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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1951, p. 16

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'ÂGE SIXTEEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO 9"RTTR~flAV *VD, ~L BuE e BIRTHS Real Estate For Sale Wanted DUSTAN-To Mr. and Mrs T. G. DOUBLE brick bouse, centrally WARDROBE prefcrably walnut, Dustan on Friday, August 3lst, located on corner lot, immediate approximateily 3' x 6' x W. Phone 1951, at Women*s College Hos- possession. Double garage, hot 2200. 36-1 pital, Toronto, a son. 36-1* water hc'ating. Small down pav- ment. Apply Charles Severs. P. WOODEN silo, in good condition.! MACKLIN-Mr. and Mrs. Allin 'O Box 391, or'Phone Bowm an- R. Flett, R.R. 2 Oshawa. Phone Macklin, nce Barbara Woolhe-ad,lville 2529. 36-1 * Brooklin 19r22. 36-1* of Hampton. are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their daugh- SOLID brick bouse - 8 rooms, GOOD home sought for two ter, Susan Jean, on Fridav. Aug. ýhardwrood floors, modern bath Springer Spaniels, nine months 31, 1951, at Bowmanville Hospital.j and kitchen, exc&llent furnace. nId. P. H. Van Leeuwen, R.R. 3 36-1 hot watý'r unit, large garaLse. AIl Newcastle, Phone 19r22 Clare ________n excellent condition and cen- 36-2* MAPPIN -Mr. and Mr.s. John trally located. Write P.O. 8 1. Mappin (nce Hilda Johns) are 36-1 WANTED - Live poultry, goose happy to announice the hirt.h of feathers, feather ticks. bags, scrap their son. Paul John. a littie bro- Ideal Suburban Home iron and metal. Dial Oshawa ther for Bernicle at O-hawa Cen-:$l0,500-6.5 .. acres, good builci- 54 912 collect. or write I. Turner. eral Hospital on the 3lst of Aug-1 ings, 6 - roomed frame bouse. North Oshawa. 36-8 ust, 951. 6-lt uiît-incuphoards, furnace. hy- d-o, 40 apple trocs, raspberni", -J STEEU',-Dr. and M"s. A. W1,. S t c i . strawberries, cherrics and pluns. rielp anted announce the birth of a son. 361*- 100 maple trees for tapping. 1 - lmille fromn No. 2 Higýhway west of TWO waitresses. Phono 300(3. ENGAGEMENTS Bowmanville.___I 36-1* $9,00 -5-roomned brick v-1ncer SLSAY Wne o Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Harris.SL LAYWne - ipv ibuingalow.ý- garage, gardr.,n, land- BelnsLde~Wa. 3- atnnounce the eng-agement of their ___________Ladies' ___Wear. daughter, Jean Elizabeth. te Mr. cpd xeln dto. GIRL for clerking in grocery Carl McLaughlin, son of Mr. and $3,800 - 5-roomed framie house store. Write Box 632, c/o Cali- Mrs Rssel cLaghin.Eni-in Orono. large lothydre adian Statesman. 36-1 skillen. The manniage will take place at their home Saturday, Bailey & Taylor PINBOYS - Earn good money September 22, 1951. 3- Phone 767 during spare time. Apply Mai'- 36-1 tyns Bowling Academy any ev- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vanevk,- ening. 36-1 Long Sault, wishi to announce the NIXON REAI, ESTATE engagement cf their daugh ter,1 Frame 4-room bungalow, furnace, YOUNG women for light factory Mary Henrietta, to Charles G or- Ihydro, floor coverirqg, buit-in cup- ývork, five day week . Applv Paul don Penwarden, son of Mr. and l'boards, breakfast nook, full base- H. Simpkin Cabinet Ce., Chunch Mrs. William Penwarden. Long ment. $5,800. Termas. St.. Bowmianville. 36-1* Sault. The wedding will take WNE-okgnrl ihs place October 6th, 1951, at Long' 14-room insul brick dwelling, 6 ~wagTE, oo home l in. Appl Sault United Churcb. 36-1 acres, well, hen bouse, hydre, lowadrtsrBo 67,Wty.r taxes, nortb of Enniskillen. $2,000. aetelephonex5987Whitby. 36-2 Mr. and Mrs. William Russel_____________598 __________36-2 Robbins, cf Bowmanville, wish teo.Cottage at lake, wvest beach, six RELIABLE Young woman te help announce the engagement cf their roomos, scneened verandah, $2.500.1 in household duties for smnall ,only daughter. Ruth Elizabeth, te Termns. Immediate possession. family in Toronto. Knowledge in 'John Joseph George Pearce. 5son cooking preferred. Dr. H. Wal- of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce, ISolid brick. 9-roomed dwelling. ton-BaIl. Mohawk 1998. 36-l* R.R. 2, Bowmanville. The mar- aIl conveniences, gardon good niage will take place at Trinity location. Possession arranged, sec WOMEN for tomate picking for- United Church on Satuirday, Sept. (i n.$ 050 Saturday. Applv corner Simp- 1 22nd, at 3:30 p.m. 36-1* gon Ave., opposite Dnwnham East Beach - 7-room cotta 'ge. 2 Nurseries or Phone H. C. Pedwell,- 1~'1'T14 vrandahs. looking over Lake On: Clarke 3823. 36-1* FEWSTER, Arthur C-At his late residence, 29 Brown St., Bowmanville, on Wodnesday. Aug. 29th, 1951, Arthur C. Fewsteî'. aged 68 years, beloved husband of Catherine L. Macaulay. Rested at the Morris Funcral Chapel. Service in St. John's Anglican Church on Saturday, September lst, at 2 p.m. Interment Bow- manville Cemeterv. 36-1 GREEN, Ernest John-Suddenly as result of an accident at New- castle, on Tuesday, August 28th, 1951, Ernest John Green, aged 56, formerly of Kitchener. Ontario. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel on Saturdayv, tarie, 2-picce bath upstairs and GIRL or woman for housework in dowc, insulated, garage and furn- Toronto. Separate reem, most ev- iture. $3.500. Terms. James Nixon, Broker enings -froc. Ideal wcrking con- 160Liert S. N, owmnvll d itions in geod home. $15,00 weck. 160Lie Phot.N, 682 nvil Apply M. Breslin, Phono 8.54, Poe62 36-1* Bowmanville. 36-1 JUNIOR clerk. maIe or female, HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE age 17 - 20, witb three ycars' $2,500 - Country homo and f ive. H-igh Sehool education and pro- acres on open gravel read, three ferably knowlodge of typicg. Ap - miles from Highway botween plY' in witing, stating pasticulans, Orono and Poctypool. Good 6- te Box 629, c/o Statesman Office. reomed frame bouse, good wator 36-1 supply, gocd sized steel roofed barn, hydre at road. Bargain for ', cash. W N E Leroy Hamilton Braker Orono Phono lî'16 PLANT NURSE 36-1j vit.lle Cemeter 36oma- EASRALET villeCemeery.36-1210 acres cf level land, 2 good barncs, 6-room frame bouse , hydre. IN MEMORIAM All in good condition., $10,000. EDGER-In lovicg memorv Of a 50 acr'es, 40 rds. fromn highway, dean mother, Elizabeth Edges. good barncs, 12-room frame bouse, who passed away Sept. 6th, 1934: hon bouse and drive shed. Only We who loved yen sadly miss $5,300. you As it dawns another year. 10)0 acres, là mile fsom No. 2 In eus lonely heurs cf thinking H-ighway,.small bush, stream, for Goodyear Bowmanville Appiy in person or by letter ta: PERSONNEL MANAGER Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd., BOIVMANVILLE 3- Strayed 1 The Canadian Statesman Classified Adivertising Raies Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 25e will be added. A charge of 25e wilI be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3r a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEiMORIAiMS - - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 75i,ý cash with order. To regular advertisers payable nmonthly. Dui-i ay Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the samne rates Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamips or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale 11 ACRES ensilage corn. Austin Wood, Phone 2388. 36-1* CORNEL %vhieat, froe of smut. Phone Clarke 1904. 36-1 8"2 ft. HYDROPLANE. cuIStom- built, very fast. Phone 2237. 36-1* BOY'S bi'own suit, si/e 4, $9.00. Mrs. Cecil Alldread, Phone 800. 36-i TAPE recorder ý'ith reels, very reasonable. Cash. Phone 2629. 36- 1 * jMAROON convertible baby car- niage, good condition. Phone M400. 36-1* TWO kitchen c'abinets and a kit- chen table. Phone East Beach 26:29. 36-1 * ACME rang'ette, also Astral baby refrigerator, both in excellent condition. Phone .574. 36-1 NORGE space heater. economical operation and suitable for hcat- ing a large area. Phono 3637. 36-1* WHITE enamel sink, 30" x 18", xith draining board and two chrome plated taps, *$20.00. P.O.i Box 85.36- * Articles For Sale FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- ers, Washing Machines, Ranges, Service on milk coolers and mot- ors, that wiring job or anything electrie. Trade-in or 1erms. Con- suIt Werry & Son Electric, deal- ers for Woods Electric Farm Equipment, Enniskillen, Phone Bowmanvjlle 2539. 35-3 NEW shipments of'Gold Seal Con- goleumn and Rcxoleum Deluxe,' 2 and 3 yards wide, choose from 401 patterns. Imported Pabco war-' ranty floor coverings, in new desigals. Hall runners, inlaid linoleumn and large selection in rug sizes. Morris Co., Phone 480.1 29-tf RECESSED bathtubs $60; smart Martha Washington and Rich- ledge stainless three piece bath- roomi sets white $160.00 to $189.00. Coloured $274.00 complete witb beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furnaces $'n5.00. Special offers to plumbers and builders too. Save many valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for complote plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtuîrjs, prices and instal- Wanted To Buy PIANO - Cash for your piano. Telephone 492 Bowmanville. F. J. Mitchell.361 BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7 r lî. reverse charges. 51-tf Foi Rent TWO bedrooms suitable for two gentlemen. Phone 876. 36-1 TWO-roomed apartment. 39 Elgin A. Apply L. Clemens, Hampton, Phone 2436. 36-1* THREE room apartment, suit middle age couple. Write Box 635, c/o Statesman Office. 36-1* THREE bed sitting roomis on one floor, newly decorated and par- tially furnished. Write Box 634, c/o Statesman Office. 36-1 * FARM to Rent-130 acres, good buildingus, hydro, on No. 2 High- wav, ploxving possession at once. Onlv experienced farmers with eqipmcnit nced apply. Write Box 631, c/o Statesman Office. 36-2*1 Custom Work WITH- tractor, plowing, etc. J. H. Alldread, Phone 496. 35-4* DEAD FARM STOCK Pickied Up Prombtly JIORSES, COWS, HIEIFERS, SHEEP, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for horses and cows) - CALLI, S COLLECT - LIVE HORSES S - 3 1j for crippled and old horses. marywill Fur Farm TYRONE Phone Bowmanville 2679 34-tf Farmers Attention!1 I W-Ewill be pleased to pick up dead or cripplod farm animais and pay highest prevailing prices. For immed;ate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W. Gordon Young 'Ltd. 7-42 Repairs REPAIRS te alI makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial: milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31 -tf POLIO INMSURANCE Proteet the entîre family for 1 two years - for $10.00 Single person twvo years - for $5.00 Pays up to S5,000 treatment -Ever ro.,,emmbre by thear.gooI ban,7-rom"rae busesiks' cabnes, a____tub,___ e Thougbs cf eneanc cvte'fam: Igced barrond 7nom frame0b ousethe promises, Lot 28, Ceni. WESTINGHOUSE Combication, sinkes,cabines, rlaundry tubs, J.A. ainThat familiar Faldsae surrou6ndings. $8,000onsoeowersrstoves,-tprefrigeraltors.r uainoth il'.36I W. C. Evans, Braker m, arlcgonhcahefr.\w' will take usecd radie as P pa y- Pressure water syNstems, cil busc- Lîfe, l'ire and Automobile, Etc. FootbalFesit s i the air t Phono 84 - 8 Orono ma ae same by preving and ment. Apply Apt. 4, Wa]kcr ers,5Optie and oul tanks etc. Visit agaracein, andu iuts timepcstaes.hnk CARDS 0F THANKS 36-1 paying for ad. Phono 2684. Apartmcnts. 36-1* or write Johnson Mail Ondes Di- 36-1* is tho time te launch yeurp1- 36-1* . Sion, Streetsville Hardware, ..IMPERIAL Green Gage plums, viso, Sres lc Hrwrsoasen training. Altbaugh (o The New'castle Herticultural GILL REAL ESTATE ready ccxx, brng vont' containers. Stseetsville, Ontario. Phono 261.Itoi season itself docsn't open foa Society wisb te lhank ail those Ili Bowmanville, l1-room solid AUCTION SALES '15c, 6 qt. basket. Phono 3248, 125 Exenicgs 51r15. 31-tf few weeks yet, (ho athlete merchants acd tow.\n people who brick home, hydre. 3-piece bath, Suo t 61pt nafrnpyia o donated mcccv. food and mer-. beavy wiring, full cellar, furnace, Suo t 61ptin a forha physcafda chandise se gcnerouslv fer the i3-car garage; aiso 4-roomn cottage, I h-ave received instructions BALED nat straw;%, pluirs, and I ft ggi be ore ad bsmae his Annual Flower Show Aug. l5tb. on levely landscaped grounds, fi'om Miss Viola Gi1fillac te scîl Yorkshire pigs. 8 xveeks old, ell OMM UITY 1 first big gain todisucion 1951. 36-1 lcompletelv furnisbed, just move by public a ution at the Dur'ham staî'ted. Kenceth Hilîs, PhonoeSA Eet ood hphysica cedin il -in. Ail for $15.000. Courity Sales Aici a, Orno at Oreno 5r3. 36-If AUCTION SAct wonîyaeîp veyn odgirs wish tc take (bis cpportunit.v 1 twl logioyua deo of thanking Di'. Birks, dertoî's and Il Newcastle, 5-room instil brick l 3tb, ber household effects. Pro- POTATOES - Specializing in No. Sal ou81rL ( oamp elp en ear apstes nurses cf Memiorial Hospital, cottage, h\-dro, good weIl, large perty sold. Terms cash. No ne- 1 top quality potatees. Onders atrday, Sept. 11 I gzm tetem el o Ianf Bcwmanx'ille, aise my relatives, .garage and extra lot. Price $3,5(00. iserve. Jack Reid, auctîceci-. vous supply ncw. Deug Curi, SL T13 ..HEEoeOMIs ae u ird nd aveg mes, friends and neighbnns for (heu' I36-2 rBowm-anville, Phono 310)1. 20-tf SLEAT130P..HOE RO s aouincedn don'thve m ous cards and gifts cf fr'uit and Betvw'ec Bowmanx'ille and Osh- CONGOLEUM Goîd Seat Rues lir', and give yen pîenty of drivean flowers duricg my necent 1 ns. w.8-i'onm icsul-brick cottage, I have scceived instr'uctions Ptiksw m Sid'Walkcn. 36-l1' 'hdre. 2 \\cils, garage, .5 acrese of ron, Mns. Har'îy Couch. aneryrard goods and hall î'unne's; Rex- ~ i~Hr' ipediyshdl good land. Pnice $4,750. IStreet, Newvcastle, te scîl by pub- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, Auction Shed Hello Hoecmakei's! Inspiration (bat yen can follow witht Iwisb to take (bis cppnrtunity lic auction on Saturdav, Sept. 15, yard geods at budget prices. îs xxhat we need te cvei'come trouble. of thanking Dr. W. H. Birks. Dr. In Bunketon, 9-î-oom frame homo ibednoon7 and ]iving-noom furni- Phono 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf ENhKLE ardships and extra xvork. Per- Morning: When you get . tur, dsheccnksov, cestr- E masn'eanbiasanfinstStorage space for furniture prier haps some "uc c'cncerning specd two or (broc minue D. E. Sturgis. the staff c c-fio elahdobn.garage: ue ihs cosj hser Emauead ntl ietta sale.nuprbcsi heem akgsttcng voy uclinor orial Hospital, Bovnanville: and good gaî'den. Priced at $4,00(. fcdsie.x'si1 ahn n qualitv ve'cetian blinds, ncxv plas- rbeis(lma' technevymulen isiends and neighbors \who \vere 1 ____ acv othen items. Pnnperty seld. tic tapes available, casily kept TERMS CASH agendica cluriing thîs bot xveatber body. Sîtups. deep knee bonds se kind tenime during rny recent In Janetvilie. -i'ncmoi solid brick Tcrrms cash. No reserve. Jack clean, mnac n înnîlts te choose T. S. Mauntioy, Clifford Pethick, mav hobehclpftil.. Apply a little toucbing yens tees and otr s(ay in hospital. home, 1 '2 acres land, hydî'o. full Reid, auctieceer. 36-2 frof'm. Phene Morris Ce., 480. Clerk. Auctioneer. n nc epelletit and thon ccjny sncb limbering-up exorcises 5 Mrs. Sar'ah Allin. 36-1 * ceclai'. fî:sace, gond -wel l. Priced 29-tf 36-1i the newspaper celumcs in cem- excellent. fr quic sale at $3,000. 1. Bronstein, Lot 26, Coni. 3, f________________ fort. Next. do some on-the-spot jg H. G. (Hap) 6111, Realtor Darlicgton Towvnsbip, I mile nortb PLUMBING, Heating and Oiî lAfli Take a Tip ging. This is a wonderful het NOTICE -d8 Kinm St. West, Bowmacviîle 'cf No. 2 Highwýa, ,off the Soina Buirce's installed acywheî'e in Arla fNrge -NS1.coff ofce wî tain yet ot cniinrand oe (f ho ________________Phone Office 3326 ýRoad and 1, mile west, ba sold Durham County. Reasonable rates Crodo og Refrigerators gnnucýýOLnds in paper. Remncm r est ways to get inta shape ther Dr. Birks' office \1. ill be clesed Residence 3514 b is fai'm and \vill soîl b,.' public ýand highest quality. For froc6 e.ft $314 ber ho '11 il ti linoleumj is. For (ho fisst (bsec days, o frmSetmer1tht ctbr 61auctienon iSaturday. Septem ber est imates cal]S. Blain Elliott, 8 u tsefd!otng 49 bvand d cibefee ars- eod er is' hegbyspfrneing uter a fr sti cu iep .n7 b36lth te Ocob r 36I 22, at 1 p.m. sharp, 3 y ug I eating, Plumbing & Tinsmitbig % c .f. efd osting 4 9 e v and(ho ru bc r eds tefor ihn g(ho spt fr n in uteban- Is iclsve 3~l herses, 20 cattle, 300 pLullets, ha,r Phono 3348. 29-tf Selling Iess tax ( ho gaî'den. yen can fer 15 seconds. Real Dr.C.W. leon' ofic Wll ar F r S le granmacinrYpoatos ndLimited number slightly scratched 2. De-lime a "coated" tea get yens knees up. be clo_________________t t manx' othen items. Foi- further !VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different in shipping at prices below kettle xith some commercial Evesy , (broc days, addan September 2lst, inIusîv e. 34-300lo.00 bnyVs 1938 Chev. Cal, partiCUlars se? bills. Terms cash. celoturs cf tapes, 15 slat colours. (hasequoted above. scale remeoven. The water will minute te (bis schednl ____finance. Apply 25 Odeîl St. or Neoî'esenve. Jack Reid, auctioneen.* Flexalinm, Aluminnm or Steel, Torms:- One-Third Dawn iboil more qîîickîv and eliminate until you are doing five minute 'Phono 344 1. 36-1* 3-mreasurcd and installed free eftc eti hý iein o tHoeeeeytm HARVEY Dance Acadeniy' is tak- i 'hne hn 32.W'e' Yens old ice box or refrigeratos tc o)r(okthe > ~rOYn ing registiation on Tuesdiay. Sept. i1'41 DODGE Luxnry ie.ecl s .' o > acceptod as part ni' ail cf 3 OltO cllý' tics and (ho acdamnticesynsprt 11, frm 3 -7 p.y. Linhernonxlet conition.JohnWoodey, Lo .23 Con. 8g Fabnic Centre. 17-tf dw amn.mouîlds will slip ont ail in one! timo bv J5 seconds. This MEan Hall, 19 King St. E., fer Ballet. Bunketon, Phono Port P Ai che5 ýr, oeTnsHi ad I2mle wcst cf rTILE - for kitcîicnbatîhseoms, Trade-in Rangottes - $1i4. e ithe nis ,manmaîles uvc a uawl 'esrtiner a in- Tee and Tap lessons. '3'i eny7r5 aidn-2l nd mlcct, heai'ths and (n'opIaces. Walls- ase.reoitndoins- 4Kepuc nd a ures heyu' ___________________36-__1____'bas seld bis farm and will seI bx'gîzd uesplsic a olu s c, uracnted, s49.5o acd suear crînlainenstightly cev- woskout is five minutes long. I y_____________,_pastieail____________ .anted - $9.i0 rcd since (bey coax ants 1important te foîiow thesei- public ahiction on WdcsasFloorS 1 Li î'bbe', cmastic, lino-tile, (hsefodDvn es iIat xîhbor'ax or a 'coi-srcteswtht'anig(e Wanted To Rent Work Wanted Spebr2,a .11 hrI 'ean eanc ilg av hsefedDaeoBd,90 ns 1ho2 tutos ihu hnigI ______________________ is cotise bord of Shorthorn qi%%Ice andG.ceai.llgho ne v rn Mttese, e. g t mencial pncparatioîihefore (bey for best results. REGISTERED nurse wislies a jDARLINGTON Abattoir, Ham- cattle. bosses. pnnltry.mr7i~îx r.H .Heal, Phonoficprî Mtes for sellang ale j ter-nlsadcusn. Wn pyormrig cofrabefunshdrmwth - grain and furnitune. For 2t scifc rie-froe5n.u Pî'n tnuci ees od csin Widopytrmonigwok in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tn forikingodistance cfPMeme ialv' at Oshawa store. i u 3 r.krel fnc u ydoing pusb-ups until yn cinfoale uristncsed omwi orcsomkilingiPhnofurthei' particulars sec buis. No 'ORDERS taken for:- luiniinous Stel eBxe,5el.-Ss ait hkrntg.psitfo rs'r o e o h :3243. 32-tf .reservo. Terms (hcssthhakrsJeccepsaî fom nmsar to wek or he1ob Hospital.____Total__________ csh. Jakritd.dcci'naine plates; dons and d ckn.Concentrato on speed. Box 630 É/o Caadian tatesma. WOMANavailale for ookkeëp- asctdnRefrig-3ratorbrirecalasstionedrig6.aMakorecnjunketd, dessert R ithetAessert an: AAtrsessionsessin wifd- B ox 630, t o C anadia St te m n W o M A N aiabl forbke p c inet. 36-3 nan." p: l ca F'on e bîig t gls: guaranteed , N orge - $125 l ftove s coffee and m ilk. sprints or "quick breaks" an 3 6 o x*6i 3 , S cl ei a O fiek et . A3 p-1 '" I i l tel i lical picttii e r m os . R e-7 . P lace to m ato s in a o t o v e n 1 e x rcises is in erd os fo r (is w ork Bo 63,Sttema Ofie.361"ILivestock For Sale noetIo- iîg ibouse cmbe p'ts: Re URI1HY'S for' a minute, skins %vilî slip off out. Start off with some Slo Room and Board BRAKE DRUMS! imirrocpicture Plaqu. App.vto APPLIANCE & FURNITLRE eadîi.nisbcd ite jogging and stretching exrcie Lathing, Honing and Grinding jPLLT,21 weeks eld. Phono 1Mss. E. Wlîîtc, 22 Duke St., Bov- 8hw 1 Smo t . '(levet wruedrawbrans ot the breaks. r'shew.o oe ROOM AND BOARD - Man Io We specialîze in complote '2715. 36-i man\,ille. : Oshaw a 1s17rm M mrial t.Park> heil cuertannr.....on cmv bSandps." traig ht withob share rooni with another gentle- brake oveshauls. READY te lax' White Legliori )W'AGON and Trailci' Axies. Your DtndIAL 3 - 8634 r rthe man. 2 dl tet hn O T'KRSGRG AO n rilrAls orDA 64saxo olshing bsiyci bcovcrîng relaxed and (ho knees slightl 3441.eI Stret,'Pho onBeB T0C4 E'S GAAGle Pullets. Phono 2636. .36-.1*choice cf Che%. o' i odeBwavie 2Kn .tightly' with cel.loOhane. bent. Suddeclv burst into actio 3441. 3-1~ Phood804rowmanvi e r wbcls cihe5215Kiong1S".0 vou 32-tf TW'O Tamwestb sws. u, ensae xviYi work.6Pnio onlDA 81 .W'asb glassware iin (ho disb- and suc as bard as you oan o Sept. Clarence English, Clarke sî aixhl bx at Ti 36-1* Pan' cf water te w\hich yen add five or six yards. Tako h Perona I BUL DOZNG123. nclude: axe. ubs. v.heels, tires xa'r add the detergnt an soap peat. Do 12 or 14 of (bse e HYGIE.NIC SUPPLIES - rubber j D20NW apbr xLgona ltbes, ail assembled, Sed or al for thc disfies. day, acd add twc or (bsee ever goos)maiedpotpidin plain j . ets, nex'eifnsn'ed xitb ligOîs 'îp and pantied. Springs csîo (.()() _______________ 1.Bk ok iiam. eps e ay syn odto m Ssale en1eop24witbpne s ùXCAVATING Phono 841-8 Oroti .:36-1 d a ný- cxtra, if eired. Please attire oxe f 25oifor 1 ous te proves. Mail Ordei' Dep. "'2,NOV-RuJb iIlPm ICSil . cks ciii, aisLo se '.bl n . t (,'kl'.s O W'heat; alh-o Commercial No. 1, 1Il. £;ather a.ttnmun eeds flic field. hnrst .ine for five or ber Ca.. Box 91, Hamilton, 1OntPhone 2733 3h5 duc in (i e ,week. . \llat i 1,cl ~ s:son s Garage. ts.-ate'cjfor smut. Garnet Rickard. 'andi maX"'vous o'sn uapers hy yard.s every 20 yards onses. Bu Phn 73 3-eDown, Phone 2498. .36-1 Phone Orono 1031. 34-ti Phone .2813. 3à-2 picklig them as you do onons. remernber,. jogging alan. ta 12. SQak smaîl onions in mflk then pickle themn if you wish t( keep them white. For festive oc. casions add red or green colour. ing ta the bottled onions befori capping the jars. 13. To make hot mustard stiri little milk into a teaspoon of dr3 mustard. Keep the wee disi covered ;nd it will not dry out. 14. F-6r a delicious ham sand. wich put cooked hamn and wal« nuts through the food chopper and moisten with boiled salaè dressing mixed with a pinch cl dry mustard -... The hamn "gaes' further and tastes good. 15. Don't forget ta scald thE silver knife before you ýlide i into the jar of fruit. Thon place the tops in position for canning 16. Neyer chili the pressure cocker with jars cf presorved food in it as ycu do the raw food far the table. This forces the juiceç eut cf the jar. It usually re- quires 40 te 50 minutes for pres- sure te return normal in the pressure saucepan off the heat. 17. Keep bread in the refrig- erater during the hot weathcr to prevent mould. 184Browncd almonds will net become wosmy whereas un- blanched nuts will, during the summer. Se bake the blanched nuts until golden brown ina moderato oven, let drain on ab- scrbent papes, thon store. 19. Raisins or chopped dates keep ccckies moist and fresh. A hermit or drap coakie recipe is our favorite mixture at this sea- soc. 20. To makc a double batch of drop cakes place seales rings on a cookie shoot. insert paper bak- ing cups in each and fili two- thirds full cf batter. 21. Soft water is best for pick- ling. Wates tbat is high in lime may cause the pickle to become soft. 22. Store pickles in glass jars with lacquered tops or wax- coated tops. Tin or zinc lids will rust and cause a relish ta spail. 23. Cider vinegar is most com- mcnly used for pîckling excopt wherc white vinegar is psefcrrcd wbcn making light colcred pickles such as onions and cauliflowcr. 24. Neyer fill jars to over- flowing - especiallyv the fruit to be psoccssed. If there is anc- hait inch cf space from the rim the contents will flot be forccc eut. 25. Our favorite summer salad: Prepare two packages cf lime .îclly powder and pour inte rectangular casserole. T he r spread six slices cf cooked hanm with a chive flavored crcam cheeso, and roll up each pieco. When jelly is pastially set press oach roll into it allowing as inch around eacb one. Chill f irm. Cut into sosvingas. Ac- compiny with patate salad and tosscd greens.* Anne Allan invites you to write te her c/o The Canadian States- man. Scnd in your suggestions on homemakýng. prcblems and watchï this columa for replies. Pre-Season Hints Football Training k, to 'e a -Y Ld ie it ýd )r ie 't a ýs is )f n1 slow conditioner. You must in-. sert lots of these bursts if you wish to develop stamina. An excellent developer of con%, d dition and power is hill runn If you can find a steep hill, Laf a few minutes every day 'ihg wind sprints on it. You should wind Ùp your ai- ternoon workout by practising kicking, passing, blocking, dodg. ing. etc. A fast game of toucla rugby is an excellent cenditioner, Evening: Just before going tg bcd, another session of stretce ing exercises will help you des velop that all-important -flexibile ity and looseness so necessary i avoiding injuries as well as tackles. Next week, wce'll give you samne special exorcises dcsigned ta strengthen kcy areas of the body such as the legs, shoulders and neck. For more belp in football and other sports,, become a member cf Sports College, Canada's na- tionwide coaching service. Sim- Ply write te "Sports College, Box 99, Toronto 1I. Octarie," and men- tion the newspapes in whicb you saw this column. Mcmbership is free. Sports College services in- clude 4raining literatuse, clinics, and a radio program carried Coast te Coast everv Saturday afternoon (oves CBL at 12:15 in Bowmanville and district). Look up the lime and station in your area and hear famous coach- es and athîctes give advice on sports. From The Sickle To The Combine (13Y R. J. Deachman) e In the early years of aur na- Stional develepment wagcs and salaries were low. Good farm hands rcceived from $13 to $20 a mcnth, sehool teachers pulled down $300 to $,500 a year. )t The cest cf living was lew, se d alsc was the standard of living. ýThere were fcw amusements. Tii first show I visited was 'Unclu Tom's Cabin" with, of coursg, 0 Little Eva." Earnings wce ,small, there was scant opportun- ,ity ta spend what was earned. Few Cwcrried about monoy. It is saîd that desires determine destiny. In those days desires were nct vèyy ekeen, ne one tried te paint a-"I aturc cf the future, ne one drcah -Y cd cf the things which. were te com e. What caused the upsurge of wages? It was breught about by ..incrcased capacity tc prcduce. la the old days a farmer ci.t the grain with a cradle, raked it inta bundies with a %*ooden rake, tied it with a band af the cut grain. That was the early stage cf agri- culture in Canada. In older coun- >trios they used the sickle until some anc sprucg the cradle on them-it was a great improve- ment. Later came the reaper. The men wbo followed tho reaper could do more work than the man wbo fcllowed the cradle. The bundles had been asscmblcd by the soaper. It was bundled wbcn il lcft the machine. Then came (ho binder. We had oliminated hand work. we had cembined three or tour tasks into one. Har- vesting thon became a simple task, progress under free enter- prise neyer skips a trick. Thon came the combine. The man who drove tho binder and laten th,- combine got mono pa.v. With the aid cf the machine ho did mare >wark and did it with less effort. The cost cf harvesting was se- duced, the werld was riches. The- machine reflects human progress. The changes which have taken place on the farm have been eaualled in other fields cf effort. Ail these developments enriched the national eccnomx'. The machine is the basis of human pregress. Without mod- crn equipment eus standard cf liv- ing wouid be as low as it was in the days cf our grandfathers. The value cf the produet produced by' industrv is distributed among the three partnescf production, ]and labor and capital. The land pays sent, wagos or salaries go to labor and the profits te capitai-it pro- vides tho machines. The percent- agýe distribution changes little ov- es a long period cf time but the amount paid te each separate fac- tor in production is higher because production is highcer. The aver- age worker received in 1890, $272 for bis year's work. In 1926 ho had $1,120, more than four times as much. By 1949 (bis h ' '1~e ta over eight times tho 1R Jvel. The case was clearly st b~y Ludwîg Von Mises in an econ- omie bock entitled "Planned Chaos" publishcd in the United States some years ago: "The inher ent tendencv of cap- italist evolution is (o saiso rpal wage rates steadilv. This ics the effect oft(ho progressive accum- ulation cf canitai by means cf which technolo1eical methods ef noaduction are imnroved. There is no means by which the heigzht cf wage rate" ean be raised for aIl those cages te earn wages other (han threugh (ho increase cf the per caffita quota of capital invest- ed. Whenever (ho accumnulatii of additiocal capital stops, the tendency towasd a furthes in- erease in real wage ratfs comp.,itcO a standstill. If canital consump- tion is suhstituted far an Increase in capital available. waile rat(- must drop temporarilv tuntii (the checks on a further increase in cacitai are ren"oTved. Govern- ment measures which retard car)- itai consumption-sur'l aq confis- catorv taxation-are therefoie detsimentai to tho vital interes.s cf the workes." Tril 'evprv x"osd cf it. but th<' "csac-kpots," will net believA it a;ndJ toa many believe the crack- DOWa BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 50c PER AD THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO MAGE SIXTEEN TRMST)AT. OMIPT ai% isci -

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