding is to take place at the home of the bride's parents on September lSth at 4 o'clock. 35-1* Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock announce the engagement of their only daughter, Eleanor Jean, to Jack Edward Perrin, son of Mr. Herman Perrin, Newcastle. Tfhe marriage will take place Sept. 15 at St. Paul's United Church. Bowmanville. 35-1* The engagement is announced of Helena J. Hallowell, daughter of Mr. Richard W. Hallowell and the late Mrs. Hallowell, Stark- ville, to Mr. Elmer O. Shier, Tor- onto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. Henry Shier, Sunderland. The marriage will take place Sept. 22nd in Toronto. 35-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. ýharman, Toronto, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Alice Louise, to Mr. Jack Burgess, son of Mrs. C. H. Burgess, Bow- manville. The marriage will take place Sept. 8 at 4 p.m. in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Toronto. 35-1 Mr. and Mrs. Orville K. Osborne, Bowmanville, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Helen B., to Mr. Harold W. Hammond, Bowmanville, son of Mrs. Arthur W. Hammond and the late Mr. Hammond, Brace- bridge. The marriage wîll take place Sept. 7th at 7 p.m. 35-1* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambert announce the engagement of their daughter, Florence Maria, to Mervyn L. Farrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farrell, of Pakenham, Ont. The marriage will take place on Saturday, Oct. 20th, at 9 a.m. o'clock, in St. Joseph'sj Roman Catholic Church, Bow- nianville. 35-1* CARDS 0F THANKS The family of the late Walter S. Cowling wishes to thank the men who gave blond; also palîbearers and flower bearers, and anyone who helped in any way during the accident. 35-1 I wish to take this opportunity of thanking Dr. C. W. Slemon, D~r. A. W. Harding, the staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, friends and neighbors who were so kind to me during my recent stay in hospital. G. S. Kovacs. 35-1* IN MEMORIAM FORDER-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Jos- eph H. Forder, who passed away Aug. 28th, 1943: Your memory to us is a keepsake With which we will neyer part; God has you in his keeping - We have you in our hearts. -Alwa\s remen-iered by wife and family. 35-1* Real Estate For Sale TWO Lake Front Lots. 47' x 10'. Sandy Beach. Good Road. Appiy 129 king Street W., Cobourg, or Phone 94 Cobourg. 29-7 LAKE front lot and cottage, newly buiît, 18' x 22'. 2 bedrooms. Lot 4.7' x 110'. AI-weather road to ]ot. Lovely sand beach. Location Curtis LandinÈ, Rice Lake. Apply 129 King Street W., Cobourg, or Phone 94 Cobourg. 29-7 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE Change of Address As of September lst, 1951, my new address will be: Corner 7th Con. and Leskard Rd. (2 miles north of Orono) Leroy Hamilton, Broker Phone Orono 1rI6 Orono Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgage GILL REAL ESTATE In N@wcastle-5-room insul-brick cottage, hydro, gond well. large garage 32'x 50', extra lot, low taxes. Total price $3,500. In Burketon - nine-reem frame house, hydre, full cellar, good barn, garage and garden. Pniced at only $4,000. Between Bewmanville and Osh- awa, very close te new four-lane highway, 8-room insul-brick cot- tage, hydre, 2 good wells, on 5 acres of good sandy loam. Price $4750. H. G. <Hap) Gui, Realter 78 King St. West, Bowmanville Phone Office 3326 Residence 3514 3.5-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 2 acres dlay loam, apples, pears, cherries, plums, solid brick six- room dwelling, sunponch, electric heater, bath, new furnace, barn, stable, cernent floors, water in stable, garage. Possession an- ranged. $9,500. Termas. Brick bouse, 8 rooms, 3-piece bath, new furnace, hydre, heavv wiring, hardwpod floors, large lot. $6,500. Frame 4-roem bungalow, funnace, hydre, floor covering, built-i n cupboands, breakfast nook, ful basement, just what yeu have been looking for. $5,800. Terms. Cottage at lake, 6 reems, screen verandah. $2,500. Terms. lm- mediate possession. 4-room insul-brick dwelling, 61 ý acres, well, hen house, hydre, lew taxes, north of Enniskillen. $2,000. 100 acres with a geod spring creek, ideal for trout, 8-rmom insul-brick bouse, furnace, hydre, barn, full stLable, pig pen, hen house, garage. Priced te seil, $12,000. Terms. Owner retining. Nixon'. Holiday Special Grocery Store in industnial tewn, on No. 2 Highway, doing aven $40,000 yearly, large store, grec- enies, meats, vegetables, etc. Price includes stock and fixtures, $10,000, low rent. Splendid tour- ist trade and a good winter trade. See this one. Solid brick 8-room dwelling. bath, new furnace, nicely decorated, basement, garage, vacant. $6,500. $30,000-300 acres, good produc- tive farm, 250 acres workable, 25 acres bush, 6 acres orchard, 2 barns, full stable, pig pen, hen house, silo, garage, implement shed; 15-room frame house, all conveniences, furnace, bathroom, hydro. This farm has neyer been rented or offered for sale. 65 acres in village, 1l-roomed solid brick dwelling, furnace. hydro at door, garage, convenient to stores, church, school, mil] and bus transportation. Suitable for a rest home. $7,500. Terms. Agriculture, Tobacco and Christmas tree farms, priced to sell. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 ' 35.1* Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- KELLY-In hcving rnemery cf a ton, for custom killing. Phone daughter and sisten, Isabelle, who 32 43. 32-tf passed awav Ang. 29, 194î: -Ever rernembened by fathier, FOR bulldozing, gnading, excav- mother and brothers. 35.1* atiog, etc. Cali Tay lor Bros., Osh- KILPARICKIn lvingmem-awa 3-3831 an Whitby 2687. 31-51 ory cf our dean son, Arthur Henry FOR modern and f irst class plas- Kilpatrick who died as the ne- tering: aise stucce werk. No job suit of an accident in Winnipeg, tee) small. Dial Oshawa 5-2144. Man.. Sept. 2, 1950: 34-2* In our home yen are fondiy HIGH SCHOOL boy wculd like rememhered, part time job, after feur and on Sweet memroies dling te your Satnrdays. Phone Bowmanviile namne: 35.1 Those who loved you in lite 589.351 sincereiv BRAKE DRUMS! Stihi love yen in death the sanie. Lathing, Honing and Grinding -Always remembered by mother We specialize in complete and dad. 35.1* brake ovenhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE McMANUS-In loving mernory of Phone 804 Bowmanville oui' dean son, William John Mc- 32-tf Manais, who passed away August D LD ZN 3lst. 1950: He was a flower ton sweet forBUL,-N tuuirthiu Sent here but for awhile;, God marked hirn when he gave EXl hini birthGe And teck him with a smile. Gr - Lovingly reoiembered by rnothen, dad, 'brothers, sîsters and grandmother. 35-1* STAPLES-In levîng memnory cf my dean wife, Jennie, whernb od H-YGIENlIC called Home Aug. 27, 1949: goods> mai The tender grace cf a day sealed envE that is dear Six sample: Will neyer corne back te me. Mail Order -Always wîth me in my tkioughtq, ber Co, Bc ber husband, EdSar. 8- 6CAYATING raid Baison Phone 2733 31-5*1 Personal C SUPPLIES - <rubber iled postpaid in plain velope with price list. m 25c. 24 samples $1,00. rDept. T-28. Nev-Rub- o:X 91» Hamilton, Ont. 1-.', AUCTION SALES There will be a furniture sale at Durham County Sales Arena Thursday evening commencing at 7:15. Please note the early start- ing time. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 35-1 The undersîgned has received instructions from the executor of the estate of the late Joseph Sexsmith to seil by public auction on Saturday, September lst, at 1 p.m., at his late residence, haif mile east of Newtonville, on No. 2 Highway, his entire household effects, modemn and antique furn- iture, dishes, glassware, cooking utensils, ahl kinds of linen, bed- ding, curtains, fruit, steve wood, coal, 1938 Chevrolet Coach, actual mileage 41.900, perfect condition. Plan to attend this large sale. Terms cash. No Reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 35-1* NOTICE L. C. Mason, law office, closed uintil after Labor Day. 35-1 Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will be closed from August 3lit to September 2lst, inclusive. 34-3 St. Joseph's Church parishion- ers have tickets on a summer cottage that will be drawn for on Friday, September 7, 1951. Price 25c each or 5 for $1.00. 34-2 HARVEY Dante Academy is tak- ing registration on Tuesday, Sept. 1l, from 3 - 7 p.m. in the Union Hall, 19 King St. E., for Ballet, Toe and Tap lessens. 35-2 Help Wanted DOMESTIC help wanted. Apply 126 King St. E. or Phone 972. 34-2 SALESLADY-Ladies' wear, part or full time, experience not nec- essary. Hoopers Ladies' Wear. 35-4* PINBOYS - Earn good money during spare time. Apply Mar- tyn's Bowling Academy any ev- ening. 34-2 WOMEN for tomato picking. Ap- ply corner of Simpson Ave., op- posite Downham Nurseries or Phone H. C. Pedwell, Claýke 3832. 35-1* EXPERIENCED waitress - $20.00 week plus room and board. Tips and working conditions good. Hours 7 a.m. to 10 arn., 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Ap-1 ply Balmoral Hotel. 35-1 GIRL or woman for housework in Toroj2to. Separate room, most ev- enings free, Ideal working con- ditions in good home. $15.00 week. Apply M. Breslin, Phone 854, Bowmanville. 35-1* WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Raw- leigh's Dept. ML-H-140-131, Mon- treal. 31-5 I4ADIES-We offen you an ex- ceptionally pleasant, interesting and remunerative opportunity te eann that extra rnoney se badiy needed te make ends meet. We are ont interested in the dan- vassing type af wornan. How- even, w'e do have an opening for twe dignified, serinus - rnded wornen, between the ages cf 25 and 55 who have a sense et ne- sponsibility and gyood grorning. Previens business experience is ont necessary but it is essential that you have an honest desire te earn money and get ahead. For personal interview write Box 624, c/o Statesman Office. 35.1* WANTED PLANT NURSE for Goodyear Bowmanville Apply in person or by letter to: PERSONNEL MANAGER Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd., BOWMANVILLE 35-i1 Wanted To Rent FARM-50 acres or less, hydre. Write Box 625, c/o Statesman Office. 35-1* MUSIC Director desires two bed- reom fIat, apartment or house, immediately, wife and one child. Write Box 628 c./o Statesman Of- fice. 35-1 A GOOD opportunîty te make money on your home, a merchant coming te Bowmanville with wife1 and three daughters (High Schoel age) desires heated accommoda- tion !i Bowmanville and is will- ing to supplv references and- te pay for necessary alteratiens te the owner of the right home te make it habitable for two fam- illes, this is a geod opportunity te make money on yeur home investment. Applv in writing to Box 627, c e Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. 35-1* HELP WANTED A Yonnu Man FOR STOCK KEEPER and Generai Office lVerk pertaining thereto. Apply in o-wn handwritinir: stating age. qualifications and salary expected. BOX 128, PORT HOPE, ONT. 35-1l The Ccnadian Statesman Classified Advertising Raies Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WAN-qTED), CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOTJND, ETC. Cash Rate *-30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250~ wil he added. A charge of 250~ will be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 100~ a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30~ per word; minimum charge 75e cash with order. To regular advertisers payable monthly. *Disilay Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the samne rates Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale ICE box, 50 lb. capacity, good condition. Phone 3196. 35-1* WALNUT dinette suite, gond condition, $45. Phone 3665. 35-1 HEAT Wave rangette, nearly new. Phone 2743, Bowmanville. 35-1* HIAWAIIAN guitar, good condi- tion, reasonable. Phone 2865. 35-1 HARVEST and Melba apples de- livered by the bushel. Phone 2365. 3 c- 1 TWO C.C.M. children's tricycles; 16" excellent. 20" fair condition. 22 Flett St., Bowmanville. 35-1* KIDNEY shaped dressing table, with plate glass top (unpainted); chest of drawers. Phone 841. 35-1* COAL and wood stove, white enamel; also Furnacette, excellent condition. Phone Clarke 3720. 35-1 CORN binder with tractor hitch elevator, excellent condi t i o n. Articles For Sale 'tILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, hearths and fireplaces. Walls- glazed tule or plastic, ail colours Floors -rubber, mastic, lino-tule, quarrie and ceramic. Will go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf NEW 22-plate Bissell discs, $198; tractor plow; Otaco large manure spreaders, $292 and up; flexible harrows; Rebev 912 ft. cultivator, $190; timken bearing wagons, $100; used I.H.C. tractor plow. Phone Carl Tîdd, 15 - 20 Clarke. 35-1* ONE used M.-H. spreader; 1 used Case Forage Harvester; New Case equipment: 4½,' one-way disc: 8' roller packer; forage harvester with cutter bar; trailer and mounted plows; tractor spreader; new Quaker space heaters: pres- sure water system. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 35-1 FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cmdl- ers, Washing Machines, Ranges, service on milk coolers and mot- ors, that wiring job or anything electric. Trade-in or Terrns. Con- sult Werry & Son Electric, deal- ers for Woods Electric Farm For Rent1 FIVE-room brick house, east end, available Oct. 1. Write Box 463, Post Office. 35-1 LARGE dwelling, suitable for boarders, near Queen Elizabeth Highway, furnished, flot winter- ized but habitable.- Write Box 626, c/p Statesman Office. 35-1 Strayed ONTO the premises, Lot 28, Con. 9, Darlington, one heifer. Owner may have same by proving and paying for ad. Phone 2684. 35-1 DEAD FAIM STOCIK Picked Up Promptly HORSES, COWVS, HEIFERS, SHEEP, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for horses and cows) - CALL US COLLECT - LIVE HORSES 3 - 3 ýj c for crippled and old horses. Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE Phone Bowmanville 2679 34-tf Room and Board YOUNG man desîres room and board. Phone 2865. 35-1 Pets For Sale BEAUTIFUL Dalmatien pups, 2 months old. Wesley Cawker, Phone 794. 35-1 Farmers Attention!1 WE will be pleased to pick Up dead or crippled farm animais and pay highest prevailing pjices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young Ltd. 7-42 Repairs REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgen Elec- trie, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf Wanted To Buy FIVE tons of' straw, three tons of hay, delivered. Lorne Per-ý rault, Phone Clarke 2231. 35-1* BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf 1 ern UL,.riwsiçJ, £i.. Jà, Uýw- Equipment, Enniskille n,- Phone FORESTALLING MISFORTUNE manville, Solina Rd, N. 35-1* Bawmanvile 2539. 35-3 POTATOES - Speciaiizing in Ne. NEW shiprnents cf Gold Seal Con- The Senate of Canada was set 1 top quality petatees. Orde goleum and Rexoleum Deluxe, 2 up as a check upçon the exuber- your suppiy now. Deug Curl, and 3 yards wide, cheose from 40 ance cf the House ef Commons, Bowmanvile, Phone 3101.__20-tf motdPb wr and a safeguard eto the liberties ______________________patterns. Ipre ac a-of the people. It is heartening to RUG, woveo, 6' x 9', excellent ranty floor coverings, in new se t accepting this role with condition: Electrolux; Westing- designs. Hall runners, in&dbmn eiouses.Th fn house batteny radio. Phone 2625. linoleum and large selection in bcmn eiuns.Teln 35.1* rug sizes. Morris Ce., Phone 480.aca omte fta oy I 29-tf ter six montlis' caneful study ef MASON & Risch piano, gond con- present trends, has made its re- dition, pniced reasenably. Apply RECESSED bathtubs $60; smart port, and listed its proposais for 59 Ontanio St., or Phone 2492. Martha Washington and Rich- halting growing inflationaryý 35-4* ledge stainless thnee piece bath- trends and forestalling the threat room sets white $160.00 to $189.00. of another great depression. Thene TOMATOES, cabbage, carnets, Coloured $274,00 complete with cani be little new in such propos- field mangolds, last caîl. Corne beautiful chronîed fittings. Air ais but they are sober and au- and get then. -Alfred Shrubb, conditioning furnaces $295.00, thoritative, and they do corne Phone 2680. 35-1 Special offers te plumbers and with ail the prestige cf the highi -Ibuilders toc. Save rnany valuable parliament of the land. CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, dollars, buy with confidence and We do net know what attention yard goods and hall runners; Rex- have a nicer home. Satisfaction the Commons will pay te this re- oleumn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, guaranteed. Extra discounts cff port. We do knew that they have yard goods at budget prices. catalogue pnices if we suPPly been fittingly warned, that a Phone 451, Walken Stores. 23-tf everything yen need for cemplete check on unnecessary government USED roof slates, approximateîy plurnbing or heating installation. spending is impenative, partîcli- 1,400 squares, ideal for repairing Catalogue includes litho photos cf lanly in those fields nof fixed cnt- shate roofs, about eight stinare main fixtures, pnices and instal- la *y fnom which there is ne wit- inches weather exposed, make an lation diagrarns. Select style cf drawal. When government costs offer te Wrn. Clarke, Lever s Lane, sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, increase faster than the resources Bowmanville, Phone 2688. 35-1 showers, steves, refnigerators. necessairy te meet them we are __Pressure water systems, oul burn- reaching dangerous days. Hew PLUMS, Green Gage and, Lom- ers, septic and ail tanks etc. Visit fan are w'e frcrn danger, the cern- bard, 1l qt., 50c; 6 qt. 30c. Please or write Johnson Mail Order Di- mittee enquires, when pnivate bring your own containers. Green vision, Streetsvil]e H-ardware, savings have cleclined anid produe- Gages ready any time. R. Hofl- Streetsville, Ontario. Phone 261. tien, for ail the stimulants given lingsworth. Phone Clarke 1602.1 Evenings 51r15. 31-tf it, and for ail the industnial 35-1 growth, does littie more than just WE measure and instal finest Livestock For Sale miti tct qnalty enetan hins, nw pas-The Senate committee report tic tapes available, casily kept 21 six-week-eld pigs; 1931 Chev. geesfate an dples h dlean, rnany colours to khoose car. Phone 2904. 35-1 growing public dependience upon from. PoneMoris o.,the State. It wanns that cireating frem * hon Moris e.,'0 BRINDLE cow, five years eld. new demands ton revenue te meet *29-tf John Griffin, Yelverto. 35-I * these expanding Iixed costs cao PLUMBING. Heating arid Obi have but one reslt-the growing Burer istale aywhreinTEN geod pigs, 8 weeks aId, power cf government and th' Durham Conty. easna,è resi Yorkshire and Tamworth cnossed. steadv decline cf the liberties of1 and highest quality. Fo free Poe26.3 5 -1 the people. This wanning. blî t estirnates caîl S. Blain .Eliott, FIFTEEN 6 and 8-week-old pigs. remcmbened, comnes îîot fncm' Heating, Plumbing & Tinsnpithing, Phone 2985, Ernest Hockadayv. those who cao easiy be dubbed Phone 3348. 29-tf 35-1 'interested parties," but fnom our __________________________own paniament. Its report cieariy USED Massey-Harris 6' eut Clip- states that however necessary se- p on combine, with Wiýconsîn Seed for Sale cial measures mav appear te be rnator- M-H. 102 Jr. tract«r; new __________________ the intiationany pressures that re- 8' Dnnham discs at attractive i FALL rye for sale, power cleaned.! suit cati oct be debated. These pnices. S. S. Menton ý_ Son, Phone Port Penny Illr5. 35-1* pressures are serieus eneugh that Massey-Hannis Dealers, Ph4pne 781. RGSEE e onl under pnoionged sethack thev i35-1*RGSERD N.1 onl might easiy bankrupt these meas- - Whea-t: also Commercial No. 1, unes. VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 djfferent treated fer smut. Garnet Rickard, Th Seae c mtîe as colours cf t1pes, 15 siat colours, Phone 2813. 352 es ettat ene ariepensn Fîexalum, UImuminum or 1Steel, -2 obigti onstcfha h reipoace measured and installed ffnee 'of Fobditins cf th aralvzing impct charge. Phone 3121. ýWeber's __________________ fitanatonfoteonrl 'vongthmpectn Fabric Centre. 17-tf ofifainItonvo h cn [BUDGIE bird. Owner rnaY hav'e cmv but on the thinking cf the WAGON and Trailer Axi qs. Your same bv praving and paving for1 people--the sateguard cf democ- chaice of Che%-., Ford oe Dadge ad. Phone 832. 35-1 racyv. The rernedv snggested is wheels eithen 15" or 16" iso vour that al goveromnents shonid ne- own spare wiil work. Pie only AT High Scheol grounds follow- strict ahi entlay, particularliyin $30 each, while they la#.- This ing Lions Carnival, several art- the field cf fixed and contînueus includes: axle, hubs, wý,heié1s, tires icles of clothing. Anyone having , spending; that the public should and tubes, ail assembleM, lined lcst samne, please apply at 22 understand that the unwhoiesomne up and painted. Springs $10,00o Silven St. 35-if svstem cf wages chasing pnîces a pair extra, if desired. Please and pnires chasing wages .. th, note that this speciai offer is anly Custom W~ork hene cof henefit is a delusien. The geed whiie present stock hasts se cclx' possible safeguard is that order eariv. Sîssons Garage. WITH tracter, plowing, etc. J. all . ho spend ies,. and ail %Iwho Piont Orono 1031. 34-tf li. A1Ldread, Phione 496. 35-4e produce ukiould produ.ce mort. Dairy Farmers Urged Io Determine Productive Guality of Test Tube Cows The dairy farmers in Durham County who have adopted the cemparatively new system of ar- tificial breeding were reminded by George CJemons at the twi- light meeting at the McConkey farm, Peterborough, that they have a new respensibility that should net be neglected. They owe it te themselves col- lectively and individually te as- certain the value of the service they are getting. They can see and gauge the quality of the young cattle that are being pnoduced in their herds from distant sires which have replaced their own. That is a visible physical factor which the 'v can determine fnom their experience as breeders. They are in a position te observe by companisen with the stock which they had previously developed in their former plan cf breeding the physique, conforma~tion, type and other details which they desire and expect te find in co ntinuing their herd development. To Confirm Hopes The dairy farmen wilI have to go further than these objective results cf the new system which he has accepted. It is going te be up te him te find out whethen the yield cf milk confirms the promises and records of the fe- males in the maternity cf the sires in which he has now placed a highly important dependence. That was the pith cf the ad- vice Mr. Clemons stressed in his recommendation fer more farmers te take advantage cf the R.O.P. service that is previded by the Dominion Department cf Agricul- ture. It will be recalled that Mn. Cie- mens said there are only 16 per cent of the Holstein Association rnembership whose cattie are on Canadian Record of Performance. In other werds 84 cf every 100 farmens cwning that breed are asuming that the milk flow cf their cattle is at least satisfactory, or are dependiiig on returns frorn their dairy as some kind cf guide te them. or they may have their own method cf testing and grad- ing. Soon Milking The first local cattle cf Maple breeding will probably be cern- ing into milk production this faîl, and it is then, te paraphrase Mr. Clemons' suggestion, that their e vnens should take steps te kneov definitely what the newcomers are contributing te the yield from thein herds. Unden the individu- al management in the past, he isaid, it did net matter a greu~.a if results fromn a herd siryer unsatisfactory. Generally tose 1resuits were related only te the one herd, but with artificial breeding the effects of the sire's contribution ext e nd through tmany herds. Se, the dainy farmers who are resolved te continue in the in- dustry are vitally concerned in knowing positively whether the new system ise serving their breed and economic purpeses to the extent that they hoped and expected when they signed mem- bership applications and for- warded thein cheques. They got rid of their own bulls, in most cases, and were relieved of cost and cane and ahl the rest of the accustomed job. Soon they have te know what they have te show for their money, their decision and their confi- dence. That was the substance cf Mr. Clemons' message te them, and te the Holstein breeders who heard him as he spoke as one whe is keenly interested in their breeding and financial invest- ment. To that end, he recem- mended R.O.P. Presurnably farmers had ne in- tention in switching te artificial breeding te go along more or less in the dark about the merîts of the change they entered intt. It might be inferred that if they fail te apply checks and tests, the alternative would be to leave that responsibility te Maple headquarters. Obviously that transfer would invelve costs which would have te be passed on te the membenship. Should Know Exactly Dairy farmers, and the beef men. tee. wilI naturally want te assure themselves that they are on the right breeding track, and that the herd sires in the Maple barns are rcally proving them- selves and their pedigrees in Pet- erborough, as elsewhere in Sim- cee. Grey, Victoria, andi in the ether aneas represented in the Maple Association. Granted that good sires have been purchased and assembled at Maple, and that this system cof breeding has been thoreughly demenstrated in the United States and Great Britain. ' herd cwners will have te themselves whethen they are\ sat- isfied with that general recem- mendation and approval, or are lhey going te apply their own tests, that is in the dairy division, te determine the productive quai- ities of their test tube cowq. The History of How The Phrase "In God We Trust"" Is on U.S. Coins You ma.ý have often wondered nized the mnenitcf his plea. Within cencerning the enigin of the a week he had dispatched a note phrase on American coins "In te the Directer cf the Mint in God We Trust". We feund the Philadelphia, James Pollock: answer te our curiesity in a re- "No natien can be streng ex- lease sent out by The Chase Na- cept in the strength cf God," he tional Bank cf New York which wrete, echoing the sentiments cf follows: the clergyman, "or safe except in The Rev. Mr. Watkinson was His defense. The trust of our troubled. In his small parish at people in God should be declared Ridleyville, Pennsylvania, he on aur national ceins. breoded over the low ebb cf "You wiIl therefere cause Union fortunes after Fort Sump- device to be prepared withoutý ter and- Bull Run. He deplored unnecessary delay with a mette, the godlessness cf a nation al- expressing in the fewest and ready seven months in civil war. tersest words possible this nation- One cheerless November day al recognition." in 1861 he sat down at the antique desk in his rectery and wrote a The Director cf the Mint acted letter of singular eloquence te the quickly on the Secretary's order. Secretary cf the Treasury. Before the year was out a bronze "One fact touching our currency pattern fer a $10 gold piece with has hitherto been seriously over- the motte "God, Our Trust" had looked," he wroïe. "I mean the been submitted. Shortly there- recognitien cf the Almighty God after "Our Country, Our God" in seme ferm on our coins. What was suggested. But it was not if our Republic were now shat- until 1864e that "In God We tered beyond recognition? Would Trust" first appeared on a United net the antiquaries cf succeeding States coin, a twe-cent piece. centuries rightly reasen from aur Salmon P. Chas himself had pro- past that we were a heathen pesed this inscription. nation?" Today this mette has the ring Proposing a mette on the theme cf timelessness, as though it had of "God, Liberty, Law," he con- been given on tablets of stone te cluded: "This would relieve us of the founding fathers cf a republic the igneminy cf heathenism. This cenceived in a deep religinus would place us openly under the spirit. Vet until 1864 our coun- Divine protectien we have per- try's moneys bore only practical senally claimed. From my heart and mundane slogans, such as the 1 have felt our national shame terse injunctien "Mmnd Yeur Busi- in dîsowning God as net the ness" on the Fugin Cent, issued lcast cf aur present national dis- in 1787 as the first coin cf the asters." United States. The Secretary cf the Treasury Most U.S, coins in circulation was Salmon P. Chase, one cf today bear the inscription "In Lincoln's ablest cabinet members. God We Trust." Silver dollars, Later he was te become Chief haif dollars and quanters were Justice Of the United States, and minted with the M 1816 it was in his honor that The and have carried ilt ine Chase National Bank cf the City It finst appeared on penny of New York was named in 1877. in 1909, but not on the dirne The Secretary, deep in prob- until 1916. The five cent piece lems cf financing the war, read carried the motta from 1866 te this letter from the Rev. M. R. 1883, and after a long lapse re- Watkinsen and promptly receg- sumed it in 1938. SANFORD FARM MILK and BEEF TRULY DUAL- PURPOSE SHORTHORNS When at the Exhibition you are invited te visit us at Sanford. Inspect the Herd (90-Heid). See our Young Stock including some splendid Young Bull Prospects. mee sonie Heifers by our Great Stock Bull "Sanford Commiand" - by Baiiysudden Command (Imported). You may also be interested in our recently Imported 4-Head of Irish Cattie, Winners at the Belfast Spring Show. HERD DULY ACCREDITED FOR 24 VEARS VACCINATED - BJLOOD -TESTED Sanf ord Farm - Meadowvale (3 miles south cf Brampton, 20 miles froni Toronto) Telephone Brampton 207-J-12 or Toronto Mayfair 2690 4 àL PAY CASH AMD SAVE-MINIMUM COS T 50c PER AD 1 1 ok -11 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO "MUDA'T. - AVOUST 30. lUf . . 1 PAGZ

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