a fM ~ CA1iAA rAMMN OMXAKYUZL u çnm PAVC W -Mga ?NwmmA.=" $o S.in Durham Homemah Fine Showing ai Pi Thursday, August 23 was Junior Day at the Peterborough Exhi- bition. when 190 Junior Boys and girls took part ini the day's pro- gram. One hundred Homemak- ing Club members fram six Coun- ties (Durham, Victoria, North- umberland, Peterborough, Hast- ings and Prince Edward> held a good program oi individual judg- ing and club work at the Market Hall. Nine of the girls who were elh- gible from Durham County, hav- ing campleted two or more home- making Club projeets and were 14 years of age or over, taak part in the Junior Session. These girls represented Bowmanville and ,Bethany Clubs with the lead- ers alsa showing interest as usual by their attendance. The leaders are Mrs. T. Buttery, Mrs. D. S. Grant, Bowmanville, and Mrs. M. Finney and Mrs. Page, Bethany. Garden Club exhibits were placed by nine clubs representing PONTYPOOL We arc g]ad ta report that aur cotunty road bas completed the paving and it appears ta be a good job. It is very unfortunate ta have had so many accidents occur. The most series being the Miller boy who had bis leg solI badly skinned and badly torr inj a piece of road machinery and is making a strong fight for bis life in Peterborough Civic Has- pital. Our local doctor, McPher- san's ambulance and the Provin- cial Police got the lad ta haspital in record time. The city papers, gave a very lengtby report of the accident witb the counicil and road emplayees getting a severe reprimaad. It is flot the intention of this writer ta state his opinion but it does not look as if there xvas any wilfull neglect on the part of the employees. Mr. Alvin Olan bad bis car badly smashed an a side swipe with a car driven by ane of aur Toronto visitors at the cemetery gate, Mr. Olan's car was driven by Fred Youngman and traffic was held up while Provincial Police investigated. Fortunately, no one was injured. Earlier in the week Mr. Fred Brawn, Millbmaok, turned Mis5 truck upside down over a win- draw of gravel when he thaugbt lie was gaing ta be hit by a large cing Clubs Malte Nesileton Siation Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Gs n leferborough F air daughters, Susan, Kathryn and Mary, have returned ta Montreal atter vistmng relatives and the Caunties. Bowmanville, rep- friends. resenting Dut1iam County. placed Mr. and Mrs. R. Davisan and in the first award group with Sey- daughter Margaret spent Manday mour West Club fram Northum- in Port Hope. berland. These exhibits were Douglas Davison returned ta judged for the original way which Toron ta with James Tompkins for the vegetables were displayed, boiays and the quality of the vegetables as which was the most important. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Demanstrations and skits were Cecil 'Wilson were: Mr. and Mrs. presented by clubs representifiz Fisher, William's Point: Dr. Wil- each County. Bowmanville Club liams, Mrs. Bateman, Mrs. Proutt, presented "Clothes Closets up ta Mrs. Sues, Caesarea; Miss Gladys Date" and again placed in the Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred f irst group. award. The members Samelîs and Christie and Mrs. taking part were Diane Webber, Anderson, Bowmanville. Ingrid Conway and Joan Buttery. Mrs. Gardon Metcalf, Cheryl Eleanar Rowan of the Bethany and Douglas visited Mr. and Mrs. Club gave the comments on the H. Samelîs. exhibits Clothes Closet Acces- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, sories' and was also placed ini GWen and Eunice, Mr. and Mrs. the first award graup. Herman Samelîs witb Mr. and These girls are now loaking for- Mrs. Harold Laing, Omemee. ward to starting their faîl pro- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Mr. ject "The Supper Club" which and Mms. Harold Miller, Lindsay, will start in October under the visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce supervision of th Home Ecan- Heaslip. omist Jean Noble. Mr. and Mms. Findlay Harris, Belleville, are vîsiting Mr. and truck. No seriaus injuries re- Mrs. Jas. Harris. sulted.. Mrs. Jas. Ferrier, Perth, with Threshing machines are gamng ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson late and early. Most farmers are Marlow, delivering Mr. Marlow's stook thresbing and are haping new car ta Nestieton. for gaod weatber ta complete Mr.Jh MaoMran their work. r.Jh alw M.an We are glad ta report Mr. Bert Mrs. Gilbert Marlow, Blackstock, Ricbardson is able ta sit up for visited Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Mac- a while each day. low. Railraad men and local farmers Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbitt of fougbt a bad grass tire for same Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. time on the Miller property, east Marvin Nesbitt and Mr. Elmer of the village. It was supposed Nesbitt. ta have been started by a asn Congratulations ta Mr. Sharpe freight train. It was pasingun who celebrated a birthday on der cantrol after burning over 20 Tuesday. acres of grass. Fortunately it did Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomp- not go furthec as some of the son and Johnnie. Hamilton, visit- adjoining farms are covered with ed Mr .and Mrs. Grant Thompson. young trees. In the village and Miss Nancy Elliott, Washburn vicinity are several patches of Island, visited Miss Marion sweet claver that should be re- Thompsan. maved as they are a ceai tire Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins ba7ard to the entime communitv. and Jim have returned ta their A small town paper correspond- home in Toronto. ent (nat Bawmanville) gave aur Mrs. John Williams with Mc. local counicil, citizens and visitars and Mrs. George Bawers and a severe rap in regard ta dump- family. ing scrap, killing chickens, etc. Miss Marilyn Metealfe, Brock- There are proper mediums ta con- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen- tact before letting the world er Burton. know our failings. Be proud of We are sarry ta report Mrs. youc community, if tbings are Fred Hyland bas been quite ili wrong make them right, if rigbt and wish ber a speedy recavery. keep tbem >right. If you can'i Mrs. Sproule, Taronto, with her be a booster don't be a knocker. sister, Mrs. Norman Lansing. _______________Miss Marion Thompson bas finished as camp nurse at St. Medical statistics show 600,000 Christopher House South and is Canadians suffer fram artbritis in Pefferlaw nursing ber aunt, or rheumatîsm. Mrs. Jas. Nayloc, following an _________________________operatian in Western Hospital, ____________________Toronto. ~ ~ The final baking sale for the summer was held at tbe summer - ~ '1 cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, .îx William's Point, on Saturday. * Proceeds bave been most gratify- ing. Some seventy neighbors and friends met Wednesday evening for a social evening and pre- - ~ ~ XXsentation for Mr. and Mms. Lewis - Fitze who are moving from the facm ta Blackstock. A program, lunch and dancing made an en- joyable evenîng. Music Was sup- - i lied by Mm. Herman Wilson, Miss Phyllis Williams and Mr. S Sunday evening services in the Presbyterian Church have been splendid with many lakeshore residents In attendance. Thaugh ahservices have been beld in the basement it is hoped ta have ars of sure, low-cost pro- ing Sunday. Miss Sommerville, h ouses, barns, sheds, Mm. Fisher and Mr. McComb as- ses, etc. Handy and easy sisted with pleasing salas and uli nstuctins ith ach Rev. Mr. Elliott, Caesarea, an PuIlinstuctons ith ach honoured guest of 88 yeams, de- DON BMcGREGOR HARDWARE LIMTE!> "We Help Make Houses ... Homies" PIIONE 3384 BOWMANi-LLE 59 KING ST. W. HAMPTON Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa, is visiting hem sister, Mrs. Joe Chapman. Mr. and Mca. Lloyd Willis, To- ronto. with Mr. and Mms. J. Willis and Miss Beatrice Colwill. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey spent the weekend with Mms. Clama Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Power and family, Sunderland, witb bis sist- er, Mrs. Gamnet Johnston and Mm. Johnston. Mr. and Mra. Ken Pooler and Larcy, Oshawa, and F0O. Reg. Kemscy, witc and sons, Ajax, vis- itcd theim parents, prior ta Reg. and Mrs. Kersey moving ta Lon- don. Miss Madlyn Wîlcox is spend- ing this week with Mm. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox, Cobourg. Congratulations ta Mr.- and Mrs. Donald H. Goode (nec Mar- garet Tink) who were married in ouc cbumch on Saturday. A ndmber of ladies werc pleasantly entertained at the home of Mcs. J. R. Reynolds on Thurs- day evening in honor of Miss Lulu Reynolds whose birthday was that day. The bosteas was assisted by Mrs. Damant and Mcs. Caverly in the secving of dainty rcfreshments. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended ta Madlyn Wil- cox and Mr. and Mms, Bloyd Wil- cox in the sudden passing of tb&r mother. also ta ber sisters and brothers. The fuineral was held tram hec home on Thursday af- temnoan witb intemment in Bow- manvilie Cemetery. OFF TO SCHOOL IN FRESH CLEAN CLOTHES .. . MUake the most of your children's clothes by getting extra seasons of wear out of them. To do this sirnply send the clothes to us and we wiII return them spotlessly clean ready for niany more weeks of wear. Phone 520 for Our Pick-up Service To-day BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY or Leave Orders at:- DYER'S DRUG STORE - NEWCASTLE COOPER'S BARBER SHOP- ORONO BARRON'S (GENERAL STORE -HA.MPTON way back tram Paint Au Baril. They left on Sunday foc Windsor, taking Katherine with them. Thumsday night aur hardbal tcam hast ta Betbany at Bethany, making one win toc each. The date toc the last game bas not been settled yet. Mcs. M. R. Sanderson and' Beth. Toronto, visîted Mr. and Mca. Clarence Maclow. Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Roy and Harry, came at the weekend. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, witb Mcs. James Henry. Mrs. G. Winterboucne, Winni- peg; Mms. R. Knox, Sarnia, visit- cd their nephew, Cecil Hill and Mca. Hill. Paul and Carol Rabm are hall- daying with Mr. and Mca. Arthur Rahm at Tyrone. Misses Joyce Venning, Norma Malcolm, Wilma and Jessie Van Camp spent hast week at Lake Bernard Lodge, Burke's Falls. There was a shawer lxi the Community Hall Friday evening foc Mr. and Mms. Eari McQuaid (nec Yvonne Jackson). Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Harvey Yeihowlecs (Lois Lammer) who were married Sat- urday at the home of the bride. They were very considecate of the reat of us by iding in the back of Rahph's truck through the village so we couhd get a look at the happy couple. Mms. William Van Camp is home after a grand holfday with hem cousin at St. Joscp'I's Island. Mm. und Mca. Harohd Swain and f amily and -, Mca. Luther Mountjoy weme at Morganston with Mm. and Mrs. Lawrence Mountjay. Mr. and Mca. Bruce Curtis and Mrs. Davies. Orillia; Mr. and Mms. Alvin Bruce, Scagrave, witb Mca. Robert Bruce and Miss M. King. Miss Reta Swaîn. Alma College. St. Thomas, and Mca. Harold Wermv, Toronto, visited their cous- ins. Mrs. Clarence Maclaw, Mca. Arthur Bailey and others. Misses Betty and Beth McGilI. Port Pemry, with their grandmoth- cm. Mrs. L. Mountjoy. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Riding and chidren, Union City, Penn., with Mrs. W. A. Van Camp and other relatives. Rev. C. H. Ferguson and Mary- liss. Kemptville. and Miss Helen THANK YOU!l The Members of the BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB wish Io express their sincere thanks fo ail who helped make iheir-carnival a huge success lasi Friday evening. À special thank§ goes to al ihose who sold and bought craw tickets on the cars. Il is with this splendid co-operation and your financial help that the Lions Club of Bowmanville is able Io carry on ifs communify work in this district. Again a sincere bhank you. Don Williams, President. H.L. Goddard, Carnivai Manager. 4 1 1 livered a splendid sermon Sab- bath evening. Misses Adeltha and Alma Gra- ham, Mount Albert, visited Mr. and Mca. Lorenzo Mountjoy. Mr. Cecil Slemon, Haydon, la assisting with the hacvest at the farm of bis brother-in-law, Mr. Lorenzo Mountjoy.- Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt was hast- ess ta the Cadmus W.A. on Tues- day evening. Visitors with Mca. Jas. Samelîs and Mr. Norman Samelîs were: Mc. Fred Moore, Miss Eileen Crockett and Mr. Bennett, Bow- manville. Congratulations ta Mca. Matilda Samehis who celebrated a birth- day. SALEM Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Ken Rundie on their mac- riage. Congratulations ta Salem girls bail tcam on being winners of their league this year. Miss Joan Craig lcft Monday ta train foc a nurse in Oshawa Hospital. Best of huck n your chosen career, Joan. Master Raymond Twist wiâh Mm. and Mrs. Ross Allun, New- castle. Master John Twist with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crydemman, Maffle Grave. Mrs. Jim McGmegor and Jim- my, Miss Blanche Wotten, Osh- awa; Mrs. Cyril Avery and tam- ily with Mm. and Mca. E. Twist. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and family, Mm. Fred Twist, Whitby, at Pcesqui'lle Point. Mrs. George Goddamd and Louise, Couctice, with Mms. L. Welsb. Mcs. Eva Christie and Diane, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Messrs. David and Hecb Ccaig accompanied a bus load of Junior Farmers on a visit ta Malabar Farms, Ohio. and other points of intemest in the U.S.A. Fergugon, Camundonga, Angola, Next Sunday afternoon will be A man who makes money hand CADMUS Africa, viisted et Cecil Hfll's and the Decoration service. over fist usually bias a wife who Roy Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- makes the fist hanci over the Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met Misa Mona Ferguson is teaching son, Misses Gladys and Irene money. at the home of Mrs. Marvin Nes- at the Schooi for Leaders.,in Whit- visited Mrs. Joe Veale and Miss bitt with a good attendance. by this week. Norma Suggitt, Prince Albert. Don Larmer bas purchazed a St. John's W. A. Meeting Mrs. Wesley Campbell visited new Chevrolet car. r.Jsp odNettn Dr. and Mrs. Robt. Bonny in Misses Joyce Larmer, Toronto,gMr. Jeh Fre frthestletonToronto. and Audrey, Burketon, i]thr meeting of the W. A. of St. John's parents.AnlcnCuhBaktk o Several from here attended theAnlcnCuhBcstko The ashes of a six-foot man presentation for Mr. and Mca. Thursday evening. Devotional will usually weigh between eight Lewi Fize t Nrth esteto. .period was taken by Mca. G. Nich- and nine pounds after cremati. Lewi Fize a Noth Nstlto oIson who used as ber theme same Miss Mare Hnna vîstedof Isaîah's prophecies which foire- r. Bdsiniyshawa.i c ind t tld the coming of Jesus. Mrs. Mr.Bily ana i cnfiedtoFred Hamilton, in the Study Oshawa Hospital. We aIl hope Book periad, read a letter from hie will be home soan. ihp Wso of eralm Ivan and Calvin McKee visited TBishopW son owedbyJeral friends in Kirkfield an Sunday. Thi asfllwd y sOeURj~T~' he nd embers reading a paragrapb Rh Mr. and Mrs. Murray She n each of an article entitled "The Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Petition of Palestine." Shea, Betty and Billy, Janetville, A ee pesdt ec Mr. Lloyd Henry, Bowmanvillera th tesurMsEv visited Mr. and Mrs. Lame Parc that our new organ was McKee. adfriful Mc. and Mrs. Lamne McKeepadfrifu. visited Mc. and Mrs. Jack Wilson Dorcas Secretary, Mii. H. Mc- and r. ad Ms. W. Hery. Laughlin, read a letter tramn an and r. ad Ms. W . Hery. Indian School, "Ail Saints" in Yelverton ladies are presentingPrneAbrSs.aco- Audrey McKee with a miscellan-PrneAbtSs. cow eous shower on Thursday night ledging aur bale. Mrs. McLaugh- at Mrs. Murray Malcolm's. lin also displayed a quilt top and Permanents Audrey McKee and Bert Shea lining donated by Miss Vera Fr-___ visited friends at Janetville. der. Members were very grate- Pert and cute, with a yearnin' ____________ fui tac this gift. for learnin', this young Miss Fo Beginners - $3.95 It was decided ta put an the has one of aur student spec- High School play "Little Women" this fal HAYDON Mrs. Jas. Farder's group have iais. Whether in class or at Students - $5.95 Mr _Jme _____ha te i been busy as they have a goodly the big game, it's one creation Special Off er Gond for Mc.Jams MNei ba th mi- sum of money ta hand over ta the that will really catch the eye! ToWesOl fortune ta eut off part of bis left treasurer. ToWesOl thum whle wrkig atthesaw Mrs. Thos. Smith read an article thmb whioworkin atthe-aw ram The Living Message which - OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS - milion anda. -tald how the "one cent piece" is A charivari was given Mc. and alwavs welcome at the W. A. al- Mrs. Delbert Martin an Wednes- though it is so little use in every- day night. They bave returned ta day living. their home in Weilsville, N.Y., Mcs. Langfeld thanked aur hast- Jo n ' iIu y en tre aftec visiting Mr. and Mca. Jack ess on behaîf of ail present after Potts and Mms. W. Martin. wbich Rev. Nicholson closed the Open Monday to Saturday ail day We are glad ta report that Mr. meeting with the benediction. David Malcolm came home tramn Lunch was served by the host- EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT the bospital last weekend. ess. Miss McKee, Mrs. C. Farder PHONES 455 RESIDENCE 2951 Sympathy is extended ta the and Mrs. Lamb. Thece were 23 relatives of the late Walter Cowl- present. ing in their sudden bereavement. __________ Cburch services were resumedI lat unayafe a itemisinToni Woodhury's Soap of five weeks. Service this Sun- E T TO day at 3 p.m. as usual.Ho ePr a ntS cil Mm. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mc. and Mrs. Marwood Chap- Glen, Mrs. E. Westbury, Toronto, man, Millbrook, visited Mr. and ~ .JJ2cks ahsz 5 at Mr. H. Asbton's. Mary Lau Mrs. George Johns. $.02cks ahsz 5 Ashton retumned home with bier Mcan Ms.W.DnE- Ton! Refil------- --- $.50 4 cakes, regular size ---- 30e parents aftec spending the sum- var.,avisited Min.andaMs. H. mer holidays with ber grandpar- Vae ine. Ha Feve.Relne ---- ----- Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Garrard Master Ralpb Vine visited bis Ha eerRle spent the weekend in Toronto. sister, Mrs. Reg Middleton at MS Mm. and Mrs. James Graham, their new home at Malton. Ailergitabs ------$.00 - $2.50 Bowmanville, at Mr. Leslie Gra- Mr. and Mca. George Jobns, Pyrithen Camp. tabs. -- 65e ôP54OW2HoIp retiove bam's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited Raz-Mah Caps.-- 65c-$1.35 Mm. and Mrs. Eimore Walker, Rev. and Mca. Harry Atkinson atj Haytone------------ 50c-$1.00 DULLNESS e SICK HEADACHE Mm. and Mrs. M. McAlpine, Toron- their cabîn trailer at Stephenson's IDuke Fingard Outfit --$7.95 ACIO 1INDIGESTION 0 CONSTIPATION ta, at Mc. J. H. Waiker's. Point. Privine Nase Drops --95e wt Mm. and Mca. Roland ThOmpsan Mc. and Mcs. Victor Malcolm Lantigen "E" $6.00 and tamily at Mr. Frank Os and tamily visited Mr. and Mrs. ____________ mond's. Newcastle. Lawrence Malcolm. E 0 Mm. Wmn. Cocrigan. Miss Olive Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., To- Isciie Rankine, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. conta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. nsecTicAdes Chas. Allun, Midland, tMc. Chas.ee. Fly-Tox ------ 35c-59c-9ge Rankine's. Rev. and Mca. Harry Atkinson Fly-Tox Bombs--- $1.39 Karen Thompson visited at Mr. and David, Mr. and Mrs. Wihmec Bridgeport Bomb - $2.49 Earl Thompson's, Bowmanviihe. Fitze, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Sprayers- 35e Mr. Chas. Briggs, Mr. Bill L. Joblin spent Saturday evening Sra 13 Briggs, Miss Fay Michael, Toron- with Mr. and Mcs. George Johns. Sank 13 ta, at Mm. Cecili Semons'. Mca. The ice crcam social on Friday TH IHEE G Çin Fis 50e 79e Chas. Briggs cetucned home with night was quite a success with a R IHEEG Dodd's Puis 50e_ themn after spending a few weeks good program and large crowd. -Yeor-Round AIka-Seltzer 4-6 Mm. aierndoMca. WlceAane- bsout Mc. andsrs. L ewi itze Famiîy Tonic- Feenamint ---19e-33c-_69c wirh aerndors. WleAane- bout 70 M rend r.ws d neîgh-i itmn eca39 son, Oshawa, at Mm. R. Sander- gathered in the C.O.F. ball on -~ ihi iai ec------- -35c-69c-$l3 san's. Wednesdav night and presented ond Sunshino Zambuk - -____ 50e Mr. Cecil Slemon at Mr. Lac- Mr. and Mrs. Fitze with a beauti- Vitamin D Fowler's WIld enzo Mountjay's. Nestleton. fui tri-light lamp and a gift of Strawberry 60e Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kaiser, money befome they mave ta their ~ Garmy and Ann, Ottawa; Mr. John new home in Bhackstock. A pro- (J 'F~acelle, Cushioned 2.5e Stafford, Miss Shirley Garrard, gram, dancing and lunch was F acelle, Men's. 36c Tootoleenex, r Yug-ejoe. hy il egIal man and tamiiv, Tyrone, at Mr. missed in aur community. mKlee.iiex, medn sma3622 Chas. Garrard's. Mms. George Johns' on Wednesday Ceohsstpbrnia evening, Sept. 5th, in charge of Cr-eoghs g.sbttops.2 Mca. R. aio' ru.cuh g.btl$12 BLACK TOCKMr. and Mca. Rae Malcolm, ________Yelverton, visited Mc. and Mcs. Mrs. W. Archer, Vincent Arcb- L. Joblin. er and Marilyn visited triends Service in the United Chumch PHONTU" E WE FIT at Minden. Sunday morning was wchl attend- 695YOLING R G T R TRSE Mr. and Mca. John Venning and cd: Mms. Robinson fmom St. Cath- 6 Joan bolidayed at Wilbemfamce. aines, sang two hovely solos1 Misses Valeria and Vickie Faint, wbich were mnuch appreciated.- - Toronto, with Mc. and Mms. O. ____________________________________________ Wright. Mr. and Mms. W. A. Dawson and Sandra spent Satumday nighti --- ------------