1=7M.SAY, SEPT. 20th. 1051 -THE CANADIAN STATESMANI, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO" Glenaffon Futurity Again Wins Grand Championship for Third Time AI Durham Black and White Day For the third consecutive year1 Malcolm. The second onize sen- lenafton Futurity %'on the male ior yparling bull Eldersîte Triune ran Chmpinsip t te Dr-Sir Heilo. owned by A. Muir & ,rad Camponsip t te Dr-Sons, took the Reserve Junior am County Black and White Day avard. - eld September 8th in connectian In the graup classes, E. J. iah Orn0ar Ftrt h Brown, took the Junior Get-of- asAiI-Canadian Bull Caif in Sire on the progeny of Glenafton 48 and Reserve Ail-Canadian Futurity 'and also had the first - 1949 and 1950 is awned by a prize J unior Herd while Cariasi roup of Durhani County bree d- Tamblyn brought out the winning rs operating under the name Of Senior Get-of-Sîre. a group by e Central Durhamn Bull Club. IMon tvic Hiemke Pietie Posch. A. Jas. T. Brown, Newcastle, and 1M uir & Sons showed the first J. Brown, Orono, each had prize Progeny of Dami which was -;Xr firsts, while A. Muir & Sons, Ifir Eldersiie Heilo Saiiy, while hfrtice, had three firsts and J. Jas. T. Brown had the winning 'Jase & Sons, Newcastle, J. W. Graded Herd. owman, Enniskillen, Neil T. The judge was J. M. Fraser, falcolm. Nestieton. Harold C. Streetsvilce, who commented on uir, Courtice, Bruce Tink, the uiliformly good quaiity of the lampton. M. J. Tambîvo, Orono, classes. A total of 114 hcad were: ,arias Tamblyn, Orano, and shown by 17 exhibitors. There' ,awrence S. Malcolm, Nestieton, were three new exhibitors, Harold ne first each. A. Muir & Sons C Muir, Courtice: H. J. Brooks,1 -on the Premier Breeder award. Bowmranville, and Carman W. Senior and Grand Cham-pioniBell, Campbellcroft. female was the winning Aged Cow in miik, Diana Pietie Fayne, -shown by Jas. T. Brown. Mr. Brown also had the second prizc xvînner in this ciass, Rob Roy Texal R. A. Veeman, who went on to the Reserve Senior and Re- serve Grand Championship. Junior Champion Female was Bruce Tink's first prize junior1 yearling hieifer, Glennariff Sylvia Rag Apple while M. J. Tamnblyn had the Reserve Junior Champ- ion, taking this award on his win-1 ning Junior Heifer Caif, Cedlar( Dale Sky Rockette.1 Junior and Reserve Grand Champion bull was the first prize Senior Yearling Malco Rag Apple1 Bad Boy owned by Lawrence S. R A IL WA Y T IME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1951 Full information fromn Agents Canadian National WESLEY VILLE Sundayv vsitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichais were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nichai. Winni- peg, Man.; Mn. Sid Lockhart, Port Hope: Mr. Vernon Phillips, Wat- ertawn, N.Y. Visitors wvith Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrowciou;zh were Wes Barrow- cloujgh, Oshawa, also Mr. Cow- laid, Ajîax. Dr. and Mrs. P. Marshall, Lon- don, England, formeriy of Cal- borne, visited at Toppins. Mr. George Tufford acted a Sunday Scbool Superintendent in the absence of Murray Payne who with his wife visited Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Duff, Mvrtle. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Bill White (nee Dolores Du- Kerson> who were married Sat- urday in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Kcith Miles have moved inta the house at the sta- tion formeriY occupied by Mr. and Mrs. T. Forsythe. A car of Wesleyville people at- tended the Sundav School raily held nt Canton. REDUCTION S ALE 65 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1951 - 12:30 p.m. at AGRICULTURAL ARENA, ORONO The entire milking herd cf E. J. Brown, Browtop Farm, Orono; and 45 head from the Browview herd of James T. Brown, Newca stle; consisting of fresh and springing 2-year-olds and young cows, and five prospective young herd sires. Nearly ail females are bred to Glenafton Futurity XXX - AIi-Canadian Bull Caif 1948; Reserve AII-Canadian Sr. Yearling 1949; Reserve AIi-Canadian 2-year-old 1950. A good place to select foundation Rag Apple blood-lines Accredited and Vaccinated Lunch Available. Auctioneers; L. E. Franklin J. A. Reid For catalogues write: JAS. T. BROWN, Newcastle. EJ. BROWN, Orono. p _____________________________________________________________________________________ HAVE YOUR FALL CLOTHES DRY CLEANED THIS BETTER WAY Check the Advcrntages of SANITONE Dry Cleaningl ~/MORE DIRT REMOVED VSTUBBORN SPOTS GONE piORIGINAL COLORS RESTORED I/ NO DRY CLEANING ODOR --------------- q 9ý ----- EVYE LEI GH'S Cleaners & Dyers - Laundries PHIONE:- OSHAWVA ZENITH 13000 Local Agent:- HOOPERS LADIES' WEAR At Lindsay Fair This Week Award Certificates and Pins At Garden Clubs Achievement Day In Dlackstock On Saturday Tbree Club members were pre- ýented with Cauntýy Honor Cer- tificates and Pins for compietion of six Homemaking Club Projects as the Durham County Garden Clubs hcld thein Achievement Day in Biackstock on Saturday, September 15. These girls ivcre Joyce Butteny and Mary Pick- ard, Bowmanville and Mary Wil- son of Blackstock. Eightecn colorful vegetable and fiower exhibits made an interest- ing dispiav at the show. These exhibits along with canned ta- matoes wcre the resuits from the garden whicli the club girls have been nurturing during the sum- mer. On display as well, were re- cord books cantaining valuable garden records, information dis- cussed at club meetings and illu- strative matenials pertaining ta gardening. During the morning the memn- bers carried out a judging pro- gram of twa classes of vegetables and flower bouquets, giving reas- ans for their placing in the group. A vegetable quiz was also answcned. Special exhibits of the third year gardeners. Mary Wilson, Blackstock and Muriel Hindm-an, Hampton, were on display con- sisting of six varieties of canned fruits and vegetables. As wcll. Garden Reference files were made whicb wiil be of value in the fu- ture of these girls. Duringz the afternoon's program the two girls gave comments an their exhibits. Welcome Garden Club present- ed anl interestîng skit -Let's Ar- range Fiowers." For the coin- pletion of ever'v two Homnemak- ing Club units the foliowing re- coiecd ccrtificales of achieve- ment: Vernia Larmer and June Whitfield, Blackstock; Joan But- tery and Hazel Webben, Bowman- ville; Marilyn Warrack, Hamptan; Irene Emmerson, Nesticton. Mrs. W. Emmerson, District President for West Durham pro- sentecl these to the girls and con- gratuiated themn on the fine work donc. Silven teaspoons were present- cd ta all club members complet- ing the unit satisfactorily and ta the leaders who have given SO much time ta the work The lead- ers rccciving badges wcne: Mrs. D. S. Grant and Mrs. T. Buttery, Bowmanville; Mrs. H. Sbortridge, Blackstock; Mrs. S. Dewell, Hampton, Miss Mary Haoey. Nestieton. and Miss Mary Mc- Holm, Welcame. A pragram af films cansisting of "Farm Gardens," Vitamins In Our Food," "Farmers of the Future" and others wvas presented ta compicte the day. Many of these girls ai-e looking forward ta beginning the faîl pro- .îect, Supper Club. Training Sehoal will be conducted late in October and any group wishing information regarding this shouid contact the Home Ecanomist. Jean Noble. Glenn Larmer Top in Dairy Caif Club Achievement Day ai Orono Fair The Achievemnent Day Pro- of a possible 1000.Mn. Brown lias grain for tbe South Durhamn Daîry kindiv expressed blis intentions of Caîf Club was beld at Orono Fair making this an annual event. The with 21 of the 23 members taking miodet cow is in the Dept. of Ag- part Nvith 16 Hoisteins, ane .1er- ricolture wýindow for inspection scv, two Guernsey and two Ayr-an itwlbepsnedath sbire calves. winnen at the Annual County Hai- Jack Frascir, Brampton, Black stc'în Breeders' Banquet, and White Day official ' judge E. A. Summners and bis assist- piaced the Caîf Club calves and ant, Donald Lashle.v, were justl.-, Lloyd Ayre, Bowmanvilie ' acted proud of the excellent shiowiiig' in a similar capacity for the show- made 1w the boYs and girls. inanlship. The standing of the first four. calves was as foiloxvs: 1 Donald ,. iMuir, 2 Eanle Brown, 3 Doug Cruickshank, 4 Merrill Brown. t Theý final standing which iin- ~ cluded the score for the caîf, Z N showmranship. judging, writing . answueîs ta I10 questions, mana"e- '1/, ment cluing the scason, feedl'l . reports, and attenclance at mleet- I ings, wvas as follows: ~ 1Gien Larmner, Nestîcton No 2 iarle Brown, Newcastle. ~ -< 3 Gerald Brown, New-.castl" ý, N o. 2. 4 Kenneth Brooks, Bowmnaî- ville No. 3. 5 Merril1 Brown, Newcastle Strkn tRc No. 2.trkn ItR h . 6 RoualIc Brooks, rom - v; 1iC',N o. 3. o-nth p e tnefe iv Gec'a Craig, Bo\vm-aiiille îcithpe tnoeno- No. 5. a-davý'. But nany of us are 8 Doug Cruickshank, Hamrp- a1rcady fanr richer than ve ton. 9 Donald Muir, CoLIrtiCe. think. Rich in possessions 10 Rov NlcHolim, Coorlice. . . . can, home, funniture, Il Donald Shienwin. 01ro1. 1 19- Ronald Biekle, Oshawa No clothing. appliances. 4. " 13 Alliîî Oshomnec, Port Hový Are ý ou zuandinz your No. 1.dolr wihae 14 Jiimmv Cnoinbcs. Bowmran- propertydolr ihae ville No. -1. quate insunance? Betten make 15 Robert Cooînbes, Boýv na n-_ ueNI' ville No. 4.sueNW 1 C Walter Tink, Bo\vnanvil!l 17 Gordon Wilson, Garden Hill 18 Donald Bell. Catipbcll emo,'! 19 Sinhie Cr-vdenînan, Boy- Stuart B.R ame ravleNo. 2. 20 Paige Lvý-cett. B1niiî 21 Carias Crydcrmian, Boy. INSLRANCE - REAL ESTATE mlan ville. The prize nnc.ý for tbis Club 'Phone. Office 681 Res. 49Z is shanecd equallyv bv the Ontarm. Dept. o! Agriculture. the Do-- King Street, Bowmranville mninion Dept. o! Agriculture and tlîe Orono Faim Boardc. Jas. T. Bro\wn, DistrictDie1-___________________ nor of the Holstein Breeders' A- sociation, shiowc-d is keen inie: - e-t in the promotion o! Dairv Ca" Club work bv donating a tr- / I niodel Holstein cow for the to i- scoring club memiben. This veBr ibe sn-iduenv.' %vas ,von I lIený,1 Larmie' N estleton. R.R. '2,.ý a ane pont ragnover Ka * II Brow.n. Gen's score was 97ü out MAPLE GROVE Note change of time of service on Sunday, Rally Sunday. just the ane service at 2 p.m. E.D.S.T. Hope ta sce a gaod turnaut. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Topping and two sans, Clifford, spent the weekcnd with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. Mr. and Mns. H. R. Folev spent a few day's with ber sisten and brothcn-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ev- erett Hall. London. nieces in Lon- don and Seaforth and nephew in Weston. They also calied ta sec Rev. and Mrs. F. Yardiey at Em- bro and Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith Wbo have just. moved from Part Perry ta Grand Bend. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Stevens at- tended a directors' meeting of Ontario Miik Distribut ors' Asso- ciation in Ottawa last week. In operation in the forests of Ontario anly 48 Per êent of the woad of smalier trees sawn in the usuai type of sawmill becomes manketable lumber; in paper manufacture 98 per cent of the wood is usable. Farm Foru*m Radi Open for 1951-52 oi il r GI Gr wIc 190 cn Bo Mi Mi Ha on, WC The 1951-52 Farm Forum seas- on will open on October 29 with a broadcast on the topic "Are Co- Gps tiicieit!' This was an- nounced by the National Fariii Forum Secretary, Floyd Gries- bach. Other vital questions that will come up in later discussions will be: Is there enough farm credit? What's wrong with our farm organizatians? Do we need more immigrants? This ycar National Farm Radio Forum celebrated its tenth anni- versary. ln the 1950-51 season, 1465 groups representing 30,000 farm peopie participated in the Farm Forum project. Groups were active in ahl provinces ex-1 cept Newfoundland. In order ta stimulate interest in the new series, a pre-seasan broadcast wil be presented on the CBC Trans-Canada network on MondaNv. October 22. on the Summer Fallaw program. The broadcast will be a dramatized introduction ta Farm Forum. Farm Forum Topics, 1951-52- Series 1-Co-Operatives: Oct.,29, Are Co-Ops Efficient?: Nov. 5, Are Ca-Ops Demnocratic?, Nov.' 12, Are Ca-Gps Socialistic?; Nov. 19, What the Forums Say. Series II, Community Living- Nov. 26, Opportunities for Cul- tural Activities: Dec. 33, Educa- tional Outlets for Adults; Dec. 10, Folk Schools for Farrn People; Dec. 17, What the Forums Say. Sèries 111, Farmr Policy-Jan. 7, Should Wle Increase Produc- tion?: Jan, 14, Is There Enoughi Farrn Credit?: Jan. 21, What's Wrong with Our Farmn Organiz- ations?; Jan. 28, What the For- ums Say. Series IV, Marketing-Feb. 4, What Sets Farm Prices?; Feb. 11, Are Comimodity Groups Doing the Job?; Feb. 18, The Effect of High Transportation Costs; Feb. 25, What the Forums Say. SSeries V, International Rela- tions-Mar. 3, Do We Need More Immigrants"; Mar. 10. Customers Abroad; Mar. 17, Are Huner ad Poverty the Real Causcs of W7ar?; Mar 24, What the Forums Say. Fertilizing Wînter Wheat ini Ontario Winter wheat. Ontario's main fali-sown cereal, responds well ta fertilizer treatmcnt and wherc fertility is likely ta be iow, the use of commqrcial fertilizer at the equivalent rate of 300 pounds ta the acre of 2-12-6 will pay good returns, says A. G. O. Whiteside, of the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa: On land which has been man- ured or has grown legumes, 150 pounds ta the acre of superphos- phate likely will be beneficial. Now is the time to pur- chase your new Quaker Oil Burning Space Heat- er. We have a number of the new models on display. For even, econ- oimical heat investigate these space heaters first. W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Caae, Farm Machinery - Firestone Thol Beatty Bras. Stable Equlpment KING ST. W. PHONE MW MEMBER 0F 0.R.F.E.D.A. See The Famous INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER NOW .. Seo the new 1951 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Refrigratori end Freezers today i Farm Equipment & Automotive Company 134 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 689 season. feed reports. and attend. ance at meetings, with a total of i clbe 21hthie standing wases follows: 2 Keith Van Camp, Nestieton, No. 2. Larry Rosevear Wins 3 Norman Bryant, Hampton. County Swine Club oi.Lawrence McLaughlin, Nestie- Achievement Day 5 Harvey Graham, Nestleton Y No. 2. 6 Delton Fisher. Caesarea. The West Durham Swine Club 7 Rae Finney, Bethany Ne. 1. hield its Achievement, Day~ Pro- There will be no club team eof grain at Blackstock Fair withi two miembers to represent this only sevciî boys complcîmng tje Club ]fl the Inter-County Campe- program. tition at Guelph on October 26 as The first three pairs of Pl- there are not two members avail- wereshon b Cl)Noran rv able over 16 years of age. ant. 2 Delton Fisher. 3 Lartmler ____________ Flosevear. For Ilhe total standing,, points were also given for judcý- In the. first quarter of 1951 re- ing, written answers ti 10 ques- tail sales in Canada amounted to tions, management during thlv, 12.154,700,000. BE PREPARED ~-- FOR WINTER %'vith a ncw QUAKER SPACE HEATER. 1