(Continued f rom ast week) HEAVY HORSES Clydesdales - Geid Mare or Gelding-Vince Baker. T. R. ]Raii; Mare or Foal-V. Baker, Jas. Stark; Foal of 1950-V. Bak- er, J. Stark; Colt, 1 yr.-V. Bak- er-, Fiily or Gelding, 2 yrs.-W. J. Boyd & Son; Filly or Gelding. 3 yrs.-V. Baker; Span Horses and wagon-T. R. Hall, L. Step- tinson, Boyd & Son; Mare and 2 of her progeny-V. Baker, Boyd & Son. Agricultural Horses-Mare and Foal-G. E. Robinson, Boyd & Son; Foal o! 1951--Boyd & Son. G.E. Robinson; Filly *or Gelding, 1yr.-Boyd & Son, V. Baker; Filly or Gelding, 3 yrs.-J. Stark; Span Horses and- Wagon-V. Baker, Boyd & Son. Belgian, Percheron and Punch Horses-Geld Mare or Gelding- i and 2-G. E. Robinson. 3 W. G. Ahea: Mare and Foal-G. E. Rob- inson, Eimer Lee, W. G. Shea; Foai o! 1951-W. G. Shea, E. Lee, G. Robinson; Colt, 1 yr.-R. Coch- rane. W. G. Shea: Filly or Geid- jng, 2 yrs.-G. Robinson; FihilY pr Geiding. 3 yrs.-l and 2 W. G. Shea; Span Horses and wagon- T'. R. Hall; Mare and 2 progenv Ùnder 3 vears -- W. G. Shea. G. Robinson; Single Horse in harness and vehice-l and 2, T. R. Hall: Span Horses and vehicle - R. Cochrane; Best Horse, on rein- V. Baker, T. R. Hall, G. Robin- son. Carriage Horses - Mare and Foal-R. Saddier; Fîlly or Geiding 2 yrs.-1 and 3, R. Saddler; 2. F. Baldwin; Single Horse in harn- ess. over l15-R. $addier, L. Hoskin. A. R. White; Single Horse in harness. under 15'-1 and 3 R. Saddier, 2 F. Baldwin; Pair Horses in harness--R. Saddler, L. Hoskin. F. Baldwin, A. R. White. Roadster Horses - Mare and Foal- Wes. Brown, Boyd & Son, Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundas St. E.. Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and care! ul attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestie Granites and Marbies in stock. Bi1nIN Milt Lacey; Foal of 1951-Boyd & Son, Wes. Brown. Milt Lacey; Filiy or Gelding, 1 yr.--O. W. Roiph, Wmn. Rutherford, Stanley Chapman; Filly or Gelding. 2 yrs. -Roy Philips; Filiy or Geldmng, 3 yrs.. in harness-L. M. Blight & Daughters, W. H. Lindsay; Single Horse in harness, over 15%, hands-W. H. Lindsay. 1. Coch- rane, Mrs. Wheeier; Sinie Horse in harness. under 15½2 hands- Bill Reid, W. H. Lindsay, Mrs. Wheeler; pair Horses in harness -1. Cochrane, W. H. Lindsay, Milt Lacey, Mrs. Wheeler; Single Ponv in harness, under 12'à hands -1 and 2 L. M. Biight, Ray Cochrane; Pony under saddle, un- der 12"2 hands-L. M. Blight, R. Cochrane; Team of Ponies. under 121.- hands--L. M. Blight, R. Cochrane; Single Pony in harn- ess, over 1212 hands-l and-3 Mrs. Wheeler, 2 L. Hoskin; team Ponies in harness, over 12X2 hands -Mrs. Wheeler, L. Hoskin; Saddie Horse-1 and 3 Grant Henry, 2 Roy Phillip: Gentleman's Turn- out-I. Cochrane. Mrs. Wheeler, L. Hoskin: Special, Sec. 40 - 41- W. H. Lindsay, I. Cochrane, Mrs. Wheeler. Bill Reid; Special. Sec. 42-Mrs. Wheeler, W. H. Lindsay, I. Cochrane. Reid Rolph Special-Best Lady Driver -Mrs. Wheeler, L. M. Blight & Daughters, W. H. Lind- say; Lunn's Special-Best Colt, 1951, showýn by boy or girl under 1.5-Boyd & Son. Best Caif. 1951, shown b.v boy or girl under IS-Garnet Rickard, Carlos Tamblyn- CATTLE Shorthorns-Bull, 3 yrs.-Jno. Richard; Bull, 1 yr.-G. Rickard, R. Osborne; Bull Cal!, Sr.-G. Riekard, J. Rickard. R. Osborne: Bull Caif, Jr.-I ard 2 J. Rickard. 3, R. Osborne; Milch Cow -J.« Rickard. R. Osborne, G. Rickard. Heifer. 2 yrs.-G. Rickard, R. Os- borne, J. Rickard; Heifer, 1 yr.- G. Rickard, R. Osborne, J. Rick- ard; HeiferCal! Sr.-l and 2 J. Rickard. 3 R, Osborne, Heifer Cal! Jr.-G. Rickard. J. Rick- ard: Herd, Bull and four Females -J. Rickard. G. Rickard, R, Os- borne; Get of Sire, 3 animals of both sexes-J. Riekard, G. Rick- ard, R. Osborne. 'Aberdeen Angus - Malcolm Baiiey awarded ail prizes in this class. Herefords-Buil, 2 years-A. Linton, G. Stapleton, C. Turner & Son: Bull Caîf, Sr.-G. Staple- ton, Bull Calf, Jr.-Turner & Son. G. Stapleton: Milch Cow-- A. Linton, G. Stapleton, Turner & Son: Heifer, 2 yrs.-A. Linton, G. Stapleton, Turner & Son; Heif- er, 1 yr.-A. Linton, 2 and3G î il il d- CASH PRIZES 21 Cames and Jackpot - - also - SPECIAL GAMES AND SHARE THE WÉALTH THURSDAY, SEPT. 27 ail for 50c - 8 p.m. sharp I NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL I Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work PLUMBING -& ROT WATER HEATING OIL BURNERS INSTALLED in any type of furnace ALSO STOKERS A. J. Heari & N. Bothwell PHONE: Noon and 5 p.m. - 3473 Day or Night - 2085 ~1~ db.0 LONG BRANCH Jusi Off Queen Elizabeth Way and Highway 27, West of TOIRONTOI 2 Puma SEPT. 24 -OCT. 17 Admission (Including Tax) *$.5 ICHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NOT ADMITTEDu______ New Improved Parking Lois Firsi Ciass Restaurant g PAGE TH~E CANADIAI STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO - TEK TmYRSDAY, U~. UO~ ~j' Orono Fair Prize Winners Saf er ini Canada Why the Difference? Last vear there were 44 at- tempts on the life o! President Truman. In this year there.have beeni 85 and 3,629 persons question ed about letters and telephone cails they made to the White House. What's the score for Prime Minister St. Laurent and Gover- nor-Generai Alexander, asks The Finýncial Post? The Deputy Commissioner o! the Royal Canadian Mounted Police told The Post there have been no attempts on the life o! either man in the past two years 1'unless it's something we don't know about-no threatening let- ters. 'phone calîs, no suspiclous characters-nothing o! the kind." Readers are left to their own reflections. The Canada-U.S. boundary is crossed more than 30 million times in a year by the citizens of the two counitries. Trans-Canada Pipe Lml'es Limited to Pass Through Bowmanville So let us love America- Two peaceful countries, side by side. United States and Canada. AMERICA-Our hope, our pride. Editor's Note-The above poem was eomposed by Peter R. Hen- derson. 16-year-old son o! Mr. and Mrs. Orvilie J. Henderson, Toron- to. Mr. Henderson is president o! tbe Toronto Durham Club and is a native o! Bowmanvilie. be- ing son o! Mr. W. W. Hendersori and the hate Mrs. Hendersort. Peter is a Grade 12 student at Oakwood Collegiate and he wrote this poem to promote good will among those people who cele- braIe July Ist and July 4th. We think he bas shown consîderable literary talent-G. W. J. Stapleton: Heifer Cal!. Sr.--l ai-d 2 A.. Linton, 3 G. Stapletor.; Heif- er Caîf, Jr-A. Linton, Turner & Son, G. Stapleton: 1-erd, 'Bu]1 and Four Females-A, Linton, G. Stapleton, Turner & Son; Gel o! Sire, 3 of each sex- -Turner & Son, G. Stapleton. Jerseys-Miléh Coxv 1 and 3 W. W, Sherwin, 2 M. H. Staples; Heifer. h yr. W. W. Sherwin; Heifer Cal!-1 ai-id 2 W. W. Sher- win; Bull Cal-W. W. Sberwi. M. H. Staples: Herd, Bull and Four Females-W. W. Sherwin. Ayrshires-- C. Allen & Son awarded ail prizes in this class. SHEEP Leicester, Cotswold and (Chevi- ot--- and 2 Boyd Ayre, 3 N. R. Andrewýs; Ram, sheariing -1 aond 2) B. Ayre; Ram Lamb-i and 2 B. Avre, 3 N. R. Andrews, 4 G. Riekard; Ewe, aged--I and 2 B. Ayre, 3 G. Rickard; Ewe, Shear]- ing-l and 3 B. Ayre, 2 and 4 N. R. Andrews: Ewe Lamh-1 and 4, B. Ayre, 2 N. R. Andrews. 3 G. Riekard. Southdowns and Shropshires- Lloyd Ayre awarded ail prizes in this class except B. Ayre, 3rd in Ram, shearling. Oxford Downs and Hampshire Downs-R. B. Glaspeli awarded ail prizes in this class. SWINE Bacon Hogs-Boar, 2 years- G. Rickard; Boar, 1 yr.-Geo. H. Stephens; Boar, over 6 mos.-Geo. H. Stephens: Boar, under 6 mos. -G. Rickard, 2 and 3 Geo. H. Stephens; Sow, 2 yrs.-G. Rick- ard. G. H. Stephens, A. L. Blan- chard; Sow, 1 yr.-G. H. Steph- ens, K. Van Camp, M. H. Staples: Sow. over 6 nm's.-1 and 2 G. H. Stephens. 3 G. Rickard; Sow, un- der 6 mos.-l and 2 L. A. Blan- chard, 3 Geo. H. Stephens: Sr. Herd Boar and 2 Sows over 1 yr. -G. Rickard, G. H. Stephens; Jr. Herd Boar and 2 Sows, under 1 yr.-G. H. Stephens, G. Riekard. K. Van Camp;. Get of Sire, 4 pigs under 6 mos-G. H. Stephens, Keitb Van Camp; BesI Brood Sow -G. H. Stephens, Garnet Rick- arc]; Three Sows from Sec. 161-62- 63-G H. Stephens, K. Van Camp. Sr. Champ. Boar-G. Riekard; Jr. Champ. Boar-Geo. Stephens:- Grand Champ. Boar. G. Rickard; Sr. Champ. Sow--G. Riekard: Jî. Champ. Sow-G. H. Stephens; Grand Champ. Sow-G. H. Stephi- ens. Canada Packers Special for Layer Cake and Pies--Mrs. C. Tamblyn, Mr. R. Sutton, Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs. D. Hall, Mrs. N. Malcolm. DURO Pumps are avail- able in ail sizes t0 meet in- 4ividual needs. See your Plunb er or DURO dealer for fuil information or write for FREE foider, "Running Water, the. Fan» Necestity". PONTYPOOL Over 300 people frorn Manvers. Cavan and Clarke attended a1 benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Olan ir. the L.O.L. hall on Friday evening. Mr. Olan suff.;r-1 ed a severe loss recently when his barris wilh his entire crops were lestroed by lire. The dancej was sponsored by L.O.L. 82 and ass'sted by rnaî'y public spiriteri citi/ens. At lunch tirne theY were presented with a purse of about $600, plus donations of gas- oline,' grain, hay, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Olaii both thanked thieir friends for their kindness. Short speeches were also made b'ý Counicillurs 0. ilîler and E. Ar- gue; Benny Olan and also Mrs. Eari Argue who urged the whoic- hearted support of the ladies to corne with full baskets to assist Mrs. Olan when the rebuilding was in progress. Good mnUSie WaS supplied free by Mrs. Lily Rich- ardson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Todd, Bob Carr and the McGill Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Olan wish to thank everyone through this column for their gerierosity. We are glad to see Ex-Reeve Bert Richardson out again a!ter a severe heart attack. We are sorry to report the death o! -Mr. Yacanak Sr. in To- ronto. Mr. Yacanak resided here for several years and had moved with bis son to Toronto a few weeks ago. We extend our sin- cere sympathy to the widow and family. We are glad to report that the local tobacco harvesting is aimost completed, without any serlous loss. We understand, that the yieid was good and the quality excellent. This industry empiovs a considerable number of local people and we wish ail continued success. Two busses leave Bethanv every sehool day to transport al the High Sehool pupils of the Township to Lindsay Collegiate. Practicaily eveliy sehool in the township has pupils making use of this service. Work has commenced on the learing down of the Crystal barn. Mr. Alvin Olan bas purchased this barn and is havinEg same re- buiit on bis own prop erty. Vol- unteer help rernoved the steel roof and some o! the lumber on Saturday. Anyone Who is a local subscrib- er to this paper shouid renew their subseription this month be- fore prices advance. I will be giad to accept new or renewals at any time. We understanrd that some sneak thiefs did considerable damage by removing light fixtures, etc., at one of our summer homes. It has taken considerable time lu declare a winner in the North Durhamn Basebal . League. In the semi-finals Bethany took Millbrook in two straight. Black- stock did the same with Janet- ville. In the piayof!s between Blackstock and B3ethany each team won at honte and the third Larne was to be pla.ved on mutual grounds at Janetviile. Two games were poslponed on account of rain and the thîrd gamne was plaYed Fridav to a four-ahl tie. They will resume activities sorte night this week and anything can happen as they both have good teams. The winners will take on the South Durham League win- ners. Messrs. G. Frederick and J. Payne attended the Y2 L.A.A. Batterv Reunion held in Peter- borough recently. Representa- tives from ail over Ontario at- tended this gettogether. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hudson at- tended the McGill-Shea wedding ini Janetville on Saturdav.. In addition to the federal and the provincial governiments, Can- ada bas about 4,000 municipal governîng bodies. YOUR EYES and Vision ý '~Rewnitten -Inu copyrights oa; Optomotrlst DlnyBIdt. - (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa - Phona 1514 No. 166 The eye examination is also a PUES &SOTENRSmeans of detern-ining the eiu LIMITED PF sa o! preventing its progress. LONDON - CANADA The significance o! flashes o! light coupied with misty vision is o!t limes more serious. For- t unately, however. if tkni J ACIK ulOuGIiH time many of what could be ser- fous are deait with before any PLUMBING AND HEATING serious damage is created. The Bowmanvifle Division St. S. eye examination and correction is PHONE 615 igood eye insurarice. ENNISKILLEN W. MI S. met at the home a! Mrs. W. Oke on Sept. 1l, with President Mrs. H. MeGili presid- ing. t was decided tô send a parcel overseas. Group une bac] charge o! the program under leadership of Mrs. R. MeGihi. Program, "Canada and Home Mis- sions" was given hy Mrs. A. Brunt and Mrs. R. NieGili. [n conjuncLion with Ibis Mrs. M. Hobbs inlroduced the new study book and aiso the Home Missions Digest, rpading from it the article about ber relative, pioneer Eliz- abeth McDorîgail. Mrs. T. M. Slemon read a very fine poem, -Everlastinr Love." Lunch was served by the group in charge. Mr. andc Mrs. George Clarke and Patsy, Yeiverton, v.ere Sunda-, cvening guests at Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grîffins'. Ail the senior football boys are to be congratulaled for .o i su biard thîs season. The final game was playcd at Solin a am Courtice came up winners of the cup. Congratulations to tbem. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sclieil, South River, are spending a weeî with Mr. and Mrs. E. MeNair. Mrs. W. J. Ferguson ac~n anied Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke and výsited Mr. and ýi/us. Cai- eron Ojke, Osbawa.tand were cahi- ers at Mr. Geo. Ferguson's. Mrs. George Richards, Bow- manville. spent a few daYs reeuon- erating, with Mr. and Mrs. John Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French and] family, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cull. Mr. and Mrs. H. Parr, Newmarket, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. Messrs. Geo. Awde and James MeDougali, Drayton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry this week. Geo. and Jas. A. were school boys together. Mr. and Mrs. R. Vanstone, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. R. MeNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and !am- iiy with Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beech, Maple Grox e. We are verv sorry to report that Mr. Harold iIls, our Road Superintendent. is very sick ini a Toronto bospilal witb polio. We hope and prav for the best. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Bradlex. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pethick, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and !amily' were Stinday visitors with Mrs. Bob Burns, Janelvilie. IXIlr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and] fami]lv, Purple Hi]], visited Mr. and] Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and] Mrs. H. Wonnamaker. Port Perry, v isited Mr. and Mrs. Adamn Sharp. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hancock, Ro- chester, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt. Mr. ai-id Mrs. Ralph Ormiston and] familyv. Bowmanville, were Sundav dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston's. Mrs. Frank Spry, Victor,. NY.. Cpl. Harold W. Spry and Mrs. Spry. Fort Bragg. North ('arolina: CAR OWNERS*, ..1 HAS THE ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS YOU FREQUENTLY ASK QShould 1 use a standard or premniumn gasoline in my car? ATtiat depends on the make of your present car. AIl new Dodge en- gines are desigued to operate wiîth maxismum performance and top efficiency witls ordinary gasoline. Io o judge the amount of choking my car requires ta star# under varying weather conditions? AUnfortunatelv, you cannoi. But new Dodgc cars are equipped with an Autoiitie Flectric Choke whicI makes blaruing casier - par- ticulsrly iu cold weather, and avoida wasîeful overchoking. QIf my foot brake should fail wili my parking bruike stili operate? AYs, if you own a Dodge. Thse Dodge parking brake is cons. pletely independent of the foot brake, operating on a drum of its own fastened t0 the propeller slsaft. When the propeller shaft is locked, the whéeeis cannot turn. in many cars tihe parking brake operates on the two rear drusms of the foot brake. 1-' QIn face of the high cost cf body repairs, why don't cil cars have detachable fenders? AIt would secm that some manufac. turera have sacrificed the practical for styling. Ail Dodge fenders are bolted on and are easily remnoved to faciitate replacement or repair. e. Should 1 buy a set of the special Qtires or tubes advertised as pro. tection ogainst blowouts? A Many'motorists would flot ho witli ouItbem. Dodge owners, however. have an exceptional safety factor i "Safety Rim" wheels. Protective ridges on these wheels hold the standard tire in place in case of tire failure, reduce the danger of los of control and alloiq s&aie, sîraîght stops. QWhy do my windshleld wit-14 slow down and somnetimos sto1 working whene 1 accole rate min ongla.-often when I 1 a tj m Most? A Tha's a little te chnir al but heel the answer in simplest terms. Youi *4wiper in a vacuum type, operated from the vacuum in the intake manifold. This vacuum is bighest wheu% the engine is idling -lowest when tbod engine is under full load, such as wheri you cal! for fast acceleration, s0 yousl vacuum wipers slow down. With the neM Dodge cars you do flot experience this trouble as they are equipped with con. stant-speed electric windshieid wipers. Io thora any real differene. 1 tevarlous types o i ean.rs? AYom, there are vast differences. Fanl example, aIl Dodge cars use heavy-duty oil.batb air cleanor. lai "dusi torîn" tests, this type cleaner proved mucb more efficient than ordinary mesh-type filts'rs even at, the stafl.. And, after 2,000 miles of driving it proved to Le still 98% efficient, or nearly double îLot of other typas of Cloaners. and why we say -Vtaie a VeAe«da,(4 V«o4e ýM 5. du"" ,a dtec -a 1 DOWMANVILLE MOTOR SALES 166 Ring St., Es Phone 585 A.C. 1 Glen Spry, Centralia, Ont., were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright's. The Junior football boys are to be congratulated on their fine work this year and winning the cup. (Intended for lait week) Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethlck and Miss Nancy Wood with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pethick and Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, and at- tended the Exhibition. Mrs. E. Strutt visited with Mrs. Florence Caughill. Burketon. Mr. George Louis, Detroit-, Mr. William Louis, Kîncardine. for- mer Enniskilien boys, were cahI- ers at Mr. and Mrg. W. H. Moore's. Mr. Gordon Beckett. Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett. Mrs. George Gouid and Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup QHow<on I1stop My gus linos front clogging with dirt and wator? AWith most cars there's no sure way. You might try draining and cleaning out your tank from tirne to timne. In cold weather always keep your tank well filled 'as thfs reduces the amnount of condensation. Witlî a 1951 Dodge, of course, you cannot experience this annoying trouble. The new Dodge in equipped with an Oilite fuel filter located in the gas tank whicb keeps the entire fuel systema free froin dirt and waîer. It'a scf.cleaning, t00, from the swisbing action of tieSeasI in the tank. , QWhy Is reur seat ridlng in soma cars sa tirlng? AThat's because a low, sioped-baric rear seat places you in an uifcom- fortable position without support under and behind the knees. Dodge chair.high seats, both front and rear, give yÔu proper knee and bark rsupport - let you ride long distances i confort. QHow con 1 Lest protect my engine fromn the dlrt and abrasives which collect in the cil? AYon should instaîl an efficient oil filter. if your car is not so equiP- ped. Not only are ah! Dodge Coro- net and Regent modela equipped with a bighhy efficient Micronic Oil Filter as standard equipment, but ail Dodge models give you added protection with à Floating Oil Intake. This type of intake draws only the cîpan oil from just helow the surface, preventing both surface foam and bottom shudge from entering the oil uinms Dowmanviile Song of Amoreào 0 continent most beaulàM O 0 and of opportunity, Where ail in peace, live .6 side, In understanding muiv. Two flags we fly, two Saga ve love, Unequalled brotherhood we show, Each loyal to our native land Yet we unite to face the fo& One flag we fly. the Union Jack On scanlet background. waving. f ree, With symbols of the British hIgs And with three golden Fleur.s- de-lis. Four dozen stars, one for each state On background blue, like ut"r~% of night .e For thirteen colonies there are The thirteen strips o! red and white. Examples o! true brother-love To war-torn lands beyond the sea, Lord. let us show to other men, The virtues of democracy. omâmes IPEULCE'